cytoplasmic user guide

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  • 8/10/2019 Cytoplasmic User Guide


    Cytoplasm Algorithm

    Users Guide

  • 8/10/2019 Cytoplasmic User Guide


    ii Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    Copyright 2012-2013 Aperio Technologies, Inc.

    Part Number/Revision: MAN-0220, Revision B

    Date: 9 November 2013

    This document applies to software versions Release 11.2 and later.

    All rights reserved. This document may not be copied in whole or in part or reproduced in any other media without the expresswritten permission of Aperio Technologies, Inc. Please note that under copyright law, copying includes translation into another


    User Resources

    For the latest information on Aperio products and services, please visit the Aperio website at:


    Use normal care in maintaining and using the Spectrum servers. Interrupting network connections or turning off the Spectrum and

    DSR servers while they are processing data (such as when they are analyzing digital slides or generating an audit report) can result

    in data loss.

    This manual is not a substitute for the detailed operator training provided by Aperio or for other advanced instruction. Aperio Field

    Representatives should be contacted immediately for assistance in the event of any instrument malfunction. Installation of

    hardware should only be performed by a certified Aperio Service Engineer.

    ImageServer is intended for use with the SVS file format (the native format for digital slides created by scanning glass slides with

    the ScanScope scanner). Educators will use Aperio software to view and modify digital slides in Composite WebSlide (CWS) format.

    Trademarks and Patents

    ScanScope and SecondSlide are registered trademarks and ImageServer, TMALab, ImageScope, and Spectrum are trademarks of

    Aperio Technologies, Inc. All other trade names and trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

    Aperio products are protected by U.S. Patents: 6,711,283; 6,917,696; 7,035,478; 7,116,440; 7,257,268; 7,428,324; 7,457,446; 7,463,761;

    7,502,519; 7,518,652; 7.602.524, 7,646,496; 7,738,688 and licensed under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 6,101,265; 6,272,235;

    6,522,774; 6,775,402; 6,396,941; 6,674,881; 6,226,392; 6,404,906; 6,674,884; and 6,466,690.

    Contact Information



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  • 8/10/2019 Cytoplasmic User Guide


    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide iii








    ....................................................................... 5

    Prerequisites ................................................................................................................ 6

    Intended Use ............................................................................................................... 6

    For More Information ................................................................................................ 6

    CHAPTER 2-QUICK REFERENCE.................................................................... 9

    Algorithm Input Parameters ................................................................................... 10

    General Parameters ............................................................................................... 10

    Nuclear Stain Calibration ..................................................................................... 11

    Positive Stain Calibration ..................................................................................... 11

    3rdStain Calibration .............................................................................................. 11

    Nuclear Segmentation .......................................................................................... 12

    Cytoplasm Segmentation ..................................................................................... 12

    Positivity Thresholds ............................................................................................ 12

    Algorithm Outputs ................................................................................................... 13

    Algorithm Results .................................................................................................... 13

    CHAPTER 3-TUNING THE ALGORITHM......................................................... 15

    Before You Start ........................................................................................................ 15

    Opening a Digital Slide in Spectrum .................................................................. 15

    Selecting the Cytoplasm Algorithm ................................................................... 16

    Tuning Parameters ................................................................................................... 17

    Calibrating the Nuclear Stain .............................................................................. 17

    Calibrating the Positive Stain .............................................................................. 19

    Calibrating a 3rd Stain ........................................................................................... 20

    Segmenting Nuclei ................................................................................................ 20

    Segmenting Cytoplasm ........................................................................................ 21

    Setting Positivity Thresholds ............................................................................... 22

    Saving the Macro ...................................................................................................... 23

    CHAPTER 4-SAMPLE ANALYSIS.................................................................. 25

    Running the Cytoplasm Analysis .......................................................................... 25

    Interpreting the Results ........................................................................................... 27

    Intensity Plot .......................................................................................................... 30

    INDEX................................................................................................... 31

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    iv Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    6 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide


    The Cytoplasm Algorithm requires that you be using Aperio Spectrum Release

    11.2 or later.

    Because Aperio digital slides are by design high resolution and information rich,for best results you should use a high quality monitor to view them. Make sure

    the monitor is at the proper viewing height and in a room with appropriate

    lighting. We recommend any high quality LCD monitor meeting the following


    Display Type: CRT minimum, LCD (flat panel) recommended

    Screen Resolution: 1024(h) x 768(v) pixels minimum, 1920 x 1050 or larger


    Screen Size: 15 minimum, 19 or larger recommended

    Color Depth: 24 bit

    Brightness: 300 cd/m2 minimum, 500 or higher recommended

    Contrast Ratio: 500:1 minimum, 1000:1 or higher recommended

    Intended Use

    For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

    Algorithms are intended to be used by trained pathologists who have an

    understanding of the conditions they are testing for in running the algorithm


    Each algorithm has input parameters that must be adjusted by an expert user

    who understands the goal of running the analysis and can evaluate the algorithm

    performance in meeting that goal.

    You will adjust (tune) the parameters until the algorithm results are sufficiently

    accurate for the purpose for which you intend to use the algorithm. You will

    want to test the algorithm on a variety of images so its performance can be

    evaluated across the full spectrum of expected imaging conditions. To be

    successful, it is usually necessary to limit the field of application to a particular

    tissue type and a specific histological preparation. A more narrowly defined

    application and consistency in slide preparation generally equates to a higher

    probability of success in obtaining satisfactory algorithm results.

    If you get algorithm analysis results that are not what you expected, please see

    the appendix Troubleshooting in theAperio ePathology Image Analysis Users

    Guidefor assistance.

    For More Information

    For a quick reference to the Cytoplasm Algorithm, refer to Chapter 2, Quick

    Reference on page9.

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 7

    For details on using the Cytoplasm Algorithm, begin with Chapter 3, Tuning

    the Algorithm on page15.Then proceed to Chapter 4, Sample Analysis on


    See theAperio ePathology Image Analysis Users Guidefor information on:

    Installing an algorithm

    Opening a digital slide to analyze

    Selecting areas of a digital slide to analyze

    Running the analysis

    Exporting analysis results

    For details on using the Spectrum digital slide information management system

    (for example, for information on running batch analyses), see the Spectrum

    Operators Guide.

    For details on using ImageScope to view and analyze digital slides and usingannotation tools to select areas of the digital slide to analyze, see the ImageScope

    Users Guide.

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    8 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

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    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 9


    Quick Reference

    This chapter contains a quick reference to all Cytoplasm

    Algorithm inputs and outputs. See the following chapters

    for details on using the algorithm.

    If you are already familiar with using the Cytoplasm Algorithm and need just areminder of the different algorithm input and output parameters, please refer to

    the sections below. For more detailed information on using the algorithm, see the

    following chapters.

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    Chapter 2 Quick Reference

    10 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    Algorithm Input Parameters

    Cytoplasm algorithm performance is controlled by a set of

    input parameters. When you first bring up the algorithm

    window, you see a list of all of the input parameters. Bydefault, the Analysis Stage is set to Report Results, the

    stage you will use when you want to run the algorithm,

    after you have fine-tuned all of the parameters.

    But first you will want to fine-tune the parameters to suit

    your analysis needs and the characteristics of your slides,

    and then save the algorithm macro with the adjusted

    parameters. The next paragraphs give a quick reference

    guide to the algorithm parameterssee the following

    chapters for more details on using these parameters.

    General Parameters

    View Widthand View Height Width and

    height of processing box in pixels. For most

    applications, leave at the default value.

    Image Zoom Zoom level to be used. This value

    ranges from 1 to zero. 1 is the magnification the

    slide was scanned at (for example, 20x) and is full

    resolution. A smaller number (lower

    magnification) results in faster algorithm run but

    less accurate results.

    Markup Compression Type This sets the

    compression type for the algorithm mark-up

    image. Choose better compression if you need the

    image for a special purpose.

    Compression Quality A higher quality takes

    longer and yields larger files. This selection does

    not apply to all compression types. For most

    applications, leave at the default value.

    Classifier If you have classifiers installed on

    your Spectrum site, you can select one from this

    drop-down list to perform pre-processing on theimage. (Contact your Spectrum administrator for

    information on the classifiers available on your site.)

    Classifier List If classifiers are available on your Spectrum site, the

    classifier you select may allow you to choose classes to use for analysis.

    Click the edit icon on the Class List line to see the classes available,

    and select one or more classes by selecting the checkbox next to the class.

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    Chapter 2 Quick Reference

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 11

    Overlap Size Size of the overlap region for each view. This should be

    at least as big as the average object size. This is automatically calculated

    based on the maximum cell dimension parameter.

    Classifier Neighborhood Automatically calculated in microns equal to

    the Max Cell Dimension value. Used by classifiers and along withOverlap Size and Max Cell Dimension, make sure cells are only counted

    once when they occur in multiple views.

    Max Cell Dimension (m) This sets the maximum distance between

    two points within a cell in microns. Setting the maximum cell dimension

    ensures that cells are only counted once when they occur partially in

    multiple views, eliminating view overlap.

    Clear Area Intensity The default value is 240 for images scanned by a

    ScanScope and defines white balance for the image. This is the reference

    for OD (optical density) = 0.

    Analysis Stage From this parameter you can select Report Resultswhen you have fine-tuned the parameters and are ready to run the

    analysis. Other stages allow you to fine-tune the parameter sets listed

    below. See the following chapters for details on tuning the algorithm and

    running it.

    Nuclear Stain Calibration

    After selecting Nuclear Stain Calibrationas the Analysis Stage, you see the

    following parameters: Nuclear Stain (Red), Nuclear Stain (Green), and Nuclear

    Stain (Blue). Together, these values specify the color of the stain used to mark

    nuclei in the sample. The default values are for hematoxylin stain. See

    Calibrating the Nuclear Stain on page15 for tips on setting these.

    Positive Stain Calibration

    After selecting Positive Stain Calibrationas the Analysis Stage, you see the

    following parameters: Positive Stain (Red), Positive Stain (Green), and Positive

    Stain (Blue). Together, these values specify the color of the stain marking

    cytoplasm in the sample. The default values are for the DAB stain. See

    Calibrating the Positive Stain on page19 for tips on setting these.



    Stain Calibration

    After selecting 3rdStain Calibrationas the Analysis Stage, you see the followingparameters: 3rdStain (Red), 3rdStain (Green), and 3rdStain (Blue). Together, these

    values specify the color of a third stain, if present, used in the slide. Normally,

    these values would be zero as we assume you are using two stains, one to

    identify nuclei and the other to identify cytoplasm.

    See Calibrating a 3rdStain on page20 for tips on setting these.

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    Chapter 2 Quick Reference

    12 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    Nuclear Segmentation

    After selecting Nuclear Segmentationas the Analysis Stage, you see the

    following parameters. These parameters filter and remove unwanted signals by

    smoothing (Averaging Radius), removing background (Nuclear Threshold

    Type), and removing small nuclei (Min Nuclear Area).

    Averaging Radius (m) This specifies the smoothness of the nuclei

    image. The larger the radius, the more smooth the image.

    Nuclear Segmentation Factor This parameter has a value between zero

    and 1. A value of zero uses only the nuclear stain for segmentation, while

    nonzero values add in proportionally more of the positive stain.

    Nuclear Threshold Type If you choose Adaptive, the algorithm

    automatically adjusts to variations in stain intensity to calculate a

    threshold. If you choose Manual, you will specify a fixed value.

    Min Nuclear Area (m


    ) This specifies the minimum size of nucleararea, and is used to exclude small nuclei and for declustering

    neighboring nuclei.

    See Segmenting Nuclei on page20 for tips on setting these.

    Cytoplasm Segmentation

    After selecting Cytoplasm Segmentationas the Analysis Stage, you see the

    Cytoplasmic Distance (m) parameter. This defines the maximum allowable

    distance for cytoplasm surrounding nuclei.

    See Segmenting Cytoplasm on page21 for tips on setting this.

    Positivity Thresholds

    After selecting Positivity Thresholdsas the Analysis stage, you see the following

    parameters: (1+) Threshold, (2+) Threshold, and (3+) Threshold. These define

    thresholds for the positive stain.

    The scores for average cytoplasm intensity for the selected region are calculated

    based on these thresholds.

    If you wish greater granularity in your results, you can define additional positive


    See Setting Positivity Thresholds on page22 for tips on setting these.

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    Chapter 2 Quick Reference

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 13

    Algorithm Outputs

    By clicking the Outputsbutton on the

    algorithm parameter window, you can see all

    of the outputs that can be shown in youranalysis results in Spectrum.

    To remove an output from the analysis

    display in Spectrum, clear the checkbox next

    to it.

    Algorithm Results

    The Annotations window shows quantitative

    results of the analysis, while the slide image

    shows a mark-up image that gives a visual

    representation of those results. Most of theresults show threshold scores, defining the

    intensity with which the nuclei and cytoplasm

    were stained.

    For a discussion of the algorithm results, see

    Interpreting the Results on page27.

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    Chapter 2 Quick Reference

    14 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

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    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 15


    Tuning the Algorithm

    This chapter discusses how to tune the Cytoplasm

    Algorithm parameters to fit your analysis needs and the

    characteristics of your digital slides.

    The process of creating an algorithm macro involves setting and testing the

    algorithm parameters until you have fine-tuned the parameters to give the best

    results. You then save the macro to be used for future analyses.

    To fine-tune the Cytoplasm Algorithm parameters, select each mode from the

    Analysis Stage drop-down list and then use the tuning window to set and test

    your parameter values. We recommend going through the tuning parameters in

    the order they are listed.

    NOTE: Be sure to set the Analysis Stage to Report Resultsbefore running the

    final analysisif another Analysis Stage is select when you run the algorithm,

    you will see only the results for that tuning stage.

    Before You Start

    First, be sure that the Cytoplasm Algorithm has been installed both on the

    Spectrum server and on your local workstation. See theAperio ePathology Image

    Analysis Users Guidefor details on algorithm installation.

    Opening a Digital Slide in Spectrum

    Cases, specimens and digital slides are managed using Aperios Spectrum. A

    pathologist who wants to access a digital slide first needs to log into Spectrum

    and navigate to the case and the specimen that shows the list of its associated

    digital slides and then open the desired digital slide in ImageScope.

    As part of using the Cytoplasm Algorithm, you will be creating an algorithm

    macro(a file that contains your algorithm settings). In order to do that, you will

    need to be logged into Spectrum as an administrator.

    See theAperio ePathology Image Analysis Users Guidefor instructions on opening a

    digital slide and creating an algorithm macro.

    The instructions inthese chapters

    assume you areopening a digital

    slide in Spectrum

    and analyzing it

    directly in theImageScope viewer.

    If this is not the case(that is, you are not

    using Spectrum, butare opening a digitalslide that is on your

    workstation or on aserver directly fromImageScope), the

    appearance of someof the ImageScope

    windows may differ

    slightly, althoughthe Cytoplasm

    Algorithm steps willbe the same. See theImageScope Users

    Guidefor details on

    using digital slidesthat are local or are

    on a server.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    16 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    Once the digital slide is open in ImageScope, you will be able to use the

    ImageScope tools to select areas of the digital slide to analyze and use the

    Cytoplasm Algorithm to detect and quantify nuclei and cytoplasm.

    Selecting the Cytoplasm Algorithm

    Once you have selected a digital slide and opened it in ImageScope (as

    discussed in theAperio ePathology Image Analysis Users Guide), you see the

    digital slide displayed in the main ImageScope window.

    For example:

    For details on moving around the image, changing its magnification, and

    using the drawing tools to select areas of the image, see the ImageScope Users


    To select the Cytoplasm Algorithm:

    1. Go to the ImageScope View menu and select Analysis. The Algorithm

    Server Job window displays.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 17

    2. If an algorithm macro for the Cytoplasm Algorithm has not yet been

    created, click Create. You must be logged into Spectrum as an

    Administrator to use the Createbutton. (If a macro exists and you want

    to adjust and test it, select the macro and click Test.)

    If you have clicked Create, the Select an Algorithm window appears,which lists all of the algorithms that have been installed.

    3. Select the Cytoplasm Algorithm and click Select.

    The Algorithms window now displays.

    4. Go to the ImageScope View menu and select Annotationsto display the

    Annotations window which will display the algorithm analysis results.

    When the Cytoplasm Algorithm is shown in the Algorithms window, you can

    proceed with fine-tuning the parameters.

    Important: To use the algorithm again, you will need to save the algorithm

    macro, which consists of all of the settings you have adjusted, Before you closethe Algorithm window, save your settings. See Saving the Macro on page23.

    Tuning Parameters

    Now you will use the Analysis Stage tuning stages to test and adjust the

    algorithm parameters. The default settings for these parameters will give good

    results depending on the characteristics of the stains you have used and your

    desired results. But to make sure the algorithm works well for your particular

    stains and the requirements of your project, follow the steps below.

    The default settings assume you are using hematoxylin to stain the nuclei and

    DAB to stain cytoplasm. However, you can use this algorithm for otherbiomarkers and tissue types by adjusting the stain color vectors as discussed


    We recommend you use the tuning stages in the order in which they are listed in

    the Analysis Stage drop-down list.

    Calibrating the Nuclear Stain

    After selecting Nuclear Stain Calibrationfrom the Algorithm window, you see

    the following parameters.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    18 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    The numbers shown define the color vectors for the nuclear stain used for your

    slide. For the best results, you can obtain the correct numbers for the stain you

    are using by using the algorithm on a control slide that has only that stain

    present. If that is not possible, you can select an area of the digital slide that

    contains mostly nuclear stain.Click Tuneand move the tuning window to an area that mostly contains the

    nuclear stain.

    After a moment, the tuning window displays an image of the stain after

    separation, and the Annotations window Tuning Layer displays the values

    measured for that stain. This gives a useful visual check that the color is

    approximately correct.

    To fine-tune the stain color vectors for the nuclear stain, you can enter the values

    shown in the Annotations window into the algorithm Nuclear Stain Calibration


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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 19

    Calibrating the Positive Stain

    After selecting Positive Stain Calibrationfrom the Algorithm window, you see

    the following parameters.

    The numbers shown define the color vectors for the cytoplasm stain used for

    your slide. For the best results, you can obtain the correct numbers for the stain

    you are using by using the algorithm on a control slide that has only that stain

    present. If that is not possible, you can select an area of the digital slide that

    contains mostly cytoplasm stain.

    Click Tuneand move the tuning window to an area that mostly contains the

    cytoplasm stain.

    After a moment, the tuning window displays an image in which only the brown

    stain remains, and the Annotations window Tuning Layer displays the values

    measured for that stain.

    To fine-tune the stain color vectors for the cytoplasm stain, you can enter the

    values shown in the Annotations window into the algorithm Positive Stain

    Calibration parameters.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    20 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    Calibrating a 3



    After selecting 3rd Stain Calibrationfrom the Algorithm window, you see the

    following parameters.

    If the nuclear and positive stains are set correctly, there should be very little

    shown for the 3rdstain in the tuning window (we assume you are not using a

    third stain):

    Make sure the values are set to zero if you are not using a third stain.

    If you areusing a third stain, you can calibrate it using the same procedure usedin the previous sections on calibrating the nuclear and positive stains.

    Segmenting Nuclei

    After selecting Nuclear Segmentationfrom the Algorithm window, you see the

    following parameters.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 21

    The tuning window shows the nuclei circled with cytoplasm stain removed. This

    gives a visual check that the algorithm is successfully finding nuclei.

    Averaging Radius (m) This parameter smoothes out variations in

    nuclei size. It corrects improper segmenting of nuclei due to spotty

    staining by smoothing pixels and improves nuclear counting accuracy.

    Nuclear Segmentation Factor Nuclei can stain imperfectly, picking up

    some brown stain. This parameter specifies how much brown stain to

    include in nuclei identification. A value of zero gives the strictest

    definition of what will be considered nuclei by only considering a stain

    vector color of blue. A value of 1 allows both blue and brown stains to be

    considered. A value of .2 is a good compromise, allowing a small amount

    of brown stain to be included in the definition.

    Nuclear Threshold Type Selecting Adaptiveallows the algorithm to

    adjust thresholds based on the strength of the staining. Selecting Manual

    allows you to enter a fixed value. The Manual setting is not

    recommended because it makes the algorithm too specific for this

    particular slide rather than making the algorithm useful for a variety of

    slides with different staining intensity.

    Min Nuclear Area (m2) Sets the minimum area size. When nuclei are

    clustered together, decreasing this value allows the algorithm to separate


    Segmenting Cytoplasm

    After selecting Cytoplasm Segmentationfrom the Algorithm window, you see

    the following parameter.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    22 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    This parameter in microns defines how far from the nucleus the cytoplasm can

    be yet still be reported as cytoplasm that surrounds the nucleus. The tuning

    window gives you a visual check of this value. In the example below, the blue

    areas are nuclei and the yellow areas are the cytoplasm that surround the nuclei.

    Adjust the Cytoplasmic Distance parameter until the yellow regions surrounding

    the nuclei are the desired size.

    Setting Positivity Thresholds

    After selecting Positivity Thresholdsfrom the Algorithm window, you see the

    following parameters.

    The Number of Positive Thresholds defines how many cytoplasm scores you

    want to be reported. The default thresholds are 0 (negative), 1 (weak positive), 2

    (moderate positive), and 3 (strong positive).

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 23

    The individual threshold parameters define how much cytoplasm stain has to be

    present to be reported as +1, +2, and so on. The tuning window gives you a visual

    check of the different thresholds. For example:

    In the tuning window, the following cytoplasm score colors are displayed:

    The definitions of these color codes are presented in the final analysis results

    displayed in the Annotations window after you run the analysis.

    Saving the Macro

    After you have tested the algorithm and fine-tuned the parameters, you can save

    the algorithm macro. The macro will be used to run the final analyses.

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    Chapter 3 Tuning the Algorithm

    24 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    To save the macro (which saves the parameter adjustments you have made):

    1. Click Save Macroon the Algorithm window.

    You see the Save Macro window:

    2. Type a name for the macro and click OK.

    Now you will be able to use this macro for future analyses. The macro name will

    appear in the Algorithm Server Job window and is also listed on the Spectrum

    Macros page.

    For a sample analysis using the Cytoplasm Algorithm, see the next chapter.

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    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 25


    Sample Analysis

    This chapter discusses how to run the Cytoplasm Algorithm

    analysis after you have fine-tuned the input parameters as

    discussed in the previous chapter and saved an algorithm


    Note: Do not run the algorithm with one of the tuning modes set in the AnalysisStage. In order to see the complete results, select Report Resultsas the Analysis


    You can analyze slides either using ImageScope or WebScope. For details on

    using these digital slide viewers, refer to the ImageScope Users Guideand the

    WebScope Users Guide. General information on viewing digital slides, running

    batch analyses from Spectrum, and seeing analysis results in Spectrum can be

    found in theAperio ePathology Image Analysis Users Guide.

    Running the Cytoplasm Analysis

    In the previous chapter we fine-tuned the Cytoplasm Algorithm parameters andsaved an algorithm macro using those settings.

    In this chapter we will run the algorithm to identify nuclei and the cytoplasm

    that surrounds them.

    1. Open a digital slide in ImageScope.

    2. Go to the ImageScope View menu and select Annotationsto open the

    Annotations window where you will see the analysis results.

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    Chapter 4 Sample Analysis

    26 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    3. If you will want to analyze a selected region of the slide rather than the

    entire slide, use the ImageScope annotation tools to draw an area around

    that region. For example, we used the free form drawing pen to select

    this region of the slide:

    4. Go to the ImageScope View menu and select Analysisto select the

    Cytoplasm Algorithm.

    5. From the Algorithm Server Job window, select the Cytoplasm Algorithm

    macro we saved in the previous chapter.

    6. You can now either select Entire Imageto run the algorithm on the

    entire digital slide, or you can select Selected Annotationon the

    Algorithm Server Job window to analyze just the selected region.

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    Chapter 4 Sample Analysis

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 27

    7. Click Analyze.

    Interpreting the Results

    Here is a sample of the visual representation of the analysis results:

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    Chapter 4 Sample Analysis

    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 29

    2*(%2+) + 3*(%3+) + ... For the usual case where there are 3 thresholds, the

    score is between 0 and 300, where 300 represents 100% of cells being 3+.

    Cytoplasm: Average Positive Intensity Average intensity of staining

    in cytoplasm (cellular average). This is the average of positive cells

    only0+ cells are not counted in the average.

    Cytoplasm: Percent Positive Cells Percentage of cells having staining

    in the cytoplasm.

    Nucleus: H-Score A nuclear intensity score derived from the average

    intensity of the staining of the nuclei (cellular average) according to the

    threshold intervals set in the algorithm macro. For example, if there are

    three thresholds defined, this score equals = (%1+) + 2*(%2+) + 3*(%3+) +

    ... For the usual case where there are 3 thresholds, the score is between 0

    and 300, where 300 represents 100% of cells being 3+.

    Nucleus: Average Positive Intensity -Average intensity of staining in

    nuclei (cellular average). This is the average of positive cells only0+cells are not counted in the average.

    Nucleus: Percent Positive Cells Percentage of cells having staining in

    the nuclei.

    Cytoplasm: Percent (N+) For each cytoplasm threshold defined in the

    algorithm, the percentage of cells having staining in the cytoplasm.

    Nucleus: Percent (N+) For each nucleus threshold defined in the

    algorithm, the percentage of cells having staining in the nuclei.

    Number of Cells Total number of cells analyzed.

    Percent Colocalized Percentage of cells having staining in both thecytoplasm and nucleus.

    Area of Analysis (mm2) Area of the slide that was analyzed.

    Cytoplasm Area (mm2)- Total area identified as cytoplasm.

    Nuclear Area (mm2)- Total area identified as nuclei.

    Beneath the results list is a summary of the Algorithm Inputs containing the

    values you set when you created the algorithm macro.

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    Chapter 4 Sample Analysis

    30 Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    Intensity Plot

    If you click the Display Plotsbutton at the top of the Annotations window,

    you can display an intensity histogram:

    This histogram displays the percentage of cells having staining in the cytoplasm

    as a function of intensity (in red) and the percentage of cells having staining in

    the nuclei as a function of intensity (in blue).

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    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide 31


    algorithm macro, 24

    saving, 24

    algorithm parameters

    3rd stain calibration, 11, 20

    cytoplasm segmentation, 12, 21

    general, 10

    inputs, 10

    nuclear segmentation, 12, 20

    nuclear stain calibration, 11, 17

    outputs, 13

    positive stain calibration, 11, 19

    positivity thresholds, 12, 22

    quick reference, 10

    tuning, 17

    algorithm results

    area of analysis, 29

    average positive intensity, 29

    cytoplasm area, 29

    cytoplasm percent, 29

    H-score, 28, 29

    nuclear area, 29nucleus average positive

    intensity, 29

    nucleus percent, 29

    nucleus percent positive cells, 29

    number of cells, 29

    percent colocalized, 29

    percent positive cells, 29

    plots, 30

    analysis stages, 15

    Aperio release requirements, 6

    histogram, 30

    intended use, 6

    macro, 24

    marking region to analyze, 26

    mark-up image, 28

    color codes, 28

    mark-up image type, 11

    monitor requirements, 6

    nuclear stain, calibrating, 17

    opening image in Specrum, 15

    plots, 30

    positive stain, calibrating, 19

    prerequisites, 6

    results, 28

    mark-up image, 27

    plots, 30

    quantitative, 28

    visual representation, 27running analysis, 25

    sample analysis, 25

    segmenting cytoplasm, 21

    segmenting nuclei, 20

    selecting algorithm, 16, 26

    third stain calibration, 20

    thresholds, positivity, 22

  • 8/10/2019 Cytoplasmic User Guide


    Cytoplasm Algorithm Users Guide

    MAN-0220 Revision B

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