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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd & Europa Institute CYPRUS 1/51

Name of legal analyst: Achilleas Demetriades, Theodora Christodoulidou, Nikolas Kyriakou

Date Table completed: October 2008

Contact details:,,

Country CYPRUS

Introduction The Directive was initially transposed by Law 92(I)/2003. This law was later repealed by Law 7(I)/2007. Both instruments bear the name “The Right of Union Citizens and their Family Members to Move and Reside Freely within the Territory of the Republic Law of 2003 and 2007 respectively. The Republic of Cyprus transposed the Directive in a timely manner. The laws were passed by the House of Representatives (national Parliament), as it happens under the standard procedure of promulgation of laws. Having completed the ToC, we have observed that Cyprus has opted in general for a literal or effective transposition. This secures that the text of the law is in harmony with EU legislation and that no discrepancies arise in relation to its interpretation. However, we have identified several instances of incorrect transposition. Further to this, the judgments of the Supreme Court of Cyprus have given us an indicator as to how the Administration (represented by the Law Office of the Republic before the Courts) understands certain rights and obligations of Law 7(I)/2007. In general, we find that the overall quality of the transposition is very good with certain instances which an amendment is needed to bring the whole text of Law 7(I)/2007 in full conformity with the Directive. List of transposing national legislation: Please add Hyperlinks to the legislation (to the online publication) The laws of Cyprus can be found on, which is a subscriber’s only database. The laws mentioned hereinafter do not appear on the Ministry of Interior’s webpage (, which is the competent authority. However, the forms mentioned in Law 7(1)/2007 appear on it at:

• Ο περί του ∆ικαιώµατος των Πολιτών της Ένωσης και των Μελών των Οικογενειών τους να Κυκλοφορούν και να ∆ιαµένουν Ελεύθερα στην Επικράτεια της ∆ηµοκρατίας Νόµος του 2007, Ν. 7(Ι)/2007

• The Right of Union Citizens and their Family Members to Move and Reside Freely within the Territory of the Republic Law of 2007 L. 7(I)/2007 (in English)

• Αρχείου Πληθυσµού Νόµος του 2002, Ν. 141(I)/2002 • Archive Population Law of 2002, Law, L. 141(I)/2002 • Αλλοδαπών και Μετανάστευσης Νόµος του 2007, Κεφ. 105 • Aliens and Migration Law, Cap. 105

Analysed legislation in conformity? (click as appropriate)

YES NO or/and Stricter Incomplete or/and Incorrect G I

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national

provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Chapter I



Art. 2.1

Definitions For the purposes of this Directive: 1) "Union citizen" means any person having the nationality of a Member State;

Section (2) Ερµηνεία Για τους σκοπούς του παρόντος Νόµου, εκτός εάν από το κείµενο προκύπτει διαφορετική έννοια «Πολίτης της Ένωσης» σηµαίνει κάθε πρόσωπο που έχει την ιθαγένεια κράτους µέλους της Ευρωπαικής Ένωσης άλλου από τη ∆ηµοκρατία, κατά τα διαλαµβανόµενα στο Άρθρο 17 της Συνθήκης, καθώς και κάθε πρόσωπο που έχει την ιθαγένεια κράτους συµβαλλόµενου µέρους του Ε.Ο.Χ.

Interpretation For the purposes of this Law, except if indicated otherwise in the text: ‘Union citizen’ means any person having the nationality of a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic, pursuant to Article 17 of the Treaty, as well as any person having the nationality of a state which is a contracting party to the EEA.

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Wider definition as to who a ‘union citizen’ is. It covers persons having the nationality of a state party to the EEA. It is therefore more favorable. It also says ‘other than the Republic’ - Although the idea of the legislator may be to exclude wholly national situations, this definition may pose problems especially in cases of Cypriot citizens that have exercised their right of free movement. The law is not in concordance with the case law of the ECJ and of the Supreme Court of Cyprus.

Art. 2.2 (a)

2) "Family member" means: (a) the spouse;

Section (2) (a)

«µέλος της οικογένειας» σηµαίνει (α) τον/την σύζυγο πολίτη της Ένωσης

‘family member’ means: (a) the spouse of a Union citizen

Y Effective transposition. However, note the same comment as above.

Art. 2.2 (b)

(b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of a Member State, if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant legislation of the host Member State;


Not transposed because a registered partnership is not an institution which is provided for by law in Cyprus.

Art. 2.2 (c)

(c) the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b);

Section (2) (b)

(β) τους απευθείας κατιόντες πολίτη της Ένωσης, οι οποίοι είναι ηλικίας κάτω των 21 ετών ή είναι συντηρούµενοι από αυτόν, καθώς και εκείνους του/της συζύγου του

(b) the direct descendants of a Union citizen who are under the age of 21 or are dependants and those of the spouse,

Y Almost literal transposition See comment above

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Art. 2.2 (d)

(d) the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b);

Section (2) (c)

(γ) τους συντηρούµενους απευθείας ανιόντες πολίτη της Ένωσης, καθώς και εκείνους του/της συζύγου του

(c) the dependant direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse;

Y Literal transposition See comment above

Art. 2.3 3) "Host Member State" means the Member State to which a Union citizen moves in order to exercise his/her right of free movement and residence.

Section (4) (1)

« Ο παρών Νόµος εφαρµόζεται σε κάθε πολίτη της Ένωσης, ο οποίος αφίκνειται ή διαµένει στη ∆ηµοκρατία»

‘This law shall apply to all Union citizens who move to or reside in the Republic”

Y Effective transposition

Art. 3.1 Beneficiaries This Directive shall apply to all Union citizens who move to or reside in a Member State other than that of which they are a national, and to their family members as defined in point 2 of Article 2 who accompany or join them.

Section (4) (1)

Πεδίο εφαρµογής του Νόµου (4) (1) Ο παρών Νόµος εφαρµόζεται σε κάθε πολίτη της Ένωσης, ο οποίος αφίκνειται ή διαµένει στη ∆ηµοκρατία καθώς και στα µέλη της οικογένειάς του, ανεξαρτήτως ιθαγένειας, που τον συνοδεύουν κατά τη µετάβασή του στη ∆ηµοκρατία ή που αφίκνειτι στη ∆ηµοκρατία για να τον συνατήσουν

Field of application of this Law This Law shall apply to all Union citizens who move to or reside in the Republic and to their family members, irrespective of nationality, who accompany them when they move to the Republic or arrive in the Republic to join them

Y Almost literal transposition The competent authorities and the Law Office of the Republic seem to be interpreting this as excluding Cypriot citizens. However, the case law of the Supreme Court of Cyprus and of the ECJ have interpreted this as including all EU citizens, including own nationals.

Art. 3.2 (a)

Without prejudice to any right to free movement and residence the persons concerned may have in their own right, the host Member State shall, in accordance with its national legislation, facilitate entry and residence for the following persons: (a) any other family members, irrespective of their nationality, not falling under the definition in point 2 of Article 2 who, in the country from which they have come, are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen having the primary right of residence, or where serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

Section (4) (2) (a)

(2) Χωρίς επηρεασµό τυχόν ιδίου δικαιώµατος ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας και διαµονής των ενδιαφεροµένων διευκολύνεται η είσοδος και διαµονή στη ∆ηµοκρατία σύµφωνα µε τον περί Αλλοδαπών και Μεταναστεύσεως Νόµο, των ακόλουθων προσώπων (α) Κάθε άλλου µέλους της οικογένειας, ανεξαρτήτως της ιθαγένειάς του, που δεν εµπίπει στον ορισµό που αποδίδεται στον όρο «µέλος της οικογένειας» από το άρθρο 2, εφόσον συντηρείται από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης που έχει πρωτογενές δικαίωµα διαµονής, ή συµβιώνει κάτω από την ίδια στέγη µε τον εν λόγω πολίτη της Ένωσης στην χώρα προέλευσης, ή εφόσον σοβαρί λόγοι υγείας καθιστούν απολύτως αναγκαία την προσωπική

Without prejudice to any right to free movement and residence the persons concerned may have in their own right, entry to and residence in the Republic, in accordance with the Aliens and Migration Law, shall be facilitated for the following persons: (a) any other family members irrespective of their nationality, not falling under the definition of ‘family member’ in Article 2 who, in the country from which they have come , are dependants or members of the house hold of the Union citizen having the primary right of residence, or where serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen; and

Y Literal transposition The reference to national legislation is correctly transposed as a reference to the Aliens Migration law the procedures of which are used in the case of the present Directive. This imposes a general obligation upon the Administration to provide for this facilitation. If the Administration poses unreasonable obstacles or it unduly delays the perfomance of its duties, then it is not in compliance with this provision.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



φροντίδα του εν λόγω µέλους της οικογένειας από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης

Art. 3.2 (b)

(b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has a durable relationship, duly attested.

Section (4) (2) (b)

(β) του/της συντρόφου µε τον/την οποίο/α ο πολίτης της Ένωσης έχει διαρκή σχέση, δεόντως αποδεδειγµένη

(b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has a durable relationship, duly attested.

Y Literal transposition

The host Member State shall undertake an extensive examination of the personal circumstances and shall justify any denial of entry or residence to these people.

Section (4) (3)

(4) (3) Για σκοπούς εφαρµογής του εδαφίου (2), η αρµόδια αρχή αναλαµβάνει εκτενή εξέταση της προσωπικής κατάστασης των αναφεροµένων στο εν λόγω εδάφιο προσώπων, περιλαµβανοµένης της διεξαγωγής συνεντεύξεων µε τα ενδιαφερόµενα πρόσωπα όπου αυτό απαιτείται, και αιτιολογεί κάθε άρνηση εισόδου ή διαµονής των προσώπων αυτών στη ∆ηµοκρατία

For the purposes of applying paragraph (2) above, the competent authority shall undertake an extensive examination of the personal circumstances of the people referred to therein, including, where necessary, the conducting of interviews with them, and shall justify any denial of entry to or residence in the Republic to them.

Y Effective transposition The competent authority means the Minister for Interior or an official duly appointed by him. (section 2)

Chapter II




Art. 4.1 Right of Exit Without prejudice to the provisions on travel documents applicable to national border controls, all Union citizens with a valid identity card or passport and their family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who hold a valid passport shall have the right to leave the territory of a Member State to travel to another Member State.

Section (6) ∆ικαίωµα εξόδου (6) Τηρουµένων των διατάξεων επί των ταξιδιωτικών εγγράφων του Κανονισµού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 562/2006 του Ευρωπαικού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συµβουλίου της 15ης Μαρτίου 2006 για τη θέσπιση του κοινοτικού κώδικα σχετικά µε το καθεστώς διέλευσης προσώπων από τα σύνορα (Κώδικας Συνόρων Σένγκεν) που εφαρµόζονται στους εθνικούς συνοριακούς ελέγχους και του εδαφίου (4) του άρθρου 5, επιτρέπεται η έξοδος από την επικράτεια της ∆ηµοκρατίας

Right of exit Without prejudice to the provisions on travel documents of Regulation (EC) No. 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 March 2006 establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) applicable to national border controls, and of Article 5(4) , all Union citizens with a valid identity card or passport and their family members who are not nationals of a Member State

Y Almost literal transposition. The reference to the provisions on travel documents applicable to national border controls is transposed as a reference to Regulation (EC) No. 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 March 2006 establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) applicable to national border controls, and of Article 5(4) - We understand Article 5 here not as referring to the transposing law but to the Regulation No 562/2006

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



προκειµένου να µεταβούν σε άλλο κράτος µέλος σε κάθε πολίτη της Ένωσης, ο οποίος φέρει ισχύον δελτίο ταυτότητας ή διαβατήριο καθώς επίσης και στα µέλη της οικογένειας του, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, εφόσον αυτά φέρουν ισχύον διαβατήριο

and who hold a valid passport shall have the right to leave the territory of the Republic to travel to another Member State.

Art. 4.2 No exit visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on the persons to whom paragraph 1 applies.

Section (7) (7) Στα αναφερόµενα στο άρθρο 6 πρόσωπα δε δύναται να επιβληθεί υποχρέωση θεώρησης εξόδου ή άλλη ισοδύναµη διατύπωση

No exit visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on the persons referred to in Article 6.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 4.3 Member States shall, acting in accordance with their laws, issue to their own nationals, and renew, an identity card or passport stating their nationality

Section 59 (1) in conjunction with sections 60 (1) and 63 (1) of the Archive Population Law of 2002, Law No. 141(I)/2002 (Αρχείο Πληθυσµού Νοµος του 2002) Section 66 (1) of the Archive

59 (1) Ο Γενικός ληξίαρχος µεριµνά ώστε να τηρείται µητρώο ή µητρώα όπως ήθελε καθοριστεί µε Κανονισµούς, για όλους τους πολίτες της ∆ηµοκρατίας που εγγράφονται σύµφωνα µε το Νόµο αυτό, στο οποίο ή στα οποία θα καταχωρούντι οι πιο κάτω λεπτοµέρειες για κάθε πρόσωπο. 60 (1) Τηρουµένων των διατάξεων του εδαφίου (5) του άρθρου 84, τα ακόλουθα πρόσωπα που βρίσκονται στη ∆ηµοκρατία θα εγγράφονται σύµφωνα µε τον τρόπο που προνοείται στον παρόντα νόµο (α) Πολίτες της ∆ηµοκρατίας..... 63 (1) Με την αίτηση προσώπου σύµφωνα µε τις διατάξεις του Νόµου αυτού, η αρχή εγγραφής εκδίδει δελτίο ταυτότητας κατά τον καθορισµένο τύπο στο πρόσωπο αυτό. 66 (1) ∆ιαβατήριο ή ταξιδιωτικό

59 (1) The General registrar shall ensure that record or records are kept, as provided for by Regulations, for all citizens of the Republic who were registered pursuant to this Law, in which (record) the information below will be registered: 60 (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (5) of section 84, the following persons in the Republic shall be registered in accordance with the manner set forth in the present law (a) Citizens of the Republic…. 63 (1) With the application of a person in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the registration authority shall issue an identity card in accordance with the specified manner to that person. 66 (1) Passport or travel

Y Effective transposition

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Population Law of 2002 Section 67 (2) and (3) of the Archive Population Law of 2002

έγγραφο της Κυπριακής ∆ηµοκρατίας χορηγείται µόνο σε πρόσωπο που είναι πολίτης της ∆ηµοκρατίας. 67 (2) Η αίτηση για έκδοση ή ανανέωση διαβατηρίου / ταξιδιωτικού εγγράφου υποβάλλεται κατευθείας στα αντίστοιχα γραφεία. 67 (3) Ο τύπος της αίτησης καθορίζεται µε κανονισµούς

document of the Republic, is granted only to a person who is a citizen of the Republic. 67 (2) The application for the issuance or renewal of the passport / travel document will be submitted directly to the competent offices. 67(3) The type of the application is determined by Regulations

Art.4.4 The passport shall be valid at least for all Member States and for countries through which the holder must pass when travelling between Member States. Where the law of a Member State does not provide for identity cards to be issued, the period of validity of any passport on being issued or renewed shall be not less than five years.

Section 69 of the Archive Population Law of 2002 Section 66 (3) of the Archive Population Law

69 (1) Τα διαβατήρια/ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα που εκδίδονται από το Λειτουργό, τους Επάρχους και τις Κυπριακές Προξενικές Αρχές του εξωτερικού ισχύουν για όλες τις χώρες. 66 (3) Τα διαβατήτια ισχύουν για δέκα χρόνια, εκτός από τα διαβατήρια που εκδίδονται σε πρόσωπα ηλικίας µέχρι δεκαοκτώ χρονών, τα οποία ισχύουν µόνο για πέντε χρόνια µε δικαίωµα ανανέωσης για άλλα πέντε χρόνια.

69 (1) The passports/travel documents issued by the official, the District Officers and the Cypriot consular authorities abroad are valid for all countries. 66 (3) Passports are valid for ten years, except for the passports issued to persons aged up to eighteen years, which are valid for five years only with the right of renewal for another five years.

Y Effective transposition The national law is more favourable in that the passport is valid for all countries. Passports are valid for 10 years Passports for persons under 18 years are valid for 5 years. The national law also provides for the issue of identity cards.

Art. 5.1 Right on Entry 1. Without prejudice to the provisions on travel documents applicable to national border controls, Member States shall grant Union citizens leave to enter their territory with a valid identity card or passport and shall grant family members who are not nationals of a Member State leave to enter their territory with a valid passport.

Section (5) (1)

∆ικαίωµα εισόδου (5) (1) Τηρουµένων των διατάξεων επί των ταξιδιωτικών εγγράφων του Κανονισµού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 562/2006 του Ευρωπαικού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συµβουλίου της 15ης Μαρτίου 2006, για τη θέσπιση του κοινοτικού κώδικα σχετικά µε το καθεστώς διέλευσης προσώπων από τα σύνορα (Κώδικας Συνόρων Σένγκεν), που

Right of entry Without prejudice to the provisions on travel documents set out in Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) applicable to national border

Y Almost literal transposition The reference to the provisions on travel documents applicable to national border controls is transposed as a reference to Regulation (EC) No. 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 March 2006 establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) applicable to national

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



εφαρµόζονται στους εθνικούς συνοριακούς ελέγχους, επιτρέπεται η είσοδος στη ∆ηµοκρατία σε κάθε πολίτη της Ένωσης, ο οποίος φέρει ισχύον δελτίο ταυτότητας ή διαβατήριο, καθώς επίσης, και στα µέλη της οικογένειάς του, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, εφόσον αυτά φέρουν ισχύον διαβατήριο

controls, all Union citizens with a valid identity card or passport and their family members who are not nationals of a Member State and hold a valid passport shall be granted leave to enter the Republic.

border controls.

No entry visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on Union citizens.

Section (5) (2)

(5) (2) Στους πολίτηες της Ένωσης, δε δύνανται να επιβληθεί υποχρέωση θεώρησης εισόδου ή άλλης ισοδύναµης διατύπωσης

No entry visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on Union citizens.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 5.2 2. Family members who are not nationals of a Member State shall only be required to have an entry visa in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 or, where appropriate, with national law. For the purposes of this Directive, possession of the valid residence card referred to in Article 10 shall exempt such family members from the visa requirement.

Section (5) (3)

(5) (3) (α) Στα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, επιβάλλεται µόνο θεώρηση εισόδου σύµφωνα µε τις διατάξεις του Κανονισµού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 539/2001 του Συµβουλίου της 15ης Μαρτίου 2001 περί του καταλόγου τρίτων χωρών υπήκοοι των οποίων υπόκεινται στην υποχρέωση θεώρησης για τη διέλευση των εξωτερικών συνόρων των κρατών µελών, και του καταλόγου των τρίτων χωρών υπήκοοι των οποίων απαλλάσσονται από την υποχρέωση αυτή, όπως αυτός εκάστοτε τροποποιείται, ή όπου απαιτείται συµφώνως µε τις διατάξεις του περί Αλλοδαπών και Μεταναστεύσεως Νόµου αναφορικά µε την υποχρέωση θεώρησης εισόδου, ανάλογα µε την περίπτωση. Νοείται ότι, η κατοχή ισχύοντος δελτίου διαµονής που

(a) Family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State shall only be required to have an entry visa in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from the requirement, as amended each time, or, where necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the Aliens and Migration Law concerning the entry visa requirement, depending on the circumstance. It being understood that possession of the valid residence card referred to in Article 12 or of a corresponding residence card issued by the competent authorities of another Member State shall exempt such family


Effective transposition. We understand this provision to be in conformity with the Directive since the latter provides that “where appropriate national law (in our case Aliens and Migration Law) may apply”. It is not stricter nor it leads to less favourable treatment The present provision 5(3) of the law 7(I)/2007 is nor stricter nor less favourable. The comment does not refer to the Aliens and Migration Law. The national law refers to possession of the valid residence card or of a corresponding residence card issued by the competent authorities of another MS as exemptions from the visa requirement. In this respect, it may be considered as more favourable.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 12 ή αντίστοιχου δελτίου διαµονής εκδοθέντος από τις αρµόδιες αρχές άλλου κράτους µέλους, απαλλάσσει τα εν λόγω µέλη της οικογένειας από την πιο πάνω υποχρέωση.

members from the above-mentioned requirement.

Member States shall grant such persons every facility to obtain the necessary visas. Such visas shall be issued free of charge as soon as possible and on the basis of an accelerated procedure.

(β) Στα αναφερόµενα στην παράγραφο (α) πρόσωπα παρέχεται από τις αρµόδιες προξενικές αρχές της ∆ηµοκρατίας κάθε διευκόλυνση, προκειµένου να αποκτήσουν τις απαιτούµενες προξενικές θεωρήσεις, οι οποίες εκδίδονται, ατελώνς, το συντοµότερο δυνατον, και επί τη βάσει ταχείας διαδικασίας

(b) The consular authorities of the Republic shall grant the persons referred to in subparagraph (a) every facility to obtain the necessary visas, which shall be issued free of charge as soon as possible and on the basis of an accelerated procedure.

Y Literal transposition The reference to MS is transposed as a reference to the consular authorities of the Republic. No implementing regulation establishing the accelerated procedure found. It is possible in Cyprus to obtain a visa at the borders or within a short time in general.

Art. 5.3 3. The host Member State shall not place an entry or exit stamp in the passport of family members who are not nationals of a Member State provided that they present the residence card provided for in Article 10.

Section (5) (4)

(5) (4) Οι αρµόδιες αρχές της ∆ηµοκρατίας δεν επιθέτουν σφραγίδα εισόδου ή εξόδου στο διαβατήριο των µελών της οικογένειας, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, εφόσον προσκοµίζουν το δελτίο διαµονής που προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 12 ή αντίστοικο δελτίο διαµονής εκδοθέντος από τις αρµόδιες αρχές άλλου κράτους µέλους

(4) The competent authorities of the Republic shall not place an entry or exit visa in the passport of family members who are not nationals of a Member State provided that they present the residence card provided for in Article 12 or a corresponding residence card issued by the competent authorities of another Member State.

Y Effective transposition

Art. 5.4 4. Where a Union citizen, or a family member who is not a national of a Member State, does not have the necessary travel documents or, if required, the necessary visas, the Member State concerned shall, before turning them back, give such persons every reasonable opportunity to obtain the necessary documents or have them brought to them within a reasonable period of time or to corroborate or prove by other means that they are covered by the right of free

Section (5) (5)

(5) (5) Στην περίπτωση που πολίτης της Ένωσης ή µέλος της οικογένειάς του, που δεν είναι υπήκοος κράτους µέλους, δε διαθέτει τα απαιτούµενα ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα ή, ανάλογα µε την περίπτωση, τις αναγκαίες προξενικές θεωρήσεις, προτού η αρµόδια αρχή εφαρµόσει το µέτρο της επιστροφής, παρέχει στα πρόσωπα αυτά κάθε εύλογη, κατά περίπτωση, δυνατότητα

(5) Where a Union citizen, or a family member who is not a national of a Member State, does not have the necessary travel documents or, if required, the necessary consular visas, the competent authority shall, according to the situation, ,before turning them back, give such persons every reasonable opportunity to obtain the necessary documents or have

Y Literal transposition

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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movement and residence. προκειµένου να αποκτήσουν τα αναγαία έγγραφα ή αυτά να τους αποσταλούν εντός εύλογης, κατά περίπτωση, προθεσµίας ή προκειµένου να επιβεβαιωθεί ή να αποδειχθεί µε άλλα µέσα ότι καλύπτονται από το δικαίωµα της ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας και διαµονής

them brought to them within a reasonable period of time or to corroborate or prove by other means that they are covered by the right of free movement and residence.

Art.5.5 5. The Member State may require the person concerned to report his/ her presence within its territory within a reasonable and non-discriminatory period of time. Failure to comply with this requirement may make the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

n/a There is no reporting requirement in the national law.

Chapter III




Art. 6.1 Right of residence for more than three months 1. Union citizens shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of up to three months without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport.

Section (8) (1)

∆ικαίωµα διαµονής έως τρεις µήνες (8) (1) Οι πολίτες της Ένωσης έχουν δικαίωµα διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία για περίοδο που δεν υπερβαίνει τους τρείς µήνες, χωρίς κανένα όρο ή διατύπωση, εκτός από την απαίτηςη κατοχής ισχύοντος δελτίου ταυτότητας ή διαβατηρίου

Right of residence for up to three months (1) Union citizens shall have the right of residence in the Republic for a period of up to three months without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport.

Y, (Not for


Effective transposition, except for jobseekers In accordance to European Court of Justice Case Antonissen (1989), jobseekers should not be asked to register for the first six months. The legislation does not establish this exception and no case-law or administrative practise could be found on jobseekers.

Art. 6.2 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall also apply to family members in possession of a valid passport who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen.

Section (8) (2)

(8) (2) Οι διατάξεις του εδαφίου (1) εφαρµόζονται και στα µέλη της οικογένειας που είναι κάτοχοι ισχύοντος διαβατηρίου, δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, και συνοδεύουν ή αφίκνεινται για να συναντήσουν τον πολίτη της Ένωσης

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply also to family members in possession of a valid passport who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen.

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Art.7.1 (a)

Right of residence for more than three months All Union citizens shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of longer than three months if they: (a) are workers or self-employed persons in the host Member State; or

Section (9) (1) (a)

∆ικαίωµα διαµονής άνω των τριών µηνών (9) (1) Οι πολίτες της Ένωσης έχουν δικαίωµα διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία για περίοδο που υπερβαίνει τους τρεις µήνες, εφόσον- (α) Είναι µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι ή µή µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι στη ∆ηµοκρατία, ή

Right of residence for more than three months (1) Union citizens shall have the right of residence in the Republic for a period of no longer than three months if they: (a) are workers or self-employed persons in the Republic; or

Y Literal transposition

Art.7.1 (b)

(b) have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State; or

(b) (β) διαθέτουν επαρκείς πόρους για τους ίδιους και τα µέλη των οικογενειών τους, ώστε να µην επιβαρύνουν κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου διαµονής τους το σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας, καθώς και πλήρη ασφαλιστική κάλυψη ασθένειας στη ∆ηµοκρατία ή

(b) have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden to the social assistance system of the Republic during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Republic; or

Y Literal transposition

Art.7.1 (c)

(c) - are enrolled at a private or public establishment, accredited or financed by the host Member State on the basis of its legislation or administrative practice, for the principal purpose of following a course of study, including vocational training; and

(c) (γ) είναι εγγεγραµµένοι σε ιδιωτικό ή δηµόσιο ίδρυµα, εγκεκριµένο ή χρηµατοδοτούµενο από τη ∆ηµοκρατία µε βάση την εκάστοτε ισχύουσα στη ∆ηµοκρατία σχετική νοµοθεσία ή διοικητική πρακτική, για να παρακολουθήσουν κατά κύριο λόγο σπουδές, συµπεριλαµβανοµένων µαθηµάτων επαγγελµατικής κατάρτισης,

(c) are enrolled at a private or public establishment accredited or financed by the Republic on the basis of the relevant legislation or administrative practice each time, for the principal purpose of following a course of study, including vocational training,

Y Literal transposition

- have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State and assure the relevant national authority, by means of a declaration or by such equivalent means as they may choose, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period

διαθέτουν πλήρη ασφαλιστική κάλυψη ασθένειας στη ∆ηµοκρατία και βεβαιώνουν την αρµόδια αρχή, µέσω δήλωσης ή άλλου ισοδύναµου µέσου της επιλογής τους, ότι διαθέτουν επαρκείς πόρους για τους ίδιους και τα µέλη των οικογενειών τους, ώστε να µην επιβαρύνουν

have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Republic and assure the competent authority, by means of a declaration or by such equivalent means as they may choose, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden

Y Literal transposition

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of residence; or κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου διαµονής τους το σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας, ή

to the social assistance system of the Republic during their period of residence; or

Art.7.1 (d)

(d) are family members accompanying or joining a Union citizen who satisfies the conditions referred to in points (a), (b) or (c).

(d) (δ) είναι µέλη της οικογένειας, που συνοδεύουν ή αφίκνεινται για να συναντήσουν πολίτη της Ένωσης, ο οποίος πληρεί τους όρους που αναφέρονται στις παραγράφους (α), (β) ή (γ) του παρόντος εδαφίου.

(d) are family members accompanying or joining a Union citizen who satisfies the conditions referred to in points (a), (b) or (c).

Y Literal transposition

Art. 7.2 2. The right of residence provided for in paragraph 1 shall extend to family members who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen in the host Member State, provided that such Union citizen satisfies the conditions referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) or (c).

Section (9) (2)

(9) (2) Το δικαίωµα διαµονής που προβλέπεται στο εφάδιο (1), εκτείνεται και στα µέλη της οικογένειας, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, όταν συνοδεύουν ή αφίκνεινται για να συναντήσουν τον πολίτη της Ένωσης στη ∆ηµοκρατία, και εφόσον ο εν λόγω πολίτης πληρεί τους όρους που αναφέρονται στις παραγράφους (α), (β) ή (γ) του εδαφίου (1).

The right of residence provided for in paragraph (1) shall extend to family members who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining a Union citizen in the Republic, provided that such Union citizen satisfied the conditions referred to in points (a), (b) or (c) of paragraph (1).

Y Literal transposition

Art. 7.3 (a)

3. For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), a Union citizen who is no longer a worker or self-employed person shall retain the status of worker or self-employed person in the following circumstances: (a) he/she is temporarily unable to work as the result of an illness or accident;

Section (9) (4) (a)

(9) (4) Για τους σκοπούς της παραγράρου (α) του εδαφίου (1), η ιδιότητα του µισθωτού εργαζόµενου ή µη µισθωτού εργαζόµενου διατηρείται για τον πολίτη της Ένωσης που έχει παύσει να είναι µισθωτός εργαζόµενος ή µη µισθωτός εργαζόµενος στις ακόλουθες περιπώσεις¨ (α) Είναι προσωρινά ανίκανος για εργασία λόγω ασθένειας ή ατυχήµατος ή

For the purposes of paragraph (1) (a), a Union citizen who is no longer a worker or self-employed person shall retain the status of worker or self-employed person in the following circumstances: (a) he/she is temporarily unable to work as the result of an illness or accident; or

Y Literal transposition

Art. 7.3 (b)

(b) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after having been employed for more than one year and has registered as a jobseeker with the relevant employment office;

(b) (β) έχει καταγραφεί δεόντως ως ακούσια άνεργος, έχοντας ασκήσει επαγγελµατική δραστηριότητα άνω του ενός έτους, και ως πρόσωπο το οποίο

(b) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after having been employed for more than one year and has registered as a job-seeker with the

Y Almost literal transposition

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αναζητά εργασία στο Τµήµα Εργασίας

Department of Labour; or

Art. 7.3 (c)

(c) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after completing a fixed-term employment contract of less than a year or after having become involuntarily unemployed during the first twelve months and has registered as a job-seeker with the relevant employment office. In this case, the status of worker shall be retained for no less than six months;

(c) (γ) έχει καταγραφεί δεόντως ως ακούσια άνεργος, αφού συµπλήρωσε σύµβαση εργασίας ορισµένου χρόνου διάρκειας µικρότερης του ενός έτους ή αφού κατέστη ακούσια άνεργος κατά τη διάρκεια των πρώτων δώδεκα µηνών, και έχει καταγραφεί ως πρόσωπό το οποίο αναζητά εργασία στο Τµήµα Εργασίας. Στην περίπτωση αυτή, η ιδιότητα του εργαζόµενου διατηρείται επί χρονικό διάστηµα που δεν µπορεί να είναι µικρότερο του εξαµήνου ή

(c) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after completing a fixed-term employment contract of less than one year or after having become involuntarily unemployed during the first twelve months and has registered as a job-seeker with the Department of Labour. In this case, the status of worker shall be retained for no less than six months; or

Y Literal transposition

Art.7.3 (d)

(d) he/she embarks on vocational training. Unless he/she is involuntarily unemployed, the retention of the status of worker shall require the training to be related to the previous employment.

(d) (δ) παρακολουθεί µαθήµατα επαγγελµατικής κατάρτισης. Στην περίπτωση αυτή και εκτός εάν ο ενδιαφερόµενος κατέστη ακούσια άνεργος, η διατήρηση της ιδιότητας του εργαζόµενου προυποθέτει την ύπαρξη σχέσης µεταξύ της προηγούµενης επαγγελµατικής δραστηριότητας και της κατάρτισης.

(d) he/she embarks on vocational training. Unless he/she is involuntary unemployed, the retention of the status of worker shall require the training to be related to the previous employment.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 7.4 4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1(d) and 2 above, only the spouse, the registered partner provided for in Article 2(2)(b) and dependent children shall have the right of residence as family members of a Union citizen meeting the conditions under 1(c) above. Article 3(2) shall apply to his/her dependent direct relatives in the ascending lines and those of his/her spouse or registered partner.

Section (9) (3)

(9) (3) Κατά παρέκκλιση από τις διατάξεις της παραγράφου (δ) του εδαφίου (α) και τις διατάξεις του εδαφίου (2), σε περίπτωση πολιτη της Ένωσης ο οποίος ασκεί το δικαίωµα διαµονης του δυνάµει της παραγράφου (γ), του εδαφίου (1) του παρόντος άρθρου, το δικαίωµα διαµονής των µελών της οικογένειας περιορίζεται µόνο στο/στη σύζυγο και στα συντηρούµενα τέκνα Νοείται ότι για τους συντηρούµενους απευθείας

(3) By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph (1) (d) and from the provisions of paragraph (2), the right of residence of family members of a Union citizen who exercises the right of residence pursuant to paragraph (1) (c) shall be limited to the spouse and the dependent children. It being understood that the provisions of Article 4(2) shall apply by analogy to the dependent direct relatives in the ascending lines of the Union

Y Almost literal transposition

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ανιόντες του εν λόγω πολίτη της Ένωσης καθώς και εκείνους της/του συζύγου του/της, εφαρµόζονται κατ’ αναλογία οι διατάξεις του εδαφίου (2) του άρθρου 4.

citizen and those of his/her spouse.

Art. 8.1 Administrative formalities for Union citizens 1. Without prejudice to Article 5(5), for periods of residence longer than three months, the host Member State may require Union citizens to register with the relevant authorities.

Chapter II Section (10) (1)

Κεφάλαιο ΙΙ ∆ΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΕΣ ∆ΙΑΤΥΠΩΣΕΙΣ (10) (1) Παρά τις σχετικές αντίστοιχες διατάξεις για την εγγραφή στον περί Αλλοδαπών και Μεταναστεύεσεως Νόµο και τους δυνάµει αυτού εκδιδόµενους Κανονισµούς και στον περί Αρχείου Πληθυσµού Νόµο, οι πολίτες της Ένωσης, υποχρεούνται να εγγραφούν στο Αρχείο Πληθυσµού για τις περιόδους διαµονής τους στη ∆ηµοκρατία που υπερβαίνουν τους τρεις µήνες σύµφωνα µε τις διατάξεις του παρόντος άρθρου,

Section II ADMINISTRATIVE FORMALITIES (1) Notwithstanding the relevant corresponding provisions on registration in the Aliens and Migration Law and in the Regulations issued pursuant thereto and pursuant to the Census Records Law, Union citizens and their family members who are themselves Union citizens shall register with the Census Records Department for periods of residence longer than three months

Y, (Not for


Effective transposition, except for jobseekers The relevant Aliens and Migration Law and Regulations cannot affect those to whom this transposing law applies. Section 10 (1) provides for this. Both foreigners and nationals register with the Census Records department. Job seekers are the persons who are unemployed and are seeking work through their registration with the Labour Department. In accordance to European Court of Justice Case Antonissen (1989), jobseekers should not be asked to register for the first six months. The legislation does not establish this exception and no case-law or administrative practise could be found on jobseekers

Art. 8.2 2. The deadline for registration may not be less than three months from the date of arrival. A registration certificate shall be issued immediately, stating the name and address of the person registering and the date of the registration. Failure to comply with the registration requirement may render the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

Section (10) (2)

Εντός προθεσµίας τεσσάρων µηνών από την ηµεροµηνία άφιξής τους στη ∆ηµοκρατία. (2) Η αρµόδια αρχή χορηγεί αµέσως βεβαίωση εγγραφής στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στο Παράρτηµα Ι του παρόντος Νόµου, στην οποία αναγράφονται µόνο το ονοµατεπώνυµο, η διεύθυνση του εγγραφέντος και η

Within four months from the date of their arrival in the Republic in accordance with the provisions of this Article. (2) The competent authority shall issue immediately a registration certificate, in accordance with the Model set out in Annex I, stating only the name and address of the person registering and the date of

Y Effective transposition The deadline for registration is four months from the date of arrival. So, the individual should be registered within four months from his/her arrival. The competent authority shall issue a registration certificate immediately. Failure to comply with the

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Section (10) (3)

ηµεροµηνία εγγραφης. (3) Η µη συµµόρφωση µε την απαίτηση για εγγραφή θεωρείται αδίκηµα τιµωρούµενο µε χρηµατική ποινή που δεν υπερβαίνει τις χίλιες πεντακόσιες λίρες (£1500 λίρες)

registration. (3) Failure to comply with the registration requirement shall be an offence punishable by a fine of up to one thousand, five hundred pounds (£1500). [€2562.90]

registration is a criminal offence. Many misdemeanors committed buy CY nationals are punished by a fine of up to one thousand five hundred pounds. I do not think that the fine is disproportionate or discriminatory. See comment in article 9.3 below

Art. 8.3 3. For the registration certificate to be issued, Member States may only require that — Union citizens to whom point (a) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport, a confirmation of engagement from the employer or a certificate of employment, or proof that they are self-employed persons,

Section (10) (4) (a)

(10) (4) Για τη χορήγηση της αναφερόµενης στο εδάφιο (2) βεβαίωσης εγγραφής, απαιτείται αίτηση που υποβάλλεται στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στο Παράρτηµα ΙΙ του παρόντος Νόµου και η καταβολή τέλους ύψους πέντε λιρών (5 λίρες) καθώς και η προσκόµιση των ακόλουθων εγγράφων (α) Για όσους έχει εφαρµογή η παράγραφος (α) του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 9, ισχύοντος δελτίου ταυτότητας ή διαβατηρίου, βεβαίωση πρόσληψης από τον εργοδότη ή πιστοποιητικό απασχόλησης ή βεβαίωση εγγραφής στις Υπηρεσίες Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων ως αυτοεργοδοτούµενοι.

(4) Issue of the registration certificate referred to in paragraph (2) shall require the submission of an application in accordance with the Model set out in Annex II, payment of a fee of five pounds (5) [€8,54] and presentation of the following documents: (a) in the case of persons to whom point (a) of Article 9(1), a valid identity card or passport, a confirmation of engagement from the employer or a certificate of employment or a certificate of registration with the Social Insurance Services as a self-employed person:

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition The application must be submitted 4 months at the latest from the date of entry into the Republic’s. For self – employed people A certificate of registration with the Social Insurance Services is the only acceptable proof under national law. This renders the transposition stricter. The hyperlink to the application is the following: The requirement of “last entry to Cyprus” is outside the Directive’s requirements.

— Union citizens to whom point (b) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport and provide proof that they satisfy the conditions laid down therein,

(b) (β) για όσους έχει εφαρµογή η παράγραος (β) του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 9, ισχύοντος δελτίου ταυτότητας ή διαβατηρίου και των ακόλουθων δικαιολογητικών που να αποδεικνύουν ότι τα εν λόγω πρόσωπα πληρούν τους όρους που καθορίζονται στην εν λόγω παράγραφο- (ι) σταθερό ή ικανοποιητικό εισόδηµα από απασχόληση εντός

(b) in the case of persons to whom point (b) of Article 9(1) applies, a valid identity card or passport and the following documents providing proof that they satisfy the conditions laid down therein: (i) Evidence of a stable or satisfactory income from employment outside the

Y Effective transposition The person can show income from different sources. The income has to be “ stable” or “ Satisfactory” and “ Lawful”

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Translation into English of national provision

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της ∆ηµοκρατίας ή (ιι) σταθερό ή ικανοποιητικό εισότηµα από άλλες πηγές νόµιµου χαρακτήρα ή (ιιι) καταθέσεις επαρκούς ύψους σε τραπεζικά ιδρύµατα της ∆ηµοκρατίας ή του εξωτερικού και (ιv) απόδειξη πλήρους ασφαλιστικής κάλυψης ασθένειας στη ∆ηµοκρατία

Republic or (ii) evidence of a stable or satisfactory income from other lawful sources or (iii) evidence of sufficient deposits in banking institutions in the Republic or abroad and (iv) evidence of comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Republic

— Union citizens to whom point (c) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport, provide proof of enrolment at an accredited establishment and of comprehensive sickness insurance cover and the declaration or equivalent means referred to in point (c) of Article 7(1). Member States may not require this declaration to refer to any specific amount of resources.

(c) (γ) για όσους έχει εφαρµογή η παράγραφος (γ) του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 9, ισχύοντος δελτίου ταυτότητας ή διαβατηρίου, απόδειξης της εγγραφής τους σε ιδιωτικό ή δηµόσιο ίδρυµα, εγκεκριµένο ή χρηµατοδοτούµενο από τη ∆ηµοκρατία για παρακολουθηση κατά κύριο λόγο σπουδών, συµπεριλαµβανοµένων µαθηµάτων επαγγελµατικής κατάρτισης, απόδειξης πλήρους ασφαλιστικής κάλυψης ασθένειας στη ∆ηµοκρατία, καθώς και δήλωσης ή ισοδύναµου µέσου της επιλογής τους η οποία ή το οποίο δεν είναι απαραίτητο να αναφέρει συγκεκριµένο ύψος πόρων, που να βεβαιώνει την αρµόδια αρχή ότι διαθέτουν επαρκείς πόρους για τον εαυτό τους και τα µέλη της οικογένειας τους ούτως ώστε να µην επιβαρύνουν το σύστηµα της κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας κατά τη διάρκεια της παραµονής τους.

(c) in the case of persons to whom point (c) of Article 9(1) applies, a valid identity card or passport, proof of enrolment at a private or public establishment, accredited or financed by the Republic, for the principal purpose of following a course of study, including vocational training, proof of comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Republic and a declaration or evidence through equivalent means of their choice, which need not state the specific amount of the resources, assuring the competent authority that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members to prevent them becoming a burden to the social assistance system of the Republic during the period of their residence.

Y Effective transposition The provision merges Art 7(1) (c) and Art 8(3) requirements

Art. 8.4 4. Member States may not lay down a fixed amount which they regard as ‘sufficient resources’, but they must take into account the personal situation of the

Section (10) (5)

(5) Η αρµόδια αρχή δεν δύναται να προσδιορίζει το ύψος των πόρων τους οποίους η ίδια θεωρεί ως επαρκείς, αλλά πρέπει να

(5) The competent authority may not lay down a fixed amount of resources which it regards as sufficient, but it must take into

Y Literal transposition. However, there are no indications in implementing regulations of how the

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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person concerned. In all cases this amount shall not be higher than the threshold below which nationals of the host Member State become eligible for social assistance, or, where this criterion is not applicable, higher than the minimum social security pension paid by the host Member State.

λαµβάνει υπόψη την προσωπική κατάσταση του ενδιαφερόµενου και, εν πάση περιπτώσει, το εν λόγω ύψος δεν πρέπει να υπερβαίνει το όριο κάτω του οποίου οι πολίτες της ∆ηµοκρατίας δύνανται να λαµβάνουν κοινωνικές παροχές ή, όπου το κριτήριο αυτό δεν εφαρµόζεται, το ύψος της κατώτατης σύνατξης κοινωνικών ασφαλίσεων που καταβάλλεται στη ∆ηµοκρατία.

account the personal situation of the person concerned, and, in all cases, this amount shall not be higher than the threshold below which nationals of the Republic become eligible for social assistance, or, where this criterion is not applicable, higher than the minimum social security pension paid by the Republic.

‘sufficient resources’ can be assessed.

Art. 8.5 5. For the registration certificate to be issued to family members of Union citizens, who are themselves Union citizens, Member States may require the following documents to be presented:

Section (10) (6)

(6) Για τη χορήγηση βεβαίωσης εγγραφής στα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης, που είναι και αυτά πολίτες της Ένωσης, απαιτείται αίτηση που υποβάλλεται στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στο Παράρτηµα ΙΙ στον παρόντα Νόµο και η καταβολή τέλους δέκα λιρών (10 λίρες), καθώς και η προσκόµιση των ακόλουθων εγγράφων

(6) Issue of a registration certificate to family members of a Union citizen who are themselves Union citizens shall require the submission of an application in accordance with the Model set out in Annex II, payment of a fee of ten pounds (£10) and presentation of the following documents:

Y Effective transposition There is no procedure. The Model in (Annex II) is just a form which has to be filled in. Copy of this is attached in the CS.

(a) a valid identity card or passport; (a) (α) Ισχύοντος δελτίου ταυτότητας ή διαβατηρίου

(a) a valid identity card or passport

Y Literal transposition

(b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship or of a registered partnership;

(b) (β) έγγραφο το οποίο πιστοποιεί την ύπαρξη δεσµού συγγένειας

(b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship

Y Almost literal transposition. Registered partnership does not exist under the national law.

(c) where appropriate, the registration certificate of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining;

(c) (γ) κατά περίπτωση, της βεβαίωσης εγγραφής του πολίτη της Ένωσης που συνοδεύουν ή έρχονται για να τον/την συναντήσουν

(c) where appropriate, the registration certificate of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying of joining

Y Literal transposition

(d) in cases falling under points (c) and (d) of Article 2(2), documentary evidence that the conditions laid down therein are met;

(d) (δ) στις περιπτώσεις που εµπίπτουν στις παργράφους (β) και (γ) του ορισµού που αποδίδεται στον όρο «µέλος της οικογένειας» από το άρθρο 2, απόδειξη της ύπαρξης δεσµού

(d) in cases falling under points (b) and (c) of the definition afforded to ‘family member’ by Article 2, evidence of the existence of a family relationship and that the family

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition The national law is more favorable in requiring any evidence and not limiting it to ‘documentary evidence’ as in the Dir.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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συγγένειας και του γεγονότος ότι τα εν λόγω µέλη της οικογένειας συντηρούνατι από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης

member is a dependent of the Union citizen

Documentary evidence is not the only admissible evidence in Cypriot law. The transposition is however incorrect because under the national law the family member must be a dependant. Under the Directive reference is made to descendants younger than 21 or dependant descendants/ascendants.

(e) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

(e) (ε) στις περιπτώσεις που εµπίπτουν σην παράγραφο (α) του εδαφίου (2) του άρθρου 4, εγγράφου χορηγηθέντος από την αρµόδια αρχή της χώρας καταγωγής ή προέλευσης, το οποίο πιστοποιεί ότι τα τν λόγω µέλη της οικογένειας συντηρούνται από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης ή όσι συµβιώνουν κάτω από τη στέγη του στην εν λόγω χώρα ή απόδειξης της ύπαρξης σοβαρών λόγων υγείας, που καθιστούν απολύτως αναγκαία την προσωπική τους φροντίδα από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης και

(e) in cases falling under Article 4(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are a dependent family member of the household of the Union citizen in that country, or that they are members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen, and

Y Literal transposition

(f) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen.

(f) (στ) στις περιπτώσεις που εµπίπτουν στην παράγραφο (β) του εδαφίου (2) του άρθρου 4, απόδειξης της ύπαρξης διαρκούς σχέσης µε τον πολίτης της Ένωσης.

(f) in cases falling under Article 4(2) (b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 9.1 Administrative formalities for family members who are not nationals of a Member State. 1. Member States shall issue a residence card to family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State, where the planned period of residence is

Section (11) (1)

∆ελτίο διαµονής για τα µέλη της οικογένειας που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους (1) Στα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, χορηγείται από την αρµόδια αρχή

Residence card for family members who are not nationals of a Member State (1) Where the planned period of residence is longer than three months, the competent authority shall issue a residence card to a

Y Almost literal transposition. The national law specifies that the issuing of the residence card will be done in accordance with the requirements set out in the subsequent paragraphs

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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for more than three months. δελτίο διαµονής κατά τα διαλαµβανόµενα στα ακόλουθα εδάφια, εφόσον η προβλεπόµενη διάρκεια διαµονής τους στη ∆ηµοκρατία υπερβαίνει τους τρεις µήνες.

family member of a Union citizen who is not a national of a Member State in accordance with the requirements set out in the following paragraphs.

Art. 9.2 2. The deadline for submitting the residence card application may not be less than three months from the date of arrival.

(2) (a) first indent (2) (α) Η προθεσµία που προνοείται για την υποβολή της αίτησης για τη χορήγηση του δελτίου διαµονής, είναι τέσσερις µήνες από την ηµεροµηνία άφιξης στη ∆ηµοκρατία του µέλους της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης.

(2) (a) The deadline for submitting the residence card application shall be four months from the date of arrival of the family member of the Union citizen in the Republic.

Y Almost literal transposition. The deadline in the transposing legislation is 4 months which is in line with the Directive

Art. 9.3 3. Failure to comply with the requirement to apply for a residence card may make the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

(b) (β) Η µη συµµόρφωση µε την απαίτηση υποβολής αίτησης για τη χορήγηση δελτίου διαµονής θεωρείται αδίκηµα τιµωρούµενο µε χρηµατική ποινή που δεν υπερβαίνει τις χίλιες πεντακόσιες λίρες (£1500 λίρες).

(b) Failure to comply with the requirement to submit an application for a residence card shall be an offence punishable by a fine of up to one thousand five hundred pounds (£1500) [€2562, 90].

Y Literal transposition Failure to comply is made a criminal offence under the national law. Cypriot nationals who fail to obtain an identity card are subject to imprisonment of up to three years or to a fine of up to one thousand five hundred pounds or both sentences (section 90(1) of the Archive Population Law) So the fine is not disproportionate nor discriminatory

Art.10.1 Issue of residence cards 1. The right of residence of family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State shall be evidenced by the issuing of a document called ‘Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen’ no later than six months from the date on which they submit the application. A certificate of application for the residence card shall be issued immediately.

Section (12) (1)

Χορήγηση δελτίου διαµονής (1) Το δικαίωµα διαµονής των µελών της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, πιστοποιείται µε τη χορήγηση εγγράφου, το οποίο καλείται «∆ελτίο διαµονής µέλους της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης που δεν είναι υπήκοος κράτους µέλους της Ένωσης» και το οποίο εκδίδεται από την αρµόδια αρχή έπειτα από αίτηση

Issue of a residence card (1) The right of residence of family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State shall be evidenced by the issuing of a document called ‘Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen’ by the competent authority after the submission of an application in accordance with the Model set out in Annex

Y Effective transposition. Section 12.1 of the Cypriot Law shall be read in conjunction with Section 11.2 (a). The Model in Annex III is just a form which has to be filled in with names, addresses, identity cards numbers etc. This form is attached in the CS.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Section (11) (2) (a) second indent

που υποβάλλεται στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στο Παράρτηµα ΙΙΙ του παρόντος Νόµου, το αργότερο εντός εξαµήνου από τη ηµεροµηνία υποβολής της αίτησης. Η αρµόδια αρχή, µε την υποβολή της αίτησης, για τη χορήγηση δελτίου διαµονής και µε την καταβολή του τέλους των είκοσι λιρών (£20) εκδίδει αµέσως βεβαίωση υποβολής της εν λόγω αίτησης.

III, no later than six months after the application is submitted. Immediately after the submission of the residence card application and payment of the fee of twenty pounds (£20) [€34,17], the competent authority shall issue a certificate of application for the card.

Art.10.2 (a)

2. For the residence card to be issued, Member States shall require presentation of the following documents: (a) a valid passport;

Section (12) (2) (a)

(2) Για τη χορήγηση του αναφερόµενου στο εδάφιο (1) δελτίου διαµονής, όπως αυτό παρατίθεται ως Παράρτηµα IV του παρόντος Νόµου, απαιτείται από τα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης η προσκόµιση των ακόλουθων εγγράφων (α) Ισχύοντος διαβατηρίου

(2) Issue of the residence card referred to in paragraph (1), as set out in Annex IV, shall require presentation of the following documents by the family member of the Union citizen: (a) a valid passport

Y Almost literal transposition The Annexes sample forms to be filled in. The form is attached to the CS..

Art.10.2 (b)

(b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship or of a registered partnership;

(b) (β) εγγράφου το οποίο πιστοποιεί την ύπαρξη δεσµού συγγένειας

(b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship

Y Almost literal transposition. Registered partnership not recognized under the national law.

Art.10.2 (c)

(c) the registration certificate or, in the absence of a registration system, any other proof of residence in the host Member State of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining;

(c) (γ) βεβαίωσης εγγραφής στη ∆ηµοκρατία του πολίτη της Ένωσης που συνοδεύουν ή αφίκνεινται για να συνατνήσουν, όπου εφαρµόζεται.

(c) a certification of registration in the Republic of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying of joining, as applicable

Y Effective transposition The Directive requires the registration certificate or, in the absence of a registration system, since Cyprus has established a registration system only this one is required.

Art.10.2 (d)

(d) in cases falling under points (c) and (d) of Article 2(2), documentary evidence that the conditions laid down therein are met;

(d) (δ) στις περιπτώσεις που εµπίπτουν στις παραγράφους (β) και (γ) του ορισµού του όρου «µέλος της οικογένειας» του άρθρου 2, απόδειξης της ύπαρξης δεσµού ή συγγένειας και του

(d) in cases falling under points (b) and (c) of the definition afforded to ‘family member’ by Article 2, evidence of the existence of a family relationship and that the family

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition The national law is more favorable in requiring any evidence and not limiting it to ‘documentary evidence’ as in the Dir –

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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γεγονότος ότι αυτά συντηρούνται από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης.

member is a dependent of the Union citizen.

Documentary evidence is not the only admissible evidence in Cypriot law The transposition is however incorrect because under the national law the family member must be a dependant. Under the Directive reference is made to descendants younger than 21or dependant descendants/ascendants.

Art.10.2 (e)

(e) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

(e) (ε) στισ περιπτώσεις που εµπίτπουν στην παράγραφο (α) του εδαφίου (2) του άρθρου 4, εγγράφου χορηγηθέντος από την αρµόδια αρχή της χώρας καταγωγής ή προέλευσης το οποίο πιστοποιεί ότι συντηρούνατι από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης ή ότι συµβιώνουν κάτω από την ίδια στέγη σην εν λόγω χώρα ή απόδειξης της ύπαρξής σοβαρών λόγων υγείας, που καθιστούν απολύτως αναγκαία την προσωπική φροντίδα του µέλους της οικογένειας από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης

(e) in cases falling under point (a) of Article 4(2), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are a dependent family member of the household of the Union citizen in the said country, or that they are members of the household of the Union citizen or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

Y Literal transposition

Art.10.2 (f)

(f) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen.

(f) (στ) στις περιπτώσεις που εµπίπτουν στην παράγραφο (β) του εδαφίου (2) του άρθρου 4, απόδειξης της ύπαρξης διαρκούς σχέσης µε τον πολίτη της Ένωσης.

(f) in cases falling under Article 4(2) (b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen.

Y Literal transposition

Art.11.1 Validity of the residence card 1. The residence card provided for by Article 10(1) shall be valid for five years from the date of issue or for the envisaged period of residence of the Union citizen, if this period is less than five years.

Section (13) (1)

Ισχύς του δελτίου διαµονής (1) Η διάρκεια ισχύος του δελτίου διαµονής, που προβλέπεται στο εδάφιο (1) του άρθρου 12, είναι πέντε έτη από την ηµεροµηνία χορήγησης ή για την

Validity of the residence card (1) The residence card provided for by Article 12(1) shall be valid for five years from the date of issue or for the envisaged period of residence of the Union

Y Effective transposition Paragraph 2 provides the opportunity to persons having a valid residence card for a period less than 5 years to submit an application for a new residence card if they have not left

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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(2) (3)

προβλεπόµενη περίοδο διαµονής του πολίτη της Ένωσης, εφόσον η εν λόγω περίοδος είναι µικρότερη των πέντε ετών. (2) Σε περίπτωση που η διάρκεια ισχύος του δελτίου διαµονής είναι µικρότερη των πέντε ετών, και ο κάτοχος του δεν αναχώρησε από τη ∆ηµοκρατία, κατά τη λήξη της εν λόγω ισχύος, το πρόσωπο αυτό υποχρεούται να υποβάλει αίτηση για έκδοση νέου δελτίου διαµονής το αργότερο ένα µήνα µετά τη λήξη του προηγούµενου δελτίου διαµονής. (3) Μη συµµόρφωση µε τις πρόνοιες του εδαφίου (2) του παρόντος άρθρου, θεωρείται αδίκηµα τιµωρούµενο µε χρηµατική ποινή που δεν υπερβαίνει τις χίλιες πεντακόσιες λίρες (£1500).

citizen, if this period is less than five years. (2) Where the period of validity of the residence card is less than five years, and the holder of the card has not left the Republic at the end of that period, the holder must submit an application for a new residence card no later than one month after the date of expiry of the previous residence card. (3) Failure to comply with the provision of paragraph (2) shall be an offence punishable by a fine of up to one thousand, five hundred pounds (£1500) [€2562, 90].

the Republic at the end of that period. Failure to apply for a new residence card is a criminal offence punishable for up to one thousand five hundred pounds (section 13 (2 and 3) This does not seem to render the pro vision as disproportionate or discriminatory. Please see comment in article 9.2 (Cypriot nationals who do not renew their identity cards are also committing a criminal offence which is punishable to up to three years imprisonment or a fine of up one thousand five hundred pounds or both penalties).

Art.11.2 2. The validity of the residence card shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding six months a year, or by absences of a longer duration for compulsory military service or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third country.

(4) (5)

(4) Η ισχύς του δελτίου διαµονής δεν επηρεάζεται από προσωρινές απουσίες που δεν υπερβαίνουν τους έξι µήνες ετησίως ή από απουσίες µεγαλύτερης διάρκειας για την εκπλήρωση υποχρεωτικής στρατιωτικής θητείας ή από µια απουσία δώδεκα συναπτών µηνών κατ’ ανώτατο όριο για σοβαρούς λόγους, περιλαµβανοµένης εγκυµοσύνης και µητρότητας, σοβαρής ασθένειας, σπουδών ή επαγγελµατικής κατάρτισης ή απόσπασης σε άλλο κράτος µέλος ή τρίτη χώρα. (5) Η ισχύς του δελτίου διαµονής

(4) The validity of the residence card shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding six months a year, or by absences of longer duration for compulsory military service or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third county. (5) The validity of the residence

Y Effective transposition The Directive’s provision is literally transposed and then the national law goes on to specify that the validity of the residence card shall be terminated when the absence exceeds the periods contemplated by the Directive. But the Directive does not provide for such automatic termination; it only states what will not affect the validity of the residence card. This does not represent a conformity problem since it concerns the

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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τερµατίζεται όταν η απουσία υπερβαίνει τις χρονικές περιόδους που αναφέρονται στο εδάφιο (4) ανωτέρω

card shall be terminated when the absence exceeds the periods referred to in paragraph (4).

residence card and not the residence as such. We have not yet had signs from the Executive to see how it applies the provision.

Art.12.1 Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of death or departure of the Union citizen 1. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, the Union citizen's death or departure from the host Member State shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are nationals of a Member State. Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 7(1).

Section (25) (1) subsection

∆ιατήρηση του δικαιώµατος διαµονής από τα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη ένωσης σε περίπτωση θανάτου ή αναχώρησης του από τη ∆ηµοκρατία (1) Ο θάνατος του πολίτη της Ένωσης ή η αναχώρησης του από τη ∆ηµοκρατία δε θίγει το δικαίωµα διαµονής των µελών της οικογένειας του, τα οποία είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους: Νοείται ότι πριν από την απόκτηση δικαιώµατος µόνιµης διαµονής, οι ενδιαφερόµενοι πρέπει να πληρούν τους ρους που καθορίζονται στις παραγράφους (α), (β), (γ) ή (δ) του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 9.

Retention of the right of residence and permanent residence (1) The Union citizen’s death or departure from the Republic shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are nationals of a Member State. It being understood that before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 9(1).

Y Literal transposition

Art.12.2 2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, the Union citizen's death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who have been residing in the host Member State as family members for at least one year before the Union citizen's death.

(2) (2) Ο θάνατος του πολίτη της Ένωσης δε συνεπάγεται απώλεια του δικαιώµατος διαµονής των µελών της οικογένειας του, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους και έχουν διαµείνει στη ∆ηµοκρατία ως µέλη της οικογένειας του επί ένα έτος τουλάχιστον πριν από το θάνατο του πολίτη της Ένωσης:

(2) The Union citizen’s death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who have been residing in the Republic as family members for at least one year before the Union citizen’s death.

Y Literal transposition

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Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the host Member State, of a person satisfying these requirements. ‘Sufficient resources’ shall be as defined in Article 8(4).

(2) subsection Νοείται ότι, πριν από την απόκτηση του δικαιώµατος µόνιµης διαµονής, το δικαίωµα διαµονής των ενδιαφεροµένων εξακολουθεί να τελεί υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι µπορούν να αποδείξουν ότι είναι µισθωτοί ή µη µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι ή ότι διαθέτουν επαρκείς πόρους για τους ιδίους και για τα µέλη της οικογένειας τους, ώστε να µην επιβαρύνουν κατά τη διάρκεια παραµονής τους το σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας, και ότι διαθέτουν πλήρη ασφαλιστική κάλυψη ασθενείας στη ∆ηµοκρατία, ή ότι είναι µέλη της ήδη συσταθείσας στη ∆ηµοκρατία οικογένειας ενός προσώπου, το οποίο πληροί τις ανωτέρω προϋποθέσεις

It being understood that before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden to the social assistance system of the Republic during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Republic, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the Republic, of a person satisfying these requirements.

Y Almost literal transposition The requirement that ‘sufficient resources’ shall be as defined in the provision transposing Article 8(4) is not transposed. In this regard transposition is incomplete. There is no case-law showing that the same interpretation is applied as for Art. 8(4). This represents the ambiguous point regarding the this provision. It mainly depends on how a Cypriot court would interpret such issues. The provision is deemed as “ambiguous”.

Such family members shall retain their right of residence exclusively on a personal basis.

(3) (3) Τα αναφερόµενα στα εδάφια (1) και (2) µέλη της οικογένειας διατηρούν το δικαίωµα διαµονής αποκλειστικά σε προσωπική βάση.

(3) The family members referred to in paragraph (1) and (2) shall retain their right of residence exclusively on a personal basis.

Y Literal transposition

Art.12.3 3. The Union citizen's departure from the host Member State or his/her death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her children or of the parent who has actual custody of the children, irrespective of nationality, if the children reside in the host Member State and are enrolled at an educational establishment, for the purpose of studying there, until the completion of their studies.

(4) (4) Η αναχώρηση του πολίτη της Ένωσης από τη ∆ηµοκρατία ή ο θάνατος του δε συνεπάγεται απώλεια του δικαιώµατος διαµονής των τέκνων του, ανεξαρτήτως ιθαγένειας, εφόσον τα τέκνα διαµένουν στη ∆ηµοκρατία και είναι εγγεγραµµένα σε εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυµα µε σκοπό την πραγµατοποίηση σπουδών στη ∆ηµοκρατία, µέχρι την ολοκλήρωση των σπουδών τους.

(4) The Union citizen’s departure from the Republic or his/her death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her children or of the parent who has actual custody of the children, irrespective of nationality, if the children reside in the Republic and are enrolled at an educational establishment for the purpose of studying in the Republic until the completion of their studies.

Y Literal transposition

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Art.13.1 Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of divorce, annulment of marriage or termination of registered partnership 1. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, divorce, annulment of the Union citizen's marriage or termination of his/her registered partnership, as referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are nationals of a Member State.

Section (26) (1)

∆ιατήρηση του δικαιώµατος διαµονής από τα µέλη της οικογένειας σε περίπτωση διαζυγίου ή ακύρωσης του γάµου (1) Το διαζύγιο ή η ακύρωση του γάµου, δεν επηρεάζει το δικαίωµα διαµονής των µελών της οικογένειας του πολίτη της Ένωσης, τα οποία είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους:

Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of divorce or annulment of the marriage (1) Divorce or annulment of the Union citizen’s marriage shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are nationals of a Member State.

Y Almost literal transposition The reference to registered partnership is not transposed because Cyprus does not recognize this by law.

Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 7(1).

(1) Subsection Νοείται ότι, πριν από την απόκτηση δικαιώµατος µόνιµης διαµονής, οι ενδιαφερόµενοι πρέπει να πλήττουν τους όρους που καθορίζονται στις παραγράφους (α), (β), (γ) ή (δ) του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 9.

It being understood that before acquiring the right of residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Article 9(1).

Y Literal transposition

Art.13.2 (a)

2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, divorce, annulment of marriage or termination of the registered partnership referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 shall not entail loss of the right of residence of a Union citizen's family members who are not nationals of a Member State where: (a) prior to initiation of the divorce or annulment proceedings or termination of the registered partnership referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2, the marriage or registered partnership has lasted at least three years, including one year in the host Member State; or

(2) (a)

(2) Το διαζύγιο ή η ακύρωση του γάµου, δε συνεπάγεται απώλεια του δικαιώµατος διαµονής των µελών της οικογένειας του πολίτη της Ένωσης , τα οποία δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, στις ακόλουθες περιπτώσεις: (α) αν ο γάµος διήρκεσε µέχρι την έναρξη της διαδικασίας έκδοσης διαζυγίου ή ακύρωσης του γάµου, τρία έτη τουλάχιστον, εκ των οποίων το ένα έτος στη ∆ηµοκρατία ή

(2) Divorce or annulment of the marriage shall not entail loss of the right of residence of a Union citizen’s family members who are not nationals of a Member State where: (a) the marriage had lasted at least three years, including one year in the Republic, prior to initiation of divorce or annulment proceedings; or

Y Almost literal transposition. The reference to registered partnership is not transposed because Cyprus does not recognize this by law. The different sentence structure does not affect conformity.

Art.13.2 (b)

(b) by agreement between the spouses or the partners referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 or by court order, the spouse or partner who is not a national of a Member State has custody of the Union citizen's children; or

(2) (b)

(β) αν η επιµέλεια των τέκνων του πολίτη της Ένωσης έχει ανατεθεί βάσει συµφωνίας δεόντως επικυρωµένης από αρµόδιο δικαστήριο µεταξύ των συζύγων, στο/στη σύζυγο, που δεν είναι

(b) the spouse who is not a national of a Member State has custody of the Union citizen’s children by agreement between the spouses or by court order; or

Y Literal transposition

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υπήκοος κράτους µέλους ή µε διάταγµα δικαστηρίου ή

Art.13.2 (c)

(c) this is warranted by particularly difficult circumstances, such as having been a victim of domestic violence while the marriage or registered partnership was subsisting; or

(2) (c)

(γ) αν τούτο υπαγορεύεται από ιδιαιτέρως δυσχερείς καταστάσεις, περιλαµβανοµένης της περίπτωσης που το µέλος της οικογένειας κατέστη θύµα βίας στην οικογένεια όπως αυτό καθορίζεται στον περί Βίας στην Οικογένεια (Πρόληψη και Προστασία Θυµάτων) Νόµο, ενόσω υφίστατο ο γάµος ή

(c) this is warranted by particularly difficult circumstances, such as having been a victim of domestic violence, as specified in the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection of Victims) Law, while the marriage was subsisting; or

Y Almost literal transposition In the transposing legislation domestic violence must be understood as specified in the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection of Victims) Law, i.e. it is a cross-reference to the definition therein.

Art.13.2 (d)

d) by agreement between the spouses or partners referred to in point 2 (b) of Article 2 or by court order, the spouse or partner who is not a national of a Member State has the right of access to a minor child, provided that the court has ruled that such access must be in the host Member State, and for as long as is required.

(2) (d)

δ) αν ο/η σύζυγος που δεν είναι υπήκοος κράτος µέλους απολαύει, βάσει συµφωνίας δεόντως επικυρωµένης από αρµόδιο δικαστήριο µεταξύ των συζύγων, ή µε διάταγµα δικαστηρίου, του δικαιώµατος επικοινωνίας µε ανήλικο τέκνο, υπό τον όρο ότι το δικαστήριο αποφάνθηκε ότι η επικοινωνία αυτή πρέπει να πραγµατοποιείται στη ∆ηµοκρατία και για όσο διάστηµα απαιτείται:

(d) the spouse who is not a national of a Member State has the right of access to a minor child, on the basis of an agreement between the spouses, duly ratified by a competent court, or of a court order, provided that the court has ruled that such access must be in the Republic and for as long as is required.

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Almost literal transposition. However, under the national law agreement between the spouses must be ratified by a competent court. This requirement is not found in the Directive and makes the national law less favorable to the persons concerned.

Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the host Member State, of a person satisfying these requirements. 'Sufficient resources'

(2) (d) subsection

Νοείται ότι, πριν από την απόκτηση του δικαιώµατος µόνιµης διαµονής, το δικαίωµα διαµονής των ενδιαφεροµένων εξακολουθεί να τελεί υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι µπορούν να αποδείξουν ότι είναι µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι ή µη µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι ή ότι διαθέτουν επαρκείς πόρους για τους ίδιους και για τα µέλη της οικογένειας τους, ώστε να µην επιβαρύνουν κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου διαµονής τους το σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας, και ότι διαθέτουν

It being understood that before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden to the social assistance system of the Republic during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Republic,

N, incomplet


Incomplete transposition The requirement that ‘sufficient resources’ shall be as defined in the provision transposing Article 8(4) is not transposed. In this regard transposition is incomplete. There is no case-law showing that the same interpretation is applied as for Art. 8(4).

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shall be as defined in Article 8(4). πλήρη ασφαλιστική κάλυψη ασθενείας στη ∆ηµοκρατία ή ότι είναι µέλη της ήδη συσταθείσας στη ∆ηµοκρατία οικογένειας ενός προσώπου το οποίο πληροί τις ανωτέρω προϋποθέσεις.

or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the Republic, of a person satisfying these requirements.

Such family members shall retain their right of residence exclusively on personal basis.

(3) (3) Τα αναφερόµενα στα εδάφια (1) και (2) µέλη της οικογένειας διατηρούν το δικαίωµα διαµονής αποκλειστικά σε προσωπική βάση.

(3) The family members referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall retain their right of residence exclusively on a personal basis.

Y Literal transposition

Art.14.1 Retention of the right of residence Union citizens and their family members shall have the right of residence provided for in Article 6, as long as they do not become an unreasonable burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State.

Section (27) (1)

(1) Οι πολίτες της Ένωσης και τα µέλη της οικογένειας διατηρούν το δικαίωµα διαµονής που προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 8, ενόσω δεν αποτελούν υπέρµετρο βάρος για το σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας.

(1) Union citizens and their family members shall retain the right of residence provided for in Article 8, as long as they do not become an unreasonable burden to the social assistance system of the Republic.

Y Literal transposition Article 8, residence for less than 3 months

Art.14.2 2. Union citizens and their family Members shall have the right of residence provided for in Articles 7, 12 and 13 as long as they meet the conditions set out therein.

(2) (2) Οι πολίτες της Ένωσης και τα µέλη της οικογένειας τους έχουν το δικαίωµα διαµονής που προβλέπεται στα άρθρα 9,25 και 26, ενόσω πληρούν τους όρους που καθορίζονται στα εν λόγω άρθρα.

(2) Union citizens and their family members shall have the right of residence provided for in Article 9, 25 and 26 as long as they meet the conditions set out therein.

Y Literal transposition

In specific cases where there is a reasonable doubt as to whether a Union citizen or his/her family members satisfies the conditions set out in Articles 7, 12 and 13, Member States may verify if these conditions are fulfilled. This verification shall not be carried out systematically.

(2) continues Σε συγκεκριµένες περιπτώσεις όπου υπάρχει εύλογη αµφιβολία κατά πόσο ο πολίτης της Ένωσης ή τα µέλη της οικογένειας του πληρούν τους όρους που καθορίζονται στα εν λόγω άρθρα, η αρµόδια αρχή δύναται να ελέγχει εάν πληρούνται οι όροι αυτοί: Νοείται ότι, ο έλεγχος αυτός δεν δύναται να έχει συστηµατικό χαρακτήρα.

In specific cases where there is a reasonable doubt as to whether a Union citizen or his/her family member satisfied the conditions set out in those Articles, the competent authority may verify if these conditions are fulfilled. It being understood that this verification shall not be carried out systematically.

Y Almost literal transposition

Art.14.3 3. An expulsion measure shall not be the automatic consequence of a Union citizen's or his or her family member's

(3) (3) Η προσφυγή στο σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας της ∆ηµοκρατίας πολίτη της Ένωσης

(3) An expulsion measure shall not be the automatic consequence of a Union citizen’s

Y Effective transposition The law regulates in detail how the

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recourse to the social assistance system of the host Member State.

ή µέλους της οικογένειας του δε συνεπάγεται αυτοµάτως τη λήψη µέτρου απέλασης. Η αρµόδια αρχή θα πρέπει στην περίπτωση αυτή να εξετάζει εάν πρόκειται για περίπτωση προσωρινών δυσκολιών και να λαµβάνει υπόψη της την περίοδο διαµονής του ενδιαφερόµενου στη ∆ηµοκρατία, την προσωπική του κατάσταση και το ποσό της ενίσχυσης που του χορηγήθηκε, προκειµένου να εκτιµά κατά πόσο ο δικαιούχος αποτελεί υπέρµετρο βάρος για το σύστηµα κοινωνικής πρόνοιας και, ακολούθως, να προβαίνει στη λήψη µέτρου απέλασής του.

or his or her family member’s recourse to the social assistance system of the Republic. In that circumstance the competent authority shall examine whether it is a care of temporary difficulty and take into account the period of residence of the person concerned in the Republic, his/her personal circumstances and the amount of assistance that has been granted to him/her, in order to assess whether the beneficiary is an unreasonable burden to the social assistance system, and, afterwards, proceed with the measure to expel him/her.

competent authority will decide to provide social assistance. This is similar to Recital 16 of the Directive

Art.14.4 (a)

4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2 and without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter VI, an expulsion measure may in no case be adopted against Union citizens or their family members if: (a) the Union citizens are workers or self-employed persons, or

(4) (a)

(4) Κατά παρέκκλιση από τα εδάφια (1) και (2) και µε την επιφύλαξη των διατάξεων του ΜΕΡΟΥΣ VII, σε καµιά περίπτωση, δεν πρέπει να λαµβάνεται από την αρµόδια αρχή µέτρο απέλασης κατά πολιτών της Ένωσης ή µελών των οικογενειών τους, εφόσον οι πολίτες της Ένωσης- (α) Είναι µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι ή µη µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι ή

(4) By way of derogation from paragraphs (1) and (2) and without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter VII, the competent authority may in no circumstance adopt an expulsion measure against a Union citizen or his/her family members if: (a) the Union citizen is a worker or self-employed person; or

Y Almost Literal transposition

Art.14.4 (b)

(b) the Union citizens entered the territory of the host Member State in order to seek employment. In this case, the Union citizens and their family members may not be expelled for as long as the Union citizens can provide evidence that they are continuing to seek employment and that they have a genuine chance of being engaged.

(b) (β) εισήλθαν στην επικράτεια της ∆ηµοκρατίας προκειµένου να αναζητήσουν εργασία. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση οι πολίτες της Ένωσης και τα µέλη των οικογενειών τους, δε δύνανται να απελαθούν ενόσω µπορούν να παρέχουν αποδείξεις ότι συνεχίζουν να αναζητούν εργασία και ότι έχουν πραγµατικές πιθανότητες να προσληφθούν.

(b) the Union citizen entered the territory of the Republic in order to seek employment. In this case, the Union citizen and his/her family members may not be expelled for as long as he/she can provide evidence that he/she is continuing to seek work and has a genuine chance of being engaged.

Y Literal transposition

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Art.15.1 Procedural safeguards The procedures provided for by Articles 30 and 31 shall apply by analogy to all decisions restricting free movement of Union citizens and their family members on grounds other than public policy, public security or public health.

Section (28) (1)

(1) Οι διαδικασίες που προβλέπονται στα άρθρα 32 και 33 εφαρµόζονται κατ’ αναλογία για κάθε απόφαση περιοριστική της ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας των πολιτών της Ένωσης και των µελών των οικογενειών τους, για λόγους άλλους από τη δηµόσια τάξη, τη δηµόσια ασφάλεια ή τη δηµόσια υγεία.

(1) The procedures provided for by Article 32 and 33 shall apply by analogy to all decisions restricting free movement of Union citizens and their family members on grounds other than public policy, public security and public health.

Y Literal transposition

Art.15.2 2. Expiry of the identity card or passport on the basis of which the person concerned entered the host Member State and was issued with a registration certificate or residence card shall not constitute a ground for expulsion from the host Member State.

(2) (2) Η λήξη της ισχύος του δελτίου ταυτότητας ή του διαβατηρίου βάσει του οποίου ο ενδιαφερόµενος εισήλθε στη ∆ηµοκρατία και του χορηγήθηκε η βεβαίωση εγγραφής ή το δελτίο διαµονής δεν αποτελεί λόγο απέλασης από τη ∆ηµοκρατία.

(2) Expiry of the identity card or passport on the basis of which the person concerned entered the Republic and was issued with a registration certificate or residence card shall not constitute a ground for expulsion from the Republic.

Y Literal transposition

Art.15.3 3. The host Member State may not impose a ban on entry in the context of an expulsion decision to which paragraph 1 applies.

(3) (3) Η αρµόδια αρχή δεν επιβάλλει απαγόρευση εισόδου σε συνδυασµό µε απόφασης απέλασης για την οποία ισχύουν τα διαλαµβανόµενα στο εδάφιο (1).

(3) The competent authority may not impose a ban on entry in the context of an expulsion decision to which paragraph (1) applies.

Y Literal transposition

Chapter IV





Art.16.1 General rule for Union citizens and their family members 1. Union citizens who have resided legally for a continuous period of five years in the host Member State shall have the right of permanent residence there. This right shall not be subject to the conditions provided for in Chapter III.

Section (14) (1)

(1) Οι πολίτες της Ένωσης, οι οποίοι έχουν διαµείνει νοµίµως στη ∆ηµοκρατία για συνεχή περίοδο πέντε ετών, έχουν δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής. Το δικαίωµα αυτό δεν υπόκειται στους όρους που προβλέπονται στα ΜΕΡΗ ΙΙΙ και VΙ.

(1) Union citizens who have resided legally in the Republic for a continuous period of five years shall have the right of permanent residence. This right shall not be subject to the conditions provided for in PARTS III and VI.

Y Literal transposition PARTS III and VI of the national legislation correspond to the provisions of Chapter III of the Directive.

Art.16.2 2. Paragraph 1 shall apply also to family members who are not nationals of a Member State and have legally resided with the Union citizen in the host Member

(2) (2) Οι διατάξεις του εδαφίου (1) εφαρµόζονται και στα µέλη της οικογένειας, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους και που

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply also to family members who are not nationals of a Member State and have

Y Literal transposition

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State for a continuous period of five years.

έχουν διαµείνει νοµίµως µε τον πολίτη της Ένωσης στη ∆ηµοκρατία για συνεχή περίοδο πέντε ετών.

legally resided with the Union citizen in the Republic for a continuous period of five years.

Art.16.3 3. Continuity of residence shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding a total of six months a year, or by absences of a longer duration for compulsory military service, or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third country.

(3) (3) Το αδιάλειπτο της διαµονής δεν επηρεάζεται από προσωρινές απουσίες που δεν υπερβαίνουν συνολικά τους έξι µήνες ετησίως ή από απουσίες µεγαλύτερης διάρκειας για την εκπλήρωση υποχρεωτικής στρατιωτικής θητείας ή από µια απουσία δώδεκα συναπτών µηνών κατ’ ανώτατο όριο για σοβαρούς λόγους, περιλαµβανοµένης εγκυµοσύνης και µητρότητας, σοβαρής ασθένειας, σπουδών ή επαγγελµατικής κατάρτισης ή απόσπασης σε άλλο κράτος µέλος ή τρίτη χώρα.

(3) Continuity of residence shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding six months a year, or by absences of longer duration for compulsory military service or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third country.

Y Almost literal transposition Serious illness is not listed in the national law. Whilst it would have been better to include this, failure to do so should not be problematic since it is merely listed by way of example and serious illness would constitute a serious reason.

Art.16.4 4. Once acquired, the right of permanent residence shall be lost only through absence from the host Member State for a period exceeding two consecutive years.

(4) (4) Από τη στιγµή που θα αποκτηθεί το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής, η απώλεια του δικαιώµατος αυτού επέρχεται µόνο σε περίπτωση απουσίας από τη ∆ηµοκρατία για χρονικό διάστηµα που υπερβαίνει τα δύο συνεχόµενα έτη.

(4) Once acquired, the right of permanent residence shall be lost only through absence from the Republic for a period exceeding two consecutive years.

Y Literal transposition

Art.17.1 (a)

Exemptions for persons no longer working in the host Member State and their family members 1. By way of derogation from Article 16, the right of permanent residence in the host Member State shall be enjoyed before completion of a continuous period of five years of residence by: (a) workers or self-employed persons who, at the time they stop working, have reached the age laid down by the law of that Member State for entitlement to an

Section (15) (1) (a)

Παρεκκλίσεις για τα πρόσωπα τα οποία δεν εργάζονται πλέον στη ∆ηµοκρατία και για τα µέλη των οικογενειών τους (1) Κατά παρέκκλιση από τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 14, το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία πριν από τη συµπλήρωση συνεχούς περιόδου πέντε ετών διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία απολαύουν- (α) Οι µισθωτοί ή οι µη µισθωτοί

Exemptions for persons no longer working in the Republic and their family members (1) By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 14, the right of permanent residence in the Republic shall be enjoyed before completion of a continuous period of five years of residence by: (a) workers or self-employed

Y Literal transposition The reference to the law of the MS is transposed as a reference to the social insurance legislation of the Republic.

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old age pension or workers who cease paid employment to take early retirement, provided that they have been working in that Member State for at least the preceding twelve months and have resided there continuously for more than three years.

εργαζόµενοι, οι οποίοι, κατά το χρόνο παύσης της εργασίας τους έχουν φθάσει στην ηλικία που καθορίζεται από την εκάστοτε ισχύουσα στη ∆ηµοκρατία νοµοθεσία περί κοινωνικών ασφαλίσεων για την απόκτηση δικαιώµατος συνταξιοδότησης λόγω γήρατος. Οι µισθωτοί εργαζόµενοι, οι οποίοι έχουν παύσει να ασκούν µισθωτή δραστηριότητα λόγω πρόωρης αφυπηρέτησης, υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι έχουν εργασθεί στη ∆ηµοκρατία τουλάχιστον τους προηγούµενους δώδεκα µήνες και ότι έχουν διαµείνει στη ∆ηµοκρατία συνεχώς για περισσότερα από τρία έτη.

persons who, at the time they stop working, have reached the age laid down by the social insurance legislation of the Republic for entitlement to an old age pension or workers who cease paid employment to take early retirement, provided that they have been working in the Republic for at least the preceding 12 months and have resided in the Republic continuously for more than three years;

If the law of the host Member State does not grant the right to an old age pension to certain categories of self-employed persons, the age condition shall be deemed to have been met once the person concerned has reached the age of 60;

n/a No transposed because not relevant. Cyprus grants the right to an old age pension. This applies to both employed and self-employed persons.

Art.17.1 (b)

(b) workers or self-employed persons who have resided continuously in the host Member State for more than two years and stop working there as a result of permanent incapacity to work. If such incapacity is the result of an accident at work or an occupational disease entitling the person concerned to a benefit payable in full or in part by an institution in the host Member State, no condition shall be imposed as to length of residence;

(b) (β) στους µισθωτούς εργαζόµενους ή µη µισθωτούς εργαζόµενους, οι οποίοι, έχουν διαµείνει συνεχώς για περισσότερα από δυο έτη στη ∆ηµοκρατία και έχουν παύσει να εργάζονται στη ∆ηµοκρατία λόγω µόνιµης ανικανότητας για εργασία: Νοείται ότι, αν η ως άνω ανικανότητα προήλθε συνεπεία εργατικού ατυχήµατος ή επαγγελµατικής νόσου, που παρέχει δικαίωµα σε σύνταξη πληρωτέα ολικώς ή µερικώς από τις Υπηρεσίες Κοινωνικών

(b) workers of self-employed persons who have resided continuously in the Republic for more than two years and have stopped working in the Republic as a result of permanent incapacity to work. It being understood that if such incapacity is the result of an accident at work or occupational disease entitling the person to a pension paid fully or in part by the Social Insurance Services or to another benefit paid fully or in

Y Literal transposition The reference to the institution in the MS is transposed as a reference to the Social Insurance Services in the case of pensions and for other benefits, the competent body pursuant to other relevant legislation.

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ασφαλίσεων ή άλλο ευεργέτηµα το οποίο καταβάλλεται στον ενδιαφερόµενο εν όλω ή εν µέρει από αρµόδιο φορέα δυνάµει άλλης σχετικής νοµοθεσίας, δεν επιβάλλονται όροι όσον αφορά τη διάρκεια της διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία.

part by the competent body pursuant to other relevant legislation, no condition shall be imposed as to length of residence in the Republic;

Art.17.1 (c)

(c) workers or self-employed persons who, after three years of continuous employment and residence in the host Member State, work in an employed or self-employed capacity in another Member State, while retaining their place of residence in the host Member State, to which they return, as a rule, each day or at least once a week.

(c) (γ) στους µισθωτούς εργαζοµένους ή µη µισθωτούς εργαζοµένους, οι οποίοι µετά τη συµπλήρωση τριών ετών συνεχούς απασχόλησης και διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία, ασκούν µισθωτή ή µη µισθωτή δραστηριότητα σε άλλο κράτος µέλος, διατηρώντας τον τόπο διαµονής τους στη ∆ηµοκρατία, στην οποία επιστρέφουν τουλάχιστον µια φορά την εβδοµάδα.

(c) workers or self-employed persons who, after three years of continuous employment and residence in the Republic, work in an employed or self-employed capacity in another Member State, while retaining their place of residence in the Republic, to which they return at least once each week.

Y Almost literal transposition No reference to the ‘each day’ option. This does not constitute a problem.

For the purposes of entitlement to the rights referred to in points (a) and (b), periods of employment spent in the Member State in which the person concerned is working shall be regarded as having been spent in the host Member State.

(2) (2) Για τους σκοπούς της απόκτησης των δικαιωµάτων που προβλέπονται στις παραγράφους (α) και (β) του εδαφίου (1), οι περίοδοι απασχόλησης στο κράτος µέλος όπου εργάζεται ο ενδιαφερόµενος λογίζονται ως περίοδοι απασχόλησης οι οποίες πραγµατοποιήθηκαν στη ∆ηµοκρατία.

(2) For the purposes of entitlement to the rights referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph (1), periods of employment spent in the Member State in which the person concerned is working shall be regarded as periods of employment in the Republic.

Y Literal transposition

Periods of involuntary unemployment duly recorded by the relevant employment office, periods not worked for reasons not of the person's own making and absences from work or cessation of work due to illness or accident shall be regarded as periods of employment.

(2) continues Οι περίοδοι ακούσιας ανεργίας, οι οποίες έχουν καταγραφεί δεόντως από το Τµήµα Εργασίας, οι περίοδοι διακοπής δραστηριότητας που δεν οφείλονται στη βούληση του ενδιαφεροµένου και οι απουσίες από την εργασία ή η διακοπή της εργασίας λόγω ασθενείας ή ατυχήµατος λογίζονται ως

Periods of involuntary unemployment duly recorded by the Department of Labour, periods not worked for reasons not of the person’s own making and absences from work or cessation of work due to illness or accident shall be regarded as periods of employment.

Y Literal transposition The reference to the relevant employment office is transposed as a reference to the Department of Labour

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περίοδοι απασχόλησης. Art.17.2 2. The conditions as to length of residence

and employment laid down in point (a) of paragraph 1 and the condition as to length of residence laid down in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall not apply if the worker's or the self-employed person's spouse or partner as referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 is a national of the host Member State or has lost the nationality of that Member State by marriage to that worker or self-employed person.

(3) (3) Οι όροι για τη διάρκεια διαµονής και απασχόλησης στη ∆ηµοκρατία που προβλέπονται στην παράγραφο (α) του εδαφίου (1) και ο όρος για τη διάρκεια διαµονής που προβλέπεται στην παράγραφο (β) του εν λόγω εδαφίου, δεν ισχύουν στην περίπτωση που ο/η σύζυγος του µισθωτού ή του µη µισθωτού εργαζοµένου είναι υπήκοος της ∆ηµοκρατίας.

(3) The conditions as to length of residence and employment in the Republic laid down in point (a) of paragraph (1) and the condition as to length of residence laid down in point (b) of that paragraph shall not apply if the worker’s or self-employed person’s spouse is a national of the Republic.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition There is no reference to the situation when the person’s spouse has lost the nationality of that Member State by marriage to that worker or self-employed person. This can happen if a MS’s legislation does not allow dual nationality. Cypriot law allows dual nationality, but the problem will be posed if a MS does not allow their citizens to have dual nationality. In this case we do have a gap.

Art.17.3 3. Irrespective of nationality, the family members of a worker or a self-employed person who are residing with him in the territory of the host Member State shall have the right of permanent residence in that Member State, if the worker or self-employed person has acquired himself the right of permanent residence in that Member State on the basis of paragraph 1.

(4) (4) Ανεξαρτήτως ιθαγένειας, τα µέλη της οικογένειας µισθωτού εργαζοµένου ή µη µισθωτού εργαζοµένου που διαµένουν µαζί του στη ∆ηµοκρατία, έχουν δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής, εφόσον ο ίδιος ο µισθωτός εργαζόµενος ή µη µισθωτός εργαζόµενος έχει αποκτήσει δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία δυνάµει των διατάξεων του εδαφίου (1):

(4) Irrespective of nationality, the family members of a worker or self-employed person who are residing with him in the Republic shall have the right of permanent residence, if the worker or self-employed person has acquired himself the right of permanent residence in the Republic on the basis of the provisions of paragraph (1).

Y Literal transposition

Art.17.4 (a)

4. If, however, the worker or self-employed person dies while still working but before acquiring permanent residence status in the host Member State on the basis of paragraph 1, his family members who are residing with him in the host Member State shall acquire the right of permanent residence there, on condition that:


Νοείται ότι, αν ο µισθωτός εργαζόµενος ή µη µισθωτός εργαζόµενος απεβίωσε ενόσω ακόµη εργαζόταν αλλά πριν αποκτήσει το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία δυνάµει των διατάξεων του εδαφίου (1), τα µέλη της οικογένειας του που διαµένουν µαζί του στη ∆ηµοκρατία, έχουν δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία, υπό τις ακόλουθες προϋποθέσεις:

It being understood that if the worker of self-employed person dies while still working but before acquiring the right of permanent residence in the Republic on the basis of paragraph (1), his family members who are residing with him in the Republic shall acquire the right of permanent residence in the Republic, on condition that:

Y Literal transposition

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(a) the worker or self-employed person had, at the time of death, resided continuously on the territory of that Member State for two years; or


(α) ο µισθωτός εργαζόµενος ή µη µισθωτός εργαζόµενος είχε κατά τον χρόνο του θανάτου του διαµείνει συνεχώς επί δύο συνεχόµενα έτη στη ∆ηµοκρατία ή

(a) the worker or self-employed person had, at the time of death, resided continuously in the Republic for two years;

Art.17.4 (b)

(b) the death resulted from an accident at work or an occupational disease; or

(b) (β) ο θάνατος του οφείλεται σε εργατικό ατύχηµα ή επαγγελµατική νόσο

(b) the death resulted from an accident at work or an occupational disease.

Y Literal transposition

Art.17.4 (c)

(c) the surviving spouse lost the nationality of that Member State following marriage to the worker or self-employed person.

NT Not transposed No such provision is found in the law

Art.18 Acquisition of the right of permanent residence by certain family members who are not nationals of a Member State. Without prejudice to Article 17, the family members of a Union citizen to whom Articles 12(2) and 13(2) apply, who satisfy the conditions laid down therein, shall acquire the right of permanent residence after residing legally for a period of five consecutive years in the host Member State.

Section (16) Με την επιφύλαξη των διατάξεων του άρθρου 15, τα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης για τα οποία εφαρµόζονται το εδάφιο (2) του άρθρου 25 και το εδάφιο (2) του άρθρου 26 και, τα οποία, πληρούν τους προβλεπόµενους από τα εν λόγω εδάφια όρους, αποκτούν το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής εάν διαµείνουν νοµίµως στη ∆ηµοκρατία για περίοδο πέντε συνεχόµενων ετών

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 14, the family members of a Union citizen to whom Article 25(2) and 26(2) apply, who satisfy the conditions laid down therein, shall acquire the right of permanent residence after residing legally in the Republic for a period of five consecutive years.

Y Literal transposition

Chapter IV

RIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE Section I. Administrative formalities



Art.19.1 Document certifying permanent residence for Union citizens 1. Upon application Member States shall issue Union citizens entitled to permanent residence, after having verified duration of residence, with a document certifying permanent residence.

Section (17) (1)

Πιστοποιητικό µόνιµης διαµονής πολίτη της Ένωσης (1) Στους δικαιούχους µόνιµης διαµονής πολίτες της Ένωσης και αφού εξακριβωθεί από την αρµόδια αρχή η περίοδος διαµονής τους στη ∆ηµοκρατία, χορηγείται κατόπιν αίτησης τους που υποβάλλεται στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στο Παράρτηµα V

Certificate of permanent residence for Union citizens (1) Upon application, submitted in accordance with the Model set out in Annex V, and payment of the fee of twenty pounds (£20) [€34, 17], a Union citizen entitled to permanent residence shall be issued with a certificate of permanent residence in the

Y Effective transposition The Annexes provide sample forms. .

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του παρόντος Νόµου και µε την καταβολή του τέλους των είκοσι λιρών (£20), πιστοποιητικό µόνιµης διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία, που παρατίθεται στον Τύπο του Παραρτήµατος VI του παρόντος Νόµου.

Republic, as per the Model set out in Annex VI, after the competent authority has verified his/her period of residence.

Art.19.2 2. The document certifying permanent residence shall be issued as soon as possible.

(2) (2) Το αναφερόµενο στο εδάφιο (1) πιστοποιητικό, εκδίδεται από την αρµόδια αρχή το συντοµότερο δυνατό µετά την ηµέρα υποβολής της σχετικής αίτησης.

(2) The competent authority shall issue the certificate referred to in paragraph (1) as soon as possible after the date of submission of the relevant application.

Y Literal transposition

Art.20.1 Permanent residence card for family members who are not nationals of a Member State 1. Member States shall issue family members who are not nationals of a Member State entitled to permanent residence with a permanent residence card within six months of the submission of the application. The permanent residence card shall be renewable automatically every 10 years.

Section (18) (1) ∆ελτίο διαµονής για µέλη της οικογένειας που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, χορηγείται κατόπιν αίτησης τους που υποβάλλεται στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στo Παράρτηµα V του παρόντος Νόµου και µε την καταβολή του τέλους των είκοσι λιρών ((£20) από την αρµόδια αρχή δελτίο µόνιµης διαµονής στον Τύπο που παρατίθεται στο Παράρτηµα VI, ισχύος δέκα ετών, εντός εξαµήνου από την υποβολή της σχετικής αίτησης. Το εν λόγω δελτίο ανανεώνεται αυτοδικαίως ανά δεκαετία από την ηµεροµηνία έκδοσης και µετά από σχετική αίτηση του ενδιαφερόµενου και την καταβολή τέλους είκοσι λιρών (£20).

(1) The competent authority shall issue a permanent residence card, in accordance with the Model set out in Annex VI, valid for 10 years to family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State and entitled to permanent residence after the submission of an application in accordance with the Model set out in Annex V and payment of the fee of twenty pounds (£20) [€34, 17] within six months of the submission of the application. The card shall be renewable automatically every 10 years after the date of issue and after the submission of an application by the person concerned and payment of a fee of twenty pounds (£20) [€34, 17].

Y Effective transposition The Annexes provide sample forms.

Art.20.2 2. The application for a permanent residence card shall be submitted before the residence card expires. Failure to comply with the requirement to apply for a permanent residence card may render the person concerned liable to

(2) (a)

(2)(α) Η αίτηση για τη χορήγηση δελτίου µόνιµης διαµονής πρέπει να υποβάλλεται από τον ενδιαφερόµενο εντός ενός µηνός από τη λήξη της ισχύος του δελτίου διαµονής

(2) (a) The application for a permanent residence card shall be submitted within one month from the expiry of the validity of the residence card.

Y Effective transposition The Directive states that the application shall be submitted before the residence card expires. The transposing legislation only requires

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proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

(b) (β) Η µη συµµόρφωση µε την απαίτηση υποβολής έγκαιρης αίτησης για τη χορήγηση δελτίου διαµονής, συνιστά αδίκηµα τιµωρούµενο µε χρηµατική ποινή που δεν υπερβαίνει τις χίλιες πεντακόσιες λίρες (£1500)

(b) Failure to comply with the requirement to apply punctually for a permanent residence card shall be an offence punishable by a fine of up to one thousand, five hundred pounds (£1500) [€34, 17].

that it be submitted within one month form expiry. This means that the national law is more favorable. More favorable treatment. Failure to comply not a criminal offence.

Art.20.3 3. Interruption in residence not exceeding two consecutive years shall not affect the validity of the permanent residence card.

(3) (3) ∆ιακοπή της διαµονής, που δεν υπερβαίνει τα δυο συνεχόµενα έτη, δεν επηρεάζει την ισχύ του δελτίου µόνιµης διαµονής.

(3) Interruption in residence not exceeding two consecutive years shall not affect the validity of the permanent residence card.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 21 Continuity of residence For the purposes of this Directive, continuity of residence may be attested by any means of proof in use in the host Member State. Continuity of residence is broken by any expulsion decision duly enforced against the person concerned.

Section (19) Αδιάλειπτο της διαµονής Για τους σκοπούς του παρόντος Νόµου, το αδιάλειπτο της διαµονής δύναται να πιστοποιείται µε κάθε εν χρήσει στη ∆ηµοκρατία αποδεικτικό µέσο που µπορεί να απαιτηθεί από την αρµόδια αρχή για το σκοπό αυτό. Το αδιάλειπτο της διαµονής διακόπτεται από κάθε απόφαση απέλασης η οποία εκτελείται νοµοτύπως κατά του ενδιαφερόµενου.

Continuity of residence For the purposes of this Law, continuity of residence may be attested by any means of proof in use in the Republic which may be required by the competence authority for that purpose. Continuity of residence is broken by any expulsion decision duly enforced against the person concerned.

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Almost literal transposition The requirement that it may be attested by any means of proof is transposed. However, it is qualified by the phrase ‘which may be required by the competent authority for that purpose’ – this limits the citizen’s rights. He or she may have one means of proof and the comp authority may require a different means of proof. Therefore the national law is not in full accord.

Chapter V



ΜΕΡΟΣ V ∆ιατάξεις κοινές για το δικαίωµα διαµονής και το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής


Art. 22 Territorial scope The right of residence and the right of permanent residence shall cover the whole territory of the host Member State.

Section (20) Εδαφική εφαρµογή (20) Το δικαίωµα και το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής των προσώπων επί των οποίων έχει εφαρµογή ο παρών Νόµος καλύπτει τις ελεγχόµενες από την Κυβέρνηση της ∆ηµοκρατίας περιοχές.

Territorial scope The right of residence and the right of permanent residence of the persons to whom this Law shall have application in the areas controlled by the Government of Cyprus

Y Effective transposition Restricted to the areas controlled by the Government of Cyprus. Protocol 10 of the Act of Accession of the Republic of Cyprus provides that the acquis shall be suspended in these areas.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Member States may impose territorial restrictions on the right of residence and the right of permanent residence only where the same restrictions apply to their own nationals.

See comment above

Art.23 Related rights Irrespective of nationality, the family members of a Union citizen who have the right of residence or the right of permanent residence in a Member State shall be entitled to take up employment or self-employment there.

Section (21)

Συναφή δικαιώµατα (21) Τα µέλη της οικογένειας πολίτη της Ένωσης, ανεξαρτήτως ιθαγένειας, τα οποία έχουν δικαίωµα διαµονής ή το δικαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής στη ∆ηµοκρατία, δικαιούνται να αναλαµβάνουν µισθωτή ή µη µισθωτή δραστηριότητα.

Related rights Irrespective of nationality, the family members of a Union citizen who have the right of residence or the right of permanent residence in the Republic shall be entitled to take up employment or self-employment.

Y Literal transposition

Art.24.1 Equal treatment 1. Subject to such specific provisions as are expressly provided for in the Treaty and secondary law, all Union citizens residing on the basis of this Directive in the territory of the host Member State shall enjoy equal treatment with the nationals of that Member State within the scope of the Treaty. The benefit of this right shall be extended to family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who have the right of residence or permanent residence.

Section (22) (1)

Ίση µεταχείριση (22) (1) Τηρουµένων των ειδικών διατάξεων που προβλέπονται ρητά στη Συνθήκη και στο παράγωγο κοινοτικό δίκαιο, όλοι οι πολίτες της Ένωσης που διαµένουν στη ∆ηµοκρατία δυνάµει των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόµου, τυγχάνουν ίσης µεταχείρισης µε τους πολίτες της ∆ηµοκρατίας στους τοµείς που καλύπτονται από τη Συνθήκη. Τα διαλαµβανόµενα στο άρθρο αυτό ισχύουν και για τα µέλη της οικογένειας του πολίτη της Ένωσης, που δεν είναι υπήκοοι κράτους µέλους, και που έχουν δικαίωµα διαµονής ή µόνιµης διαµονής δυνάµει των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόµου.

Equal treatment (1) Subject to such specific provisions as are expressly provided for in the Treaty and secondary law, all Union citizens residing on the basis of the provisions of this Law in the Republic shall enjoy equal treatment with the nationals of that Member State in the areas covered by the Treaty. The provisions of this Article shall apply also to family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State and who have the right of residence or permanent residence pursuant to the provisions of this Law.

Y Literal transposition

Art.24.2 2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the host Member State shall not be obliged to confer entitlement to social assistance during the first three months of

Section (22) (2)

(2) Κατά παρέκκλιση από τις διατάξεις του εδαφίου (1), δεν υφίσταται δικαίωµα σε κοινωνικές παροχές κατά τους

(2) By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph (1), there shall be no entitlement to social assistance during the first

Y Literal transposition It is clear from the CY text that self-employed and workers are entitled to

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



residence or, where appropriate, the longer period provided for in Article 14(4)(b), nor shall it be obliged, prior to acquisition of the right of permanent residence, to grant maintenance aid for studies, including vocational training, consisting in student grants or student loans to persons other than workers, self-employed persons, persons who retain such status and members of their families.

πρώτους τρεις µήνες διαµονής, ή κατά περίπτωση, κατά το µακρότερο χρονικό διάστηµα που προβλέπεται στην παράγραφο (β) του εδαφίου (4) του άρθρου 27, ούτε παρέχεται, πριν από την απόκτηση του δικαιώµατος µόνιµης διαµονής, επίδοµα συντήρησης για σπουδές συµπεριλαµβανοµένης της επαγγελµατικής κατάρτισης, αποτελούµενης από υποτροφίες για σπουδές ή σπουδαστικά δάνεια, σε πρόσωπα άλλα από µισθωτούς εργαζόµενους, µη µισθωτούς εργαζόµενους, σε πρόσωπα που διατηρούν αυτή την ιδιότητα και στα µέλη των οικογενειών τους.

three months of residence or, where appropriate, the longer period provided for in Article 27(4)(b), nor prior to acquisition of the right of permanent residence, shall maintenance aid for studies, including vocational training, consisting in student grants or student loans, be granted to persons other than workers, self-employed persons, persons who retain such status and members of their families.

social assistance from the first day.

Art.25.1 General provisions concerning residence documents 1. Possession of a registration certificate as referred to in Article 8, of a document certifying permanent residence, of a certificate attesting submission of an application for a family member residence card, of a residence card or of a permanent residence card, may under no circumstances be made a precondition for the exercise of a right or the completion of an administrative formality, as entitlement to rights may be attested by any other means of proof.

Section (23)

Γενικές διατάξεις περί των εγγράφων διαµονής (23) Η κατοχή των προβλεπόµενων στον παρόντα Νόµο εγγράφων διαµονής, της βεβαιωσης εγγραφής, του πιστοποιητικού µόνιµης διαµονής, της βεβαίωσης που πιστοποιεί την υποβολή αίτησης για χορήγηση δελτίου διαµονής µέλους της οικογένειας, δελτίου διαµονής µέλους της οικογένειας ή δελτίου µόνιµης διαµονής δε δύναται, σε καµία περίπτωση, να επιβάλλεται ως προυπόθεση για την άσκηση δικαιώµατος ή τη διεκπεραίωση διοικητικής διατύπωσης, εφόσον η κατοχή δικαιωµάτων δύναται να πιστοποιείται µε οποιονδήποτε άλλο αποδεικτικό µέσο.

General provisions concerning residence documents Possession of the residence documents provided for by this Law, specifically of the registration certificate, the certificate of permanent residence, the certificate attesting submission of an application for a family member residence card, a family member residence or permanent residence card, may under no circumstances be made a precondition for the exercise of a right or the completion of an administrative formality, as entitlement to rights may be attested by any other means of proof.

Y Literal transposition

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Art.25.2 2. All documents mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be issued free of charge or for a charge not exceeding that imposed on nationals for the issuing of similar documents.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition No relevant national provision exists. However transposition is assessed as achieved since it is applied in accordance with the requirements of the Directive. These documents are not issued free of charge. The charge imposed is identical to that imposed on nationals for the issuing of similar documents In this perspective the objective of the Directive is achieved.

Art.26 Checks Member States may carry out checks on compliance with any requirement deriving from their national legislation for non-nationals always to carry their registration certificate or residence card, provided that the same requirement applies to their own nationals as regards their identity card. In the event of failure to comply with this requirement, Member States may impose the same sanctions as those imposed on their own nationals for failure to carry their identity card.

Section (24) (1)

Έλεγχοι (24) (1) Οποιοδήποτε επί καθήκοντι αστυνοµικός, ή οποιαδήποτε αρµόδια αρχή, δύναται να απαιτήσει από οποιοδήποτε πρόσωπο στο οποίο εφαρµόζεται ο παρών Νόµος να προσκοµίζει, κατά περίπτωση, το ισχύον δελτίο ταυτότητός του ή διαβατήριο, τη βεβαίωση εγγραφής ή το δελτίο διαµονής του, ή αν το πρόσωπο αυτό αδυνατεί κατά τη δεδοµένη στιγµή να παρουσιάσει τα έγγραφα αυτά, δύναται να απαιτήσει από αυτό να προσκοµίσει τα έγγραφα αυτά εντός ορισµένου χρονικού διαστήµατος, όπως ήθελε κρίνει αναγκαίο (2) Σε περίπτωση που πρόσωπο αρνείται ή παραλείπει να προσκοµίσει τα εν λόγω έγγραφα, όταν αυτό ζητείται νόµιµα σύµφωνα µε τις διατάξεις του παρόντος άρθρου ή εντός του

Checks (24) (1) Any police officer who is on duty or any competent authority may require any person to whom this Law applies to present, as appropriate, his/her valid identity card or passport, certificate of registration or residence card, or, if the person is unable to present the documents at the given time, require presentation of the documents within a specified period of time as deemed necessary. (2) If a person who is lawfully requested to present the said documents refuses or fails to present them in accordance with the provisions of this Law or within the specified period of


Effective transposition The requirements found in the transposing provision also applies to own nationals Sanctions are the same as those imposed on nationals for failure to carry their identity card.

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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χρονικού διαστήµατος που τίθεται, είναι ένοχο αδικήµατος και υπόκειται σε περίπτωση καταδίκης του σε χρηµατική ποινή που δεν υπερβαίνει τις χίλιες λίρες (1000 λίρες).

time, he/she shall be considered to have committed an offence and be liable, if convicted, to a fine of up to one thousand pounds (1000 pounds).

Chapter VI




Art.27.1 General principles 1. Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, Member States may restrict the freedom of movement and residence of Union citizens and their family members, irrespective of nationality, on grounds of public policy, public security or public health. These grounds shall not be invoked to serve economic ends.

Section (29) (1)


Γενικές Αρχές (29) (1) Με την επιφύλαξη των διατάξεων του παρόντος Μέρους, η αρµόδια αρχή δύναται να επιβάλλει περιορισµούς στο δικαίωµα ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας και διαµονής των πολιτών της Ένωσης και των µελών των οικογενειών τους, ανεξαρτήτως ιθαγένειας, για λόγους δηµόσιας τάξης, δηµόσιας ασφάλειας ή δηµόσιας υγείας. (2) ∆ε δύναται να γίνεται επίκληση των λόγων του εδαρίου (1) για την εξυπηρέτηση οικονοµικών σκοπών.

General principles (1) Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the competent authority may restrict the freedom of movement and residence of Union citizens and their family members, irrespective of nationality, on grounds of public policy, public security or public health. (2) The grounds referred to in paragraph (1) shall not be invoked to serve economic ends.

Y Literal transposition There is no indication as to how the national courts have interpreted the concepts of public security and public policy in relation to the specific Directive. Answer from CAs is awaited. The answers found in the CY questionnaire forwarded to the expert by Milieu on July 9 indicate that the notions of public order, security and health have not been defined by legislation, administrative practice or case law.

Art.27.2 2. Measures taken on grounds of public policy or public security shall comply with the principle of proportionality and shall be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual concerned. Previous criminal convictions shall not in

Section (29) (3) (a) (b)

(3) (α) Κάθε µέτρο που λαµβάνεται για λόγους δηµόσιας τάξης ή δηµόσιας ασφάλειας, πρέπει να τηρέι την αρχή της αναλογικότητας και να θεµελιώνεται αποκλειστικά στην

(29) (3) (a) Measures taken on grounds of public policy or public security shall comply with the principle of proportionality and shall be based exclusively on the

Y Effective transposition Both subparagraphs of Art 27.2 are transposed together in Art 29(3)(a)and (b) of the transposing legislation.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



themselves constitute grounds for taking such measures.

προσωπική συµπεριφορά του ατόµου που το αφορά (β) Προηγούµενες ποινικές καταδίκες δεν αποτελούν αφ’ εαυτών λόγους για τη λήψη τέτοιων µέτρων.

personal conduct of the individual concerned, which must represent a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society. It being understood that justifications that are isolated from the particulars of the individual case or that invoke considerations of general prevention shall not be accepted. (b) Previous criminal convictions shall not in themselves constitute grounds for taking such measures

The personal conduct of the individual concerned must represent a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society. Justifications that are isolated from the particulars of the case or that rely on considerations of general prevention shall not be accepted.

Section (29) (3) (a)

η οποία πρέπει να συνιστά πραγµατική, ενεστώσα και επαρκώς σοβαρή απειλή, στρεφόµενη κατά θεµελιώδους συµφέροντος της κοινωνίας. Νοείται ότι, δεν επιτρέπεται η επίληση λόγων που δεν συνδέονται µε τα στοιχεία της εκάστοτε ατοµικής περίπτωσης ούτε η επίκληση λόγων γενικής πρόληψης.

See paragraph (a) above See paragraph (a) above

Y Effective transposition. Both subparagraphs of Art 27.2 are transposed together in Art 29(3)(a) and (b) of the transposing legislation.

Art.27.3 3. In order to ascertain whether the person concerned represents a danger for public policy or public security, when issuing the registration certificate or, in the absence of a registration system, not later than three months from the date of arrival of the person concerned on its territory or from the date of reporting his/her presence within the territory, as provided for in Article 5(5), or when issuing the residence card, the host Member State

Section (29) (4)

(29) (4) Για να εξακριβωθεί κατά πόσο ο ενδιαφερόµενος συνιστά απειλή για τη δηµόσια τάξη ή τη δηµόσια ασφάλεια, κατά την έκδοση βεβαίωσης εγγραφής ή κατά την έκδοση του δελτίου διαµονής, η αρµόδια αρχή δύναται, εφόσον το κρίνει απαραίτητο, να ζητά από το κράτος µέλος καταγωγής του ενδιαφερόµενου και,

(4) In order to ascertain whether the person concerned represents a danger for public policy or public security, when issuing the registration certificate or the residence card, the competent authority may, should it consider this essential, request the Member State of origin of the person concerned and, if need be, other Member States to

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Cyprus has not transposed the requirements ‘in the absence of a registration system’ because it does have a registrations system. The obligation for a Member State to reply to requests from other Member States within two months has to be transposed explicitly. No provision

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



may, should it consider this essential, request the Member State of origin and, if need be, other Member States to provide information concerning any previous police record the person concerned may have. Such enquiries shall not be made as a matter of routine. The Member State consulted shall give its reply within two months.

ενδεχοµένως, από άλλα κράτη µέλη, να της παρέχουν εντός δύο µηνών το αργότερο πληροφορίες για το ποινικό µητρώο, που πιθανόν να έχει ο ενδιαφερόµενος. Νοείται ότι, η έρευνα αυτή δε δύναται να έχει συστηµατικό χαρακτήρα.

provide information concerning any previous police record the person concerned may have. It being understood that such enquiries may not be made as a matter of routine.

has been found requiring that when Cyprus is at the receiving end of such requests it will give the other MS a reply within 2 months.

Art.27.4 4. The Member State which issued the passport or identity card shall allow the holder of the document who has been expelled on grounds of public policy, public security, or public health from another Member State to re-enter its territory without any formality even if the document is no longer valid or the nationality of the holder is in dispute.

Article 14 of the Constitution Ουδενός πολίτου απαγορεύεται η είσοδος εις την ∆ηµοκρατίας ουδ’ επιτρέπεται η εξορία υφ’ οιοσδήποτε περιστάσεις.

No citizen can be prohibited from entering the Republic nor may he/she be expelled under any circumstances.

Y Effective transposition It is prohibited under the Constitution not to allow Cypriot nationals (those having the identity or passport of the Republic) to enter the Republic

Art.28 Protection against expulsion 1. Before taking an expulsion decision on grounds of public policy or public security, the host Member State shall take account of considerations such as how long the individual concerned has resided on its territory, his/her age, state of health, family and economic situation, social and cultural integration into the host Member State and the extent of his/her links with the country of origin.

Section (30) (1)

Προστασία κατά της απέλασης (30)(1) Προτού η αρµόδια αρχή λάβει απόφαση απέλασης για λόγους δηµόσιας τάξης ή δηµόσιας ασφάλειας λαµβάνει υπόψη της την περίοδο διαµονής του ενδιαφεόµενου προσώπου στη ∆ηµοκρατία, την ηλικία του, την κατάσταση της υγείας του, την οικογενειακή και οικονοµική του κατάσταση, την κοινωνική και πολιτιστική ενσωµάτωσή του στη ∆ηµοκρατία και το εύρος των δεσµών του µε τη χώρα καταγωγής του.

Protection against expulsion (1) Before taking an expulsion decision on grounds of public policy or public security, the competent authority shall take account of how long the person concerned has resided in the Republic, his/her age, state of health, family and economic situation and social and cultural integration into the Republic and the extent of his/her links with the country of origin.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Almost literal transposition The transposing legislation seems narrower in scope providing an exhaustive list of the facts that the competent authority shall take into account. The Directive says that considerations “such as”… shall be taken into account (so it is indicative). It only provides examples allowing the consideration of other factors that may be relevant. The contradiction is between the text of the Directive (indicative) and the text of the transposing legislation (exhaustive).

2. The host Member State may not take an expulsion decision against Union citizens or their family members, irrespective of

(2) (2) Η αρµόδια αρχή δε δύναται να λαµβάνει απόφαση απέλασης πολίτη της Ένωσης ή µέλους της

(2) The competent authority may not take an expulsion decision against a Union citizen or his/her

Y Literal transposition No interpretation has been found on

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



nationality, who have the right of permanent residence on its territory, except on serious grounds of public policy or public security.

οικογένειάς του, ανεξαρτήτως ιθαγένειας, που έχει αποκτήσει διακαίωµα µόνιµης διαµονής στην επικράτεια της ∆ηµοκρατίας, παρά µόνο για σοβαρούς λόγους δηµόσιας τάξης ή δηµόσιας ασφάλειας.

family member, irrespective of nationality, who has the right to permanent residence on the territory of the Republic, except on serious grounds of public policy of public security.

what “serious grounds” would be. CAs’ reply is awaited.

3. An expulsion decision may not be taken against Union citizens, except if the decision is based on imperative grounds of public security, as defined by Member States, if they: (a) have resided in the host Member State for the previous 10 years; or

(3) (a)

(3) Ουδεµία απόφαση απέλασης πολίτη της Ένωσης λαµβάνεται, εκτός εάν η απόφαση αυτή βασίζεται σε επιτακτικούς λόγους δηµόσιας ασφάλειας, εφόσον τα πρόσωπα αυτά (α) Έχουν διαµείνει κατά τα προηγούµενα δέκα έτη στη ∆ηµοκρατία, ή

(3) No expulsion decision may be taken against a Union citizen, except if the decision is based on imperative grounds of public security, if he/she (a) has resided in the Republic for the previous 10 years; or

Y Literal transposition

(b) are a minor, except if the expulsion is necessary for the best interests of the child, as provided for in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989.

(b) (β) είναι ανήλικοι, εκτός εάν η απέλαση είναι απαραίτητη για το βέλτιστο συµφέρον τουυ παιδιού, όπως προβλέπεται στη Σύµβαση των Ηνωµένων Εθνών για τα ∆ικαιώµατα του Παιδιού, της 20ης Νοεµβρίου 1989, η οποία κυρώθηκε µε τον περί της Σύµβασης περί των ∆ικαιωµάτων του Παιδιού (Κυρωτικό) Νόµο.

(b) is a minor, except if the expulsion is necessary for the best interests of the child, as provided for in the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989 which was ratified by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Ratification) Law.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 29.1

Public health 1. The only diseases justifying measures restricting freedom of movement shall be the diseases with epidemic potential as defined by the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation and other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases if they are the subject of protection provisions applying to nationals of the host Member State.

Section (31) (1)

∆ηµόσια υγεία (31) (1) Οι µόνες ασθένειες που δικαιολογούν µέτρα περιοριστικά του δικαιώµατος της ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας, είναι οι ασθένειες που εγκλείουν κίνδυνο επιδηµίας όπως ορίζονται στις οικείες πράξεις της Παγκόσµιας Οργάνωσης Υγείας, καθώς και άλλες λοιµώδεις νόσοι ή µεταδοτικές παρασιτικές ασθένειες, εφόσον αποτελούν, στη ∆ηµοκρατία, αντικείµενο διατάξεων προστασίας που

Public health (1) The only diseases that justify measures restricting freedom of movement shall be the diseases with epidemic potential as defined by the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation and other infectious or contagious parasitic diseases if they are the subject of protection provisions applying to nationals of the Republic.

Y Literal transposition

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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εφαρµόζονται στους πολίτες της ∆ηµοκρατίας.

Art.29.2 2. Diseases occurring after a three-month period from the date of arrival shall not constitute grounds for expulsion from the territory.

(2) (2) Οι ασθένειες που επέρχονται µετά την πάροδο των τριών µηνών από την ηµεροµηνία άφιξης στη ∆ηµοκρατία, δε δύνανται να αποτελέσουν λόγους για απέλαση από τη ∆ηµοκρατία.

(2) Diseases occurring after a three-month period from the date of arrival shall not constitute grounds for expulsion from the Republic.

Y Literal transposition

Art.29.3 3. Where there are serious indications that it is necessary, Member States may, within three months of the date of arrival, require persons entitled to the right of residence to undergo, free of charge, a medical examination to certify that they are not suffering from any of the conditions referred to in paragraph 1. Such medical examinations may not be required as a matter of routine.

(3) (3) Η αρµόδια αρχή δύναται στις περιπτώσεις που υπάρχουν σοβαρές ενδείξεις που το δικαιολογουν, να ζητήσει εντός τριών µηνών από την ηµεροµηνία άφιξης στη ∆ηµοκρατία, την υποβολή δικαιούχου του δικαιώµατος διαµονής σε δωρεάν ιατρική εξέταση από τις Ιατρικές Υπηρεσίες και Υπηρεσίες ∆ηµόσιας Υγείας του Υπουργείου Υγείας, προκειµένου να πιστοποιηθεί ότι δεν πάσχει από καµία από τις αναφερόµενες στο εδάφιο (1) ασθένειες. Νοείται ότι, οι εν λόγω ιατρικές εξετάσεις δε δύνανται να έχουν συστηµατικό χαρακτήρα.

(3) Where there are serious indications that it is necessary, the competent authority may, within three months of the date of arrival in the Republic, require persons entitled to the right of residence to undergo, free of charge, a medical examination by the Medical Services and Public Health Services of the Ministry of Health to certify that they are not suffering from any of the conditions referred to in paragraph (1) It being understood that such medical examinations may not be required as a matter of routine.

Y Literal transposition .

Art.30.1 Notification of decisions 1. The persons concerned shall be notified in writing of any decision taken under Article 27(1), in such a way that they are able to comprehend its content and the implications for them.

Section (32) (1)

Κοινοποίηση αποφάσεων (32)(1) Κάθε απόφαση που λαµβάνεται δυνάµει του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 29, κοινοποιείται γραπτώς στους ενδιαφερόµενους και συντάσσεται κατά τρόπο που να τους επιτρέπει να κατανοήσουν το περιεχόµενο και τις συνέπειές της έναντι αυτών.

Notification of decisions (1) The persons concerned shall be notified in writing of any decision taken under Article 29(1), in such a way that they are able to comprehend its content and the implications for them.

Y Literal transposition

Art.30.2 2. The persons concerned shall be informed, precisely and in full, of the public policy, public security or public

(2) (2) Οι ενδιαφερόµενοι ενηµερώνονται, επακριβώς και πλήρως, για τους λόγους

(2) The persons concerned shall be informed, precisely and in full, of the public policy, public

Y Literal transposition

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health grounds on which the decision taken in their case is based, unless this is contrary to the interests of State security.

δηµόσιας τάξης, δηµόσιας ασφάλειας ή δηµόσιας υγείας επί των οποίωςν στηρίζεται η ληφθείσα στην περίπτωσή τους απόφαση, εκτός εάν αυτό αντιτίθεται στα συµφέροντα της ασφάλειας της ∆ηµοκρατίας

security or public health grounds on which the decision taken in their case is based, unless this is contrary to the interests of the Republic’s security.

Art.30.3 3. The notification shall specify the court or administrative authority with which the person concerned may lodge an appeal, the time limit for the appeal and, where applicable, the time allowed for the person to leave the territory of the Member State. Save in duly substantiated cases of urgency, the time allowed to leave the territory shall be not less than one month from the date of notification.

(3) (3) Η κοινοποίηση περιέχει µνεία της αρχής ενώπιον της οποίας ο ενδιαφερόµενος δύναται να ασκήσει προσφυγή, της προθεσµίας για την άσκηση της εν λόγω προσφυγής, και, της προθεσµίας που τίθεται στον ενδιαφερόµενο για να εγκαταλείψει τη ∆ηµοκρατία η οποία δε δύναται να είναι µικρότερη του ενός µηνός από την ηµεροµηνία κοινοποίησης της απόφασης για απέλαση. Νοείται ότι σε δεόντως αιτιολογηµένες περιπτώσεις κατεπείγοντος, η αρµόδια αρχή δύνατι να διατάσσει την απέλαση του ενδιαφερόµενου προσώπου πάραυτα.

(3) The notification shall specify the authority with which the person concerned may lodge an appeal, the time limit for the appeal and the time allowed for the person to leave the territory of the Republic, which may not be less than one month from the date of notification of the expulsion decision. It being understood that in duly substantiated cases of urgency the competent authority may order the immediate expulsion of the person concerned.

Y Effective transposition The national law requires specification of the authority generally and is structured slightly differently to the Directive. No conformity problem arises.

Art.31.1 Procedural safeguards 1. The persons concerned shall have access to judicial and, where appropriate, administrative redress procedures in the host Member State to appeal against or seek review of any decision taken against them on the grounds of public policy, public security or public health.

Section (33) (1)

∆ιαδικαστικές εγγυήσεις (33)(1) Οι ενδιαφερόµενοι έχουν δικαίωµα άσκησης της προβλεπόµενης από το άρθρο 146 του Συντάγµατος προσφυγής ενώπιον του Ανώτατου ∆ικαστηρίου, προκειµένου να προσβάλουν την απόφαση της αρµόδιας ααρχής η οποία έχει ληφθεί εις βάρος τους για λόγους δηµόσιας τάξης , δηµόσιας ασφάλειας ή δηµόσιας υγείας.

Procedural safeguards (1) The persons concerned shall have the right to apply to the Supreme Court provided for by Article 146 of the Constitution against the decision of the competent authority taken against them on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.

Y Effective transposition The right to apply to the Supreme Court to annul an administrative act or omission is the way in which EVERY administrative act is challenged. Before that and based on the General Principles of Administrative Law, every administrative act can be challenged at the organ which issued the act or at the organ which is found higher in the hierarchy..

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Art.31.2 2. Where the application for appeal against or judicial review of the expulsion decision is accompanied by an application for an interim order to suspend enforcement of that decision, actual removal from the territory may not take place until such time as the decision on the interim order has been taken, except: — where the expulsion decision is based on a previous judicial decision; or — where the persons concerned have had previous access to judicial review; or — where the expulsion decision is based on imperative grounds of public security under Article 28(3).

(2) (2) Όταν η προσφυγή ενώπιον του Ανώτατου ∆ικαστηρίου κατά της απόφασης απέλασης συνοδεύεται από ενδιάµεση αίτηση για την αναστολή της εκτέλεσής της, η σωµατική αποµάκρυνση του ενδιαφερόµενου από τη ∆ηµοκρατία δε δύναται να διενεργείται προτού ληφθεί απόφαση επί της ενδιάµεσης αίτησης.

(2) Where the appeal to the Supreme Court against the expulsion decision is accompanied by an application for an interim order to suspend enforcement of that decision, actual removal of the person concerned from the Republic may not take place until such time as the decision on the interim order has been taken.

Y, More


More favourable treatment The national provision is more favorable because no exceptions to the rule are provided for.

Art.31.3 3. The redress procedures shall allow for an examination of the legality of the decision, as well as of the facts and circumstances on which the proposed measure is based. They shall ensure that the decision is not disproportionate, particularly in view of the requirements laid down in Article 28.

Article 146 of the Constitution 1. Το Ανώτατον Συνταγµατικόν ∆ικαστήριον κέκτηται αποκλειστικήν δικαιοδοσίαν να αποφασίζη οριστικώς και αµετακλήτως επί πάσης προσφυγής, υποβαλλόµενης κατ αποφάσεως, πράξεως ή παραλείψεως οιουδήποτε οργάνου, αρχής ή προσώπου, ασκούντων εκτελεστικήν ή διοικητικήν λειτουργίαν, επί τω λόγω ότι αύτη είναι αντίθετος προς τας διατάξεις του Συντάγµατος ή τον νόµον ή εγένετο καθ υπέρβασιν ή κατάχρησιν της εξουσίας της εµπεπιστευµένης εις το όργανον ή την αρχήν ή το πρόσωπον τούτο.

1. The Supreme Constitutional Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate finally on a recourse made to it on a complaint that a decision, an act or omission of any organ, authority or person, exercising any executive or administrative authority is contrary to any of the provisions of this Constitution or of any law or is made in excess or in abuse of powers vested in such organ or authority or person.

Y Effective transposition The Supreme Court is allowed to examine the legality of the decision, the facts and circumstances, and the proportionality of the act or omission. This is part of the General Principles of Administrative Law.

Art.31.4 4. Member States may exclude the individual concerned from their territory pending the redress procedure, but they may not prevent the individual from submitting his/her defence in person, except when his/ her appearance may

(3) Η αρµόδια αρχή απαγορεύει την είσοδο απελαθέντος ενδιαφερόµενου στη ∆ηµοκρατία κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας προσφυγής, εκτός εάν το εν λόγω πρόσωπο επιθυµεί να

(33) (3) The competent authority shall exclude the expelled person concerned from the Republic pending the redress procedure, except if the person wishes to submit his/her defence in person

Y Effective transposition The Dir says that MS may, Cyprus has exercised this discretion in a definitive manner by stating that the competent authority shall exclude

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cause serious troubles to public policy or public security or when the appeal or judicial review concerns a denial of entry to the territory.

υπερασπισθεί τον εαυτό του αυτοπροσώπως κατά τη δίκη ή εάν η παρουσία του εν λόγω προσώπου είναι απαράιτητη προς το συµφέρον της δίκαιης απονοµής της δικαιοσύνης. Η είσοδος απαγορεύεται αν η εµφάνιση του εν λόγω προσώπου µπορεί να προκαλέσει σοβαρή διατάραξη της δηµόσιας τάξης ή δηµόσιας ασφάλειας ή εάν η προσφυγή αφορά άρνηση εισόδου στη ∆ηµοκρατία.

or if his/her presence is essential for the fair administration of justice. Entry shall be prohibited when the appearance of the person concerned may cause serious troubles to public policy or public security or when the appeal concerns a denial of entry to the Republic

the expelled person save in the cases contemplated by the Directive.

Art.32.1 Duration of exclusion orders 1. Persons excluded on grounds of public policy or public security may submit an application for lifting of the exclusion order after a reasonable period, depending on the circumstances, and in any event after three years from enforcement of the final exclusion order which has been validly adopted in accordance with Community law, by putting forward arguments to establish that there has been a material change in the circumstances which justified the decision ordering their exclusion.

Section 34 (1)

∆ιάρκεια των διαταγών απαγόρευσης εισόσου (34) (1) Τα πρόσωπα στα οποία επιβλήθηκε απόφαση απαγόρευσης εισόδου για λόγους δηµόσιας τάξης ή δηµόσιας ασφάλειας δύνανται να υποβάλουν αίτηςη στην αρµόδια αρχή για την άρση της εν λόγω απόφασης µετά από µία εύλογη, ανάλογα µε τις περιστάσεις, προθεσµία, και, σε κάθε περίπτωση, µετά την πάροδο τριετίας από την εκτέλεση της οριστικής απόφασης απαγόρευσης εισόδου που έχει ληφθεί νοµότυπα σύµφωνα µε το κοινοτικό δίκαιο, επικαλούµενα στοιχεία τα οποία αποδεικνύουν ότι υπήρξε ουσιατική µεταβολή των περιστάσεων που είχαν δικαιολογήσει την απόφαση απαγόρευσης εισόδου.

Duration of expulsion orders (1) Persons excluded on grounds of public policy of public security may submit an application to the competent authority for lifting of the exclusion order after a reasonable period, depending on the circumstances, and in any event after three years from enforcement of the final exclusion order which has been validly adopted in accordance with Community law, by putting forward arguments to establish that there has been a material change in the circumstances which justified the decision ordering their expulsion.

Y Literal transposition

The Member State concerned shall reach a decision on this application within six months of its submission.

(2) (2) Η αρµόδια αρχή αποφαίνεται επί των αναφερόµενων στο εδάφιο (1) αιτήσεων, εντός έξι µηνών από την υποβολή τους.

(2) The competent authority shall reach a decision on the application referred to in paragraph (1) within six months

Y Literal transposition

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of its submission. Art.32.2 2. The persons referred to in paragraph 1

shall have no right of entry to the territory of the Member State concerned while their application is being considered.

(3) (3) Τα αναφερόµενα στο εδάφιο (1) πρόσωπα, δεν έχουν κανένα δικαίωµα εισόδου στη ∆ηµοκρατία ενώ εξετάζεται η αίτησή τους.

(3) The persons referred to in paragraph (1) shall have no right of entry to the Republic while their application is being considered.

Y Literal transposition

Art.33.1 Expulsion as a penalty or legal consequence 1. Expulsion orders may not be issued by the host Member State as a penalty or legal consequence of a custodial penalty, unless they conform to the requirements of Articles 27, 28 and 29.

Section (35) (1)

Η απέλαση ως παρεπόµενο µέτρο (35) (1) Η αρµόδια αρχή δύναται να εκδίδει διατάγµατα απέλασης ως παρεπόµενο µέτρο σε σχέση µε ποινή φυλάκισης, µόνο εφόσον πληρούνται οι προυποθέσεις των άρθρων 29, 30 και 31.

Expulsion as a legal consequence (1) The competent authority may issue expulsion orders as a legal consequence of a custodial penalty only if they conform to the requirements of Article 29, 30 and 31.

Y Effective transposition Whereas the Directive’s provision is worded as a prohibition setting for the principle with an exception, the transposing legislation is worded as an option that may be exercised by the comp authority only in the circumstances contemplated by the Directive’s exception. This does not seem to create a conformity problem in this instance. No expulsion penalties were found in the Criminal Code.

Art.33.2 2. If an expulsion order, as provided for in paragraph 1, is enforced more than two years after it was issued, the Member State shall check that the individual concerned is currently and genuinely a threat to public policy or public security and shall assess whether there has been any material change in the circumstances since the expulsion order was issued.

(2) (2) Κατά την εκτέλεση του διατάγµατος απέλασης που εκδόθηκα δυνάµει του εδαφίου (1), η αρµόδια αρχή ελεγχει κατά πόσο ο ενδιαφερόµενος εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί πραγµατική απειλή για τη δηµόσια τάξη ή τη δηµόσια ασφάλεια, και αξιολογεί επίσης, κατά πόσο έχει ενδεχοµένως, επέλθει ουσιαστικλή µεταβολή των περιστάσεων αφόρου εκδόθηκε το διάταγµα απέλασης.

(35) (2) When enforcing an expulsion order, as provided for in paragraph (1), the competent authority shall check whether the individual concerned is currently and genuinely a threat to public policy or public security and shall assess whether there has been any material change in the circumstances since the expulsion order was issued.

Y Effective Transposition

Art.34 Publicity Member States shall disseminate information concerning the rights and obligations of Union citizens and their family members on the subjects covered by this Directive, particularly by means of

Section (36) ∆ηµοσιότητα (36) Η αρµόδια αρχή δηµοσιοποιεί πληροφορίες σχετικά µε τα δικαιώµατα και τις υποχρεώσεις των πολιτών της Ένωσης και των µελών των

Publicity The competent authority shall disseminate information concerning the rights and obligations of Union citizens and their family members on the

Y Literal transposition The expert is not aware of any campaign carried out by the authorities. The info on the Ministry of Interior website is essentially the required

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awareness-raising campaigns conducted through national and local media and other means of communication.

οικογενειών τους σχετικά µε τα θέµατα που ρυθµίζονται από τον παρόντα Νόµο, ιδιαίτερα µε εκστρατείες συνειδητοποίησης διεξαγόµενες µέσω των εθνικών και τοπικών µέσων µαζικής ενηµέρωσης και άλλων µέσων επικοινωνίας.

subjects covered by this Law, particularly by means of awareness-raising campaigns through national and local media and other means of communication.

forms referred to in the national law. (

Art.35 Abuse of rights Member States may adopt the necessary measures to refuse, terminate or withdraw any right conferred by this Directive in the case of abuse of rights or fraud, such as marriages of convenience. Any such measure shall be proportionate and subject to the procedural safeguards provided for in Articles 30 and 31.

Section (37) Κατάχρηση δικαιώµατος (37) Η αρµόδια αρχή δύναται να αρνείται, να τερµατίζει ή να ανακαλεί οποιοδήποτε δικαίωµα που αναγνωρίζεται από τον παρόντα Νόµο, σε περίπτωση κατάχρησης δικαιωµάτων ή απάτης, περιλαµβανοµένου του εικονικού γάµου. Νοείται ότι,, τα εν λόγω µέτρα πρέπει να τηρούν την αρχή της αναλογικότητας και υπόκεινται στις διαδικαστικές εγγυήσεις που προβλέπονται στα άρθρα 32 και 33.

Abuse of rights (37) The competent authority may refuse, terminate or withdraw any right conferred by this Law in the case of abuse of rights or fraud, including a marriage of convenience. It being understood that any such measures shall be proportionate and subject to the procedural safeguards provided for in Article 32 and 33.

Y Almost literal transposition The Directive refers to the possibility of adopting the necessary measures. This is transposed simply as an option for the CA to refuse, terminate or withdraw a right. Transposition of the provision is considered sufficient. No measures found.

Art.36 Sanctions Member States shall lay down provisions on the sanctions applicable to breaches of national rules adopted for the implementation of this Directive and shall take the measures required for their application. The sanctions laid down shall be effective and proportionate. Member States shall notify the Commission of these provisions not later than 30 April 2006 and as promptly as possible in the case of any subsequent changes.

See the following sections above which provide for sanctions in case the law is breached: 10 (3) 10 (4) 10 (6) 11 (2) (a) and (b) 13 (3) 17 (1) 18 (1) 18 (2)

Y See the following sections above which provide for sanctions in case the law is breached: 10 (3) 10 (4) 10 (6) 11 (2) (a) and (b) 13 (3) 17 (1) 18 (1) 18 (2) They are effective and proportionate. National law does not make failure to comply a criminal offence

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Art.37 More favourable national provisions The provisions of this Directive shall not affect any laws, regulations or administrative provisions laid down by a Member State which would be more favourable to the persons covered by this Directive.

Art.38 1. Articles 10 and 11 of Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 shall be repealed with effect from 30 April 2006. 2. Directives 64/221/EEC, 68/360/EEC, 72/194/EEC, 73/148/EEC, 75/34/EEC, 75/35/EEC, 90/364/EEC, 90/365/EEC and 93/96/EEC shall be repealed with effect from 30 April 2006. 3. References made to the repealed provisions and Directives shall be construed as being made to this Directive.

Section (39) Κατάργηση και µεταβατικές διατάξεις (39) (1) Από την ηµεροµηνία έναρξης της ισχύος του παρόντος Νόµου, ο περί της Ελεύθερης ∆ιακίνησης και ∆ιαµονής των Υπηκόων των Κρατών Μελών της Ευρωπαικής Ένωσης και των Μελών των Οικογενειών τους Νόµος και οι δυνάµει αυτού εκδοθέντες Κανονισµοί καταργούνται. (2) Οποιαδήποτε άδεια εκδόθηκε δυνάµει των αναφερόµενων στο εδάφιο (1) Νόµων και Κανονισµών, εξακολουθεί να παραµένει σε ισχύ. (3) Οποιεσδήποτε αιτήσεις υποβλήθηκαν δυνάµει του Νόµου και των Κανονισµών του εδαφίου (1), πριν από την έναρξη της ισχύος του παρόντος Νόµου, και των οποίων η εξέταση εκκρεµεί κατά την έναρξη της ισχύος του παρόντος Νοµου, θεωρούνται ως αιτήσεις υποβληθείσες δυνάµει του παρόντος Νόµου και εξετάζονται δυνάµει των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόµου και των δυνάµει αυτού

Repeal and transitional provisions (39) (1) The Freedom of Movement and Residence of Nationals of Member States of the European Union and their Family Members Law and the Regulations issued pursuant thereto shall be repealed with effect from the date of the entry into force of this Law. (2) Permits issued pursuant to the Law and Regulations referred to in paragraph (1) shall remain valid. (3) Applications submitted pursuant to the Law and Regulations referred to in paragraph (1), before the entry into force of this Law, which are being examined when this Law enters into force shall be treated as applications submitted pursuant to this Law and be examined on the basis of the provisions of this Law and of the Regulations issued pursuant hereto.

Y Effective transposition

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εκδιδόµενων Κανονισµών. Art.39 No later than 30 April 2008 the

Commission shall submit a report on the application of this Directive to the European Parliament and the Council, together with any necessary proposals, notably on the opportunity to extend the period of time during which Union citizens and their family members may reside in the territory of the host Member State without any conditions. The Member States shall provide the Commission with the information needed to produce the report.

Art.40 Transposition 1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 30 April 2006.

Y Law 7(I)/2007 was enacted on 9 February 2007. It came into force the day it was enacted. It repealed law 92(I)/2003 which came into force on the date of accession to the EU.

When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by the Member States.

Preamble to Law 7(I) /2007 Οδηγία 2004/38/ΕΚ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συµβουλίου της 29ης Απριλίου 2004 σχετικά µε το δικαίωµα των πολιτών της Ένωσης και των µελών των οικογενειών τους να κυκλοφορούν και να διαµένουν ελεύθερα στην επικράτεια των κρατών µελών, για την τροποποίηση του κανονισµού (ΕΟΚ) αριθ. 1612/68 και την κατάργηση των οδηγιών 64/221/ΕΟΚ, 72/194/ΕΟΚ, 73/148/ΕΟΚ, 75/34/ΕΟΚ, 75/35/ΕΟΚ, 90/364/ΕΟΚ, 90/365/ΕΟΚ και 93/96/ΕΟΚ.

For the purposes of harmonisation of the act of the European Community entitled “Directive 2004/38/EC/ of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 of April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the member states amending regulation (EEC) No.1612/68 and repelling Directives 64/221/EEC, 68/360/EEC, 73/148/EEC, 75/34/EEC, 75/35/EEC, 90/360/EEC, 90/365/EEC and 93/96/EEC.

Y Literal transposition. A reference to the Directive is contained in the preamble of the transposing legislation.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the

Y Cyprus has communicated this transposing legislation.

Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd & Europa Institute CYPRUS 51/51

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



field covered by this Directive together with a table showing how the provisions of this Directive correspond to the national provisions adopted.

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