customer experience project (cxp): status report · 2019. 10. 10. · 2015 – 2019 epb and hix...

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Customer Experience Project (CXP): Status ReportVICKI COATESDeputy Executive Director


JEAN BERNARD Senior Communications Manager

Health Connector Board of Directors Meeting, October 10, 2019

Overview: Today’s Discussion

This presentation will cover:

Progress with Softheon for Enrollment Premium Billing (EPB) implementation

Progress with Faneuil for Contact Center/Back Office implementation

Progress with Electronic Data Management Center (EDMC) for Mailroom implementation

Upcoming Activities for the month of October

Risks the project is managing

Member Transition Communication Approach



We are here

5/31 GO-LIVE

5/31 GO-LIVE

4/15 – 5/31 Operational Readiness

4/15 Pre-Production Sign-Off

4/15 – 5/31 Operational Readiness

4/13 – Cut-Over Plan Complete

3/30 Integration Complete

2/20 –Equity Portal Complete

2/3 – 4/13 Training

12/13 Primary Data Conversion Complete

12/9 – 3/31Integration Configuration & Testing

12/9 – 3/31Establish Connectivity, Perform

Integrated Testing, Validate Testing Results

9/3 – 12/15Initiating Project Activities

8/19 Board Presentation

7/22 – 12/31Softheon Application

Development & Configuration

7/19 Member Portal BRD Sign-Off

7/19 Notify Apparent Successful Bidder

6/28 SiteVisits Complete

6/19 EPB & Notices BRD Sign-Off

2019 2020

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Contact Center ImplementationCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Interaction Centers (CICs)

Softheon ImplementationEnrollment & Premium Billing

NoticesMember Portal

CXPP Implementation – Key Dates

Enrollment and Premium Billing Implementation

Softheon Implementation for Enrollment & Premium Billing: Progress to Date Business Requirements Documents signed off for Enrollment and Billing, Notices and the

Member Portal

Initial Functional Specification Documents delivered and under review

• Review for Member Portal “wireframes” (screen layouts), which will include payment functionality, underway

Electronic Data Interface (EDI) Companion Guides and Carrier-specific file layouts have been documented

• Where possible, Softheon to build to current state EDI file layouts• Received mutual agreement and sign-off by Carriers and Softheon of limited

modifications requested by each Carrier Connectivity testing with HIX is underway

Joint Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and system integration discussions with Faneuil have commenced

Data conversion activities underway


* Matching statistics per Softheon as of 9/26/2019

Data Set Description Status

Enrollment All 2018 and 2019 enrollments spans

Current matching statistics in Softheon System*:

2019 Member Policies• Health: 99.9%• Dental: 99.4%

2018 Member Policies• Health: 99.9%• Dental: 98.9%

Payment All historical financial transactions Current matching statistics in Softheon System*:

• Premium: 97.1%• APTC: 96.3%• State Wrap: 95.4%• Paid Thru Date: 96.5%

Notices 2015 – 2019 EPB and HIX notices • Imported 1000 sample data set from NTT Data• Confirmed transfer method for full data set (15 TB)

Member Preferences Paperless preferences and Auto-Pay selections

• Full data set for member preference extract provided to Softheon

Multiple rounds of testing actively in flight. Full scope for go-live includes the conversion of two historical plan years plus the active plan year (2018, 2019 and 2020).

Softheon Data Conversion for Enrollment Premium Billing: Progress to Date

Softheon Implementation for Enrollment Premium Billing: Key Activities for October Data Conversion Testing continues

Business validation of Softheon systems begins

Ongoing agile development continues for Enrollment and Billing, Notices and Member Portal

EDI Companion Guides sent to Carriers for verification and sign-off

Ongoing integration activities with HIX, Faneuil and the Carriers

New Lock Box being established at Bank of America

Current Standard Operating Procedures cataloged

• Preparatory work to a “Keep, Start, Stop” exercise with new vendors beginning in November (which business processes to keep, start, or eliminate)


Contact Center Implementation

Faneuil Implementation for Contact Center & Back Office: Progress to Date Implementation Kick Off meeting held Sept 4 and 5th

Workstreams and work track leaders identified

Working with Faneuil to baseline project plan and sync with existing EPB plan


Faneuil Implementation for Contact Center & Back Office: Key Activities for October Facility buildout plan completed and accepted

New baselined project plan completed and accepted

Onsite visits week of Oct 21

• Visit to walk in centers to observe operations • NTT and Faneuil will meet to exchange information about current state

Analysis of historical NTT Salesforce data and schema in preparation for the Customer Relations Management (CRM) conversion to Faneuil Oracle CRM

Discovery and deep dive session to ensure Faneuil has the information needed to configure their systems and processes to meet our requirements

Discussions started regards options for Boston and Worcester sites given NTT holds current lease


Mailroom Implementation

Electronic Data Management Center (EDMC) Implementation for Mailroom: Progress to Date Scope and cost estimates finalized with EHS IT

Project team identified

Implementation kick-off planned for October


Risk Management

Risks or Issues Being Managed


Risk Mitigation

Integration with Optum and HIX enrollment/effectuation/noticing interfaces

Closely monitoring work progress with active management of Optum staffing plan

Historical knowledge and data from NTT

Meeting regularly with NTT Leadership regarding transition, needs and timing

Ensuring compliance with CMS Footprint, inclusive of validating conversion data in lower environments

MA HIX Compliance Officer working directly with CMS to obtain approval

Timely completion of EDMC development by EHS IT

Multiple planning meetings to come to agreement

CXP Member Transition Communication Approach

CXP Member Transition Communications

High-level goals of transition communications:Increase awareness

Increase member awareness of new functionality and customer service opportunities

Increase awareness of important changes that require a behavior change among members who pay by mail (new lockbox, change to AR account numbers)

Minimize confusion

Minimize confusion with existing processes/functionality and maintain a steady state payment and customer service experience prior to the cutover

Foster a positive perception

Foster a feeling among our members that their feedback is valuable and that customer experience satisfaction and improvement is important to us



We’ve already begun packaging the message about CXP as part of a larger story about working towards a better member experience. UI/UX overhaul (Part 1) and document

upload functionality was presented as the first step in a longer-term rollout of new features and improvements for members

Additional HIX improvements, as they are rolled out, may also be highlighted in messaging as being part of this larger story of improvements for members

Example on left is from the insert that accompanied this year’s preliminary eligibility notice. An email with similar messaging was sent in August 2019

Improving the member experience


Email examples from August 2019

Improving the member experience

CXP Member Transition Communication:Timeline

April 2020:Email/Postcard to all members

Message goal: Introduce basic information about changes that members will see in June

Mid-May: Mailer to all members

Message goal: Inform members about new features and changes coming in June

Timing considerations: May want this to land in mailboxes after May 23 payment deadline to avoid confusion for June payment

End of May:Email to all members, repeating announcement of upcoming changes

Message goal: Remind members that new version of bill is coming soon, as well as all other changes coming in June

Provide links to help pages and possibly videos on website



Left: Buckslip insert sent prior to launch of NTT payment portal

Right: Email with video walkthrough demo sent prior to launch of new invoice design

May communications: Examples from similar campaigns

CXP Member Transition Communication:Timeline

First week of June and July:New bill with full page insert

Message goal: Remind members of important features/changes that can affect their payment for July coverage

Emphasis on:• Change to lockbox

• New billing account number

• New payment portal and bill design

• Payments by phone (TBD)

Change to bill design in June serves as an additional signifier that a change has taken place, in addition to insert and bill messaging

Mid-Late June:Email reminders about new payment methods Message goal: Remind members of important features/changes that can affect their payment for July




Left: Full page insert included in bills after launch of NTT payment portalAbove: Draft version of re-designed bill for CXP launch

June communications: Example from prior campaign & new draft invoice


Above: Example of follow up survey sent to members about payment portal launch

Mid-July:Email to all members with opportunity to provide feedback

Message goal: Provide opportunity to members to give feedback of changes so far, in online form or survey

Provides and opportunity to gather feedback on changes and improvements

Allows our members that they are “part of the conversation” around changes and promotes goodwill

CXP Member Transition Communication:Timeline


Above: Example of similar notice sent today for payments to closed AR accounts

Ongoing, starting in June:Notice to members who pay to old lockbox or billing account number

Message goal: Inform members that their payment was sent to the wrong place or included incorrect account information and remind them to changes

CXP Member Transition Communication:Timeline

CXP Member Transition Communication:Timeline

TBD:Day 2 functionality communications

Message goal: Inform members about additional functionality as it becomes available

• Online chat functionality

• SMS/Text messaging alerts and payments



April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020

Ongoing: Incorrect billing account/lockbox notice

TBD: Day 2 communications

July 15: Email feedback survey

July 1: Full page insert with bill

June 19: Email reminder

June 11: Email reminder

June 1: Full page insert with bill

May 29: Reminder email

May 24-25: Members receive mailer with full transition info

Early April: Members receive postcard/email with transition preview


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August 1: Bills for September

July 1: Bills for August

June 23: July payment due

June 1: Bills for July—new Softheon design

June 1: CXP Cutover

May 23: June payment due

May 1: Bills for June

April 23: May payment due

April 1: Bills for May



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CXP Member Transition Communication

CXP Member Transition Communication: Iterate with member feedback

Opportunities for feedback along the way We tested a prototype of our re-designed invoice with a sample of ~1600 members and

used their feedback to help refine the new design (Complete)

In-depth-interviews with Health Connector members will be conducted by CommunicateHealth--during these sessions we will share draft transition messaging. This will help us to refine messaging and uncover any common questions or concerns from members that can be mitigated in transition messaging (In progress)

Usability testing on new online portal will also be conducted by CommunicateHealth to understand how we’re doing with usability and member perceptions of online features (In progress)



Implementation Milestone Projected Completion Date


Business Requirements June 2019 Completed

Primary Data Conversion December 2019

Member-facing portal readiness (Equity Portal)

February 2020

Integration March 2020

Pre Production April 2020

Operational Readiness April 2020

Full Solution – Go-Live May 31, 2020

Warranty Period 6 months post go-live

The Health Connector has worked with Softheon to identify critical milestones that must be achieved throughout the implementation.

Implementation Milestones


Primary Implementation Milestones Projected Completion Date


Facility build out plans and approach October 2019 Completed

Initial Mobilization and Baselines Project Plan October 2019

CRM Stage 1 Build and Primary Data Migration December 2019

Facility Connectivity and Staffing – Stage 1 January 2020

Base Development & Configuration February 2020

Integration Testing with all External Systems March 2020

Operational Readiness including Staffing April 2020

Full Solution – Go-Live June 1, 2020

Warranty Period – all defects resolved 6 months

The Health Connector has worked with Faneuil to identify critical milestones that must be achieved throughout the implementation. Where applicable, dates align with the Softheon milestones.

Implementation Milestones

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