curse of the mistletoe by hedw1g

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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Curse of the Mistletoe by Hedw1gCh1MISTLETOE It was the most horrific thing that Headmaster Dumbledore had ever done to the Students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even Professor Severus Snape had though it aneensy bit too cruel, and that was saying something, considering that his favorite pastime was tobully and generally make the lives of the students as miserable as possible. Mistletoe. A harmless little plant, you think to yourself. What harm could a little sprig of mistletoe doto anyone?

 When teamed with magic, the innocent little plant can fast become a thing of evil, offensive tobehold. Such was the case at Hogwarts. Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore had thought it fun and festive to put a sprig of theoffending stuff in doorways, classrooms, stairways, secret passageways and practically every nookand cranny of Hogwarts. The students at first, thought this was nice and sweet, and werecompelled to carry out the tradition of kissing whomever you happened to be walking underneath itwith. This appeared to be no problem for everyone, however, that didn't last long. Rumor had begun to spread throughout the school that the Mistletoe was cursed or jinxed, for twohapless students had refused the tradition when they wandered beneath the mistletoe withoutthinking of the consequences. These two students were an asset to research, ones RonaldWeasley of Gryffindor house and Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin House. They had discovered thatshould you refuse the traditional kiss, well, that was just too bad. The mistletoe, it seemed, did notappreciate refusal of any kind, and Ron and Pansy found this out in a very frightening anddisturbing way. 

They had wandered through the doorway to the Great Hall at dinner at precisely the same time.Not intentional at all, I assure you. "MISTLETOE!" Someone shrieked, pointing at the green plant with white buds above the heads of the two unfortunate students. Ron and Pansy looked up and snorted. "I'd rather kiss a toilet seat!" Ron had remarked, thoroughly disgusted. "The feeling is mutual!" Pansy agreed haughtily. And the two went their separate ways. But they didn't get far. As soon as they had left the archway,some strong invisible force pulled them back beneath it. Not quite realizing what was happening,the two tried to part ways again, and again they were pulled back under the mistletoe. "HEY!" Ron said in anger. "What gives!" Well, as you can probably guess, they found out that the mistletoe was the culprit, and Pansystarted shrieking in horror and Ron was yelling furiously about human rights. They had caused a blockage now, and students were crowded at the entranceway trying to seewhat the holdup was. The students at the front of the crowd looked on in bewilderment. By now, the students that werealready in the great hall had noticed the commotion and had come over to investigate. "What's going on?" Blaise Zambini, a Slytherin demanded. "We are stuck!" Ron replied, straining against the spell. "Stuck?" Blaise snorted. "Yes, Stuck!" Ron repeated, getting frustrated. "It won't let us walk through!" Pansy cried. "Perhaps if we pulled them through, they might get loose." A Gryffindor by the name of SeamusFinnigan from the crowd trying to get into the great hall suggested. "Worth a try I suppose." Blaise reasoned. And so they all began a tug-o-war. The Gryffindors, starting with Harry Potter, who held Ron'dhands, Hermione Granger, holding onto Harry's waist, and Ginny Weasley holding onto her waistand so on until all the Gryffindors there had formed a large conga line.

 On the other side of the door, the Slytherins in the hall had done the same, with Blaise Zambiniholding onto Pansy's hands, and Draco Malfoy behind him, Crabbe and Goyle behind Malfoy andso on until they too had formed a line. "Okay, on the count of three," Seamus shouted so everyone could hear."One«two«.three..PULL!" All at once, everyone started pulling as hard as they could. "Put your backs into it!" Blaise yelled, pulling as hard as he could, but not feeling much supportfrom behind. Behind him, he felt Malfoy yanking and pulling as hard as he could, and it was helping a little, but itwas still not enough. 

"Is everyone doing their best Malfoy?" Blaise asked the blonde Slytherin behind him. Malfoy turned his head to check and stopped pulling. "No." Blaise turned his head to see what the problem was and rolled his eyes. Crabbe and Goyle, who were supposed to be pulling with Malfoy, were standing looking stupidlyaround them and picking their noses. "CRABBE, GOYLE!" Malfoy barked. "You are supposed to be pulling!" 

"Oh, sorry Draco!" The two boys said stupidly.Malfoy was miffed. "Chimps! I am working with chimps!" He stated. He then began the task of instructing the two with what they were supposed to do. Once the problem with teamwork on the Slytherin side had been rectified, they began their pullingagain. On the Gryffindor side, they had no such problems, but Ron hadn't budged. "It's no use Harry!" Ron bleated woefully "My arms are going to pop out if we pull anymore!" "No," Harry grunted, red in the face from his efforts "not giving up!" Harry and his fellow Gryffindors pulled even harder, grunting, groaning and straining backs,shoulders and arms. "Harry, my hands are slipping!" Ron called out. But it was too late. Harry's hand's slipped out of Ron's and he and the Gryffindors tumbled backwards, like humandominos. Yells of pain, surprise and defeat erupted from Ron's housemates as they landed on their rears

and backs in each other's laps. Oddly, and rather creepily, the same thing had happened to the Slytherins. Pansy shouted that her hands were suddenly slick and blaise lost his grip, sending the Slytherins into the same end as theGryffindors. Draco Malfoy landed with a grunt on his rear, the wind knocked out of him by Blaise landing onhim. Ron and Pansy looked down at their hands and frowned. They were covered in a thin layer of soap, making their hands incredibly slick. They looked at each other, eyes wide and woeful. "Where did this come from!" Ron asked fearfully. A soft chuckle came from the Slytherin side of the Great hall, and all turned to see Dumbledorestanding with an amused smile on his face. "My, my, what teamwork!" he mused. The students were silent, staring at the Headmaster in shock. Was he not disturbed by this? "Are any of you injured?" he asked cheerfully "I imagine a few of you have bruised bottoms andbacks." He added with a chuckle. There were a few grunts and groans and 'what a stupid question!' comments from both teams inresponse to his question. "Then I suggest that those of you who are injured or in pain, go to the hospital wing and Madamepomfrey will attend to you, those of you who are not, just walk through the doorway one at a timeplease." The teams separated, those hurt went through the doorway, squeezing past Ron and Pansy whowere still trapped, and headed for the hospital wing, while the rest, entered the great hall one at atime. When the crowd had dispersed, Dumbledore approached Ron and Pansy "Help Headmaster!" Ron wailed. Dumbledor held up a hand to silence the two distressed students. "Now, now, the solution to your problem is simple!" the old man chuckled, his eyes twinking. "Youmust follow tradition!"

 "WHAT! NO WAY!" Ron bellowed. Pansy was in hysterics by now. Dumbledore shrugged "Then you will stay there." Pansy and Ron looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to be stuck there forever. It was a nobrainer really. They would just have to do it. Ron winced and Pansy looked like she would throw up but they inched closer. Dumbledore watched in amusement, his eyes sparkling. One quick peck and the ordeal was over. 

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Wiping their mouths, and spluttering, the two traumatized students emerged from their prison andwalked shakily to their house tables. Harry awaited Ron at the Gryffindor table and looked happy to see him finally free. "Did Dumbledore get you out?" Harry asked. "No." Ron said miserably. "What? Then how are you out?" Harry asked, wondering why Dumbledore had not freed them. 

"He said that we had to follow tradition, if we didn't we'd be stuck there!" Ron explained. "What was that supposed to mean?" Harry wondered. Ron shrugged. "Dunno, he wouldn't explain it. That's all he said and then Pansy and me had tokiss." Harry opened his mouth to protest but Ron cut him off. "It was that or be stuck there with her forever!" Harry closed his mouth and gave his friend a sympathetic look. "Where's Mione?" Ron asked, wanting to change the subject. "She went to the hospital wing, I landed on her and heard something crack, think it was her rib." Ron winced. "Anyone else?" "Neville, Seamus, Ginny and I think Colin Creevey went too." Harry said. In the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey was bustling about tending to the wounded soldiers.

 Hermione was wimpering in pain as she waited her turn to be healed. Her shoulder was in agony.Beside her, Seamus and Neville and Colin were wincing in pain also, while Ginny was having her fractured wrist healed by Madame Pomfrey. "Stop that infernal wimpering Granger!" a cold voice snapped irritably. "Leave her alone Malfoy!" Seamus said sharply "She's hurt and in a lot of pain!" "Aren't we all?" Malfoy drawled, hobbling closer with great pain and diffuculty. He was bent over double and was holding a hand to his lower back, apparently unable to straighten up. "What happened to you?" Hermione had meant to ask scathingly, but it came out as more of awhimper as she turned to see him. "I landed on Crabbe's knee, right in the middle of my lower back." Malfoy surprisingly told her "heard something crack, felt blinding hot pain, thought I'd better get it checked out." The Gryffindors figured that Malfoy must have been in too much pain to be nasty and mean, sothey just nodded. "Do you mind Granger?" Malfoy asked, wincing as he grasped her shoulder for support, leaningmost of his right side on it. Hermione screamed with pain and Malfoy, shocked, let go as though he had been burned, causinghim to overbalance and topple backward. Luckily, or maybe not so, Seamus caught him before he hit the floor. His back being snapped back, Malfoy roared like a wounded animal. Seamus merely winced as his injured bottom was twinged in his effort to hold Malfoy off theground. He hadn't intentionally caught him, it was more of a reflex action. Hermione was wimpering and tears were streaming down her face. The pain was now unbearable,but she soldiered on and moved to help Seamus with getting Malfoy back on his feet and into amore comfortable position. Using her good shoulder and arm, she linked it with one of Malfoy's and Seamus did the same withhis other arm, using his leg to support Malfoy's back. Malfoy was wailing in pain, his teeth clenched and his eyes squeezed shut. With one swift pull, and a loud yelp of pain from Malfoy, Hermione and Seamus managed to getMalfoy back into the position he had previously been in.

 His breathing labored, Malfoy looked up at Hermione and Seamus with pain clouded eyes. "Whydid you do that!" "Do what?" Seamus shrugged. "Why did you help me?" Malfoy asked quietly. "You could have just let me fall!" "We are Gryffindor's Malfoy, it's not in our nature to be evil." Hermione explained, her voicewavering tearfully, her shoulder hurt so bad! Malfoy regained his composure. His encounter with immense pain had brought his guard downtemporarily and now it was back up. "More fool you!" he sneered. 

Hermione was in too much pain to argue with him. She shook her head and turned away from him,carefully. "Just think, all this over a stupid sprig of Mistletoe!" Seamus said bitterly. "I never want to look atthat plant again!" "You have no option, we have Herbology tomorrow morning, studying the magical properties of Mistletoe!" Neville piped up. "Not to mention the fact that it's scattered everywhere around the school!" Hermione pointed outmiserably.

 "I wonder what it was that caused Ron and Pansy to get stuck!" Seamus wondered aloud. Hermione was glad to have something to think about to take her mind off of the pain in her shoulder. Frowning in concentration, the three Gryffindors thought long and hard, trying to figure out what itcould possibly have been. Malfoy watched them, scowling, but they ignored him. The minutes ticked by in silence as they thought. Finally, Malfoy got bored enough to enlighten them. "You aren't terribly smart when you are in painare you?" He sneered "Isn't it obvious?" Three pairs of eyes turned to him. "What are you talking about Malfoy?" Seamus demanded suspiciously. Malfoy rolled his eyes. "The old coot has jinxed the mistltoe!" 

He gave them a few minutes to let it sink in. "No way!" Hermione finally piped up with "Dumbledore would never force us to kiss if we didn'twant to!" she decided. "Yeah? You want to take a look at what happened to Weasley and Parkinson, Granger!" Malfoysaid as-a-matter-of-factly. "Bloody plant wouldn't let them go until they submitted!" "You think he could be right?" Seamus checked with Hermione and Neville. Neville shrugged. "It's possible I suppose. Mistletoe generally doesn't have that effect on people.Muggles use it all the time at Christmas." Hermione nodded, confirming this. "That's true. But why would Dumbledore do that to us? It's toomean!" "Naïve aren't you Granger!" Malfoy said, smirking. "What's that supposed to mean!" Seamus said, his eyes glinting in warning. Malfoy smirked some more. "It means, you fool, that Dumbledore isn't all she thinks he is!" "If you are trying to say that Dumbledore is really evil, think again Malfoy. That will never happen!"Hermione said, getting heated up. How dare he say that about Dumbledore! "I didn't necessarily imply that he is evil, Granger, I merely said that there's a part of him that youdon't know, and he's using it, right now." Malfoy said in a 'ghost telling' type voice. Neville was spooked. "What if he's right?" he squeaked. "What if Dumbledore really is usingmistletoe as a plan to take us all down!" "Oh for goodness sake!" Hermione snapped. "This is ridiculous! I won't believe that Dumbledore ishatching an evil scheme until I see it with my own two eyes!" "Suit yourself Granger." Malfoy said nonchalantly, "But I think he's trying to kill us with our ownkisses!" he added dramatically. Neville whimpered. "What do you mean?" Thoroughly enjoying himself, Malfoy hobbled closer to Neville and spoke in low whispering andcreepy tones, for emphasis. "Just wait and see. It started out innocently enough, oh yes«but now«" Malfoy paused to shakehis head sadly "Now it won't let us go, once we are beneath the evil cursed plant, it has us! Notletting us go until we do it's bidding!"

 Neville whimpered fearfully and grasped Seamus' arm for support. Hermione rolled her eyes. This was stupid. "And soon," Malfoy continued "it won't just want us to kiss! Soon, it will force us to create a newgeneration«a generation of halfbloods! It's Dumbledore's sneaky way of eradicating all of thepurebloods at Hogwarts, when we die, there won't be any left, and the old loon will finally havewhat he's always wanted! And just remember, it all started with a simple kiss." By now, Neville was shaking visibly and looking pleadingly at Seamus. "I don't want to k«kissanyone!" he whimpered. Malfoy smirked, his aim at terrifying Neville had been successful. His triumph was short livedhowever, when Hermione brought reason back to him. 

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"Neville, don't listen to Malfoy, he's lying. It's all utter nonsense, Dumbledore would never do sucha thing." She said soothingly. Malfoy had to nip this one in the bud before she ruined his work. He hobbled close to her, so closethat she had to lean away so that his nose wouldn't touch hers. "Just think, Granger," he said softly "what would you do if you get caught under therewith«Professor Snape?" Hermione gasped as the disturbing image came to her mind. But Malfoy didn't stop there. Hebegan to circle her, it was difficult, but he managed. He had a mission after all.

 "What if Dumbledore sneakily puts a sprig of mistletoe in the potions classroom? You won't knowuntil it's too late, will you?" He leaned in close to her ear, his breath tickling it. "You'll be trapped!Trapped with Snape, until you realize that the only way out«.is to kiss him«perhaps more!" Hermione gasped again and covered her ears, ignoring the searing pain in her shoulder as she didso. "NOOOOO!" She cried, losing all grip o n reality. Malfoy smirked, very pleased with his work. Gryffindor's were so easy to torment. Thankfully, Madame Pomfrey heard Hermione screaming and came rushing over to her to seewhat the matter was. "Dear girl, surely you are not hurt that bad!" The nurse hushed as she ushered Hermione to a bedand made her sit down. "Image«wont...leave«my«head!" Hermione muttered, rocking back and forth."Snape«Malfoy«said«kiss«". Madame Pomfrey looked worried and quickly retrieved a calming draft, giving it to Hermione todrink. 

"I told Dumbledore that the mistletoe was a bad idea, but would he listen?" The nurse fretted asHermione drank the potion. Then Madam Pomfrey set about healing. "Now, where are you hurt dear?" "My shoulder." Hermione replied, feeling the effects of the potion calming her down and ruining allof Malfoy's hard work. But Malfoy didn't mind, he would get her again, now that he knew what her biggest fear was. Ch2Chapter 2It took a few hours for Madame Pomfrey to heal all of the wounded students, Malfoy had taken aparticularly long time as he had fussed about and squirmed around and made such a fuss thateventually, she had to have two students come and hold him down on the bed so she could mendhis two cracked vertebrae. Hermione, Neville and Seamus had stuck around to watch with pleasure as Malfoy got healed. Tosee him in pain and prolonging it with his stupidity was too good to pass up! As soon as he was healed, he was released. Malfoy shot up off of the bed, rounded on the chuckling nurse and her helpers and yelled at them,his face practically purple with rage. "HOW DARE YOU!" He yelled, fists balled at his sides, leaning forward to better fuel his yelling."HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME LIKE THAT! WAIT UNTIL MY FATHER HEARS ABOUT THIS!THAT WAS ABUSE! ABUSE I TELL YOU!" Madame Pomfrey laughed louder. "I'll have you know Mr Malfoy, that I had to hold your father down when he broke his leg playing quidditch when he attended this school. I'm beginning towonder if the Malfoy men just can't take pain!" Malfoy stopped in mid rant, one finger in the air, snarled and stormed out of the infirmary without aword. The nurse chuckled again and got to her feet. "You three had better get to dinner, it's almost over!"She told the three amused Gryffindors. The three Gryffindor's practically ran all the way to the great hall and Sat down beside Harry andRon. Ginny was there too, having left as soon as she was healed. "What was wrong with the three of you?" Harry asked. "Well, my shoulder was dislocated." Hermione answered.

 "My backside was bruised!" Seamus piped up. "Mine too!" Neville agreed. "Malfoy was there too!" Hermione said as she loaded some steak pie onto her plate. Harry and Ron looked pleased. "Was he hurt bad?" Harry asked hopefully. "Yes, his two of his vertebrae were cracked, he couldn't straighten up, he was hobbling around likean old man!" Hermione told t hem happily. "That didn't stop him from terrifying us though with his suspicions!" Neville said nervously. 

Suddenly, Hermione remembered what Malfoy had said to her regarding Snape, and she glancedover at the teacher's table, where Snape was eating his coconut cream pie, and she shuddered. "What did he say this time?" Ron asked, rolling his eyes. Neville told them about Malfoy saying that he thought Dumbledore was responsible for the wholeMistletoe thing, and that he suspected it was jinxed or cursed, and everything else Malfoy hadsuggested regarding the mistletoe, and Dumbledore's 'evil' plan to eradicate all of the purebloods. Harry and Ron laughed. 

"That's a good idea, but I don't think Dumbledore would to that. But the jinxing thing might be true."Ron said, remembering his ordeal with Pansy. "He also scared the magic out of Hermione!" Seamus said testily. "Madame Pomfrey had to giveher a calming draught!" Harry's eyes narrowed. "What did he say to you Mione?" Hermione didn't reply immediately. She stared at her steak pie for a minute before raising her eyesto her friend's. "He wondered what I would do if I got trapped under the mistletoe with Professor Snape." She saidquietly. Harry and Ron gasped in horror but were quick to comfort her. "There there, Mione!" Ron said soothingly, patting her hand. "Yeah, Mione! Don't worry!" Harry said comfortingly "We won't let that happen!" Hermione smiled at her two best friends. They were truly wonderful! 

"We'll help too!" Seamus said putting a hand on her shoulder. Neville nodded, confirming Seamus's offer. "Thanks guys!" Hermione said feeling better about it. With four Gryffindor boys watching her back,the chances of getting caught beneath the mistletoe with Snape were slim to none! The next day saw jumpy students avoiding the mistletoe any way they could, trying to make surethat they weren't walking beneath it with someone they didn't want to kiss and even trying to blast itaway, but the spells just bounced off of the plant. "Look at it!" Seamus said, glaring at the plant he had just tried to blast away "sitting up there allsmug!" Harry nodded and looked around before running through the doorway to the charms class to avoidgetting caught beneath it with Lavender Brown. Seamus followed, dodging around the mistletoe,lest he have to kiss Millicent Bullstrode. Charms went by without a hitch, although Ron never did get the disappearing charm right. Whenhe had tried to make Harry disappear, he did a pretty good job, except that Malfoy had pointed outthat "I can still see his stupid eyes!" and so Professor Flitwick had not given him full marksbecause. Then he took off more points when they discovered that Harry was still inivisable and nomatter how they tried, they couldn't make him reappear! Professor Flitwick told him that the charmwould wear off by the end of the day and gave Harry a note that he was to give to all of hisprofessors that day. Ron, Harry and Seamus exited the charms class, waiting for all the girls to go through first so thatthey wouldn't have to kiss anyone. "This misletoe thing is getting tedious!" Seamus declared as they walked to Potions. "That reminds me," said Harry from somewhere beside Ron "We have to find Mione before shegets there so we can make sure Malfoy doesn't try to get her underneath the friggin' plant withSnape!" Ron nodded and they began to run towards the dungeons. Harry startled several students as he ran, they ran into him, bumping into some unseen object andscreamed when all they saw was a pair of eyes scowling at them. Five minutes later, they arrived in the dungeons, slightly out of breath. Much of the class had not arrived yet, but a few were there. Hermione of course was there, trying to resist the urge to slap Malfoy as he tormented her as

usual. Crabbe and Goyle were standing behind Malfoy, picking their noses (again) and Blaisezabini was leaning against the wall looking bored. Harry, Ron and Seamus hurried over and grabbed Hermione and pulled her away from Malfoy,glaring at him. "Oh for Merlin's sake!" Malfoy snapped "Can't anyone even talk to your precious mudblood now?" "Of course they can! It's just that Mione doesn't talk to animals, and with you being a ferret andall«well, y'know." Ron replied venomously. "Where's Harry?" Hermione asked looking around. Ron blushed and suddenly found his shoes very interesting and Seamus grinned. "I'm here Hermione." Harry's voice said by her ear.

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 Hermione jumped with fright "Why are you wearing the invisibility cloak?" she hissed. "I'm not wearing the invisibility cloak, Ron did this!" Harry's voice replied. "Look to your right." Hermione turned to look to her right and let out a small scream of fright as Harry's eyes hovered infront of her. "Ron!" Hermione cried in despair "You killed Harry! All he has left are his eyes!" "I didn't kill him, Mione!" Ron interjected "I made him disappear, only the charm went wrong and he

did disappear, just except his eyes!" Hermione put out a hand to feel around and was relieved to feel Harry's shoulder and chest quitesolid against her hand. "Will it wear off?" she asked sympathetically. "Yeah, Professor Flitwick says it should wear off by the end of the day." Harry replied. "What about your classes? How will the professors know you are there?" Hermione asked. "Flitwick gave me a note that I have to give to all of them." Harry replied. "Snape no doubt will dock points." Hermione muttered bitterly. Ron scowled and nodded in agreement. "You are all early!" a voice said coldly. "Speak of the devil!" Harry muttered to his friends. Snape threw the potions room door open and stalked inside.

 "There's no pleasing that man!" Ron said as they shuffled into the room, dodging the mistletoe asthey went. "While we wait for the rest of the class, you can all help me prepare for the class." Snapeinstructed, pointing to a pile of cauldrons in the back corner and all the other potions equipment. Reluctantly, the seven students obeyed and set the cauldrons on the tables and put the burnersunderneath each one. Hermione put up her hand. "Yes Miss Granger, what is it?" Snape said wearily. "I was wondering, Professor, if you would like us to set out the ingredients of the potion on eachdesk, that way perhaps, Neville wouldn't have too much trouble this lesson." Hermione said quietly. Everyone looked at her as if she had grown horns. Snape didn't reply immediately, he looked thoughtful before answering. "Yes, you may go aheadand do that. I don't feel much like escorting the entire class to the hospital wing today." Everyone groaned and scowled at Hermione. "Thanks Granger!" Blaise said sarcastically "I just love extra work!" Malfoy pushed past her roughly, making sure his shoulder bumped into hers hard. Ron shook his head in disappointment. "Mione, you're killing us here!" Hermione shrugged and smiled cheerfully«until Malfoy turned and made kissing noises, pointingup and grinning evilly. Looking up, Hermione saw a sprig of the offending plant above her and Snape was not far away. She hastily jumped out of the way. Malfoy smirked, apparently she was still jumpy about his suggestions. Harry took his note to Snape, who seemed surprised at it suddenly appeared out of thin air. Hespotted Harry's eyes hovering and when Harry explained that Ron's charm had gone wrong, didn'tseem so surprised after all. And Hermione was right about Snape taking points from Gryffindor for terrible spell work that made his job harder seeing as he couldn't quite tell where Harry was in theroom and therefore made it more difficult to punish him. 

Gradually, the rest of the class arrived and they settled into the regular routine. Snape put the instructions to the potion on the board and sat down to mark papers while the classdid its thing. All was nice and quiet for the first half hour or so. The only sound was the potions bubbling softlyand the occasional whispering between partners with regards to ingredients and timing. Suddenly, there was a piercing scream that made Snape jump and consequently drew a big lineover the paper he was marking with his quill. He looked up angrily to see Lavender Brown sobbing hysterically next to a confused Crabbe. "What is going on!" Snape demanded. 

"Brown and Crabbe walked under the mistletoe at the same time Professor." Malfoy said, trying notto laugh. Snape rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "Then I suggest they just get it over with!" Snape said tiredly. He really hated that stupid plant. Hehad tried to remove it from his classroom, but it wouldn't budge, and he found that if he did manageit, more would sprout and he would have twice as much as he did before, so he thought it best toleave it alone. Lavender cried louder. "I don't want to kiss Crabbe!" She said scandalously, pointing accusingly at

Crabbe. "Miss Brown, I suggest you just do it and that way, you won't be standing there forever. None of usare too fond of the ruddy things, but for now, we will just have to put up with it." Snape said firmly,standing up in annoyance. "Now get on with it both of you!" Crabbe suddenly leaned in and kissed Lavender on the lips and she slapped him in responsebefore scurrying off back to her desk in tears. "It's alright for you isn't it Professor!" Lavender shrieked hysterically and pointing accusingly atSnape. "You haven't had to kiss anyone yet! Especially someone you wouldn't want to kiss in amillion years!" "20 points from Gryffindor for your attitude, Miss Brown!" Snape snapped, as he sat huffily down athis desk again. Hermione tugged on Lavender's sleeve. "Please, Lavender, Don't make such a fuss or Professor Snape will take more points!" She whispered to the sobbing girl as soothingly as she could. Snape snorted. "I see for once that something Miss Granger said can be of some benefit to us all.You would do well, Miss Brown, to heed her." 

Lavender swallowed a cutting remark for Snape, and sat down at her desk with whatever dignityshe had left, vowing revenge. "Just you wait, Professor Snape, just you wait!" she muttered. Harry went back to making his potion, which looked weird because all you could see were thepotions ingredients floating in mid air and dispersing themselves into the cauldron. "Sounds like Lavender wants revenge on Snape!" Harry hissed into Hermione's ear, making her jump with fright. "Harry!" She whispered, her hand on her heart. "Can't you let me know you are there before youspeak! You scared me half to death!" "Sorry!" Harry said apologetically, although he was grinning. He looked at his potion and realizedthat it wasn't the right colour. He was about to raise his hand, but then realized that Snape wouldn'tsee him, so he made his way up to Snape's desk, where the professor sat, marking papers. When Harry was right at his side, he spoke. "Professor?" The sight that followed would be one that none of the students present would ever forget. Snape gasped, jumped in fright then fell off of his chair with a tremendous yelp of pain and fright,sending ink and papers flying into the air as his desk was overturned, right on top of Draco Malfoy,who's desk was directly in front of Professor Snape's, and showering him with ink and parchmentand quills, not to mention the odd potion or two. A stunned silence followed as the class took in what had happened. Snape was lying spread-eagled on the floor, his chair overturned beside him, his desk was atopDraco, whos head was sticking out from beneath it, a scared and pained expression on his faceand ink dotting his face and hair. Harry stood staring in shock at the scene he had caused. "Woops!" he said. "POTTER!" Snape bellowed, sitting up and snarling in rage. "Somebody get this desk off of me!" Malfoy wailed, pushing feebly at the desk. "I can't breath!" Hermione's head was the first to clear and she stood up quickly and took out her wand, pointing itat the desk "Wingardium Leviosa!" She commanded. The desk crushing Malfoy rose into the air and Hermione set it up straight to its original position infront of the class. 

Snape got to his feet and, shaking with fury, threw out his hands and felt around. "Where are youPotter!" he snarled "When I get my hands on you«" Harry had moved to the back of the classroom and watched with amusement as Snape gropedaround for him at the front. Hermione put her wand away and stared down at Malfoy as he coughed and spluttered on the floor at her feet, getting his breath back. "Are you okay?" she asked reluctantly, not very sure why she had been the one to rescue him inthe first place, her feet just sort of carried her there! Malfoy scowled up at her. "What took you so long, Granger?" he said testily "I almost died!" Hermione rolled her eyes and shook her head in annoyance. "A simple 'thank you Hermione' wouldsuffice!" she snapped "Or have you no manners?"

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 Malfoy's scowl faltered and he began sputtering in indignation at her suggestion. "I will have you know, Granger, that my manners, as a pureblood, far surpass yours!" He saidsmugly. "Is that why 'thank you' isn't in your vocabulary?" Hermione demanded. "It is in my vocabulary, I just won't waste it on you!" Malfoy retorted, standing up. Hermione wanted so badly to slap the living magic out of Malfoy at that point, and she would have

too if Ron hadn't of come over and dragged her back to her desk. "Just look at him, the smarmy little git!" She snarled as Ron drug her along. "Ooooh, I just want tosmack him sensless!" "You mean you don't think someone already did?" Ron quipped, smiling. "He doesn't seem like hehas much sense, Y'know?" Hermione smiled at her friend. Ron was always able to cheer her up. Snape by now had realized that Harry wasn't in his immediate vicinity and was glaring suspiciouslyaround the classroom. "Come out come out wherever you are Potter!" He said dangerously. Harry bit his lip to keep from Laughing as he sat at his desk. Ron sat down next to him and knew that Harry was there, but pretended to be taking notes, alsotrying not to laugh. Meanwhile, Malfoy and Hermione had a glaring match from their respective desks. After a fewminutes of not blinking, Hermione decided it was a silly thing to be doing and looked away.

 "HA! I won!" Malfoy declared, smirking a huge smirk, such as the world had never seen. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Whatever Malfoy, whatever." She said in a bored tone. Malfoy, still smirking turned back to face the potions master who's dark eyes were still sweepingthe room for any trace of Potter. "Professor?" Malfoy asked jovially. "Perhaps Potter is at his desk sir!" Snape's eyes flicked to Malfoy and he nodded, before sweeping down the aisle and stopping atRon. "Where is he, Mr Weasley?" Snape asked, his voice dangerously soft. Ron shrugged. "Dunno, I can't see him!" "You know that I know that you know where he is, now«tell me or you shall suffer my wrath!"Snape said in the same dangerously soft voice. Harry, thinking it better to own up than let Ron get punished on his behalf stepped forward andspoke. "I'm here Professor." Snape's eyes looked around the area where Harry's voice had come from and spotted two Greeneyes gazing at him. Fumbling around, Snape finally got a hold of Harry and yanked him forward. "Ooohh you're goingto pay!" He growled, malice in his coal black eyes. Harry gulped. This was the angriest he had seen Snape, and it wasn't comforting being the one theanger was directed at. Snape pulled his wand from his robes and aimed it right between Harry's eyes, which widened. "NO!" Hermione shouted as Snape began an incantation. She shot out of her seat and threwherself into Snape, knocking him sideways, he lost his grasp on Harry and he stumbled backwards,grabbing at the air as he tried to keep his balance. Hermione was close by and he attempted to grab her robes to stop himself from falling but shewasn't close enough. Malfoy, ever the helpful one, but having a more sinister plan, shoved Hermione towards Snape sothat Snape could reach what he was grabbing for to stop himself from falling and it worked.

 Snape grabbed a hold of Hermione's robes and she was pulled forward as Snape stumbled back. Luckily, he didn't fall so there were no embarrassing or traumatizing situations such as Snapelanding on top of Hermione or vice versa. As soon as he had regained his balance, Snape yanked Hermione to him and snarled. "You little Witch!" he spat "How dare you get in the way of Potters punishment!" "You were going to hex him!" Hermione cried angrily "I saw it in your eyes, you were going to harmhim! I was not about to let that happen!" Snape shook Hermione hard "You stupid girl!" he spat "You bloody Gryffindors and your bravery!It's not bravery at all! It's stupidity, now you have gotten yourself into trouble! Now both you and Mr Potter will be punished!"

 "Let me go!" Hermione cried as Snape's grasp on her upper arms became stronger and it wasbeginning to hurt. Meanwhile, Malfoy was laughing so hard, he had to sit down. Lavender and Seamus found this very rude and irritating. "What are you laughing at Malfoy!" Lavender demanded "Look at Hermione, she's ± " "Yes!" Malfoy interrupted, gasping for breath as he laughed "Yes just look at her!" He pointed to

Hermione and Snape, laughing harder. By now, Snape and Hermione had noticed Malfoy laughing and were staring at him inbewilderment. Lavender looked at the two and shook her head in bewilderment before her eyes found the sourceof Malfoy's amusement. "Oh Hermione!" Lavender gasped, her hands going up to her face in horror. "Oh poor, poor Hermione!" The rest of the class cottoned on too and the Gryffindors gasped and had the same reaction asLavender did. The Slytherins however, found it very amusing and were laughing and pointing. Still bewildered, Hermione and Snape looked down at their robes and checked themselves butnothing was different, so they resorted to looking around themselves. They both looked up at the same time and gasped in united horror. Hanging above them innocently was a sprig of mistletoe that Snape could swear hadn't been there

before. Hermione took a deep breath, opened her mouth and screamed bloody murder. Ch 3Chapter 3 Everyone covered their ears to block out the anguished screams of Hermione. It really sounded asthough someone was trying to murder her! Malfoy was covering his ears too but he was smirking like mad as well. This made the Gryffindorssuspicious. "He had something to do with this, I know it!" Ron said to Harry, pointing at Malfoy. Snape recovered and realized that Hermione was screaming like a madwoman. This irritated himto no end. He grabbed her and shook her again, but she just kept screaming. "Miss Granger!" Snape shouted at her over her screaming "Miss Granger, STOP THAT THISINSTANT!" he roared, but that didn't stop her either. Suddenly, he did something that shocked everyone, even Malfoy. Snape slapped Hermione soundly across the face "GET A GRIP WOMAN!" he shouted. Hermione had been so shocked by the slap she had received that she had stopped screamingabruptly and had raised a small and shaky hand to her stinging cheek. There was a stunned silence until Malfoy broke it. "You«you hit her!" he said, his voice almost a whisper. "You hit her!" "I had to, Mr Malfoy, she wasn't thinking straight, she was too far gone and needed to be broughtback to reality." Snape said looking sympathetically at Malfoy. Snape knew the boy's reasons for being so shocked and horrified at what he had just witnessed.Lucius Malfoy wasn't exactly the most loving of husbands when he got angry with his wife and as alittle boy, Draco had witnessed his father's wrath and it still disturbed him even now to see awoman getting struck. Malfoy nodded numbly and stared at Hermione who was recovering and getting her thoughtsstraightened out. 

"Sorry Professor, I just lost it for a moment." Hermione said calmly and with dignity. Snape nodded. There was no point in being angry, not in this situation. A level head was required. "M«maybe it doesn't work on Professors and students!" Hermione said hopefully. She turned and started to walk away from Professor Snape. It appeared to be working«until shewas suddenly thrown back and was right back where she started. Hermione looked at Snape, her bottom lip trembling and then promptly burst into tears, her face inher hands. Malfoy had recovered from his getting disturbed and was back to smirking. It always cheered himup to see a Gryffindor getting their hopes crushed. 

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"There there, Miss Granger." Snape said uncomfortably. "It is unfortunate that we happen to be inthis situation, but we are both reasonable and intelligent people, and therefore we both know thatthere is only one option for us as long as we are beneath this accursed plant." Snape saidreasonably. Inside however, Snape was livid. How dare this measly plant force him to kiss astudent! And not just any student, no, it had to be Hermione Granger, the freakin' Gryffindor Princess! He'd never live this down! "Now, Miss Granger, lets get this over with!" He said firmly, turning to her. Hermione's eyes widened in horror. "You aren't serious Professor!" she said in disbelief. 

Snape sighed and shifted uncomfortably. "Of course I am! You know it's the only way we can getfree!" "But I CAN'T!" Hermione cried "Why not?" Snape demanded. He wanted to live the rest of his life, preferably out from under thisconfounded mistletoe! Hermione couldn't believe he'd even asked that. "Because it's«it's YOU!" she cried, as if it shouldhave been the most obvious thing in the world to him. "Me?" Snape echoed. "What's wrong with that?" Snape demanded huffily, folding his arms over hischest. "You're Snape! Snape! SNAPE!" Hermione replied exasperatedly. "Yes«I gathered that, it's nice that you know who I am, but what is your point Miss Granger?"Snape drawled, knowing exactly what she was getting at, but his manly pride wouldn't take it toowell. Hermione sighed. It was time to be brutal, otherwise, they'd be here forever just trying to get themessage to him.

 "You are Snape, I am Hermione. I cannot kiss you, because«you aren't my type!" She explained,as though talking to a very young child and not strong enough to tell it to him straight. "Not your type?" Snape echoed again, feining bewilderment. "No, you are not my type. I have absolutely no desire to kiss you or even be in your presence!"Hermione snapped, getting miffed. "I mean, you aren't exactly every girls dream man are you!" Snape winced. Oooh, that one hurt the ol' pride there, and it showed. "And why, may I ask, not?" Snape said, his voice betraying his cool exterior. Hermione saw hurt in Snape's eyes and felt a pang of guilt. Perhaps she was too brutal. "Because you are you. You are Professor Snape!" Hermione answered beseechingly lookingaround at everyone«anyone for some help in explaining this to him! "And you're the greasy potions master whom we have all come to fear and loath." Ron put inhelpfully. "None of us can imagine you being romantically involved or even remotely affectionate towards anygirl. You are Professor Snape, and kissing just doesn't seem to fit with you!" Lavender piped up. Snape was silent as various students pointed out why Hermione wouldn't want to kiss him.Everything from his teeth to his shoes was criticized! His manly pride was wounded, but he stood,arms folded and a calm expression on his face and soldiered on. "And, what, pray tell, is every girls dream?" Snape enquired. "Well«" Hermione said looking around for an example. "It varies. Each girl has different taste inwhat she wants in a man. For example, Lavender here, likes Seamus because she thinks his faceis cute." Lavender nodded, confirming this. "And«a lot of girls in this school really like«" Hermione cringed before saying it "Malfoy here." Several girls in the room blushed and Pansy blew Malfoy a kiss. Malfoy smirked and winked at thegirls who nearly fainted. "But," Hermione continued "Several girls in the school like Harry too," Snape raised an eyebrow inquisitively. 

"he has that whole hero thing and those eyes that make you melt and stuff." Hermione explainednonchalantly with a wave of her hand. "And what," asked Snape eyeing Draco as the young Slytherin preened in front of the girls, "doesyoung Malfoy have that I don't?" Hermione, ever the honest one, turned to look at Malfoy, who momentarily stopped his preeningand gazed at her, deliberately looking alluring to catch her off guard. It worked, somewhat. But only because Hermione had let her guard down so she could give theProfessor her honest opinion. She never thought she'd see the day when she would be comparing Professor Snape and Malfoyin a 'who's the cutest and most desireable out of the two' type thing. "Well, for starters," she told the Professor "his hair is soft, silky and well groomed."

 It was harder to compliment Malfoy than she thought it would be. This was excruciating! Miserably she went on. "His skin is a little pale, it's true, but it does give him a certain angelicquality," Malfoy was loving this. Not only was he getting all his good points pointed out, he was also makingGranger suffer at the same time. Snape listened quietly, taking it all in. It wasn't like him at all to stand for this, and he'd never thought he would be standing here asking Hermione what girls wanted in a man, but his pride had

been wounded and he was rather vunerable now, and besides, it was rather amusing to watch her squirm as she had t o compliment Malfoy. "He's well Mannered, most of the time, with the right people," Hermione went on "he's well built, heis perfectly proportioned, he has strong features, he's rich and his eyes«" she sighed, rolling her eyes "his eyes are deep and expressive, they lure you in and hold you captive, if you let them!" shefinished reluctantly. Behind them, Ron was gaping, and if you could see him, Harry was too. Malfoy was preening again and smirking at Hermione. So his charms had worked on her! And allthis time he had thought that she wasn't swayed by them. HA! Oh this was too good! Snape was very amused, but hurt at the same time. It was true, Malfoy did possess the qualitiesshe had mentioned, but surely there was some flaw in him if the girl couldn't stand him! "So, he has no faults?" Snape questioned "He's absolutely perfect in every way?" "Yes!" the girls in the class chorused. Hermione was waiting for this question eagerly, as it would ease her discomfort. 

Snape and the class observed the cunning smile that spread across her face and waited for her response. "No." came her simple reply. The girls all gasped and Malfoy stopped preening to look questioningly at her. "What's wrong with him!" Pansy demanded. "He's everything every girl wants!" As Pansy was asking this, Hermione was wondering how in the world they ever got onto thisconversation and why the heck Snape was joining in. It was surreal, but she figured that it wasprobably because Snape, like her, was trying to put off the inevitable, so she answered thequestion. "Not every girl." Hermione said carefully "He's not what I want." "WHY?" Came every girl's question. Hermione smiled, in her element. "Because, he's the most selfish, brass necked, dumb swaggering peacock I've ever met!" She saidtriumphantly. Ron sniggered. Harry sighed with relief. For a while there, it seemed that Hermione was confessingher undying attraction for Malfoy, but now, what she was saying made everything okay again. Malfoy's jaw dropped and he gaped at her in disbelief. "How dare you!" he cried indignantly. "Howdare you say that about me! I am a Malfoy! Nobody talks about a Malfoy like that!" He ranted. Snape let a small smile creep onto his face. He figured he was going to put it off as long as hecould. Hermione's peaceful smile remained on her face as Malfoy ranted and raved at her, gesticulatingwildly in his indignant state. When he paused for breath, she interrupted. "See? Now add pompous, arrogant and pure evil and what do you get? Draco Malfoy!" she said asthough bringing a conclusion to the end of her lesson. The Gryffindor boys burst out laughing and clapping, and the Slytherin boys wanted to laugh, butdared not to. Malfoy's mouth opened and closed in his apparent indignation. 

"You still have to kiss Professor Snape!" Malfoy yelled, trying to remind her of her misery. And it worked. Her spirits had dropped into her shoes once more and she glared at him. "That'strue, but I remind you, Malfoy, no-one is safe from this Mistletoe, you yourself may just find yourself beneath it with someone you would hate to even think about kissing." Malfoy snorted. "Yeah, like that will ever happen. You see, Granger, unlike you, I'm not stupidenough to be caught underneath it with someone I'd hate to kiss!" he declared triumphantly. Snape was getting bored and irritated again and besides, he'd had quite enough of being insulted! "I'm still here you know!" he reminded them all testily. "You know, Malfoy," Hermione said glaring at him "nasty people such as yourself always get their comeuppance." 

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Malfoy snorted again, not believing her. Hermione leaned in closer to him for emphasis. "Always." She finished. This seemed to unnerve him slightly, she saw a flicker of doubt pass across his eyes but herecovered quickly. "Better get on with it Granger, or you'll be here all day and miss transfiguration." Malfoy pointed outsmugly. This kissing Snape thing was going to be priceless!

 At the mention of missing the rest of her classes, Hermione became fretful. She just couldn't missher classes! Not a single one of them! It was simply not an option. But on the other hand, she'dhave to kiss Snape, and unless she wanted to be scarred for life, that wasn't an option either!Snape watched her carefully while she fought the battle raging within. He didn't care either way, hecould always obliviate everyone's memory of the encounter and nobody would be the worse for wear. He just wanted to get it over with and live the rest of his life in relative peace«he was goingto kill Dumbledore for this! Finally losing his patience with the girl, he growled, and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders andspun her around to face him. Before she could scream or even register what he was doing, he swooped down and kissed her quickly on the lips and practically threw her away from him. Ron and Harry caught her and Ron fussed over her in concern. "Mione! Mione talk to us!" he said worriedly. Hermione had just registered what had happened and looked like she wanted to throw up. "I can'tbelieve Snape just did that." She said in shock. "My lips!" she cried "I have to live with these lips for the rest of my life!" She began rubbing her lips furiously with the sleeve of her robes.

 Ron patted her back comfortingly and she could feel Harry stroking her hair. "Think how Professor Snape must feel!" Malfoy said gesturing to the now extremely well miffedSnape, who was sitting at his desk avoiding Hermione's eyes. "Having to kiss a mudblood like you!" Malfoy added. "This was all your fault!" Ron jumped in with. "You're the one who pushed Hermione towards himand under that stupid mistletoe!" Malfoy blanched. Bugger! Ron had seen him! He looked at Snape who was staring at him, clearlynot wanting to believe Ron's accusation. "Mr Malfoy?" Snape said questioningl y. A guilty look crossed Malfoy's face. He couldn't lie to his Godfather. "I just wanted to stop you fromfalling!" he said. It wasn't entirely a lie, that was partly the reason. Snape didn't believe him, it was obvious. Sighing wearily, Snape stood and took out his wand and looked at Malfoy. "I'll deal with you later." He told the boy in a voice only Malfoy could hear. "Everyone look this way." He commanded. And the class all turned to look at him. "Obliviate!" snape said loudly and a white light engulfed the class. When it was gone, everyone was staring at Snape, wondering why they were all gathered aroundthe mistletoe. "Back to your seats everyone, and clean up. I'm ending this lesson early." Snape told them. Hermione shook her head to clear it, wondering why Ron was patting her back and Harry strokingher hair. They too wondered why they were doing it, so they stopped and shrugged. Everyone did as they were told, none the worse for wear and having no memory of what they hadwitnessed. Ch 4Chapter 4 Leaving potions, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked along in a daze, all wearing confusedexpressions.

 Behind them, Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy walked along in much the same condition, all the way upfrom the dungeons and up into the main entrance hall, where they all went their separate ways. Harry and Ron had Divination with Professor Trelawney, whereas Malfoy and Hermione hadArithmancy. Crabbe and Goyle had to ask Malfoy what class they had next, because they simply didn't know. Hermione walked along, trying to ignore Malfoy who was walking alongside her. They walked along in silence as they passed other students hurrying to their classes. Malfoy didn't like silence, it bothered him to no end. It was too uncomfortable. He glanced over atHermione and frowned. 

"Granger, why do you walk like that?" He asked. Hermione sighed. She knew he couldn't just leave her in peace. "Like what?" she snapped. "Like a duck footed hunchback?" Malfoy said scathingly. "Well it's better than the way you walk!" Hermione shot back. "How do I walk?" Malfoy asked.

 "Like you have an iron rod stuck up your arse!" Hermione replied. Malfoy's jaw opened and closed and he spluttered in indignation. "I'll have you know Granger, that Iwas raised to sit up straight and walk the same! But only upper class people are taught that sort of thing. You wouldn't know anything about that, being a mudblood and all." he said nonchalantly. "And I will have you know, Malfoy, that my family is in the upper class range and I was taught towalk properly." Hermione said stiffly "The only difference is that my family are muggles, and yoursaren't." Malfoy was mildly surprised. He had always thought that she had better manners than Potter andWeasley, but dismissed it for her being a girl. "Well that is a pretty big difference Granger!" Malfoy snorted. "In the wizarding world, being amudblood puts you in the lower classes." "Look Malfoy," Hermione snapped, spinning around to face him "Why don't you just t-" Suddenly, Malfoy was thrown forward and he fell into Hermione, sending them both sprawling ontothe ground. 

Hermione gasped and winced as her lower back connected with solid stone. "Malfoy! Get off me!"she hissed, struggling to sit up. "What are you doing!"? "Someone pushed me!" Malfoy said, disgruntled as he scrambled to get up, but failed as his robeswere tangled around his feet and legs. Suddenly, the sound of snickering was heard behind them. Hermione peered over Malfoy's shoulder as he was still struggling to get up, to see who waslaughing. She had never seen the boy before. He was tall, looked to be in 7th year and according to hisrobes, they were in Ravenclaw. "Can't you keep that for private time?" the boy asked Malfoy in a jeering manner. Malfoy, still tangled in his robes and on top of Hermione, turned his head to see them and scowled."And what, may I ask, are you implying exactly?" he demanded. "Not all of us want to see you get some action in the middle of the school corridors y'know!" Saidthe boy. He was tall with hair so black, it was almost blue, and his eyes, a deep blue were full of malice as he gazed at Malfoy. "Excuse me, but«who are you?" Hermione asked curiously, wincing as Malfoy's knee dug into her thigh in his attempt to figure out where his robes were tangled up. "I don't believe I've ever seen you before." Hermione added. The boy's blue eyes shifted from Malfoy to her. He stared for a moment, a long calculating stare asthough he had just noticed her, before his eyes softened. "My name is Lucas Goldwater." The boy replied stooping to offer his hand to Hermione to shake"And you are?" "Hermione Granger." Hermione replied, blushing as Lucas kissed her hand. "Hello Hermione, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Lucas said charmingly. Malfoy snorted, glaring at the new boy. "Allow me to be of assistance." Lucas told Hermione. He 'assisted' by way of shoving Malfoyroughly off of Hermione, sending the Slytherin rolling a few times, but he didn't get too far asHermione was sitting on his robes. "Thank you!" Hermione said gratefully. Malfoy was surprisingly heavy, for a seeker.

 Lucas helped Hermione to her feet and checked her for injuries. Finding none, he returned to theconversation. "Your name is familiar. You don't per chance know Viktor Krum do you?" Lucas asked. "Why yes I do as it happens!" Hermione replied. "Do you know him too?" "Yes." Lucas replied "By way of Viktor, news of your beauty and good heart is known throughoutDurmstrang." He said charmingly, kissing her hand once again. Hermione blushed again. "Well I wouldn't say I have any beauty«" "Oh I disagree!" Lucas said smoothly. 

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"Granger! Get your big mudblood foot off of my Armani robes!" Malfoy growled, tugging at hisrobes. He was not used to such rough treatment. Without looking away from Lucas, Hermione lifted her foot and, caught off guard by the suddengive of his robes, Malfoy fell over backwards, landing painfully on his rear. "Durmstrang?" Hermione echoed. "You come from durmstrang?" "Yes, I just transferred from Durmstrang this morning." Lucas replied as-a-matter-of-factly. Hermione smiled warmly. "Well, welcome to Hogwarts!"

 "Why thank you, Hermione." Lucas said giving her a dashing smile that was reminiscent toGilderoy Lockhart's. By now, Malfoy had picked himself up off the ground and was stalking towards Hermione andLucas, furious. He grabbed Hermione's arm and spun her around. "Granger, stop flirting, you'll scar the man for life. We are going to be late for class!" Hermione turned to Lucas again and smiled sweetly as Malfoy continued to pull on her arm. "You'll have to excuse him," she said apologetically. "He's a little touched in the head." Malfoy momentarily stopped tugging at her arm to give her an evil glare of Malfoy vengeance. "Move it Granger!" he growled as he yanked on her arm, dragging him with him. "I'm not going tocover for you!" "I'll see you around?" Lucas called as she was dragged away. "Yes, most likely!" Hermione called back.

 When they were a good distance down the corridor, Malfoy began muttering incoherently. "Stupid new boy." He muttered. "I'll teach him to push me around!" Hermione wasn't listening. She was walking along with a dreamy expression on her face, barelynoticing Malfoy's presence. "Yes," she sighed "Isn't he wonderful?" Malfoy snorted. "No! If you want my honest opinion, I think he's the biggest idiot I've ever met«notincluding Potter of course«and you!" They turned a corner and headed up another set of stairs. "Honestly Granger!" Malfoy snorted again in disbelief as Hermione sighed dreamily and leanedagainst the banister of the staircase as it began to move. "I wonder how old he is." Hermione said thoughtfully. Malfoy shook his head, a disgusted look on his face as he dodged around a sprig of ominouslooking mistletoe as Hermione walked under it. "Now look here Granger, get a hold of yourself! You are beginning to get on my nerves with all your fawning and cooing over the imbecile!." Malfoy stated firmly. "I've never seen anyone like him! He's so handsome!" Hermione sighed blissfully. "That's your opinion!" Malfoy huffed as they began climbing up another staircase. "Oh and the way he kissed my hand!" She said dreamily "Did you see? It was so romantic!" Malfoy shuddered. "Okay, I think it's time we got you an anti-love potion from Professor Snape!" Hermione frowned, only hearing the last part. "Eeew! Professor Snape isn't handsome! Not at all!And I don't want a love potion!" she said huffily, then went back to looking dreamy. Malfoy raised a confused eyebrow. "ANTI-love potion, Granger, Anti-love potion. And I didn't sayanything about Snape being handsome!" he corrected, feeling somewhat disturbed. "Yeah, I'm gonna get you that anti-love potion, I can't torment you effectively when your heads inthe proverbial clouds. It's no fun!" Malfoy decided. This really was bad for him. One of his favorite pastimes (tormenting Granger) was in danger. Hewasn't about to let that happen! What would he do to amuse himself during Arithmancy and in the

corridors? And this Lucas guy, just who did he think he was anyway, waltzing into Hogwarts andupsetting Draco's routine? Not to mention the fact that Malfoy had to admit that he was just aneensy bit jealous of the new boy. New boys always got the girls' attention, and that would makeMalfoy miffed, as he had always been labeled 'the hottest guy at Hogwarts' by the girls. And nowLucas even had Granger fawning over him. It was unacceptable! Draco had only ever seen her do that over one other man, and that man was Lockhart. Not that hecared of course, but no«he would have to nip this one in the bud, just for good measure. "Yes, Malfoy," Hermione sighed dreamily, "Whatever you say." Malfoy gave her a shocked look but didn't have time to say anything because they had arrived atthe Arithmancy classroom. 

Hermione didn't do as well as she normally did in Arithmansy, her mind kept wandering to LucasGoldwater. She didn't know why she liked him, she just did. When she though of him, her heartmissed a beat and her mind would drift blissfully away. She liked this new feeling! Malfoy scowled even more and threw his quill at her like a dart when the professor asked her aquestion and hadn't responded. This only momentarily worked. As soon as she had answered the question, she went back todaydreaming. Malfoy frowned, his stormy gray eyes narrowed in suspicion. Something wasn't quite right here.

 "Granger," he asked Hermione after he had caught up with her in the corridor heading to the GreatHall for lunch. "Hmm?" she answered absently. "You obviously like this Lucas guy, right? Well what do you know about him?" Malfoy askedseriously. He was going to get to the bottom of this mystery. "What do you mean?" Hermione asked. "I mean, what do you know about him? You only met him an hour ago and look at you!" Malfoyreplied shaking his head in disgust. "You're fawning all over him and you've got a goofy dreamyexpression on your face and don't think I didn't see you writing his name inside little hearts on your parchment instead of the notes you were supposed to be taking!" Hermione blushed and giggled. Malfoy was shocked! Hermione Granger had giggled at something he had said! This was notnormal! "Yes." She smiled. "I admit it!"

 "Okay, fine, but I think something is going on with him. Something weird!" Malfoy said firmly. "Don't be stupid Malfoy!" Hermione suddenly said sharply. "No, Seriously, Granger, something is going on that isn't right. He's done something to you!" Malfoysaid lowering his voice. "And why would you care!" she said sharply, "Why would you care if he had done something tome!" "AH! So he has done something to you! What did he do?" Malfoy said in triumph. "What are you talking about?" Hermione said, confused. "He didn't do anything to me!" "Not that you know of!" Malfoy pointed out. Hermione rolled her eyes. This was stupid. And why was Malfoy walking with her anyway! "Why are you walking with me anyway, Malfoy?" Hermione demanded suddenly realizing he wasthere. "For your information, Granger, I happen to be following my routine! I always bug you on the way toArithmancy and on the way back from Arithmancy, in case you have forgotten!" Malfoy replied. "Tistradition!" Realizing he was right about it being his routine, Hermione just sighed and shook her head infrustration. "So, back to what I was saying, I don't like him, and I don't trust him and neither should you!"Malfoy went on. "Ah ha, and who am I supposed to trust? You?" Hermione said sarcastically. Malfoy looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, yes, as it happens!" "Yeah right!" Hermione almost laughed. "Trust you!" Malfoy frowned. She wasn't cooperating! "Well why not?" He demanded, insulted. "Give me one good reason why I should trust you, Malfoy!" Hermione challenged. Malfoy went silent as he thought. Two minutes passed and he still hadn't answered.

 "You see?" Hermione said breaking the silence. "You can't even think of a reason!" "Okay, so maybe I can't«but you've got to trust me on this!" Malfoy insisted. "I don't trust him!" Hermione snorted. "Know what I think it is? I think you are jealous!" Malfoy snorted. "Oh really? And why would I be jealous?" "Because Lucas is better looking, and better mannered, and a true gentleman!" Hermioneanswered, her voice taking on that lovesick note again. Malfoy suddenly knew a little of how Professor Snape must have felt back in Potions. "He's practically perfect in every way!" Hermione said dreamily. 

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Throughout this whole thing, it had never occurred to either of them that they were actually havinga conversation. "He's not Perfect, it's impossi±"Malfoy started to say, but« "HERMIONE!" A voice yelled and there was a blur of black and that blur pushed Hermione awayfrom Malfoy. "What the-" Hermione said, dazed. Malfoy stood looking rather miffed at being rudely interrupted and a little confused when he saw

Hermione and«Harry's head. "You need to watch where you are going 'Mione!" Harry's head said breathlessly. "It's a good thingI came along when I did! Otherwise you'd have been caught under that with Malfoy!" he saidnodding to a sprig of Mistletoe above Malfoy. Malfoy looked up at it and silently thanked Potter. He'd never say it out loud of course. Hermione looked at the Mistletoe and then at Malfoy and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Harry!" Harry smiled, pleased that he'd managed to save his friend from the terrible fate of kissing DracoMalfoy. Ch 5Chapter 5 Harry and Hermione walked along the corridor that led to the entrance hall and Malfoy trailedbehind them, a bit miffed but contemplative. He racked his brain trying to figure out what it was thatthis Lucas Goldwater chap had done to Hermione. It wasn't the imperious curse, the git hadn't saidthe incantation, nor had he brought out his wand at any point. It wasn't a potion, Granger hadn'tdrunk anything. Malfoy was out of ideas. It had to be something he didn't know about. He made uphis mind to ask Snape, and failing that, he would ask his father.

 Harry and Hermione suddenly parted, then came together again, without stopping, and Malfoy, lostin thought, kept following. Suddenly, he was jerked back abruptly, jerking him out of his deepthoughts. "What the«" He said bewildered, turning around to hex whoever had pulled him back. "Oops!" a girls voice said before giggling. Malfoy looked to his left, and a second year girl stood giggling, looking suspiciously pleased. To theside, a gaggle of her friends were also giggling. Malfoy cringed and looked up. Sure enough, a sprig of Mistletoe hung not-so-innocently abovethem. "You did that on purpose!" Malfoy cried in frustration. His shout made Harry and Hermione turn to see what he was yelling about, and they promptlyburst out laughing. Malfoy sighed long sufferingly and inspected the girl. He wouldn't kiss just anyone! "Hmm, hufflepuff«second year." Malfoy said as though inspecting a horse before buying. "Are youa pureblood, halfblood or a mudblood?" he demanded. "What does it matter, Malfoy?" Hermione laughed "Either way you still have to kiss her, or you'll bestuck there forever!" "Shut it Granger!" Malfoy growled, scowling at the giggling girl. "This is a conspiracy!" "Just kiss her and get it over with Malfoy!" Harry said smirking. Malfoy sighed in frustration. "Fine!" he snapped grabbing the girl and pulling her forward.She let out a squeal of delight before he kissed her on the lips briefly and pushed her away. Her friends all squealed and jumped up and down in excitement for their successful friend. "Draco Malfoy just kissed you!" one squealed as the girl rejoined her friends, looking dreamy. "Get! Go on, Clear off!" Malfoy snapped angrily. Harry and Hermione laughed as they turned and continued to walk to the Great hall. Malfoy stomped after them, muttering about conspiracies and fan clubs. 

Ron joined them in the Entrance hall. "What's up with him?" Ron asked as a red faced Malfoy pushed past them and stomped into theGreat Hall ahead of the m. "A second year Hufflepuff girl got him under the mistletoe." Harry replied, grinning. "He wasn't too happy about it." Hermione giggled. "You should have seen his face when herealized what had happened!" The trio entered the great hall, Harry going first, but Ron and Hermione entered together, forgettingabout the mistletoe above the doorway, and got stuck. "Ooops!" Ron said, turning red. Hermione shrugged.

They leaned forward and gave each other a peck on the lips as Harry watched, smiling. Once free, and blushing, Ron and Hermione rejoined Harry and they took their places at theGryffidor table. "Uh oh!" Harry said suddenly staring at the doors to the Great Hall. Ron and Hermione turned to see what Harry was gaping at and gasped.Every other head in the hall had turned to see Snape a very irate standing in the doorway with aseventh year Slytherin Girl who, surprisingly didn't look too bothered that she was under themistletoe with Snape!

 "Oh that poor girl!" Hermione whispered in horror. "She doesn't seem to think so." Ron remarked as the girl fluttered her eyelashes at Snape, wholooked mortified. Everyone in the Great Hall gasped as the girl fairly threw herself at Snape, throwing her armsaround his neck. Snape froze, his eyes wide in shock as she began kissing him thoroughly. "Oh my God!" Hermione gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. "She's using her tongue!" "That's disgusting!" Ron said in a shaky voice. "She's actually snogging Snape!" "Professor Snape seems just as disgusted as we are!" Harry said as Snape tried to fight the girl off,thrashing around as though he was trying to throw off a tarantula that had landed on him. "That's messed up." Seamus declared "Seriously messed up!" Suddenly, something seemed awfully familiar about the whole scene to the three Gryffindors,Hermione in particular, but she couldn't quite place it. Maybe it had been a nightmare she had had

once. "GET OFF OF ME YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape roared as he finally managed to get his lips freeand shoved the girl away from him. "SEVENTY POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN!" he fairly screamedbefore turning and fleeing to the safety of his seat at the head table, where he sat looking livid. The rest of the great hall, mouths open in shock watched the girl walk smugly to the Slytherin table. "Are you alright, Severus?" Professor McGonnagal inquired patting Snape's shaking hand. "I've just been molested by a student, Minerva, how do you think I am!" McGonnagal gave Snape a sympathetic look. "That was the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced!" Snape said through his teeth. "Seems you have an admirer Severus!" Dumbledore chuckled. "This is all your fault, old man!" Snape snapped, stabbing his chicken with his fork. "It is no fault of mine if one of your students has a crush on you!" Dumbledore replied, his eyestwinkling "Or that she has turned the mistletoe into a tool to let you know about her liking for you!" "Be that as it may, Albus, it was you that gave her that tool!" Snape seethed. Dumbledore chuckled again. "Do cheer up Severus!" At that suggestion, Snape muttered something incoherent, but judging by his expression as he saidit, it wasn't a good thing. Meanwhile, at the Slytherin table, the Slytherin's were just as disturbed by their housemate'sactions. "What the frick was that all about, Tatiana?" Blaise Zabini demanded of the girl, banging his fist onthe table causing the silverware to rattle. She tossed her long black hair over her shoulder and looked aloof. "I don't have to answer to youBlaise!" she said curtly, picking up her knife and fork. "Perhaps not," Malfoy said, sneering in disgust at what he had just witnessed. "But you justsnogged Snape«and used your TONGUE!" Tatiana's green eyes flashed mischievously. "Yes, and it was wonderful!" Even Pansy Parkinson looked like she had suddenly lost her appetite at that confession.

 "Well Snape didn't think so did he! He took SEVENTY POINTS!" Malfoy snapped, spearing hischicken in a savage manner and tearing off a piece with his teeth, and chewing it furiously. He wasso mad at Tatiana for losing Slytherin 70 points that his upper-class table manners were forgotten. Tatiana rolled her eyes and filled her plate and began eating, ignoring the cold and glaring looksshe was getting from her housemates. At the Gryffindor table, the Gryffindors were just getting their appetite's back. Seamus was still shaking his head in disbelief. "I've seen some nasty things here at Hogwarts, but Ithink that tops the lot!" "Here here!" Ron agreed around a mouthful of mashed potato. "Honestly, what was she thinking!" Harry chimed in.

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 Hermione was quiet for a moment, her mind on other things. "Alright 'Mione?" Ron asked, taking a gulp of pumpkin juice. "Hmm? Oh, yes Ron I'm fine!" Hermione said smiling at her friend "Why do you ask? Ron shrugged. "You just seemed quiet." "Just thinking." Hermione said cutting off a small piece of chicken with her knife and fork and eatingit.

 Hermione's mind was in fact, preoccupied with thoughts of Lucas Goldwater again. She turned atscanned the Great Hall. At the Slytherin table, faces were stony and Malfoy was eating like a barbarian. At the Hufflepuff table, Hanna Abbot was laughing hysterically about something with a dark hairedboy. And at the Ravenclaw table, the usual reading was taking place, except for« Hermione's heart skipped a beat. There sat Lucas Goldwater, gazing right back at her.When he saw that she was looking at him, he flashed her a dazzling smile. Hermione smiled shyly back. She turned back, still smiling to her dinner, to find Ron and Harry staring at her. "Are you blushing Hermione?" Harry asked, surprised. "!" Hermione stammered, blushing e ven more. 

"Yeah you are!" Ron declared. "Alright Mione," Harry said firmly "Who is he?" Hermione was about to reply but Ron jumped in. "It's that new bloke in Ravenclaw!" Ron declared, pointing over at Lucas Goldwater. "Ron stop pointing, it's rude!" Hermione scolded, her face bright red. Harry chuckled. "She fancies him! Look at her! She's bright red!" Hermione wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. "I do not!" she lied in a hiss. Suddenly, something hit her in the back of the head. Turning, she saw a roast potato lying on thefloor behind her. She looked around to see where it had come from and saw Malfoy spearing another roast potatoon his fork and taking aim. "Malfoy!" she cried. Malfoy paused. "What?" he called back "You did that on purpose!" Hermione replied. "It wasn't aimed at you! Get your bushy head down if you don't want hit!" He called, flicking his fork,sending the roast potato flying in her direction. Hermione ducked and the roast potato smacked Ron on the nose. Malfoy brandished his fist in victory. "OW! Hey!" Ron cried rubbing his nose. He opened his mouth to say something cutting, but a pieceof chicken bounced off of his forehead before he could say anything. Harry was watching this with mild amusement, Hermione had to keep ducking as Malfoy launchedfood bombs at Ron. "Oh that does it!" Ron vowed, scooping up a spoonful of mashed potatos. "Ron don't!" Hermione pleaded "You'll just be playing into his hands!" But before Ron could launch his counter attack on Malfoy, a glob of Mashed potato sailed throughthe air and smacked Malfoy in the face!

 Ron was laughing so hard that he almost fell off the bench. Harry and Hermione turned to see who had thrown it and their jaws dropped when they beheldNeville Longbottom looking rather pleased with himself. "WHO THREW THAT!" Malfoy roared angrily, wiping the stuff off with his napkin. Neville feigned innocence and pretended to be minding his own business. It worked. Malfoyscowled around at everyone, trying to figure out who had lobbed mashed potatoes at him. Being vengeful, Malfoy decided any Gryffindor would do to vent upon and took the serving spoon inthe mashed potatoes and scooped a glob out. He aimed, and fired at Harry, who was too busylaughing to notice. 

It hit Harry square in the face and a good amount landed in his mouth, which had been open at thetime with his laughing. Harry inhaled some and choked on it. Ron thumped him on the back to helphim and when he had recovered, Harry grabbed a chicken leg and lobbed it at Malfoy in retaliation. The chicken leg bounced off of Malfoy's forehead and the blonde Slytherin gasped in shock. He recovered quickly and grabbed a handful of Brussell Sprouts and threw them one at a time atthe Gryffindors. Shrieks and yells abounded as the shower of offending veggies rained down on the Gryffindor table.

 When the shower had stopped, it was remarkable how together the Gryffindor's were. They allstood up, at the same time, glaring at Malfoy, and wiping the smirk off of his face immediately. "Please, please!" Dumbledore's voice came "Sit down, Gryffindor, allow me to deal with this matter appropriately!" Grumbling and scowling, the Gryffindor's sat back down. Dumbledore promptly scooped up a handful of mashed potatoes and threw them at Malfoy,splattering him with them on his head and shoulders. The Gryffindor table erupted with laughter. McGonnagal gasped "ALBUS!" she shrieked in horror. "Oh come on Minerva, you should learn to have a little fun!" Dumbledore replied. "Are Severus and I the only remotely sensible ones here?" McGonnagall huffed. "Oh no you don't!" Snape growled suddenly, grabbing a handful of mushy peas and lobbing themat the Slytherin table, splattering Tatiana with them.

 "She was going to throw gravy at Draco." He explained, shrugging as Minerva gaped at him indisbelief. "And she had it coming anyway."Tatiana shrieked and burst into tears as the Slytherins cheered. "Shows what Professor Snape thought of your kiss doesn't' it!" Ron yelled above the laughter. With a cry of Rage and retribution at Ron's comment, Tatiana grabbed a French bread stick andbegan whacking people randomly with it, Gryffindors and Slytherins alike. This earned her a faceful of Mashed potatoes mixed with gravy from Snape's plate. "FOOD FIGHT!" Dumbledore yelled. The Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs who had been watching this whole exchange with shock andhorror, especially when Snape and Dumbledore got involved, fled the Great Hall, not wanting to beinvolved in a war between the Slytherins and Gryffindors«especially a food one! It was pandemonium. Food was flying everywhere, from every direction, no-one was safe! Snape went nuts! He was grabbing food like ammo and lobbing it at anyone who was in his line of vision, but it was Tatiana he seemed set against and he sought her out through the chaos. Dumbledore was in amongst the Gryffindors, organizing barracks using the table, turned on it'sside and was hiding behind it with them, tossing food out from behind it at the Slytherins. McGonnagal was flitting between the two houses as she tried to reason with them, ducking anddodging food in the crossfire. "Now really, this is not acceptable behavior!" She screeched. Snape shut her up with a mixture of Mashed potatoes and mushy peas he had artfully mixedtogether, and then he spotted Tatiana and made a beeline for her, grabbing a bowl of brussellsprouts in passing from a Gryffindor boy. Tatiana saw him coming and stared at him, wonderingwhat he was going to do. As soon as he had reached her, Snape grabbed her head under one armand stuffed the sprouts one by one into her mouth as she screamed and struggled to get free. "HHAAHAHA!" Snape cackled manically "How do you like me now Slope?" McGonnagalgave up after that and took refuge behind the Gryffindor table with Dumbledore andthe students. "Ah, Minerva!" Dumbledore said cheerfully "Come to join our ranks?" McGonnagal sniffed indignantly. "Severus threw some awful concoction at me."

 Dumbledore chuckled. "Oi! Granger!" Malfoy yelled. He'd managed to get right up to the table the Gryffindors were behindand was standing over them. Hermione looked up and screeched when Malfoy grabbed her shirt and ripped the first four buttonson it off and dumped a bowl of cherries down it, before darting off just in time to avoid being hit by aglob of custard with love from Harry. Hermione screamed with rage as the cherries tumbled down her chest and tummy. She un-tucked her shirt and collected the cherries in her skirt as they fell out. "Ron! Help me squash these!" She shouted over the noise of the battle. 

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Ron nodded and together, they squashed the cherries in a bowl the Slytherin's had convenientlythrown at them. They saw Snape pass by, and retrace his steps back to them. He looked down at what they weredoing and smirked. "Professor Snape!" Hermione cried, unnerved by the manic glint in the Potion Master's eyes. "A little cream to go with those cherries?" He offered, pouring heavy cream over Hermione's head. "You«YOU HORRIBLE MAN!" Hermione screamed at him.

 Snape grinned evilly before running off laughing like a madman, waving the jug of cream around,showering Slytherins as he went. "Snape's lost the plot!" Ron decided. "Dotty as you please!" "MY HAIR!" Hermione wailed woefully, cream dripping down her nose. Suddenly, her facehardened with resolve. "That does it!" she said vengefully. "Snape has just sealed Draco Malfoy's fate! Hand me thatcustard, and those peas, and pass me some mashed potato, and while you are at it, toss me all thecherries we have and cream!" Hermione mixed these ingredients as her housemates passed them to her, taking care to squashthe cherries again. Soon, she had made a huge bowl of the offending mixture and bade her time. They watched Malfoy engage in food war for a few minutes, and waited for the all clear fromDumbledore. When the signal came, Harry, Ron and Hermione dashed out towards Malfoy, making sure Snape

was watching, and carrying the huge bowl Between them over their heads. The trio let out a cry of war as they neared Malfoy, who turned, and had time to look mildlysurprised. Meanwhile, Snape had seen what they were up to and was running as fast as he could towardsthem to save Malfoy from his sticky gooey fate«but he wasn't fast enough. Harry, Ron and Hermione gleefully dumped the entire contents of the bowl onto Malfoy. For a moment, Malfoy just stood there, covered in goop and staring at Hermione. Suddenly, and without warning, he flew at Hermione, pushing her to the floor and jumped on her,taking great care to wriggle all over her to cover her with her own concoction. "How do you like your weapon now Granger?" Malfoy demanded, rubbing his head all over her face. Hermione screamed as her own weapon was used against her, that and having Draco Malfoywrithing all over you was just too much! "MALFOY! GET OFF!" She screeched. The rest of the battle died down as a crowd gathered to watch what appeared to be a wrestlingmatch between Hermione and Draco. Snape's mind was slowly coming back to him, having lost it 20 minutes before somewhere duringthe battle, and he stood watching and giving Malfoy pointers on pinning and various other moves. But Hermione was ready for all of them. She had cousins, and Harry and Ron for practice! Deftly, and thanks mostly to the fact that they were both slippery, she slipped out of every one of Malfoy's vice like grips and moves. In Malfoy's opinion, it was like trying to catch a bar of wet soap! Finally, he managed to pin her beneath him, clamping her legs with his and holding her hands tothe floor by her head. He rather liked her like this! Beneath him, right where she belonged! No matter how she squirmed, she couldn't get free. 

"Let me go Malfoy!" She growled. "Nope, not until you beg!" Malfoy replied smugly. "NEVER!" she cried defiantly. "I've got all night Granger!" Malfoy said casually. Dumbledore surveyed the damage as this exchanged was taking place. The Gryffindor's, thanks to their trusty barracks, weren't in too much of a mess, they had a few bitsof food over them, but for the most part, didn't come off too badly in battle. The Slytherin's on the other hand, were almost unrecognizable. Covered from head to foot in foodand dessert, it was clear who triumphed. 

"GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Dumbledore announced happily. The Gryffindor's cheered in victory and the Slytherin's scowled in defeat. Snape started barking at his house members about learning how to do food battle better in thefuture, should such an occasion arise again. Malfoy, distracted by the devastating news that his house had lost the food war, suddenly feltHermione move beneath him, flipping him over onto his back at lightning speed, and sitting on hisstomach, smiling in triumph. 

He stared at her, lost for a moment. She was rather attractive, all tousled and wild«.NO! He scolded himself for thinking about Hermione that way. 'It's Granger for Merlin's sake!Honestly«what would father say! "Let me up, Granger!" He demanded. "Beg." Hermione stated. "NO WAY! Malfoy's don't beg«.ever." Malfoy decl ared. "How about you call it a truce, that way, we can go get clean!" Harry suggested, wiping his glassesclean on his robes. Hermione and Malfoy looked at each other for a moment. Malfoy finally nodded and Hermione allowed him to offer his hand. She looked at his hand dubiously before slowly taking it and shaking. "Truce." They said at t he same time. 

Ron and Harry helped Hermione up and Malfoy got to his feet. Everyone was heading to the doors, eager to get a shower or bath. Snape swept off down to his dungeons, dripping food on the floor as he went. Dumbledore was walking with McGonnagal who was nagging at him. "Absolutely appalling behavior!" she sniffed. "Food fights, honestly Albus, what will the Slytherinparents think if they hear about this! Their children engaging in a food fight!" "Relax Minerva! There was nothing wrong with a good old fashioned food fight! It was good for thetwo houses to war like that. Let them let off some steam, relieve some inter house rivalry!"Dumbledore replied calmly. "I think Severus rather enjoyed himself! He got to release sometension, judging by the way he was running around like a madman throwing food about like ammo!Perhaps this has helped him relieve some stress." McGonnagal sighed and shook her head. Albus's methods may be a little nutty, but he did have apoint. Stress between Gryffindor and Slytherin had been released a little. Perhaps he was right,maybe now that the tension had been released, the two houses would get along better! Ch6CHAPTER 6 Apparantly, Professor Dumbledore's theory regarding the food fight helping with house unitybetween the Slytherin's and the Gryffindor's wasn't happening as quickly as he had hoped.Currantly, the Slytherin's were still sore about losing the battle, that they had begun to vow revengeupon the Gryffindor's. Rumors were rampant amongst the Hufflepuff's and the Ravenclaws rangingfrom the Slytherin's declaring war on the Gryffindor's in a proper wizard's duel, and Draco Malfoy'splans for personal revenge on Hermione Granger for essentially beating him in the war and ruininghis best Armani robes, to Hermione's personal revenge on Snape for the heavy cream incident andgiving Malfoy tips on pinning her. And Professor Snape's sanity had been fully restored, and he was, for the most part, back to hisold narky, snapping self. Whenever Dumbledore or any of the professors mentioned the foodfightaround him, he would sniff indignantly and remain aloof as he reminded the other professors thatthey, like the cowardly hufflepuff's and ravenclaw's, had fled the great hall in the heat of battle, andtherefore had no right to tease him about the fact that he had released years of pent up steam in amost unorthodox way. But that apparently wasn't a good enough reason to stop teasing him aboutit. Since his moment of insanity, he had endured sniggers, pointing and even impressions of himrunning around like a raving lunatic by his fellow staff members that he'd been sorely tempted tohex the living daylights out of them! So, Snape was to be found in the sanctuary of his dungeons,where he had taken to having his meals brought to him there by a house-elf. Of course, the rumors had gotten around to the Houses they spoke about, and it unnerved both

houses somewhat to hear some of the things that the rival house had reportedly said, but neither of them would admit to it. They passed each other in the halls and glared, growled and snarled ateach other, but due to it being midweek, they couldn't do anything else seeing as it was betweenclasses so they didn't have time to do any of the things they had allegedly planned. So, it wasdecided that the weekend was the time for Slytherin's, Gryffindor's and Professor Snape to watchtheir backs. It was a nice day outside, and everyone was taking advantage of it during lunch break, whichDumbledore, being in such a good mood due to the weather, had extended by an hour, so nowthey had two hours for lunch that day.Harry, Ron and Hermione had settled themselves by the lake, beneath an ancient oak tree to relaxand turned lunch into a picnic. Hermione's way of relaxing was getting ahead with her homework for the following week.. 

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"But it's not due for a week!" Ron had protested after she had declined to play a game of explodingsnap with him. "Better sooner than later, Ronald!." Hermione replied, scribbling happily away at her Transfiguration homework. Ron looked at Harry hopelessly and Harry shrugged in response. Both of them knew that they had about as much chance of having Malfoy fall off the face of theearth by sheer luck, than getting Hermione away from studying. 

Not far from where the trio lay sprawled out on the grass, eating strawberries and talking and (inHermione's case) reading, Malfoy, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were reclined on the grass staring atthe sky. "I see a dragon." Pansy said pointing up at a passing cloud. "I see a bunny." Goyle said dozily. "That's not a bunny you idiot, that's Professor Snape," Malfoy snapped as Professor Snape loomedabove them looking down at them "and you aren't playing the game right anyway, you're supposedto be looking at clouds," Malfoy continued still staring up at his head of house "Who's idea was it toplay this stupid game anyway!" "Mine." Pansy replied. "If it is so stupid, why are we playing it?" Crabbe asked. "Because we are bored." Pansy told him with a sigh. "Hello Professor Snape." Malfoy said finally acknowledged, not moving from his position on theground with his hands cradling his head. 

Snape gave the four of them a withering look. "What are you doing down there?" he asked in hissilky voice. "We're sunbathing." Pansy replied in a bored tone. Snape shook his head. "How disappointing." "What's disappointing?" Malfoy asked. "That my Slytherin's can't find something more productive with which to occupy their free time."Snape replied, sneering in disappointment. Malfoy sat up slightly, resting on his elbows. "And what are you doing with this free time Professor?Shouldn't you be working on a potion or something?" Snape narrowed his eyes warningly at Malfoy, but let it go. He didn't like taking points from his ownhouse. Suddenly, Pansy rolled onto her stomach, resting on her elbows. "Oh look! There's that new boy!"she said interestedly. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle rolled over onto their stomachs too and Snape looked over to see theperson Pansy was referring to. "Lucas Goldwater." Malfoy spat venomously. Snape looked down at Malfoy, an eyebrow arched. "I take it you do not care for Mr Goldwater, Mr Malfoy." he observed. "I think he's handsome!" Pansy said dreamily. Snape curled his lip in distaste. Pansy was a girl, he knew that, but she was a Slytherin, and assuch, she was supposed to be above the simpering part of attraction. The watched as Lucas Goldwater stopped and surveyed the grounds and students. "It would seem he is looking for something." Snape said quietly. They continued to watch the boy closely as he suddenly stopped looking around and stared atsomething, a smile playing on his features. Malfoy felt himself tense. "He's found what he was looking for." he grunted. His comrades and Snape followed his gaze to where Lucas was looking. 

"Miss Granger?" Snape said in mild surprise. "Yes. He's been sniffing around Granger since he got here!" Malfoy spat. "Acting all dashing anddebonair. And do you know what else!" he said exasperatedly as they watched Lucas catchHermione's eye and flash her a dashing smile, making her blush and smile shyly back. "Granger is falling for it like a hexed dragon!" Malfoy finished. Snape noted Malfoy's angry tone. "And just why does this displease you Draco?" "What are you talking about? I'm not displeased. What do I care if Granger is falling for that idiot."Malfoy replied sulkily. "Allow me to rephrase the question«why does Lucas Goldwater displease you?" Snape tried. 

"Well, he come's swaggering into Hogwarts like he owns the place and just upsets my routine!Look at him, swaggering around like a bloody peacock, with his stupid smile and stupid hair."Malfoy spat. "I'm the looks and money in this School, not him!" Snape sighed. He realized Malfoy was jealous, but what threat was this new boy to Malfoy? Whatdid he care about Hermione? Snape chose to be silent and continued to observe with his students. After Hermione had smiled shyly back at him, Lucas Goldwater swaggered over in her direction,his eyes fixed on her, and an almost cunning smile on his face. On his way over, he conjured a red

rose and when he reached Hermione, he bowed, and held it out to her. Two jaws dropped and one eyebrow cocked. "Smoothie, he's definitely a smoothie!" Snape said interestedly "And shut your mouths before twoflies set up home in them." Malfoy and Pansy snapped their mouths shut. Meanwhile, Lucas was talking to Hermione as Ron and Harry sat by in silence, occasionallyexchanging glances. Hermione giggled at something Lucas said and nodded. He held his hand out to her and she tookit, allowing him to help her to her feet, kissing her hand, when she was standing. Then, he fed her arm through his and they walked slowly around, towards where Malfoy, Snapeand the other's were watching them. Harry and Ron watched them go, looking bewildered, mouths hanging open. Suddenly, their gazesmet those of the observing Slytherin's. They stared at each other for a moment. "I wonder if Messrs Potter and Weasley know anything about this mysterious young man." Snape

suggested softly. "You are suspicious too?" Malfoy said, sounding somewhat relieved that he was not alone in hissuspicions and dislike for the new boy. "Somewhat interesting." Snape mused. He took pride in the fact that he kept his distance from theGryffindor's, but he knew enough about Miss Granger to know that she wouldn't just up and leaveher two bodyguards to fawn over a boy she'd just met and barely knew. Perhaps Draco was right,something was not right about that new boy. "Perhaps a little interaction is required." Snape suggested, giving Malfoy a meaningful look. "MissParkinson, why don't you take Messrs Crabbe and Goyle for a walk somewhere else." Pansy sighed and obeyed. Malfoy smirked. This Goldwater git had his work cut out for him if he thought he could just ruinDraco's routine and world. They fell silent as Hermione and Lucas neared them, strolling arm in arm, gazing at each other.Hermione wore a dreamy expression on her face, allowing Lucas to lead her. They strolled past,and Malfoy and Snape caught part of their conversation. "You have such beautiful eyes, Hermione." Lucas said softly. His accent had an aristocratic air to it."I get lost in them.""Why thank you. I've never been complimented on them before." Hermione sighed back, "Come tothink of it, I've never been complimented on anything before." "That is an outrage!" Lucas answered firmly. "You must be the most beautiful girl in this school!Viktor Krum's description of your beauty did not do you justice!" Malfoy snorted as their voices faded. "Did you hear that?" "Yes." Snape replied in his soft voice. "It would seem that Mr Goldwater is very taken with MissGranger. I never thought I'd see the day." "It's ridiculous don't you think!" Malfoy went on and imitated Lucas's voice and Bulgarian accent,which came out sounding more French. "You 'ave such beautiful eyes 'ermione! You must be zemost beautiful girl in zis school, Ermione! Come to bed wiz me Ermione!" Snape raised his eyebrow. "That was not a Bulgarian accent, it was French." he pointed out. "And Iheard no part where he invited her to bed, otherwise I'd have removed points." Malfoy rolled his eyes and looked over at Harry and Ron who were looking rather dejectedly atHermione's abandoned books. 

Snape nodded and waited until they looked up at them again. When they glanced up, Snape jerkedhis head at them. Looking slightly confused, Harry and Ron got up, grabbed Hermione's books and made their wayover to Snape. "Yes Professor Snape?" Harry asked politely, wondering why the potions master was even out inSunlight. He'd always thought Snape would melt or something if he was out in the sun. Ron took a moment to sneer at Malfoy, who returned the sneer. "I have noticed that Miss Granger abandoned you both to take a walk with Mr Goldwater." Snapesaid briskly. Harry and Ron nodded, but looked confused as to why Snape of all people were inquiring. 

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"Yeah, she did." Ron said, allowing his rejection speak. "We tried for almost an hour to get her toput her books down and play a game of exploding snap with us, but she wouldn't hear of it. Thenthat Goldwater bloke came over and she just dropped her books and got up and left with him!" "We saw that, Mr Weasley," Snape drolled, "What I am asking you is, have you noticed anythingstrange about Miss Granger's behavior when Mr Goldwater is not around?" Harry and Ron thought for a minute before answering. "No." Ron said. 

"She's her usual self, just«" Harry trailed off, hesitating. He didn't want to give details of whatHermione was like in private, especially to Snape, and with Malfoy standing right there and all. "Just what?" Snape prompted. "Just«" Harry said again, hesitating even more. "Spit it out Potter!" Malfoy snapped. "Look, I don't see what this has to do with you Malfoy!" Harry snapped back. "Just answer the question Potter!" Snape snarled. "Fine!" Harry snapped, feeling cornered. "She's just doing somethings that she hasn't done before,like going around singing to herself, and she's been slightly distracted too. Nothing major, it's justthat she hasn't done these things before. Happy?" "Was that so hard, Potter!" Malfoy said sulkily. "What do you want to know all this for anyway?" Harry demanded. "That is not of your concern, Mr Potter, just keep an eye on her." Snape replied. "You may go now."

 "No, I want to know why you want to know!" Harry said defiantly. Snape's eyes flashed in warning. "I told you it was not of your concern!" he growled. "Harry lets just go." Ron said pulling Harry away.Harry reluctantly followed Ron, turning to glare back at Malfoy and Snape now and then. "Why do you think they want to know?" Harry asked Ron. "Dunno mate, but they are suspicious about something. They don't trust that Goldwater bloke anymore than we do, and they are Slytherin's, so something's definitely up. Thing is, why do they carethat it's Mione he's with?" "I don't know Ron, but one things for sure, We are going to get to the bottom of this." Harry saiddeterminedly as they walked back up to the Castle. Ch7Chapter 7. Harry and Ron strode back into the castle, discussing what had just taken place. "So, what do you reckon is up with Hermione then? What else have you noticed that I haven't?"Ron asked as they headed towards the Gryffindor common room. "Well, you heard what I told Snape, the other things are of even less interest. I could just beparanoid." Harry replied.Ron noted that his friend's voice had a concerned edge to it. He was obviously worried aboutHermione. "Like what?" Ron asked. "Well, stuff like her going all weird when he's around, like she's off in another world or something.She doesn't hear a thing we are saying. But it's only when he's around. And she's been in anexceptionally good mood for the past few days too, she's not doing her homework obsessively likeshe normally does, and yesterday, Lavender said she saw Hermione preening this morning! Sincewhen has Hermione cared about how she looks!" Harry enlightened his redheaded friend. Ron was slightly skeptical. "Well, we already know she has a crush on the bloke, maybe this issomething every girl does when she has a crush on a bloke." He reasoned. Harry shook his head. "No, there's something weird going on!" "Watch it Mate!" Ron suddenly cried, yanking Harry to the side. 

Harry steadied himself and looked up, sure enough, there was a sprig of that annoying bane of everyone's existence."Blimey! You need to watch where you're going Mate! You nearly got caught under that withMillicent Bulstrode!" Ron said. Millicent Bullstrode turned and grinned viciously before punching Harry in the arm. "Watch it Potter! Wouldn't want to have to snog you!" She said before cackling and stomping off with a gaggle of her Slytherin friends. "Thanks Ron.!" Harry said gratefully as they watched them go, rubbing his upper arm where theSlytherin girl had punched it. Ron nodded. "You'd have done the same for me." Harry nodded vigorously. "In a heartbeat, yeah."

 "So, like I was saying, maybe Mione's just being a girl, y'know?" Ron said thoughtfully. Harry thought about this carefully. Maybe Ron was right, maybe it was just a schoolgirl crush typething. "Yeah, maybe you're right." he said to Ron. "But something must be strange about it if it's gottenMalfoy and Snape's attention." Ron snorted. "Well, with a nose that big, maybe Snape's just naturally nosey!" 

Harry laughed "Yeah, it's so big he probably can't help having it poking into other people'sbusiness!" The two boys enjoyed a good laugh at Snape's expense. Then they composed themselves enoughto wonder about Malfoy. "Yeah, but how do you explain Malfoy's interest?" Harry asked, still grinning, but it was a seriousquestion. "Maybe he fancies Mione!" Ron said, cracking up again. Harry conjured up a bottle of sleekeasy's hair tonic and slicked his hair back just like Malfoy's andswaggered around Ron. "I am Draco Malfoy, bow before me you filth! Hey mudblood! The fact is, I fancy the wand off you,so you'd better get used to my infinite presence, coz I'm claiming you. What I want, I get andthere's nothing you can do about it! If, in the highly unlikely event that you can resist my devonair charms and angelic good looks, my father shall hear of it and deal with you accordingly until yougive in! What say you Granger?"" Harry said, doing a pretty good imitation of Malfoy. Ron was red in the face from laughing, but he had to respond. He batted his eyelashes andsimpered. "Why Malfoy! Your powers of seduction are too powerful for me to resist! I, Hermione

Granger have been swept off my feet by your manly charms! What is a girl to do?" The two boys collapsed in hysterical laughter. "Wait, wait!" Harry laughed "Don't forget Snape sticking his nose in!" He smoothed his hair downand put on a sour expression, flapping his robes around. "Miss Granger, you had better take Mr Malfoy up on his generous offer of his affections, or I shalltake a gazillion points from Gryffindor, and fail you on your potions final!" Ron was laughing so hard that he thought he was going to crack a rib. "That was brilliant acting mate!" He declared. Harry smoothed his hair back and walked with Ron the rest of the way back to Gryffindor tower, stillchuckling about their impressions, dodging numerous sprigs of Mistletoe as they went. Meanwhile, Malfoy and Snape had decided to follow Hermione and Lucas at a safe distance, usingthe trees and bushes to their advantage. Snape was used to concealing himself. He had to do such things when he had been a death eater,so he was rather an expert on the matter. "What exactly are we doing professor?" Malfoy asked. "Shadowing them, so we can spy." Snape answered simply. "And you do this a lot do you? Shadow students I mean." Malfoy questioned. "Not usually. Normally I'm following«never mind. I am making an exception in this case.""Why?" Malfoy asked. "Because I want to." Snape answered. "What is this the bloody Spanish Inquisition?" Snape snapped. Apparantly, he had been a little too loud, as Lucas and Hermione heard him and they turnedabruptly around. Just in time, Snape grabbed Malfoy and dove into a handy bush. Snape peered through the leaves. Hermione was too distracted by Lucas to care, but Lucas looked around suspiciously for amoment, before shrugging and turning his attentions back to Hermione.

 "You almost blew our cover!" Malfoy hissed. "ME?" Snape hissed back indignantly "It was you who- oh forget it!" He crawled out of the bush andgot back to his feet. Malfoy followed and got to his feet too, picking leaves and dirt out of his hair. "Filthy job this spying lark." He said disapprovingly. "These are one of my best robes! Mother isgoing to avada me!""Will you shut up!" Snape hissed. "Spying is a very dangerous thing to be doing, and you aretreating it like a school bloody trip!" "Dangerous?" Malfoy remarked, raising one groomed eyebrow. "It's only Granger and the git! Whatcan they do to us?" 

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"Have you seen Miss Granger's wand work?" Snape enquired, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, not bad on the whole." Malfoy afforded. "Not bad? She could curse your buttocks right off this planet if she chose to do so!" Snape pointedout. Malfoy snorted. "I highly doubt it, she's a girl." Snape gave his young charge a withering look. "And what does that have to do with it?" 

Malfoy shook his head, indicating that he wasn't getting involved in this conversation anymore. Snape let it go. They were lucky to get close enough to hear Hermione and Lucas talk again, and they duckedbehind a bush again. "Look at him!" Malfoy hissed. "Who does he remind you of?" Snape studied the raven haired boy before him. "Rather like Potter," he squinted "and a lot likeCedric Diggory if you squint." Malfoy squinted and frowned. "I don't see what you are seeing. He doesn't look like either of them." "That's because I can't see a bloody thing!" Snape whispered impatiently. He wanted to get abetter view so he looked up at the tree above them, and spotted a wonderful vantage point. Withthe grace and agility of a cat, he silently and quickly climbed the tree to a branch hanging over Hermione and Lucas, and lay smirking at Malfoy who was goggling up at him in disbelief. Lucas raised a hand to cup Hermione's face. "You are so intelligent and beautiful Hermione." Hesaid softly. 

"Thank you." Hermione replied blushing. "You are too bashful!" Lucas chided gently "You should be holding your head high, proud of whatand who you are!" Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Oh please." He mouthed silently, before awkwardly climbing the tree to joinSnape, pausing just before the branch Snape was occupying. Snape was watching Hermione and Lucas but looked up when Malfoy began to climb on hisbranch. Malfoy gingerly inched his way onto the branch. Snape shook his head, trying to get Malfoy's attention, but Malfoy was too preoccupied with notfalling off the branch to notice Snape. "Have you ever been kissed, Hermione?" Lucas asked suddenly, his voice dripping with seduction. Snape's head snapped around in surprise. This was getting really interesting now! Malfoy blanched at the question, and nearly fell off the branch, and stopped where he was, abouthalfway along, and goggled down at the pair below. Hermione was blushing furiously. "Well, it depends on what sort of kiss you are talking of." Sheanswered shyly. "I mean a real kiss, a sensual kiss." Lucas explained pulling her closer to him. Hermione began to look slightly flustered. "Well, I«no, I haven't but I.."Lucas ran a hand through her hair. "I must kiss you Hermione! I simply must." "Yes, but«" Hermione stammered. "Ssh. Don't fret dearest." Lucas soothed, and bent his head. Hermione trembled as his lips drew closer to hers. She was afraid, yet she found that she couldn'tmove, or didn't want to«she couldn't figure out which one. She closed her eyes as he got closer. His lips were within a millimeter of hers, when suddenly- CRACK«SNAP«"AAARGH!"«.CRUNCH! Hermione let out a startled scream. "Professor!" she gasped. Snape and Malfoy lay in a crumpled heap beside the broken branch they had perched on.

 "YOU?" Lucas growled at Malfoy. Snape swiftly stood up, putting his robes right and jerked his head to get his hair out of his face."Miss Granger«Mr Goldwater." He said, acting as if he hadn't just fallen out of a tree. "Professor, what were you doing in that tree?" Hermione asked, still shocked that Professor Snapehad been up there in the first place. "That is none of your concern Miss Granger, however, I shall grace your question with an answer none-the-less." Snape replied curtly. "Mr Malfoy and I were collecting some Nefertite berries for mypotions supplies." He said importantly, nudging Malfoy who was behind him. Malfoy got themessage and discreetly aimed his wand at the tree, muttered something and magically said berriesappeared in the tree just as Hermione looked up. 

"I didn't know they grew in oak trees, Professor«I thought they grew on bushes, like all berries!"Hermione said, confused. Snape put on a sneer. "Well, well, well, it seems our oh so intelligent Miss Granger doesn't knoweverything!"Hermione bowed her head, blushing. "No Sir, I do not." Snape looked at Lucas, who was glaring at Malfoy. "Get back to the school." He said suddenly. Lucas looked at Snape, surprised by his sudden shortness. "Sir?" 

"Go. Back. To. The. School." Snape said more forcefully. "Why? We still have 20 minutes left before class starts again." Lucas pointed out. Snape's eyes glinted dangerously. "Mr Malfoy, accompany Miss Granger back to the School, if youwill." Snape said, his eyes not leaving Lucas's. "Yes Professor." Malfoy said, smirking at Lucas. He stepped forward. "Come on Granger, lets go." Hermione looked insulted. "Be a gentleman Mr Malfoy!" Snape chided. Malfoy winced. He hated being corrected. He held out his arm for Hermione to take. Hermione looked shocked for a moment, before slowly taking Malfoy's offered arm and he led her off back towards the school. Malfoy couldn't help but look back over his shoulder and smirk at Lucas, who looked absolutelyfurious. They walked in silence for a few minutes before Hermione finally spoke.

 "You don't like him, do you?" She asked suddenly. "No. I don't. I told you that." Malfoy answered plainly. "But why?" Hermione persued. "Why do you care?" Malfoy challenged. "Because I don't see what you have against him. He hasn't wronged you." Hermione said. "He has wronged me. Are you forgetting that day the slimy git first met us?" Malfoy said heatedly."He acted like he owned the place, shoving me around like he did. And you just fell right into histrap."Hermione flared up. "What trap?" She demanded. "He happens to genuinely care about me! Helikes me for who I am, I don't have to pretend to be anyone with him!" She suddenly stopped, whywas she saying all of this«to Malfoy none-the-less! "You hardly know him!" Malfoy pointed out. "You met him only a few days ago!" "I«He..." Hermione wanted to argue with him, but he was right. She had only met Lucas a fewdays ago, and already she was eating out of his hand. "You know what? I don't trust him. He's up to something, I can tell. And I'll tell you something elseGranger, he's done something to you. Put a spell on you or something, I don't know, but whatever he's done, you need to snap out of it!" Malfoy said feverantly. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Look, I don't need you telling me how to deal with my romances. I trusthim, and that's all that matters. Besides, who are you to suddenly pop up with good advice? Youmade my life hell for the past 4 years!" Malfoy sighed. "Oh get over it Granger! We've grown up since then!" "What, since last week you mean?" Hermione snorted. "Hardly." "Look, Granger, the Yule ball is in a week, just promise me one thing. Promise me you won't gowith him!" Malfoy said waving away her skeptical view. Hermione turned to him, her eyes blazing. "And just who does the great Draco Malfoy think Ishould go with? YOU?" She asked with a snort. "Well why not? It would be better than you going with him!" Malfoy blurted out without thinking. Heslapped a hand over his mouth and cursed. "Forget I just said that Granger. Anyway, just don't gowith him. Go with Weasley or Potter, anyone but him." 

"Why don't you just keep your nose to yourself Malfoy, and stop acting like a jealous little boy. Youare just jealous that Lucas is far more superior to you. And for your information, I do intend to gowith him to the ball, know why? It's because I can go with whoever the hell I like." And with that, she stormed the rest of the way up to the castle by herself leaving Malfoy seethingbehind her. "You're making a big mistake Granger!" Malfoy yelled after her. Ch8Malfoy stood alone, watching as Hermione stormed into the castle, the heavy oak doors slammingshut behind her with a great rumble and crash. "Stupid Granger." Malfoy raged "Stupid Goldwater«stupid«Stupid ME!" he added kicking clumpsof grass up in his tirade. 

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He took a deep breath, looking down at the sad remains of the grass he had kicked around. Whatwas wrong with him anyway? Maybe Granger was right about«NO! No he was not going there.Granger was never right about him. What a stupid thing to suggest«jealous«Ha! Malfoy snorted out loud as his thoughts rambled silently. Suddenly he was aware of how dumb he must look from the castle, yelling and kicking clumps of grass around. He hoped no-one was looking out of the windows, for his dignity's sake. Smoothing his hair and straightening his robes imperiously, he put his trademark smirk back on hishandsome face, and sauntered in his usual arrogant style manner back to the castle.

 Meanwhile, Snape was walking Lucas back to the castle, taking the opportunity to interrogate theboy. "Tell me, Mr Goldwater, what is your angle?" Snape asked cunningly. "My angle? What are you talking about?" Lucas answered. "Yes, your angle, what are you up to?" Snape said impatiently. "I don't know what you are talking about Professor." Lucas sighed agitatedly. "Don't play innocent with me boy, I know you're up to something." Snape snapped. "I am certainly not!" Lucas argued. "You most certainly are!" Snape growled "I've seen you with Miss Granger«what do you want withher?" "For your information, I happen to like her, alright? Is that a crime?" Lucas snapped. "Don't use that tone with me boy." Snape snarled, whipping around, and stopping Lucas in his

tracks. Lucas looked startled at first at this sudden move, but quickly resumed his defiance and stoodglaring at Snape. "Now tell me, what is it that you want with Miss Granger?" Snape snarled, getting angry with thearrogant youth before him. "I told you, I happen to like her!" Lucas snarled back. "You're lying." Snape hissed. "I am not!" Lucas said in a low voice. "Yes you are, it's written all over your smug face." Snape said, a disgusted expression crossing hisface. Lucas rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Why do you care anyway? Imean, what is it to you what Hermione does and with whom?"Snape had been expecting this question, so he was prepared with a smart ass answer. "She's my student. And you should know, Mr Goldwater, that I make it my business to know whateach and every one of my students does out of class time«especially when what it is they aredoing affects their work in class and therefore their grades." "No offence, but that's a bit creepy don't you think? Sneaking around, spying on your students?"Lucas snorted. Snape's eyes glinted dangerously. "You don't want to cross me, Mr Goldwater." He warned. "I've given you an answer to your question Professor, whether or not you choose to believe me isyour own choice, but you have no right to hold me here and keep me from class." Lucas saidcalmly. Snape inwardly cursed. Obviously the boy wasn't going to talk at that time. He would have to waituntil he could get the boy to a place where he could administer some Veritaserum to him and getthe truth out of him that way. "Suit yourself Mr Goldwater, I have given you the chance to come clean and you refused. You arefree to go," Snape said softly, "but just so you know«I'm watching you like a hawk." And with that said, Snape swept off back to the castle, leaving the boy behind to think about hislack of co-operation and it's consequences. Hermione fairly flew back to the Gryffindor common room, too furious to notice the first years

scurrying out of her way, fearful of the rage in her eyes. She reached the common room and snarled the password at the Fat lady. "Gryffindor's rule, Slytherin's drool." "How true, dear. But really, it's not very ladylike to snarl in such an unbecoming manner." The fatLady chided. Hermione ignored her and stormed inside to the Gryffindor common room where she threw herself down in an angry heap on the couch beside Harry. "What a horrible, petty, ignorant GIT!" she declared, screeching the last word. Harry flinched. "It wasn't me. I didn't do it!" 

"I haven't done anything!" Ron protested at the same time. But apparently, Hermione hadn't heard them. She continued to rant. "Stupid Git." She seethed. "Oooh, I just want to hex him so bad! How dare he try and dictate what Ido!" "Are you talking about this Goldwater bloke?" Harry asked. "No!" Hermione cried indignantly. Harry flinched again. 

"Sorry!" He squeaked. "I'm talking about that stupid ferret, Malfoy!" Hermione growled, her hands forming a circle, asthough imagining Malfoy's fair neck between them. Ron looked amused and sat grinning. "You go for it Hermione. Follow your dreams and throttleMalfoy!" he cheered her on. "Oooh, I will! Just you wait! The next time I see him, I'm going to«oooh just wait!" Hermionesnarled. "Here's what I'll do«I'll hex him, then torture him, slowly, to better the amount of pain he'll have toendure. Then, I'll kill him in the slowest, most agonizing way possible, then I'll chop him up into littlebits and put him in a box, then I'll put that box inside another box, and then I'll mail that box tomyself ±" "Okaaay, Hermione, you are scaring me now." Harry said nervously. "Don't stop her mate!" Ron protested, looking at Hermione with delight at Hermione's method of dealing with Malfoy. "I think it's a brilliant idea!" "Yeah, but we have potions in a few minutes, and we'd better go now, if we don't want to be late."

Harry pointed out. Hermione let out a squeal of mortification and grabbed her potions books, and darted from thecommon room, the boys hot on her heels. The arrived at the potions with seconds to spare, just making it through the door before a silentspell from Snape sent it slamming shut. Hermione made to dart to her seat, but was stuck. Looking automatically up in fear, her eyesseeking out that awful plant that was the bane of everyone's existence at Hogwarts. To her relief, itwasn't there. It was just a few feet from her, but not over her. The problem turned out to be that her robe was caught in the door. She tugged at it but it wouldn't come un-caught. "Come on«stupid thing!" she grumbled, yanking at her robe. "Is there a problem Miss Granger?" Snape asked condescendingly. "Yes, as it so happens, there is Professor Snape!" Hermione replied, trying to be polite. "It would seem that when you closed the door, I made it through safely, but my robe did not. I'mstuck Sir." She said, tugging at her robe in vain. "Mr Malfoy, go and get Miss Granger unstuck." Snape said, sneering. Malfoy rolled his eyes and got up, stalking towards Hermione. "Stay away, I don't need your help!" Hermione snapped as he approached, yanking on her robe asthough her life depended on it. "Granger, I'm under orders here, so just shut up." Malfoy snapped as he came ever closer. "STOP RIGHT THERE MALFOY!" Ron suddenly bellowed. Malfoy spun around to give Ron a piece of his mind. "Just who do you think ±" "DON'T MOVE!" Ron shouted as Malfoy turned and took another step towards Hermione. "Weasley, keep your freckly nose out of this!" Malfoy snarled. "Mr Malfoy!" Snape said, his voice changing to concerned warning. "Hermione! Move!" Harry suddenly cried spotting what Ron was worried about, and pointed to it. 

Hermione looked up and saw that a sprig of the God forsaken plant had magically appeared aboveher. In desperation, she yanked and pulled at her robe. "Please come out!" She muttered feverantly. Malfoy was still coming. Everything seemed to move in slow motion now. "Mr Malfoy!" Snape said louder, reaching his hand out, as though to stop Malfoy, but he was all theway across the classroom now, and it was too late to save him. "Noooo!" Hermione wailed as she felt the spell take effect. Malfoy stopped suddenly, feeling it also, and he recognized it immediately. Snape sighed and sat on his desk, folding his arms. "Well, this will be interesting to say the least."He said quietly.

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 The whole class was gaping at them. What would happen? This was major! Lavender Brown andParvati Patil were positively drooling with anticipation. This would be hot gossip throughout thewhole school and they will have been two of the 10 people to have witnessed it! "You idiot!" Hermione screeched at him. "Why didn't you stop?" Malfoy jumped to his own defense. "What? You think I'm going to listen to Weasley! Dream onGranger!" "Well if you had, we wouldn't be in this predicament!" Hermione snapped. "Even Professor Snape

tried to warn you!" "Well, I couldn't hear him for all the screeching Weasley and Potter were doing!" Malfoy snappedback. Hermione put her face in her hands and took a deep, calming breath. Maybe if she just closed her eyes for a moment, she would open them again to find it was all just a horrible nightmare and shewould wake up in her warm bed in her dorm. She foolishly believed this would work for a moment, that was until she removed her hands fromher eyes only to find Malfoy looking furious and the rest of the class, including Snape, waiting for the inevitable. "This isn't happening, this isn't happening!" Hermione chanted massaging her temples. "Oh it's happening Granger. And it's all your fault too!" Malfoy coldly reminded her. "My fault!" Hermione cried angrily "How is it my fault! You just came strolling right beneath it!" "Yes well, like I said, I didn't believe Weasley or Potter." Malfoy said casually, examining his nails. Hermione gave him a look of pure loathing, but didn't see any point in arguing. It wasn't going to

help them now anyway. "Well, lets get this over with Granger." Malfoy said staring hard at her. Hermione folded her arms and nosed the air. "Sod off Malfoy." "As much as I hate to interrupt this little romantic moment, I do have a class to be getting alongwith. Do hurry it up!" Snape said sharply, hoping to stir them into getting it over with. Hermione looked Malfoy straight in the eye. "Don't you dare!" "Sorry Granger, but I don't want to be stuck hear all day, I do have a life you know."Malfoy said moving forward. "Back off Malfoy, I'll scream!" Hermione warned. "Scream and I'll shut you up faster than you can say potions!" Snape warned. "Then I'll hex him!" Hermione said brandishing her wand. Suddenly it was whipped out of her hand and whirled across the room into Snape's waiting hand. "You monster!" She cried at him. Snape raised an eyebrow. "So sue me. Get on with it." Ron and Harry made to move, but Snape put them both in a body bind spell."Any other brave would be rescuers will get the same!" Snape warned everyone. Hermione was trapped, with no way out. This mistletoe had to be the most evil thing on the face of the earth! How could Dumbledore do this to her! "Ready Granger?" Malfoy said, standing so close to her she could feel the heat from his body. "Never." She answered, glaring at him. "Too bad." Malfoy said grabbing her and pulling her to him.She struggled to escape, but it was in vain, he was too strong, and being taller than her, had theadvantage. "Get away from me!" She cried, thrashing around as best she could, but he had her arms clampeddown by her sides, so the thrashing had little effect. Using one arm, Malfoy pinned her to his chest, with his free hand, he grabbed her chin and madeher face him.

 He took a moment to study her face. She had truly blossomed in the past year. Her skin was clear and smooth and creamy. Her lips were soft and pink. His grey eyes moved to meet her brown ones. In them he saw defiance, fire and fear. As he leanedin, he saw a flicker of confusion. He brushed his lips lightly over hers before bringing them crashing down to hers. Kissing her feircly. She began struggling again immediately again, but not for long, she appeared to have troublestanding. Hermione was so ashamed of herself! Her knees were going weak, and part of her was actuallyliking this! The other part wanted to run away and never have to come back! How was she going to

face her friends after this? But Malfoy was doing something to her that she had never experiencedbefore. She melted into his arms relaxing into the kiss. Malfoy had planned on just kissing her briefly, making sure to put every ounce of hatred he had for her into it. But he became lost somewhere, and found himself to be still kissing her. Not that sheappeared to mind. She was having trouble standing, and she had stopped struggling. Was sheenjoying this as much as he was? He felt her go limp in his arms and he had to hold her up. The class observed with jaws on the floor. At first it appeared as though there was a small battlegoing on between the two, then it all went strange. Hermione gave up the fight and Malfoy seemedto keep going!

 Snape was in shock himself, but he didn't show it. He sat, waiting patiently for Draco to dowhatever it was he had to do to get over this distressing jealousy he had developed. Suddenly, it seemed the spell had broken, and they realized what they were doing and stopped,breathless. They stared at each other in silence for a moment, before stepping away from each other. Malfoy cleared his throat and let his legs carry him unsteadily back to his desk. Hermione wasn't sure if her legs would support her, but she had to sit down, before she fell down. What a kiss that had been! She hated to admit it as she found her legs and made her wobbly way to sit between Ron andHarry who were gaping at her, but Malfoy was an amazing kisser! She was blushing furiously and didn't raise her eyes from the desk, feeling the class's eyes on her.Braving it, she glanced up at Snape, to see if he was thinking of starting the lesson any time soon. He was staring at her, a small frown of confusion on his face as his cobalt eyes darted between her 

and Malfoy, but he shook it off fast and stood up."Well? What is everyone waiting for! Get your cauldrons ready. Today's potion is Veritaserum." Ch9Harry and Ron recovered slowly after what had just occurred, glancing at Hermione and each other every few minutes as they prepared to make the Veritaserum potion. Hermione threw herself into her work, using it as an escape from the questioning glances that werethrown in her direction. She didn't want to think about what had just happened. She just wanted tomake this potion and get the heck out of there so she could flee to the safety of her dorm room andhide for all eternity on her four poster bed with the curtains forever drawn. But before she confined herself to a life of solitude in her bed, she chanced a glance up at Malfoythrough the curtain of her hair as she stooped to start cutting up the ingredients. His cheeks were flushed and he looked just as determined to use the art of potion making toescape his woes as she was. Snape, meanwhile, was still looking thoughtfully and a little suspiciously at the two. He observedMalfoy keeping his eyes firmly on his ingredients, looking flushed and somewhat irritated. He waschopping his ingredients up savagely«the serpent tongues didn't stand a chance. Suddenly, heglanced over his shoulder, his eyes glaring at anyone who dared look at him. His eyes stopped onGranger for a moment. She must have known this, as she glanced up through her hair again. Assoon as their eyes met, Granger ducked her head and snapped her eyes down to her work again,her cheeks flushing, and Malfoy turned back around so fast he almost overbalanced onto hisflobberworm testicles, and manically started hacking them to bits. Snape frowned again, pondering the two's actions. Surely it couldn't be what he thought it was.Surely not! It would be so wrong! Lucius would burst a blood vessel and Narcissa would surely dieof heart failure should Draco be found to« he couldn't even bring himself to even think it! Suddenly, a hand went in the air, distracting Snape from his troubled thoughts."Yes what is it Miss Brown?" he snapped. "Please Professor Snape, I think I may have made a mistake!" Lavender sqeaked as she lookeddown at her potion that was now a violent shade of purple and bubbling over onto her desk. Beside her, Neville was looking horrified, and moved his cauldron as far away from Lavender's aspossible. His potion had been going well, and he didn't want any of her purple stuff getting into hiscauldron and messing his potion up! Snape grunted in frustration and swept over to Lavender and stood over her glaring down his nose."What did you do?" he demanded, looking at the potion that was now spitting. Lavender looked forlornly at her ingredients and then at her cauldron, shaking her head.

 "I«I-" she stammered. "WHAT DID YOU DO GIRL?" Snape barked, causing everyone to flinch. "I don't know!" Lavender cried hysterically. "I put all the ingredients in, and it just started doing this!" "Did you put in the ingredients in the right order?" Snape demanded. "I«think so," Lavender said slowly, looking stupidly at the irate potion. Snape looked livid. "You think so?" he seethed "Either you did or you didn't!" Lavender shook her head. "I don't know for sure!" she said, looking frightened as Snape began toclench and unclench his fists and started grinding his teeth. 

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"Perhaps if you hadn't been so busy staring at Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger, instead of payingclose attention to what you were doing with your ingredients, this wouldn't have happened!" Snapesnapped. At the mention of their names, Malfoy and Hermione both looked up enquiringly. Lavender flushed a deep crimson and hung her head. "I«I'm sorry!" she said meekly. "Sorry won't save Gryffindor from losing 30 points!" Snape growled, waving his wand making thepotion vanish. "Now start again, and pay attention this time!" he said before sweeping off toinvestigate everyone else's potions.

 Harry and Ron cast Lavender sympathetic looks, and returned to their work. Hermione put up her hand. "Professor Snape?" "Yes Miss Granger?" Snape replied. "I've run out of crushed unicorn horn, may I please fetch some from the store cupboard?" Hermioneasked politely. Snape sighed, as though it bothered him greatly, which it did, but he really wanted her to knowthat. "Very well, if you must." "Thank you Professor." Hermione said, getting up and walking over to the store cupboard, her head down and avoiding everyone's gaze. What she couldn't avoid however, were the whispers asshe passed. "Look! Her knees are still trembling!" "Her lips look bruised! Wow, what a kisser Malfoy must be!" "I'm going to have to ask him to give me lessons!"

 "She's so lucky!" Hermione firmly ignored them, she reached the cupboard, pulled the door open and steppedinside, closing the door behind her. Once inside the cupboard, she took a moment to compose herself before looking for the ingredientshe was in there for. Her fingers ran across the bottles and jars of ingredients as she searched for the crushed unicornhorn, her lips silently wording them as she passed, but she couldn't concentrate. Malfoy keptpopping into her mind. Shaking her head to clear it, she resumed her search, but once again, her thoughts drifted. "Oh for goodness sake girl, it wasn't that good of a kiss anyway!" she scolded herself in frustration. Finally she found the thing she was looking for and grabbed it.She emerged from the store cupboard and returned to her cauldron where she added the missingingredient that would complete her work. "Mione." Ron whispered. "Mione!" "What?" Hermione replied, frustrated at the interruption of her potion making. "Are you alright?" Harry whispered. "Of course I'm alright!" She hissed. "Why wouldn't I be?" "Well, you just didn't seem alright after«you know." Ron answered. "We'll talk about it later, right now, I just want to get this potion done!" Hermione whispered, turningback to her potion. In front of her desk, she saw the familiar black robes of Professor Snape, whowas now standing over her, arms folded, looking as sour as ever, he gave her a glare beforeleaning over and peering into her cauldron. "Ladle." He said quietly, holding out his hand. Hermione handed him her glass ladle and he scooped up some of the crystal clear potion, holdingit up at eye level so he could see better.Apparantly he could find no fault with it, as he handed the ladle over to her, still full of potion andstood smirking. This unnerved Hermione. Why was he smirking like that. Snape never smirked! 

She stared back at him questioningly. Then, Snape pointed on slender finger over her shoulder. She turned and saw that he was pointingat Harry. Turning back to face Snape, she once again looked at him questioningly. "Mr Potter will test your potion for us, Miss Granger." Snape elaborated. Harry scowled. He was always being picked on by Snape, but at least he didn't have to try Ron'spotion, or worse, Neville's, at least Hermione always got her potion's right, so he wasn't worried. Hermione sighed and looked apologetically at Harry as she carried the ladle to him and held it upto his lips. Harry drank the potion without hesitation, not really having anything he could think of that wouldhurt or offend anyone that he would blurt out. 

Satisfied, Snape made Harry walk to the front of the classroom and stand there. "I will now ask Mr Potter a few questions. Pay close attention when I ask the more difficultquestions, the potion will force him to answer truthfully." He told the class, still smirking evilly. The class's attention was riveted on Harry. "Mr Potter, what do you think of my nose?" Snape asked. "I think it's the biggest nose I've ever seen, and that's saying something, because I've seen somebig noses in my time, Uncle Vernon's is pretty big but yours really takes the gold medal for huge

noses Professor!" Harry answered. The class gasped, the Gryffindor's were trying not to laugh out loud, and the Slytherins werelooking rather amused themselves. Inwardly, Snape said "Crap!" he hadn't banked on Harry's answer being so long. Outwardly he appeared smug and cool as he moved on to the next question. "And what do you think of Mr Malfoy?" Snape asked. Harry paused. "Which one? Elder or Junior?" he asked. "Junior." Snape answered. "I don't like him." Harry answered. "He's a nasty, stuck up ferret. Ron and I were just discussing theother day how overbearing he can be, strutting around the school ordering people around. Of course, it's not really his fault is it?" "What do you mean?" Snape asked curiously. He was curious as to why Harry didn't really blameDraco for being the way he was. 

Malfoy who was scowling before, now practically had one eye popping out of it's socket from sheer surprise. His eyebrows were out of alignment too. One was still scowling, the other had almostdisappeared into his hair. "Well I mean that his father has to be to blame for the way he treats people. I'm secretly suspiciousthat his father is cruel to him at home, and Malfoy treats other people that way to feel like he hassome power, as he feels powerless at home. It's all just a bully mentality that he has going on. Isort of have those suspicions about you too Professor. Were you abused as a child or are you thisway naturally?" Harry babbled. "No, I wasn't." Snape sniffed. "Moving on to the next two questions, then we'll have some questionsfrom the rest of the class." Harry shrugged. "Sure, why not." "What do you think of this new Mr Goldwater?" Snape asked, smirking evilly. Perhaps he would getsome answers from Potter. At the sound of his name, Hermione smiled and felt fuzzy and warm. "Well, to be honest, and let's face it I don't really have an option to be anything but honest, I thinkthere's something weird about him! I can't quite tell you what it is exactly, but I can try«it's sort of like he's put Hermione under some sort of spell or something. I don't know how else to explain it."Harry said. "She acts all weird around him, it's almost like she's in another world«or in some sortof hypnotic-" "Trance." Snape and Malfoy said together. "Yes that's it!" Harry said excitedly. "I'm so glad you can see it too. I thought I was the only one!" Snape and Malfoy exchanged glances. It all made sense now! That had to be it! That's howGoldwater had managed to get Granger fawning all over him from day one! Now all they had to dowas figure out why. "Any ideas on why he'd want to do that?" Snape asked hopefully. "Nope. I have no idea." Harry replied frowning in frustration "But dash it all I want to know!" "Join the club Potter." Malfoy muttered. "Okay, other questions from the class before the potion wears off?" Snape said turning andaddressing the class. Hands shot up everywhere, many of his classmates had been waiting for this moment for six years. 

"Miss Parkinson." Snape said choosing the first one. "Potter, is it true that you once talked about Draco rather romantically in your sleep and that it's thebest kept Gryffindor secret ever to exist because your roommates heard you?" Harry looked affronted. "No it is not true!" he snapped. Pansy looked let down. "Interesting, next!" Snape barked "Mr Zabini!" "Potter, do you fancy Cho Chang anymore?" Blaise asked. "No, she cries too much and frankly I can't tell you what I was when I did fancy her!" Harry replied. 

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"Cool, then you don't mind if I ask her out then?" Blaise checked. "You won't hex me or something?" "Nope, feel free." Harry answered. Blaise grinned happily. "Miss Brown." Snape said. "How would you feel if I said that I want to have your babies?" Lavender breathed dreamily. 

Harry winced. "I'd say I'd rather you didn't if it's all the same to you. You aren't a girl whom I'dconsider anything more than a friend." Harry replied. Lavender pouted, and Parvati patted her on the arm comfortingly. "There's always Draco." She said soothingly. "Ha! Fat chance!" Malfoy snorted in disgust. "Miss Patil?" Snape said, getting the class back on track. "Oh, right you are Professor!" Parvati said, taken by surprise to be chosen next. "Umm, Harry, if you could choose whom you would be caught under the mistletoe with, who would it be?"There was sudden extreme interest and a few "ooh's" from the girls in the class was to be heard. Harry looked thoughtful. "Do you mean from this school, or just anyone in general?" "From this school." Parvati answered. "I'm going to regret ever answering this, but I don't have any choice in the matter«" Harry saidresignedly looking at Ron apologetically. 

"Answer the question Potter!" Snape snapped impatiently. He wanted to move on to the next pupil! "Ginny Weasley!" Harry said. "Oh this is too good!" Malfoy said grinning and turning around to see Ron's reaction. "WHAT!" Ron squawked "You want to kiss my sister?" "Yes. I have for ages. I just didn't want to say or do anything in case it made you mad!" Harry saidcalmly. "Sorry you had to find out this way Ron."Ron spluttered for a few moments, when suddenly his expression relaxed. "Well I suppose it'salright really, I mean, it's better than that last bloke she was with! Mum will be pleased too, shereally likes you." Malfoy looked disappointed that Ron was taking it so well. "So we're alright?" Harry asked Ron. "Yeah, course we are!" Ron said smiling. "I hate to break up this warm and tender moment, but I'd really like to get on with this class!" Snapebarked. "Oh, yeah, right." Harry said, cheerfully going back to his seat. "Miss Granger." Snape said, pouring some of her potion into a vial. When he heard no response from her, he looked up. She was daydreaming again, her eyes soft and a smile on her face. "Miss Granger!" He said a little more forcefully. Still no response. Losing what little patience he possessed, Snape marched over to her and grabbed her roughly bythe arm and hauled her to her feet. "OUCH! What the«" Hermione cried in fright, then she realized that she hadn't been payingattention. "Professor?" "Pay attention girl! And ten points from Gryffindor for daydreaming in my class!" Snape snarled ashe drug her up to the front of the class and pushed her roughly onto a stool, then he shoved thevial into her hands. 

"Drink it." He ordered. Hermione did as he requested and drank the vial of veretaserum. As the potion took effect, she felt relaxed and serene. "Now, Miss Granger, I have a few questions for you." Snape said importantly. "Yes Professor?" Hermione asked cheerfully. It was truly a wonderful feeling not having to careanymore! "What is it that you feel towards this Mr Goldwater?" Snape said straightaway.Hermione hesitated. Suddenly she did care that Snape wanted to know her private thoughts,especially the ones about Lucas. Snape frowned. The potion should be forcing her to talk, yet somehow, she was able to hesitate!

 "Miss Granger?" Snape prompted. "I«.I«why do you want to know?" She squeaked. It was apparently taking great effort to resist thepotion. Snape's frown deepened "Something isn't right here." He murmered. "Class is over! Class dismissed!" Snape barked. "What about Mione!" Ron demanded.

 "I shall deal with Miss Granger, Mr Weasley, now go!" Snape snapped. The class filed out, but Malfoy, Blaise and Pansy remained behind. Hermione was shaking from the exhortation it was taking to resist the potion. She didn't know whyshe was resisting it, it just seemed as though she really had to, like it was really important that shedidn't answer that question. Snape paced back and forth "This shouldn't be happening." He said in frustration. "The potionworks fine, we tested it on Potter!" "Professor?" Malfoy asked, frowning in concern. "What's happening? Why is the potion notworking?" "I don't know!" Snape murmered. "We have to snap her out of it." He decided suddenly. He didn't want to have to do this in front of the class again, but they didn't remember the first timehe had done it, he had wiped their memories of the last time, but he didn't want to have to do itagain, so he dismissed them. Dumbledore was going to want to speak with him afterwards, but itwas the only way to get Granger to stop fighting the potion. Break her concentration. But he had tomove quickly.

 Hermione hadn't seen anything as her eyes were still tightly shut in concentration of not answeringthe question and so didn't know that the class had gone. Snape, aware that three of his students remained, addressed them. "I apologize to all three of you in advance for what I am about to do. I will explain to you why I hadto do it as soon as Miss Granger is well again." He informed them. With that said, he suddenly spun around and slapped Hermione soundly across the face. The force of the impact of his hand was such that Hermione cried out in pain and was sentsprawling from her stool, landing on the floor dazed and shaken. Malfoy leapt to his feet, pale and shaking, not believing what just happened. Snape shook his stinging hand before reaching down to help the trembling girl to her feet. "Comeon now, stand up." He said quietly, grabbing her arm and urging her up. "You are quite alright MissGranger." "You struck her!" Malfoy squawked hysterically "I can't believe you just did that!" "It had to be done Draco!" Snape said calmly, sitting Hermione back on her stool again. Hermione was holding a pale shaking hand to her cheek, where a good sized bruise was forming,her eyes glazed and blank. "What do you care Draco?" Pansy said suddenly from behind him, remnants of a satisfied smirkstill lingering on her face. "She deserves it anyway. Saves me having to do it!" Something in Malfoy snapped. He whirled around and before Pansy only had time to let her smirkfall from her face before« SLAP. The force knocked her into Blaise who fell to the floor with her,then lay looking horrified up at Malfoy. Malfoy stared at his shaking hand in fear and confusion. What had he just done? He had struck awoman. Sure, it was Pansy and she could use a good slap now and then, but he never thoughthe'd be the one to do it! 'Father would be so proud.' He thought bitterly. At the sound of the Slap, Snape had spun around, shocked to the core to see that Draco haddelivered the blow to Pansy. He sighed and stepped over to Draco. Malfoy was still staring down at his hand, horrified, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

Looking up, he saw Snape standing there, looking pitying. "Go and tend to Miss Granger, Draco. I shall see to Miss Parkinson. We shall talk about this later"Snape said softly. Malfoy swallowed and nodded, staggering over to Hermione who was still holding her bruised andthrobbing cheek. The potion was still in effect, but judging by the blank expression on her face, shehad given up fighting it. "Granger?" Malfoy said quietly, in a shaking voice. "Help me." Hermione was still staring into nothing, but she answered him. "What is it Malfoy?" she asked softly. "I just slapped Pansy. I struck a girl!" Malfoy whispered in a panicking tone.

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 "What should I do?" "Say you're sorry." Hermione replied, still gazing into space. "Say you didn't mean it." Malfoy searched her face. "But«if I'm honest«I did sort of mean it!" he whispered. "Then what are you so upset about Malfoy?" Hermione asked softly, turning her eyes to him. "I«can't«I hate myself for it!" he replied in anguish. "My father hits my mother, and I swore I wouldnever be like him!"

 "Then don't be." Hermione told him, her voice still soft. Knowing she was under Veretaserum, Malfoy decided to ask her a few questions. "Granger, do you think I am like my father?" Hermione was quiet for a moment. Malfoy almost thought she was resisting the potion again, butshe answered suddenly, in that same soft voice. "No. I don't think you are. I did once. I thought you'd end up just like him. But for some reason, Ibelieve in you. I believe you can be who you want to be." Hermione said in a whispering voice. Malfoy felt relief sweep through him. Someone believed he could be different from his father.Someone believed he could be himself, and not just any someone, Hermione Granger! "Granger, what is it with you and Goldwater?" Malfoy asked next. "I hate it." Was her sudden whispered reply. "What?" Malfoy asked, looking at her in surprise. 

"I hate it." She repeated. "it frightens me." "What does?" Malfoy asked "The feeling." She answered "Make it stop." She said begging him with her eyes. Malfoy was getting worried. "Professor!" he called suddenly, not taking his eyes off of Hermione. Snape instructed Blaise to hold the ice pack to Pansy's face. "Yes Mr Malfoy?" he asked. "I think you'd better come hear this. She isn't making much sense." Malfoy replied. Snape hurried over to the two and stood in front of Hermione. "Miss Granger? What is it? Tell us more." Snape spoke softly. "I don't like it." She said sorrowfully. "It's frightening." "What is?" Snape asked, frowning in confusion. "The feeling." She repeated. "What feeling?" Malfoy asked. "I don't know." Hermione whimpered. She wasn't making much sense at all. "What did you ask her?" Snape asked Malfoy. "I asked what it was going on with her and Goldwater, and she started saying this stuff!" Malfoyreplied. "Make it stop Professor! I don't want it anymore." Hermione whimpered. "Make what stop?" Snape demanded. "I don't know!" Hermione said in frustration. "How can I help if you don't know what you are talking about!" Snape snapped, exasperated. They fell silent, Hermione staring blankly ahead, Malfoy and Snape trying to figure out what the hellshe was talking about.

 Finally they agreed that they should just give up. Snape supplied Hermione with and antidote to the Veretaserum, which she gladly took. "I have plenty of the stuff now, I shall find a way to interregate the boy." Snape told Malfoy. "Okay, let me know what you find out." Malfoy said, feeling a little depressed. He mooched over to Pansy and Blaise. They glared at him. "Look what you did to my beautiful face Draco!" Pansy hissed at him, taking the ice pack away toreveal a bruise to rival Hermione's. 

"Yes, about that«.I'm sorry." Malfoy said guiltily. "I didn't mean to, I just got so angry." "Yes, but why? You don't normally get angry about stuff like that, you normally cheer along whenGranger get's what's coming to her!" Blaise pointed out. "I know, it's just that«.I don't know! I just didn't think it would affect me seeing Professor Snapestrike her like that. It reminded me of my mother and father." Malfoy said, hanging his head. Pansy put an hand on his arm. "It's okay Drakie, I understand." She said quietly. "I forgive you. Iknow you didn't mean to harm me." 

Malfoy smiled weakly. "Thanks Pans." Blaise thumped him on the back. "Okay, lets blow this joint and head to the Common room. We stilldon't have dates for the ball, and it's only a few days away." "Oh No!" Malfoy gasped slapping a hand to his head. "I forgot all about it! Listen, you two goahead, I'll meet you in the common room." Blaise and Pansy nodded and left. Malfoy dashed over to Snape, who was trying to make a very reproachful Hermione's bruisedisappear. Malfoy pushed Snape's wand away and got out his own. He muttered a quick spell and the bruisevanished. "How did you«" Snape said said incredulously. "I overheard my mother use it all the time." Malfoy said waving his hand carelessly. "If you don't mind, I should like to leave now." Hermione huffed. "And what's more, you shan't beseeing me tomorrow in class Professor."

 "Why is that Miss Granger." Snape asked wearily. "After the day I've had, I'm going to take a day to relax and try and forget everything thathappened!" Hermione sniffed, getting down from the stool. "Oh yes, that reminds me«" Snape said raising his wand again "Obliviate." Hermione went stiff for a second, then relaxed. "Oh hello Professor." She greeted. "Is class over already?" "Yes, Miss Granger, you are dismissed." Snape replied. "Thank you Professor." Hermione replied before leaving, a little unsteady on her feet. As soon as she had gone, Malfoy turned to Snape. "Will you stop doing that! How do you know thatdoesn't permanently damage her brain or something?" Snape waved his hand around "Oh please, do you think they'd make it a legal spell if it didpermanent damage?" "Good point. Now, I came over here again to remind you about the ball that's in a few days time."Malfoy said anxiously. "And you are worried why?" Snape asked in a bored tone. "Don't you see? He'll ask her to go with him, and who knows what will happen! He could beplanning something!" "Good thinking Draco." Snape said thoughtfully. "Well, we cannot stop the inevitable, but we canintervene. We must try and keep them apart as much as possible. Tail her Draco, don't let her outof your site." Snape said importantly. "That way he cannot try anything. Meanwhile, I am going totry and find out what he is up to." "Okay, laters Professor!" Malfoy said before leaving. Ch 10Three days had passed since the potions incident. Hermione was still blissfully unaware of anymishap, and only Snape, Draco, Pansy and Blaise knew what had happened. The last thing that Hermione remembered was the Mistletoe incident with Malfoy, and she hadbelieved that Snape had ended potions early for some personal reason or another. She had also successfully avoided Malfoy for three days now, only seeing him in the great hall for 

meals, and classes, where she would sit as far away from him as possible, and leave before heeven got near the door. Something was bothering her however. She had the feeling she was being watched wherever shewent, with the exception of the Gryffindor common room. That seemed to be the only place she feltlike she wasn't being watched. It was a very creepy feeling. On more than one occasion, she sworeshe saw a shadow, or heard something behind her when the corridor should have been deserted,but she'd turned around to catch whoever it was, but there would be no one there. She shrugged it off and put it down to mild paranoia as she walked to potions with Harry and Ron. "Transfiguration was boring!" Ron whined "I wanted to do some«y'know«transfiguring! I can'tbelieve we got stuck with taking notes today!" "Yeah, well, cheer up Ron!" Harry told his downcast friend cheerfully "We have potions next, andyou never know«Snape might just test a potion on Malfoy this time!"

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 "Yeah, like that'll ever happen!" Ron grunted. They arrived at the potions room, taking great care to avoid the mistletoe that hung in the doorway.Hermione shuddered as she went through. That confounded Mistletoe was the one that had caughther and Malfoy beneath it's green and white self! Surprisingly, and to her great relief, Malfoy had not yet arrived. Cheerfully, Hermione made her way to her seat and set up her cauldron. 

Snape was waving his wand around in front of the blackboard at the front of the class, casting ontoit the day's potion instructions. Everyone knew the routine, and started copying the instructions down. Snape turned to begin the class, but Pansy's hand went up in the air. "Miss Parkinson?" Snape enquired. "Please Professor, where is Draco? Shouldn't we wait for him to arrive?" Pansy asked, soundingworried. "Mr Malfoy will be here soon, I«sent him on an errand." Snape said dismissively. "Now, today's potion is a complicated one, so pay attention. I don't expect many of you will get itright, however, I do expect a certain level of intelligence from you all. Get started." Snapeinstructed. Malfoy arrived just as they were starting and dashed to his seat. "Sorry Professor, got held up alittle." He said wincing and wiping his mouth. "Let me guess, the mistletoe?" Snape said quietly.

 Malfoy made a face. "mmyesss! When is that crackpot old fool going to take the bloody stuff down?" he whined. Snape shrugged. "How should I know?" Malfoy sighed and got to work on his potion. "Anything to report?" Snape's voice suddenly said in Draco's head. "Well, I found out that she likes to sing when she's alone, or thinks she's alone!" Draco replied inhis head. There was a snort from Snape. "With regards to the Lucas boy." He prompted. "She met him yesterday on the way to charms. She had the same dazed expression the minute hewas in her vicinity. He seemed a bit adgitated about something, and Granger seemed to beresisting something too, she had that same pained expression as she did three days ago in hereright before you smacked her in the chops. Other than this, nothing." Draco replied. "Very well, thank you Draco." Snape said before walking off. Malfoy got on with his potion. The class worked quietly, they knew better by now than to chat in Snape's class. Halfway through her potion making, Hermione reached for the crushed unicorn horn and grabbedthe vial, tipping it into her potion, but none came out. Taking her eyes from the potion, she lookedat her vial of Crushed unicorn horn, and sighed when she saw that she was clean out. She put up her hand to Get Snape's attention. "Yes Miss Granger, what is it?" Snape asked irritably. "Please Professor, I have run out of Unicorn Horn, may I go and get some more from your storesplease?" Hermione answered. "Very well." Snape sighed waving dismissively at his store cupboard. Hermione got up and went into the store cupboard and began her search for the missingingredient. She had trouble focusing however, as Malfoy kept popping into her mind, replaying the scene fromthree days ago beneath that confounded mistletoe. 

She shook her head to clear it and continued her search. But a few seconds later, there was thescene again. "Oh for goodness sake girl, it wasn't that good of a kiss anyway!" She scolded herself. "Your reactions proved otherwise." Came a voice. Gasping in surprise, she whirled around to see Malfoy standing there. "Malfoy! You startled me«I was just«" Hermione stammered, backing up as he moved towardher. "Just what?" Malfoy questioned "Talking to yourself?" "! I was trying to find the unicorn horn for my potion!" She replied in a shaky voice andblushing furiously.

 Malfoy stared at her for a moment, before looking around at nothing in particular and there was anuncomfortable silence. "Why are you in here?" Hermione finally asked, trying to sound un-fazed. "I ran out of powdered chrysanthemum." Came his reply. "I think I saw it here somewhere, hang on." Hermione said turning back to the shelves andretracing her search. 

"Ah!" She exclaimed turning back to him "Here it ± Oh my!" she gasped. Malfoy was mere inchesfrom her, his silvery eyes fixed on her. For a moment Hermione stared back, her mouth open in a surprised 'oh', unable to look away. Shefinally found herself again and backed into the shelf. "Um«here it is." She finished timidly, holding the jar out to him and looking down at her shoes. She felt Malfoy move closer. Her heart was threatening to beat its way out of her chest. She had toescape. This was too scary! She sidled to the side, trying to inch her way to freedom, but he put a hand out and leaned on theshelf on either side of her head, preventing her escape. Hermione still avoided his eyes, fixing her eyes on the door. How could she get there? What thehell was Malfoy doing? Please someone, anyone, come to her rescue! Malfoy placed a finger under her chin and made her look at him. She looked at him, there was something she had never seen before in his eyes, and she couldn'tquite place what it was. They were soft, yet firm and intense. 

She was quite literally helpless. Trapped. She wanted to run away, back to safety and where thingsmade sense. None of this made any sense to her! But yet there was a small part of her that wantedto see what was going to happen«but it was a very, very small part. "Wh«what do you want?" she said in a scared whisper. As if to answer, Malfoy leaned in. 'Oh merlin no!' Hermione's mind screamed 'kick him where it hurts then book it! It's our only chanceof survival!' She was trembling violently now, and she was sure that Malfoy could feel it. He was inches from her, his breath playing on her lips. Hermione was so scared she dropped the jar she was holding and it smashed on the floor. But it didn't interrupt anything. Malfoy merely paused to glance down at it, before resuming hisagonizingly slow descent. Just when Hermione thought her fate was sealed and she squeezed her eyes shut, awaiting theinevitable« "What the ± " 'Professor! I've never been so happy to see you! Now there, Hermione, is a clever spud of a man!'Hermione's mind cried. Hermione felt weak with relief as she saw Snape standing there, looking at Malfoy questioningly. Malfoy turned his head to look at Snape and Hermione stared at him over Malfoy's shoulder.Snape jerked his head in the direction of the door. Hermione didn't need any more prompting. She bolted out under Malfoy's arm and squeezed pastSnape, desperate for freedom. She'd thank him later«maybe buy him some new potion relatedstuff, or something. Snape let the door close, as he stared at Malfoy. "Draco what were you doing?" Snape demanded. Malfoy put his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know!" he replied, frustrated. "I camein here for a potions ingredient, and she was here looking for the unicorn horn«I« I don't knowwhy I did it!" "Okay, let's just calm down for a moment and think about this." Snape said trying to calm hisgodson.

 Malfoy took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind. "Now, could it be that you are a little jealous of this Mr Goldwater, and this is your way of obtainingvictory over him?" Snape suggested. Malfoy looked so offended, Snape didn't press that one further, but he knew he was getting closeto the truth. "Then what was that I just walked in on?" Snape demanded, getting angry. "I don't know!" Malfoy insisted, running a hand through his hair. "Oh great! Look what you made medo!" he snapped, "Now my hair is messed up!" "Forget your hair, I think it's your head that's messed up!" Snape pointed out. "Were you going tokiss her Draco?"

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 Malfoy hung his head. "The thought did cross my mind, yes!" Snape shook his head, trying to make sense of it all. "Being forced to kiss her under the mistletoeis one thing Draco, but to do it willingly«.I don't know what to think of this!" "Well that makes two of us then doesn't it." Malfoy sneered. "Don't you take that tone with me boy, you aren't too old for a good whipping." Snape warned. Malfoy grunted in response.

 There was a moment of silence before Snape spoke again. "Do you feel something for her?" "Why are you so worried about this!" Malfoy demanded, flaring up. "What does it matter if I kissedher?" "It matters greatly Draco!" Snape replied, also getting heated. "Your father would avada himself if he had witnessed what we all just did when you were under that damn mistletoe! Don't think for amoment that no-one saw what your reaction was! And what's more! She's a Gryffindor! Slytherin'sand Gryffindor's do not have any kind of relationships! They don't even grunt at each other in theschool corridors!" "Who said anything about a relationship?" Malfoy squawked, his eyes bulging in indignation. Snape blinked in surprise. "You were going to kiss her, I assumed you were looking for some sortof relationship with her." "Well you assumed wrong! You saw her reaction, she didn't want me!" Malfoy said turning awayfrom Snape and punching the shelf, and managed to hit a glass jar full of something slimy,watching with some sort of satisfaction as it hit the floor with a squelch. "Please do not assult my ingredients, Draco«it took me months to collect those mermaid scales."

Snape said wearily, flicking his wand and everything went back into the jar which repaired itself. Snape studied his godson, recognizing the family resemblance between father and son as Dracostood, his shoulders hunched and in a brooding stance. Lucius had reacted exactly the same waywhen Narcissa had rejected him rather brutally while they were at school. And even then, Snapehad been there to pick up the pieces, put him back together and give dear Lucius the strength to tryagain. But this was different, Lucius had at least fallen for someone in Slytherin, and equal to his class.Narcissa was a pureblood, from a rich family, and Lucius had fallen head over heels after just onekiss beneath an enchanted mistletoe. "Draco, I know what you are feeling right now. Rejection is never pleasant, but it must smart worsecoming from a muggleborn Gryffindor." Snape said quietly. Malfoy snorted. "Yes, how pathetic is that?" "Very." Snape answered. "Thanks, you really know how to make a bloke feel better!" Malfoy quipped sarcastically. "Draco, what are you so upset about? There's plenty more fish in the sea." Snape offered. Malfoy was silent for a moment. Snape saw a flicker of something in his eyes, but it was too quickto name. "That's true, and I am young." Malfoy agreed. Snape nodded. "Yes." "And I am handsome, and rich," Malfoy went on, starting to cheer up. Snape hesitated before agreeing. "I could have any girl I want." Malfoy declared. "Yes you can." Snape agreed again. "But that's the problem." Malfoy said darkly, drooping again. "Problem?" Snape questioned. "Yes, problem." Malfoy repeated. "Care to elaborate?" Snape sighed.

 "How long have you got?" Malfoy snorted. "Hold that thought." Snape instructed, turning and sticking his head out of the door. "Alright, class is ending early, get out!" He snarled at the class. They didn't need telling twice, leaving everything where it was, they all got up and herded out of thedoor. "Now I have all the time you need." Snape told Malfoy, smirking. Hermione was still shaking when she had reached the Gryffindor Common room. She shouldn'thave run out of class like she did. Snape was going to be furious! But she just had to escape.Malfoy had surprised her and she didn't like surprises, especially of that nature! 

She had reached the Fat lady in a state of despair. "Whatever is the matter dear?" the portrait had asked soothingly. "Draco Malfoy just tried to kiss me!" Hermione had squeaked out in reply. "Oh that's so nice!" The fat lady said cheerfully. "It's just like Romeo and Juliet! Each of you fromtwo warring houses!" "It's not nice at all! It's awful! Please just let me in!" Hermione cried desperately. 

"Oh alright!" Snapped the portrait before swinging open. "But you should know that there's a lot of girls who would love to be in your position!" she added. Hermione was now to be found, twenty minutes later, curled up on the sofa hugging a cushion andstaring into the fire wondering how she was ever going to face anyone again. She heard voices approaching the portrait and thought it wise to duck out of site, so she ran andhid behind a curtain. Suddenly the portrait opened again and Lavender and Parvati came rushing in, babbling excitedly. "I think Malfoy went in there on purpose!" Lavender said excitedly. "Of course he did, he needed to get an ingredient!" Parvati said level headedly. "Oh yeah right!" Lavender scoffed. "He went in there to finish what he started three days ago! Don'tyou tell me that he didn't know Hermione was in there!" "Yeah, well, whatever happened in there, Hermione obviously didn't like it. Did you see the wayshe ran out of there!" Parvati said sympathetically, "I've never seen her look so«I don't even knowhow to describe it!" 

"That could be because Snape intervened, you know. Or perhaps«he tried his own luck with her!"Lavender gasped. Parvati looked horrified. "You have a horrible imagination Lav! Poor Hermione!" "Okay so maybe I took that one too far, but I really do think that Malfoy was finishing what hestarted under that mistletoe!" Lavender said waving a hand around. "Well we don't know for sure, I'm still willing to believe that it's all innocent and Hermione just sohappened to be in there when Malfoy went to look for his ingredient." Parvati said firmly. "Then what took so long?" Lavender challenged. "Maybe Malfoy couldn't find it!" Parvati answered. "And Snape?" Lavender added. "Went to see what was taking so long and decided to help them look for their ingredients." Parvatireplied, looking rather pleased with herself for meeting the challenge and beating it. "Ah ha, then why did Hermione run out of there like a bat out of hell?" Lavender smirked. Parvati couldn't answer that one really. "Maybe she really had to pee." She suggested lamely. Behind the curtain, Hermione winced. What kind of answer was that! Lavender laughed. "Yeah, okay whatever! She was running from Malfoy's luuuuurve!" Parvati giggled. Even Hermione tried not to laugh. It was just the way Lavender said that made it funny, but thesituation was really quite serious. She heard Harry and Ron enter the common room. "Hey have you two seen Hermione?" Harry asked, sounding concerned. "No, we thought she'd be with you!" Parvati replied. "Nope, not with us." Ron said sarcastically. "There's no need to be rude!" Parvati said reproachfully. "Just ignore him, we are trying to find Hermione, she ran out of potions looking upset. We just wantto know why and if we can help." Harry continued.

 "Yes, we have a few theories on that." Lavender said, smirking. Hermione's heart leaped into her mouth. If Harry and Ron heard Lavender's theory, which wastechnically true, they would have a fit! "Lav No!" Parvati gasped. "You mustn't!" Hermione shook her head in agreement with Parvati "Tell us!" Ron urged. "Any info helps!" "Okay, you'd better sit down boys, this is going to shock you!" Lavender said gleefully. Hermione heard Harry and Ron sit down. 

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"Okay, so, " Lavender said sounding very 'valley girl' "Here's what I think happened in that storecupboard«" Hermione covered her face with her hands in woe as Lavender repeated her theory to Harry andRon. When she was finished, Ron immediately began ranting. "Wait until I get my hands on him! That slimy ferret! How dare he do that!" Ron bellowed, throwingcushions around. 

"Ron, Calm down, that's ridiculous Lavender!" Harry stated. "I beg your pardon?" Lavender said, looking offended. "Well it's just that it's Malfoy! He wouldn't voluntarily kiss Hermione, they hate each other! It doesn'tmake any sense!" Harry explained. Hermione thanked Merlin that Harry was willing to look at it that way, but she felt guilty that he waswrong. But she was just as confused as he was about it. She would confide in him later, when theywere alone. She could trust Harry with her life, he would listen! She would tell him everything, andhe would help her get out of the mess she found herself in. There was a knock at the portrait hole, interrupting the discussion and Harry got up to answer it. "Hello, I'm looking for Hermione." A familiar voice said. Hermione felt a shock go through her. Lucas. It took a lot of willpower for Hermione to resist the urge to run to him. "She's not here. I don't know where she is, none of us do. She got upset in Potions and ran out."Harry told him.

 "Strange. I hope everything is alright." Lucas said strangely. "Well, thanks anyway." He said andleft. Hermione felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Well, we'd best go look for her again." Harry said decidedly. There was a murmer of agreement. "We'll check the girls bathroom." Parvati offered. "Great. We'll check the library." Harry said. With that, the search party left. Hermione jumped up and ran up to her dorm room. She felt guilty that her friends were outsearching for her, and she had been there all along, but she really couldn't face anyone yet. She sat and thought about her situation. At first, Lucas had seemed sweet and gentlemanly, butafter a while it started getting strange. She didn't like the feeling he caused in her, the way her mindwent blank. It sometimes felt like she was trapped inside her mind and had no control of her bodyor what she said. It frightened her. She had tried to tell Professor Snape when he asked, but thewords wouldn't come out, although she had been screaming the answer to his question at him withher mind, her mouth and voice refused to co-operate! She longed to tell someone about it so theycould rescue her! But it was hopeless, Lucas had some sort of control over her and there wasnothing she could do about it. She had spent hours in the library researching it, but she didn't knowwhat it was he had done to her, so she couldn't find anything that would help. Then there was Malfoy! What was his deal? Why was he so concerned all of a sudden? Yet whenhe had offered to take her to the ball, she desperately wanted to say yes, just to get out of goingwith Lucas, but again, her voice wouldn't co-operate, and instead, a stream of insults and brutalrebuffing came out instead. She knew that Malfoy Suspected something weird was going on, that's why he had told her that hedidn't trust Lucas and she shouldn't either. But he didn't know that she wanted to agree with him,but couldn't as she was practically a prisoner in her own mind. And still she couldn't figure out why Malfoy wanted to help. Nothing made sense anymore! She didn't know how long she had been lost in thought for, when suddenly she heard footstepsrunning up the stairs. The door burst open and Parvati entered. Her eyes fell on Hermione and she looked relieved. "Oh Hermione there you are! We've been soworried about y-" Parvati stopped when she saw Hermione's tears. "Oh Hermione!" she said

compassionately, and ran to sit beside her, hugging her. Hermione accepted the friendly comforting hug, and cried even more. "What happened?" Parvati asked, wiping Hermione's tears with a hankerchief she'd conjured up. "I don't know!" Hermione sniffed. "One minute I was alone, the next thing I know, Malfoy's there!" "Go on." Parvati said, urging her to continue. "Then he«he tried to kiss me again!" Hermione said sniffling loudly, starting to tear up again. Shehated being confused. Parvati's eyes went wide, but then she relaxed. "It's not so bad. There are loads of girls in thisschool who would have given anything to be in your shoes!" 

"I know, that's what makes it worse!" Hermione croaked. "I didn't want to be in my shoes at thattime! Why didn't one of those girls step in!" "Well, because they couldn't!" Parvati pointed out. "It frightened me, Parvati. I didn't know what was happening! Part of me wanted to run, but part of me wanted to see what would happen!" Hermione said, her face flaring, then she looked ashamed."Does that make me a horrible person?" She asked softly. Parvati laughed. "No, silly! It makes you a girl! Of course you wanted to see what would happen,any girl would! Don't worry about that!"

 This reassurance seemed to calm Hermione down, and she smiled back at her friend. "ThanksParvati." "Anytime Hermione." Parvati said, giving Hermione another hug. "Oh, just one thing!" Hermione said, her eyes widening in fear again. "What?" Parvati asked, her brow knitting in concern. "Please don't tell anyone what I've said! If this gets out, my life will be officially over!" Hermionepleaded. "Your secret is safe with me." Parvati said, crossing her heart. "Thanks." Hermione said with relief. "Now, lets go and let everyone know you are safe and sound." Hermione wiped her eyes and used a freshen up spell on her face. Then she followed Parvati outof the Dorm room feeling as though part of the weight on her shoulders had been lifted. 

Ch 11Chapter 11. Hermione followed Parvati into the common room and everyone present gasped half with relief andhalf frustration that she'd been so close the whole time. Harry and Ron rushed forward and embraced her. "Mione we were so worried! Don't you do that again!" Ron scolded. "Yes dad." Hermione said sarcastically, but she smiled at him to let him know she was kidding. "You were up there the whole time?" Harry exclaimed in exasperation. "Yes." Hermione replied. "I needed to be alone for a while." "Well you could have just said!" Lavender Squawked. "We would have left you alone!" Parvati and Hermione shot Lavender a 'yeah, right' look and that shut Lavender up fast. "Anyway, what time is it?" Hermione asked changing the subject. Harry looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. "It's six thirty." He answered. Ron's Stomach gave a loud rumble. "Right on schedule! Dinner!" he said enthusiastically. There was a rolling of eyes and groans. "Well come on! We'll miss it and then I'll be well mad!" Ron declared heading for the portrait hole. The others followed. Lavender fell into step beside Hermione and Parvati. "Hey." She said by way of greeting. "Hey." The two girls replied in response, but they both knew what was coming."Before you ask, Lav, She doesn't want to talk about it." Parvati said firmly. Lavender looked put out. "Don't worry Lavender, You'll find out soon. I promise. I'll tell you everything!" Hermione assuredher roommate. "Well, okay«if you promise." Lavender agreed warily. "Cross my heart. When all this is over, you will be told, by me personally about what has been

happening." This seemed to be just fine with Lavender. She was no rita skeeter, but she sure had a nose for news and gossip! As the five of them walked along the corridor towards the great hall, they bumped into Seamus andDean. "Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" Seamus asked. "Can't talk, seeking food." Ron said mechanically. "Of course you are welcome to join us." Hermione said ignoring Ron. "Cool!' Seamus said happily, turning around and Joining them in their quest for the food grail. Deanfollowed suit.

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 The little group of Gryffindors arrived at the entrance hall, moving down the stairs. Hermionestopped abruptly causing everyone to bump into one another. "Ouch! Why are we stopping?" Lavender grumped. "Oh!" she whispered in realization when shelooked around Hermione to see what had caused the halt. "Malfoy." Harry said curtly. Malfoy had stopped abruptly also upon seeing the group, causing Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy tocollide with him. He looked unsure of what to do next, so Ron gave him a hint.

 "Move it Malfoy, I'm hungry and you are blocking the way to the food." Ron ordered. The Gryffindors braced themselves for a verbal onslaught of abuse like they normally would fromMalfoy, but instead, the Prince of Slytherin stared momentarily at Hermione before turning andscuttling off into the great Hall with his confused friends glaring menacingly at the Gryffindors asthey followed him. "What the heck was that all about?" Seamus asked, bewildered. "You kind of had to be there." Harry remarked, giving Hermione a nudge towards the great hall. Hermione felt her cheeks burn and her heart raced. She felt better when she felt Parvati give her hand a comforting squeeze. "Don't you worry, I'm here." She whispered. "Thanks." Hermione whispered back before resuming their quest for the food grail. They were just about at the door when something black and that smelled spicy and damp pushedpast them and stood in front of them. 

Ron gave a frustrated growl. "OI you're Blocking the food!" he stated to the rude figure gesturingangrily at the Great hall. "Umm, Ron«." Lavender said quietly. "Can't a bloke eat around here anymore? How many times are we going to be hindered?" Ronranted on. "Um«Ron, you do realize that you are talking to Professor Snape right?" Seamus asked. Ron sighed. "Yeah. Anyway, what do you want? Hurry up and tell us so we can eat." "I wish to speak with Miss Granger«Alone." Snape replied, glaring at the group. Before Hermione could even step forward, Ron had grabbed her and thrust her at Snape. Hermione was too shocked to say anything as she stood staring at Snape in horror. "There, take her. Now can we go eat?" Ron huffed. "RON!" Harry said, grabbing Hermione and pulling her back from Snape. "Can't it wait until after dinner Professor?" Harry asked politely. He could not believe that Ron had just handed Hermioneover like that, especially to Snape. "No it cannot wait, Potter." Snape growled. "It is rather urgent." Ron grabbed Hermione again and shoved her at Snape. "Just take her for Merlin's sake, or we'll behere all bloody night!" Snape looked slightly shocked and slightly disdainful as Hermione was shoved at him. She almostover balanced and had to grab his robes to keep from falling. He made no attempt to help her keepher balance. "Now just a minute Ron!" Hermione said, sounding very upset and affronted "You can't just handme over to someone as if I'm just some sort of Carpet Bag- Harry! You can't let him do this!" "Watch me!" Ron said firmly. Before Harry or anyone else could intervene further, Ron grabbed Harry and marched into theGreat hall. Harry and Parvati looked back at Hermione who looked as though Ron had just handed her over toVoldemort himself before giving her apologetic looks and following Harry and Ron. Hermione stared after them in disbelief. "Can you believe that? How could he do that to me?" she

demanded of nobody in particular "Treating me like some sort of tradable object for food!" "I'm sure I don't know, but yes, I can believe it." Snape said casting a disdainful look at Ron as heshoveled food into his mouth. Hermione looked up at Snape as though she had forgotten he was there. "I'm sorry Professor, youwanted to speak with me?" she said, sighing. "Indeed. I wish to enqire as to what you are experiencing with Mr Malfoy." Snape said getting to thepoint. "M«Malfoy?" Hermione stammered looking around nervousl y. "Yes" Snape affirmed. 

"W«why would you ask?" She asked lamely, knowing that he was referring to what had happenedin the store cupboard that day. "Come now Miss Granger," Snape said "you know what I am referring to. Don't play games." Hermione sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll tell you." She said, hugging her arms around herself. "I was in the store cupboard, as you already know, getting the Unicorn horn«" She stoppedsuddenly. "Ugh, wouldn't this be faster and easier for you to understand if you just viewed mymemory of it Professor? It's really uncomfortable for me to describe it." 

Snape eyed her thoughtfully before replying. "Very well Miss Granger, if that is what you prefere.But I must warn you, since we have no pensive, I will have to do this manually." Hermione hesitated. After all, having Snape poking around in your memories and viewing them,feelings and so on forth included, was very unnerving. But it was that or describe the feelings andthe events verbally, and she just couldn't do that. It was way too embarrassing. "Do whatever you have to do Professor." Hermione told Snape, bracing herself. "Very well. This will only take a moment." Snape informed her before leaning forward and staringinto her eyes. Hermione gasped and jolted as though she'd been struck by lightning as thousands of memoriesrushed through her mind all at once. Suddenly, she was back in the store cupboard, looking for thecrushed unicorn horn. And there was Malfoy, cornering her, trapping her and leaning in. She dropped the jar she washolding, but he continued anyway. Snape watched this feeling confused, as he expected he would. The downside to Leglimens wasthat you experienced the same emotions of the person whose memory you were probing. 

Suddenly, the confusion turned to a mixture of apprehension, then fear and excitement and finallythat was joined with curiosity, but guilt too. Miss Granger was an emotional mess! From Hermione's vantage point, he got a clear view of Malfoy's face. His eyes were intense, butthere was determination, yet a flicker of doubt crossed them as he was leaning in. The picture went from Malfoy's face to the door, which was accompanied by the feeling of desperation. There was another jolt of fear and the sound of smashing glass was heard. This only deterredMalfoy for a second before he continued his descent. Then he saw himself coming into the store room. 'Is my hair really that bad?' he wondered for a moment before getting back to business. The feeling of emmense relief flooded Snape's emotions as he saw himself unwittingly coming toHermione's rescue. He heard himself say "what the." and then motioning for Hermione to leave. The memory followed Hermione's path out of the dungeons and up to Gryffindor common room. 'Boring' thought Snape, rewinding back. He rewound a little too far however, when he stopped at amemory of Hermione who was apparently dancing around in her dorm room singing along to somemuggle song catching her reflection in the mirror, she was wearing her nightdress and singing intoa hairbrush. At that, Snape pulled out abruptly. Hermione blushed. "You weren't supposed to see that." She said, very embarrassed. "Yes, well, I won't speak of it. At any rate, I've seen what I wanted to see." Snape replied. "So youdidn't try to seduce Mr Malfoy before this incident?" Hermione gaped at him, looking so offended that Snape almost laughed at her expression. "I most certainly did not!" she shrieked indignantly. "Oh for Merlin's sake calm down girl I was only asking." Snape snapped. Hermione silenced herself, calming down. "While I have you here, there is one more thing." Snape said. 

"Yes?" Hermione answered. "What is really going on with Mr Goldwater?" Hermione recoiled suddenly, as though Snape had threatened her with a hot poker. "Oh, Please Professor don't ask me about that." Hermione said fretfully. "Why ever not? You can answer can't you? Or do I have to perform Leglimens on you again to findout for myself?" Snape asked silkily. He was really good at interrogating. "No, you mustn't!" she fretted, wringing her hands and looking warily around. "I can't discuss this!"she insisted. "Why not?" Snape demanded. All this secrecy and odd behavior was getting tiresome. 

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"Because«I cannot tell you!" Hermione said tearfully. She didn't want to go back into that prison inher mind. If Snape pushed for knowledge any further, she would be thrown in there and God onlyknew what would happen when she couldn't controle her actions. "Why can't you tell me?" Snape demanded, getting angry. "Please Professor, don't ask me! I beg you please! All will be revealed soon! You'll find out soon!"She sobbed, desperately trying to hang onto her mind. "I demand that you give me an answer!" Snape bellowed."NO PROFESSOR!" Hermione screamed back.

 "Is everything alright Severus?" Dumbledore's voice asked quietly from the doorway of the Greathall. Snape composed himself. "Yes Headmaster, everything is fine." He told Dumbledore. Hermione had sunk to the ground at Snape's feet, sobbing. Relieved that Snape had beenstopped. If he hadn't, she would be a prisoner in her own mind and Snape could have gotten hurt. Dumbledore looked from Snape to Hermione and back again. "She doesn't look fine, Severus.What has happened old boy?" Snape glanced behind Dumbledore at the sea of faces of the students who were wondering whatall the screaming was about. In the forefront was Malfoy. His normally vindictive expression was absent, in its place was one of concern. "She's a little distraught Headmaster." Snape said, wondering how he was going to explain this. Hefigured he might as well take a fall. "I confess I may have been a little hard on the girl."

 Dumbledore gave Snape a stern look before shuffling over to Hermione and helping her to her feet. "There there dear girl, it will all be alright." Dumbledore told her consolingly. "No«it«won't!" she sobbed. Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonnagal who got the message and ushedered all thestudents back into the great hall and closed the doors. "Now then, what is this all about?" Dumbledore. Asked gently. "I can't say!" Hermione sniffed, glaring at Snape. "Just like I told him!" "Ah I see. You are under some sort of secrecy spell." Dumbledore said gravely. "It is a hard thing toendure. You want to tell but you simply cannot. It drives you mad to even try." Hermione stared open mouthed at the Headmaster. "Yes! That's it!" she said feeling relieved thatDumbledore figured out at least part of the problem! Now maybe Snape would stop trying tointerrogate her! Maybe he would figure out what was going on and rescue her! But that wouldn't happen that night. Dumbledore nodded and wiped away her tears with hishankerchief. "All will turn out fine, Miss Granger, you mustn't worry. Professor Snape was trying to help you. Isuspect however that he did not realize you had a secrecy charm preventing you from saying whatmust be said. You must excuse him." Hermione nodded. Of course she understood that Snape didn't know about the secrecy charm.How could he have? She looked at Snape and stared at him. He looked stressed. Something wasseriously bothering him. "I'm sorry Professor for the way I behaved just then." She told him soflty. "I understand Miss Granger. I shan't press it further." Snape replied. Dumbledore gave Snape a promting look. Snape rolled his eyes. "And I apologise for upsetting you." He added with difficulty. Hermione nodded. "Well Miss Granger, the ball is tomorrow. We cannot have you looking worse for wear. So it's off toyour dorm with you. May I also suggest that you take a nice relaxing bath and I always find that abar of chocolate cheers me up, with tea. Yes, chocolate and tea and a bath. It does wonders."

Dumbledore suggested, his blue eyes twinkling at her. "Thank you Professor." Hermione said gratefully. She planned to do just what he suggested. "Severus, if you would be so kind as to escort Miss Granger safely back to her common room."Dumbledore urged, sweeping Snape and Hermione before him up the stair case. Snape gave the headmaster a knowing look and Dumbledore nodded slightly in response. Withthis silent exchange over, Snape began his given mission to escort the young Gryffindor to her common room. "I know something is wrong Miss Granger." He said after a few minutes of silence. "Mr Malfoy alsosees this and I believe the headmaster suspects just as much."Hermione didn't respond, but he knew that she couldn't anyway, so he went on. 

"I don't know exactly what Mr Goldwater is up to, but I do know that it's not good. I mustn't say toomuch. I don't want to worry you further." "Thank you Professor." She said with great difficutly. "There is much to tell, but as you are nowaware, that is not possible to convey at this time." "You will be safe, I promise you." Snape said as they approached the Painting of the Fat Lady. "One more thing," Snape added "Though you may find it hard, try not to be alone with him. HavePotter and Weasley around at all times if you can." 

Hermione nodded. "I'll try." Snape nodded and turned to leave. "Professor?" Hermione called after him. He stopped and turned looking at her enquiringly. "Thank you. For noticing." She told him. Snape inclined his head. "It is my duty to observe my student's Miss Granger, and protect themwhere it is necessary. You are most welcome." And with that said, he swept away. Hermione sighed and said the password.Upon entering the common room, she found a plate of food on the table in front of the fire. A notewas attatched. Picking it up and reading it, Hermione smiled. 'Dear Miss Granger,

 I noticed due to this evening's events in the entrance hall, that you were not able to eat at theevening meal. I took the liberty of having Dobby bring you something, as you must be very hungry Iam sure. Sincerely, Minerva McGonnagall' She loved that woman! She realized then, just how hungry she was. But first, a bath was in order and then she would eat, and sleep. She was going to need all the strength she could get for thefollowing evening. Ch 12Chapter 12 Hermione sat on her bed reading her copy of Hogwarts a History, but it wasn't like she could reallyconcentrate on reading it due to all the noise her two roommates and Ginny were making as theygot ready for the ball. "Hermione! You should be getting ready! You don't have much time left!" Lavender said excitedlyas she danced around in a towel and mud-pack. Hermione peered over her book at the girl, raising a skeptical eyebrow. "It's 10 am. The ball isn't until 7pm! It's way too early to get ready!" Hermione informed her. "It's Ten already? I gotta do my make-up!" Lavender screeched in horror. She dashed over to her trunk and pulled out a big backpack. She opened this and tipped its contents all over the bed. Whatlooked like a ton of make-up fell out. Hermione shook her head and went back to reading her book. Suddenly, the book was whippedfrom her hand and tossed carelessly over Lavender's shoulder. "Hey! What are you-" Hermione was cut short mid-rant by Lavender and Parvati's evil expressionsas they stood with bathrobe and mud pack in hand. "No«.no way! I'm not going to go around with Mud on my face all day!" Hermione cried, scootingback from them so that she was huddled against her headboard. "Oh but you won't have to«not all day anyway!" Parvati said reasonably "Just an hour or so!" "No." Hermione said firmly. Parvati and Lavender exchanged looks before pouncing and dragging Hermione from her bed,

kicking and screaming. "Ginny! Run the bath! Put some scented stuff in it." Lavender shouted at Ginny above Hermione'syells. Ginny shot into the bathroom and started running the bath. "What scents should I use?" She criedfrom the bathroom frantically. "What is there!" Lavender called back, struggling to restrain Hermione. "Umm«there's lavender, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, sweet pea, rose, watermelon, floral stuff and cherry blossom!" Ginny yelled back. "Use the both of the cherry ones, and the lavender and the floral ones!" Parvati called. They had finally gotten Hermione to submit, but they had to tie her up to do it.

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 "Now see here Hermione, this has to be done!" Lavender said firmly.Hermione scowled. "I could have done this an hour before the ball y'know!" "Yes but if you want to do it properly«and impress Malfoy-""Who said I wanted to impress the Ferret?" Hermione demanded. "Well, at any rate, you must go through with the grooming ritual! It's the only way to truly pamper.You'll feel great after we're done!" Lavender said hastily popping a cherry flavoured lolly pop intoHermione's mouth. 

"Hermione, let us pamper you a bit. I promise you will enjoy it!" Parvati begged. "I've alwayswanted to do this for you!" Hermione eyed Parvati warily. "Well«.alright, but don't tell anyone! How am I supposed to keep upmy bookworm image if I go around smelling like Cherries and flowers?" she said grudgingly. Lavender and Parvati squealed in delight and untied Hermione. "Bath first!" Lavender said giving Hermione a shove towards the floral and cherry scentedbathroom where Ginny awaited to assist her. "I can undress myself!" Hermione protested as Ginny moved towards her. "Just turn around until Iget in." Ginny shrugged and turned around, looking at the ceiling. Meanwhile Hermione undressed and slipped into the hot bath, letting out a contented sigh in spiteof herself. "Okay, you can look." She informed Ginny, who turned back around and sat at the bottom of thetub. She reached in and grabbed one of Hermione's feet, lifting it from the water and placing it on apadded cushion.

 "What are you doing?" Hermione asked hesitantly. "Massaging your feet." Ginny replied cheerfully. "You are going to be dancing all night, and withMalfoy after you«well, you want your feet to be in top form don't you?" She was a little disturbed at Ginny's comment about Malfoy, but Hermione couldn't help but enjoythe foot rub. Ginny had talents. "Mione, can I ask you something?" Ginny said after a while. "Of course Gin, what's up?" Hermione replied. "I was wondering if you knew anything about Harry, like if he fancies anyone or anything at themoment." Ginny asked, blushing slightly. Hermione opened one eye to peer at Ginny. "Not that I know of. He doesn't really talk about thatsort of thing with me. Have you asked Ron?" "No, I can't ask Ron. If Ron found out I still liked Harry«I'd never live it down. He'd hound me andmake fun, like he did before." Ginny said scathingly. "Do you want me to try and find out for you?" Hermione asked. Ginny looked up, smiling. "Would you? That would be wonderful!" Hermione giggled. "What are we like Gin? Giggling and talking about boys like«wait, we are schoolgirls!" Ginny laughed. "It's pathetic isn't it? But ah well, what can you do?" "Enjoy it while it lasts I've been told." Hermione said quoting her mother while pointing a finger inthe air. They fell silent again for a few minutes until Ginny spoke again. "Do you like Malfoy?" she blurted out. Hermione stared hard at the bubbles in her bath for a moment, her cheeks flushing. "I don't know.He's been acting strange lately, Sometimes I think I could like him, but then he does or sayssomething that makes me hate him again." Ginny looked thoughtful. "Do you think he likes you?" 

Hermione blushed. "Oh I doubt it. After all the years he's hated me and called me a mudblood?" "I think he does." Ginny said outright. Hermione blinked at her friend. "What makes you think that?" "I've been watching him«he stares at you and follows you around" Ginny revealed. "It's weird. It'slike he doesn't want to let you out of his sight." Hermione laughed this off. "Yes well, he's probably plotting my ultimate downfall and wants to trackmy every move so he knows my schedule and stuff." "I don't think that's it Mione. I think he fancies you." Ginny said promptly, grinning. "Gin! What a thing to say!" Hermione scolded, but couldn't help but giggle at the prospect. "Canyou imagine if he did? Can you imagine his father's response. "Draco." Hermione said deepening

her voice and speaking with a posh upper class accent "You know the Malfoy rules. No mudbloods!I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to kill both of you!" They giggled. The whole thing was ridiculous, but it did get Hermione thinking. "Bathtime's up girls! It's time for the mud pack and hair transformation!" Lavender called from thedorm room. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Brace yourself. I have to take my bath now and I'm next in line for the hair thing." She handed Hermione a fluffy white bathrobe and turned around again. 

Hermione got out of the bath and put the bathrobe on. "Who are you going with Gin?" Ginny blushed "Seamus Finnigan." She answered "And you?" Hermione's smile faded. "Lucas Goldwater." She said softly. Ginny frowned. "You don't seen too happy about that. Is everything alright?" "No, but it's alright, it'll all work out in the end." Hermione said bracingly, more to herself than Ginnyas she walked out of the bathroom, leaving Ginny to her bath. Her mood was low again when she rejoined Lavender and Parvati in the dorm room. They sensed her mood immediately and set about cheering her up. "WE should get some food, we are going to be up here all day." Lavender said smiling slyly. "Whatdo you say to a trip to the kitchens Hermione?" "Like this?" Hermione asked gesturing to her face which Parvati had now covered in a dark greenmud pack to match her two roommates faces."Nobody will see us! We know a secret passage. Ron showed it to us." Lavender answered. 

"I don't know«" Hermione said doubtfully. "Oh come on, it'll be fine. We'll just run down, get some munchies and run back and no-one will beany the wiser!" Lavender persuaded. Parvati pouted in a puppy dog like fashion and Hermione caved. "Alright. I suppose we can, if we are quick. I don't want to be seen looking like this!" Hermione saidstanding up and pulling her bathrobe around her more closely. She reached for her wand and put an anti opening spell on her robe, then did the same withLavender and Parvati's. "What did you do?" Lavender asked, bewildered. "I put an anti opening spell on our robes." Hermione answered sensibly. "What on earth for?" Parvati asked. "It's just in case we have to leg it while we are out. We don't want our robes flapping around andshowing what shouldn't be on display to the whole school or whoever we happen to meet along theway do we?" Hermione replied coyly. "Genius!" Parvati said grinning. "Lets go!" Lavender said creeping out to the staircase. Hermione and Parvati followed. They followed her down into the deserted common room. Everyone was still having the usualSaturday late breakfast. Going over to a tapestry that was hanging on the wall next to the portrait hole, Lavender pushed itaside and tapped the wall with her wand, whispering an incantation. A door appeared in the wall and they went through. The secret passageway was dark and cobwebby and very cold. Shivering, the three girls pulled their bathrobes around themselves tighter as they made their wayalong the corridor and down steep steps. After what seemed like years of walking, they reached the kitchens. The house elves were surprised to see them, especially looking the way they did, but were anxious

to fetch them whatever it was that they wanted. After they had been handed their food, Hermione made the food float alongside them. Suddenly the kitchen door burst open and Snape strode in. "We are out of bacon«.AAAARGH!" Snape screamed in shock and alarm, whipping out his wandafter seconds of fumbling for it. "AAAARGH!" The three girls screamed, huddling together in shock and surprise. They didn't expectSnape of all people to come strolling into the kitchens! He was supposed to be munching hisbreakfast like everyone else! "AAAARGH!" Snape screamed again brandishing his wand, which was shaking, a lot. 

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"AAAARGH!" the girls screamed in response, then promptly legged it out of the door they hadcome through, leaving a very shaken Snape behind them.They ran all the way back to the Gryffindor Common room, the food they had gotten flew alongbehind them. Making it safely into the Gryffindor common room and spelling the secret door so that it locked anddisappeared, they dashed back up to the dorm room where they stood gasping for breath. Then they promptly started laughing. "Did you see his face?" Lavender laughed.

 The other two nodded in response through their own laughter. Ginny appeared from the bathroom. "What are you all laughing at?" she asked, running a combthrough her wet hair. Hermione told Ginny what had happened and Ginny laughed too."Oh I wish I'd been there! Snape's face sounds funny!" "It was hysterical!" Lavender shrieked in laughter. "He was going to hex us! But he was shaking sobad he couldn't get a good aim!""So we legged it while we had the chance!" Parvati laughed. They laughed some more and finally they settled down to eat what they had brought from thekitchens. They munched and selected their make-up from Lavender's huge bag and then Lavender broughtout the Hair products. "Check this out!" She said happily, dumping another big bagful of stuff onto her bed. The girls gathered around and looked at the products.

"I haven't a clue what this stuff is!" Hermione said holding a bottle of "Mrs Locksley's dream serum"up and eyeing it suspiciously. "Don't worry about that, Hermione, I know what your hair needs." Lavender said reassuringly thenshe sighed. "We are going to look so hot tonight! Just wait! Malfoy is going to be falling all over himself when he sees you Hermione!" Hermione blushed. "I doubt it." She said quietly. "Lucas will too! He's going to be keeping a firm hold on you tonight!" Ginny said. Hermione blanched. "Yes«I guess." "Well, lets get to it girls!" Lavender said happily. "Ginny, we'll do your make-up first then your hair.Once you are done, you can help do Parvati, then me, then Hermione." The girls set to work on Ginny. 2 hours later, Ginny was done, and she looked radiant with her shoulder length red hair tumblingaround her shoulders in soft glossy curls. "There's no way Harry won't notice you!" Hermione whispered to her secretly. Ginny blushed and smiled happ ily. Next was Parvati, and again, two hours later, she was done, looking very pretty. Lavender took just under two hours, but she looked lovely at the end of it. There was three hours before the ball was due to start and it was Hermione's turn to sit nervouslyin the make-up chair and have her hair and make-up done. She wasn't too worried after seeinghow well the other's had turned out. Lavender and Parvati worked feverishly on Hermione. Lavender took charge of the make-up whileParvati did her hair. "use this on her hair to give it some gloss. It's got natural curl, so we want to emphasise that. She'sgoing to look fabulous!" Lavender said excitedly. Within the standard two hours, Hermione was ready to put on her ballgown. This was the part shewas really nervous about, because she had spent two days searching for it. She and her mother had bought it in Muggle London and she hoped that it would be well received, after all it was rather different than the others that she had seen. But she like to be individual. Lavender wiped away a tear away as she looked at her masterpiece.

 "Hermione you look absolutely beautiful! You are going blow Malfoy's socks off!" she sniffed. Hermione blushed. "Thanks Lav. I don't know how I would have looked this good without you!" "Gosh! Look at the time! We need to get our dresses on!" Ginny squeaked, pointing at the ancientclock on the wall that told it was 6:20pm. The ball would be starting at 7pm! There was a mad dash for wardrobes and sighs and squeals of excitement as the girls pulled outtheir dresses. A/N: Wanna see the dresses? Go to my livejournal, my name there is Scotlandsgirl. I have postedthe pics of the ballgowns in there. Lavender pulled out a strapless, lilac coloured dress that had sparkles sprinkled on it. The bottomhad chiffon layers of pink and turqoise and flowed around the ankles.

"Wow." Her fellow girls cooed. "I know!" Lavender said grinning. "Isn't it great?" and she disappeared into the bathroom to changeinto her dress. She emerged looking stunning with her hair in curls, piled on top of her head and her make-upmatching the colour of her dress. "Wow Lav! You look wonderful!" Her friends breathed in wonder. Parvati pulled her dress out of her wardrobe and grinned. "What do you think?" she asked the

other three. "It's beautiful!" came the chorus. Parvati had chosen a yellow spaghetti strap, ankle length gown, with sparkles that displayed anintricate design on the dress. It matched her gold toned make-up and ebony hair and tanned skin. She disappeared into the bathroom and emerged looking very lovely indeed. Squeals of approval met her. Ginny went next, also taking a yellow gown out of the wardrobe, but this one was more of a palelemon shade than Parvati's and had a full ball gown skirt. It was strapless and had black beadingcreating patterns over the bodice and skirt. "Wow Ginny!" Lavender said, grinning."Birthday present from Dad." Ginny said, grinning back as she ran into the bathroom with her dress. She emerged a few minutes later looking as beautiful as the other two had. They all turned to Hermione expectantly. Hermione stood chewing her lip worriedly.

 "What's the matter Hermione?" Lavender asked. "Is your hair coming down?" "No, it's not my hair, my hair is wonderful. It just«.my dress." Hermione said uncertainly, castingher wardrobe a dubious glance. "What about it?" Ginny asked worriedly. "Well it's«not like any of yours." Hermione said carefully, observing that her friend's dresses werenice and modern. "Go on«" Lavender prompted interestedly. "I really shouldn't have bought it. I was in a daring and somewhat romantic mood that day«"Hermione fretted. "Now I'm going to look ridiculous!" "Well we'll tell you what we think when You've shown it to us!" Lavender insisted. "We can fix it if it's not suitable!" "well«alright, but don't laugh!" Hermione finally agreed and went to her wardrobe. "Can you guys close your eyes for a moment while I run and put it on?" Hermione asked. "Sure!" the three girls chirruped and covered their eyes. Hermione whipped her dress out and shot into the bathroom. A few minutes later, she emerged very nervously indeed. Three jaws dropped to the floor. "Oh«my«.God!" Lavender said. "Wowee!" Ginny said. "Hermione!" Parvati said in a faint whisper. "Well? Tell me!" Hermione said fretful ly. "It's«.it's BEAUTIFUL!" Lavender squealed, rushing forward and fingering the dress. "Wow and itfeels fabulous!" Hermione's dress was very different, but it was stunning. It was made from deep red crushed velvetwith an 18th century style corset, and Elizabethan style skirt, Gold laces tied up at the back andgold ivy trimmed the sleeves. It had a medieval style to it too.

 "You don't think it's a little too much?" Hermione asked, surprised. "Yeah, but that's the point of a ball isn't it? To out do all the other gowns? Hermione you will be thecenter of attention in this thing!" Ginny gushed. "We have to put some gold ribbons in your hair now to match the dress!" Lavender fussedconjuring some thin gold ribbon and weaving it in and around Hermione's curls. "I have a tiara too." Hermione pointed out shyly. She fetched it and Lavender sat it on her head. "There," said lavender happily. "Perfect!" "Oooh, we are going to be late!" Ginny screeched picking up her skirts and heading for the door.

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 "WAIT!" Lavender shouted. "We forgot perfume!"Everyone reached for their own perfume and spritzed some on. Hermione inhaled her favorite scent of roses as she spritzed hers on. Then they were finally ready to go to the ball. The girls picked up their skirts and left the dormroom. Ch 13Chapter 13

 Malfoy stood in front of the mirror with a pile of his numerous dress robes on his bed behind him,holding each one in turn to see which one looked best. When he'd asked his mother to send somedress robes for him to choose from, he didn't expect her to send all 53 of them! Scowling in frustration, he threw a royal purple dress robe aside and grabbed a black one and heldit up. "None of the dress robes in the world will look good on you if you continue to scowl like that! Merlinhelp you if the wind changes!" The mirror said wisely. "Oh shut up! What do you know? You don't go to balls or anything of the sort!" Malfoy snapped atit. The mirror sniffed, sounding on the verge of tears. "Well you don't have to put it that way! I'm wellaware that I'm an inanimate object thank you very much!" "Oh for Merlin's sake! Make yourself useful then and help me pick some robes!" Malfoy growled. "Fine, how about red?" The mirror asked. "I don't own any red robes!" Malfoy pointed out

 "Then how about blue?" The mirror suggested. "Ravenclaw colours!" Malfoy sniffed indignantly. "And for that very reason, I don't own blue robeseither!" The mirror gave a sigh and continued longsufferingly. "Then what about green? Surely you likegreen!" "Now Green we can work with!" Malfoy said nodding and gathering all 30 of his green dress robes,each a different shade and style. "Okay, here are all the green ones." Malfoy told his mirror, laying all the robes out in front of it andpicking one up. "Too horrible a shade of green, did someone barf on it?" the mirror remarked. "No! My mother chose them for me for my father's birthday ball." Malfoy informed the mirror,throwing that robe aside and picking up another. "Nice frills! What's the story on that one?" The mirror demanded indignantly. Malfoy looked at it, and then threw it from him in disgust. "That one was from Pansy Parkinson as agift." He explained. "Burn it. It's not fit to even show a mirror." The mirror said. "Done." Malfoy agreed. "How about this one, I rather like it." It was a set of black trousers, white peasant style shirt and a long velvet forest green cloak to goover it. This cloak came with a solid silver brooch with a large emerald in its center. "Keep a hold of that one dear, we'll come back to it." The mirror said. Malfoy put it on his bed. They went through the rest of the robes fairly fast, the mirror vetoed all but a tuxedo style one. Theonly problem with them was the black cloak, which the mirror didn't like too much. "How about we mix and match?" The mirror said thoughtfully. "Worth a shot I suppose." Malfoy said shrugging and held up the peasant style shirt dress robes. "Ilike these, and the shirt's nice and cool. I get really hot with all the dancing." "Yes, but on the other hand, don't you think it is rather too casual for a ball?" the Mirror countered.

 "I don't think so. Do you think I should wear the really dressy ones?" Malfoy asked. "Yes«and no." the mirror said. "You've lost me." Malfoy said. "Take the dressy one, and see how it goes with the green cloak." Malfoy tried this, but didn't look too sure. "It's nice, but I like the other shirt." "Then wear that then!" The mirror replied. "Okay, done." Malfoy said, satisfied, "Thanks for your help.""No problem, it's what I'm here for." The mirror replied. 

"I'm going to get ready now." Malfoy announced and grabbed his wand. "Accio hair gel, cologneand comb!" he said fir mly. As he requested these items flew out of their places and landed on his bed. "Some music I think." Malfoy added, flicking his wand again. The catchy song "Shake, shakeSenora" started playing, and Malfoy danced along shirtless as he preformed a cleaning spell onhimself. Still dancing and singing along, he put some sleekeasy in his hair and combed it back intohis trademark Malfoy style and then applied the cologne. He dressed, with difficulty as he insisted on continuing his dancing.

 The mirror didn't have the heart to tell him that the song he was dancing to was actually a mugglesong, from a muggle movie "beetlejuice" none-the-less, so it let him continue. By the time the song had ended, he was dressed and almost ready to go. "How do I look?" he asked his mirror, smirking. "Like«a prince." His mirror sighed. "Good. See how that Goldwater like's this!" Malfoy spat, his eyes glinting malevolently. "Granger isnot going to leave this ball with him." "Ooh, competition for a young maids heart? Tell me more!" the mirror cooed. "Sorry, I don't have time, I'll tell you all about it when I get back." Malfoy said, grabbing his wandand heading for the door. "Good luck." The mirror called. A/N : I couldn't find any pics to match Malfoy's look exactly, but this comes close enough you justhave to picture it with a green cloak: http/ dashed out of his room and flew out of the Slytherin

Common room. He hadn't asked anyone to go with him, so Pansy stood pouting as she held thearm of Blaise Zambini. "Draco, why are you in such a rush?" Blaise called. "I don't like being late." Malfoy snapped as he ran out of the portrait hole. He ran along the corridor and ran into Professor Snape, who had surprisingly made some sort of effort for the ball. He wore black of course, but his shirt was also peasant style, and he wore a tunicover it along with a long black cape that reached his ankles. He had washed his hair and it wascombed back similar to Lucius Malfoy's. Malfoy sniffed the air around his Professor. "You are wearing cologne?" Malfoy said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm impressed." "Thank you Draco." Snape said sarcastically "Move along now, We must get there before they do." Malfoy didn't need to ask whom he was referring to, he knew all too well. As all of this was happening, Hermione was in the common room with Harry, Ron and Ginny andeveryone else. Ron's jaw dropped in awe and amazement when Hermione made her appearance. "Mione? Is thatyou?" "You look stunning Mione!" Harry said truthfully. Hermione blushed and blushed again at all the compliments she was not used to receiving. Shethanked each person and then suggested that they make their way down. Everyone paired up with whom they were going to the Ball with. Lavender took Ron's arm and waspleased to note that he had some nice dress robes this year, thanks to Harry. Harry looked very dashing in a black tuxedo style suit and wore a black cloak over it and offeredhis arm to Parvati who smiled and took it heartily. Those who were going with other's from different houses were meeting up with their dates in theentrance hall. Hermione walked along with Harry and Ron, Lavender and Parvati. They chatted happily on the journey to the Entrance hall, but Hermione was silent. She wasdreading it really. Lucas would be there obviously, and who knew what would happen at the ball or even worse, afterwards? She tried to comfort herself with the knowledge that Dumbledore and Snape were on the case. She

only hoped they would figure it out and save her before something serious happened. Then there was Malfoy. Only Parvati knew about the situation with him. She didn't want to behorrible to him, not tonight. They had reached the entrance hall and Hermione's heart lurched. Standing there at the bottom of the staircase, stood Lucas. He looked incredibly good in renaissance style robes of royal blue andhe held out his hand to her. Instantly, she felt the pull towards him and inwardly groaned as she felt her feet carry her to him. 'Stupid feet.' She thought bitterly. She took his arm and stared up at him. 

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"I thought you couldn't get any more stunning than you already were!" Lucas whispered in her ear seductively. "Tonight will be the night, Hermione. You will be mine." Hermione inwardly shuddered, then a jolt of fear and apprehension shot through her. What exactlydid he mean by that? Just then, Malfoy and Snape arrived, slightly out of breath from their rush. Malfoy stared at Hermione for a moment, quite speechless. Snape was just as speechless, but didn't let that on. Instead he gave Lucas another "I'm onto you"

look and swept into the Great hall. Malfoy sneered at him and brushed past Hermione and Lucas,taking great care to brush his hand against Hermione's making her jolt in surprise. She stared after him as he went into the Great hall after Snape. "He doesn't have a date." She said softly, to herself. "No, and I'm not surprised." Lucas snorted. "Who would want to be on that arrogant git's arm?" "I would." Hermione thought silently "it would be better than being on yours." Lucas led her into the Great hall which was decorated with Gold this year. Gold was the theme apparently for there was gold plates and goblets, gold cutlery, and the wallswere dripping with Gold wall curtains. "It's beautiful!" Hermione gasped as they walked to sit at their table. Harry and Ron along with Lavender and Parvati joined them. As the students settled at their tables, Dumbledore took to the podium and began his speech.He wore robes of rich red and gold, looking very jovial indeed.

 "Welcome to the Yule ball my dears, I trust you like the décor? Courtesy of Professor Flitwick!"Everyone clapped and Professor flitwick bowed. A rather indignant "Ahem" was heard from Professor Snape and Dumbledore chuckled "Oh yes, Imust also give credit to Professor Snape for selecting this evening's dance music." "Ahem" said Snape again, giving Dumbledore a promting look. "But I must tell you that he only picked the classical dancing music, not the modern." Dumbledoreadded hastily, looking at Snape to see if he was finally satisfied. There was applause for Snape before Dumbledore continued. "As always, dinner will be served, then the dancing will follow. This year, we Professors will bejoining you so eat drink and be merry!" Dumbledore elaborated and then he sat down to his meal. An orchestra started up and serenaded them as they ate. "Must they be positioned right beside our table?" Snape complained, trying to ignore the whiningtone of a violin that was right next to his ear. "Indeed my dear Severus, you picked this music!" Dumbledore replied "And after all, they say thatMusic soothes the savage beast!" "In spite of what everyone might think, I am not a savage beast, if it's all the same to you!" Snaperemarked, fighting the urge to take the violin and stuff it up it's player's«.well you get the point. "Oh do lighten up Severus!" Professor McGonnagal chided, handing a goblet of wine to him. He took it grudgingly and took to scowling at all the students instead. Meanwhile, Malfoy was watching Lucas and Hermione with hawk-like eyes throughout the wholemeal, watching Lucas's every move to make sure he wasn't slipping Hermione any potions. Ron apparently had taken it upon himself to learn some good table manners before the ball. Hewas eating like a normal human being as opposed to a Neanderthal. As the meal came to a close, the tables moved themselves off to the side, clearing room for thedancefloor. "Let's dance!" Parvati said excitedly as she dragged Ron up to the dancefloor. Harry and Lavender got up too and took to the dancefloor. 

"Come Hermione!" Lucas said standing and offering her his hand. She took it and let him lead her to the dance floor. The orchestra struck up a waltz and everyone moved as one it seemed. Malfoy had been grabbed by Pansy, much to Blaise's annoyance, but Malfoy saw this as more of an opportunity to get near Granger. He waltzed his way over to Hermione and Lucas and locked eyes with Hermione whenever hecould. "Stop staring at her!" Pansy hissed angrily. "Shut up, I'm on a mission!" Malfoy hissed back. 

"You like her don't you?" Pansy demanded in disgust."Don't be stupid, how could I like her?" Malfoy shot back, not taking his eyes off of Hermione. "Look at the way you are looking at her! You are practically drooling, it's disgusting!" Pansy saidbluntly. "For the last time Pansy, shut up!" Malfoy growled waltzing her around so that he was back to backwith Lucas. "You are going down." He hissed at Lucas. 

"We'll see about that." Lucas hissed back. "Back off." "Just you wait." Malfoy said malevolently, his eyes glinting in the light. Pansy seemed surprised for a moment. "So it's not about Granger«you have issues with LucasGoldwater?" "Yeah, something like that." Malfoy said distractedly. "Oh, well in that case, feel free." Pansy said happily. She loved to watch Draco in competition. The waltz ended and Lucas led Hermione into the next dance. Malfoy hurriedly shoved Pansy back at Blaise and hurried over to Snape, who was standing by thewayside watching everyone. "Look at him, the smarmy git!" Malfoy spat as he watched Lucas waltz Hermione around inSweeping moves. "Indeed." Snape muttered. "I don't like him at all, but you must admit, the boy can dance." "So, do we have a plan?" Malfoy queried, ignoring Snape's last comment.

 "Possibly. We just have to try and separate them, and once they are, keep them separated." Snapesaid thoughtfully. "Should we enlist the services of Potter and Weasley?" Malfoy asked. "I think so, yes. At least to begin with. In fact, they can get her from him, then you can take over from there. Keep her dancing." Snape replied. "Okay, how do we get Potter or Weasley to dance with her?" Malfoy asked, watching Harry andLavender waltz past, followed by Ron and Parvati. "Watch and learn." Snape said, before stepping onto the dancefloor and cutting in on Harry withLavender. Harry seemed shocked at first and Lavender looked positively mortified, but she didn't have muchchoice but to dance with Snape.Snape waltzed Lavender around Harry. "Miss Granger." He prompted at the dumbfounded Harry. "She could do with a change of partner Ithink." Harry nodded and went over to Hermione. He tapped Lucas on the shoulder. "Mind If I cut in?" Harry asked politely.Lucas looked hesitant but decided Harry was no threat and handed Hermione over to him. Hermione felt she would faint with relief. "Hi Harry." She said comfortably. "You doing alright Mione?" Harry asked, concerned. "Yes." She said automatically. "Why do you ask?" "Well, Snape just cut in on Lavender and me and said you would like a change of partner." Harryelaborated. Hermione looked over at Snape and the mortified Lavender who was mouthing death threats atHarry, and felt a bit safer. Snape was watching. "How odd." Hermione commented. "Yeah, it was." Harry agreed. 

Just then, Harry felt a tap on his shoulder and turned his head to see Malfoy standing smirking athim. "Mind if I cut in Potter?" He asked. Harry stared in disbelief. "Are you serious?" "Of course I am!" Malfoy snapped impatiently, glancing around to see where Lucas was. Harry looked at Hermione. "Is he serious?" Hermione looked just as shocked as Harry. "I think he is." "Come on Potter, I haven't got all night!" Malfoy said impatiently. "Fine, but if you try to humiliate Mione, I swear I'll-"

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 "Yeah, yeah, you'll hex me, cut me up into tiny pieces and feed me to the giant squid, I get it."Malfoy said waving Harry's threat away and taking Hermione into his arms. "Thanks Potter, you're a trooper!" He remarked before sweeping Hermione off just as Snapedelivered Lavender back to Harry. "Don't ever let him cut in again!" Lavender hissed, her face still burning with embarrassment. "If youever do that again, I'll hex you into a million pieces and feed you to the Giant squid!" "Sorry." Was all Harry could say.

 "Alright there Granger?" Malfoy said conversationally as he swept her around the dance floor." "Fine, I guess. And you?" Hermione replied politely. "Just fine for now." He answered. "Listen up Granger, and listen carefully." He said leaning in close to her ear so he could speakwithout anyone else overhearing him. "I know what's happening with you and Goldwater, and I'm going to help you.""Why would you do that? I thought you hated me!" Hermione said reproachfully before she couldstop herself. "That's another story Granger, and I'll answer that question soon enough, but for now, let's just getyou out of this mess you are in." Malfoy reminded her. Hermione let herself be waltzed around the dancefloor by Malfoy until the next Waltz. "Merlin! Has Snape chosen anything but Waltzes?" Hermione said irritably. Malfoy shrugged "He likes waltzes I suppose. Another dance?"

 "Well alright." Hermione agreed, scanning the crowd for Lucas, who was to be found at the side of the dancefloor with Snape, with a face like thunder. They waltzed the first round, then Malfoy decided it was time to make things a little moreinteresting. "Time to take the floor." He commented jovially. "What?" Hermione asked flatly. She gasped as Malfoy waltzed them around in bigger circles, and with more Grace and agility. People had to give them room and moved aside for them. Soon though, they had given them alarge circle of their own and stood watching them, impressed. Hermione blushed as she realized they were the center of attention now."Malfoy, what are you doing?" she whispered. "Dancing." Malfoy replied, smirking at her. All Hermione could do was go along with him and hope that the ground would open up and swallowher. And three minutes later, the earth had betrayed her«.it had not opened up and swallowed her.She was still dancing with Malfoy to the same waltz, being watched by the whole freakin' school! Hermione was beginning to feel tired. Her legs were threatening not to hold her up anymore, butthe thought of falling flat on her face in front of the whole freakin' school saw her through to the endof the waltz. There was tremendous applause from their fellow students as Hermione managed to escape fromMalfoy and staggered over to Harry and Ron. "I think I'm going to pass out." She gasped as the room spun around her and she grabbed hold of Harry and Ron to steady herself. Lucas was heading in her direction, but so was Snape, and Malfoy, and all from different directionstoo. Harry and Ron looked around at the three of them in bewilderment as they held Hermione up. "I get the feeling you are in demand Hermione!" Harry said nervously as the two slytherins and loneravenclaw approached, all looking determined. 

"What is going on Mione?" Ron asked urgently."Don't know what you are talking about." Hermione said faintly, trying to make the room stopspinning. "It's obvious something is going on." Harry said insistently. "Mione, what is happening?" Before she could answer, the three arrived. "Hermione, Darling, come away." Lucas said reaching for her. Malfoy slapped his hand away. "Back off Goldwater, she's knackered!" "Stand aside, this girl needs potion!" Snape said firmly, pushing Goldwater aside and grabbingHermione by her upper arm. "Hey!" Ron said indignantly as Snape snatched Hermione from him and Harry.

 "Would you rather I leave her to faint?" Snape challenged. "No." came the unified response."Then be quiet." Snape snapped, reaching into his robes and pulling out two vials of potion. "What are you giving her?" Lucas demanded suspiciously. "What's the matter Goldwater? Scared?" Malfoy sneered. "Of course not, I am just concerned about my Hermione!" Lucas replied quickly.

 Snape poured one of the vials into the other and shook the vial then held the potion out toHermione. "Miss Granger, drink this, it will give you the energy you are very much going to need tocontinue with the rest of the ball." Hermione took the potion gratefully "Thank you Professor." She drank it in one go, wincing at thebitter taste. Instantly, she felt rejuvenated and full of energy again and something she didn't expect. Freedom.Her mind was her own! "I have to learn how to make that stuff!" She declared to her Potions professor. "Wait until February." Snape remarked. "Ready to go again Granger?" Malfoy asked smirking. "No, she is not dancing with you again!" Lucas snapped. "I don't think that is your decision Goldwater." Malfoy said in a dangerous voice. "I think you need a lesson in how to respect your superiors." Lucas said in an equally dangerous

voice, stepping closer to Malfoy menacingly. Through all of this, Harry, Ron and Hermione were watching the two boys like they were watchinga tennis match. They were more surprised that Snape hadn't stepped in and deducted numerousRavenclaw house points, instead he just seemed to be standing there glaring at Lucas. "You are below me Goldwater, in every sense of the term." Malfoy said silkily. "He's been around Snape too much!" Ron whispered to Harry, who nodded in response. "Come Hermione, let us leave these idiots!" Lucas said. "Umm, I don't feel like it right now, why don't we just rest for a while." Hermione said. Lucas looked surprised for a moment, and glanced around at Snape suspiciously. Snape smirked smugly at him and held up the empty vial that Hermione had drunk from. "Very well, Hermione, we can sit awhile." Lucas said carefully, sitting down next to her. "Malfoy stared at Snape, who smirked at him and winked. "Professor, could I have a moment?" he asked his Professor. "Certainly." Snape said, and the two sauntered off to a quiet corner to talk. "You gave her something along with that potion didn't you?" Malfoy said. "Indeed I did. How very observant of you Draco!" Snape replied. "I did some research and found apotion that will allow her to fight whatever effects that Goldwater has on her." "You Genius!" Malfoy gasped punching Snape on the arm in congratulation. "I know, I know." Snape said jovially. "We had better let Potter and Weasley in on the deal if they are going to help out with this." Malfoysaid seriously. "Yes. Well, I'll leave you to it then shall I? I have a firewhisky that is calling my name." Snapeanswered and swept away leaving Malfoy to deal with the situation of telling Potter on his own. Malfoy swaggered back over to Harry and Ron, who were watching Hermione to see if she wouldgive any clues as to what was apparently going on! "Potter!" Malfoy hissed, pretending to look as though he was just standing watching the dancing.

"Potter!" "What?" Harry hissed back in annoyance. "There's something you should know." Malfoy whispered. Harry scowled in confusion. "Why are you even talking to me Malfoy?" "Can you just be civil for one moment? This involves Granger!" Malfoy hissed, sneering. "Hermione?" Ron whispered, edging closer to Malfoy. "What do you know about Hermione?" "A lot. And I'll tell you if you'll be so kind as to join me at the refreshment table." Malfoy said airlily. "Why should we trust you?" Harry demanded in a low voice. 

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The three boys glanced over at Hermione, who appeared on edge as Lucas kissed her hand. "Because I am all you have in terms of helping Granger right now. You want to know what is goingon with her, and I have the answers to your questions." Malfoy answered, glaring at Lucas. "Why are you even involved? What's your motivation for helping her?" Harry asked suspiciously. Malfoy's head snapped back around and he stared intensly at Harry, making the boy who liveduneasy. "You'll find out sooner or later, but It's not important." Malfoy finally answered. "All will reveal itself 

in time and blah blah blah." He added nonchalantly. Ron and Harry each quirked an eyebrow. "I'll be over by the refreshment table if you want to hear what I have to say. If not, well you can justkiss Granger goodbye." Malfoy said mysteriously and turning from them. "Are you threatening her Malfoy?" Harry asked darkly. Malfoy turned back around and stalked back to where Harry stood and promptly flicked him on theforehead. Ron made a noise of disbelief. "I'm not a threat to her you dolt!" Malfoy said indignantly, flicking Harry's head again on the lastword "Goldwater is!" "Did you just flick me?" Harry asked in disbelief. "It was either that or a smack in the mouth for getting the wrong end of the proverbial stick, which inturn would have resulted in you smacking me back and we would have ended up rolling around infisticuffs making a right spectacle of ourselves." Malfoy answered "Take your pick Potter."

 Harry nodded. "Good choice." "Indeed." Malfoy replied and walked away to stand mysteriously by the refreshment table. "I dunno mate, it's Malfoy! What if he's lying and just trying to harass us again?" Ron saidsuspiciously, glancing over at Malfoy, who was pouring himself a glass of firewhisky. "True, but on the other hand, he has been hanging around Mione a lot, and he was there withSnape when he asked us about Lucas and Mione. I think he does know something." Harry said. "Right, well then, what's our answer?" Ron asked. "Let's go. I mean, if he is lying, then it won't be long until we find out and we can just do him in.nobody will really notice he's gone." Harry said logically. Ron nodded and scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, okay, lets do that." With their minds made up they made their way over to Malfoy, pretending to look like they weregenuinely getting refreshments. "So, decided to help your friend have you?" Malfoy muttered, feigning to drink from his glass. "Yeah s'right." Ron replied around a mouthful of cake. "So start singing Malfoy!" Harry said. Malfoy raised an eyebrow in surprise, but cleared his throat, opened his mouth and took a deepbreath« "No!" Harry said quickly, "I didn't mean that you must really sing!" "Then why did you tell me to start singing?" Malfoy demanded, miffed. "It's a muggle term, they use it in old movies. It means start telling us the juicy gossip or what youknow." Harry explained. "How dare you use Muggle terms on me!" Malfoy sniffed, getting more than miffed. "Shh! Calm down, you're drawing attention!" Ron said, eyeing Pansy Parkinson who was staring atMalfoy. Malfoy grunted and turned his back to Pansy, and cutting a slice of cake for himself. "Stupid muggles and their stupid terms." He muttered as he dumped the cake unceremoniously on

a plate. "Get on with it Malfoy, if we stand around here any longer, people will start to think we are actuallytalking." Harry said impatiently. "Okay, here goes, listen very closely, I shall say this only once." Malfoy said in a low voice. Harry and Ron leaned in closer. "Goldwater is controlling Granger. Granger doesn't like this, she thinks is scary, in essence she's aprisoner in her own mind whenever Goldwater is around. I don't know exactly what Goldwater'splan is, or why he has chosen Granger, but I do know that whatever he is planning has to stopnow. Professor Snape suspects some sort of potion or another, but Granger doesn't recall takingone, or her pumpkin juice tasting any different, so the logical explanation is that he has somehowgotten it into her by some other means. Now, here's the deal, we have to keep them apart, it wouldseem that as long as she is not in his immediate presence, she can think for herself«mostly.

Professor Snape gave her two potions, but only appeared to give her one, pepper-up potion. Theother potion he had mixed with it was a potion that would significantly weaken the effects of whatever potion Goldwater is giving Granger. Currently, we are trying to work hard on keepingthem apart. We need your help with this, seeing as you are her best friends and it wouldn't appear weird or unusual to Goldwater. With me so far?" Malfoy elaborated. Ron blinked stupidly but Harry seemed to be following. "Okay«.with you so far, but I still don't see why you are trying to help Hermione." Harry saidfrowning. 

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Why are you obsessing over that particular thing Potter? Isn't it moreimportant to get Goldwater the hell away from Granger so that he can't unhatch whatever evilscheme he has up the evil sleeves of his hideously evil blue robes?" "Well I suppose«" Harry said thoughtfully. "Ugh, Chimps! I am working with Chimps!" Malfoy declared. "Okay, we're in." Ron decided. "Great. Now, our mission is to keep Granger from dancing with Goldwater. Keep cutting in, keepher dancing." "But she got exhausted last time! We don't want her passing out on us!" Harry pointed out."Snape has a bunch of pepper-up potion on hand." Malfoy said waving away Harry's concern. "But if she is constantly dancing, how is he supposed to give it to her?" Ron asked, frowing. Malfoy and Harry gave Ron a "think about it" look. Ron suddenly winced. "Oh, I see. Poor Mione!" 

"Anyway, are we all clear on our mission?" Malfoy asked. Harry and Ron nodded. "Good." Malfoy said satisfied. "Wait, who dances with her first? Shouldn't we set up some sort of rota?" Ron asked. "Potter, smack him before I do." Malfoy said, rubbing the bridge of his nose in aggrivation. Harry gave Ron a smack on the back of the head. "OW! What was that for?" Ron yelped."You ask the stupidest questions Weasley!" Malfoy declared. "If she isn't dancing with one of us,then it's your turn! And as for your first question, I shall dance with her first. I want you to seeGoldwater's reaction to prove that I'm telling the truth." And with that said, Malfoy headed for the table where Hermione and Goldwater were. "Care to dance Granger?" Malfoy asked, offering his hand. "No, she wouldn't." Lucas answered before Hermione could even draw breath to answer. "I didn't ask you, idiot. I asked Granger!" Malfoy spat. "I said No!" Lucas said forcefully, standing and getting in Malfoy's face. Malfoy sneered at him and looked at Hermione who was looking conflicted. "Granger, what would YOU like to do?" Malfoy asked her politely. "«well I«oh help!" Hermione mumbled, wringing her hands. "Mione!" Harry said cheerfully, cutting in between Malfoy and Hermione. "Lets dance, I like thiserm«well it's another Waltz isn't it?" Harry grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her to her feet and led her to the dance floor. "Potter, I just asked Granger to dance with me." Malfoy politely informed Harry. Of course he knewthat Harry had come over to assist in getting Hermione away from Goldwater. "Oh, well sorry. I didn't know." Harry answered handing Hermione's hand to Malfoy. "Dibs on thenext dance though!" He added, winking at Hermione. Hermione felt a flutter of even more relief. Harry knew!

 She felt free and elated as Malfoy waltzed her around the floor again. "Thank you." She told him gratefully. "For what you are doing I mean." Malfoy snorted. "Yes well, I can't just stand by while some Bulgarian idiot comes in and takes over a fellow student's mind. Can't think that's ever good. If there's going to be any mind control, it'sgoing to come from an insider." He sniffed "and a Slytherin to boot!" "So if it was a fellow Slytherin who was controlling my mind, you wouldn't care?" Hermionequestioned, feeling offended. "Yes, something like that. Moreover, I'd probably have something to do with it!" Malfoy answered,laughing. "It's not funny!" Hermione cried angrily. "I thought you actually cared about me!"

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 Malfoy had put his foot in it and he knew it. He looked anxiously around and met Harry's eyes,casting him a meaningful look. Harry swept Lavender across the floor and he and Malfoy exchanged places. "Harry!" Hermione said happily. Lavender looked positively ecstatic to be dancing suddenly with Malfoy. 'More changes like this and less like the last change!' she thought happily.

 "Hello Malfoy." She breathed, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "Er..yes, hello Brown." Malfoy said in weak response. "Doing alright Mione?" Harry asked as he turned Hermione around under his arm."Fine thanks." She answered mechanically. "No you aren't." Harry said flatly. "I know what's going on." "I figured you did." Hermione said. "You seemed to be angry at Malfoy. Did he insult you again?" Harry asked. "No, he just let me down." Hermione answered without thinking. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she smacked a hand over it and turned, running away from Harry in horror. Had shejust admitted out loud that she had been disappointed that Malfoy didn't actually care about her? Harry ran after her. "Hermione! "I need some air!" she called back to him over her shoulder. 

She had almost reached the door when she collided with something hard that had just stepped infront of her. "Professor!" She cried in despair as she beheld Snape. "Potion Miss Granger?" he asked quietly. "No, I just need some air!" She gasped, feeling hot. She couldn't breathe and the walls felt like theywere closing in around her. She needed to run, and keep running and never look back. Too manypeople were involved in her rescue! It was so confusing! "Please Professor!" She cried desperately, getting hysterical. "Calm yourself Miss Granger." Snape said softly. "Come with me." Reluctantly, she followed Snape out of the Great hall and out into the fresh crisp evening air. "How are you holding up?" Snape asked her as she gulped in the air, pacing around in front of theCastle steps. "Not very well!" She said near to tears. "I have a boy who is for some mysterious reason,controlling my mind and emotions, I have three other boys trying, it would seem, to keep medancing constantly, and I have you slipping me potions, keeping me going and making me suffer through this accursed ball!" she fairly screamed at him. Snape eyed her with curiosity and calculation. "Mr Malfoy said something didn't he?" Hermione's head snapped up and she stared at him. "What?" "Mr Malfoy said something that upset you." Snape elaborated. Hermione looked away, the memory coming to mind, along with some tears. "I think I'm right." Snape said. He got a sniffle in response. "He's such a«.a BOY!" She cried angrily. "What has he done that has confused you? I thought was being very clear!" Snape said "Clear?" Hermione whispered "CLEAR?" she then bellowed. "He was anything but clear! Oneminute he's trying to kiss me, the next he's insulting me! What is wrong with him!" She cried,kicking a clump of grass, and unintentionally sending it flying at Snape. 

"Miss Granger, I hardly think getting hysterical over the matter is going to help." Snape pointed out,lazily tilting his head as the clump of grass flew at him and hit the wall behind him. "Besides, you like Goldwater don't you?" Snape asked icily. This earned him a cold glare, which he returned with interest. "Come now, Miss Granger, we both know that Mr Malfoy has a certain«interest in you of late." "Yes well he doesn't seem to now." Hermione snapped. "I see differently." Snape said wearily. "What do you see?" Hermione asked, a small tear falling from her right eye. 

"I see him wanting to protect you from harm, I see him staring at you, following you, slowlybecoming besotted with you." Snape elaborated. "And let me tell you, for a Malfoy, that is unusual.Malfoy's don't become besotted with anyone, unless they really mean it. Such was the case of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's parents." Hermione's interest was sparked. She wiped her tear impatiently away and stepped closer toSnape. "Tell me more." She said sniffling. "Lucius became besotted with Narcissa here at Hogwarts after kissing her beneath the sameaccursed plant that makes all of our current lives a misery. Narcissa however, had no interest indear old Lucius. This only made him want her more it seemed. Gradually, Narcissa gave in and

admitted that she had also fallen in love with him, hence, when they graduated from Hogwarts,they married and had Draco a year later." Snape said shaking his head wistfully. "What took Narcissa so long to fall in love with Lucius?" Hermione asked, feeling just a little sorryfor Draco's father. Snape smirked slightly shaking his head almost in disbelief. "Narcissa had her eye on someoneelse at the time. Someone that would seem very unlikely to be able to have anyone feel for themsuch an emotion as she held for him." "Who was it?" Hermione urged. This was just like a story from a book! Snape was quiet for a moment before answering. "It was me." Hermione's jaw dropped. No way! Narcissa had been in love with Snape and Lucius had tocompete? Surely not! "You don't believe me do you?" Snape asked, smirking. "Perfectly understandable. Look at me,compared to Lucius!" "I«no I believe you. I'm just a little shocked. Did you«um..did you return Narcissa's feelings?"Hermione asked hesitantly.

 "No." Snape answered "She was not my type as it were. I told her to consider Lucius's offer. Shewas better matched to him than me. Apparantly, she listened to me and went with him. Luciusnever knew about my telling her to go to him. He still thinks that he won her heart and beat me inthe bid for it. Whatever gets him through the night I suppose." This comment made Hermione laugh. Then it suddenly occurred to her that she was having anormal conversation with Snape. She had seen a side of him that she knew that nobody else hadseen for a very long time, she saw him as a man, not just a professor. He had feelings, just likeeveryone else. "I'm sorry I got hysterical Professor." She said meekly. "I didn't mean to take it out on you." Snape seemed surprised at her sudden apology. "I understand. I'm telling you this because thesituation is similar to your own. Well, not that similar if you consider the suspicious mind controllingand possible kidnapping of you by one and former enemy suddenly turned friend for the other, butthe basic message is the same. Go with the Malfoy. He may have been rude and abrupt with you inthe past, but he's offering you a rope to pull you from the cliff from which you currently dangle." This gave Hermione a lot to think about. Malfoy was and had always been her enemy, she wantedto escape from Lucas and Malfoy seemed like the only option. If Snape was right and Malfoy hadfallen in love with her, what was she to do? Did she return his feelings? She couldn't currentlyidentify what her feelings were considering her predicament with having her mind and emotionsoverridden by Lucas. If she could just have a moment to think clearly, she would be able to figure itout. Then it hit her! The Mistletoe! When she and Malfoy had been beneath it before, Lucas didn'teven enter her mind! She could think and feel for herself! "Thanks Professor, You've helped me more than I can say!" she breathed. "I know what I have todo now!" She was so happy to finally have figured at least something out that she almost huggedhim. Snape smirked. "But for now, you have to dance awhile. Less hurry more speed." Hermione nodded and followed Snape back into the great hall, where Harry and Ron met her immediately. "I know what you guys are doing now. Thanks." She said smiling at them. "Which one of you first?" "ME!" Ron said stepping forward and spinning her onto the dancefloor. The hadn't been dancing long, when Lucas made his appearance, and tapped Ron on theshoulder. "May I cut in?" Hermione felt a pull towards Lucas. She suddenly missed him and needed him, craved him. 

"Um..well«uh." Ron stammered. He didn't know how to handle the situation. Luckily, someone was nearby and swept Hermione briskly away from Ron leaving him with Lucaswho looked furious. Malfoy smirked at her. "Hello again Granger." "Hello." She answered airily. "So I get you again do I?" "Is that a problem?" Malfoy asked, lifting her up briefly and placing her back down as the danceconducted. "No." Hermione answered. "I just wondered why you would care to dance with me if I mean so littleto you." Malfoy winced. "Let's not talk about that right now. Let's just enjoy the dance." He suggested.

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"Yes my darling Hermione, tonight you will be mine at last, without that interfering Potions pest andhis little minion!" Lucas said caressing her name on his tongue. "You mean Professor Snape and Malfoy?" Hermione said, trying to ignore the other part. Apparantly Lucas was seeking some sort of comfort from Hermione because his next question toher was surprisingly not really all that surprising. "Tell my what you really think about them!" "Malfoy is a pratt. A blonde, airheaded, pompous, arrogant Pratt!" Hermione said savagely. "He

irritates me to no end. I hate him with every fiber of my being!" Malfoy swore he felt his heart break, but being the brave and unflappable Malfoy that he was, didn'tshow it«not that anyone could see it if he did show it, it was so darn dark in this forgotten corridor!Why did Dumbledore have a thing against lighting stuff? Was he burned by a candle in a forgottencorridor sometime in his childhood? Perhaps one of his lemon drops perished by way of beingburned by a candle or torch« "Wonderful, and what of Snape?" Lucas went on. "He's just as arrogant. Of course, he knows his stuff when it comes to potions, but he's just a bigidiot really. Nothing but a bully and one wonders why the class can even bear to look at him he isso hideous, I mean, really! Would a little attention to personal appearance kill him?" Hermione was screaming at herself to stop lying from that little prison in her mind. She actuallythought quite different about both men, well, mostly anyway. Snape could use a little shampoo nowand then, but he didn't smell bad«quite pleasant most of the time. And he was intelligent too. Hemay be quite tough on them a lot, but all in all, that made him a better teacher! And Malfoy«well she just had to admit to herself that he wasn't bad on the eyes! And he did carrya certain charm with him. One couldn't help but be a little curious about what it would be like to beloved by one Draco Malfoy, those eyes«so intense and his lips«

 "Hermione, you look flushed my dear!" Lucas said softly in her ear. She had lost herself in thought again. And thinking about Malfoy in that way! Goodness what wasthe world coming to!"I apologise, my mind was wa ndering." Hermione stammered. "Well, don't let it wander too far away, it may never come back and then where would we be?"Lucas said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked in her head. "What are you plotting?" Of course, on the outside, she showed no sign of question or suspicion of Lucas, her stupid bodywouldn't allow it! Suddenly, Lucas collided with something and was promptly shoved roughly back, causing him toknock Hermione over. She landed rather hard on her bottom, but was too surprised to complain. "Get away from me you filth!" Ca me a familiar sneer. "Malfoy?" Hermione gasped. "What are you doing here?" "Yes, do tell us why you are lurking around here when you should be at the ball?" Lucas sneeredsarcastically. "I go where I want, when I want." Was Malfoy's curt reply. He stepped closer to Lucas, and lit hiswand so that their faces were illuminated, their noses were almost touching. Hermione felt a flicker of anticipation as she sat there on the floor. Was Malfoy going to hex Lucas,or was Lucas going to pulverize Malfoy? Both boys looked livid. Suddenly, Malfoy's eyes shifted to her, making her heart leap into her throat. "Alright there Granger?" he said smirking. "He- hello Malfoy." Hermione squeaked. It was all she could muster. Just being in Malfoy'spresence was wonderful. She could think for herself for starters, and she could manage to squeakcivil words at him. This was good. Yes. She would just have to stay around Malfoy for as long asLucas was persuing her. Lucas did not look pleased to have run into Malfoy in what he obviously thought was a desertedcorridor. 

"What are you doing here anyway? Have you nothing better to do?" He demanded. "Actually, no. I like to lurk in dark deserted corridors, it's my favorite pastime, and you are infringingon that! This is my deserted dark corridor, so why don't you just back off!" Malfoy spat. "Whatever. I don't have time for this, Hermione and I have to be somewhere, so if you will excuseus«" Lucas said grabbing Hermione and hauling her to her feet. "Come Hermione, your surpriseawaits." "Just a minute," Malfoy said regally, throwing an arm out to stop Lucas in his tracks. "I didn't sayyou could go." Lucas looked like he wanted to tear Malfoy in two with his bear hands. Instead, he glaredmenacingly at him. "I don't need your permission." He spat.

"Oh, but you do." Malfoy said sincerely. "you have something of mine that I want back." "Oh? And what would that be?" Lucas demanded, eyes glinting in the light from Malfoy's wand. Malfoy's hand shot out and grabbed Hermione's, with one yank, she found herself free fromLucas's grasp and standing beside Malfoy.Lucas made to grab her but Malfoy stepped in front of her. "I don't think so. Like I said, You hadsomething of mine that I wanted back. I just took it." Hermione wanted to do a victory dance right there, but thought it might be a bit inappropriate, giventhe circumstance. She actually didn't care that Malfoy had just referred to her as belonging to him

much like a school bag or the like, she was just happy to be free from Lucas's grip. "How dare you!" Lucas growled. "Give her back or I swear you will regret it." "No, I don't think I will." Malfoy said in mock thought. "You don't know who or what you are meddling in!" Lucas warned. "Yeah? Enlighten me." Malfoy said, his wand on Lucas. Lucas said nothing, but glared murderously at Malfoy. "I'll just escort Granger here back to the ball." Malfoy said silkily. "They will be wondering whereshe went." "You won't." Lucas growled and started after them. Malfoy grabbed Hermione's hand and held it tightly. "Leg it!" he hissed at her.Without hesitation, they broke into a run, tearing off down the corridor into the darkness. They could hear Lucas running after them. 

Hermione's heart was pounding, suddenly she stumbled. She had trod on her dress. Malfoy hauled her up right and pulled her along further. "Keep running, follow my lead." Hewhispered to her. Hermione nodded and kept running. Her chest was beginning to hurt. Suddenly, she was yanked to the side and found herself against a wall. Resisting the urge to scream, she froze. After a few seconds, she felt around to see where she was. There was a wall behind her obviously, to the side, another wall and in front of her, a person.Malfoy. "Where are we?" she whispered, her breath trembling. "A broom cupboard." Came his hushed reply. They could hear Lucas approaching outside the cupboard. His footsteps slowed and they stoppedat the door. Hermione's heart was pounding loud in her ears. This was so scary! "Come out come out wherever you are!" Lucas called "I know you are here somewhere. Malfoy.When I find you I'm going to kill you. I'm going to relish it. Then when you are lying in a pool of your own blood, I'm taking the girl and completing the task I have been assigned!" Malfoy and Hermione froze. "You can't hide forever." Lucas snarled. "I'll find you Hermione. And then you will get to meet him.Oh you will love it. He has need of your great mind. Your magic. Such power! You will be treatedlike a queen Hermione, your every whim will be bowed to, what more could a girl want?" Hermione began to tremble. So that was his plan. He was going to take her to Voldemort. She felt Malfoy move closer to her. His presence was comforting, in spite of the fact that it wasMalfoy. He was familiar and that's all she needed. "He won't hurt you Hermione, no, he has too great a need of you for that. You will be his queen,Hermione. He desires this." Lucas went on. Hermione shuddered. Voldemort desired her? That was enough to make her want to throw up. 

Malfoy raised his wand and silently said and incantation, then lowered his wand. Suddenly, She felt a finger under her chin. Then warm soft lips touched hers. 'Oh«my«God' Hermione's mind thought. She relaxed into the kiss, Lucas's voice being drownedout by the passion in the kiss Malfoy was bestowing upon her. Her knees were going weak and shefelt as though she was floating. Wanting more, she opened her mouth slightly. Malfoy obliged and deepened the kiss, pulling her to him. She didn't know how much time had passed, it could have been seconds, minutes, hours or evendays. She didn't know. But suddenly, the door was flung open and a hand was pulling her awayfrom Malfoy. Malfoy gave a small whimper, much like a child who had just had a favorite toy snatched from him. 

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There was a small chuckle. Hermione opened her eyes and gasped. "Professor Snape!" "Hello Miss Granger." Snape greeted "I trust you are well." Hermione flushed. "I«well..I" "No need Miss Granger." Professor Dumbledore said cheerfully "I can see you were enjoying thecompany of Mr Malfoy for a few moments." 

"What happened? Where is the idiot?" Malfoy asked, coming to. "He wasn't here when we arrived. He must have heard us coming and fled." Snape answered. "Nomatter, we will get him soon enough, he can't hide for long." "Ah, but Severus, there is the small matter of evidence against Mr Goldwater." Dumbledore pointedout dolefully. "We can give you statements on what he said." Malfoy pointed out."Still, it will be your word against his." Dumbledore reminded him. "Veritaserum!" Hermione said pointing suddenly at Snape in a fit of passion. "Professor! You havelots do you not, from our class?" Snape seemed slightly taken aback at Hermione's sudden outburst but nodded. "Indeed." "Then use it!" Malfoy said. "Well there are certain laws«" Dumbledore said gently."If he is suspected of something, we can use it." Snape elaborated. There was silence in the group as they all thought hard about what could be done to convict Lucas

Goldwater of trying to kidnap Hermione and give her to Voldemort for his own use. "Veritaserum it is." Dumbledore said resolutely to Snape. Malfoy grinned. "Wonderful." "When and where?" Snape asked as though he had just asked where a dinner party he'd just beeninvited to was being held. Ch 15Hermione and Malfoy hurried along behind Snape and Dumbledore, heading back to the ball. Thecurrent plan was that Lucas was obviously still around somewhere in the castle or grounds, andtherefore, Hermione was to be kept under strict watch for the remainder of the evening. "Hurry now, we don't want anyone suspecting anything. The last thing we need is for publicawareness of this dire situation that you find yourself in Miss Granger. One whisper of Voldemort'sname will cause mass panic in the school." Dumbledore said urgently, sweeping Hermione beforehim, taking care not to tread on her dress. Hermione picked up her skirts a little higher and began to jog along behind Snape. On her right was Malfoy, hurrying along beside her, his face set in a determined scowl. "Watch out!" Snape said suddenly dodging to the left. But it was too late for Hermione and Malfoy."Confounded Mistletoe!" Snape hissed giving the offending plant a look of pure loathing. "Actually I don't mind it so much now!" Malfoy smirked, making Hermione blush as he wrapped anarm around her waist. "You won't think that if you get caught under that thing with Eloise Midgen!" Snape remarkeddiverting his eyes as Malfoy leaned in. Dumbledore chuckled again from behind them. "Alright, alright break it up! We are on a mission!" Snape said pulling the two apart for the secondtime in ten minutes. Hermione blushed again and the four set off again. As they hurried along, Hermione began to think about how serious a situation she was in.Voldemort wanted her for his queen, wife or something like that, he had some wizard who wasreally good at seduction luring her in and then there was Malfoy, who's father was in Voldemort'scircle of followers, apparently taking quite a deep interest in her himself. If Malfoy were to be foundout«he would be killed, and then there was Snape to consider, if he was found to be helping themat all«he would die too.

 "Alright, I think it best we keep Miss Granger between us as much as possible«without lookingridiculous that is." Snape said wisely to Dumbledore and Malfoy as they reached the closed doorsto the Great Hall. Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the idea has merit, Severus. However, there is oneflaw in you ingenious plan«" With a flick of his hand, the doors swung open and they were blastedwith music. It wasn't the waltz or classical music they had left, but some form of rock music. "We have to get through that." Dumbledore finished nodding at the overly crowded hall which wasnow moving with the dancing bodies of students. Snape surveyed the hall, then promptly leaned forward and pulled the doors shut firmly, and tookto glaring at the doors. 

"Well I'm out of ideas!" he snapped as he stuck a finger in his ear and rubbed it around as it wasringing from the blast of music. "I'm not." Dumbledore said innocently."Yes, but knowing you, your idea will have us doing something ridiculous earning us utter humiliation in front of the whole school." Snape replied ruefully. Malfoy and Hermione looked from Snape to Dumbledore and back again as they spoke. "I don't want to be humiliated." Malfoy piped up. 

"None of us do." Hermione said quietly. All of this for her. It simply wasn't worth the hassle. Surelyshe could walk into the great hall without being kidnapped! "I'll just go in myself and meet you all at the head table." She said heading for the doors. Snape stepped in front of her blocking her path."You will do no such thing." He said firmly. Hermione sighed. There was no point in arguing. "We'll just have to push our way through." Malfoy said, wincing at the thought of being touched andbumped into by so many people. "Okay, well let's get to it, It's not wise to linger here so exposed." Snape said firmly. "Remember, stick together." He added as an afterthought to the others before throwing the doorsopen. "What fun!" Dumbledore said merrily. "This is just like a storybook adventure!" "Lets just hope it has a happy ending!" Hermione said tensely. 

They went in and squeezed their way through the crowd. Snape helped a lot though by making hispresence known, glaring down at Girls who mistook him for boys as they danced, trying to beseductive, but upon realizing that it was Snape they were dancing up against, promptly screamedand backed hastily away. Malfoy suddenly remarked that someone had grabbed his bottom and Hermione agreed and let outa shocked squeal as she felt her own being pinched by some Slytherin boys they were squeezingpast. One went so far as to lift her dress up high, exposing her thigh. "Stop that!" Snape snapped at them, slapping the boy's hand away from Hermione's skirts. "Haveyou no manners? Disgusting boy." "How rude!" Hermione declared to them. They just smirked at her in response and one boystepped forward and leaned towards her, leering at her and said in her ear "How about you and mego for a little walk, I'll show you what you've been missing in Gryffindor!" Malfoy got in his face however "You'd better back the hell off Ainsbury." Ainsbury sneered, but backed away. "'scuse us, pardon me«oh I do apologize!" Dumbledore said as he trod on someone's head asthey were breakdancing. Snape had no problems stomping on people as he saw fit. He figured that if they were going to beso stupid as to spin around on the floor, they would make rather good rugs. Finally, they managed to battle their way through the crowd, emerging on the other side in onepiece. "Well that wasn't too bad." Dumbledore said cheerfully. "You mean aside from us getting molested and grabbed?" Malfoy said with disgust. "And getting propositioned by Slytherins?" Hermione put in. Snape eyed her sternly. "I am by no means condoning their behavior Miss Granger, but they areSlytherins. It is in their nature to be driven towards prizes." "I am not a prize to be won!" Hermione said, flaring up. "I agree." Snape said coldly. "But they don't see it that way!" "Let's not argue here!" Malfoy said hastily. "We do have work to do." Snape and Hermione glared at each other for a few more seconds before huffily turning away.

"Well now that we are here, what shall we do? We can't just stand here, it'll look weird." Malfoywondered aloud. "This is so irritating!" Snape snapped, looking around at the dancing students. "Why couldn't thishave been better timed?" "Umm, because maybe his plan was to kidnap her tonight?" Malfoy pointed out, earning him asteely glare from Snape. "Shouldn't we tell Harry and Ron what we have found out?" Hermione asked urgently. "I wouldn't advise it. The last thing we need is Messers Potter and Weasley getting all upset andcharging into battle." Snape said dryly. Hermione scowled at him. 

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"Don't you look at me with that tone of voice or it will be a weeks worth of detentions for you!"Snape warned her, glaring back at her. The two glared and glared some more before Dumbledore interrupted. "If you two aren't going toget along, the enemy will have won.""What do you mean?" Snape asked shortly, still glaring at Hermione. "You'll be positively throwing her at Voldemort and yelling 'here, take the wench before I kill her!'"Dumbledore chuckled. "Now there's an idea!" Snape said thoughtfully.

 "You wouldn't dare!" Hermione exclaimed to Snape. "Try me." Snape challenged. Malfoy watched all this worriedly. "Professor Snape, you wouldn't would you?" he asked. "Don't be a fool Draco. I may not like Miss Granger much, but I wouldn't dream of giving Voldemortwhat he wants." Snape said quietly, turning to Malfoy. Malfoy nodded, smiling. "But then again«" Snape said mockingly. "Oh I've had enough of this!" Hermione snapped, turning and stalking off through the crowdtowards the doors."Hermione!" Malfoy called. "Come back here!" "No! If he's going to be such an ass about it, I don't want his help." She snapped. "Way to go!" Malfoy grunted to Snape, before hurrying off after Hermione. 

They reached the doors to the great hall and Malfoy grabbed her arm. "Granger, look. Snape is«well he's Snape. There's no excuse for him!" He said lightly. Hermione snorted and shoved the door open and marched out of the Great hall. "I'm tired of this whole thing. Lucas has gone. I'm in Hogwarts, and therefore perfectly safe." Shesaid, throwing her hands up in the air in aggrivation. "Yes, but he could still be here, we don't know that yet. That's why Dumbledore wanted you to staywith us at all ti mes. "Well I won't!" Hermione snapped. "I told you, I've had enough and I won't be made to feel afraid ina place I call home!" "I understand what you are saying, Granger, but you have to accept that it's not safe! You muststay with us! Now come back into the great hall while we figure out what to do next!" Malfoyordered."I will not!" Hermione declared stubbornly. "I'm leaving, goodnight Malfoy." She added curtly beforeturning and running up the grand staircase."Don't make me chase you Granger." Malfoy said warningly. "You have enough trouble catching the snitch Malfoy, I doubt you can catch me any better!" Sheretorted, picking up her skirts. "Alright, have it your way then.." Malfoy said airily before darting toward her. Hermione didn't have time to make a sound as Malfoy reached her and put her over his shoulder inone swift move. "What are you«.put me down this instant Draco Malfoy!" Hermione cried, beating Malfoy's backwith her fists. "Or what?" Malfoy sneered."I shall scream bloody murder!" Hermione warned. "Go ahead." Malfoy said casually.And so she did. Malfoy feared he was near deaf by the time he had reached the bottom of thestairs. Suddenly, they heard a noise. Malfoy froze. "Shh!" he told the now hoarse Hermione. She stopped abruptly. "What is it?" she demanded. "SHH!" Malfoy said more urgently, straining to hear the sound that had unnerved him.

He felt Hermione tense as the noise occurred again. It was a strange dull thumping noise and itwas getting louder. "What is that?" Hermione whispered. Malfoy lowered Hermione to the ground and stared at the Doors of the Castle, frowning slightly."I'm not sure." "I think we should get Dumbledore!" Hermione whispered nervously. Malfoy nodded "But first, I want to see if we can see anything." "The library!" Hermione gasped, and began running for the library doors that were opposite thegreat hall.Malfoy ran after her and they hurried to the first window. 

"Oh«my«what the«" Hermione whispered in shock. Outside, marching across the grounds were what looked like a hundred death eaters. Hermione wasted no time. "DUMBLEDORE! DUMBLEDORE!" She cried desperately as she boltedfor the Great hall, Malfoy hot on her heels. They burst into the Great Hall, Hermione still yelling for Dumbledore.The music stopped and Hermione and Draco continued to run, pushing their way desperatelythrough the throng of bewildered students. 

"DUMBLEDORE!" Hermione cried desperately again. "There there, child!" Dumbledore's soothing voice came from somewhere to her left. "I'm here,what is it?" "Oh Professor Dumbledore! It's awful!" Hermione said, clutching Dumbledore's robes. "What has happened?" Snape demanded, coming up to them. "Death eaters!" Hermione cried. There was a collective gasp from the students, but Hermione ignored them."Death eaters here, and they are heading for the Castle!" She cried. "Why was I not called?" Snape said in confusion. "Who cares!" Hermione cried at him, "They are here and they are heading for the castle!" The students began to panic, talking frantically. "SILENCE!" Dumbleore yelled. He turned to Snape. "Severus, take Miss Granger and Mr Malfoyand hide them, separately if you can. It would not help matters for either of them if they were to be

found together." Snape nodded and ushered Hermione and Malfoy before him. "The rest of you«" Dumbledore faultered "Get your wands ready. First, second and third years, getto Gryffindor tower, immediately! Gryffindor's let them in, tell the fat lady to allow entrance toeveryone from the other houses." Instantly, there were shouts of "Accio Wand!" from fourth years and up and the rest dashed for thedoor. "Brace yourself Minerva." Dumbledore said to Professor McGonnagall "This is going to be mostunpleasant." Meanwhile, Snape, Hermione and Malfoy were running through the castle."Where are you taking us?" Hermione asked Snape as they ran."Somewhere safe. Somewhere I hope they won't think of looking for you." Snape replied. He turned suddenly and dashed through a door on his left.They found themselves in the girls bathroom. "Oh! Visitors!" Moaning Myrtle gasped excitedly. "Nobody ever visits me anymore«oh, HelloProfessor Snape!" She giggled flirtatiously. "Draco, you hide in here." Snape said urgently, "Myrtle, don't let on that he's in here, if anyonecomes in asking, tell them you are all alone as usual, and make it sound convincing!" "Yes Professor!" Myrtle giggled. "Miss Granger, come with me." Snape said, grabbing Hermione and shoving her back out of thedoor. "Where are you taking me?" Hermione asked as they ran back through the castle. "I already told you, somewhere safe!" Snape said irritably. He led her down to the dungeons and shoved her inside his classroom, closing the door behindthem.Hermione turned to him and stared. "Here? This is where you are going to hide me?" She asked."They'll find me here! They'll come looking for you once they realize you aren't in the great hall withthe rest of the professors and this will be the first place they look!" "Miss Granger, don't presume to tell me where to hide you." Snape snapped as he rushed aroundhis classroom, grabbing potions and putting them in his robes. Once he had gotten all that hewanted, he grabbed Hermione by the arm and dragged her through his office, then tapped the

stone wall with his wand in a complicated pattern. A door appeared and he threw it open, revealinghis living quarters, containing a large four poster bed, bookcases, a couch and a roaring fire.Dragging Hermione with him he marched over to his wardrobe."Get in." he said hurriedly, throwing the door to the wardrobe open and shoving Hermione inside,gathering her skirts up and stuffing them in with her. "Professor, what are you going to do?" She asked around the velvet and netting of her underskirts. "Go and fight with Dumbledore and the other Professors." Snape answered. "Stay here. Under nocircumstances are you to leave this wardrobe until I or another professor comes for you, do youunderstand me?" he said sternly. Hermione nodded. "Good luck Professor." She said quietly."Good luck to you too. If you are found, you are going to need it more than I Miss Granger." Snapesaid before closing the wardrobe door and hurrying out of his quarters, warding his living spacebefore he went to join Dumbldeore.

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 Hermione heard Snape leaving, then she was plunged into silence as well as darkness. "I don't like this«I don't like this at all." She whispered to the nothingness. She felt around her to see what size of wardrobe she was shut into. Robes, obviously surrounded her. She fumbled around, her hand running over the bottom of thewardrobe and ran over something else«shoes, by the feel of it«what else«what was that? Shefelt around some more, trying to figure out what the object was. It was smooth and cool against her fingers, like porcelain. There were holes in it, three of them, suddenly she figured it out and

promptly dropped the object, shuddering. "Oh my«.his deatheater mask!" She whispered in a squeak, she pushed it away from her to thevery back corner of the wardrobe, trying not to think about it. Meanwhile, Draco was being entertained by Moaning Myrtle in the Girls bathroom. "What shall we play next Mr Malfoy?" Myrtle giggled mischievously as she glided closer to Draco. "Um, how about nothing." Malfoy suggested. He didn't like how this ghost was looking at him. "Oh you are no fun!" She pouted. "You know, I was at School with your father." "Really?" Malfoy said. "Yes. He was lots of fun!" Myrtle pouted "Not like you." "Yes, well I'm not much like my father at all as it happens." Malfoy snorted. "You look just like him!" Myrtle countered. "I mean aside from that you dolt!" Malfoy snapped.

 "There's no need to be mean!" Myrtle said tearfully. "I'm sorry, it's just that it's kind of a tense time right now, what with deatheaters storming the castleand all." Malfoy said with a sigh. "That doesn't sound good." Myrtle said sadly. Down in the Great Hall, Dumbledore was boosting morale. "Now don't panic, we can do this. You are all very well trained in Defense against the Dark Arts,this is going to involve much of what you have learned. That which you have not learned, well we'llcross that bridge if need be, I give you free reign, go ahead and improvise if you feel the need.Don't worry about killing, it's alright to do in this circumstance." The fact that they could improvise seemed to calm the students and they appeared braver andmore bolstered. Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall burst open and hundreds of wands instantly were trainedon«Snape. He was Running toward the other professors and didn't seem to care that he had almost beenzapped by hundreds of different spells that surely would have killed him. He arrived at Dumbledore's side, panting."Are they hidden?" Dumbledore asked. Snape nodded, still trying to catch his breath. "Where?" Dumbledore asked."Mr Malfoy is currently being entertained my Myrtle in the girls toilet and Miss Granger is stuffedinto my wardrobe in my quarters. "Good. Thank you Severus. It would be most terrible to have Miss Granger or Mr Malfoy captured." "Indeed." Snape agreed. Lucius would be so angry if his son were captured. The silence in the Great Hall was deafening. The Students were all staring silently at the Doors tothe Great hall, wands at the ready. "Blimey, what a night this turned out to be!" Ron whispered to Harry. "I don't want to die!" Neville whispered to nobody in particular. "I hope he's with them." Harry muttered. "If he is, I'm going to kill him."

 "I don't want to kill anyone!" Lavender squeaked. "You will if they are trying to kill you or one of your friends!" Ron told her. Suddenly, the sound of the entrance doors being blasted open was heard and everyone took aim,waiting for the doors to the Great Hall to be opened next. "Remember everyone, stay calm, don't panic. This is for Hogwarts and your lives.""For Hogwarts!" The students roared in unison as the Doors were blasted open and the deatheaters stormed in. 

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