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Alphamusings The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Vol. 70, No. 1 ALPHA MU STATE ORGANIZATION, MONTANA October 2016


SESSION IN LEWISTOWNJan Nerem (Sigma Nu) Chairman

Nita Scott, Membership Services Administrator from

International Headquarters met with thirty members from twelvechapters at the First Christian Church in Lewistown on June 16,2016. Scott explained the membership data that has been gatheredthrough the years 2009-2015 - why members drop, who are they andwhat can we do about it. An email was sent to each member whoresigned during those years and who had an email address availableat International Headquarters. The power point presentations usedto explain the data is available on the Society Website at dkg.orgunder the Membership Committee. The second part of the day was spent brainstorming things thatcould be done to get and keep members. A copy of their responsecan be found on the Alpha Mu State Website. The afternoon session dealt with recruitment practices. Thediscussion was lively and friendly. Suggestions included such ideasas holding an initiation during state convention and presenting atechnology workshop to help members use Skype, Facebook, etc.Incentives to gain and retain members were also offered. A special thanks to the members of Zeta Chapter for being greathostesses.

Zeta Chapter hostesses at Leadership Conference June 16, 2016: YvetteMajerus, LaVonne Borgreen, Kyle Carlisle, Mary Jo Hamling. Not picturedShirley Barrick


For personal reasons, Mary Vaira resigned as president of Alpha

Mu State. During her tenure as president, she participated in theLeadership Training for State Presidents in Regina, Saskatchewanand attended the International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

Alpha Mu State thanks her for her service.

Alpha Mu State members attended

International Convention in Nashville

Alpha Mu State members who attended the International Convention inNashville, Tennessee July 5-9, 2016: (back row) Eva English, JoyceEnglish, Rebecca Marinko, Linda Clark, Carolyn O’Mara (Past StatePresident of Alpha Mu State), Madalen Sugrue, (front row): MaureenWatt, Audrey Collins, Mary Vaira, Rita Fish, Charmaine Mansheim, JanNerem, and Lloyd-Ann McMahan. Picture courtesy of YVE ASSAD Photography

In this issue . . . President’s Message 2 Dates to Remember and Catherine Nutterville 2 International convention remarks 3 - 4 Committee Reports 4 - 5 Proposed Changes to ByLaws and Standing Rules 6

Chapter News 7 Pictures 8

Life Long Learning, White Roses, pictures 9

STATE TREASURER’S POSITION OPEN State Treasurer Pat Jones hasannounced her intention to retirefrom the position of State Treasurerfollowing the 2017 state convention.We thank Pat for her years of serviceto Alpha Mu State. It goes withoutsaying that she has worked throughsome financially difficult situations. A job description and applicationform is now available on the AlphaMu State Website. Questions

regarding the position should be addressed to Ad HocCommittee Chairman Jan Nerem at jann75@charter.net ortelephone 406-761-6643. Deadline for applications is March

1, 2017. Picture courtesy of Dusty Kuehner (Omega)

Page 2 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016


July 1 through November 15 each year - chapters must

file IRS 990-N Postcard. NEW procedures this year.

October 31, 2016 - DUES are due by this date

November 15, 2016 - Form 18 As and 18A-S to state organization treasurer due

December 1, 2016 - Proposed changes to By Laws and Standing Rules due to Maureen Watt, Chairman

December 1, 2016 - nominations for Catherine Nuttterville Award due to Audrey Collins, chairman

December 1, 2016 - Nominations for elected officers for 2017-2019 Alpha Mu State due December 23, 2016 - Deadline for articles for January issue of Alphamusings due to Joyce English

February 1, 2017 - Scholarship applications due to

Linda Clark, Chairman

March 1, 2017 - Deadline for State Treasurer application

June 9-11, 2017 - Alpha Mu State Convention at the Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish (Watch Alphamusings for more information)June 28-July 1, 2017 - NW Regional Conference in Spearfish, South Dakota2018 - International Convention in Austin, Texas

Alpha Mu State


Audrey Collins

You may be aware that Mary Vaira has resigned as Alpha MuState President. I will be taking over as your new State Presidentas set forth by our governing documents. I’m willing and able todo this and will work to lead our organization in positive stepsforward as we finish this biennium. I can’t express how much Isincerely appreciate all of the messages of support and offers ofhelp that I have already received. It humbles me and confirmswhy I value my membership and involvement in our Society somuch. It was good to see those of you that were able to attend theFall Executive Board. If you weren’t able to make it to themeeting, I would love to hear from you with any updates toChapter Officers and contact information. One of my first goalsis to make sure I am able to communicate effectively with allchapters. I have received an updated directory and roster and willbe getting all of that into my contacts to make sure I haveeverything in order. However, this is always an on-going process asinformation changes, so thanks in advance for keeping me informed. Another goal I will focus on is completing chapter visits. If your

chapter has not had a visit from the president this biennium, pleasecontact me. I am still teaching full time, so that does limit myscheduling. I will do my best to get to any chapters that wouldlike me to, though. It would help me if there are chapters locatedclose to each other that could have a joint meeting so I could visitthem together. Call or email me, so we can make it happen. Ilook forward to working with all chapters and will be in touchwith presidents soon. Please do not hesitate to contact me if youhave questions, concerns or ideas. Thanks, in advance, for joining me in moving forward.

Catherine Nutterville Achievement AwardAudrey Collins (Omicron) Chairman

The Catherine Nutterville Achievement Award Committee remindsyou to consider nominating members in your chapter who have madeoutstanding contributions to our society. Now is the time to fill out theapplication and submit it. Please be sure to collect the requiredinformation and provide specific details including dates, etc. in orderfor those voting to be able to rate the applications fairly. A membercan be nominated more than once but may only be given the awardone time. So, if you’ve nominated someone who was not chosen, youcan always re-apply. Forms are available on the Alpha Mu Statewebsite or by contacting Audrey Collins at collins@blackfoot.net.

The deadline for applying is December 1, 2016.

As a reminder, the criteria for this award AS STATED IN THE2015 ALPHA MU STATE BY LAWS reads:The Catherine Nutterville Achievement Award will be presented toan Alpha Mu State member who 1. has made outstanding contributions to education 2. has rendered exceptional service to the society at the state level 3. has been a member in good standing for at least four years. If two candidates have comparable qualifications, the member having the longest membership in Alpha Mu State shall receive the award 4. has not been a state president or served on an international committee 5. a member may receive the award only once

Alphamusings (USPS 014-760)A publication of Alpha Mu State of The Delta Kappa GammaSociety International, published at: PO Box 216, Hinsdale MT59241-0216. Editor: Joyce English, Box 216, Hinsdale MT 59241-0216. Published four times yearly: October, January, March andMay. Periodical Postage paid at Hinsdale MT 59241-0216.Annual Membership dues include a subscription to Alphamusings.

Page 3 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016

Remarks from International Convention:

Reported by Rita Fish (Mu Chapter)

The Delta Kappa Gamma International Convention was very special for me primarily because of the“Be the Change” Luncheon. When I looked at my luncheon ticket it said “Honors Table #8". Thatseemed strange to me and I started searching the room for #8. I searched and searched and decided ithad to be somewhere near the head table area. Sure enough it was on the floor right in front of theelevated head table area! There were several honors tables located in that area and some had International administrators, etc.Table #8 had women who had been members of Delta Kappa Gamma for 50 or more years and we wereasked to stand up and be recognized. It made me very proud that I had been asked to be a member ofDKG when Alpha Alpha Chapter was chartered in Billings, Montana in 1964.

Reported by Maureen Watt (Omicron Chapter) (2014-2016 NW representative Constitution Committee)

The DKG International Convention always has wonderful speakers and entertainment. Highlightsfrom the Nashville convention was my participation as an International Constitution Committeerepresentative from the Northwest. The committee had two Q and A sessions on the proposed changesto the International Standing Rules and a session on managing state organization bylaws and chapterrules. Of the five International Standing Rules up for consideration, three passed and two were defeated.Those that were adopted are 8.082 g (1) (e) which now reads, “The recommendation form shall be sentto the chair of the nominations committee with a postmark or the date of the electronically submittedform no later than September 15th;” 8.082 g (2): “Endorsement forms supporting the officialrecommendations are acceptable and helpful only if they provide pertinent additional information andare submitted on official endorsement forms with a postmark or the date of the electronically submittedform no later than September 15th:” and 12.21 j. “abstracts printed in languages other than English.” TheInternational Constitution and Standing Rules (ISR) can be downloaded from the DKG website. During the 2018 International Convention in Austin, Texas changes can be made to both theConstitution and Standing Rules. If you want to make a change, a form will be available fromheadquarters.

Reported by Linda Clark (Theta Chapter)

Although every aspect of the trip to Nashville was educational, enlightening and absolutely fabulous,I want to highlight three of the exceptionally talented speakers that made a huge impression on manyof the attendees at the 2016 Delta Kappa Gamma International Convention. The convention’s opening speaker was a young man named Kai Kight. He had been trained as aclassical violinist and was incredibly talented. Kai presented an inspirational message about how hefollowed his dreams, stepped out of the box and forged his own path as he created his own original kindof music. As part of his presentation, Kai treated the audience to the performances of several of hisstunningly beautiful, original, violin compositions.

Another memorable speaker, Mike Figliuolo, founder of Thought LEADERS, gave an informative,inspirational and often humorous presentation about effective leadership. His passion is developmentof people, improvement of organizations and the teaching of leaders, in any kind of work place, todiscover who they are and how to develop their own personal leadership philosophies. He believes thatleaders can have a huge impact on the culture of a workplace when they respect, value and actively seekinput from all members of their team. Mike’s experience has been that team members who feel like theyare integral to the success of an organization tend to achieve higher and higher levels of performance.

Mike has written several books on this topic including–One Piece of Paper: The simple Approach

to Powerful, Personal Leadership and Lead Inside the Box. Finally, many were very impressed by the presentation given by Judith Viorst. Ms. Viorst is theauthor of literature for both adults and children with books that fit into a number of different genres.Many elementary school teachers will recognize the title of one of her most well-known children’s

books: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. In her engagingpresentation, she told funny stories about herself, her family, her history and her experiences as a writerover many decades. The audience, of more that 1500 Delta Kappa Gamma members and guests, listenedwith rapt attention as Ms. Viorst read excerpts from some of her fascinating compositions. Ms. Viorstwas an extraordinarily humble woman who, while a widely known literary personality, demonstratedher ability to mingle effortlessly with us, the average, everyday, down-to-earth teachers, who comprisedthis gathering.

Alpha Mu State2015–2017 Officers


Audrey Collins, OmicronPO Box 394Drummond MT 59832-0394(406) 288-3162collins@blackfoot.net

2nd Vice-President:

Doris Tollefson, Alpha ZetaPO Box 296Hinsdale MT 59241-0296(406)364-2271dtoll@nemont.net

Recording Secretary:

LaVonne Borgreen, Zeta120 Sunset StreetLewistown MT 59457-2225(406) 538-4301squiggy@lewistown.net

Corresponding Secretary:

Debbie Simmons, ThetaPO Box 211Fairview MT 59221-0211(406) 478-4137 or 742-5963esimmons30@hotrmail.com

Judy Sondeno, ThetaPO Box 321Fairview MT 59221-0321(406)747-9994 or 480-0542sondeno@midrivers.com


Patricia Jones, Gamma1419 Teton AvenueBillings MT 59102-0759(406) 259-6960 gmajones35@hotmail.com


MaureenWatt1112 Heather DriveAnaconda MT 59711-2634(406) 5633-2031


Immediate Past President:

Joan Micheletti, Tau2939 St. Johns AveBillings MT 59106-6643(406) 259-6960joanscorner2@yahoo.com


Eva English, IotaPO Box 963Harlem MT 59526-0963(evaenglish@yahoo.com(406)353-7171

State Editor

Joyce English, Alpha ZetaPO Box 216Hinsdale MT 59241-0216(406)364-2349joyceenglish@yahoo.com

Page 4 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016

More insights of the International Convention: Reported by Lloyd-Ann McMahan (Mu)

It was an enjoyable experience, however, a very enjoyable firstfor our convention were highlights during each General Meeting thatI found very inspiring. These were words of encouragement from arefreshing group of 35 years and under young DKG womenspeaking about their personal experiences and ideas about“Advancing Key Women Educators for Life.” I was encouraged bytheir words. There were storms, the lights went out and the music stopped atthe Grand Ole Opry, however, no hysterics, moans or groans fromthe audience of 4,000, just time waiting and then the showcontinued.

Reported by Charmaine Mansheim (Alpha Alpha) International Convention was very inspiring–we were asked topick one thing to share–I enjoyed the speakers and the music–oopsthat’s two!! A lady from Japan sang several songs-a little lady withan opera voice! The Hawaiian ladies sang some beautiful songswith hand and of course hip movements. Ladies from Minot, ND

called NUNotes sang a funny song. All were DKG members! OnTennessee night a young man played the violin. His name is KaiKight. He composes his own music. I didn’t know you could get thatmany different sounds out of a violin. The speakers were great. Of course we all know Judith Viorst,she was as entertaining as her books. Mike Figliulo, a businessman

and founder of Thought Leaders was very interesting and gavegood information. A speaker from the Girl Scouts was presentedwith a new patch that has DKG and Girl Scouts on it. It is a patchfor the Girl Scouts to earn. Each session a young teacher spokeabout DKG. It was called, “Advancing Key Women Education forLife”. What great speakers - so composed. What a beautiful placefor a convention!

Reported by Audrey Collins (Omicron) International Convention was a great experience from beginningto end. There were so many highlights that it’s hard to narrow itdown to a few things to share. The venue was amazing. The GaylordOpryland Hotel was beautiful and a complete resort experience initself. The speakers were impressive. Kai Kight, violinist andinspirational speaker, gave a unique performance that really set thestage for what was to come in the convention. Tennessee night provided entertainment by Nashville songwritersthat we couldn’t help but get excited about. Listening to Judith

Viorst, author of the children’s book, Alexander and the Terrible,

Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was probably my favoritepresentation. She was very humorous and entertaining. Theworkshops provided a great balance of personal and professionalgrowth opportunities. I attended several that gave me greatresources for my classroom. And last, but in no way least, was theopportunity for genuine fellowship with DKG sisters! If you haven’t attended a Regional Conference or InternationalConvention, consider it in the future. It’s an opportunity not to bemissed! Check out the convention videos on the Internationalwebsite for a taste of the offerings.


ExpansionChairman Madalen Sugrue (Omicron)

The Expansion Committee continues to be available to offersupport and assistance in any way we can to chapters havingdifficulty. Although, in talking with members from other chaptersit seems we are all facing challenges in recruiting, retaining andengaging members. In light of that, I would encourage chapters tofocus efforts on connecting with their members through increasedcommunication. Chapters must also respond to the needs of theirmembers. If we can help provide resources for doing that, please letus know. The second suggestion I would make is to work towardincreasing the visibility of DKG in your local area. Share the greatprograms and projects that your chapter is doing with your localcommunities. We must make sure people know who we are andwhat we are doing if we hope to get them involved in membership. Please contact me if there is anything I can help you with.

Golden LegacyChairman Charmaine Mansheim (Alpha Alpha)

The Golden Legacy is for anyone to honor members and theirservice or honor events or honor the lives of deceased memberswho have given so much to DKG. It must be a donation of $50.00if you want it written in the Scroll of Honor. This funds five$200.00 mini-grants available each year. The members honored for their service or for events are writtenin the Scroll of Honor along with the person who donated themoney. This is a nice way to honor those who have served andgiven so much to our society. This can be an individual or a chapterdonation.

Donations should be sent to the State Treasurer and the

Chairman should be notified of the donation.



Joyce and Eva English in memory of Dora HowardAlpha Zeta Chapter in honor of Joan Micheletti

Meg Brookshier and Marilyn Majerus in memory ofDora Howard

Alpha Gamma Chapter in memory of Gertrude Weishaar2015-2016

Omega Chapter in Honor of Jan NeremJoyce English in Memory of Joyce Fiechtner

Jan Nerem in Memory of Joyce FiechtnerJan Nerem in Memory of Hollie Hoover

Page 5 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016

Golden Legacy grant recipients:Chairman Charmaine Mansheim (Alpha Alpha)

Alpha Lambda chapter had a joint project with the Crazy

Mountain Museum. Alpha Lambda purchased two trunks that arebeing filled with items and books about “Clark on the Yellowstone”and “Fur Trading in Sweet Grass County.” The goal is to have seventrunks that will be used by local teachers. Delta and Sigma Nu chapters had Carol Kranowitz, author of

The Out-of-Sync Child, on sensory integration dysfunction. Inother words autism. She had a workshop in Great Falls. Anyoneinterested was invited to attend. They had 210 people attend theday-long workshop on May 7, 2016. Mu chapter gives matching funds to Head Start for books withmanipulative and money for the “Y-Achievers Summer LearningLoss Program.” They each will give more information on their projects at theState Convention in Whitefish in June.

Membership Doris Tollefson (Alpha Zeta) Alpha Mu State Second Vice-President

It’s a new membership year for our DKG chapters, and questionsabout transfers and reinstatement of present and former membershave arisen. When surveyed, almost 70% of members who hadrecently dropped their membership, expressed an interest inreinstatement. The predominant reason given for dropping theirmembership was family and personal reasons. But, life changes.Today may offer the perfect occasion to invite former members toreinstate and enjoy the benefits of membership. It is every active DKG member’s responsibility to participate inDKG activities, invite outstanding educators to membership andnurture members in the pride of membership in DKG. Let’s worktogether to strengthen our society. Let former members know that their dedication to education isvalued and that the chapter would enjoy having them return tomembership. Some ways to invite former members back are by: * Contacting them with a personal phone call or letter. * Inviting them to a meeting or event. * Hosting a “reunion” or “homecoming” event for dropped members. * Making them and all members feel welcome. * After reinstatement, getting them involved in chapter projects and programs. The next newsletter will include information about how to handletransfers whether you are a member moving or you are a chapterofficer. In the meantime, visit the DKG website at www.dkg.org where you can find oodles of information.

State EditorJoyce English (Alpha Zeta)

More Chapter News is needed for Alphamusings. Chapters are

encouraged to submit articles for each issue of the newsletter. Letother chapters in the state know what projects your chapter isinvolved in. Include a picture along with your article if at allpossible.

ScholarshipChairman Linda Clark (Theta)

The scholarship committee would like nothing more than toaward some scholarships at the State Convention in June 2017. Ithas been years since the last scholarship was awarded and wewould very much like to use some of the money in the,exceptionally healthy, Scholarship Fund!

There are DKG sisters in Montana who are working on

advanced degrees right this very minute. Scholarship money is justbegging to be used by those women and it takes only a little bit oftime and effort to fill out and submit the application. If you, orsomeone you know, are working on an advanced degree, and needa little extra money to defray the costs involved in an endeavor ofthis sort, please apply! You will find the application on the Alpha Mu State website.Also, a complete hard copy of the application form was given torepresentatives of all chapters who were in attendance at the FallExecutive Board meeting, September 17, 2016 in Billings. Call,email, text or go visit with the person(s) who picked up the formswhile they were in Billings. You are also encouraged to email meand I would be thrilled to get an application out to you a.s.a.p. The deadline to submit applications is February 1, 2017 but,don’t wait, get started on it right now, while it is fresh in your mind.We are ready and waiting to take delivery of your completedapplication right now!

LegislativeChairman Jan Counter (Alpha Lambda)

This election year has been very disturbing. Very few of thecandidates have been discussing education whether it is elementaryor secondary education. We as educators need to be extra vigilantin sorting out the issues that are relevant to education. One issue in Montana is state funding for preschool education.Preschools and Headstart have given students a good foundationfor starting school, but not all children have access to this type ofschooling. Yet there are many questions that need to be asked.What role will the schools play in this? How will it be funded? Another issue is the rising cost of health care and how schoolsand teachers will fund this benefit? Is the retirement systemremaining solvent as more teachers retire into the system? Will thestate ever step up for better funding of schools? These are just a few of the questions we need to ask a candidatefor governor and legislature. We, as educators, have an opportunityto make a difference by being knowledgeable voters.

New DKG websiteWith the launch of the new DKG website in January, 2016,members must sign in to access member resources, registerfor events and order from the Society Store. Please share withmembers that in order to sign in, they do not need to create anew account. Simply choose “Sign In” and:* Use the six digit Member ID as the username (first six digits of publications labels or the number on the member ID card), and* the default password that is available from your chapter president or International. (The password may be changed after log in, if preferred).

Page 6 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016


STANDING RULESDue by December 1, 2016 to Committee Chairman

Proposed Changes in Alpha Mu’s Bylaws and Standing Rules are to be presented at the Alpha Mu State Convention. The current version is on the website at alphamustate.weebly.com

Email them to maureen.watt@bresnan.net or Mail the proposed changes to Maureen Watt: 1112 Heather Dr., Anaconda, MT 59711-2634 If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Watt (406-563-2031)

You may propose any changes to either the bylaws or standing rules by submitting the following form.

1) Proposal:That Bylaw article number ________________

That Standing Rule number _______________

2) Which now reads:

3) Be amended by striking; striking and inserting; inserting; adding or substituting new words:

4) If adopted would read (indicate changes by using bold faced font):

5) Rationale for change (“Current practice” is not considered sufficient rationale.)

6) Fiscal impact:

7) Approximate annual cost/savings:

8) Submitted by: Name: ____________________________________________________________

Chapter______________________email address ______________________________

Mailing address _________________________________________________________

on behalf of Self ______ Chapter _______ Committee _____________State Organization ______

9) Date submitted: ____________________

Information inserted by Rules Committee: Date received: _______________________

Page 7 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016

Chapter News:Sigma Nu Chapter

submitted by Elva Pilling (Sigma Nu)

Picture courtesy of Elva Pilling.

Sigma Nu entered the prize winning Quilt Challenge forProject Linus in Great Falls. Project Linus is a volunteer non-profit organization with atwo-fold mission...

First, to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort tochildren who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in needthrough the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovinglycreated by volunteer “blanketeers”.

Second, to provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity forinterested individuals and groups in local communities, for thebenefit of children.

Delta and Sigma Nu ChaptersHost Third Year Teachers

submitted by Jan Nerem (Sigma Nu)

Members of Delta and Sigma Nu chapters hosted a luncheon for

all of the third year teachers in the Great Falls Public Schoolsrecently. Thirty-five women educators learned of the advantages ofbelonging to a professional organization and they were invited toparticipate. This is the second year that members have provided aluncheon for teachers.

PictureCourtesy ofJan Nerem

Gloria Johnson and Elva Pilling of Sigma Nu,Kimberly Sangray, Heather Kakalecik of DeltaChapter, Genelle Hocevar president of Delta Chapterand Jan Nerem, president of Sigma Nu

Delta Chapter

Meet and Greetsubmitted by Genelle Hocevar, President Delta Chapter

Genelle Hocevar writes, “Delta Chapter held a “Meet and GreetDKG” meeting on August 22, 2016 at the Montana Club in GreatFalls, Montana. After attending the State Leadership Training inJune by Nita Scott from International, Delta Chapter decided tohost a “Meet and Greet DKG”. Delta President Genelle Hocevar contacted principals frompreschool to high school asking for possible candidates for DeltaKappa Gamma. We received about 40 names. We then sentinvitations to these possible candidates. This invitation can be

found in the membership section of www.dkg.org. During the meeting we provided appetizers and wine. Wepresented the Big Picture DVD, and the initiates were able to visitwith current members. It was a success! We will be voting on seven new members in November!!!

Autism Workshop held in Great Falls, Montana May 7, 2016

submitted by Jan Nerem (Sigma Nu)

The workshop was held at theHoliday Inn. Two hundred people

heard well known author of The Out

of Sync Child, Carol Kranowitz,present strategies of working withchildren at the various stages ofautism. The workshop was presentedby Alpha Mu State’s Golden LegacyFund, the Educational Foundation,Great Falls Public Schools and theGreat Falls Friends of Autism.

Iota Chaptersubmitted by Gail Pollington (Iota)

The night was windy and snowy. Three Iota members and our

speaker braved a spring storm to attend the April DKG meeting inChinook. Since we didn’t have a quorum we had dinner and apresentation by our guest speaker, Sue Swan. Sue is a retired RN from Havre and a very busy lady. She isactive in sixteen community and state organizations. Sue’s presentation was on Q.P.R. (Question, Persuade andRefer). It is a lay education program for suicide prevention. Itteaches people how to identify those who might be contemplatingsuicide and to be comfortable enough to ask them questions thatwould lead to accepting help. Sue’s presentation was very interesting and informative.

Alpha Zeta Chaptersubmitted by Joyce English (Alpha Zeta)

Alpha Zeta chapter met at President Anita Freeman’s home onSeptember 19. September is the planning meeting and manyinteresting programs were planned for the coming year.

The Specialty Fair will be held November 5, 2016 in theMalta Civic Center. Proceeds from the Specialty Fair are used forrecruitment awards and the essay contest awards.

Page 8 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016

Fall Executive Board meeting

Fall Executive Board met at theYellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch inBillings on September 17, 2016. (Backrow) Shirley Thomas, Leola Tusler, JanCounter, Jan Nerem, Kimberly Hueske,Joyce English, Mary Meissner, GenelleHocevar, Maureen Watt, LaVonneBorgreen, Pat Jones, JoAnn Nunley, MaryVaira, (front) Madalen Sugrue, AudreyCollins, Charmaine Mansheim, LindaClark, Eva English, Rita Fish. Photocourtesy of Yellowstone Boys and Girls


International Convention - Nashville - July 5-9

Leadership Workshop June 16, 2016

Nita Scott, Membership Services Administrator, Jan Nerem (Sigma Nu) and Eva English (Iota)

Jan Nerem (Sigma Nu) and Rebecca Marinko (Rho)

Zeta members: Mary Jo Hamling, Yvette Majerus, Celebration of Life Service: (back) Jan Nerem, Rebecca LaVonne Borgreen brainstorm activities Marinko. Lloyd-Ann McMahan, Rita Fish, Maureen Watt, Photo courtesy Dusty Kuehner (Omega) Charmaine Mansheim, (front) Madalen Sugrue, Audrey Collins and Eva English

Page 9 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016




“A Moment to Remember... A lifetime to Honor.”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M.Louise Goodwin, Alpha Alpha Chapter, December 26, 2015

Correction from May issue of Alphamusings:

Joan Stroup, Beta Chapter, April 2, 2016

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M. Louise Pederson Goodwin

1922 -2015

M. Louise Pederson Goodwin was born August 15, 1922 to

John and Zoma Pollard in Basin, Wyoming. She passed awayDecember 26, 2015, in Yuma, Arizona. In 1924, the family moved to Billings. Louise attended publicschools and graduated as a member of the class of 1940 fromBillings High School. She received her teaching certificate fromEastern Montana State Normal School. On June 12, 1943, she married Irvin O. Pederson and to thismarriage they had three children. Mrs. Pederson taught for twenty-four years as a sixth gradeteacher at Sandstone Elementary School in Billings Public Schools.She retired in 1983. Louise Pederson was initiated into Alpha Alpha Chapter onDecember 11, 1967. She served her chapter as second vicepresident for three terms and served on the finance and nominationscommittees. As warmer weather called, they became ‘snow birds’ and foundYuma, Arizona to call home. After the death of Irvin, matchmaking began in the RV courts ofYuma. She met Clyde Goodwin and a new chapter began in herlife. They were married and made great memories until his death.She then moved into Desert Rose Retirement Home where shemade many wonderful friends. She is survived by daughters, grandchildren, nieces andnephews. Preceding her in death are her parents, stepfathersCharles Card and Chet Mayne, her husbands, Irvin Pederson andClyde Goodwin and her son Dale. Burial took place at Mountview Cemetery in Billings. Her “most rewarding educational experience” comment: “Seeingso many of the people I had taught go on to become successful,well-adjusted citizens.” Submitted by Janice Nerem (Sigma Nu)

Madalen Sugrue, Audrey Collins, Linda Clark and her husband at the International Convention

Life Long Learning GrantLori McCurdy (Upsilon) Chairman Personal Growth and Services

Ann Morani, Principal at Deer

Lodge Elementary School, is therecipient of this year’s Life LongLearning Grant. An educator for over25 years, Ann is taking a pottery classthis fall through the Adult EducationProgram in Butte. There she islearning about the history andtechniques of pottery, a hobby thatcombines relaxation and lifelongskills. Enjoy your class, Ann!

Leadership Workshop

Kathy Stuart, Judy Peach, Genelle Hocevar of Delta Chapter and Elva Pilling of Sigma Nu Chapter

Donna Beasley and Lloyd-Ann McMahan of Mu Chapter, Carol Shipley and Ruth Carlstrom of Omega Chapter

A S Plan to attend Jl M t Alpha Mu State Convention u

p u a Grouse Mountain Lodge nh t Whitefish, Montana ea e June 9-11, 2017

Page 10 Alphamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana October 2016

Postmaster, Please send address changes to:Joyce English, State EditorPO Box 216Hinsdale MT 59241-0216

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mission StatementThe Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professionaland personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

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The members of the Alpha Mu State of The Delta Kappa GammaSociety International promote quality education and the professionaldevelopment of Montana women educators.


Ownership management and circulation Required PS form 3526 1)Title: Alphamusings; (2) Publication #014-760 (3) 8-24-2016 (4) Issue Frequency: 4 x a year (5) # issues: 4 (6) Annual subscriptionincluded with dues (7) Publication Office: PO Box 216 ,Hinsdale, MT 59241-0216 (8) Headquarters Mailing address: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International,PO Box 1589 Austin, TX 78767-1589 (9)Editor: Joyce English PO Box 216Hinsdale, MT 59241-0216 (10)Owner: Alpha Mu State, The Delta Kappa GammaSociety International, PO Box 1589 Austin, TX 78767-1589 (11) Bondholders:none (12) Tax status: has not changed (13) Title: Alphamusings (14)Circulationfigures date: May 2016 (15) Circulation: (a) Ave. Run: 232.75 single issue 240(b.1) mailed outside county 209, single copy 211 (b.2) mailed in county ,0, singlecopy 0 (b.3) paid distribution outside the Mails 3.25, single 7, (b.4) paiddistribution First-Class Mail, average 8.25, single 7 (c) total paid circulation:average 224. 25 single 225 (d.1) free outside county average 0, single 0 (d.2) freein county 0, single 0 (d.3) mailed at other classes average 1, single 1 (d.4) freeoutside the mail 0, single 0, (e) Free distribution 1, single 1 (f) total distributionaverage 225.25, single 226 (g) not distributed 12.25, single 14 (h) total: average237.5, Single 240 (i) Percentage paid average 99.556 %, single 99.5575 % (17)box checked and Publication of statement of Ownership: October 2016 (18) Icertify that all information furnished above is true and complete: Joyce English,Editor, August 24, 2016

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alpha Mu State is now on Facebook! “LIKE” and follow us for all updates: Alpha Mu State, The Delta Kappa

Gamma Society International



(USPS 014-760) PUBLICATION OF THE ALPHA MU STATE ORGANIZATION, MONTANA The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Vol. 70, No.1, October 2016 Periodicals - Postage paid at Hinsdale MT 59241 Published four times yearly, October, January, March, and MayAnnual state membership dues include subscription to Alphamusings Joyce English, Editor, PO Box 216, Hinsdale MT 59241 joyceenglish@yahoo.com

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Communicate with International Headquarters:

888 / 762-4685 (toll-free in Canada, U.S.) 512 / 478-5748 FAX: 512 / 478-3961

web site address: www.dkg.org

Address to go directly to the Montana web site:http://alphamustate.weebly.com


Did you see it??

Sigma Nu member Janice Nerem’s article, “Letter to

Eunah Temple Holden” was selected for inclusion inthe 2016, Volume 82-4 which was the second issue of

The Delta Kappa Gamma Collegial Exchange.

Each member received a copy; however, it is on the International website.

The letter from International stated, “ Yourcooperation in sharing your manuscript with the

Society in this meaningful way is greatly appreciated.” Congratulations, Jan!

New IRS 990-N Postcard filing ProceduresAs of March 2016, the IRS has a new 990-N filing procedure.The Urban Institute will no longer be processing the filings forthe IRS. You will go directly to the IRS website and processyour filing there. We will provide a direct link on the DKGwebsite at www.dkg.org. You will need to create a first timeusers login and password. Then follow the procedures forfiling. Your old username and password will not work.Remember all U.S. entities must file between July 1 andNovember 15 each year. If you do not file for three consecutiveyears, your chapter, state organization or coordinating councilwill be revoked by the IRS.

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