custom hot tub covers

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Describes what goes into manufacturing custom spa covers, how they are made in the factory and their specifications.


Custom Hot Tub Covers It's common to want a hot tub cover that's made precisely for your needs, and not one that has just been thrown together haphazardly. Finding custom hot tub covers can be tough if you don't know where to look. However, building a personalized hot tub cover is easy to do from our ordering page. Your hot tub cover should match your home's surroundings, and encourage relaxation. To maintain both form and function, it's critical to get a cover that both looks good and operates as it should. This accessory helps to preserve the hot tub from the damage caused by dirt and debris. By keeping the water as clean as possible, the filter isn’t overly burdened and the water doesn’t become contaminated with leaves, twigs or dirt particles. In this respect, the cover can actually add to the life and efficiency of the tub’s filter. If young children or pets have access to the area in which the hot tub is installed, a spa cover can literally save lives. Most hot tub covers are built using vinyl and steel frames, which make them sturdy enough to support the weight of a human. If a child or animal steps on the cover, they will not fall through. Having a cover on the hot tub will therefore prevent any drowning accidents. Most covers offer some form of insulating material as well. This is important for two reasons. First, you save on electricity since the water does not need to be heated as much. Second, you enjoy the hot tub as it should be - hot, and not lukewarm. You'll especially value this in the winter, during the cold months when there's nothing more enjoyable than breathing in crisp cold air in your hot tub. Although this type of cover is more expensive than other models, it’s an excellent investment that can pay itself off in fuel savings in a matter of months. Insulating covers are also very well constructed and are made to last a long time. These reasons make this type of cover both cost-effective and convenient. The type of foam used in the typical spa cover is made up of beads of foam bound together to make a light weight rigid board. Many types of construction applications use this type of foam. Small air pockets get trapped inside the foam, and allow it to hold a defined shape. Many people use this type of foam to insulate a house or refrigerated room.. That said, the foam insulation is not meant to encounter a lot of warm, humid air.. Providing it is used in a dry situation, foam board has a predictable insulation value. Some spa cover dealers like to give you the impression that wrapping the foam with plastic will stop their cover from getting saturated. Many times they are wrong, and you should make sure there's a solid vapor barrier included in the cover you purchase. This will save you from having to move a heavy, saturated hot tub cover. Our <a href=>custom hot tub covers</a> include all the options you need to create a cover that's both attractive and meant to last.

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