cydp international exchange program

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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CYDP International Exchange ProgramGlobal Learning, Thinking, and Acting

New York, Beijing, Hong Kong

China Young Development ProgramC DP中


China Young Development

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

CYDP 高额奖学金 �我们基于纽约但试图用最低的收费


我们将根据被录取者的申请材料和面试结果考虑提供第一轮奖学金。第一轮奖学金最高至学费的 40%,第二轮奖学金最高至学费的 60%。往年学员在扣除奖学金之后人均项目总花费为 4200 美金,包括学费,食宿费,机票,保险和签证等费用。CYDP 是目前唯一学生平均总花费低于 30000 人民币的 2 周常春藤课程。而目前 12 天之内的美国旅游项目费用也在5000 美金即 32000 人民币以上。甚至有些项目把学生组织到美国后,不负责任地把学生交给美国的旅行社后就此不管,对此我们很难苟同。我们衷心希望学生能有更多优质的国际访学项目可以选择。

�奖学金审核标准 �大学平均绩点 GPA �领导力 Leadership �英语水平 Language �社会实践 Internship �面试表现 Interview �课堂表现 Performance �团队表现 Teamwork �课外表现 After-class




表格、个人中英文简历、学生证复印件和护照复印件。 达到要求者将根据英文考试成绩决定是否安排英文电话面试。录取后提交中英文成绩单复印件和英文个人自述。

�申请材料a. 申请表格(请发信至 cydp.admission@gmail.

com 或者 索取申请表格以及课表 )

b. 中英文简历c. 学生证和护照复印件各一份(没有


d. 英文个人自述 , 不多于 500 字e. 官方中英文大学成绩单复印件一份f. TOEFL 或 IELTS 成绩单复印件(可选 ,


7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

CYDP 就业竞争力


鉴于对国内就业市场的研究,我们认识到金融,咨询,公关和传媒是不少学生向往的行业。而这四个行业均受到国际市场的巨大影响,不少行业翘楚都是西方跨国公司。因此,我们本着为学生未来个人职业发展提供专业教育的宗旨,为同学们设计了两个方向选择:金融咨询和媒体公关。金融咨询课程基于哥伦比亚大学商学院的优势课程,为有志于从事金融和咨询行业工作的青年人而设。课程要求学员有一定的数理知识背景。 媒体公关课程则是基于纽约大学公共关系项目的课程设计,结合哥伦比亚大学新闻学院的特色课程。 侧重于公关课程的学习,针对有志于在奥美等国际知名公关公司和媒体机构工作的青年人。课程要求学员具备较强的英语表达能力。当然两个方向的课程任同学们选择,增加知识宽度,同时了解相关行业的职业要求。



咨询部分主要集中市场策略和麦肯锡管理咨询框架。而媒体部分将涉及:媒体管理策略、 国际传媒、媒体挑战与机遇、和传媒类硕士申请辅导。公关课程将着重培养学员的国际公关力、管理咨询力和公关商业技能,同时了解媒体作业方式,感受行销、议题与时事的搭配,体验如何当一个称职的发言人,以及企划出一个完整公关提案然后唱作俱佳地简报出来。

授课教师以哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学具备丰富行业实战经验的教授为主,同时还有来自于业界顶尖机构的职业经理人授课。同学们不仅要求积极参与课程教学,还必须分组进行案例竞赛。通过 CYDP 培训课程,学员将会加深他们关于行业热点知识的见解,明确个人职业方向,增强全球市场应用技能,提升未来的职业竞争力。

�往届 CYDP 杰出学员部分就业统计数据:Goldman Sachs in HK: 1; Goldman Sachs in BJ: 1; UBS in BJ: 5; HSBC: 4; Morgan Stanley in HK: 1; Morgan Stanley in USA: 3; JPMorgan Chase in HK: 3 JPMorgan Chase in USA: 1;Deutsche Bank in China: 2;

Credit Suisse in NYC: 2; Citigroup in China: 3; Macquarie in HK: 3; CITIC: 5; CICC: 7;McKinsey (China): 2, Bain (China): 2, BCG (China): 3,

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

CYDP 以课程为中心 �让学生多一个优质选择,学会自己


科二年级和三年级学生最适合申请本项目。大部分课程内容对研究生和博士生显得相对简单。不适合旅游观光者。 参加金融咨询课程的学员应具备一定的数理知识背景和逻辑分析能力。不限于经济和金融专业,理工科和辅修金融数理知识的同学均可以申请。参加媒体公关课程的学员强调英文表达能力和创新思维能力。

�名校留学预阶段 Be Independent 与美国游学项目不同的是,CYDP 无

论是项目申请过程还是参加方式都是按照美国留学的标准。首先申请者需要提供个人简历和学校成绩单。其次,被录取的学员将单独申请 B1 签证 ( 项目将提供签证辅导和模拟面试 )。学员自行安排行程,允许课程开始前一个月内抵美,也允许课程结束后自行安排美国及波多黎各和墨西哥的旅行。学员还将自行购买机票,因为团体机票价格并不低廉而且要求所有学员行程一致,不允许个人改票退票。我们将帮助学员安排学校附近的旅社住宿,推荐性价格比高而且安全便捷的选择。往返机票预计 1200 美金左右,纽约曼哈顿岛住宿 ( 青年旅社 ) 预计每天 45 美金,签证费 140 美金,国际旅行保险约 60 美金,其他费用依个人而定。

�师资和课程Andrew VersteinExecutive Director of Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law耶鲁大学法学院商业法研究中心执行主任Topic: Corporate Law 了解美国商业法原则,分析经典案例

Alia HaiderManager of Hedge Fund Business Development, MSCI-RiskMetrics Group全球领先金融市场指数研究服务提供者高管Topic: Hedge Funds 对冲基金

Ava SeaveAssociate Professor, Columbia Journalism School 哥伦比亚大学新闻学院副教授Topic: Marketing and Management Strategies in Media 媒体市场与管理策略

Danye WangDirector of Asian Client Relationship, BlackrockTopic: Networking and Self-marketing 求职和人脉技巧

David YaoProfessor, Fu Foundation Engineering School, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学工程学院副教授Topic: Finance Engineering 金融工程

Donald BrownPrevious chief editor at the Time Inc. 前时代公司总编Topic: Media Industry: Challenges & Opportunities.Topic: Success Strategies for Working in Today's Media 当代媒体挑战与机会及成功策略

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

Student-Center Teaching

�师资和课程Edward Lamar Turner IIISenior Partner and Managing Partner of Shearman & Sterling Shearman & Sterling 资深合伙人Topic: Mergers & Acquisitions 国际并购

Erica GruenPresident of Food Network 美食电视频道主席Topic: Management of TV networks 电视网络管理

Evan PicoultManaging Director, Risk Architecture, Citigroup 花旗风险管理部董事总经理Topic: Risk Management 风险管理

Gary ShimokawaProfessor, Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and TV, New York UniversityTopic: TV Production 电视制片

Howard TeitelmanAssociate Professor, Fu Foundation Engineering School, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学工程学院副教授Topic: Trading Technology 交易技术

Lennart BourinProfessor of Columbia Journalism School 四次艾美奖获得者,曾任职于 CNN 和 ABC NewsTopic: Documentary Production 电视记录片制作

Michael GradMD at AIG and Previous MD at UBS and Citigroup 前 AIG, 瑞银 , 花旗董事总经理Topic: Mergers & Acquisitions 国际并购

Jenny S. MakExecutive Director of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学金融工程硕士和工程管理硕士项目执行主任Topic: Tools & Tips to Gain Admission to Competitive US Programs;美国重点高校申请特点,如何突出自我特质,明确个人优缺点,了解择校考虑因素,学校和个人匹配度考量

Joel SternProfessor, Columbia Business School; Co-founder of Economic Value Added哥伦比亚大学商学院教授 , EVA 创始人Topic: The Economics of Corporate Governance and the Strategic Implications for ManagingFirms 企业管理经济理论及策略

Joseph PlummerProfessor, Columbia Business School 哥伦比亚大学商学院教授Topic:International Marketing 国际市场拓展

Karl SigmanProfessor, Fu Foundation Engineering School, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学工程学院副教授Topic: Finance Engineering 金融工程

Kathryn MetcalfeProfessor of New York University 辉瑞公司全球公关副总裁Topic: Public Relations Consulting 所有公关都应该具备商业管理专业知识的顾问能力, 建立互惠互利关系,树立形象

Janet CarmoskyFounder of Chinese Business Network with more than 20 years work experiences in China & USATopic: Emotional Intelligence East &West中西方情商异同

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

Career-Oriented Learning

�师资和课程Michael N. BazigosDirector of Strategy and Change Executive, IBM Corporation IBM 策略与改变执行部主管Topic: Human Resource Management and Organizational Change 人力资源管理与组织变革

Scott GallinProfessor, Columbia Business School 哥伦比亚大学商学院教授Topic: Private Equity 私募股权

Seth FreemanProfessor, New York University Stern Business School 纽约大学斯特恩商学院教授Topic: Negotiation 谈判与协商

Terry FassburgProfessor, New York University 前奥美 , 百事 , 西门子公关部高管Topic: Integrated Marketing Communication 市场与公关策略

Ting JiaEngagement Manager of Top Consulting Company 顶级顾问公司部门经理Topic: Strategic Consulting Skills 策略性顾问技能

Shannon PollyCorporate Trainer at JPMorgan, Deloitte, etc. 摩根大通,德勤等公司受聘培训师Cross-cultural and Interpersonal Skills 跨文化人际关系

� CYDP FEATURES 项目特点时 长( 天 )

课 时( 节 )

费 用(RMB)

奖学金 申请费 授课老师 公司参观

CYDP 寒暑假项目

15 >20 <30000 最 高 至全免

无 教授,职业经理人



21-42 16-32 >60000 无 有 博士生,教授


10-14 <10 >32000 N/A 有 N/A 公共游览为主


10-14 0 >25000 无 无 无 无


N/A N/A >50000 无 N/A 教授 无

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908


� Identify your Goals很多人努力地学习和工作却感受不到

意义和价值。原因在于他们缺乏长远的目标,或者没有勇气和机会追求真正的目标。在 CYDP 你将和优秀的人在一起学习,分享不同的发展经历,了解不同的个人兴趣,反思个人优势和劣势,理清不同选择的利弊,确定不同目标的主次。明确了方向能使你看清差距,获得动力,提高效率,增强自信。

CYDP 将让你和来自其他中国内地,香港,台湾地区和新加坡以及其他国家顶尖高校的优秀华裔学生一起学习,让你分享美国东部 6 所名校中国留学生的留学经历,让你参考世界知名企业华裔工作者的求职历程,让你看到你的缺点、差距、还有你的方向。

我们将通过课后要求学员写 journal的 方 式 督 促 他 们 进 行 自 我 思 考 (self-reflection), 组 织 团 队 分 享 (group reflection),并根据学生特点安排一对一咨询辅导。我们愿意从这开始为你提供终身的职业规划指导,帮你衡量留学、工作、保研不同选择的利弊,分析你在不同行业的发展潜力。






大学,麻省理工,普林斯顿大学,纽约大学 6 所名校



�往年参访机构高 盛 投 行 部 (Goldman Sachs),

美 国 银 行 投 行 部 (Bank of America Merrill Lynch), 摩 根 斯 坦 利 风 险 研 究部 (Morgan Stanley), 花 期 集 团 投 行部 (Citi Group),瑞银 (UBS),纽约证券交 易 所 (New York Stock Exchange),美国联邦储备银行纽约分行 (New York Federal Reserve Bank), 华 尔 街 日 报(Wall Streert Journal),奥美广告公关公司 (Ogilvy),美国广播公司新闻网 (ABC News),IBM 全球商业咨询部等。

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908


�全球华裔青年新精英网络华 裔 青 年 发 展 项 目 (Chinese Young

Development Program ) 从 2007 年 至今已经举办了 16 期。学员多为从中国大陆 , 香港 , 台湾地区以及美国 , 澳洲 , 欧洲等地的顶尖高校中选出的华裔学生。项目已经与清华大学,上海交通大学,中国人民大学,华中科技大学,中山大学,

上海外国语大学,香港中文大学,香港城市大学,南洋理工大学等高校进行过官方合作。往届学员 90% 来自于清华大学,北京大学,上海交通大学,浙江大学,中国人民大学,中山大学等。还有 10%左右来自于复旦大学,南开大学,香港大学,台湾大学,台湾政治大学上海外国语大学,南京大学,中国科学院,香港中文大学,香港城市大学,上海财经大学,中央财经大学,对外经济贸易大学等。 而高标准的招生规格塑造的是国际化的未来高端人群网络。

�获得 CYDP 课程推荐信的往届学员申请英美高校均获成功



我们也根据参加者的建议,不断努力把项目做得更好。 多数授课教师为哥伦比亚大学商学院,金融工程系和新闻学院的教授。其他一些授课者则来自耶鲁大学、纽约大学、投资银行、对冲基金、咨询公司和媒体公司。同时,本项目将会包含与纽约职业经理人的交流。并组织知名美国公司的实地考察,例如之前的 J.P.Morgan Chase、Citigroup、IBM GBS Consulting、Bloomberg、Federal Reserve Bank of New York 等。 项目至今我们的学员已经成功获得 J.P.Morgan China, UBS China, Citi China, IBM China, Riskmetrics, International Strategy and Investment Group 等 机构的实习和工作机会。所有的参与者都将得到美国教育非盈利机构 American International Education & Exchange Center (AiEEC) 颁发的课程认证书。

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

Elite Network


上课之余,学员还有机会浏览世界大都会纽约的风光,品味百老汇的经典歌剧,在麦迪逊花园广场欣赏 NBA 的篮球比赛,聆听 Greenwich Village 的爵士音乐,享受来自上百个国家的美味食品。但是特此声明,本项目不适合观光者。相信作为一名对个人未来发展有更高期望的年青人,你会发现以学为主以游为辅的国际访学项目会给你带来更多的回报。

鉴于往年招生过程中出现的情况。请所有申请者警惕仿冒组办方的诈骗者。请只与项目指定的高校负责人或者美方负责人联系。项目负责人不会随便给申请者进行电话联系。我们一般会与申请者通过电子邮件确定电话面谈时间,请核对网上公布的项目负责人电子邮件和电话。对于来历不明的电子邮件或者电话请申请者核实后再 做出回应。尤其不要给不明身份的人汇款。

�往届学员生源比例清华大学 : 24% 北京大学 : 28% 北大 HSBC 商学院 : 1%上海交通大学 : 14% 复旦大学 : 2% 浙江大学 : 10%南京大学 : 0.5% 南开大学 : 2% 中国人民大学 : 8%中山大学 : 6% 香港大学 : 1% 香港中文大学 : 0.5% 澳洲国立大学 : 1%上海外国语大学 : 0.5%中央财经大学 : 1% 上海财经大学 : 1%对外经贸大学 : 0.5%台湾大学 : 0.5%上海外国语大学 : 1%

�联系我们Address: 7981 Lerner Hall , 2920

Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USAPhone:

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

Chinese Young Development Program (CYDP) makes joint efforts with Columbia Business School, Fu Foundation School of engineering and Applied Science, Columbia Journalism School, Hong Kong Management Association, and top venture capitalists in New York, to reinforce and expand the Global Chinese Young Elites Network.

CYDP was founded in 2006 and has trained more than 1200 students since 2007 summer. It offers seminars on Finance, Consulting, Media and Public Relations, as well as workshops of Leadership, Soft Ski l ls and Emotional Intelligence. Most professors are from Business School, Financial School, and Journalism School of Columbia University, and others from Yale University, New York University, investment banks, hedge funds, consulting firms and mass media companies. Meanwhile, CYDP will afford opportunities for conversations with executives and field trips to renowned corporations in the U.S., such as J.P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, IBM Consulting, Bloomberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York etc. Till now, CYDP graduates have obtained internships and job offers from J.P Morgan China, UBS China, Citi China, IBM China, Riskmetrics, International Strategy and Investment Group and Bloomberg. All the symposium attendees will be granted a certificate by American International Education & Exchange Center (AiEEC), a non-profit organization in the U.S..

Target Audiencedis t inguished s tudents f rom renowned universities, no limitations of majors. There will be interviews or phone interviews in English based on the application materials.

Features(1) CYDP is a non-official program. Many other academic tour programs claim to be official ones, but the truth reveals itself.(2) CYDP targets at TOP students f rom

TOP universities in mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia and other countries/regions, since we believe with a higher quality of students, the program will provide a better platform and a more rewarding experience for each participant. (3) CYDP offers at least 20 credits of classes, and the touring and entertainment take up less than 1/4 of the whole program, costing less than 30000RMB, compared with other programs that offer only 6 credits of classes and more than 9 days of entertainment and tours, costing more than 32000RMB.(4) CYDP offers scholarship valued up to the full tuition, and 80% students have won their scholarship, compared with other programs offering scholarship at most 5000RMB with limited quotas.(5) CYDP’s extra-curr iculum f ie ld tr ips mainly consist of symposiums with corporate executives instead of a simple tour or visit at the companies.(6) CYDP provides detailed program schedule and course introduction with pre-determined lecturers and specific venues, compared with other programs that are unable to provide such information.(7) CYDP adopts photos only from previous CYDP classes, compared with other programs that employ pictures from U.S. universities’ websites without authorization.( 8 ) S t u d e n t s w h o h a v e o b t a i n e d recommendat ions f rom CYDP have a l l managed to be admitted to American or British universities.(9) CYDP has been operating for 6 consecutive years without any accidents. CYDP has an alumni of over 1000 people, many of whom are working with the top financing and consulting firms in the U.S., which is a invaluable resource for all prospect students.

7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, (800)-796-8908

CYDP’s curriculum has been approved by some top universities in the U.S., postgraduate students may transfer the CYDP credits to part of the academic credits at Columbia University. The experience with CYDP is favored by many multinational corporations in the field of financing and consulting. Students have access to free workshops of admission and job application, to exclusive job recommendations, and to alumni reunions.

CYDP will assist students who are planning for study in the U.S. to arrange interviews with relevant chiefs or professors. Some students from previous classes have been interviewed by the professors and obtained the offer from the post-graduate program in financial engineering during the program. Students are highly suggested to make the best use of all types of resources to gather information to facilitate your future study and career. You may start contacting professors and coordinators before the program, or pay a visit to the universities, in which you are interested, after our program.

CostTuition: USD3000 (flight tickets, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing tickets and other person expenses are NOT included)

Ever y s tudent has a chance to win the scholarship. The 1st round scholarship will be offered in accordance of the quality of students’ applications and interviews. The 1st round of scholarship is up to 40% of the tuition; the 2nd round is up to 60% In the previous years, students’ average cost was USD4200, including tuition, flights, accommodation, insurance and visa etc. CYDP offers MORE quality lectures than the other programs, but it charges LESS, because it aims at offering better education to Chinese students.

ApplicationRequest application form and program schedule from cydp.admission@gmail.comSubmit application materials (Application Form, Curriculum Vitae in both Chinese and English, Transcripts in photocopy or webpage format, Photocopy of your Passport) to, titled as “CYDP___Your Name___Your University”

ContactIf you have any questions, please contact us via email and aeea@columbia.eduAddress: 235 West 103rd Street, Suite 6H, New York, NY 10025, USAPhone:

�特此鸣谢:Columbia Business School 哥伦比亚大学商学院Fu Foundation Engineering School of Columbia University哥伦比亚大学工程学院Pulizter School of Journalism, Columbia University哥伦比亚大学普利策新闻学院Harvard Business School 哈佛商学院JPMorgan Chase 摩根大通Morgan Stanley 摩根斯坦利Citigroup 花旗集团Goldman Sachs 高盛IBMUnited States 联合国Bloomberg 彭博财经New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所Federal Reserve Bank of New York 纽约联邦储备银行IEOR Department, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学金融工程项目MPA, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学公共管理项目MS of Statistics, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学统计项目MSCF, Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学计算金融项目

�联系我们Address: 7981 Lerner Hall , 2920 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USAPhone:

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