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  • 8/12/2019 D61584


    OTM 6.0 Core Competence

    Activity Guide


    Edition 1.0

    August 2009


  • 8/12/2019 D61584


    Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    This documentation contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation. It is provided under a license agreement containingrestrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. If thisdocumentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rightsand the following legend is applicable:

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    Carol Ann Daley and Julie Poindexter

    Technical Contributors and Reviewers

    Carol Ann Daley and Julie Poindexter

    This book was published using: oracletutor

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsi

    Table of Contents

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide ..................................................................................................1-1Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Core Competence Guided Demonstrations and Practices..............1-2Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-3

    Lesson 1: Course Overview...........................................................................................................................1-4Lesson 2: OTM Terminology........................................................................................................................1-5Lesson 3: Navigating OTM ...........................................................................................................................1-6

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Logging into and Navigating OTM.................................................................1-7Practice 1 - Logging into OTM..................................................................................................................1-11Solution Logging into OTM ...................................................................................................................1-13Practice 2 - Navigating the OTM Online Help ..........................................................................................1-14Solution Navigating the OTM Online Help............................................................................................1-16Practice 3 - Creating an OTM Nickname ..................................................................................................1-17Solution Creating an OTM Nickname ....................................................................................................1-18Guided Demonstration 2 - Viewing Additional OTM Resources..............................................................1-19

    Lesson 4: Adding and Retrieving OTM Data ................................................................................................1-25Guided Demonstration 1 - Searching in OTM...........................................................................................1-26Guided Demonstration 2 - Adding and Editing Records ...........................................................................1-29Guided Demonstration 3 - Creating and Running Saved Queries .............................................................1-33Practice 1 - Querying for Records .............................................................................................................1-34Solution Querying for Records...............................................................................................................1-35Practice 2 - Adding and Editing Records...................................................................................................1-36Solution Adding and Editing Records ....................................................................................................1-38Practice 3 - Creating Saved Queries ..........................................................................................................1-39Solution Creating Saved Queries............................................................................................................1-40

    Lesson 5: Defining User Favorites ................................................................................................................1-41Guided Demonstration 1 - Defining User Favorites ..................................................................................1-42Guided Demonstration 2 - Reconfiguring a Results Page .........................................................................1-43Practice 1 - Defining User Favorites..........................................................................................................1-47Solution Defining User Favorites ...........................................................................................................1-48

    Lesson 6: Setting OTM Preferences..............................................................................................................1-49

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating and Viewing Business Monitors.......................................................1-50Practice 1 - Copying and Editing User Preferences...................................................................................1-52Solution Copying and Editing User Preferences.....................................................................................1-53Practice 2 - Assigning User Preferences....................................................................................................1-54Solution Assigning User Preferences......................................................................................................1-55

    Lesson 7: Business Scenario: Creating and Planning Orders and Shipments in OTM..................................1-56Lesson 8: Managing Orders in OTM.............................................................................................................1-57

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Order Releases with Line Items........................................................1-58 Guided Demonstration 2 - Viewing Order Releases with Ship Units........................................................1-60Practice 1 - Creating Order Releases with Line Items ...............................................................................1-62Solution Creating Order Releases with Line Items.................................................................................1-66

    Lesson 9: Viewing OTM Statuses .................................................................................................................1-67Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Order Release Statuses .....................................................................1-68

    Practice 1 - Viewing Order Release Statuses.............................................................................................1-69Solution Viewing Order Release Statuses ..............................................................................................1-70

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsii

    Lesson 10: Planning Shipments.....................................................................................................................1-71Guided Demonstration 1 - Planning Multi-stop Shipments.......................................................................1-72Practice 1 - Planning Multi-stop Shipments ..............................................................................................1-75Solution Planning Multi-stop Shipments................................................................................................1-76Practice 2 - Mapping Shipments................................................................................................................1-77Solution Mapping Shipments..................................................................................................................1-79Practice 3 - Viewing Order Statuses ..........................................................................................................1-80Solution Viewing Order Statuses............................................................................................................1-81

    Lesson 11: Manually Modifying Shipments..................................................................................................1-82Guided Demonstration 1 - Changing Service Providers............................................................................1-83Practice 1 - Changing Service Providers ...................................................................................................1-84Solution Changing Service Providers .....................................................................................................1-85

    Lesson 12: Tendering Shipments...................................................................................................................1-86Guided Demonstration 1 - Tendering Shipments and Accepting Tenders.................................................1-87Guided Demonstration 2 - Sending Open Tenders ....................................................................................1-90Practice 1 - Tendering Shipments..............................................................................................................1-91Solution Tendering Shipments................................................................................................................1-93Practice 2 - Accepting Tenders..................................................................................................................1-94Solution Accepting Tenders....................................................................................................................1-95

    Lesson 13: Entering Shipment Events...........................................................................................................1-96Guided Demonstration 1 - Entering Shipment Events and Viewing Stop Times ......................................1-97

    Practice 1 - Entering Shipment Events ......................................................................................................1-100Solution Entering Shipment Events........................................................................................................1-102Practice 2 - Viewing Stop Times on the Shipment ....................................................................................1-103Solution Viewing Stop Times on the Shipment......................................................................................1-105

    Lesson 14: Visibility for Orders and Shipments............................................................................................1-106Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Order and Shipment Information......................................................1-107Practice 1 - Tracking and Tracing Shipments............................................................................................1-109Solution Tracking and Tracing Shipments .............................................................................................1-110Practice 2 - Viewing Public Tracking Information....................................................................................1-111Solution - Viewing Public Tracking Information ......................................................................................1-112

    Lesson 15: Business Scenario: Configuring OTM to Build, Tender,and Financially Settle a Multi-stop Shipment......................................................................................1-113

    Lesson 16: Creating Locations and Corporations..........................................................................................1-114

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating Locations ..........................................................................................1-115Practice 1 - Creating Locations..................................................................................................................1-117Solution Creating Locations ...................................................................................................................1-120

    Lesson 17: Creating Calendars ......................................................................................................................1-121Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating Calendars ..........................................................................................1-122Practice 1 - Creating Calendars .................................................................................................................1-124Solution Creating Calendars ...................................................................................................................1-126

    Lesson 18: Creating Contacts ........................................................................................................................1-127Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating Contacts............................................................................................1-128Practice 1 - Creating Contacts ...................................................................................................................1-130Solution Creating Contacts .....................................................................................................................1-132

    Lesson 19: Creating Commodities and Items ................................................................................................1-133Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating Commodities ....................................................................................1-134Practice 1 - Creating Commodities............................................................................................................1-135Solution Creating Commodities..............................................................................................................1-136Guided Demonstration 2 - Creating Items .................................................................................................1-137Practice 2 - Creating Items ........................................................................................................................1-141Solution Creating Items ..........................................................................................................................1-143

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsiv

    Lesson 31: Creating Rate Offerings and Rate Records for Less Than Truckload ........................................1-216Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating Weight Break Profiles ......................................................................1-217Guided Demonstration 2 - Viewing Base Rate Offerings and Creating Rate Records..............................1-219Guided Demonstration 3 - Viewing Master Rate Offerings and Rate Records .........................................1-222Practice 1 - Creating Master Rate Offerings..............................................................................................1-224Solution Creating Master Rate Offerings ...............................................................................................1-225Practice 2 - Creating Master Rate Records ................................................................................................1-226Solution Creating Master Rate Records..................................................................................................1-228

    Lesson 32: Creating Itineraries......................................................................................................................1-229Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Itineraries..........................................................................................1-230Practice 1 - Creating Multi-stop Itineraries ...............................................................................................1-233Solution Creating Multi-stop Itineraries .................................................................................................1-235Practice 2 - Querying Route and Rates ......................................................................................................1-236Solution Querying Route and Rates........................................................................................................1-238

    Lesson 33: Creating and Releasing Order Bases ...........................................................................................1-239Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Order Bases ......................................................................................1-240Guided Demonstration 2 - Releasing Order Bases with Line Items ..........................................................1-242Practice 1 - Creating Order Bases with Line Items....................................................................................1-243Solution Creating Order Bases with Line Items .....................................................................................1-248

    Lesson 34: Creating a Status Type Filter.......................................................................................................1-249Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating and Applying Status Type Filters .....................................................1-250

    Practice 1 - Creating and Applying Status Type Filters.............................................................................1-251 Solution Creating and Applying Status Type Filters ..............................................................................1-253

    Lesson 35: Bulk Planning Order Releases.....................................................................................................1-254Guided Demonstration 1 - Bulk Planning Order Releases.........................................................................1-255Practice 1 - Bulk Planning Order Releases ................................................................................................1-257Solution Bulk Planning Order Releases..................................................................................................1-259

    Lesson 36: Re-sequencing Shipment Stops ...................................................................................................1-260Guided Demonstration 1 - Re-sequencing Stops .......................................................................................1-261Practice 1 - Re-sequencing Stops...............................................................................................................1-262Solution Re-sequencing Stops ................................................................................................................1-264Practice 2 - Tendering Shipments..............................................................................................................1-265Solution Tendering Shipments................................................................................................................1-266Practice 3 - Declining a Tender as Service Provider .................................................................................1-267

    Solution Declining Tender as Service Provider......................................................................................1-268Practice 4 - Viewing the Status of Shipments as Transport Planner..........................................................1-269Solution Viewing the Status of Shipments as Transport Planner............................................................1-271Practice 5 - Accepting Tenders and Viewing Shipment Status..................................................................1-272Solution Accepting Tenders and Viewing Shipment Status ...................................................................1-273

    Lesson 37: Managing Payment Invoices .......................................................................................................1-274Guided Demonstration 1 - Configuring Match Rules and Match Rule Profiles ........................................1-275Guided Demonstration 2 - Configuring Auto Approve Rules and Auto Approve Rule Profiles...............1-276Guided Demonstration 3 - Assigning Rule Profiles to a Service Provider ................................................1-277Guided Demonstration 4 - Configuring the Auto Pay Process ..................................................................1-279Practice 1 - Assigning Rule Profiles to a Service Provider........................................................................1-281 Solution Assigning Rule Profiles to a Service Provider .........................................................................1-282Practice 2 - Creating an Invoice from a Shipment .....................................................................................1-283Solution Creating an Invoice from a Shipment.......................................................................................1-285

    Lesson 38: Case Study: Creating, Tendering, and Financially Settling a Multi-stop Shipment....................1-286Practice 1 - Creating, Tendering, and Financially Settling a Multi-stop Shipment ...............................1-287Solution Creating, Tendering, and Financially Settling a Multi-stop Shipment....................................1-291

    Lesson 39: Business Scenario: Building a Multi-leg Shipment.....................................................................1-303Lesson 40: Viewing Public Data ..................................................................................................................1-304

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Public Locations ...............................................................................1-305Practice 1 - Viewing Public Locations.......................................................................................................1-306Solution Viewing Public Locations ........................................................................................................1-307

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsvi

    Lesson 54: Case Study: Creating a Multi-leg Shipment................................................................................1-390Practice 1 - Creating a Multi-leg Shipment ...............................................................................................1-391Solution Creating a Multi-leg Shipment.................................................................................................1-394

    Appendix A: Viewing OTM Log Files..........................................................................................................1-402Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing the System Log File..........................................................................1-403Guided Demonstration 2 - Creating a User Log File .................................................................................1-406

    Appendix B: Importing and Exporting Static Data via CSV ........................................................................1-411Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing the Data Dictionary...........................................................................1-412Guided Demonstration 2 - Exporting CSV Data .......................................................................................1-415Guided Demonstration 3 - Importing a CSV File......................................................................................1-417Practice 1 - Exporting an OTM Corporation as a CSV File ......................................................................1-419Solution Exporting an OTM Corporation as a CSV File........................................................................1-420Practice 2 - Editing the Corporation CSV File ..........................................................................................1-421Solution Editing CSV Files ....................................................................................................................1-422Practice 3 - Importing Your Edited Corporation CSV File........................................................................1-423Solution - Importing Your Edited Corporation CSV File..........................................................................1-425Practice 4 - Verifying New Corporation Now Exists in OTM...................................................................1-426Solution - Verifying New Corporation Now Exists in OTM.....................................................................1-427

    Appendix C: Integrating OTM and EBS .......................................................................................................1-428Appendix D: Integrating OTM and E1..........................................................................................................1-429

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsvii



    Before You Begin This Course

    Before you begin this course, you should have the following qualifications:

    Understand the transport process of your company.

    Basic knowledge of transportation and logistics processes.


    There are no prerequisites for this course.

    How This Course Is Organized

    OTM 6.0 Core Competenceis an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-on exercises.Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsix

    Typographic Conventions

    Typographic Conventions in Text

    Convention Element Example

    Bold italic Glossary term (ifthere is a glossary)

    The algorithminserts the new key.

    Caps andlowercase

    Buttons,check boxes,triggers,windows

    Click the Executable button.Select the Cant Delete Card check box.Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.Open the Master Schedule window.

    Courier new,case sensitive(default islowercase)

    Code output,directory names,filenames,passwords,pathnames,URLs,

    user input,usernames

    Code output: debug.set (I, 300);

    Directory: bin(DOS), $FMHOME(UNIX)

    Filename: Locate the init.orafile.

    Password: User tigeras your password.

    Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects

    URL: Go to http://www.oracle.com

    User input: Enter 300

    Username: Log on as scott

    Initial cap Graphics labels(unless the term is aproper noun)

    Customer address (butOracle Payables)

    Italic Emphasized wordsand phrases,titles of books andcourses,variables

    Do notsave changes to the database.For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL LanguageReference Manual.

    Enteruser_id@us.oracle.com, where user_idis thename of the user.



    Interface elements

    with long namesthat have onlyinitial caps;lesson and chaptertitles in cross-references

    Select Include a reusable module component and click Finish.

    This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, Working withObjects.

    Uppercase SQL columnnames, commands,functions, schemas,table names

    Use the SELECT command to view information stored in theLAST_NAMEcolumn of the EMP table.

    Arrow Menu paths Select File> Save.Brackets Key names Press [Enter].

    Commas Key sequences Press and release keys one at a time:[Alternate], [F], [D]

    Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity Guide Table of Contentsx

    Typographic Conventions in Code

    Convention Element Example

    Caps andlowercase

    Oracle Formstriggers


    Lowercase Column names,table names

    SELECT last_nameFROM s_emp;

    Passwords DROP USER scottIDENTIFIED BY tiger;

    PL/SQL objects OG_ACTIVATE_LAYER(OG_GET_LAYER (prod_pie_layer))


    Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

    Uppercase SQL commands andfunctions

    SELECT useridFROM emp;

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 1

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence

    Chapter 1

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 2

    Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Core CompetenceGuided Demonstrations and Practices

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 3


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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 4

    Lesson 1: Course Overview

    This lesson does not have any Practices.

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 5

    Lesson 2: OTM Terminology

    This lesson does not have any Practices.

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 6

    Lesson 3: Navigating OTM

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 7

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Logging into and Navigating OTM

    Logging In

    To log into OTM, you need a user name and a password:

    1. Open a browser.

    2. Go to the URL provided by the instructor.

    3. Enter your User Name.

    The format of your User Name is DOMAIN.USER. You can also define nicknames for eachuser.

    4. Enter the Password.

    Mark the Remember Me check box if you want to bypass entering your user name orpassword. The Remember Me option can be turned on or off by your system administrator.

    5. Click Login.

    At the top of the page, you can see the welcome area of OTM. This area displays theOTM version, the user name, the user role, and buttons to access other areas of OTM.

    On the left side of the page, you can see the OTM menu. The menu provides access toall areas of OTM.

    6. Click the OTM iconto toggle the main menu on and off.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 8

    Toggles themain menuon and off.

    Displays the user you arelogged into OTM as.

    Toggles the Ask OTM toolbaron and off.

    The main menu.

    Displays what version ofOTM you are using.

    7. Click the Launch Ask OTMdown arrowto hide the Ask OTM toolbar.

    8. Click the Launch Ask OTMdown arrowa second time to display the Ask OTM toolbaragain.

    The Ask OTM toolbar provides quick access to certain information, such as rates andlocations.

    9. Click the i (information)button.

    OTM displays information such as user, version, URL, and database.

    10. Close the OTM Information window.

    11. Click the ? (Help)button to access help.

    ? displays the OTM online help.

    12. Close the OTM online help.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 9

    13. Click the x (Logout)button to log out of OTM.

    OTM logs you out but gives you the option to log in again.

    14. Log back into OTM.

    At the top of the page, you can see a link for the Message Center. The Message Center is acentralized message board that displays messages when specific events occur. The MessageCenter is available at the top of the OTM page.

    Using Online Help

    15. In the main menu, click Help > Help.

    OTM displays the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Help page. There are four tabs inthe left pane: Contents, Index, Search, and Glossary. The Contents tab lists menu optionsand specific features of OTM.

    16. In the help window, clickShipment Management > Location Manager.

    Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Help displays an overview of the Location Manager:Identification tab.

    17. Scroll through the text and click on the link for Region ID.

    The right-hand pane now displays regions information.

    18. Click the Indextab.

    19. Enter calendarin the text field.

    Click on the word calendars and the sub-entries. Only topics that have a keyword or sub-keyword of calendar are found.

    20. Click the Searchtab.

    21. Enter calendarin the text field and press Enter.

    OTM displays a list of those help pages containing the word calendar.

    22. Click the Glossarytab.

    OTM displays a glossary of OTM and transportation-related terms.

    23. Click the Hide Contentsicon in the upper right of the help topic.

    The left pane is hidden.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 10

    24. Click the Show Contentsicon to display the left pane again.

    The left pane is displayed.

    25. Close the OTM online help.

    26. On the main menu, click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    27. At the very top of the page, click ? (Help)on the top menu bar.

    OTM displays the help topic specific to this page. Since search pages are very generic, acommon topic for Search Business Objects appears.

    28. In the blue bar under the title, click Search by Status.

    This section of the help topic displays without you having to scroll down the page. At theend of the section is an up arrow that returns you to the top of the help topic.

    29. Scroll down to the bottom of the help topic.

    Notice the links which include:

    A link to send an email to the OTM documentation team. Use this link if you have aquestion or concern with this exact help topic.

    A link to Oracles My Oracle Support (previously MetaLink) which you can use toenter a service request which will be addressed by the OTM technical support staff.

    A link to find the support phone number for your region.

    30. Close the OTM online help.

    These are just some of the features offered by the OTM online help. OTM online help isvery extensive. It is recommended that you refer to the help throughout the class. In a laterexercise, you will see additional examples of context-sensitive help.

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    Copyright Oracle, 2009. All rights reserved.

    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 11

    Creating a Nickname

    You can use a nickname to log into OTM as an alternative to user ID. For example, a standarduser name is comprised of DOMAIN.USER. However, with a nickname, you can enter thenickname instead of DOMAIN.USER.

    31. Click Configuration and Administration > User Management > List Users.

    32. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Users results page.

    33. Click the ID.

    OTM displays the Manage User page. Note the nickname for this user. You can use thisnickname each time you log into OTM.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 12

    Practice 1 - Logging into OTM

    Logging into OTM

    Note: This training instance may be a different version of OTM than you are running at your site.

    1. Open your browser and type in the OTM URL to access the server.

    2. Log into OTM by entering your User Nameand Password.

    Important: Your instructor will provide each student with their own user name and passwordthat allows them access to their own OTM domain.

    3. Click Login.

    OTM displays the OTM main page.4. Click OTMon the top menu bar.

    OTM hides the main menu.

    5. Click OTMagain to display the menus.

    6. Clicki (OTM information)on the top menu bar.

    OTM displays the OTM Information page.

    7. Enter the software version you are using:

    Field Enter Your Results

    Software Version

    8. Close the OTM Information page.

    9. Click x(logout)on the top menu bar.

    OTM logs you out.

    10. Click the Login again to OTM link.

    11. Enter your User Nameand Password.

    12. Click Login.

    OTM displays the OTM main page.

    13. Click the Shipment Management menu option.

    OTM displays a sub-menu.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 13

    14. Click the Location Manager sub-menu option.

    OTM displays the location search page.

    15. Click the Launch Ask OTM down arrow on the top menu bar.

    OTM hides the Ask OTM toolbar.

    16. Click the Launch Ask OTMdownarrowa second time to display the OTM toolbar.

    17. Move your mouse over all query icons on the Ask OTM toolbar.

    OTM displays the icons name. You will use the OTM toolbar throughout the class.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 14

    Solution - Logging into OTM

    You successfully logged into OTM and performed some actions.

    Logging into OTM

    Field Enter Your ResultsSoftware Version OTMv60-GA

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 15

    Practice 2 - Navigating the OTM Online Help

    Navigating the OTM Online Help

    1. In the main menu, click Help > Help.

    OTM displays the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Help page. There are four tabs inthe left pane: Contents, Index, Search, and Glossary. The Contents tab lists menu optionsand specific features of OTM.

    2. In the help window, click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    OTM online help displays an overview of the Location Manager: Identification tab.

    3. Scroll through the text and click on the link for Region ID.

    The right-hand pane now displays regions information.

    4. Click the Indextab.

    5. Enter calendarin the text field.

    6. Click on the word calendarsand the sub-entries.

    OTM online help only displays topics that have a keyword or sub-keyword of calendar.

    7. Click the Searchtab.

    8. Enter calendarin the text field and press Enter.

    OTM online help displays a list of those help pages where the word calendar appears.

    9. Click the Glossarytab.

    OTM online help displays a glossary of OTM and transportation-related terms.

    10. Click Hide Contentsin the upper right of a help topic.

    The left pane is hidden.

    11. Click Show Contents.

    The left pane is displayed.

    12. Close the OTM online help.

    13. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    OTM displays the location search page.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 16

    14. Next to the Logout button, click ? (the Help icon)on the top menu bar.

    The help topic specific to this page appears. Since search windows are very generic, acommon search topic appears.

    15. In the blue bar under the title, click Search by Date.

    The Search by Date section of the help topic displays without you having to scroll down thepage. At the end of the section is an up arrow that returns to the top of the topic.

    16. Close the OTM online help.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 17

    Solution - Navigating the OTM Online Help

    Navigating the OTM Online Help

    You have successfully navigated through the OTM online help.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 18

    Practice 3 - Creating an OTM Nickname

    Creating an OTM Nickname

    1. Click Configuration and Administration > User Management > List Users.

    OTM displays the User search tab.

    2. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Users results page.

    3. Click the ID.

    OTM displays the Manage User page.

    4. Enter a Nickname.

    5. Click Update Nickname.

    OTM updates your information and returns to the same page.

    6. Log out of OTM.

    7. Log back into OTM using your new nickname.

    You can use your nickname for the remainder of this class. You do not need to type.ADMIN after a nickname.

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    Solution - Creating an OTM Nickname

    Creating an OTM Nickname

    You have successfully created an OTM nickname and used it to log into OTM.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 20

    Guided Demonstration 2 - Viewing Additional OTM Resources

    Viewing Show Me Simulations

    OTM Show Me simulations are short simulation-based tutorials available from the OTM online

    help menu. They cover various use cases and setup topics. They are captured using Oracles UserProductivity Kit or UPK.

    They cover the following topics:

    Getting Started

    Order to Cash

    Configuring OTM for an Outbound Multistop Scenario

    Outbound Multistop Scenario

    Configuring Business Number Generation

    Setting Up OTM to E1 Integration

    Setting Up OTM to EBS Integration

    To view the OTM Show Me simulations, which are automatically installed along with OTM,complete the following:

    1. Click Help > Show Me.

    You see the UPK Player.

    2. Click the plus sign (+)next to Setting Up OTM to E1 Integration.

    3. Click the plus sign (+)next to E1 External System.

    4. Select the topic titled Editing External System for BPEL.

    Then, you can either click See It! or Try It!.

    See It! launches a demonstration of the topic Editing External System in BPEL.

    Try It! launches a tutorial version of the topic Editing External System in BPEL.

    5. Click See It!on the right side of the page near the top.

    6. Click Continueon the explanation frame.

    7. Click Continuea second time.

    8. Click Continueone last time.

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    9. Then, let the simulation proceed and show you how to log into OTM and use the OTM mainmenus.

    The simulation will automatically close when it completes.

    10. Close the UPK Player.

    Viewing How To Procedures

    How To procedures are a series of HTML pages which include step-by-step procedures on howto configure certain OTM functionality. The How To procedures are written using Oracle TutorAuthor and Oracle Tutor Publisher.

    The How To procedures cover the following topics:

    Outbound Multistop Scenario

    Configuring BNG

    EBS to OTM

    E1 to OTM

    11. Click Help > How To.

    12. Click the link for Configuring BNG.

    13. Click the link for Creating a New Business Number Rule Definition.

    14. Scroll down to view the steps.

    15. Close the How To window.

    Viewing the OTM Documentation and Training MetaLink Notes

    There is an Oracle MetaLink note released for each major OTM version or cumulative update(CU) starting with OTM 5.5 CU3. These MetakLink notes describe the published informationavailable for an Oracle Transportation Management release. Use this document to ensure thatyou leverage all existing resources to learn about, install, implement, and use OTM.

    16. Go to www.oracle.com.

    17. Click the SUPPORTlink.

    18. Under Support Resources, click My Oracle Support Login.

    19. Select the Classic MetaLink option button.

    20. Log intoMy Oracle Support.

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    21. Next to Quick Find, select Knowledge Base.

    You can then enter one of the MetaLink IDslisted below:

    796594.1 - Oracle Transportation Management Documentation and Training Resources,Release 6.0

    605305.1 - Oracle Transportation Management Documentation and Training Resources,Release 5.5 CU5

    552038.1 - Oracle Transportation Management Version 5.5 CU4 Documentation andTraining Resources

    578222.1 - Oracle Transportation Management Documentation and Training Resources,Release 5.5 CU3

    22. For this demonstration, enter the IDof 796594.1.

    23. Click Go.

    24. Click the link for Oracle Transportation Management Documentation and TrainingResources, Releas.

    You see the MetaLink note.

    The Oracle Transportation Management Documentation and Training Resources note containslinks to the following resources as well as details on how to access each of these resources:

    Transfer of Information (TOI) Online Training

    Oracle University Course-ware

    Oracle Transportation Management Documentation Library link

    EBS-OTM Integration Guide

    Viewing the OTM Documentation Library

    The documents listed below are included on the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0Documentation Library OTN page:

    Administration Guide

    Technical Architecture Guide

    Branding Guide

    Integration Guide

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    Data Management Guide

    Application Scalability Guide

    25. Still in the MetaLink note, scroll down to the section with the text of The documents listedto the right are included on the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 DocumentationLibrary OTN page.

    26. Click the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Documentation Library OTN pagelink.

    27. Click the View Librarylink for the appropriate OTM release.

    28. Click the Documentationtab.

    Note the list of available documents for the selected OTM release.

    29. Close the Oracle Transportation Management 6.0 Documentation Library page.

    30. Close the Oracle Technology Network page.

    The following additional documents are either installed by the OTM installation program or canbe requested from Oracle Support:

    Performance Monitoring and Tuning Guide

    Structural Changes Guide

    External Interface Programming Guide

    OAM Integration Guide

    XML Interface Changes

    Installation ReadMe

    Data Dictionary

    Data Dictionary ReadMe

    XML Schema

    Consolidated Update Installation Instructions

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    Viewing the Transfer of Information Sessions (TOIs)

    TOIs or Transfer of Information sessions provide information for users on how to set up and usesome of the new features included in each new Oracle Transportation Management release.TOIs exist for OTM 5.5 GA, 5.5 CU2, 5.5 CU3, 5.5 CU4, 5.5 CU5, and 6.0 GA.

    TOIs contain information about changes made to existing features in each OTM releaseincluding:

    Benefits of new features from a business perspective

    Details on product dependencies and interactions

    Links to additional resources

    If you have an Oracle Support contract for OTM, then you already have access to view the OTMTOIs.

    To view a list of OTM TOIs, complete the following:

    31. In the MetaLink note, go to the section titled To view Transfer of Information (TOI)Online Training.

    32. Click the OU Knowledge Centerlink.

    (If you have left the page, the URL is http://www.oracle.com/education/oukc/ebs.html .)

    33. On the Browse Subcategories E-Business Suite page, click the Logisticslink.

    34. On the Browse Subcategories Logistics page, click the Oracle TransportationManagementlink.

    35. You will probably need to click Next >several times until you see the OTM TOIs.

    TOI titles are in the format of OTM #.#: Feature Name Functional Overview. (#.# is equal tothe release number).

    36. Click the title of a TOI to view the details of the TOI.

    37. Under Enrollment options, click the Playbutton to view the TOI.

    TOIs are narrated slide presentations which provide detailed discussions of new features andfunctionality in an OTM release.

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    Lesson 4: Adding and Retrieving OTM Data

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    Guided Demonstration 1 - Searching in OTM


    When you click on a menu option, in most instances you are automatically taken to a search page

    where you can enter criteria to run a query for an existing business object or create a newbusiness object, such as locations, orders, rates, or service providers. For example, when youclick on the Buy Shipments menu option, OTM displays a search page.

    1. Click Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments.

    OTM displays the buy shipment search page.

    Each tab has text fields on which you can query. Certain fields have f, l, v, and n buttons totheir right. For these fields, you can:

    f (find) Displays a search page for a certain object.

    l (list) Displays a list of all records for a certain object. Also, if you enter somecharacters in the field and click l, OTM displays all records beginning with thosecharacters.

    v (view) Displays the view page for the record you have typed into the text field.

    n (new) Allows you to create a new object, if you have the authorization to do so.

    Conditional operators, such as begins with, ends with, not null, etc. let you further define thecriteria entered in that field.

    The following links are available at the bottom of the search page:

    Search Allows you to search for all records meeting the defined criteria.

    New Creates a new object, such as location, etc.

    Sort order Allows you to specify the order in which the results of your search willdisplay.

    Lists Specific list of objects based on saved query criteria.

    Actions Allow you to perform certain actions against the business object.

    Export Allows you to export the query results to a spreadsheet.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 27

    2. Enter a Destination Location IDof SAN.

    When you type the first three characters of an ID, you see a listing of all possible locationIDs that begin with those characters. In this example, you see two locations. This feature,called auto-complete, is enabled by a global property called glog.ui.autocomplete.

    3. Select SAN DIEGO STORE.

    4. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    Once you query on a location, OTM displays the results page listing all the records that meetthe search criteria specified on the query page. Unless you specify a domain in your query,the results include all data to which you have read and write access.

    At the top of the results page, you see the following links:

    New Allows you to create a new shipment.

    View Displays the selected record(s) in a view-only format.

    Edit Displays the original data entry fields available for editing. Certain fieldscannot be edited (for example Shipment ID). You can only edit a record if you havethe appropriate access.

    Delete Deletes the record.

    Actions Allow you to perform certain actions against the business object.

    To the right of the Actions button, you see a drop-down list containing the following:

    Replace Current Window When selected, OTM overwrites the current window.

    Always Open in New Window When selected, OTM always opens in newwindow.

    Always Open in Same Window This option assumes there is one other window

    that will always be the target window. If that window is currently open, uponselection, OTM replaces the content of that window with what you click. If thetarget window is not open, OTM opens a window with the new content.

    At the bottom of the results list, you see the following links:

    New Query Displays a blank search page so you can perform a different query ifthe records that resulted from the original query are not what you want.

    Refine Query Displays the search page with your original query field values thatyou can change to refine the search.

    Export Displays the selected records in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

    Lists Displays the list manager for the business object in which you can create

    working lists of business objects. Add to Export List Allows you to select records, create a select list, and save the

    list. The list can then be exported using CSV export.

    5. Click Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments.

    6. Click Searchat the bottom of the page.

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    7. Mark any two check boxes.

    Note how OTM displays the number of selected records to the right of Selected.

    8. Mark another check box.

    Note how OTM increases the number of Selected Page and Total to 3.

    9. Scroll to the far right in the results page.

    Note how OTM always displays the ID column.

    10. Scrollback to the far left of the results page.

    11. Click the Shipment ID heading onceto sort the column in ascending order.

    12. Click the Shipment ID heading a second time to sort the column in descending order.

    13. To resize the Shipment ID column, move your mouse pointer over the far right-side of thecolumn heading.

    14. When you see aarrow similar to the one shown here, hold down the left-mouse buttonand drag the arrow to the right.

    When you release the mouse button, the column resizes.

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    Guided Demonstration 2 - Adding and Editing Records

    Tips for Adding/Editing OTM Data

    Throughout this course, you will be adding new data to OTM and editing existing data in OTM.

    When creating new records in OTM, the following should be taken into account:

    When adding a record, the ID of the record should not contain special characters such asperiods, commas, or ampersands. Underscores can be used.

    You must go in order when completing the record and cannot skip from one tab to thenext and then back again. If you forget to input information on a previous tab, completethe record entirely, click Finished, and then return and edit the record to add theadditional information.

    Neveruse the browser back button when creating a new record. Data may be lost.

    When adding a record, always click Finished when the record is complete to save thedata. Otherwise data is lost.

    Required fields are denoted by a red *. Conditional fields are denoted by a blue * andare only required if other data is present.

    Some data entry grids offer the ability to have multiple entries and require you to click aSave button after each entry. Note the Save buttons do not save anything to the OTMdatabase.

    Make sure you only click the Finished button once, as OTM will attempt to save

    multiple records if Finished is clicked more than once.

    Adding a Record

    1. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    OTM displays the location search page.

    2. Click New at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Identification tab.

    3. Enter a Location IDof DALLAS LOCATION.

    4. Enter a Corporation IDof OUTLETS OF USA(already created).

    Note how OTM suggests this value after you enter only a few characters.

    5. Select OUTLETS OF USAfrom the auto-complete list.

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    6. Click v (view)to the right of the OUTLETS OF USA Corporation ID.

    When you click the v button, the Corporation page is displayed so you can view the detailsof OUTLETS OF USA.

    7. Close the Corporation page.

    8. Enter a Country Codeof USA.

    Note the Country Code. The country code has a red * (asterisk) in front of it which meansthat it is required. You will not be able to save the location if you do not have a country codespecified.

    9. Click Roles at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Roles tab.

    10. Click New Location Role Profile.

    11. Select a Location Roleof BILL TO.

    12. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the Roles tab.

    Remember to always click Finished to save your new record. Note the Save buttons do notsave anything to the database.

    Editing a Record

    13. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    14. Enter a Location IDof DALLAS.

    15. Click Searchat the bottom of the page.

    16. Click the ID.

    OTM displays the Location Manager: Identification tab. You can edit the information exceptin those fields that are grayed out.

    You cannot edit the Location ID. If you need to change it, copy the existing location, enter

    the desired Location ID, and delete the original location record.

    17. Click ? (the help icon)on the top menu bar.

    The OTM online help is context sensitive. The OTM online help page displays informationabout the Location Manager: Identification tab.

    18. Close the OTM online help.

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    19. Click the Rolestab.

    OTM displays the Roles tab.

    20. Click New Location Role Profile.

    21. Select a Location Roleof SHIPFROM/SHIPTO.

    22. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the Roles tab.

    23. At the top of the page, click Finishedto save the record.

    OTM displays the confirmation page.

    Using SmartLinks

    OTM has shortcuts to view additional information about business objects. These shortcuts arecalled SmartLinks.

    24. Click Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments.

    OTM displays the buy shipment search page.

    25. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    26. Right-clickon a row in the Buy Shipments results page.

    A SmartLink is an OTM menu listing shortcuts to related information for that business

    object. In this example, you can see the available SmartLinks for buy shipments.

    The Edit, Export, and View options appear on all SmartLink menus.

    27. Close the SmartLinks menu.

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    Using Actions

    Actions allow you to perform certain functions against a business object.

    28. Mark the check boxto the left of a shipment.

    29. Click Actionsat the top of the results page.

    30. Click the plus sign (+)next to Shipment Management.

    31. Click the plus sign (+)next to Tender.

    You will use some of these options in the practices throughout the class.

    32. Close the Actions menu.

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    Guided Demonstration 3 - Creating and Running Saved Queries

    Creating and Running a Saved Query

    You can create saved queries for searches that you use frequently.

    1. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    2. Enter a Domain Nameof PUBLIC.

    3. Click the Addresstab.

    4. Enter a Cityof LONDON.

    You may also enter other information such as postal code or a specific sort order.

    5. Click the Roletab.

    6. Select a Location Roleof AIRPORT.

    7. Click Saveon the right side of the page near the bottom.

    OTM displays the Finder Save Query page.

    8. Enter a Query Nameof LONDON AIRPORTS.

    9. Click Save.

    OTM displays your query in the saved query list along with any other saved queries.

    10. ClickExecute Queryto the right of your saved query.

    OTM displays the locations found by the search criteria you specified.

    11. ClickSearch Criteriaon the right side of the page near the top.

    OTM displays the search criteria it used to find these locations.

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    Practice 1 - Querying for Records

    Querying for Records

    1. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    OTM displays the location search page.

    2. At the top of the page, click the Addresstab.

    OTM displays the address search page.

    3. Enter a Cityof LONDON.

    4. From the drop-down list next to City, select the conditional operator of Contains.

    5. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Location results page with all locations that have a city name containingLONDON.

    6. At the top of the results page, click the Location Name header.

    OTM sorts your results by the location name in ascending alphabetical order.

    7. Click the Location Name header a second time.

    OTM sorts your results by the Location Name in descending alphabetical order.

    8. In the ID column, click the LGW ID.

    OTM displays the details for location LGW. Based on your user access rights, you are onlyable to view this information.

    9. Scroll downand click the plus signnext to the Location Role of AIRPORT.

    Notice that the Location Role section is expanded.

    10. Scroll up and click the minus signnext to Reference Numbers.

    Notice that the Reference Numbers section is now hidden.

    11. To view the section again, click the plus signnext to Reference Numbers.

    You can use this feature anywhere you see a plus or minus sign in front of a section header.

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    Solution - Querying for Records

    You successfully queried for records in OTM.

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    Practice 2 - Adding and Editing Records

    Adding a Record

    1. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    OTM displays the location search page.

    2. At the bottom of the page, click New.

    OTM displays the Location Manager Identification tab.

    3. Enter a Location IDof DALLAS LOCATION.

    4. Enter a Location Nameof DALLAS LOCATION.

    5. Enter a Corporation IDof OUTLETS OF USA (already created).

    In this example, the Corporation ID already exists but you can also create a new corporation.

    6. Enter a Cityof DALLAS.

    7. Enter a Province Codeof TX.

    8. Enter a Postal Codeof 75200.

    9. Enter a Country Codeof USA.

    10. Click Roles at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Roles tab.

    11. Click New Location Role Profile.

    12. Select a Location Roleof SHIPFROM/SHIPTO.

    13. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the Roles tab.

    14. Click Finished at the top of the page.

    OTM displays a confirmation page where you can view the location you just created, editthe location you just created, view a log file, create a new location, modify an existinglocation, or perform an action against your new location.

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    Editing a Record

    15. From the confirmation page, click Edit.

    OTM displays the Location Manager Identification tab. You can edit the informationexcept for those fields that are grayed out.

    16. On the top menu bar, click ? (the Help icon).

    The OTM online help is context sensitive. The OTM online help page displays informationabout the Location Manager: Identification tab.

    17. Close the OTM online help.

    18. Click v (view)to the right of the Corporation IDof OUTLETS OF USA.

    When you click v (view), OTM displays the details of the corporation.

    19. Close the Corporation page.

    20. Click the Rolestab.

    OTM displays the Roles tab.

    21. Click New Location Role Profile.

    22. Select a Location Roleof BILL TO.

    23. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the Roles tab. Notice you now have two location roles defined for thislocation, BILL TO and SHIPFROM/SHIPTO.

    24. You only want this location to be a BILL TO location. Click the trash can iconto the farright of the location role SHIPFROM/SHIPTO.

    25. Click OKto confirm that you want to delete this location role profile.

    OTM returns to the Roles tab with BILL TO as the only defined location role.

    26. Click Finished, at the top of the page, to save the record.

    OTM displays the confirmation page.

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    Solution - Adding and Editing Records

    Adding a Record

    You successfully added a record in OTM.

    Editing a Record

    You successfully edited a record in OTM.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 39

    Practice 3 - Creating Saved Queries

    Creating a Saved Query

    1. Click Shipment Management > Location Manager.

    OTM displays the location search page.

    2. Enter a Domain Nameof PUBLIC.

    3. Click the Addresstab.

    OTM displays the address search page.

    4. Enter a City of LONDON.

    5. Click the Roletab.

    OTM displays the role search page.

    6. Select a Location Roleof AIRPORT.

    7. Click Save at the bottom right of the page.

    OTM displays the Finder Save Query page.

    8. Enter a Query Nameof AIRPORTS.

    9. Click Save.

    OTM returns to the location search page.

    Your new query now appears in the Saved Query drop-down list at the bottom of the page.

    10. Click Execute Query at the bottom right of the page.

    OTM displays the Locations results page containing a list of locations based on the queryyou just defined.

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    Solution - Creating Saved Queries

    Creating a Saved Query

    You successfully created a saved query in OTM.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 42

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Defining User Favorites

    Using User Favorites

    1. Click Order Management > Order Release > Order Release.

    2. Click the Locationstab.

    3. Click f (find)next to Source Location ID.

    OTM displays your user favorites for locations.

    Note the Find More button. If you do not want this location, you can click Find More to findother locations. After clicking Find More, OTM displays the normal location search page.

    4. Close the User Preferences/Favorites window.

    Creating User Favorites

    5. Click Configuration and Administration > Preferences > User Favorites.

    OTM displays the User Preferences/Favorites page.

    6. Click Edit(the pencil icon)to the right of Location.

    OTM displays the User Favorite page.

    Note the Table Name. The table name is Location and there is one favorite, SAN DIEGOSTORE, specified.

    7. Click Saveat the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the User Preferences/Favorites page.

    8. Click Save Favorites.

    OTM displays the confirmation page.

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    Guided Demonstration 2 - Reconfiguring a Results Page

    Exploring the Results Page

    The instructors domain has customized copies of the screen sets and manager layouts for freight

    forwarding. This allows the instructor to demonstrate this feature.

    1. Click Demo Screen Set > Freight Forwarding.

    2. Enter a Domain Nameof COREDEMO.

    3. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    4. Scroll to the rightuntil you see the columns Total Gross Weight, Total Gross Volume,Total Net Weight, and Total Net Volume.

    5. Select one or more Freight Forwarding IDs.

    Note the Total row at the bottom of the results page and how the values in it change as youselect more records. OTM only displays totals for columns which have been configured todo so.

    Reconfiguring the Results Page

    The instructors domain has customized copies of the screen sets and manager layouts for freightforwarding. This allows the instructor to demonstrate this feature. To be able to edit and savechanges to results pages, you must have write access to your screen sets and manager layouts.

    6. Right-clickon the heading rowto view the Configure Results page.

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    7. Under Available, select Buy Itinerary Profile.

    8. Click the Move Rightarrow.

    9. Under Selected, click Order Release ID.

    10. Click the Move Leftarrow.

    11. Click Save.

    Notice that the Order Release ID column no longer appears on the results page.

    12. Scroll to the far right of the results page to see the newly added Buy Itinerary Profilecolumn.

    13. Right-clickin the headingrow to view the Configure Results page again.

    14. Under Selected, scroll down to locate and select Buy Itinerary Profile.

    15. Click the Move to Uparrow.

    16. Click Save.

    Note that the Buy Itinerary Profile column is now the first column in the results page.

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    Editing Records Directly in the Results Page

    Fields can be modified on the results page if you have defined them to be editable in the screenset.

    17. Double-clickin the Late Pickup Datecolumn for the AUS-USA CASE STUDY OrderRelease ID.

    OTM displays a Late Pickup Date pop-up window. Note that the screen set must beconfigured to allow editing of certain columns on the results page.

    18. Enter a Late Pickup Dateof next Monday.

    19. Click OK.

    The new Late Pickup Date appears in the results page highlighted in blue.

    20. Click the Save All Changesicon above the results page to save the newly entered value tothe database.

    OTM displays the Saving page.

    21. Click Close.

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    The other options in the inline edit toolbar are:

    Undo All Changes - To undo all changes made to the results page since the last save.

    Mass Update - To save many changes at once.

    Save Configuration To save changes to the configuration of the results page.

    Print To print the results page without exporting.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 47

    Practice 1 - Defining User Favorites

    Defining a User Favorite

    1. Click Configuration and Administration > Preferences > User Favorites.

    OTM displays the User Preferences/Favorites page.

    2. Click New Favorite.

    OTM displays the user favorite edit page.

    3. Select a Table Nameof Location.

    4. Enter an IDof SAN DIEGO STORE.

    5. Click Save to the right of the ID field.

    6. Click Saveat the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the User Preferences/Favorites page.

    7. Click Save Favorites.

    OTM displays a confirmation message at the top of the page.

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    Solution - Defining User Favorites

    Defining a User Favorite

    You successfully defined a user favorite of SAN DIEGO STORE.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 49

    Lesson 6: Setting OTM Preferences

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 50

    Guided Demonstration 1 - Creating and Viewing BusinessMonitors

    Creating Saved Queries

    To set up a Business Monitor, you first need to define the saved queries you wish to include inthe Business Monitor.

    1. Click Order Management > Order Release > Order Release.

    2. Click the Saved Query ID drop-down list to see all order release saved queries.

    If you do not see the queries you need, you can create them. Your Business Monitor caninclude saved queries from different business objects.

    Viewing a Business Monitor

    Assign these queries to your Business Monitor ID.

    3. Click Configuration and Administration > Preferences > Manage Business Monitors.

    4. Enter a Business Monitor IDof CORECOMPETENCE.

    5. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    6. Click the ID.

    Note Refresh Interval (minutes). You can define a refresh interval that controls how

    often the active Business Monitor refreshes the values in the Number of Matching andthe Number of Previously Matching columns.

    Note the Sequence Number. The sequence number defines in what order OTM displaysthe results of these queries in the Business Monitor.

    Note the Query ID. The query ID represents the business object that you want tomonitor.

    Note the Saved Query ID. The saved query ID gets executed when you launch theBusiness Monitor or when the refresh interval expires. Make sure you choose a savedquery that was created for the business object that you selected in the query ID field.

    Note the Screen Set ID. The screen set ID controls the display attributes of the resultspage that appears when you click any of the results in the Business Monitor.

    You then assign the Business Monitor to a user preference.

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    Assigning User Preference

    To activate your user preference, assign the user preference to a specific user.

    7. Click Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access .

    8. Select a User Access Typeof User Preference.

    9. Enter a User IDof ADMIN.

    10. Click Edit User Access at the bottom of the page.

    11. Ensure that the Replace Existing User Preference With The Followingcheck box ismarked.

    12. Enter a User Preferenceof COREDEMO.

    13. Click Finishedat the top of the page.

    14. Log out of and back into OTM.

    Viewing the Business Monitor

    You can then see your important saved queries in one place.

    15. Click b (the Business Monitor icon)at the top of the page.

    OTM displays the Business Monitor page containing your defined saved queries.

    You can quickly see the number of:

    Order bases which are not available for planning (ORDER BASE NO RELEASES)

    Orders which are ready to be planned into shipments (ORDER RELEASE-NEW)

    New shipments (SHIPMENT-NEW)

    Shipments with delayed events entered against them (SHIPMENT-DELAYED)

    16. Click on any numberin the Number of Matching column.

    OTM displays the records matching your query in the Business Monitor.

    17. Close the results page.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 52

    Practice 1 - Copying and Editing User Preferences

    Copying and Editing a User Preference

    1. Click Configuration and Administration > Preferences > User Preferences.

    2. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the user preferences results page.

    3. Mark the check boxnext to CORECOMPETENCE.

    4. Click Copy User Preference.

    OTM displays the User Preferences page.

    5. Enter a User Preference IDof STUDENT.

    6. In the Preference section, select a Nameof Business Monitor.

    7. Select a Valueof CORECOMPETENCE.

    8. Click Saveto the right of the Value field.

    9. Click Finished at the top of the page.

    OTM displays the confirmation page.

    10. Close the confirmation page.

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    Solution - Copying and Editing User Preferences

    You successfully copied a user preference with an ID of STUDENT and added a BusinessMonitor of CORECOMPETENCE to it.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 54

    Practice 2 - Assigning User Preferences

    Assigning a User Preference

    1. Click Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access .

    OTM displays the Manage User Access page.

    2. Select a User Access Typeof User Preference.

    3. Enter a User IDof ADMIN.

    4. Click Edit User Access at the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the User Preference Access tab.

    5. Remove the User Preferenceentry of CORECOMPETENCE.

    6. Type STUand select STUDENTfrom the resulting auto-complete list.

    7. Click Finished at the top of the page.

    OTM displays the confirmation page.

    8. Log out of OTM.

    To have the Business Monitor display, you must log out of OTM and log back in again.

    9. Log in to OTM.

    10. Click the bicon for the Business Monitor.

    OTM displays the Business Monitor page containing your defined saved queries. Enter thedefined Business Monitor saved queries below. You can compare these results to what youwill see in the Business Monitor later in this class.

    Saved Query Name Value in Number of Matching Field





    11. Close the Business Monitor.

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    Solution - Assigning User Preferences

    You successfully assigned a new user preference of STUDENT to your OTM user.

    Assigning a User Preference

    Saved Query Name Value in Number of Matching Field





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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 56

    Lesson 7: Business Scenario: Creating and Planning Orders andShipments in OTM

    This lesson does not have any Practices.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 57

    Lesson 8: Managing Orders in OTM

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    Guided Demonstration 1 - Viewing Order Releases with LineItems

    1. Click Order Management > Order Release > Order Release.

    2. Enter an Order Release ID of DEMO1.

    3. Click Searchat the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Order Releases results page.

    4. Click the ID.

    OTM displays the Order Release tab.

    Note the Order Release ID. If you leave this field blank, OTM generates an ID for you. Youdefine the rules for this in the business number generator.

    5. Enter an Early Pickup Dateof todays date.

    6. Enter a Late Delivery Dateof todays date plus 3 months.

    Note the Early Pickup Date and Late Delivery Date. When creating orders in OTM, itis important to add early and late pickup/delivery times for OTM to calculate yourtransit time.

    Note the Source Location and Destination Location. Locations are required fields onthe order release.

    7. Click the Line Itemtab.

    OTM displays the Line Item tab.

    Note that you can enter an order release with line items. When you do so, OTMautomatically creates one ship unit for the line item.

    You can add as many line items as you need.

    8. Click the pencil iconto the right of Brand Name.

    Note the Packaged Item ID of BASKETBALLS and the Total Package Count of 750.When you are entering line items, the minimum data you can enter is the packaged itemyou are shipping and the total package count.

    You can also add information such as Net Weight, Net Volume, Package Length,Package Width, and Package Height.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 59

    9. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    OTM returns to the Line Item tab.

    10. Click Constraintsat the bottom of the page.

    You can specify any constraints you want to add to your order such as a particular mode orservice provider that should be used.

    11. Click Involved Partiesat the bottom of the page.

    You can specify contacts or locations with an interest in this order.

    You must enter a transport planner with an involved party qualifier of LOGISTICS.Otherwise, OTM cannot send tender notifications to service providers.

    12. Click Finished at the top of the page.

    Remember that it is only when you click Finished that OTM saves your data to the database.Always look for a confirmation page when you create or update information.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 60

    Guided Demonstration 2 - Viewing Order Releases with ShipUnits

    1. From the confirmation page, click Modify Another. (Or navigate to Order Management >Order Release > Order Release)

    2. Enter an Order Release IDof DEMO2.

    3. Click Searchat the bottom of the page.

    OTM displays the Order Releases results page.

    4. Click the ID.

    OTM displays the Order Release tab.

    Note the Order Release ID. If you leave this field blank, OTM generates an ID for you. You

    define the rules for this in the business number generator.

    5. Enter an Early Pickup Dateof todays date.

    6. Enter a Late Delivery Dateof todays date plus 3 months.

    Note the Early Pickup Date and Late Delivery Date. When creating orders in OTM, itis important to add early and late pickup/delivery times for OTM to calculate yourtransit time.

    Note the Source Location and Destination Location. Locations are required fields on

    the order release.

    7. Click the Ship Unittab.

    OTM displays the Ship Unit tab.

    In this example, the order release is entered with ship unit information.

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    OTM 6.0 Core Competence Activity GuideChapter 1 - Page 61

    8. Click the pencil iconto the right of Drop Off Stop ID.

    OTM can generate a Ship Unit ID for you.

    OTM does not require any information, but you should enter as much information aspossible to allow OTM to select the best service provider and rate.

    A transport handling unit is the type of packaging for a ship unit. It can be a 4x4 pallet,a euro pallet, or anything else you have defined. In this example, you are shipping acount of 12 - 4X4 pallets.

    You can also add information such as gross weight per ship unit, gross volume per shipunit, length per ship unit, width per ship unit, and height per ship unit. Net weight pership unit and net volume per ship unit are also available.

    9. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    10. Click Line Itemat the bottom of the page.

    OTM creates a default line item for you. Or you can create the details for the ship unit andthe line item.

    11. Click Involved Partiesat the bottom of the page.

    You can specify contacts or locations with an interest in this order.

    You must enter a transport planner with an involved party qualifier of LOGISTICS.Otherwise, OTM cannot send tender notifications to service providers.

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