curriculum vitae - jaswinder singh - mcgill universitydr. jaswinder singh cv 1 curriculum vitae -...

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Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Curriculum Vitae - Jaswinder Singh Associate Professor

Department of Plant Science, McGill University,

Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC Canada H9X 3V9

Phone: (514) 398 7906

Fax: (514) 398 7897


University of Sydney/CSIRO Plant Industry - Canberra, Australia

Ph.D., Plant Biology: 2000

Thesis: Chromosomal control, antibody development and characterization of non-gluten

proteins of wheat (Supervisors: Dr. John Skerritt and Dr. Peter Sharp)

Punjab Agricultural University - Ludhiana, India

M.Sc., Genetics/Plant Breeding:1990

Thesis: Wide hybridization in pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp. (Supervisor: Dr. P.S.


Punjab Agricultural University - Ludhiana, India

B.Sc., Agriculture (Honors in Plant Breeding): 1986


McGill Executive Institute- McGill University, Montreal

Effective Leadership: 2018

EXPERIENCE Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN, USA

University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

Sabbatical Visiting Professor: Oct. 2014 - July 2015

Research focus: Epigenetic regulation of transposon activation in sorghum and corn (Purdue)

Genetic diversity in Miscanthus Species (UI)

McGill University - Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, Canada

Associate Professor (Plant Science): June 2014 – Present

Associate Member (McGill Scholl of Environment): 2018- Present

Assistant Professor (Plant Science): July 2008 - June 2014

Research focus: Enhancement of crop plants through molecular biology, genetic engineering,

molecular breeding and genomics

University of California - Berkeley, CA, USA

Associate Research Specialist: June 2006 - July 2008

Assistant Research Specialist: June 2002 - June 2006

Postdoctoral Fellow: Nov. 2001 - June 2002

Research focus: Genetic and functional genomic studies in cereals (Supervisor: Dr. Peggy


Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Australian National University - Canberra, Australia

Postdoctoral Fellow: 2000-2001

Research project: Gene expression during drought stress and mechanical impedance

(Supervisor: Dr. Josette Masle)

Punjab Agricultural University - Ludhiana, India

Wheat Breeder: 1991-1995

Research Fellow: 1990-1991

Research focus: Cereals improvement (Wheat and Triticale Breeding)

DISTINCTIONS & AWARDS 1. Recognized with prestigious C. D. Nelson Award (2018) for outstanding contribution to

plant science (

2. President, Canadian Society of Agronomy (2018-2019)

3. Board Member, Plant Canada (2018-2020)

4. Panel member on the NSERC- Site Visit Committee (2019)

5. Academic Editor, PLOS ONE (2015-)

6. Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2010-2018)

7. Co-chair, CSA-CSHS joint Conference (2016)

8. Member, Gleb Krotkov award committee, Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (2016-


9. Co-chair, Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference (2014)

10. DuPont Young Professor Award nominations (2012, 2013)

11. Membership Officer- Canadian Association of Plant Biotechnology (2013-2014)

12. Eastern Director, Canadian Society of Agronomy (2010-2012)

13. Member, AAFC Peer review panel (2011-2013; 2015)

14. Nominated for Macdonald Campus Teaching Excellence Award (2013)

15. Member, award committee, Canadian Society of Agronomy (2017)

16. Elected Associate Member of the Prairie Recommending Committee for Oat and Barley

17. Peer Reviewer for granting agencies such as NSERC, CFI, AAFC, PLANT-KBBE and

BARD and various journals.


Active research collaboration with cereal scientists at CIMMYT, ICRISAT, ETH Zürich,

USDA Idaho, Washington State University and University of California, Berkeley

Chair, Lab to Field Symposium, American Society of Plant Biologists annual meeting


International Team Member, Oat Rust Forum (ORF) -Novel Genetic Technology (NGT),

University of Minnesota (2016- )

Member, peer review panel US Department of Energy for Systems Biology Research to

Advance Sustainable Bioenergy Crop Development (2015)

Member, International Committee, American Society of Plant Biologists (2012-2015)

Member, Scientific Committee, 12th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy,

Helsinki, Finland (2012)

Member, International Planning Committee, Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Water

Management (ISSWM) conference, LPU, India (2017)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Member, International Committee, 1st International Conference on Conventional and

Modern Approaches in Plant Science (CMAPS-17), Lahore, Pakistan (2017)

Session Chair, Genomics and Plant Breeding, 1st International Conference on

Conventional and Modern Approaches in Plant Science (CMAPS-17), Lahore, Pakistan


Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Recent Developments,

Future Prospects and Entrepreneurial Trends in Biotechnology, India (2009)


My research program at McGill University provides broad training in functional genomics,

genetic engineering, and molecular breeding, including hands-on experience with basic and cutting-

edge molecular techniques. I am leading the development of a unique approach for the identification

of novel genes from cultivated and wild relatives to aid the development for the future generation of

superior genotypes. In order to achieve these research goals, I have generated over $1.4 million in

external grants, and participated in grants as a collaborator, obtaining over $30 million in funds. These

funds were awarded through Tri-Council research programs and other federal funding agencies

(NSERC CRD, NSERC Engage, NSERC RTI, CFI, and NCE), provincial funding agencies

(MAPAQ, FQRNT, and CRIBIQ), and industry (Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute,

Prairie Oat Growers Association).

My research team has published over 45 research papers in high impact Journals which

includes, PNAS, PLOS Genetics, Frontiers in Plant Science, BMC Plant Biology, PLoS ONE,

Functional & Integrative Genomics, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics

and Genomics, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Journal of Cereal Science and Molecular Breeding. In

addition, I have also written 10 articles (peer reviewed conference proceedings, book chapters), 80

conference abstracts and delivered 50 invited talks (including plenary talks, keynote and distinguished

lectures) at various International meetings, renowned universities and research institutes.

To date, I have trained 45 researchers, which include undergraduate, technicians, graduate

students and PDFs. Over the last six years (2012-2018), >25 HQPs have been trained in my research

program. In addition, I have also served on the advisory committees of >10 graduate students. My

graduate student’s accomplishments have been recognized through fellowships and awards such as

Casper-Owen fellowship, Frederick Dimmock Memorial Fellowship, MaxStern Recruitment

Fellowship, Réseau Innnovagrains scholarship and Roland Loiselle Prize in Plant Genetics. Most of

my students and researchers are currently in professional fields.

Significant Contributions to Research:

1. Isolation of an enzyme that regulates beta-glucan in barley grains: The major fiber constituents of cereals, technically known as β-glucan is receiving considerable

attention due to its health promoting benefits. The effectiveness of β-glucan in food products for

lowering blood cholesterol has been documented by Food and Drug Administration. However, its

excessive amount causes major hindrance during the malting and brewing process and makes the $2.9

billion global malt trading industry inefficient. My group has recently discovered a novel barley gene

(TLP8) specifically expressed during germination which regulates the β-glucan activity. The affinity

of recombinant TLP8 for insoluble barley β-glucan is redox-dependent and this may suggest redox

plays an instrumental role in the malting process. This discovery represents a significant step forward

in understanding the biochemistry of malting. The associated work has been recently published in the

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


PNAS (Singh et al., 2017, PNAS, 114(29):7725-7730) and the article was selected in the journal’s key

highlights ( These findings advance the

understanding of the malting process and may provide gains for brewers

( The importance of this

breakthrough discovery was underscored by popular agricultural news media “The Western Producer”

( and other media outlets



2. Identification of regulatory switch for Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS) in cereals: Reduced seed dormancy is the most important aspect of seed germination on a spike prior to

harvesting, better known as pre-harvest sprouting (PHS). The annual cost of PHS to the Canadian

wheat industry alone is estimated at $100 million and globally it exceeds $1 billion. My laboratory

recently discovered for the first time the association of key gene (AGO4) of RNA-directed DNA

methylation (RdDM) pathway with PHS in cereals indicating that AGO4 enhances DNA methylation

and acts as a negative regulator of seed dormancy (Singh et al., 2013, PLoS ONE, 8(10): e77009).

This piece of research opens up a completely new area of exploration for plant scientists as they are

endeavoring to increase the yields of cereals and minimize losses due to excessively humid

conditions (

millions-231037). This research received news media attention including radio and TV interviews

(“Code Chastenay”).

3. Discovery of reversal of epigenetic silencing in plants: We have shown for the first time the reversal of epigenetic silencing in plants, which was published in

PLoS Genetics [Singh et al., 2008, PLoS Genetics (10):1-17)]. We have found that at some positions

in the genome, although the silencing trigger works fine, and the transposon is silenced, once the

trigger is lost, the transposon reawakens. This "molecular amnesia" has never been associated with a

particular position in the genome of any species before, nor has it been documented in plants. This

discovery got media attention ( and was covered by

many news agencies. In addition, invited perspective was written about this discovery in PLoS

Genetics. This research article was included in the MaizeGDB Editorial Board recommended

readings. This discovery was highlighted by Faculty of 1000 Biology and also cited in McGill

Principal’s Report.


Peer-Reviewed Publications: Students and other HQPs trained under my supervision are

underlined. Research papers that include my students and HQPs as authors and have “Singh, J” as the

senior author have emerged from my research program as an independent scientist.

1. Tripathi, R., Bregitzer, P. and Singh, J (2018) Specific SQUAMOSA Promoter Binding

Protein-Like (SPL) genes in barley and their interaction with miR172 during indeterminate

spikelet development. Nature Scientific Reports 8:7085, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-25349-0.

2. Bregitzer, P., Brown, R. H., Dahleen, L. S., Singh, J., Cooper, L. D., Hayes, P. M., Lemaux, P.

G. (2018) Registration of the barley transposon-tagged population II: sixty one lines each

characterized for Ds insertion sites. Journal of Plant Registrations (In press).

3. Ali, M., Anwarb, S., Shujab, M. N., Tripathi, R. K., Singh, J. (2018) The genus Luteovirus from

infection to disease. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 151, 4: 841–860.

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


4. Ahmad, S., Kaur, R., Lefsrud, M., Singh, J. (2018) Investigation of IRAP transposon-based

molecular markers for analysis of genetic diversity in pea germplasm. Legume Research (In

press). DOI: 10.18805/LR-401.

5. Singh, S., Tripathi, R., Lemaux, P. G., Buchanan, B., Singh, J. (2017) Redox-dependent

interaction of thaumatin-like protein and β-glucan influences malting quality in barley. The

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114


6. Kaur, S., Dhugga., K. S., Beech, R., Singh, J. (2017) Genome-wide analysis of the Cellulose

synthase-like (Csl) gene family in bread wheat BMC Plant Biology 17:193, DOI

10.1186/s12870-017-1142-z. 7. Kaur, S., Mohan, A., Vikram, P., Singh, S., Dhugga, K., Zhang, Z., Gill, K., Singh, J (2017)

Genomic associations of straw cellulose content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.)

Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1913. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01913.

8. Singh, S., Nandha, P. S., Singh, J. (2017) Transposon-based genetic diversity assessment in

wild and cultivated barley. The Crop Journal, 5 (4): 296-304.

9. Daishu, Y., Schwinghamer, T., Dalpé, Y., Singh, J., Khanizadeh, S. (2017) The response of

spring wheat cultivars to arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization under salinity stresses.

Sustainable Agriculture Research 6 (2): 58-65.

10. Kaur, S., Dhugga, K. S., Gill, K. S., Singh, J. (2016) Novel structural and functional motifs in

cellulose synthase (CesA) genes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.). PLOS ONE 11(1):

e0147046. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147046.

11. Cardinal, M-J., Kaur, R., Singh, J. (2016) Genetic transformation of Hordeum vulgare ssp.

spontaneum for the development of a transposon-based insertional mutagenesis system.

Molecular Biotechnology 58 (10): 672-683.

12. Singh, S., Singh, J. (2016) Sequence-based genetic mapping of Ds-tagged insertions to

characterize malting-related traits in barley. The Crop Journal 5 (1):11-20.

13. Daishu, Y., Schwinghamer, T., Dalpé, Y., El-Sayed, A-A., Singh, J., Wang, X., Khanizadeh, S.

(2016) Comparison of total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of mycorrhizal-colonized

spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment

14 (2): 59-64.

14. Tinker, N. A., Jackson, E. W., Snyder, S., Tiede, T., Azar, C., Babiker, E., Beuch, S., Bjørnstad,

Å., Ceplitis, A., Chao, S., Cowan, S., Dumlupinar, Z., Esvelt Klos, K., Fetch, T., Harrison, S.,

Howarth, C., Hu, G., Huang, Y-F., Sanchez, J. I., Jellen, R., Kolb, F., Langdon, T., Ma, B.,

Maughan, J., McCartney, C., McMullen, M., Miller, S., Fetch, J.M., Paczos-Grzęda,E., Peng,

Y., Prats, E., Ren, C., Singh, J., Sorrells, M. E., Tumino, G., Vallenback, P., Wight, C. P.,

Winkler, L., Zwer, P (2016) Achievements and impact of the Collaborative Oat Research

Enterprise (CORE). The Oat Newsletter 53 (18): 1-26.

15. Brown, R. H., Singh, J., Singh, S., Dahleen, L. S., Lemaux, P. G., Stein N., Mascher, M.,

Bregitzer, P. (2015) Behavior of a modified Dissociation element in barley: A novel tool for

genetic studies and for breeding transgenic barley. Molecular Breeding 35: 85. doi:


16. Ahmad, S., Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Kaur, S., Lefsrud, M., Singh, J. (2015) Genetic diversity and

population structure of Pisum sativum accessions for marker-trait association. The Crop Journal

3: 238-245.

17. Kaur, R., Syan, H. S., Jabaji, S., Pageau, D., Singh, J. (2015) Dynamics of soil fungal

population in herbicide resistant canola fields. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


7(6): 338-347.

18. Syan, H. S., Prasher, S., Pageau, D., Singh, J. (2014) Dissipation of major herbicides applied in

transgenic and non-transgenic canola production in Quebec. European Journal of Soil Biology

63: 21-27.

19. Nandha, P., Singh, J. (2014) Comparative assessment of genetic diversity between wild and

cultivated barley using gSSR and EST-SSR markers. Plant Breeding 133, 28–35.

20. Singh, M., Singh, S., Randhawa, H., Singh, J. (2013) Polymorphic homoeolog of key gene of

RdDM pathway, ARGONAUTE4_9 class is associated with pre-harvest sprouting in wheat

(Triticum aestivum L.). PLOS ONE 8(10): e77009. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077009.

21. Lamb-Palmer, N.D., Singh, M., Dalton, J. P., Singh, J. (2013) Prokaryotic expression and

purification of soluble maize Ac transposase. Molecular Biotechnology 54:685–691.

22. Kaur, R., Singh, K., Singh, J. (2013) A root specific wall-associated kinase gene, HvWAK1,

regulates root growth, and is highly divergent in barley and other cereals. Functional &

Integrative Genomics 13: 167-177.

23. Coulman, B., Dalai, A., Heaton, E., Lee, P. C., Lefsrud, M., Levin, D., Lemaux, P. G., Neale,

D., Shoemaker, S. P., Singh, J., Smith, D. L., Whalen, J. K. (2013) Developments in crops and

management systems to improve lignocellulosic feedstock production. Biofuels, Bioproducts &

Biorefining 7 (5): 582-601.

24. Solis, M., V., Patel, A., Orsat, V., Singh, J., Lefsrud, M. (2013) Identification of fatty acids in

different varieties of peas by RP-LC/ESI-MS/MS: Towards the development of an oilseed pea.

Food Chemistry 139: 986–993.

25. Khadapanahi, E., Lefsrud, M., Orsat, V., Singh, J., Warkentin, T. (2012) Study of pea

accessions for development of an oilseed pea. Energies 5: 3788-3802.

26. Ahmad, S., Singh, M., Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Lefsrud, M., Singh, J. (2012) Assessment of

genetic diversity in Pisum spp through microsatellite markers. Canadian Journal of Plant

Science 92:1075-1081.

27. Singh, M., Singh, J. (2012) Seed development related expression of ARGONAUTE 4_9 class of

genes in barley: possible role in seed dormancy. Euphytica 188:123–129.

28. Singh, S., Tan, H-Q., Singh, J. (2012) Mutagenesis of barley malting quality QTLs with Ds

transposons. Functional & Integrative Genomics 12:131-141.

29. Tan, H-Q., Singh, J. (2011) High-efficiency thermal asymmetric interlaced (HE-TAIL) PCR for

amplification of Ds transposon insertion sites in barley. Journal of Plant Molecular Biology

and Biotechnology 2: 9-14.

30. Singh J., Ngadi, M., Varier, A., Jabaji, S. (2011) Jerusalem artichoke: An emerging crop for

bioenergy and bioproducts in North America. The Americas Journal of Plant Science and

Biotechnology 5: 78-89.

31. Sattler, S.E., Singh, J., Haas, E. J., Guo, L., Sarath, G., Pedersen, J. F. (2009) Two distinct waxy

alleles impact the granule-bound starch synthase in sorghum. Molecular Breeding 24: 349-359.

32. Randhawa, H.1, Singh, J. 1, Lemaux, P.G., Gill, K.S. (2009) Mapping barley Ds insertions using

wheat deletion lines reveals high insertion frequencies in gene-rich regions with high to

moderate recombination rates Genome, 52: 566–575 (1 Joint First Author).

33. Singh, J., Freeling, M., Lisch, D. (2008) A position effect on the heritability of epigenetic

silencing PLOS Genetics 4: e1000216:1-17.

34. Wong, J., Lau, C., Cai, N., Singh, J., Pedersen, J., Vensel, W. H., Hurkman, W., Lemaux, P.,

Buchanan, B. (2009) The interaction between starch and protein affect digestibility in sorghum

grain. Journal of Cereal Science 49: 73–82.

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


35. Zhang, S., Gu, Y., Singh, J., Coleman-Derr, D., Brar, D. S., Jiang N., Lemaux, P. G (2007) New

insights into Oryza genome evolution: High gene collinearity and differential reterotransposon

amplification. Plant Molecular Biology 64: 589-600.

36. Bregitzer, P., Cooper, L. D., Hayes, P. M. Lemaux, P. G., Singh, J., Sturbaum, A. (2007)

Viability and bar expression are negatively correlated in Oregon Wolfe Barley Dominant

hybrids. Plant Biotechnology Journal 5: 381-388.

37. Singh, J., Zhang S., Chen, C., Cooper, L., Bregitzer, P., Sturbaum, A. K., Hayes, P. M.,

Lemaux, P. G. (2006) High-frequency Ds remobilization over multiple generations in barley

facilitates gene tagging in large genome cereals. Plant Molecular Biology 62: 937-950.

38. Zhang, S., Chen, C., Li, L., Meng, M., Singh, J., Jiang, N., Deng, X-H., He, Z-H., Lemaux, P.

G. (2005) Evolutionary expansion, gene structure, and expression of the rice (Oryza sativa L.)

wall-associated kinase (OsWAKs) gene family. Plant Physiology 139: 1107-1124.

39. Singh, J., Zhang, S., Lemaux, P. G., Bregitzer, P., Sturbaum, A. K., Edwards, V., Hayes, P. M.,

Cooper, L. D., Marquez-Cedillo, L., Carollo. V. (2005) Maize transposable elements and barley:

a new population for genetic research. Barley Genetics Newsletter 35:1-2.

40. Cooper, L. D1., Marquez-Cedillo1, L., Singh, J1., Sturbaum, A. K., Zhang, S., Edwards, V.,

Johnson, K., Kleinhofs, A., Rangel, S., Carollo. V., Bregitzer, P., Lemaux, P. G., and Hayes, P.

M. (2004) Mapping Ds insertions in barley using a sequence-based approach. Molecular

Genetics & Genomics 272: 181-193 (1 Joint First Author).

41. Singh, J., Blundell, M., Tanner, G., Skerritt, J. (2001) Albumin and globulin proteins of wheat:

immunological and N-terminal sequence characterization. Journal of Cereal Science 34: 85-103.

42. Singh, J., Skerritt, J. (2001) Chromosomal control of albumins and globulins in wheat grain using

different fractionation procedures. Journal of Cereal Science 33: 63-181.

43. Singh, J., Sharp, P., Skerritt, J. (2000) A new candidate protein for high lysine content in wheat.

Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 8: 216-226.

44. Singh, J., Appels, R., Sharp, P., Skerritt, J. (2001) Albumin polymorphism and mapping of a

dimeric -amylase inhibitor on wheat chromosome 3B. Australian Journal of Agricultural

Research 52: 1173-1179.

45. Sidhu, P. S., Singh, J, Verma, M. M. (2000) Factors affecting successful wide crossing in pigeon

pea. Journal of Research 37 (3&4):155-160

46. Bains, N.S., Singh, J., Ravi, Gosal, S. S. (1995) Production of wheat haploids through embryo

rescue from wheat x maize crosses. Current Science 69 (7):621-623.

47. Singh, J, Sidhu, P. S., Verma, M. M., Gosal, S. S. (1993) Wide hybridization in pigeon pea

Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp. Crop Improvement 20 (1):27-31.

Manuscripts in preparation: 48. Tripathi, R. K. Overbeek, W., Singh, J. (2019) Exploiting SBP-box genes to advance

Brachypodium distachyon plant architecture (to be submitted Nature Plants).

49. Iqbal, I., Tripathi, R. K., Wilkins, O., Singh, J. (2018). Genome wide exploration of thaumatin

like-protein gene family in small grain cereals. (To be submitted to BMC Plant Biology). 50. Aguirre, A., Tripathi, R. K., Singh, J. (2019) A root specific wall-associated kinase 1 (WAK-1)

gene is regulated by SPL transcription factors in barley (to be submitted to Nature Scientific


51. Mahmoud, M., Kaur, R., Lefsrud, M., Tinker, N., Singh, J. (2019) A versatile transposon-based

activation tagging system in oat. (To be submitted to Plant Biotechnology Journal).

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


1. Singh, J. (2017) RdDM pathway is associated with pre-harvest sprouting in small grain cereals

In Proceedings of the 13th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Tulln, Austria, April 23-

28, pp 196.

2. Singh, J., Singh, S., Tan H-Q., Singh, M., Kaur, R. (2012) Barley genomics with maize Ac/Ds

transposons. In Proceedings of the 12th European Congress of Agronomy, Helsinki, Finland,

Aug. 24, 2012, pp 248-249.

3. Tan H-Q, Singh, J. (2009). Transposon-mediated saturation mutagenesis to dissect malting

quality traits in barley. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Food Security and

Environmental Sustainability-FSES 2009, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 17-19, pp 1-5.

4. Singh, J., Lam, A., Blosse, P., Bregitzer, P., Lemaux, P. (2008) Transposon-mediated gene

search: finding a needle in a haystack. In Proceedings of the 11th International Wheat Genetics

Symposium (Eds. Appels, R. et al), Brisbane, Queensland, August 24-29, 2008, pp 1-3.

5. Singh J., Skerritt, J. (1999) Antibody development to non-gluten protein markers for wheat

chromosomes. In Proceedings of the 11th Australian Plant Breeding Conference (Eds.

Langridge, P. et al), Adelaide, South Australia 19-23 April, 1999, vol 2, pp 167-169.

6. Singh J., Sharp, P.J., Blundell, M., Skerritt, J.H. (1998) Antibody probes to non-storage proteins

and mapping of wheat chromosomes. In Proceedings of the 48th Australian Cereal Chemistry

Conference (Eds. O’Brien, L. et al), Cairns, August 13-22, 1998, pp 46-52.

7. Singh J., Dhindsa, G.S., Nanda, G. S., Batta, R. K. (1996). Prospects of triticale as dual purpose

crop. In Triticale: Today and tomorrow (Eds. Guedes-Pinto, H. et al), pp 867-871.

8. Dhindsa, G. S., Singh, J. (1996). Triticale cultivation for diversifying and stabilizing a wheat

dominated agro-eco system. In Triticale: Today and tomorrow (Eds. H. Guedes-Pinto et al), pp


9. Singh J., Hill A.S., Sharp, P.J, Skerritt, J.H. (1996) Antibodies for salt and water soluble wheat

seed proteins as markers in genetic and quality studies. In Proceedings of the Eight Assembly

Wheat Breeding Society (Eds. Richards, R et al), Canberra, Australia, September 29- October 4,

1996, pp 73-76.

10. Skerritt, J.H., Hill, A., Hac, L., Partridge, M., Sissons, M., Beasley, H., Sharp, P., Singh, J.

(1996) Development and application of antibodies specific for endosperm proteins encoded by

defined loci-application in quality selection. In Proceedings of the Eighth Assembly Wheat

Breeding Society (Eds. Richards, R et al), Canberra, Australia, September 29- October 4, 1996,

pp 98-101.

Book chapter 1. Singh, J., Kaur, S., Majithia, H. (2016) Emerging genetic technologies for improving the

security of food crops. In Emerging Technologies for Promoting Food Security, Overcoming the

World Food Crisis (Ed. Madramootoo, C.), 1st Edition, Elsevier, Woodhead publication, ISBN:

978-1-78242-335-5, pp 23-41.

INVITED TALKS 1. Development of transposon-mediated gene tagging and editing in oat, American Oat Workers

Conference, June 19-21, 2018 in Seattle, Washington, USA.

2. Development of a transposon-mediated gene tagging system in oat, PAG XXV, Jan. 13, 2018,

San Diego, California, USA.

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


3. Biotechnology in agriculture, 1st International Conference on Conventional and Modern

Approaches in Plant Science (CMAPS-17), Lahore, Pakistan (Nov 29, 2017) (Plenary


4. Gene search with transposons in cereals, 1st International Conference on Conventional and

Modern Approaches in Plant Science (CMAPS-17), Lahore, Pakistan (Nov 29, 2017)

(Keynote lecture).

5. Application of genomics and biotechnology in agriculture, Innovative Strategies for

Sustainable Water Management (ISSWM) 2017, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara,

Punjab, India. (Nov 17, 2017) (Keynote lecture).

6. Genomic dissection of an important QTL in barley, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India (July 10,


7. Transposon-assisted functional genomics in cereals, Faculty Development Program from 10-

14th July, 2017, Chandigarh University, Mohali, India (July 14, 2017) (Expert Lecture).

8. Transposon-mediated genome tour in cereals, 3rd International Conference on Plant Genetics

& Genomics, AgriGenomics India, Hyatt Regency Chandigarh, India (July 20, 2017)-

(Distinguished Lecture).

9. Transposon-mediated functional genomics and biotechnology in cereals, Department of

Biotechnology and Bioscience, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India, Dec.

5, 2016.

10. Transposon-mediated genomics and biotechnology in cereals, Department of Botany, Goa

University, Goa, India, Nov. 28, 2016.

11. Exploring water contamination through genomics, Joint workshop of IIT Bombay, University

of Alberta &IC-IMPACTS, Mumbai, India, Nov. 25, 2016.

12. Genetic dissection of malting quality traits, North, Eastern Barley Conference, Marriot

SpringHill Suites Old Montreal, Canada, Nov. 6, 2016.

13. Novel genetic & genomic technologies in cereals, La Coop Fédérée Head office, 9001

Boulevard de l'Acadie, Montréal, Canada, May 31, 2016.

14. Transposon-assisted genomics in small grain cereals, Department of Plant Biology, University

of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (Apr. 8, 2015).

15. Transposon-assisted genomics in cereals, Plant Science Department, University of

Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada (Mar. 3, 2015).

16. Cereal genomics with Ac/Ds transposons, Plant Breeding Institute, University of Sydney,

Cobbitty, NSW, Australia (Aug. 8, 2014).

17. Transposon-mediated molecular breeding in small grain cereals, University of Alberta,

Edmonton, Canada (Mar. 28, 2014).

18. Transposon-mediated genomics and molecular breeding in small grain cereals, Punjab

Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India (Mar.10, 2014).

19. Feedstock improvement in cereals through genomics and genetic engineering, ICRISAT,

Hyderabad, India (Mar. 3, 2014).

20. Genome wide selection: concepts and application to wheat breeding, University of Guelph,

Canada (Feb.13, 2014).

21. Enhancing value of cereals through conventional and modern approaches, University of

Guelph, Canada (Feb.13, 2014).

22. Toward dissection of malting quality QTLs, Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute: Triennial Barley Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba (June 6, 2013).

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


23. Transposon tools for gene discovery in barley, Gene Discovery & Engineering Resistance:

Focused Group Discussion, National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Orlando, Florida (Dec. 5,


24. Barley genomics with maize Ac/Ds transposons, 12th European Congress of Agronomy,

Helsinki, Finland (Aug. 24, 2012).

25. Barley genomics with Ac/Ds transposons, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Aug. 13,


26. Gene tagging in large genome cereals through Ac/Ds transposons, Plant and Animal Genomics

XX Conference, San Diego, California, USA (Jan. 14-18, 2012).

27. Development of high oil canola varieties/genotypes packaged with superior traits and suitable

for cultivation in eastern Canada, ECODA Canola Group Research and Planning Workshop,

Dorval, Canada (Dec. 14, 2011).

28. Transposon mutagenesis: a powerful tool for gene identification, Journées du Centre SÈVE,

Saint-Paulin, Canada (Sep. 29, 2011).

29. Transposons are still moving, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA (Jun. 15,


30. Transposon mutagenesis and gene discovery in cereals, University Laval, Quebec City,

Canada, (Nov. 25, 2010).

31. Genomics and biotechnology in agriculture: scientist’s perspective, Robert Vogel Lecture

Series, McGill Society of Montreal (Nov. 9, 2010).

32. Transposon-based functional genomics in large-genome cereals, Nova Scotia Agricultural

College, Truro, Canada (Oct. 23, 2010).

33. Transposons-mediated gene search in barley, 6th Canadian Barley Symposium, Saskatoon,

Saskatchewan, Canada (Jul. 28, 2010).

34. Genome tour with transposons, 4 O’clock forum, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental

Sciences, Macdonald Campus, McGill University, Canada (Apr. 22, 2010).

35. Enhancement of barley using genomic tools, Non-traditional Barley Breeding Research &

Commercialization Conference, Banff, Canada (Apr. 15, 2010).

36. Barley genome tour with transposons, Plant Science Department, University of Saskatchewan,

Saskatoon, Canada (Feb. 23, 2010).

37. Transposon-mediated functional genomics in cereals, International Conference on Recent

Developments, Future Prospects and Entrepreneurial Trends in Biotechnology, Alwar,

Rajasthan, India, (Dec. 19-21, 2009).

38. Genes in your meal and beyond, FAES: Mac Sneak Peek, McGill University, Canada (Nov. 9,


39. Genes in your breakfast and beyond, Faculty of Science: Soup and Science, McGill

University, Montreal, Canada (Sept. 17, 2009).

40. Dissecting QTLs with Ac/Ds Transposons, Canadian Society of Plant Physiologist, British

Columbia, Canada (Jun. 18, 2009).

41. Ac/Ds transposon-mediated genomic tour in cereals, AAFC, Ottawa, Canada (Nov. 7, 2008).

42. Designing of bio-energy plants needs an integrated approach, CCC Forum on Energy and

Environment, Wuxi, China (Nov. 1, 2008).

43. Enhancing value of cereals through conventional and modern approaches, DNA LandMarks,

St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada (Aug. 14, 2008).

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


44. Appropriate plants for bio-fuel: a new agenda for geneticists and plant breeders, Second

generation biofuels, feedstocks and US-Canada collaborations, McNIBB, McGill University,

Montreal, Canada (Jul. 9, 2008).

45. Transposon-mediated genomic tour in cereals, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

(Dec. 13, 2007).

46. Enhancing value of crop plants through proteomics and genomics, Mendel Biotechnology

Hayward, California, USA (Sept. 17, 2007).

47. Research advances in crop improvement, State University of New York. Cobleskill, New York,

(Apr. 9, 2007).

48. Enhancing value of cereals through genomics and genetic engineering, Washington State

University, Pullman, Washington, USA (Feb. 7, 2007).

49. Targeting genes and their function in the "Genome Haystack": Transposon-based saturation

mutagenesis, Plant and Animal Genomics XIV Conference, San Diego, California, USA (Jan.

14-18, 2006).

50. Ac/Ds transposon tools for barley functional genomics, Plant and Animal Genomics XIII

Conference, San Diego, California, USA (Jan. 15-19, 2005).

51. Ac/Ds transposon-mediated gene discovery in barley, World Congress on In Vitro Biology, San

Francisco, California, USA (May 22-26, 2004).

52. Building a transposon tagging resource in barley, USDA/NSF/IGROW, Workshop on Wheat

Genome Sequencing Washington, District of Columbia, USA (Nov. 9-11, 2003).

53. Proteomics and bioinformatics tools for gene identification in cereals, Bioinformatics Tools for

Plant Genomics Course, USDA, Albany, California, USA (Oct. 13-17, 2003).

54. Proteomics tools for gene identification in cereals, Bioinformatics Tools for Plant Genomics

Course, USDA, Albany, California, USA (Apr. 21-25, 2003).

55. Transposon-mediated functional genomics in barley, Wheat Functional Genomics Workshop,

ICAR- Rothamsted, United Kingdom (Sept. 9-10, 2002).

Media interviews: 1. Interview with Ms. Jasleen Ghura, Improvement of crop plants through genetic engineering,

Times of India (September 20, 2018).

2. Interview with Ms. Taylor Yankowski, Breeding of Cotton Candy Grapes, CBC

Homerun (June 15, 2017).

3. Interview with Ms. Amy Petherick, Ontario Grain Farmer magazine (Jan. 19, 2015,

published in March 2015).

4. Research documentary and interview by Tele Quebec Code Chastenay (Sept. 23, 2014).

Documentary relayed in Jan 2015. De l'orge, du houblon et des genes (Barley, hops and genes)

5. Interview with Mr. Malorie Bertrand, Communications Officer, Canada Foundation for

Innovation, (March 14, 2014).

6. Radio interview on Farm Talk with Mick Kjar (KQLX-AM Ag News 890) (Oct. 14, 2013).

7. Interview with Barry Wilson, National Correspondent, The Western Producer, Parliamentary

Press Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Oct. 18, 2013).

8. Interview with Margaret Evans, Earthways Media Ltd., Lindell Beach, British Columbia

(Oct. 22, 2013).

9. Interview with Will Chabun, Reporter at the Leader Post, Regina, Saskatchewan (Oct. 11,


10. Interview with UK postgraduate student of Science Journalism, Richard Kemeny, City

University, United Kingdom (Oct. 22, 2013).

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


11. Radio interview with Rishi Nagar, Red FM, Calgary (Oct. 28, 2013).

12. Interview with Nicolas Heffernan, Associate Editor at Bio Business magazine, Jesmar

Communications Inc., Richmond Hill, Ontario (Oct. 29, 2013).

Press Releases:

1. Barley Breakthrough: Canadian researcher finds protein to lower β-glucan levels


2. The discovery that could shake up the beer industry. “The Western Producer”, Dec 28,


3. Canada: Researchers find protein to enhance malting barley quality


4. Crafting a better beer

5. Crafting better beer


6. Crafting better beer (July 6, 2017) July 6,

7. McGill Researcher Jaswinder Singh Discovers Malting Process That May Provide Gains

for Brewers

8. Sprout Resistant Wheat, Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine

9. McGill discovery should save wheat farmers millions

McGill News (


2050 Magazine (


ScienceNewsLine (

10. Wheat: Possible solution discovered for costly pre-harvest sprouting (



11. Researchers identify key to wheat sprouting

The Western Producer (

sprouting/, )

12. Epigenetic-related genes modulate early germination of wheat, study finds

GenomeWeb (


13. Discovery should save wheat famers millions of dollars

Science daily (

Manitoba cooperator (


Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


14. Epigenetic factors identify as key to preventing sprouting of wheat caused by rain and

high humidity

Farm future (



Alberta wheat commission (


15. Genetic ‘switch’ in wheat may halt pre-harvest sprouting (


Alberta wheat commission (


16. Gene keeps wheat from sprouting on the stalk

Futurity (

17. Good news for beer lovers and wheat farmers

Lab Manager (


MedWrench (


18. McGill team finds sprout gene Ontario Farmer



19. Sprout resistant wheat Ontario Grain Farmer (Magazine of Grain Farmers of Ontario)


Other Press Releases and News Stories

20. The story of oat breeding and research (Feb. 2, 2016), Grainews


21. Stronger by the bushel: McGill breakthrough in epigenetics will help prevent costly crop

damage for wheat farmers. CFI innovation, Malorie Bertrand March 24, 2014.


22. Better beer is in the barley: A genetic discovery in wheat may help produce superior

barley and tastier beer, CFI innovation, Malorie Bertrand August 11, 2015. (


23. Tagging in oats (Nov, 2015), Oat Scoop, pp 5


24. Lab highlight- Research in Dr. Jaswinder Singh’s laboratory (2012), IAPB Canada

Newsletter, issue 2, pp 2-4



25. Meeting report on 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, Session-Commercialization

of Plant Biotechnology (2012), IAPB Canada Newsletter, issue 1, p 7

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


26. Enhancement of barley using genomics tools (2010), Barley Country


27. McGill press release on the first time discovery of reversal of epigenetic silencing in plants

(2009), (


28. Research discovery in the McGill Principal’s report (2009), p 7


Faculty News (2009)


29. Perspective on our epigenetic discovery which was also published in PLOS Genetics

Finnegan and Whitelaw (2008) “Leaving the Past Behind”. Volume 4, Issue 10, e1000248, pp


30. Discovery news in Science Daily (2008)


TS-Si Headlines- California (2008)


31. Special news in FAO Plant Breeding newsletter

( services/pbn/pbn-197.htm#a136)

Chinese media (Biotech World, Bioon News, Taipei media)

32. Research discovery was highlighted at the MaizeGDB Editorial Board recommended

readings (2008)


33. Research discovery was evaluated and highlighted by Faculty of 1000 Biology by world-

famous experts as major advance in the field (April 2009)

Citation: Xing Wang Deng: Faculty of 1000 Biology (Apr. 2, 2009)


34. Interview with The McGill Tribune in FEATURES: Of plants and patents (Jan. 7, 2009)


35. Interaction meeting with Vice Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University (Dec. 2009) to

promote McGill partnership was covered by Indian media (The Tribune-; Indian Express-; Ajit Newspaper) and Indo-Canadian

media (Bharat Sandesh, Punjabi Dunya -


36. Interview with McGill Reporter about my research program at McGill University (Oct. 23,

2008) (

Conference/Workshop abstracts and presentations: Life time total 94 1. Singh, J., Tripathi, R. K., Iqbal, I., Singh, S. (2018) Interaction of thaumatin like-proteins and

β-glucans is redox regulated in barley, Plant Biology 18, July 14-18, Montreal, Canada (Oral).

2. Iqbal, I., Tripathi, R. K., Wilkins, O., Singh, J. (2018) Overview of thaumatin-like proteins in

small grain cereals. Plant Biology 18, July 14-18, Montreal, Canada (Poster- awarded 3rd

prize by CSPB).

3. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, J. (2018)The role of miR156/SPL/miR172 module in small grain

cereals. Plant Biology 18, July 14-18, Montreal, Canada (Poster)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


4. Chen, W-Y., Singh, J. (2018) Exploring possible role of RdDM pathway in pre- harvest-

sprouting in barley. Plant Biology 18, July 14-18, Montreal, Canada (Poster).

5. Mahmoud, M., Fatmawati, A., Kaur, R., Lefsrud, M., Tinker, N., Singh, J.(2018)Transposon-

mediated mutagenesis in oat. Plant Biology 18, July 14-18, Montreal, Canada (Poster).

6. Iqbal, I., Tripathi, R. K., Singh, S., Singh, J. (2018) Interaction of thaumatin-like proteins with

β-glucan in barley. 4th ICC Latin American Cereals Conference, March 11-14, Mexico city,

Mexico (Oral).

7. Mahmoud, M., Kaur, R., Tinker, N., Singh, J. (2018) Development of a transposon-mediated

gene tagging system in oat. PAG XXV, Jan. 13-17, San Diego, California, USA (Oral).

8. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, J. (2017). SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like (SPL) genes in

barley and their role in plant development. Plants from Sea to Sky. Joint meeting of

professional societies: The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB) and the Canadian

Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), July 4-7, University of British Columbia (UBC)

Vancouver, Canada (Oral).

9. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, J. (2017). The possible role of SPL/miR156 module in controlling

growth phase transition in barley. In proceedings of Canadian Society of Plant Biologists

(CSPB)/SCBV Eastern Regional Meeting, Nov 25-26, Macdonald Campus of McGill

University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Canada. (Oral).

10. Mahmoud, M., Kaur, R., Tinker, N., Singh, J. (2017). Ac/Ds transposons tagging system as a

tool for functional genomics in oat (Avena Sativa). CSPB Eastern Regional conference, a

meeting of the Canadian Society of plant biologists, November 24-25, Mac campus, McGill

university, Montreal, Quebec. Canada (Poster- honorable mention).

11. Mahmoud, M., Kaur, R., Singh, J. (2017). Introduction of Ac/Ds transposons into oat genome.

Crop production and Disease Management – Cultivating Ideas conference, a Joint Meeting of

the Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) and the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA),

June 18 to 21, Delta Winnipeg Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada (Poster).

12. Iqbal, I., Tripathi, R. K., Wilkins, O., Singh, J. (2017). Functional characterization of

germination associated thaumatin-like proteins in barley. In proceedings of Canadian Society of

Plant Biologists (CSPB)/SCBV Eastern Regional Meeting, Nov 25-26, Macdonald Campus of

McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Canada. (Oral).

13. Iqbal, I., Tripathi, R. K., Kaur, S., Singh, J. (2017). PR-5 gene family in barley and other

Cereals. The 8th Canadian Barley Symposium & the 22nd North American Barley

Researchers Workshop, June 25–28, 2017, Winnipeg, Canada. (Poster).

14. Kaur, R., Scheske, C., Singh, J., Lefsrud, M. (2017). Genetic transformation of the field pea

for improvement in oil content. American Society of Plant Biologists, June 24-28, Honolulu,

Hawaii, USA (Poster).

15. Singh, J., Lefsrud, M., Mahmoud, M., Kaur, R. (2017) Development of a transposon-mediated

functional genomics system in oat. American Society of Plant Biologists, June 24-28,

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Poster).

16. Singh, J., Kanwar, R., Sharma, N., Prasher, S. (2017) Bioremediation-green technology, IC-

IMPACTS India workshop, Dec 4-7, 2017, Pune, India (Oral).

17. Daishu, Y., Schwinghamer, T., Dalpé, Y., El-Sayed, A-A., Singh, J., Khanizadeh, S. (2016)

Comparison of total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of mycorrhizal-colonized

spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Joint Annual Conference for the Canadian

Society of Agronomy (CSA) and the Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), July

24-26, 2016 La Plaza, Montreal, QC, Canada (Poster).

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


18. Scheske, C., Kaur, R., Singh, J., Lefsrud, M. (2016) Oil and lipid content improvements in the

field pea. Joint Annual Conference for the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) and the

Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), July 24-26, 2016 La Plaza, Montreal, QC,

Canada (Poster).

19. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, S., Islam, K., Singh, J. (2016). The possible regulation of barley

malting quality trait through MSB12 and β-glucan interplay. Plant biotech conference, a joint

meeting between the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB) and the Canadian

Association for Plant Biotechnology (CAPB), June 19-21, Queen’s University, Kingston,

Canada (Poster).

20. Tripathi, R. K., Kaur, R., Singh, J. (2016). Development of a transposon system in oat for

functional genomics. Plant biotech conference, a joint meeting between the Canadian Society

of Plant Biologists (CSPB) and the Canadian Association for Plant Biotechnology (CAPB),

June 19-21, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada (Poster).

21. Scheske, C., Kaur, R., Singh, J., Lefsrud, M. (2016) Oil and lipid content improvements in the

field pea. Joint Annual Conference for the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) and the

Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), July 24-26, 2016 La Plaza, Montreal, QC,

Canada (Poster).

22. Daishu, Y., Dalpé, Y., Singh, J., Khanizadeh, S. (2016) Mycorrhizal colonization in spring

wheat: phenotypic and genotypic analysis. 3rd Canadian Wheat Symposium, Nov 22-25, 2016,

Delta, Ottawa, Canada (Poster).

23. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, J. (2016). Gametophyte to Grain: Food Security Potential in Climate

Change Scenario. Plant Phenotyping & Imaging Research Centre (P2IRC): Inaugural

Symposium, August 29-30, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada (Poster).

24. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, S., Islam, K., Singh, J. (2016). The involvement of protein-

carbohydrate module in barley malting quality. Joint Annual Conference for the Canadian

Society of Agronomy (CSA) and the Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), July

24-26, 2016 La Plaza, Montreal, QC, Canada (Oral).

25. Tripathi, R. K., Singh, S., Islam, K., Singh, J. (2016). The interaction of MSB12 and β-glucan

is the key regulator of barley malting quality trait. Symposium on the Journées du Center

SÈVE, November 24 and 25, 2016, Hotel Chateau-Bromont, Montreal, QC, Canada (Oral).

26. Kaur, A., Tinker, N., Singh, J. (2016). Analyzing gluten induced celiac associated epitopes in

diverse set of oat genotypes. Plant biotech conference, a joint meeting between the Canadian

Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB) and the Canadian Association for Plant Biotechnology

(CAPB), June 19-21, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada (Poster).

27. Kaur, A., Tinker, N., Singh, J. (2016). Oat avenins: Do they all contain celiac causing

epitopes? Joint Annual Conference for the Canadian Society of Agronomy (CSA) and the

Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), July 24-26, 2016 La Plaza, Montreal, QC,

Canada (Poster).

28. Singh, J., Kaur, S., Dhugga, K. S., Gill, K. S. (2016). Cellulose synthase (CesA) genes of

bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.). The 11th Annual DOE Joint Genome Institute Genomics

of Energy & Environment Meeting, March 21-24, Walnut Creek, California, USA (Poster).

29. Kaur, S., Dhugga, K. S., Gill, K. S., Singh, J. (2015). Functional informatics of cellulose

synthase genes. PAG XXIII, January 10-14, San Diego, California, USA (Poster).

30. Singh, S., Singh, J. (2015) Characterizing barley malting quality QTL using a Ds transposon-

based functional genomics and synteny- based comparative approach in barley. PAG XXIII,

Jan. 10-14, San Diego, California, USA (Poster).

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


31. Singh, S. and Singh, J. (2014) Characterizing barley malting quality QTL using

a Ds transposon based functional genomics and synteny based comparative approach. Journée

d'information scientifique Innovagrains-CRAAQ, Nov. 20, Boucherville, Quebec (Poster).

32. Kaur, S., Dhugga, K., Gill, K., Singh, J. (2014) Novel structural and functional motifs

differentiating primary cell wall cellulose synthase genes from those of secondary cell wall.

The Fourth Montréal Plant Biology Meeting. Nov. 15, Stewart Biology Building, McGill

University, Quebec, Canada (Oral).

33. Singh, S., Singh, J. (2014) Functional characterization barley malting QTL. International

Association of Plant Biotechnology, Aug. 10-15, Melbourne, Australia (Poster).

34. Kaur, S., Majithia, H., Singh, J., (2014). Status of cellulose synthase genes in small grain

cereals. Advanced Biofuel Symposium, May 27-29, Ottawa, Canada (Poster).

35. Cardinal, M-J., Singh, J. (2014). Towards introducing Ac/Ds transposons into Hordeum

spontaneum to capture genetic diversity. 9th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May

12-15, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Oral).

36. Singh, S., Singh, J. (2014). Functional characterization of barley malting quality QTL. 9th

Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 12-15, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Oral).

37. Tsai, C-K., Singh, J. (2014). Role of RNA-dependent DNA methylation on the regulation of

grain genes in barley. 9th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 12-15, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada (Poster).

38. Nandha, P., Singh, J. (2014). Exploration of genetic diversity in wild and cultivated barley

using gSSR and EST-SSR markers. 9th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 12-15,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Poster).

39. Kaur, S., Majithia, H., Singh, J. (2014). Exploration of cellulose synthase (CesA) genes in

wheat for bio-energy traits. 9th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 12-15,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Poster).

40. Singh, S., Chi-Kang, T., Singh, J. (2014) Grain sprouting: Is epigenetics playing a role? PAG

XXII, Jan. 11-15, San Diego, California, USA (Poster).

41. Cardinal, M-J., Singh, J. (2013). Establishment of a tissue culture system in primitive barley

accessions. American Society of Plant Biology, July 20-24, Providence, Rhode Island, USA


42. Singh, S., Syan, H, Kaur, S., Singh, J. (2013). Functional characterization of barley malting

quality QTL. American Society of Plant Biology, July 20-24, Providence, Rhode Island, USA


43. Kaur, R., Singh, S., Singh, J. (2012) Transposon mutagenesis for identification of stress

responsive genes in cereals. 2012 National Fusarium Head Blight, Dec. 4-6, Orlando, Florida,

USA (Poster).

44. Singh, K., Kaur, R., Singh, J. (2012) Structural and functional analysis of a stress responsive

genes from barley. 2012 National Fusarium Head Blight, Dec. 4-6, Orlando, Florida, USA


45. Singh, S., Singh, M., Singh, J. (2012) Utilizing the maize Ac/Ds transposons to dissect

malting quality QTLs in Barley. 54th Annual Maize Genetics Meeting, March 15-18, Portland,

Oregon, USA (Poster).

46. Singh, S., Tan, H-Q., Singh, M., Singh, J. (2012) Towards transposon-based dissection of

malting quality QTLs in barley. 7th Barley Genetic Symposium, July 9-10, Calgary, Alberta,

Canada (Oral).

47. Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Singh, M., Dalton, J., Singh, J. (2012) Towards an AcTPase expression

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


system. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 14-17, University of Guelph,

Ontario, Canada (Oral).

48. Singh, S., Singh, M., Kaur, R., Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Singh, J. (2012) Functional genomics of

malting quality QTLs using Ac/Ds transposons in barley. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology

Conference, May 14-17, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Oral).

49. Kaur, R., Pageau, D., Jabaji, S., Singh, J. (2012) Assessing effects of GM canola on soil

microflora. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 14-17, University of Guelph,

Ontario, Canada (Oral).

50. Singh, M., Singh, J. (2012) Role of Argonaut 4_9 genes during seed development in small

grain cereals. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 14-17, University of

Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

51. Cardinal, M-J., Singh, M., Kaur, R., Singh, S., Singh, J. (2012) Characterization of male

sterility mutant in barley. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 14-17,

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Poster).

52. Nandha, P. S., Ahmad, S., Singh, S., Singh, M., Singh, J. (2012) Molecular characterization of

wild barley germplasm. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 14-17, University

of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Poster).

53. Ahmad, S., Singh, M., Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Lefsrud, M. Singh, J. (2012) Analysis of genetic

variation in Pisum spp using diverse molecular markers. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology

Conference, May 14-17, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Poster).

54. Syan, H. S., Prasher, S., Singh, J. (2012) Fate and transport of herbicides used in growing

transgenic canola in Quebec. 8th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference, May 14-17,

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Poster).

55. Singh, J., Singh, S., Tan, H-Q., Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Kaur, R., Singh, M. (2012) Gene

tagging in large genome cereals through Ac/Ds transposons. PAG XX, January 14-18, San

Diego, California, USA (Oral).

56. Nandha, P., Singh, S., Lamb-Palmer, N. D., Kaur, R., Singh, M., Singh, J. (2011) Developing

a transposon based genomic approach to explore stress responsive genes in wild barley. 2011

National FHB Forum, Dec. 4-6, St. Louis, USA (Poster).

57. Singh, S., Tan, H-Q., Singh, M., Singh, J. (2011) In vitro expression of transposase promotes

reactivation of Ds transposons. Plant Canada, July 17-21, Nova Scotia, Halifax, Canada


58. Ahmad, S., Singh, M., Lefsrud, M., Singh, J. (2011) Assessment of genetic diversity in Pisum

sativum through transposon and microsatellite markers. Plant Canada, July 17-21, Nova

Scotia, Halifax, Canada (Poster).

59. Singh, M., Singh. J (2011) Exploring genetic and epigenetic basis of seed dormancy in

cereals. 12th International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals, July 24-27, Red

Deer, Alberta, Canada (Oral).

60. Singh, M., Grimanelli, D., Singh, J. (2011) Reproduction specific Argonaut genes in maize

and barley and their role in transposon silencing. 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference,

March 17-20, St. Charles, Illinois, USA (Poster).

61. Tan, H-Q., Singh, S., and Singh, J. (2010). Saturating barley malting quality QTLs with Ac/Ds

transposons. American Society of Plant Biology, July 31-Aug. 4, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


62. Singh, S., Singh, M., Tan, H-Q., Singh J. (2010) Transposons- based saturation mutagenesis

to explore FHB resistance in barley. 2010 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Dec. 7-10,

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (Poster).

63. Qasim, K., Tan, H-Qi., Singh, S., Ashfaq, M., Singh, M., Singh, J. (2010). In vitro activation

of Ds transposons in barley. American Society of Plant Biology, July 31-Aug. 4, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada (Poster).

64. Tan, H-Q., Singh, S., Singh, J., (2010). Dissecting malting quality QTLs using transposons.

6th Canadian Barley Symposium. July 25-28, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (Poster).

65. Tan, H-Q., Singh, S., Singh, J., (2010). Saturating barley malting quality QTLs with Ac/Ds

transposons. American Society of Plant Biology, July 31-Aug. 4, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


66. Singh, S., Tan, H-Q., Singh, J. (2009). Efforts toward dissecting 2H- FHB QTL with

transposons in barley. In Proceedings of the 2009 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Dec.

5-10, Orlando, Florida, USA (Poster).

67. Tan H-Q., Singh J. (2009) Dissecting malting quality QTL in barley by transposon

mutagenesis. American Society of Plant Biologist conference, July 18 -23, Honolulu, Hawaii,

USA (Poster).

68. Tan, H-Q., Muller-Greven, G., Singh, J. (2009). Dissecting QTLs with Ac/Ds transposons.

Canadian Society of Plant Physiologist, June 15-18, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


69. Chapleau, M., Joseph Pilai, D., Tan, H-Q., Singh, J. (2009) Using Ac/Ds transposons to

determine gene function in barley. 3rd Annual Undergraduate Student Research Award Poster

Presentations, Sept. 9, FAES, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Poster).

70. Lemaux, PG., Singh, J., Zhang, S., Bregitzer, P., Hayes, P.M., Carollo, V. (2008) Transposon-

mediated functional genomics in barley. The 2008 SSSA-ASA-CSSA Joint Annual Meeting,

Oct. 5-9, Houston, Texas, USA (Poster).

71. Tan, H-Q., Kaur, R., Lemaux, P.G., Singh, J. (2008) Development of functional genomic

resource in sorghum. 2nd Annual Montreal Plant Meeting, Nov.15, Ste. Anne-de Bellevue,

Quebec, Canada (Poster).


McGill University

Major courses

2010 - 2015 AEBI 210: Organism 1 (3 credits)

2010 - Current PLNT 435: Plant Breeding (3 credits)

2016 LSCI 204: Genetics (3 credit)

2017 AEBI 210: Organism 1 (3 credits)

2018- PLNT 662: Advances in Plant Biotechnology (3 credit- graduate level)

Other courses 2011 PLNT 670: Advance Plant Breeding (Special topics-3 credits)

2009 PLNT 535: Plant Breeding (3 credits)

2009 AEBI 306: Experiments in Biotechnology (3 credits)

2009 AGRI 480: World Crop Survey (1 credit)

Research project based courses 2018 FAES 402: Honours courses Environmental Biology (6 credits-Fall)

2018 FAES 402: Honours courses Environmental Biology (6 credits-Winter)

2017 FAES 401: Honours courses Environmental Biology (6 credits)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


2011 PLNT 489/490: Plant Science project courses (3 credits)

2011 AGRI 490: Research Project (3 credits)

2011 BTEC 622-625: Research Project (16 credits for completion of

MSc Biotechnology-applied)

2010 BIOC 491: Independent Research (6 credits- Co-supervisor with Dr.

Jason Yong)

UC Berkeley

2006-2007 PMB 170: Modern Applications of Plant Biotechnology (3 credits)

Guest lectures

2010- AGRI 411: Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture (3


2009, 2012: BIOL 436: Evolution and Society (3 credits) -McGill

2008: PLNT 525: Advanced Micro-propagation (3 credits) -McGill

2003 – 2007: NS106: Introduction to Food Science (3 credits) -UC Berkeley

2003 – 2004: PMB 170: Modern Applications of Plant Biotechnology (3 credits) -UC


2004: ESPM 100: Introduction to the Methods of Environmental Science (3

credits) -UC Berkeley

2003: PMB 24: The Evolution of Crops: You Are What You Eat (3 credits) -

UC Berkeley

Graduate Students

Current Graduate Students (5)

Irfan Iqbal (Ph.D.- Sept. 2016)

Wei-Yuan Chen (Ph.D.- Sept. 2017)

Mohannad Mahmoud (M.Sc.-Jan. 2017)

Annis Fatmawati (M.Sc.-Jan. 2018)

Students Graduated (8)

Simerjeet kaur (Ph.D.- May 2013- Aug. 2017)

Surinder Singh (Ph.D.- Jan. 2011-Aug 2015)

Marie-Josee Cardinal (M.Sc.- May 2012)

Prabhjot Nandha (M.Sc.- Sept. 2011-March, 2014)

Han Qi-Tan (M.Sc.- 2008-2010)

Sajjad Ahmed (M.Sc.-2010-2012)

Daishu Yi (M.Sc.-2013-2016)

Harvinder Syan (M.Sc.-2010-2012, Co-supervisor with Dr. Prasher)

Student Trainees and Interns (8)

N. D. Lamb-Palmer (M.Sc.-2010-2011- Biotechnology Intern, Institute of


Muhammad Ashfaq (6 month Ph.D. trainee-2011)

Muhammad Ali (6 month Ph.D. trainee – Apr. 2013)

Sahabat Noor (6 month Ph.D. trainee – June 2013)

Chi-Kang Tsai (Ph.D. trainee- 2014-15)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Amanpreet Kaur (Ph.D. trainee- 2016)

Kamrul Islam (Ph.D. trainee- 2015-16)

John Alexander Aguirre Tabares (Canada-Columbia exchange MSc student-


Research Associates/PDFs (6) Dr. Rajiv Tripathi (Aug. 2015- present)

Dr. Manjit Singh (May 2010-Dec. 2012)

Dr. Ravneet Kaur (June 2011-Feb. 2013)

Dr. Kashmir Singh (Visiting Scientist- May 2012-Jan. 2013)

Dr. Anuradha Varier (short terms- less than 6 months)

Dr. Anoop Sindhu (short terms- less than 6 months)

Undergraduate Research Students (16) Thomas Donoso (NSERC USRA-2018)

Jérôme Gélinas Bélanger (NSERC USRA-2017)

William Overbeek (2017-18)

Thomas Donoso (2017)

Dennis Park (2017)

Deshanthe Joseph-pillai

Gaelle Muller-Greven

Karim Qasim

Shujun Xiao (2012- Chinese Exchange program)

Xin Hao (2010- Chinese Exchange program)

Xin Bao (2010- Chinese Exchange program)

Chen Li

Naveen Dangi

Marie-Josee Cardinal

Taranvir Bhati

Mélanie Chapleau (NSERC USRA-2009)

Undergraduate Research Students (10)

Co-supervised before 2008

Academic Advising (36)

2010-2014: Plant Production -Specialization

o 2010 (8 students), 2011(14 students), 2012 (12 students)

2010-2014: Plant Production- minor (2 students)

Professional Development Attended STLHE 2012 (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)

Conference (June 19, 2012) to promote the quality of learning.

Workshop on Teaching for Understanding in Science: Designing learner-centered

instruction (May 11, 2011) McGill University.

Introduction to Course Design and Teaching Workshop (May 6-10, 2011) McGill


Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Attended a course, GPS 323 - An open discussion on Supervising Graduate

Students (March 17, 2010).

MITI (Macdonald Innovations for Teaching Improvement) teaching workshop on

Multiculturalism & Teaching/Learning Practices (May 5, 2009).


Administrative activities (McGill University) Founder and Chair of 4 O’ clock forum, Faculty of Agriculture and

Environmental Sciences (Since 2009) Member of Appeal committee for student discipline and grievances (appointed

by Senate for 2018-202)

Member of Faculty Research Ethics Board (Since 2018)

Chair, Admission committee (2017)

Departmental committee for Assistant Professor in Sustainable Crop Genetic

Improvement (2017)

Coordinator/Advisor-Plant Production Specialization (2010-2014)

Advisor Plant Production minor (2010-2014)

Member of Macdonald Campus IT Committee (2015-2018)

Member of Development of Teaching Excellence Committee (2013)

Member of Macdonald Campus Environmental Committee (2009-2012)

Member of Macdonald Campus Library Committee (2010-2014)

Member of FAES International Development Committee (Since 2012)

Member of Plant Science Graduate Program Committee (2009-2014)

Member of Plant Science Greenhouse Committee (2011)

Member Plant Geneticist Search Committee (2009)

Participated in the Dean’s panel to upgrade International Agriculture major and

food security discussions (2011)

Member of Plant Science Sub-committee for Assistant Professor - Horticulture


Represented Department of Plant Science at McGill Open house (2009)

Coordinated McGill Open House for the Plant Science Department (2010, 2011)

Represented Department of Plant Science for its involvement in GCAP

AgriScience cluster at CEROM Research Center (Sept. 28, 2009)

Organized Greenhouse Tour for MAC Mentoring (Jan. 22, 2010)

Assisted to organize Dr. Khush’s lecture (Dr. Khush is a world-renowned Rice

Breeder and recipient of World Food Prize)

Graduate Student Evaluation

Ph.D. supervisory Committees (6)

M.Sc. supervisory Committees (3)

Pro-dean Ph.D. thesis defense (3)

Ph.D. thesis defense (10)

Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee (14)

Ph.D. / M.Sc. thesis evaluation external examiner (McGill-8)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Ph.D. / M.Sc. thesis evaluation external examiner (Non-McGill-8)

National Committees (6)

Member of Gleb Krotkov award committee of the Canadian Society of Plant

Biologists (Since 2016)

Co-chair organizing committee, CSA-CSHS conference-2016

Executive committee member, International Association of Plant Biotechnology-

Canada Section (Since 2013)

Elected eastern director of Canadian Society of Agronomy (2010-12)

Elected associate member of Prairie Grain Development Committee (Since 2010)

Poster judge for Canadian Society of Plant Physiology annual meeting (2009)

Organizing committee, 2nd Plant Montreal Meeting (2008)

International Committees (3):

Member International Committee, American Society of Plant Biologists (2012-2015)

Member scientific committee of 12th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy to be

held at Helsinki, Finland, 20-24 August 2012

Member for organizing International Conference on Recent Developments, Future

Prospects and Entrepreneurial Trends in Biotechnology, Alwar, India (2009)

Conference/Session Chair (6)

Co-chair, 2016 join conference of CSA and CSHS (2016)

Co-chair, 9th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference (2014)

Session Chair, International Workshop on Sweet Sorghum (March 3-6, 2014)

Session Chair 12th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy to be held at

Helsinki, Finland (Aug. 23, 2012)

Session Co-chair, “Commercialization of Plant Biotechnology” 8th Canadian Plant

Biotechnology Conference (May 17, 2012), Guelph, Ontario

Chaired two sessions at the International Conference on Recent Developments,

Future Prospects and Entrepreneurial Trends in Biotechnology, (Dec. 20-21, 2009)

Session Chair- 2nd Annual Montreal Plant Meeting, (Nov. 15, 2008), Ste. Anne-de

Bellevue, Canada

Invited Panel Grant Reviews (3) 2011: Participated in AAFC peer review panel deliberation (total 49 grant

proposal-reviewed 8 proposals as one of the main readers)

2012: Participated in AAFC peer review panel deliberation (tTotal 20 grant

proposal-reviewed 6 proposals as one of the main readers)

2013: Participated in AAFC peer review panel deliberation (total 35 grant proposal

-reviewed 6 proposals as one of the main readers)

2015: Department of Energy, USA, peer review panel for Systems Biology

Research to Advance Sustainable Bioenergy Crop Development (reviewed 8

proposals as one of the main readers)

Grant Reviews (14)

2008 United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research & Development Fund

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV



2008 Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat (1)

2008 AAFC research proposal (1)

2009 NSERC strategic grant (1)

2009 MITACS internship proposals (2)

2009 Pulse Research under the Agri-Science Cluster Program (1)

2011 NSERC- Discovery grant (1)

2012 NSERC-CRD (1)

2012 Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund Ltd. (I )

2015 NSERC- Discovery grant (1)

2015 CFI proposal (1)

2015 Agriculture Funding Consortium (I )

2015 Plant Breeding Research for the Bioeconomy–The new funding initiative of

the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (1)

2016: NSERC-CRD (1), NSERC Strategic (1)

2016: Macdonald Campus internal grants (2)

2017: NSERC-CRD (1)

2018: The NYUAD Research Enhancement Fund (1)

Journal Article Reviews:

2009: Molecular Breeding (1), Biotechnology Journal (1)

2011: Nucleic Acid Research (2), Functional & Integrative genomics (1), Crop

Science (2), Canadian Journal of Plant Science (1), Genome (1), HortSci (1)

2012: Functional & Integrative Genomics (1), Annals of Applied Biology (1),

Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences (1), Journal of Plant Physiology &

Pathology (1)

2012: Conference papers for European Society of Agronomy (30 conference


2014: Genome (1), Canadian Journal of Plant Science (1), PLOS One (1) and

Molecular Biotechnology (1)

2015: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1), BioMed Research

International (1), PLOS One (3) and Genetics and Molecular Biology (1)

2016: Nature Scientific Reports (1), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

(1), Plant Science (1)

2017: BMC Plant Biology (1), PLOS ONE (2)

2018: Molecular Genetics and Genomics (1), Carbohydrate Polymers (1), Acta

Physiologiae Plantarum (1), International Journal of Food Properties (1), BMC

Plant Biology (1), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1)

Editorial Boards

Academic Editor (2015-18), PLOS ONE, 10 manuscripts edited

2015 (3); 2016 (4); 2017 (3)

Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 58 manuscripts edited

2010 (2); 2011 (8); 2012 (18); 2013 (18); 2014 (2); 2015 (2); 2016 (8);

2017 (9)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Member of Editorial Board for Turkish Journal of Biology

2016 (2)

Network Membership

BioFuelNet Canada (2012-2015)

Center Sève (2010- current)

Membership in Professional Societies:

The American Society of Plant Biologists (Since 2002)

The Crop Science Society of America (2006-2012)

The Canadian Society of Agronomy (Since 2009)

The Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists (Since 2008)

The European Society of Agronomy (2012-2014)

The International Association for Plant Biotechnology – Canada Section (2011-


National Association of Plant Breeders (Since 2010)

Switchgrass Genetics Community (Since 2011)

Other Contributions

Interview with McGill Reporter about my research program at McGill University

(Oct. 23, 2008)

Provided viewpoint for The McGill Tribune in FEATURES: Of plants and patents

(Jan. 7, 2009)

Participated in the discussions by the Consulate General of Canada in Los Angeles

for the promotion of Canada-California partnership on biofuel (Mar. 2, 2009)

Interaction meeting with Vice Chancellor (President) of Punjab Agricultural

University to promote McGill partnership for enhancement of crops in climate

change scenario (Dec. 24, 2009)

Recruitment presentation at IET Biotechnology Institute, Alwar, Rajasthan, India,

(Dec. 20, 2009)

Attended NSERC Strategic Workshops Canadian Biofuels Challenge 2020,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Oct. 15-16, 2010)

Consultation meeting with Dr. Christina Holmes, Laboratoire d’anthropologie des

institutions et organisations sociales (LAIOS), EHESS (graduate school)-CNRS

(Centre nationale de recherche scientifique), Paris. Topic: How conventional plant

breeding and biotechnology methods are integrating (2011)

Participated in the field day at La Coop fédérée, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec

Consultation meeting with Eastern Canada Scientists working on spring cereals,

CEROM research center (Sept. 29, 2009)

Participated in Environmental Biology program revision meetings (Dec. 10, 2012

and July 31, 2013)

Served as an official host for McGill honorary degree recipient, Dr. Gurdev S.

Khush (June 2, 2014)

Invited to attend the discussion forum on the Future Plant Breeding Oversight

(May, 2017, Ottawa)

Dr. Jaswinder Singh CV


Presentation on “Current Research on Molecular Breeding”. International Seed

Federation Delegation, Oct 19, 2017

Invited to participate in the Canadian Global Crop Symposium (March 26-28,

2018, Toronto)

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