
Post on 01-Oct-2015






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dalda is a product of Uniliver Pakistan. It is a nation-wide brand. It is positioned as a cooking oil for health and quality conscious housewives. They have segmented the market according to demographics, educational level, socio economic classes, gender, age, urban and rural households. It is targeted at housewives who want to provide their family with healthy and qualtity food. There target audience are high income, relatively educated, urban housewifes.They have tried to keep pace with the changing marketplace. As customers are becoming more health conscious, they have introduced this cooking oil. Dalda oil has different variants which include vegetable oil. They offer their market offering in different SKUs like a pouch, a pack with 5 pouches, a huge can and this bottle. They have done good marketing research as they were able to successfully provide customer with a packaging that solves their problem. Thus their market offering is a epitome of customer solution. It is easy to use this type of packaging. They have priced this product reasonably keeping in view their target market (SEC A and SEC Bs) in order to capture value from the customer. Their product is able to satisfy customer. As it is targeted at housewives it uses traditional methods to reach them which include commercials, print ads and billboards. It is available easily in various places. The shelves are heavily stocked in super stores like Imtiaz and hyperstar.I found this billboard when you turn from Bahadarabad to Tipu sultan road I few months back. What caught my attention was obviously the innovativeness of this board. The way they have made a pan outside the board and showed the oil being poured into this pan makes it stand out. More so I saw this billboard at night when all the headlight of car shown itself on this billboard, the golden color on this board twinkled and made it a most captivating ad. I like this ad very much for above mentioned reasons.

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