czamira asgali and jane cristine mie avellano edtech(slideshare)

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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“Educational Technology Nutshell”

By: Jane Cristine Mie V. Avellano and Czamira U. Asgali

THE STUDENTI’m Jane Cristine Mie V. Avellano.

Studying at Palawan State University-CCRD Brooke’s Point Campus taking of Bachelor of Elementary Education third year college. I’m 18 years old born on June 7, 1998. I lived in Pulot Center, Sofronio Espanola, Palawan . I hope that our portfolio will help you in your studying.

Hi, I’m Czamira U. Asgali 19 years old born on October 1, 1997 and I lived in Poblacion, Bataraza, Palawan. I am a third year college student taking of Bachelor of Elementary Education at Palawan State University-Brooke’s Point Campus. This portfolio about Educational Technology 2 will really help you, it is like a summary of Ed2 and our sources of information is indicated their also. Enjoy, we hope you like it.

What is educational technology?

The word “technology” comes from the Greek word techne which means craft or art.

Educational technology refers to the art or craft of responding to our educational needs.

Technology is not just machines. It is “planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes a process not a product.

Based from Dale 1969 Technology also refers to any valid and

reliable process or procedure that is derived from basic research using the scientific method.

Based from Wikipedia Technology refers to “all the ways people

use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires.

Based from David S. Jonassen Educational technology “consist of

designs and environments that engage learners... and reliable technique and method for engaging learning such as cognitive learning strategies and critical thinking skills.

It is a theory about how problems in human learning are identified and solved.

It is a field involved in applying a complex, integrated process to analyze and solve problems in human learning.

Intellectual technique and practical application of educational technology.

It is a profession like teaching. It is made up of organized effort to implement the theory.

Based from Lucido and Borabo Educational Technology is a field

study which is concerned with the practice of using educational methods and resources for the ultimate goal of facilitating the learning process.

Technology: Boon or Bane

“Technology is in our hands. We can use it to build or destroy.”

In Education technology is Bane when:

The learner is made to accept Gospel truth information they get the interne.

The learner surfs the internet for pornography. The learners have an uncritical mind on images

floating on televisions and computers that represent modernity and progress.

The TV makes the learner a mere spectator not an active participant in the drama of life.

The learner gets glued to his producer for computer-assisted instruction unmindful of the world and so fails to develop the ability to relate the others.

We make use of the internet to add character assassinations of the people whom we hardly like.

Because of our cell phone, we spend most of our time in the classroom or in the workplace texting.

We use overuse and abuse TV or film viewing as a strategy to kill time.

Systematic Approach to


“A plan that emphasizes the parts may pay the cost of failing to consider the whole and plan that emphasizes the whole must pay to cost of failing to get down to the real depth with respect to the parts.”

Instruction begins with the definition of instructional objectives that consider the students needs, interest and readiness.

The use of learning material’s, equipment and facilities necessities assigning to the appropriate personnel to assist the teacher in defining the role of personnel involve in the preparation, setting and returning of these learning resources.

The effective use of learning resources is dependent on the expertise of the teacher motivation level o responsiveness and the involvement of the students in the leaning process.

With instructional objective in mind, the teacher implements planned instruction with the use of selected teaching method, learning activities and leaning materials with the help of other personnel whose role has been defined by the teacher.

The Roles of Educational

Technology in Learning

As tools support knowledge construction: for representing learners; ideas; understanding; and beliefs for producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners.

As information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning by construction for accessing needed information for comparing perspectives, beliefs and views.

As context to support learning-by-doing: for representing and simulating meaningful real-world problems, situations and context, for representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments and stories of others, for defining a safe. Controllable problem space for student thinking.

As a social medium to support learning by conversing; arguing and building consensus among members of a community, for supporting discourse among knowledge-building communities.

As intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting.

For helping learners to articulate and represent what they know.

For reflecting on what they have learned and how they come to know it.

For supporting learners internal negotiations and meaning making.

For constructing personal representations of meaning for supporting mindful thinking.

The Cone of Experience

The cone of experience is a visual model, a pictorial device that presents bans of experience according to degree of abstraction and not degree of the cone, the more abstract the experience becomes.

Direct Purposeful Experiences- These are the first hand experiences which serve as the foundation of learning.

Contrived Experiences- In here, we make use of representative models or mock ups of reality for practical reasons and so that we make the real life accessible to the students perception and understanding.

Dramatized Experiences- By dramatization, we can participate in a reconstructed experience, even though the event is far removed from us in time.

Demonstrations- It is a visualized explanation of an important fact, ideas or process by the use of photographs, drawings, films, displays or guided motions.

Study Tips- These are excursions and visits conducted to observe an even that is unavailable within the classroom.

Exhibits- These are display to be seen by spectators. They may be consist of working models arranged meaningfully or photographs with models, charts, and posters.

Television and Motion Pictures- Television and motion pictures can reconstruct the reality of the past so effectively that we made to feels we are there.

Still pictures, Recordings, Videos- These are visual and auditory devices may be used by an individual or a group.

Visual Symbols- These are no longer realistic reproduction of physical things for these are highly abstract representation.

Verbal Symbols- They are not like objects or ideas for which they stand. They usually do not contain visual clues to their meaning.

Learning through Educational Technology II

The course Education Technology involves using Technology in the classroom to enhance the teaching learning process especially in the 21st Century Classroom.

We are also exposed to different materials highlighting the importance of integrating technology in the classroom.

It has a positive implication for the teaching and learning process while the changes in behaviour has resulted in strict policies being implemented to limit the behaviour of the student.

The student after Educational Technology II

Learning process will become broad. It is due to the advancement of technologies which serves as their source of leaning.This course helped to enhance my knowledge and skill in computer. I became aware that social networking are very helpful in studying for example when you gathered information,

you can ask your friends on face book and you can browse the internet.

Studying Educational Technology provide me with an explanation of being a computer literate, especially to teachers and future teacher.

-Jane Cristine Mie V. Avellano

Educational technology 2 is very important

to us since were in 21st century, and having this subject would really help us to adapt with the changes nowadays, so that we will not experience that future shock.

-Asgali, Czamira U.



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