daily prayer with tigrigna and english1 - debre...

Post on 23-May-2020






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Daily Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and

of the Holy Spirit, one God


1. Believing and trusting in the Holy Trinity and in

the presence of my Holy Mother the Church, I

deny Satan. And for this, Mary of Zion is my

witness, forever and ever. Amen:

The Prayer

Bowing down with both knees. 2. We give thee thanks; O Lord and we adore thee.

We bless thee, O Lord and we put our trust in thee.

We give thanks unto thee, O Lord and we serve

your Holy Name. We worship thee, to Whom all

knees bow in worship and all tongues serve. You

are God of gods of all who have flesh and soul.

We call upon thee according to the teaching of

your Holy Son, Who said:” When you pray, say:

Our Father 3. Our Father Who art in heavens hallowed by thy

name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on

earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily

bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive

those who trespass against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us and rescue us from all

evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the

glory, forever & ever. Amen. Matt 6:9-13


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Prayer of St Virgin Mary

4. O Virgin Mary in the peace of the Angel

Gabriel, peace be unto Thee. Thou art Virgin in

spirit as well as in body. O Thou Mother of Perfect

God, peace be unto Thee.

Blessed are Thou amongst women and blessed

is the fruit of thy womb. Rejoice o Thou Who are

full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.

Ask and pray for us to Thy beloved Son Jesus

Christ, that He may have mercy on our souls and

forgive us our sins. Amen

Luke 1z28t29t30t32t43t48tMatt 1z22-23t

The Prayer of Faith

5. We believe in One God, the Father Almighty,

maker of heavens and earth and all things visible

and invisible.

And we believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only begotten Son of the Father, Who was with

Him before the creation of the world. Light from

Light, true God from true God, begotten not made,

of one essence with the Father. By Whom all

things were made and without Him was not

anything in heaven or earth made. Who for us men

and for our salvation, came down from heaven,

was made man, and was incarnate from the Holy

Spirit and from the Holy Virgin Mary. Became

man, was crucified for our sakes in the days of

Pontius Pilate, suffered, died, was buried, and rose

from the dead on the third day as was written in

the Holy Scriptures. Ascended in glory into

heaven, sat at the right hand of His Father, and

will come again in glory to judge the living and

the dead. There is no end of His reign. And we

believe in the Holy Spirit, the life-giving God,

Who proceedeth the Father. We worship and

glorify Him with the Father and the Son, Who

spoken by the prophets. And we believe in

one Holy Universal Apostolic Church. And we

believe in One Baptism for the remission of sins,

and wait for the resurrection from the dead and the

everlasting life to come World without end.



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6. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Hosts; the heavens

and the earth are completely filled with the

holiness of thy glory. I offer one worship to the

Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit (3*);

being one, he is three, and being three, he is one.

They are three in persons and one in Godhead


. I worship before our Lady Mary,

Virgin and Mother of God, Who is pure in her

flesh and in her soul. I worship the Cross of our

Lord Jesus Christ, which was consecrated with his

“precious Blood”. The Cross-is our power, the

Cross-is our ransom, and the Cross-is the medicine

of our soul. The Jews denied him, but we trust in

him. We, who have believed in him, are saved by

the power of his Cross.

7. Glory be to the Father, Glory be to the Son, and

Glory be to the Holy Sprite (3x). Glory be to Our

Lady the mother of God. Glory be to the holy

Cross of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Christ remembers us in his mercy, He is

not condemn us in his second coming; He

confirms us to worship him.

Our lady Mary raises our prayers infront of your

Son, Lord Jesus Christ to demolish our sins also

for He feeds us this bread, for He quenches us this

water, for He prepares our foods and clothes, for

He forgives us our sins, and for He gives us his

Holy flesh and blood, for He protects us from all

odds and for He is alive us till this time. Let us

give glory and praise to God, as the same, to the

Mother of God and the Cross of Christ every days

and every time. Amen.

8. Hail to thee! Bowing down, we say to thee: O

Mary, Our Mother, we beseech thee; we trust thee

to save us from wild and predatory animals. For

the sake Hanna thy Mother and Joachim thy

Father, O Virgin, today bless our congregation.

9. And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.

For he hath regarded the low estate of his

handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all

generations shall call me blessed. For he that is

mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is

his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him

from generation to generation. He hath showed

strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud


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in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put

down the mighty from their seats, and exalted

them of low degree.

He hath filled the hungry with good things;

and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath

helped his servant Israel (now called the Man of

God), in remembrance of his mercy; As he spoke

to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever.

Luke 1:46-56






was sad at heart and sorrowful, and to bring him

back to the state wherein he formerly was. Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.


without seed of man and saved us. On Eve whom

the serpent led astray God passed sentence upon

her saying: “I will multiply greatly your pain and

suffering” (Genesis 3:16). Nevertheless, His heart

turned to love man and to set her free. Pray to Him

for us, O Holy One.

3. JESUS CHRIST, the Word Who is incarnate

dwells among us, and we see His glory as the

glory of the Only Son of His Father (John 1:14).

He is pleased to have mercy and compassion upon

us. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

4. THE PROPHET ISAIAH in the sprit of

prophecy saw the mystery of Emmanuel. So he

cried out saying: “Unto us a Child is born, unto us

a Son is given” (Isaiah 9:6). Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.


for God has loved the world and given His only

Son that all who believes in Him may be saved

forever (John 3:16). He sends out to us His

outstretched arm. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

6. HE WHO WAS and shall be, He Who came and


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shall come again is Jesus Christ, the Word Who

became incarnate without change. Without

division and separation in any of His works, He

became perfect man, the only Son, with one

person, one Nature, and one Godhead, the Word of

God. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.


PROPHETS, for in you was born Christ, the

second Adam, who brings the first Man, Adam

from the earth into the Garden by abolishing the

doom of death. O Adam, you are dust and you

shall return to dust. Where sin abounded, there did

the grace of God abound likewise (Romans 5:30).

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.


glad with the angels, and let them praise Christ the

King, crying and saying, Glory be to God in

heavens and on earth peace and His goodwill

towards men. (Luke 2:14). For he has abolished

the old man (sin of old) and destroyed the plot of

the enemy he has torn asunder the bill of

indictment against Adam and Eve and set them

free (Ephesians 2:15). He Who was born for us in

the city of David, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ has

done this. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

9. THOU THE TRUE LIGHT Who brighten the

light to all men who dwell in the world for the

sake of Your love for man, You have come into

the world and all created things rejoiced at Your

coming, for You did deliver Adam from his error

and set free Eve from the burden of debt. You

have given unto us the spirit of adoption. We bless

You with Your angels. Pray to Him for us, O Holy





1. THE CROWN of glory and the source of

redemption and the foundation of holiness dwelt in

Mary the Virgin Who brought forth the Word of

God and He became perfect man for our salvation,

and He remained perfect God, and for this reason


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She, being a Virgin, while She gave birth to Him.

The power whereby she gave birth is marvelous

and cannot be described. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.

2. OF HIS OWN WILL and by the good pleasure

of His Father and of the Holy Spirit, He came forth

and redeemed us. Great is the praise of Your

Virginity. O Mary, the perfect (or absolute)

Virgin; You received grace and God is with You.

You are the ladder reaching from heaven to earth

on which the angels of God ascend and descend,

which Jacob saw (Genesis 28:13). Pray to Him for

us, O Holy One.


Moses saw; blazing with fire, whereof the tree was

not consumed (Exodus 3:2). The Son of God came

and dwelt in Your Womb, and the fire of His

Divinity did not allow your flesh to be burnt. Pray

to Him for us, O Holy One.

4. YOU ARE THE FARM wherein no seed was

sown, and yet for You went forth the Fruit of Life.

You are the Treasure house, which Joseph bought

and found therein a Pearl, a Precious Gem, that is

Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer, Him You carried in

Your Womb and brought forth into the world. Pray

to Him for us, O Holy One.


joy of the angels. Rejoice Thou, O Pure Virgin,

the joy of the glad news of the profits who

prophesy. Rejoice Thou, for you find favor and

God is with You. Rejoice Thou, for you have

received the voice of the Angel Gabriel, the glad

news for the entire world (Luk 1:23). Rejoice

Thou, for You brought forth God Who created the

whole world. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

6. REJOICE Thou Who is worthy to be called

“The God-Bearer”. Rejoice Thou, Who is the

savior of Eve. Rejoice Thou, Who breast-fed Him

Who sustains all creations. Rejoice, O Holy One

the Mother of all living beings. We lift up our eyes

to You that You will pray on our behalf. Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.


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You brought forth our salvation the King and on

this account a wonderful mystery dwelt upon You.

We keep our silence, for we are incapable of

describing fully His greatness, which is shown

forth in the wonder of His manifestation. Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.

8. HE WAS THE LIVING WORD of the Father

Who came down on Mount Sinai and gave the

Law to Moses (Exodus 19:16) whilst the top of the

mountain was covered with mist and smoke,

darkness and storm, and with terrifying blasts of

trumpets, comforting those who were standing

there in fear. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

9. IT IS HE WHO spoke on the Mountain in

humility came down to You, He Who is the Lover

of people came and incarnate from you without

change, and become a perfect body who speaks

like unto ourselves. Through the spirit of wisdom,

God took up His abode in Her and became perfect

man, in order that He might deliver Adam and

forgive Him His sin, which He might make him

dwell in heaven by being brought back to his

former state. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.


God has chosen, is beyond anyone to describe. He

came and dwelt in Her. He Who inhabits light,

which no one can approach, was borne of Her in

the Womb for nine months. The invisible and the

incomprehensible, Him did Mary bring forth,

while remaining a Virgin. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.

11. THIS IS THE STONE hewn from a high

mountain without hands, which Daniel the Prophet

saw (Daniel 2:34-35). It represents the Word that

comes forth from the Father. He came and was

incarnate of the Virgin without seed of man and

redeemed us. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

2. YOU ARE the pure twig and true vessel

representing the Right Faith of the saints, our

Fathers. O Pure Bearer of God, sealed Virgin; You

brought forth for us the Word of the Father, Jesus

Christ. He came and delivered us. Pray to Him for

us, O Holy One.


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13. YOU ARE THE MOTHER of the Resplendent

Light and Holy God-Bearer. You carried the

invisible Word, and even after bringing Him forth

You continued to remain a Virgin. With praise and

blessing, magnify You. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.

14. WHAT TONGUE IS ABLE to proclaim that

which should be declared concerning You. O Thou

Pure Virgin, Mother of the Word of the Father!

You are throne of the King Whom the Cherubim

carry (Ezek 1). We praise You. O Blessed One,

and remembers You by name from generation to

generation, O Beautiful Dove, Mother of our Lord

Jesus Christ, Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

15. REJOICE O MARY, Mother and Maid for

unto Him Who is in your Womb, the angels

glorify and the Cherubim bow and worship in fear.

Him do the Seraphim praise spreading out their

wings without ceasing and saying: “This is the

King of Glory” (Isaiah 1:1-6). In His great

compassion, He came to the world to forgive our

sins. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.





“Blessed are You, O second heaven upon the

earth, the gate that lets in the rising sun, Mary the

Virgin, the pure Bride chamber of the Holy

Bridegroom. The Father looked down from

heaven, and found none like unto YOU, and He

sent His Only Son Who became incarnate of You.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

2. ALL GENERATIONS SHALL ascribe blessing

unto You, Who alone are Our Lady, the Bearer of

God. Great and wonderful things have been

foretold of You by the Prophets, O country of

God. You are the abode of all who rejoice. All

kings of the earth walk in Your Light and all

nations in Your splendor (Isaiah 60:3, 9:3). All

generations shall praise You, O Mary, and shall


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worship Him Who has born forth from You, and

they shall magnify Him (Luke 1:48). Pray to Him

for us, O Holy One.

3. YOU ARE THE TRUE CLOUD that (1 Eligah

18:45-46, James 5:17) and You have shown us the

water from the rain, the sign of the Only begotten.

The Father established You; the Holy Spirit took

up His abode in You; and the power of the Most

High overshadowed You, O Mary, You did in

truth bring forth the Word of the Father, Who

endured for ever. He came and delivered us from

sin. Great is the honor that was bestowed upon

you. O Gabriel, the Angel who gave the

annunciation with joyful face, You proclaimed to

us the birth of the Lord Who came to us and

announced Him to Mary the spotless Virgin,

saying unto Her, Rejoice, You Who are full of

grace, God is with You (Luke 1:23). Pray to Him

for us, O Holy One.

4. O MARY THOU DIDST FIND grace, the Holy

Spirit dwelled upon Thee and the power of the

Most High overshadowed Thee, O Mary, Verily

Thou didst bring forth the Holy Savior for the

entire world. He came and He hath delivered us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

5. OUR TONGUE PRAISES the life of the Virgin.

Today we praise Mary, God Bearer because our

Lord and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ was born of

Her in the city of David. Come all ye nations, let

us glorify Mary, for she became a Mother and a

double Virgin, Rejoice O Virgin Mary Pure in

Whom there is no blemish, and to Whom comes

the Word the Father, being incarnate.

Rejoice, O undefiled Vessel that is perfect and

spotless. Rejoice, O Garden that is endowed with

reason, the abode of Christ, Who become the

second Adam, instead of the first Adam? Rejoice,

for bearer the Son of God Who is not separated

from the unity of his Father. Rejoice, the house of

wedding, you the beauty of praise . He came and

was incarnate of You? Rejoice O Thorn-bush that

was not consumed by the fire of the Godhead

(Melekot). Rejoice, O Maid and Virgin Mother,

heaven and the heavenly, Who carried in Your

own body Him Who is borne aloft on the

Cherubim (Ezekiel 10:14). On account of this, we

rejoice and sing with the Holy Angels in joy and

gladness saying: “Glory to God in the heavens,


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and peace upon earth, His good will to men”

(Luke 2:14), for He was well pleased with You. To

Him belong glory and praise. Pray to Him for us,

O Holy One.

6. THE GLORY OF MARY is the greater, then,

than all of the saints. She was worthy to receive

the Word of the Father. Him the angels fear, and

Him the Guardian Angels praise in heaven. Mary

the Virgin carried Him in Her Womb.

Greater is She than the Cherubim and

superior to Seraphim, for she became the Ark (or

Tabernacle) of One of the Holy Trinity. She is

Jerusalem, the land of the prophets, and the joyful

habitation of all the saints. The people who sat in

darkness and the shadow of death, to them has

risen a great Light. God Who abides in His saints

became incarnate of the Holy Virgin for our


Come ye and see this marvelous thing, sing ye

a song, because a mystery is revealed to us; for He

Who was without flesh became a man. The Word

is incarnate without change.

He Who is without a beginning took up for

Himself a beginning, and He Who is beyond the

reckoning of days accepted on Himself the

counting of days. He Who would not be known, is

revealed, and He Who was invisible showed

Himself forth the Son of the Living.

God become indeed a man. Jesus Christ is

the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews

15:8). One Nature, Him do we worship and praise.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

7. EZEKIEL THE PROPHET testified concerning

Her and said. “I see a sealed door in east, sealed

with a great and wonderful seal, and no one enter,

the God of the mighty ones has entered through it,

he has gone in through it and come out.” (Ezekiel

43:4-4, 44: 1-3). Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

8. THE VIRGIN IS THE DOOR that brought the

Redeemer for us, and after bearing Him forth, She

continued to remain in Her Virginity as before.

Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, O Bearer of

God, Who came and delivered us out of hand of

the merciless enemy.

You are complete and Blessed, for You

have found grace from the King of Glory Who is

God in truth. Praise and Glory belong to You, all

the more, from all who dwell upon the earth.

For the Word of the Father came and was


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incarnate of You. In his compassion and Love for

man He walked about with men, and delivered our

souls by His Holy coming. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.




1. THE BUSH, which Moses saw burning in the

desert with its tree remaining unconsumed,

signifies Mary Virgin, the Spotless Virgin. The

Word of the father became incarnate of Her, and

the fire of the Godhead did not burn Her that was a

Virgin. Even after She brought Him forth, Her

Virginity continued intact and His Godhead

remained unchanged. He became the Son of Man;

He Who is indeed God came and redeemed us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

2. WE ALL MAGNIFY YOU, O Our lady, the

God-Bearer, may Your compassion be over us all.

Our boast is in Virgin Mary, Bearer of God. In

her, the former curse which had come over our

race as a result of the evilness of heart which the

woman committed who had eated of the tree was


On account of Eve was the door of the Garden

closed, and through Mary the Virgin, it is opened

to us again and we are permitted to eat of the Tree

of Life, the Holy Body and Precious Blood of

Christ. In His love for us, He came and delivered


What comprehension, what language, and what

hearing, can understand this mystery, which at the

same time must be proclaimed, for it is wonderful.

God loves men. The word of the Father, the Only

Son is, Who existed before the world in His

incorruptible Godhead, came and incarnated from


His Mother after She brought Him forth, Her

Virginity was not lost; and it became manifest that

She was the Bearer of God. How deep is the

wealth of the wisdom of God! The womb, which

He had decreed, should bring forth children in

pain, suffering and sorrow of heart, has become

the Fountain of life and has brought forth without


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the seed of man Him Who removes the curse from

our race.

For this reason, we will praise Him saying:

“Glory be unto Thee, O Thou lover of man, the

Good One, the Redeemer of our souls.” Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.


the power of the Womb of the Virgin that bears

God without seed of man, and to this the Angel

who appeared to Joseph was witness, when he

spoke: “That which shall be born of Her is of the

Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:20). It was the word of

God becoming incarnate without change. Mary

brought Him forth with double happiness, and the

Angel said unto Her. “You will bring forth a Son

and His name shall be called EMMANUEL, which

means, God with us, He will be called Jesus, and

He shall save His people from their

sins.”(Matthew 1:20-24). May He save us also by

His power and forgive us our sins, as we have

known fully that He is God Who became man.

Praise be unto Him forever. O how wonderful the

birth of God is from Mary, the Holy Virgin! She

had in Her the Word of the Father. Seed did not

proceed His birth, neither did His birth cause any

change in her Virginity. The Word went forth from

the Father without being wearied and was born of

the Virgin without agony or pain. The wise man

worshipped Him. They offered Him incense as He

was God, Gold as He was King, and Myrrh to

signify His death, which gave Life unto men, for

our sakes, of his own free will, He accepted death.

He alone is the God One, Who loves men. Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.

4. HOW WONDERFUL it is He took a rib from

the side of Adam, and of it fashioned a woman,

from whom came the whole creation of the

children of men.

From woman was given the Lord, the Word of

the Father, Who is called Emmanuel. On account

of this we beseech Her at all times to intercede on

our behalf to Her Beloved Son for the forgiveness

of our sins. She was beneficent towards all the

Saints and Archbishopes in that she brought to

them That for which they waited, and She brought

to the Prophets Him Whose coming they had

prophesied; and to the Apostles She brought Him


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in Whose name they were to preach to all the ends

of the world. For the martyrs and the faithful, from

Her came forth, were to undergo struggle, for

Jesus Christ. The wealth of His Grace and the

depth of His wisdom cannot be fathomed. We

implore Him for the greatness of His mercy, for

He came and delivered us. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.

5. GOD SWORE TO DAVID in truth and He will not change. He said, “From the fruit of your

descend (seed) I will set one upon your throne.”

(2Samuel 7:12; Psalm 131/132:11). Realizing that

Christ was born in the flesh from Him, the

righteous man wished and sought to find a

dwelling place for the Lord, the Word of the

Father. After completing it with much toil, he

cried out in the Holy Spirit saying: “Behold, we

have heard it in Ephratha, the dwelling place of the

God of Jacob, where Emmanuel has willed to be

born in the flesh for our salvation.” Psalm

131/132:6. Another Prophet also said: “And as for

you, O Bethlehem, the land of Ephratha, you shall

not be the least of the kings of Judah, for from you

will come forth a King Who shall rule my people,

“Israel” (now called “people of God”)” (Micah

5:2). O how wonderful is the word of those who

prophesied in the same spirit concerning Christ, to

Whom be glory with the God Father and the Holy

Spirit, now and forever. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.

6. DAVID WHO REIGNED over Israel when the

rebels revolted against him wished to drink water

from the pool of Bethlehem, whereupon the

captains of his hosts, despite the encampment of

the rebels, went and brought water for him to

drink. But seeing that the men had voluntarily

given themselves over to death for his sake, the

righteous man pours out the water (unto the Lord)

without drinking of it (2Samuel 23:13-17 and I

Chronicles 11:18-19), and so was righteousness

accounted unto him forever. In the same way have

martyrs abandoned the pleasure of this world and

poured out their blood for God. They have endured

bitter death for the sake of the Kingdom for God

Have Mercy upon us, O Lord, according to the

greatness of Thy compassion. Pray to Him for us,

O Holy One.



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pitiable state, bowed the heaven of heavens, came

and dwelt in the Womb of the Virgin and became

man like us, only with the exception of sin, and He

was born in Bethlehem, according to what the

Prophets preached. He delivered and Redeemed

us, and made us His own people forever and ever.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.




1. BLESSED are you among women, and blessed

is the Fruit of Your Womb, O Mary the Virgin, the

spotless God-Bearer. From You has risen to us the

Son of Righteousness, Who has gathered us under

His wings, for He it is Who has created us. Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.

2. YOU ALONE, O Lady Who brought forth God

are the Mother of Light. We magnify You with

praise and glory.

Blessed are You. Greater than the heaven and

higher than the earth. You transcend the

conception of every mind. O Mary, the Virgin,

Who is able to describe Your greatness, for there

none with whom You may be compared. The

Angels magnify You and the Seraphim praise

You, for He Who dwells upon the Cherubim and

the Seraphim came down and took up His abode in

Your Womb. Thereby has the Lover of man

brought us unto Himself, abolishing the death that

had belonged to us, giving us His life. To Him be

glory and praise. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

3. BLESSED ARE YOU O MARY, and blessed is

the Fruit of Your Womb, O Virgin, Bearer of God

and the glory of all Virgins. He Who existed

before the world has became incarnate of You. He

Who is the ancient of days came forth from Your

Womb. He took our flesh and gave us His spirit,

and in His abundant goodness He made us equals

with Him. You are greater than many women who

have received grace and honor. O Mary, the

Bearer of God, the spiritual City wherein God the

Most High took up His abode, for it is Him Who is

seated on the Cherubim and the Seraphim that You

have held in Your hand, and it is he Who of His

abundant goodness feeds every created flesh that

has taken Your breast and sucked milk. He Who


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is our God and Redeemer of all, Who will

shepherd us forever. Let us worship Him with

praise, for He has created us. Pray to Him for us,

O Holy One.

4. MARY THE VIRGIN is the vessel of priceless

ointment, the fountainhead (or spring) of the water

of Life. The Fruit of Her Womb has saved the

whole word. He has abolished the curse which lay

upon us and made peace among us. By His Cross

and By His Resurrection has He restored Adam

into the Garden. Pray to him for us, O Holy One.

5. MARY THE PURE Virgin the Bearer of God

and the Faithful One, pray for the children of men

with compassion, now and forever, pray Thou for

us to Your Son, Lord Christ, that He may forgive

us our sins. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

6. MARY THE VIRGIN, cried out of the

Sanctuary, saying: “God knows that I have never

known a man, and that I have only heard the sound

of the voice of the angel who brought me the glad

news honorably and said: “Peace be to You, O

Holy Virgin, You will bear Him Who cannot be

borne, and will contain Him Who cannot be

contained, Whom nothing can contain at all.”

Abundant is Your praise, O You are full of grace.

Honored are you by all, You have become the

dwelling place of the Word of the Father. You are

the tent that is pitched, which gathers together the

Christian people and teaches them to worship the

Life giving Trinity. You have borne the Pillar of

fire, which Moses saw even the Son of God, Jesus

Christ, Who came and dwelt in Your Womb.

You are the ark in which the creator of the highest

heaven resides, which the earth cannot contain.

You carried Him in Your Womb nine months. The

heavens and earth can’t hold Him but You are

faithful to Him; You are the ladder leads to

heaven. Your Light is greater than the light of sun.

You are eastern horizone where rises the brilliant

star whose appearance the saints awaited with joy

and gladness. Upon Eve was passed the sentence

that she would bring forth children in labor and

pain. But You heard the voice saying: “Rejoice, O

Full of Grace”, and You have brought for us the

word of the father, the King, Who is God, all

creation. He came and delivered us for He is

merciful and He loves men. On this account we


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praise You, even as the Angel Gabriel did saying:

“Blessed are You among women and blessed is the

Fruit of Your Womb. Rejoice, You full of Grace,

God is with You.” Pray to Him for us, O Holy





1. PURE AND BRIGHT, You are in everything. O

Holy One, worthy of all praise. You Who have

held the Lord in Your hand. With You, all the

creations rejoice and cry out saying: Pray to Him

for us, O Holy One.

2. REJOICE, O FULL OF GRACE, rejoice Thou,

for you have found favor, rejoice Thou, for God is

with You.” O devoted Virgin, we marvel at Your

greatness, and we ascribe joy to You with the

Angel Gabriel, for the Fruit of Your Womb is the

source of salvation for our race, and has brought

us unto our God, His father. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.


Mary, the Holy Spirit dwelt in You and the power

of the Most High overshadowed You. In truth You

have brought for us the Word, the Son of the

Father, He Who exists forever came and saved us

from our sins. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

4. YOU ARE THE DESCENDANT from the root

of David. You have brought forth in the flesh our

Savior Jesus Christ, the Only Word from the

Father, Who exists hidden from before the world.

Hiding his power, He took from You the form of

the servant. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.


earth, You Spotless God-bearer. From You rose

for us the Son of Righteousness, and You brought

Him forth as foretold by the Prophet without seed


N���� �m�.� Kn’` �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 6.�� & ��7� �&2�n '4 / � nt �� I�3 ����$Y ��/^ �&��� FU� 9?t B�YI� $* ?�� ���� 4O# �$ ��9� �¬� �/�� 9? Knt �y B� �� #�@���/ �bY �� ���� '/1� �� : KQt X�-�� �9* /�2� 5�� !] �P� 2� =,t ,0 � ]$ ���D �N! ��@ S�� �� Lt �bY B� ���,$t � ,d£ �¢[ �&2�n '/1� .�4EP ��Zt �9�S�� ,dZ �+, �� �� �bY 5� �w��$ �� �$ KQ’` �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 7. D '/1�G � �N! ./ L &2�nt �[Y � ���? B� �����$� ���c$� ,�/?t ���M/ 9*B�� � w/ ��'�j� ���.�t �@ �yI� �9* N��� ��Q? KQ’`t �� 0 ���� ��$ ����$< 8. 1[¼� #�@���/ �� �[mY &V(� B �:�1 � l£ �Pn Knt ��� .u��� .�/�/� 9*B�� ���� �����$ ¿/.�� �m�.�� Knt �@ �#�0 �4,�$ .��t 5�0 5dn �&�� E*F$ Kly ./ L �'��� �FSrº� =*�.�$ Kn’` �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 9. D �/�0 ��c0 � r�t #}¦ E*F ���  �4:� ����© %� S�� �8�4� $�,� .c� 5dn &�� t �[Y �' ,� �}� ,��¬�t �y v4v4� 41�*� �uV/ 2� #Q’`t �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 10. D ��#& .�/ /�2� 9*��? ���� &�EP *��?t .�:� %� S�� �+�? ��c0 �Z*�� �v�t 9*��u# �/R� 9*��/ c�W �� t x�[ ��Z R*'}�t ��Ê� ��7� Kn’`t $� E*F$� ����$ �+, 41�* ��n ����$t �#�0 .�4:$� *�:I� .���$� ��1�$ .2/l�$� 5� u� B�4,$ �� � ���� ��$ ����$<

and defilement. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

6. YOU ARE THE TENT of the Holy of Holies,

wherein the Ark which has covered all over with

plates of Gold, and had therein the Tables of the

Covenant, and the golden urn with the hidden

Manna signifying the Son of God. He came and

dwelt in Mary the Virgin without blemish and

became incarnate of Her. She brought forth in the

world the King of Glory, Who came and delivered

us. Rejoice Thou Garden (Paradise), which

provides for the lamb that speaks, even the Son of

the Father Who abides forever. He came and

delivered us from sin. Pray to Him for us, O Holy


7. YOU ARE CALLED the Mother of Christ the

King. Even after bringing Him forth, You

continued in Your Spotless Virginity. In wonderful

mystery You brought forth Emmanuel, and on this

account He preserved you undefiled. Pray to Him

for us, O Holy One.

8. YOU ARE THE LADDER on which Jacob saw

the Son of God sit at the top. You carried in Your

Womb while you are virgin and gave birth. He

Who could not be discovers and touched. You

have become our intercessor to our Lord Jesus

Christ, Who was incarnate of You for our

salvation. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.


BEHOLD, THE LORD came forth from You, to

save the whole world, which He created in His

abundant grace and mercy. We praise and glorify

Him, for He is the beneficent One, the Lover of

men. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.


unblemished Virgin and undefiled Vessel, You

Who are the glory of the entire world, the Light

which shall never be put out and the Shrine that

shall never be abandoned. Strong stick of Faith;

supporter of the saints. Pray for us to Your

Gracious Son, Christ our Redeemer, that He may

have mercy on us and show us His compassion,

forgiving us our sins. Pray to Him for us, O Holy



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among women. You are the second chamber, for

You were called the Holy of Holies, wherein the

tables of the Covenant containing the Ten Words,

which were written by the fingers of God, had

been kept. This He has made known to us, first by

the letter “Yawta” which is the first letter of the

Name of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, Who became

incarnate from You without change. He became

the Mediator of the New Covenant, and by the

shedding of His Blood He purified the believers

and the holy people. Pray to Him for us, O Holy



LADY; the ever-pure Bearer of God, Lifting up

our eyes to You, we invoke You, Pray for us that

we may find grace and mercy with Him Who is

the lover of men. You are the Tabot of Ark which

was covered all over with gold, which had been

made of wood that never would perish, signifying

for us the Word of God Who became man without

separation and change. The divine, Pure, undefiled

Deity which is co-equal with the Father he was

announced to Her, the pure woman without seed,

He became like unto us by the might of His

wisdom He Who was incarnate from You, even He

Who is spotless, mingled His Divinity with us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

3. YOU ARE THE SANTUARY, which the

cherubim surrounded as they stand around God.

The Word Who was incarnate of You, O pure One,

without change, has become the Forgiver of our

sins and the Absolver of our transgressions. Pray

to Him for us, O Holy One.


GOLDEN POT, wherein is hidden the manna, the

bread (HIBST) that came down from heaven to

give life to the entire world. Pray to Him for us, O

Holy One.

5. YOU ARE THE GOLDEN candlestick and


V��� � n Knt �y 8� %� �� $* S�� ��rc0 KQt �À�/1Y 9*u�� 5� �/R� �&:�� �/R�t 5� �V� ���� �&:�� ���� �9* ���� 5dn 2� �+,t ,Ö� �� �'�� �� �,-`�� #�,�/ ����Y ��/R�$t �#]/$ B� $� �M� 2�� �H,Åt �u�* � w/ ��O �� �$ KQ’` �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 6.ÒcZ �s �&ÁB�? Ov� �©� 5� �H ��2� $* �/^ '[��0 � n Knt �w�� ���� \] ��� �y #0 5dn 2� �+, X� #�@���/ KQt ,�y ,UY !�/ � �#�� [3�� \v 9H:� ��n KQ’` �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 7.D '/1� X� #�@���/ ����.�$ ��.Å� /�£ &�EPt � n #F 5� #�� # l* ��:l� �¤� ��) 9�� [�dd Kn’� �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 8.B*&8��� '* Bl &*�� ������� ��Z �©� ,�:�t B�� �' $* ��^ D ���� ./ L ����$ � n Knt �y #0 ����.� �9* 9/Kt �bY �� �$ KQ’` �� � ���� ��$ ����$< 9. D ��#& ] ��� �� ��7� � n .�����$ *�d�? KQ ���1� � n 5� mX, ÐÐ7� �S£*� �8�/�t 5� ,�1�’I� �£H? �8�Z Knt 5� �/' yrÆ�� ?v-�� ���� �/' `M ’I� �?t � n $* ��^ ��.40 �[$ Knt �,u $’I� °��� �4,�� #���� � n Knt �@ $� E*F$� ����$� Kly ./ L ����$t �H�[0 R*'}� �� ®��+� B�,S$t *H:FY� �4:�� .c�$� ���  �4:� �w®�$ .2/l�$� .�� 2�$� �� � ���� ��$ ����$<


holds the brilliant Light at all times, which is the

Light of the world. Light from light, which had no

beginning, verily God from verily God was

incarnate of You without change. And by His

coming He shed Light upon us, upon those of us

who were sitting in the shadow and darkness of

death, and He set out feet upon the path of peace,

through the mystery of His Holy wisdom. Pray to

Him for us, O Holy One.

6. YOU ARE THE CENSER of fold because You

carried the coals of the blessed fire, which He took

from the sanctuary. He Who forgives sin and

destroys wickedness.

He Who is the Word of God. Who became

incarnate of You and He Who offered up to His

Father Himself as incense and precious offerings?

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

7. REJOICE O MARY, Beautiful Dove, You have

borne for us the Word of God and You are the

sweet scented flower, which has sprung up from

the root of Jesse. Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

8. YOU ARE LIKE unto the rod of Aaron, which,

without being planted in the ground and without

watering, burst into blossom. In like manner, You,

O Bearer of Christ, did bring forth Christ our God

in truth, without seed. He came and delivered us.

Pray to Him for us, O Holy One.

9. IT MEETS FOR You, O You Who are full of

grace more than all the saints to pray on our

behalf. You are greater than the Archbishops and

You are more honorable than the Prophets. In You

there is majesty of appearance, which is greater

than the majesty of the Seraphim and Cherubim.

Verily You are the glory of our race, and you are

She Who must beg for life for our souls. Pray

Thou then on our behalf to our Lord Jesus Christ

and Redeemer that He may confirm us in the Right

Faith, that is to say, faith in Him, and that He may

graciously bestow upon His mercy and

compassion, and may in His abundant mercy

forgive us our sins for ever and ever. Amen. Pray

to Him for us, O Holy One.



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The priest shall face the East and chant in a loud

voice «Holy». And the people shall chant after him as indicated below:





Holy Mighty

Holy Living,


Who was born of the Holy Virgin Mary;

have mercy upon us, Lord


Holy God

Holy Mighty

Holy Living


Who was baptized in Jordan and crucified on the

tree of the cross; have mercy upon us, Lord.


Holy God,

Holy Mighty,

Holy Living,


Who did rise from the dead on the third day,

ascend into heaven in glory, sit at the right hand of

the Father and will come again in glory to judge

the livings and the deads; have mercy upon us,


Glory be to the Father

Glory be to the Son

And Glory be to the Holy Spirit

both now and unto the ages of ages. Amen. And,

Amen. So be it; so be it.

Holy Trinity immortal God; have mercey upon us,



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Instruction: The priest shall turn his face towards

the people and chant the following in a loud voice,

and the people shall say according to the order.

Priest: Glory be to God.

People: It is right, it is just.

Priest: O Lord, maker of all, invisible God, we stretch out our soul to Thee and we offer morning

prayer unto Thee.

O Lord, the powerful wisdom of all, God

merciful maker of the soul, we glorify Thee,

begotten from the Father beyond the creation of

the world; Thou, Who art the only Word and rests

in Thy saints, art praised by the archangels with

ceaseless glories. Thou was not made by hands but

art creator of the hidden things; Thou art the

invisible, pure, and holy, and the announcer Who

told us the wisdom of Thy hidden glory. Thou

made us to hope for the unquenchable light; and

we, Thy servants, offer unto Thee glory,

thanksgiving and holiness; and the people glorify


People: O Lord, we glorify Thee.

Priest: O God of light, Thou art the source of life, the head of knowledge, the giver of grace from

the perfect grace, the maker of the soul, giver of

good, giver of the Holy Spirit, the treasure of

wisdom, the helper, the teacher of saints, the

foundation of the world, Who accepts the prayer of

the holy ones. We glorify thee, O only-begotten

Son, the first-born Word of the Father, Thou has

granted Thy universal grace to us who call upon

Thee. O pure and blameless Father, with Thee are

the treasures which moth and rust do not corrupt,

and of which Thou gives to them who trust upon

Thee in all their thoughts. Thou made the angels

desire to visit the light which was before the

world, and Thou art our unchangeable guardian.

Through Thy Father’s pleasure Thou has

enlightened us, we who had valued darkness, we

whom Thou has brought from darkness into light,


�� V�5 $�0 �� 2'1� 9 �UJ �H:�5$< ���\� �Z45$G �,�1�I� �$$[J$< D ���� d[�J KJ 9H:�5$< �@ D �*FG �4$ d©�5 ��J �����$ .�I� � �9*�Ür� �� ¢� B,� ��� �/R� R�$< 4�£I� �SJ *I�y ���< *.4G “D �*FG ��J �I� �$” 5c�G � �U �[m 6� ��+�5 Kly �� #�@��o/G � 0 $* 9�S�� ���!�J #@ � ]$ #@ �Ì�7* ¢� 5� �u$ ,H/� �$< �� u�:� �' ��/S�� ���� u/R�� l� �,5 �< D �� ,uP @�/¦G �� ,u7& W�X� ��J W�Þ� @,�v< �$u 0 9��#�� �Ø�0 '[��� 5d$ 9c�#5< 5� �u��G � � �4,� (4*��) �+�5$ � J KJ< $�0 $* 9�S�� & � ��Ø� 9�� �ÊI� �ÚlÏ �+�5$ � J KJ< ,L� �� d4Z �ß,È #&�×�< ,L� �� ��:�� 9�� B® �]J #&4s< ,L� �� ��[ '#2/0 �ß,È 8� � �L� #�,�/< 5� '#2/0 `� ��F45$ ('�� 5� PD� 9IW#5$)G ��7n�� �@��Q� 9$�D�z ,L� �¯�� (� ��) �' �� V� @�À��< ,L� ��Y �&�B�$ �� �S� 5d$ @�� � �/4H�<D �*FG ,£1�� ��/1�� �×O# �9� ��J �SJ �I� � ,� �,5� �$< �� '× / 4*�� �#�0 B,[/uG ��J �(�$ u»�5 #$M�/$ ��#)�5 (4�J) B� #���� ��:$< D �*Fz �6� �$#��� �S�*��g ���Ø /� �4�O�z �Ò7� ��Ò"Y�G ��4:�5 ��< D �*F$� ����$� Ov� ���!0 $�5 #Q`G 5� ��( S��G � ]$ ���� ����� ���� �� � *�d#< �� �� 7[� �I�� ��¨� 9*I�# �9�S�� S��<

*.4G “���” *��<

granted us life after death, and freedom from

slavery. By Thy cross Thou has brought us nearer

to Thy Father in heaven. By the Gospel Thou has

led us, and by the prophets Thou has comforted us,

we whom Thou has brought near, O God. O God,

give us light. We praise Thee, O our God, that

with ceaseless thanksgiving we may say that we

are Thy servants; and the people praise Thee.

People: O Lord, we praise Thee.

Priest: O Jesus, the Son of God, Who is above all,

we offer three fold thanksgiving unto Thee with

Thy Father, in Thine eternal kingdom, and all the

creatures glorify Thee in trembling and fear of

soul. Every soul fears Thee.

And all the souls of the righteous trust in

Thee, Thou Who quieted the stormy floods of the

evil spirits for our sake, and who became for us

life from destruction, and a refuge where there is

the hope of eternal salvation.

Thou saves those who are troubled on the

sea, through Thy grace Thou heals those who are

in the wilderness, Thou accompanies those whose

imprisonment is very hard; so free us from the

bond of death.

Thou comfort the miserable and the

weeping, Thou saves the weak with Thy cross, it is

Thou Who takes away and removes all the wrath

from us who have trusted in Thee.

O Lord, Whom the prophets and the apostles

thanked secretly, we thank Thee. We glorify Thee,

so that, believing in Thee and fulfilling Thy will,

we may rest in the abode of life. Grant us to walk

according to Thine order.

O Lord, through Thy mercy visit all, small

and great, rulers and people, shepherd and flock,

for Thine is the kingdom, O blessed Lord our God.

Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as

before the creation of the cosmos, so both now and

ever, and from generation to endless generations,

and ages without end.

People: Amen.


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VERSION 2: Instruction: The priest shall turn his face towards the faithful, chanting the following in

a loud voice, and the faithful shall respond as

indicated below:

Priest: The grace of God be with you.

People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Let us glorify our God.

People: It is right, it is just.

People: Concentrate the thoughts of your heart.

We lift them unto the Lord, our Father Who art in

heaven, our Father Who art in heaven, our Father

Who art in heaven, lead us lest we hap into


Priest: O God the Father, giver of light, the power of all, visitor of all souls, light which was before,

creator of the world, the leader of life and giver of

immortal happiness, Thou has taken us out of the

snares of darkness, and granted us the inestimable

light. Thou has loosed us, we who believe in Thee,

and covered us with faith. Thou art not far from

Thy servants, but rather, Thou art always with

them. Thou does not neglect the soul which begs

Thee with fear and trembling. Thou knows all

before the thought, and examines all before the

thought. Through Thy will Thou supplies our

needs before we ask; Thou hears us who call upon

Thee without doubting. Thou art the inestimable

light, and the King of the heavenly hosts, hearer of

the glorious song of the archangels upon whom

Thou rests. O Lord, we pray Thee to hear us. Grant

us the unceasing word in trust. We glorify Thee,

we thank Thee, and we bless Thee; O Lord, we,

Thy servants, glorify Thee because we depend

upon Thee.

People: O Lord, we glorify Thee.

Priest: O Lord, Jesus Christ, holy, Thou has heard us. Thou became a word to the dumb, a staff to the


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broken ones, light to the blind, a way to the lame,

and the purifier of the lepers. O Lord, Thou did

heal the sick and cure the deaf. Thou rebuked

death and destroyed the darkness. Thou created the

light of the sun which does not set, the

unquenchable light, the Sun which always shines

over the holy ones, Thou established all through

Thy fixed will for the decoration of the world.

Thou appeared clearly to all to save man, Thou art

the restorer of the soul, and Thou was beforehand

in determining all things rightly. O Thou, Creator

of angels, Father of all, the adornment of the world

and the maker of earth, Wisdom and Knowledge

were sent to the world by the everlasting Father.

This existence is unchangeable and immeasurable

and invisible spirit. Thou art the glorious

announcer and Thy name is wonderful. For this

reason we, Thy servants, praise Thee, O Lord.

People: O Lord, we praise Thee.

Priest: We offer this three-fold holy glory unto

Thee, Who has given us Thine unchangeable faith,

enabling us to break the bonds of death. Thou

created the upright minds of those who believe in

Thee, that they may be called gods among men.

Thou has granted us to tread down all the powers

of the enemy through the Spirit, so that we may

loosen that which could not be loosened. Thou has

made effectual for us love towards Thy Father and

made reconciliation between us and Him. O Lord,

hear those who beg Thee. O Lord, let not us, who

petition Thee fall into sin, but vindicate us against

our enemies, our accusers. Grant us continuous

prayer that we may be kept from being swallowed

up by the enemy. O eternal King, hear: comfort the

widows, accept the orphans, purify the unclean

through Thy mercy, grant wisdom to the foolish,

restore the lost, save the prisoners, and be a refuge

to all of us, for Thine is the blessed kingdom, O

Lord our God.

People: Amen.


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Instruction: The priest shall turn his face towards

the people and chant the following in a loud voice,

and the people shall respond as indicated:

Priest: The grace of God be with you

People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Give thanks unto our God.

People: It is right, it is just.

Priest: O immortal Father, Savior of our soul, the foundation of wisdom, keeper of our hearts, Thou

has granted light to our inward eyes and covered

us with Thy knowledge against the darkness of our

mind. By the cross of Thine Only-begotten, Thou

did save the first man, who was given to

destruction, and did renew him by the immortal

things. Iniquities vanished at Thy command, and

Thou made redemption through the death of Thy

Son, even as He searched for the lost one. For this

reason we, Thy servants, glorify Thee, O Lord.

People: We glorify Thee, O Lord.

Priest: We praise Thee, O Lord, with glorious

song, Thou, Whom the archangels glorify, always,

unceasingly and without rest. Whom also, the

lords praise singing with the praise of glory and


O Lord, Thou has sent Thy counsel, Word,

Wisdom, and Thy visitation, Who was with Thee

before the cosmos began, without being created,

that is the Word Who was not created, Thy

beloved Son, Who appeared in flesh for mankind’s


People: We glorify Thee, O Lord.

Priest: From our heart we offer to Thee three fold

praise, O Lord, giver of life. Thou visited the soul

of the humble and despised not the troubled soul.

Thou accepted the persecuted and helped them,

Thou saved those in difficulty. Thou thought of the

hungry and avenged the victims of sin. Thou art


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the friend of the faithful, speaker to the righteous,

dwelling-place for the pure ; Thou hears those who

call upon Thee in righteousness, protects the

widow, saves the orphan, grants right leadership to

the Church which Thou has made a dwelling-place

of the glorious faith, the council of the Spirit, the

giver of grace and power. While we praise Thee

without rest, we confess in our hearts Thy

kingdom which was declared unto us by Thee and

Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus, through Whom

be glory and dominion to Thee, unto the ages of


People: Amen.






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