curriculum of b.e computer software - · 4 introduction computer software engineering...

Post on 07-Sep-2019






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B.E Computer Software

Department of Computer Software Engineering

Military College of Signals

National University of Sciences and Technology

Dated: Aug, 2018

In accord to Working Paper 5


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 4

MISSION ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

PROGRAM EDUCATION OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................... 4

COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEERING DEGREE PROGRAMS ..................................................... 5

ELIGIBILITY CRIETERIA ............................................................................................................................ 5

ASSESMENT METHODLOGY .................................................................................................................... 6

GRADING POLICY (CLUSTER GRADING) ................................................................................ 6

GRADING POLICY (OBE BASED EVALUATION) .................................................................... 7

GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS .............................................................................................................. 8

Working Paper 5 – 50th ACM: 1st Year Common for all UG Disciplines ........................................ 8

Course wise CLOs-PLOs Mapping BESE Courses ................................................................................... 8

The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) ........................................................................................ 8

Mapping of CLOs to PLOs: ............................................................................................................. 10

Area-Wise List of Courses .......................................................................................................................... 32

Computing Core Courses ................................................................................................................. 32

Software Engineering Core Courses ................................................................................................ 32

Supporting Science Core Courses .................................................................................................... 33

General Education Core Courses ..................................................................................................... 33

Computing/SE Electives .................................................................................................................. 34

General Education Electives ............................................................................................................ 35

Supporting Science Electives ........................................................................................................... 36

Semester-Wise Curriculum Breakdown ................................................................................................... 38

List of Electives ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

COURSE CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 41

Computing Core Courses ................................................................................................................. 41

Software Engineering Core Courses ................................................................................................ 54


Supporting Science Core Courses .................................................................................................... 60

General Education Core Courses ..................................................................................................... 65

Title: ME-105 Workshop Practice(Approved Course) ................................................................................... 65

Computing/SE Electives .................................................................................................................. 79

General Education Electives .......................................................................................................... 140

Supporting Science Electives ......................................................................................................... 148

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................ 162

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................. 181

Appendix C ................................................................................................................................................ 184

Appendix D ................................................................................................................................................ 187



Computer Software Engineering is the discipline of creating high-quality software environment in a systematic, controlled and efficient manner, while maintaining it affordably. It involves the application of engineering concepts, techniques, and methods to develop the software systems. Software engineering program develops professionals who have a mastery of software development principles, theory, practice, and process.

Software Engineering aims to use the science and technology already available to create products and tools for use. Software Engineering derives its essence from computer science as other engineering disciplines do from natural or life sciences, with an emphasis on issues of process, design, measurement, analysis and verification providing a strong foundation in engineering principles and practices as applied to software development.


To prepare undergraduate and graduate students for productive careers in industry, academia, and government by providing a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research in the theory and applications of Computer Software Engineering. The Department places high priority to emerge as an important regional, national and international resource center for discovering, integrating and applying new knowledge and technologies. Department also focuses on imparting moral and ethical values in our graduates, so that they can contribute towards highly-principled society.


The Program Educational Objectives are a set of goals that are to be attained after three or four years of graduation. The Dept of CSE has defined its educational objectives in line with the University mission and vision. Following are the Program’s Educational Objectives, duly approved by the Faculty board of Studies:

PEO-1: To produce employable graduates that make intellectual and technical contributions in different domains of software industry

PEO-2: To produce motivated graduates in pursuit of higher studies and conduct research in their areas of interest

PEO-3: To produce responsible and ethical graduates having vast professional knowledge and skills in software engineering

PEO-4: To produce entrepreneurs with leadership qualities and effective communication skills, contributing in building a better society



Department of Computer Software Engineering at MCS NUST is presently running three programs of Software Engineering, these are:-

• Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Software - BE Computer Software

• Master of Science in Computer Software - MS Computer Software Engineering

• Doctor of Philosophy in Software Engineering - Ph.D. Software Engineering.

The Department of Computer Software Engineering focuses on conducting the Bachelor of Engineering Degree course in Software Engineering consisting of 133 credits to be completed in 4 years.


• Minimum 60% aggregate marks each in SSC and HSSC OR equivalent exams (as per IBCC equivalence).

• Candidates of FSc stream can apply for NET on the basis of FSc Part-I but confirmation of admission is subject to provision of FSc certificate or Detailed Marks Certificate.

• All non-FSc stream candidates must have equivalence certificate of their qualification, duly obtained from IBCC, Pakistan in relevant groups/subjects and with minimum 60% marks.

• Candidates of O/A Level or any other foreign equivalent qualification can apply on the basis of O Level (SSC) equivalence certificate obtained from Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) office but confirmation of their admission is subject to provision of A Level (HSSC) equivalence certificate duly obtained from IBCC, Pakistan.



CLOs are assessed throughout the semester through Quizzes, Assignments OHT-1, OHT-2 and Final Exams.

Lab and Skills Evaluation of the students are carried out on the basis of criteria defined in relevant Rubrics. Details of approved rubrics are attached as Appendix-D

Nature of Examination

Duration Frequency Weight%

End semester

Examination * 2-3 Hours 1 40-50

One Hour Test One Hour 2-4 CHs Courses – minimum 2 OHTs 30-40

Quizzes 10 – 15 minutes in the class

At least 1 Quiz per credit hour 10-15

Assignments Own Time At least 1 Assignment per credit hour


Project Own Time 10-20

* Mid Semester Examination will be held in lieu of OHTs during Summer Semester.


Final result for each subject is prepared on the basis of relative grading (Cluster Grading). Letter Grades and associated Grade Points are given below.

Letter Grade Grade Point

A 4.0

B+ 3.5

B 3.0

C+ 2.5


C 2.0

D+ 1.5

D 1.0

F 0.0

I Incomplete

W Withdraw

XF Short Attendance

Note: Students can improve their earned grades, if they desire, during summer semester break.


The OBE based evaluation in carried out on the basis of the given Key Performance Indicators:

OBE Assessment

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Measurement Tools

PLO (1 to 12)

PLO (1 to 12)

Direct Assessment (90%)

For individual student KPI for each PLO per course should be above 40%

Cohort Level KPI is 60%.

PLO attainment for graduating batch (Cumulative KPI) should be above 40%.

• Course-based PLO assessment of

all courses. • Final Year Project

Indirect Assessment (10%)

Surveys from different Stake holders.

• Faculty Course Review Report (at the end of semester)

• Graduate Exit Survey (at end of degree)

• Students Course Evaluation Questionnaire (at the end of semester)

• Internship Reports


(for each

KPI for each CLO per course should be above 50%

• CLO Assessment Results (Quiz, Assignments, OHTs, Final Exam, Lab Projects/Tests etc).


course) Cohort Level KPI is 60%

PEO The minimum attainment level for each PEO is 60%

• Alumni Survey • Employer Survey


The curriculum is based on HEC’s approved curriculum for Bachelor’s program in Software Engineering. The course breakdown as suggested by HEC and MCS is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Curriculum Design (as per HEC requirement)

Core Elective Total




Computing Foundation

46 44 21 21 85 85

Software Engineering 18 20

Supporting Science 12 12 9 9 21 21

General Education 15 15 12 12 27 27

Total 91 91 42 42 133 133

Percentage Engineering 90 68%

Non engineering 43 32%

Working Paper 5 – 50th ACM: 1st Year Common for all UG Disciplines

The aim of this working paper is to align the BESE Program at NUST by offering common subject by all first year engineering programs offered at constituent institutions of NUST. The detail is provided in Appendix-C

Course wise CLOs-PLOs Mapping BESE Courses

The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) describe what students are expected to


know and are able to do by the time of graduation in light of the knowledge, skills and attitude they acquire while progressing through the program. The BESE graduates of NUST-MCS will demonstrate the following attributes for the organization they join;

(i) Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

(ii) Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

(iii) Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

(iv) Investigation: An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.

(v) Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

(vi) The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.

(vii) Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

(viii) Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

(ix) Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.

(x) Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and


receive clear instructions.

(xi) Project Management: An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

(xii) Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

Mapping of CLOs to PLOs:

Core Courses


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code Title En









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Semester I


Calculus and Analytical Geometry

ü ü

HU-100 English ü

PHY-102 Applied Physics ü ü ü

CS-114 Fundamentals of Programming

ü ü ü


Discrete Mathematics

ü ü

HU-107 Pakistan Studies ü ü ü

ME-105 Workshop Practice ü ü ü

Semester II

HU-109 Communication Skills

ü ü


CS-212 Object Oriented Programming

ü ü ü ü

HU-101 Islamic Studies ü ü ü

EE-221 Digital Logic Design

ü ü ü ü


Linear Algebra and ODEs

ü ü

ME-104 Engineering Drawing ü ü

Semester III

CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithms

ü ü ü ü

CS-220 Database Systems ü ü ü ü


Probability & Statistics

ü ü


Linear Algebra ü ü

SE-200 Software Engineering ü ü ü ü

Semester IV

EE-353 Computer Networks ü ü ü ü

SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering

ü ü ü

EE-321 Computer Architecture and

Organization ü ü ü

Semester V


Software Design and Architecture

ü ü ü ü

HU-210 Technical Writing ü ü

CS-330 Operating Systems ü ü ü ü

Semester VI

SE-320 Formal Methods ü ü ü

SE 321 Software Quality Engineering

ü ü ü


SE 312 Software Construction

ü ü ü ü

MGT-271 Entrepreneurship ü ü ü ü

Semester VII

SE-430 Software Project Management

ü ü ü

Semester VIII

SE-499 Senior Project ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü


Elective Courses


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code Title En









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CS-344 Web Engineering ü ü ü

CS-380 Introduction to Computer Security

ü ü ü

EE-433 Digital Image Processing

ü ü ü

CS-381 Network Security ü ü ü

CS-370 Artificial Intelligence ü ü ü ü

FIN-100 Principles of Accounting

ü ü ü


Numerical Methods ü ü ü

CS-352 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages

ü ü ü

CS-332 Distributed Computing

ü ü ü ü

CS-423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining

ü ü ü

CS-481 Computer Forensics ü ü ü

HRM-240 Organizational Behaviors

ü ü ü ü

EE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering

ü ü ü


Number Theory ü ü

CS-260 Human Computer ü ü ü ü



ECO-130 Engineering Economics

ü ü ü

Semester-wise Courses Mapping

Core Courses

Semester I

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. MATH-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry Core

2. PHY-102 Applied Physics Core

3. HU-100 English Core

4. CS-114 Fundamentals of Programming Core

5. MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics Core

6. HU-107 Pakistan Studies Core

7. ME-105 Workshop Practice Core

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

MATH-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Understanding the basic concepts of analytical geometry. 1 C-2

2. To be able to use the concepts of limits and continuity. 1 C-3

3. Applying techniques of differentiation and integration to engineering problems.

2 C-3

4. Evaluate and carryout the convergence analysis of sequences and series.

2 C-5

PHY-102 Applied Physics


Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize forces, energy, electrostatics and magneto-statics 1 C-2

2. Solve and analyze electrodynamics problems. 2 C-3

3. Performing experiments to prove concepts using different electronic components

5 P-3

HU-100 English

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Apply correct English grammatical structures in speaking, reading and writing

10 C-3

2. Use correct grammatical structures to communicate in formal and informal situations

10 C-3

CS-114 Fundamentals of Programming

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize syntax and semantics of different programming languages.

1 C-2

2. Select and implement basic algorithms for identifying and solving real world problems.

2 C-3

3. Use the latest IDEs and other supplementary tools to aid implementation and code management

5 C-3

MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Use of mathematical reasoning to comprehend and construct 1 C-3


mathematical argument

2. Solve counting problems with combinatorial analysis 2 C-3

3. Applied Graphs to real world problem 1 C-3

4. Analyze various algorithms 2 C-4

HU-107 Pakistan Studies

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the ideology and historical struggle in the making of Pakistan.

12 C-2

2. Recognize the importance of good governance, political / constitutional and legislative processes and political culture of Pakistan.

6 C-2

3. Relate global politics and its influence on Pakistan 7 C-3

ME-105 Workshop Practice

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the correct and safe usage of components, tools and their associated operations

12 A-1

2. Operate to show development of parts by utilizing machines from different shops to solve practical engineering problems

4 P-3

3. Demonstrate the ability to work in a team by participating in group projects and tasks

9 P-3


Semester II

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. MATH-121 Linear Algebra and ODEs Core

2. CS-212 Object Oriented Programming Core

3. HU-101 Islamic Studies Core

4. EE-221 Digital Logic Design Core

5. HU-109 Communication Skills Core

6. ME-104 Engineering Drawing Core

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

MATH-121 Linear Algebra and ODEs

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Solving system of linear equation using matrices. 1 C-3

2. Evaluating Eigen values, Eigen vector and related problems. 1 C-3

3. Solving first order and higher order differential equations. 2 C-5

4. Carry out Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace transforms including solution of Initial value problems involving piece-wise continuous functions.

2 C-5

CS-212 Object Oriented Programming

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the difference between procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms.

1 C-2

2. Demonstrate the ability to create and use OOP constructs to map real world scenarios.

2 C-5

3. Develop programs using object-oriented techniques. 3 C-3


4. Use the latest IDEs to enable quick development, testing, documentation and packaging of programs.

5 C-3

HU-101 Islamic Studies

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize Islamic concepts, principals and their obligations. 8 C-2

2. Demonstrate moral values and ethics. 12 C-3

3. Present analytical study about Islam and modernism 6 C-4

EE-221 Digital Logic Design

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the concept of digital and binary systems 1 C-2

2. Analyze combinational and sequential logic circuits 2 C-4

3. Design combinational and sequential circuits of moderate complexity within given hardware constraints.

3 C-5

4. Implement and evaluate prototype digital systems using different tools.

5 P-4

HU-109 Communication Skills

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Demonstrate effective use of reading, writing, listening, speaking and presentation skills.

10 C-3

2. Develop an ability to respond and comply with the demands of effective workplace communication.

8 A-3


ME-104 Engineering Drawing

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. To effectively read, understand and reproduce engineering drawings

1 P-1

2. Produce orthographic projections and isometric views of different mechanical components

3 P-3

Semester III

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithm Core

2. CS-220 Database Systems Core

3. MATH-361 Probability and Statistics Core

4. SE-200 Software Engineering Core

5. Supporting Science Elective Elective

6. General Education Elective Elective

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithm

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Discuss various data structures and their algorithms 1 C-2

2. Build simple algorithms and determine their complexities 2 C-3

3. Apply appropriate data structures and algorithms to design solutions

3 C-5

CS-220 Database Systems


Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain fundamental database concepts. 1 C-2

2. Design conceptual, logical and physical database schemas using different data models

3 C-5

3. Analyze functional dependencies and resolve database anomalies by normalizing database tables

4 C-4

4. Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database

definition and manipulation in any DBMS

5 C-3

MATH-361 Probability and Statistics

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Present sample data and extract its important features 2 C-4

2. Understand different discrete and continuous probability distributions

2 C-2

3. Estimate different population parameters on the basis of samples 1 C-3

4. Implement quantity control measures 1 C-3

SE-200 Software Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Describe key principals and processes of software engineering. 1 C-2

2. Identify the requirements for software systems. 2 C-2

3. Create software design models. 3 C-5

4. Comprehend the concept of ICT sustainability and realize its importance for sustainable development.

7 C-2


Semester IV

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. EE-353 Computer Networks Core

2. SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering Core

3. EE-321 Computer Architecture and Organization Core

4. SE Elective Elective

5. Supporting Science Elective Elective

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

EE-353 Computer Networks

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the layered Architecture of Computer Networks 1 C-2

2. Investigate and analyse the behaviour of network traffic 4 C-4

3. Apply the knowledge of computer networking to understand contemporary networking issues 2 C-3

4. Design and create solutions to contemporary networking issues 5 C-5

SE-311 Software Requirement Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the functional and non-functional requirements 1 C-2

2. Apply requirement engineering process to manage requirements 2 C-3

3. Evaluate functional and non-functional requirements 4 C-6


EE321- Computer Architecture and Organization

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the function of major components of computer systems.

1 C-2

2. Solve the problems related to internal architecture and organization of computer system.

2 C-3

3. Apply the underlying theoretical concepts of computer architecture and organization through simulations.

5 C-5

Semester V

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. SE-210 Software Design and Architecture Core

2. HU-210 Technical Writing Core

3. CS-330 Operating System Core

4. SE Elective Elective

5. General Education Elective Elective


*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

SE-210 Software Design and Architecture

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize principles and fundamentals of software design and architecture

1 C-2

2. Apply appropriate design / architectural pattern for a given problem.

2 C-3

3. Design object-oriented models and refine them to reflect implementation details

3 C-5

4. Use modern tools to implement and evaluate design/system 5 C-5



HU-210 Technical Writing

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Select and justify different technical writing skills for formal and informal situations.

10 C-4

2. Compose technical and business documents in different types of organizations

12 A-4

CS-330 Operating System

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain and summarize OS services and Abstractions 1 C-2

2. Analyse the applicability of different OS Algorithms 2 C-4

3. Design and formulate various pieces of OS Software 3 C-5

4. Compose a program to use OS services through its API 5 C-5


Semester VI

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. SE-320 Formal Methods Core

2. SE-321 Software Quality Engineering Core

3. MGT-271 Entrepreneurship Core

4. SE-312 Software Construction Core

5. SE Elective Elective

6. Supporting Science Elective Elective

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

SE-320 Formal Methods

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the key concepts of Formal methods 1 C-2

2. Investigate and compose appropriate formation to specify a real system

2 C-4

3. Analyse a system properly using a logical proposition 3 C-4

SE-321 Software Quality Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the key knowledge areas and practices of Software Quality Engineering and its application in the software development cycle

1 C-2

2. Apply modern software testing processes and techniques 3 C-3

3. Create and integrate test strategies and plans 4 C-5


MGT-271 Entrepreneurship

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the principles of entrepreneurship 7 C-2

2. Build an entrepreneurial perspective by recognizing entrepreneurial opportunities in the respective environment

3 C-3

3. Assess the components of a business plan canvas and a business plan

10 C-6

4. Plan the sources of capital for a business venture 11 C-5

SE-312 Software Construction

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the principles of Software construction 1 C-2

2. Apply patterns, frameworks and techniques for software construction 2 C-3

3. Construct Service-oriented and Context-aware software systems 3 C-3

4. Adapt modern tools for software construction 5 C-5

Semester VII

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. SE-430 Software Project Management Core

2. SE Elective Elective

3. SE Elective Elective

4. General Education Elective Elective

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain


SE-430 Software Project Management

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain principles of the project lifecycle and how to identify opportunities to work with learners on relevant and appropriate project scenarios to share this understanding

1 C-2

2. Analyze and discuss the issues around project management and its application in the real world with course participants and learners

3 C-4

3. Create a project plan for a project scenario that includes key tasks, critical path, dependencies and a realistic timeline, by using project management techniques for IT projects in teams

11 C-5

Semester VIII

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Remarks 1. SE Elective Elective

2. General Education Elective Elective

Elective Courses

Details of CLOs of frequently offered electives are given under, the complete list of all Electives is provided in Appendix E

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

CS-344 Web Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Describe the concepts relating to World Wide Web 1 C-2

2. Apply design and development techniques for developing user centric and/or data-driven web applications 3 C-3

3. Develop Static and Dynamic websites and applications using 5 C-5


modern tools and frameworks

CS-380 Introduction to Computer Security

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the concepts, issues, principles and theories of computer security 1 C-2

2. Analyze and relate security related properties and validating them using model checking and range of computer network security technologies as well as network security tools and services

2 C-4

3. Create solutions to computer network security challenges using common network security tools and formal methods 3 C-5

EE-433 Digital Image Processing

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the fundamental concepts of image processing 1 C-2

2. Analyze images using mathematical transformations and operations

2 C-4

3. Design solutions by using modern tools to solve practical problems

5 C-3

MATH-352 Numerical Methods

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the consequences of finite precision and estimate the amount of error inherent in different Numerical methods 1 C-2


2. Construct algorithms for different Numerical techniques 2 C-3

3. Apply different computational techniques to solve Mathematical problems arising in engineering and sciences 3 C-3

CS-381 Network Security

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain basic concepts of network security including authentication systems, transport level security, wireless network security, Email and IP security, intrusion detection and firewalls.

2 C-2

2. Analyze formalisms for specifying security related properties and validating them using model checking and range of computer network security technologies as well as network security tools and services.

4 C-4

3. Use and apply the concepts of networking, router hardening, packet sniffing and capturing, network auditing using modern tools

5 C-3

FIN-100 Principles of Accounting

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Apply accounting terms by visualizing and appreciating the impact of generally accepted accounting principles 1 C-3

2. Use and apply different steps of accounting cycle to develop a framework of accounting 3 C-3

3. Evaluating and exploring the use of financial accounting for strategic operations, consolidated and cash flow statements 4 C-6

CS-370 Artificial Intelligence

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*


1. Recognize Artificial Intelligence techniques for building well-engineered and efficient intelligent systems. 1 C-2

2. Distinguish the nature of AI problem and provide the solution as a particular type. 2 C-2

3. Compare AI problems in terms of computational complexity and the efficiency. 4 C-4

4. Formulate and create solution according to AI principles by using modern tools and programming environments 5 C-5

CS-352 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the basic concepts related to languages, regular expressions and grammars 1 C-2

2. Analyse the computational expressions, graphs and Grammars 2 C-4

3. Design Finite Automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines, formal languages and grammars 3 C-5

CS-332 Distributed Computing

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Distinguish the theoretical and conceptual foundations of distributed computing. 1 C-2

2. Investigate possible flaws and limitations of an existing distributed system 2 C-4

3. Explain how existing distributed systems work 4 C-2

4. Design and implement distributed applications 5 C-5


CS-423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognizing the concepts of Data Mining fundamentals: Data Pre-processing, Frequent Patterns, Classification, Clustering 1 C-2

2. Applying the skills to perform data mining techniques on non-digital data such as text, images etc. 2 C-3

3. Use modern tools and programming environments 5 C-3

CS-481 Computer Forensics

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the fundamental aspects of computer forensics. 1 C-2

2. Perform forensic procedures for case investigation. 4 C-5

3. Analyze the contents of various electronic storage devices using modern forensic tools 5 C-4

HRM-240 Organizational Behavior

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Identify key theoretical aspects and practical applications of organizational behavior.

12 C-1

2. Analyze organizational environments, cases and issues by applying relevant contemporary theories, concepts and models 7 C-4

3. Apply moral standards to create sense of responsibility within the organization and daily life issues. 8 C-3

4. Develop your own traits and organizational behavior competencies in the workplace for professional success and as a potential organizational leader.

9 C-5


EE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the fundamental concepts of how to develop and employ circuit models for elementary electronic components.

1 C-2

2. Apply various methods of circuit analysis to solve relevant problems

2 C-3

3. Design and construct simple circuits to solve relevant problems 3 P-3

MATH-221 Number Theory

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Comprehend the basic properties of integers, prime numbers, divisibility techniques and axioms of number systems

1 C-2

2. Solve real world problems using modular mathematics and linear congruence

2 C-3

CS-260 Human Computer Interaction

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Comprehend the user-centered design principals. 1 C-2

2. Analyze the user needs for interactive systems after collecting data 2 C-4

3. Design interfaces that assist the users and their goals. 3 C-5

4. Demonstrate knowledge of evaluation methods of interactive system in HCI.

4 C-3


ECO-130 Engineering Economics

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Recognize the concepts of Engineering Economics and Economics 1 C-2

2. Analyse and compare different projects using concepts of cost, revenue and profit through applying maxima and minima 2 C-4

3. Create and evaluate an environment of working of these projects in the public and private sectors 12 C-6

Area-Wise List of Courses List of courses in each category are listed below.

Computing Core Courses

S.No Course Code Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

1 CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 3-1 4

2 CS212 Object Oriented Programming 3-1 4

3 CS250 Data Structures & Algorithms 3-1 4

4 EE221 Digital Logic Design 3-1 4

5 CS220 Database Systems 3-1 4

6 CS330 Operating Systems 3-1 4

7 SE200 Software Engineering 3-0 3

8 MATH161 Discrete Mathematics 3-0 3

9 EE353 Computer Networks 3-1 4

10 CS260 Human Computer Interaction 3-0 3

11 EE321 Computer Architecture and Organization 3-1 4

12 SE499 Senior Project 0-3

0-3 6

Total 47

Software Engineering Core Courses


S.No Course Code Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

1 SE312 Software Construction 3-1 4

2 SE210 Software Design and Architecture 3-1 4

3 SE321 Software Quality Engineering 3-0 3

4 SE430 Software Project Management 3-0 3

5 SE320 Formal Methods 3-0 3

6 SE311 Software Requirements Engineering 3-0 3

Total 20

Supporting Science Core Courses

S.No Course Code Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

l MATH101 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3-0 3

2 MATH361 Probability and Statistics 3-0 3

3 MATH222 Linear Algebra 3-0 3

4 PHY101 Applied Physics 3-1 4

Total 13

General Education Core Courses

S.No Course Code Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

1 HU109 Communication and Interpersonal Skills 2-0 2

2 HU212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0 2

3 HU107 Pakistan Studies 2-0 2

4 HU101 Islamic Studies 2-0 2

5 HU222 Professional Ethics 2-0 2

6 ME-105 Workshop Practices 0-1 1

7 ME-104 Engineering drawings 0-2 2

8 MGT271 Entrepreneurship 2-0 2

9 HU–100 English 2-0 0


Total 17

Computing/SE Electives

S. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours

1 CS 332 Distributed Computing 3-1

2 CS 222 Data Communication 3-0

3 CS 423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3-1

4 CS 321 Advanced Database Systems 3-0

5 CS 340 Web Technologies-I 2-1

6 CS 381 Network Security ** 3-1

7 CS 443 E-Commerce and Solutions 3-0

8 CS 251 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0

9 CS 370 Artificial Intelligence 3-1

10 CS 425 Management Information Systems 3-0

11 CS 490 Advanced Topics in Computing 3-0

12 CS 427 Wireless Networks 3-0

13 CS 361 Computer Graphics 3-1

14 EE 430 Telecommunication Systems 3-0

15 CS 342 Mobile Computing 3-0

16 CS 424 Information Retrieval 3-0

17 CS 426 Digital Image Processing 3-1

18 CS 433 Applied Parallel Computing 2-1

19 CS 213 Advanced Programming 3-1

20 EE 231 Signals and Systems 3-0

21 EE 331 Digital Signal Processing 3-1

22 SE 440 Business Process Automation 3-0

23 SE 313 Design Patterns 2-1

24 SE 423 Software Metrics 3-0

25 SE 422 Software Testing 3-0


26 SE 431 Software Engineering Economics 3-0

27 CS 453 Programming Languages 3-0

28 CS 471 Machine Learning 3-1

29 CS 472 Natural Language Processing 3-0

30 BIO 317 Computational Biology 3-0

31 BIO 215 Bioinformatics 3-0

32 CS 352 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages 3-0

33 CS 322 RDBMS Using Oracle 2-1

34 CS 414 Advanced Java with emphasis on Internet Applications 3-1

35 CS 441 Web Technologies-II 3-1

36 CS 331 System Programming 2-1

37 CS 362 Multimedia Systems and Design 2-1

38 CS 334 Open Source Systems 3-1

39 CS 380 Introduction to Computer Security 3-0

40 CS 481 Computer Forensics 3-1

41 CS 482 System Incident Handling 3-0

42 CS 344 Web Engineering 3-1

43 CS 473 Theory of Intelligent Systems 3-1

44 SE 301 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3-0

45 SE 490 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering 3-0

46 CS 483 Information Security Management 3-0

47 MATH 352 Numerical Methods 2+1

48 CS 364 Game Programing 3 (2+1)

49 EC 303 Mobile application Development for SME’s 3(2+1)

General Education Electives

S. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours

1 HRM 441 Human Resource Management 2-0


2 GMT 175 Intellectual Property Rights 3-0

3 HU 103 Sociology 3-0

4 HU 102 Psychology 3-0

5 HU 104 English Literature 3-0

6 FIN 100 Principles of Accounting 3-0

7 CS 309 Computing and Society 3-0

8 GMT 164 Introduction to Management 2-0

9 HRM 240 Organizational Behavior 2-0

10 ECO 130 Engineering Economics 2-0

Supporting Science Electives

S. No Course Code Course Name Credit Hours

1 MATH 112 Calculus II 3-0

2 EE 210 Basic Electronics 3-1

3 CS 261 Computational Logic 3-0

4 CH 101 Chemistry 2-1

5 PHY 401 Advanced Physics 2-1

6 MATH 232 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0

7 EE 201 Engineering Mechanics 3-0

8 MATH 221 Number Theory 3-0

9 CS 353 Fundamentals of Cryptography 3-0

10 EE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-1

11 EE 215 Electronic Circuits & Devices 3-1

12 OTM 455 Planning Engineering Project Management 2-0

13 EE 414 Digital Electronics 3-1

14 MATH 133 Engineering Mathematics 3-0

15 MATH 234 Multivariable Calculus 3-0

16 EE 477 Analog and Digital Communication 3-1


17 MATH 351 Numerical Methods 3-0


Semester-Wise Curriculum Breakdown

S. No.

Course Code


Credit Hrs


Credit Hrs

Labs Semester

1 HU–100 English 2 0


2 CS–110 Fundamentals of Programming 2 1

3 HU–107 Pakistan Studies 2 0

4 MATH–101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 0

5 ME–105 Workshop Practice 0 1

6 PHY–101 Applied Physics 2 1

7 *MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics 3 0

Total CHs 14 3 17

8 *CS– 212 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 3 1


9 HU–101 Islamic Studies 2 0

10 MATH–121 Linear Algebra and ODEs 3 0

11 ME –104 Engineering Drawing 0 2

12 HU-109 Communication Skills 2 0

13 *EE-221 Digital Logic Design 3 1

Total CHs 13 4 17

14 CS-220 Database Systems 3 1


15 SE-200 Software Engineering 3 0

16 CS-250 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 1

17 MATH-361 Probability and Statistics 3 0

18 Supporting Science Elective-1 3 0

19 General Education Elective-I 3 0

Total CHs 18 2



20 EE-321 Computer Architecture and Organization 3 1


21 SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering 3 0

22 EE-353 Computer Networks 3 1

23 SE Elective-I 3 0

24 Supporting Science Elective-II 3 X

Total CHs 15 2+X 17+X

25 CS-330 Operating Systems 3 1


26 SE-210 Software Design and Architecture 3 1

27 HU-223 General Education Elective – II Professional Ethics

3 0

28 HU-210 Technical Writing 3 0

29 SE Elective –II 3 1

Total CHs 15 3 18

30 CS-370 Software Construction 3 1


31 SE-352 Formal Methods 3 0

32 SE-321 Software Quality Engineering 3 0

33 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2 0

34 SE Elective –III 3 1

35 Supporting Science Elective –III 3 0

Total CHs 17 2 19

36 SE-430 Software Project Management 3 0


37 SE-499 Senior Project 0 2

38 SE Elective – V 3 1

39 SE Elective – IV 3 X

40 General Education Elective III 3 0

Total CHs 12 3+X

41 SE-499 Senior Project 0 4 8th


42 SE Elective VI 2+X 1

43 General Education Elective IV 3 0

44 CSL-401 Community Service 1* 1*

Total CHs 5+X 5 10+X

Overall CHs

109 +X

24 + X

133 + X

Grand Total (Credit Hours)

133 +X


*** These courses can be interchanged within semesters subject to availability of faculty.



Computing Core Courses

CS110-Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Course Code: CS110




Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



The main objective of this course is to introduce students to computer systems and the underlying basic concepts. Students will also learn in this course programming principles and techniques in an appropriate programming language according to current industrial needs. At the end of this course students will be able to useful and efficient software programs to solve basic computing problems.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Programming Languages: Programming Languages, Low Level, High Level, Programming Philosophy, Procedural Programming Concept, Object Oriented Programming Concept, Creating computer Program. Definition of IDE, Editing a Program & Working of IDE for Program Compilation & Execution.

2 Introduction to C++: Development of basic algorithms/flowcharts. Analysis and testing of algorithms. Fundamental programming concepts, source file, object file, exe file.

3 C/C++ Programming Basics: C/C++ Program Structure, program statement, white spaces, string constant, Variables, Input/output with cout and cin, Arithmetic operators, assignment and increment operators

4 Loops and Decisions: Relational operators, loops for, do-while, while, decisions if , if-else, else-if, switch , logical operators and or not operators, control statement break, continue, go to statement

5 Structures: Declaration, defining strict variables, and accessing structure members, nested strict, enumerations

6 Pointers: Declaration, defining pointers, argument passing using pointers, other uses and applications of pointers.

7 Functions: Declaration, defining functions, comparison with library functions, passing arguments constants variables value, structures as arguments, returning values from function, returning structure variables, passing data by reference, overloaded functions, inline functions, default arguments, variables


and storage classes, auto external and static variables, const function arguments.

8 Arrays and Strings: Definition, accessing elements, initialization, multidimensional arrays, passing array to function, array to structure, C-string variable constant, reading embedded blanks, multiple lines, copying strings

Text Book: 1. C Programming using Turbo C++ by Robert Lafore

CS212-Object Oriented Programming

Course Code: CS212



CS110-Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



The course aims to focus on object-oriented concepts, analysis and software development.

Course Contents

1 Evolution of Object Oriented (OO) programming

2 OO concepts and principles

3 problem solving in OO paradigm

4 OO programme design process

5 classes, methods, objects and encapsulation

6 constructors and destructors

7 operator and function overloading

8 virtual functions

9 derived classes, inheritance and polymorphism

10 I/O and file processing

11 exception handling

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to

• Explain the principles of the object oriented programming paradigm specifically including abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism


• Use an object oriented programming language, and associated class libraries, to develop object oriented programs.

Design, develop, test, and debug programs using object oriented principles in conjuncture with an integrated development environment

Text Book: • C++ How to Program, 6/E (Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Deitel ISBN-10: 0136152503 ISBN-13: 9780136152507 Publisher: Prentice Hall

References: 1. “Java How to Program, 7/E (Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Deitel ISBN-10: 0132222205 ISBN-13: 9780132222204 Publisher: Prentice Hall

CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithm

Course Code: CS-250

Pre Requisites: CS-110

Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to gain a solid understanding of the fundamental design, analysis and implementation of basic data structures and algorithms. The course will help the students in developing the basic concepts in the specification and analysis of programs.

Course Contents:

1 Data Structures: Introduction to Data structures and types of data structures.

2 Algorithms: Definition of algorithm, running time of algorithm, examples, role of efficient algorithms.

3 Recursion: Definition of Recursion, Direct and Indirect Recursion, Examples of Recursive Functions.

4 Queues & Lists: Linear Queue & Its Features, Linear Queue Implementation, Circular Queue, Linked List & Its Features, Linked List Implementation, Doubly Linked List & its Implementation.

5 The Stack: Stack & Its Implementation, Postfix Notation Concept, Implementation Of Postfix Notation.

6 Trees: Binary Trees, Strictly Binary Tree, Complete Binary Tree, Almost Complete Binary Tree, Binary Tree Applications, Traversing Trees, Pre-Order Traversing In-Order Traversing, Post-Order Traversing.


6 Sorting: Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Sort, Merge Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap, Heap Construction, Heap Sort, Heap Sort Implementation. Hashing & its Implementation

8 Searching: Linear and Binary Search.

9 Graphs: What Are Graphs, Representation Of Directed Graphs, Graph Vocabulary, Graph Operations (Add Vertex, Add Edge), C++ Implementation.

10 Hashing: Hashing, dictionaries and hash tables, hashing function, hashing implementation using array and linked list.

Course Outcome:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

Describe how arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are represented in memory and used by algorithms

Describe common applications for arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs

Write programs that use arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs

Demonstrate different methods for traversing trees

Compare alternative implementations of data structures with respect to performance

TextBook: Data Structures Using C++, Prentice Hall Inc., 1994, by Aaron M. Tenebaum, Yedidyah Langsam Moshe J. Augenstein

Reference: C++ How To Program, Prentice Hall Inc., 1994, by H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deital

Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++ by Frank M. Carrano.

Data Structures with C++ - Schaum Series.

EE221-Digital Logic Design

Course Code:


Pre Requisites:


Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the fundamentals of a computer system design such as the instruction set architecture, data path, MSI, LSI and sequential circuits. So after


the course, students can then actually design these functional units for a given instruction set architecture.

Course Contents

1 Binary Systems: Number Systems, Bin, Octal and Hex numbers, Base conversions, Compliments, Binary codes, Bin Addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Bin Logic.

2 Binary Algebra: Basic definitions, Basic theorems and properties, Functions, Venn Diagrams, Canonical and Standard forms, Conversion between canonical forms, Logic Operations, Digital Logic gates, Introduction to Logic families and their characteristics

3 Simplification of Boolean Functions Karanugh Map representation and simplification of Boolean Functions, Product of Sums simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, Two level implementations, Quine Mc Cluskey Method.

4 Combinational Logic: Design procedure, Adders, Subtractors, Code conversion, Analysis procedure, Multi level NAND and NOR circuits, Exclusive OR and Equivalence functions

5 Combinational Logic with MSI & LSI: Bin Parallel Adder, Decimal Adder, Magnitude comparator, Decoders, Multiplexers, ROM function implementation, PLAs.

6 Sequential Logic: Basic flip-flops, RS flip-flops, D flip-flops, JK flip-flop, T flip-flop, Master-Slave and Edge triggered flip-flop, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State reduction and assignment, Design of sequential circuits.

7 MSI-Sequential Circuits: Registers, Shift registers, Ripple counters, Synchronous counters, Timing sequences, Memory unit, Introduction to register transfer Logic.

Text Book: 1. M Morris Mano, “Digital Logic and Computer Design”

Reference: 1. Fredrick Hill & Gerald R Peterson “Digital Logic and Microprocessors”

2. B. Holdsworth “Digital Logic Design”

3. Edward J McClukey “Logic Design Principles”

CS220-Database Systems

Course Code:






Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

This course will provide a thorough introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. The emphasis will be on theoretical considerations involved in modeling data and in designing the efficient database systems. Students will also be able to implement the systems using database management systems i.e. queries.

Course Contents

1 Storage of and access Data stored in files.

2 Implementation of storage/accesses algorithms like indexing, hashing and range accesses on data stored in independent files. Drawing conclusions regarding advantages/ disadvantages of data stored in files

3 Concept of database, Database Management Systems. Advantages of database management systems over file systems.

4 Different database models Implementation, storage and data retrieval strategies of Network three data models- Network, Hierarchical and relational data model, OODB, comparison with each other

5 Query languages, SOL

6 Relational Algebra – their syntax and use in Client server and single user environments

7 Transaction processing Types and Different stages of transactions. Aborted/incomplete transactions, Roll Back and different techniques of recovery from the exceptional situation.

8 Parallel execution of transactions their inherent problems, limitations. Serialisation of transactions.

9 Distributed Database System & Advance Topics

Text Book: 1. C. Ricardo, “Database Systems, Principles, Design & implementation” Macmillan, 1990.

2. C.J. Date, “ Database Systems”, Mc Graw Hill, 1999.

CS330-Operating System

Course Code:


Pre EE-321 Computer Architecture and Organization



Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

Course aims to develop the fundamental concepts of operating system. The course will also cover the basic resource management techniques, issues of performance, avoiding deadlocks etc to equip students with sufficient knowledge about the working mechanism of Operating System.

Course Contents

1 Operating System Objectives & Functions of Operating System, Operating System Characteristics, Desirable Features of an Operating System, Fetch & Execute Cycle, Typical operations performed by the processor, Processor – Memory, Processor – I/O, Data – Processing, Control.

2 I/O Management & Disk Scheduling Interrupts, Interrupts & the Execution Cycle, Short I/O Wait, Long I/O Wait, Kinds of Interrupts, Interrupt, Processing, Multiple Interrupts, Multi-Programming, I/O Organization, Generic Model of an I/O module, I/O Function, Requirement of an I/O Module, External Devices, Classification of the Devices, Difference Between These Devices, Model of an External Device, I/O Communication Techniques, Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, DMA, Logical Structure of the I/O Function, Local Peripheral, Communication Port, File System, I/O Buffering, Disk Scheduling, Disk Performance Parameter, Disk Scheduling Policies.

3 Process Management Process Management, Process States, Basic Two State Process Model, Three State Process Model, Five State Process Model, Creation & Termination of Processes Suspended Processes, Suspended States Model, Characteristics of Suspended State Model, Process Description, Operating System Control Structure, Process Control Structure, Process Location, Process Attributes, Process Identification, Processor State Information, Scheduling of State Information, Process Control Modes of Execution, Creation Of Processes, Process & Context Switching, Processes & Threads.

4 Files Files, File Management System, Objectives of the File Management System, Minimum Requirements from user point of view for a File Management System, File System Architecture, Functions of File Management, File Directories, File Sharing, Record Blocking, Secondary Storage Management, File Allocation, Pre-allocation Vs Dynamic Allocation, Portion Size, File Allocation Methods, Free Space Management, Reliability, Disk Interleaving.

5 Concurrency Motivation for Concurrency, Program Structuring Alternatives, Process Interaction, Competition Among Processes for Resources, Mutual Exclusion, Dead Lock, Starvation, Requirements for Mutual Exclusion.

6 Memory Management Memory Management, Memory Management Requirements, Equal & Unequal Partitioning, Dynamical Loading & Swapping of Processes, Memory Management Schemes, Virtual Memory Concept, Paging &



7 Introduction To Network & Distributed O/S Motivation, Topology, Communication, Network Types & Operating Systems.

TextBook: 1. Operating Systems by: William Stallings

Reference: 1. Modern Operating System by: Tanenbaum

2. Operating System Concepts by: L.J. Peterson

SE200-Software Engineering

Course Code: SE200



Fundamentals of ICT

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

To help students to develop skills that will enable them to construct software of high quality; software that is reliable, and that is reasonably easy to understand, modify and maintain. Course fosters an understanding why these skills are required by the professionals. By the course completion student will be able to model any system before its development.

Course Contents

1 Concepts Perspectives on Software ,What is Software Engineering, History, Software Process, Life Cycle Models

2 Phases Requirements Engineering, Analysis and Specification, Design Concepts, Software Architecture, Software Testing, Software Maintenance

3 Management Software Project Management, Measurement and Metrics, Project Planning, Software Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Configuration Management, Software Reliability

4 Methodologies Formal Methods, Algebraic Specification, Model-Based Specification, Clean room Software Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Component-based Development, Real-Time Systems

5 Knowledge Areas Capability Maturity Model, Life Cycles Standard ISO/IEEE 12207, Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, Software Engineering as Profession, The Evolution of Software Engineering, Certifications

Text Book: 1. Software Engineering : A Practitioners Approach by Goger S. Pressman

Reference: 1. Software Engineering by Summerville


MATH161-Discrete Mathematics

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

To develop mathematical maturity for Students entering the Computer Science program and cover specific topics relevant to further study in Computer Science. The course will aim to make students understand the basic set terminology and operations, characterization of mathematical relationships, basic terminology and operations for trees and graphs etc. By course completion students will have a good understanding of the discrete structures.

Course Contents

1. Logic: logical Form and logical Equivalence, Conditional Statements, Valid and Invalid Arguments, Predicates and Quantifiers.

2. Relations: Relations and their properties, n-ary relations and their applications, Representing Relations, Closures of Relations, Equivalence Relations, and Partial Orderings.

3. Graphs: Introduction to Graphs, Graph Terminology, Representing Graphs and Graphs Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest Path Problems, Planner Graphs, and Graph Coloring.

4. Trees: Introduction to Trees, Applications of Trees, Tree Traversal, Trees and Sorting, Spanning Trees, and Minimum Spanning Trees.

Text Book: 1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, by Kenneth H. Rosen.

2. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, by Susanna S. Epp.

Reference: 1. Discrete Mathematics, by Morman L. Biggs.

EE353-Computer Networks

Course Code: EE353





Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



By the course completion, student will have the knowledge of many key protocols underlying the operation of the Internet and fundamental ideas of designing and evaluating reliable network. Course covers a range of topics from basic such as transmission, signals etc to the advanced ones such as OSI layers, mobile networks etc. The student would also be able to develop network based programs.

Course Contents

1. Introduction Introduction to Networks protocols and standards line, configuration- Networks Topologies, Transmission Model, Categories of networks-Inter networks-The OSI Model Functions of layers-TCP/IP Protocol suite.

2. Signals and Encoding Annals and digital signals-periodic and a periodic signals –Time and Frequency domains signals-A to D conversion- D to D conversion, D to A conversion, A to A conversion

3. Transmission of Digital Data DTE-DCE Interface-Modems 56K Modems- Cable modems – Guided and unguided transmission Media- Transmission impairment- Performance, Shannon Capacity- Media comparison..

4. Multiplexing, Error Detection and correction FDM, TDM and WDM-Multiplexing applications _digital subscriber lines (DSL), FTTC- types of errors- Error detection- vertical, longitudinal and cyclic redundancy checks- Checksum-Error correction.

5. Data Link Control and Protocols Asynchronous protocols- character and Bit oriented protocol –Link Access procedures-link Discipline-flow control-Error control.

6. Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Project 802-Ethernet, token bus, Token Ring, FDDI-802.6 (DQDB), SMDS, circuit switching and Packet switching.

7. Point-to point Protocol (PPP) Transition states- PPP Layers-Link control protocol- Authentication – Network control protocol.

8. Frame Relay and ATM Frame relay operation –Layers-congestion control leaky Bucket Algorithm –Traffic control- ATM design goals- Architecture –Switching and Switch Fabrics-ATM layers- service classes- ATM applications.

9. Networking and Internetworking Devices Repeaters- Bridges –Routers- Gate ways-Other devices- Routing Algorithms- Distance vector and link state routing, Congestion Control Algorithms.

10. Transport Layer and Upper OSI Layers Fructose of Transport layer-Commotion establishment termination- OSI transport layer- Application layer, Congestion Control


11. TCP/IP Protocol Suite Overview- Network layer- Addressing- Sunbathing protocols in Network Layer- Transport layer (UDP and TCP)- client server model- Boot P- DHCP-DNS-TELENET-FTP-TFTP-SMTP-SNMP HTTP-word wide web.

12. Introduction to Mobile Networks Mobile Adhoc Networks, Issues and Applications of MANETs, Reactive and Proactive Protocols

13. Network Layer (Extension) Routing algorithms, Shortest-path problems, Optimality

Text Book: 1. Data Communications and Networking, Second Edition by Behrouz Forouzan

Reference: 1. Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

CS260-Human Computer Interaction

Course Code:


Pre Requisites:

CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to create highly usable software systems. The course will cover the design process, evaluation techniques, design solutions evaluation as well as the appropriate uses of graphics etc. By course completion, student will be able to utilize design concepts/principles to solve problems using the integration of graphic design elements and techniques for important print and online design elements, including typography, color, icons, buttons and photographs.

Course Contents

1. Background to human-computer interaction. Underpinnings from psychology and cognitive science

2. More background. Evaluation techniques: Heuristic evaluation

3. More evaluation techniques: Videotaped user testing; cognitive walkthroughs

4. Task analysis. User-centred design

5. Usability engineering processes; conducting experiments

6. Conceptual models and metaphors

7. Designing interfaces: Coding techniques using colour, fonts, sound,


animation, etc.

8. Designing interfaces: Screen layout, response time, feedback, error messages,


9. Designing interfaces for special devices. Use of voice I/O

10 Designing interfaces: Internationalization, help systems, etc. User interface

software architectures

Text Books: HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks: Toward a Multidisciplinary Science by John

Reference: 1. Mary Rosson, John Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson

EE321-Computer Architecture & Organization

Course Code: EE321



EE221 Digital Logic Design

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



The objective of this course is to study computer architecture design by examining architectural concepts with consideration of performance, usability, reliability, power management etc. This course covers a number of topics such as Instruction Set Architecture, Pipeline Microprocessor, Cache and Memory, Parallel Computing, Embedded Systems etc to give deep insight about the computer architecture to the students.

Course Contents

1. Introduction to Computer Architecture, Evolution of Computers, Types of Computers, Hardware, Firmware and Software. Future trends.

2. Programming model of 8086 family. Addressing Modes.

3. Data types, complements, fixed point representation, floating point representation, binary codes.

4. Register Transfer Language. Bus and Memory Transfer. Arithmetic Micro-operations, Logic Micro-operations, shift micro-operation, Arithmetic Logic Unit.


5. Instruction Codes, Computer Register, Computer Instruction, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory-Reference Instruction, Input-Output, Interrupt, Complete description and design of Basic Computer. Design of Accumulator and ALU.

6. Assembly Language Programming with help of MASM and Debugger

7. Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro program, Computer Configuration, Microinstruction format, Symbolic Microinstruction. The Fetch Routine, Symbolic Micro program, Binary Micro program, Design of Control Unit, Micro program Sequencer.

8 Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory Management.

9 General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction format, Addressing Modes, Date transfer and manipulation, Program Control, RISC & CISC Computer and their characteristics.

10 Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, Vector Processing.

Text Book: 1. Computer Architecture and Organization by John P. Hayes, 3rd Edition, McGraw -Hill.

2. Computer System Architecture by M. Morris Mano, Third Edition

Reference: 1. Computer Architecture by Morio De Blasi.

2. Computer Architecture & Organization by A.J.Van De Goor.


Software Engineering Core Courses

SE312-Software Construction

Course Code: SE312



CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

SE200 Software Engineering

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

The goal of this course is for the student to acquire an understanding of the principles of and skills in current practices for, developing a solution to a problem using the object-oriented philosophy. Course covers range of topics including a current process for developing software, formal languages, parsing, the processes of problem analysis etc which will help the students to get insight into the software modeling and construction.

Course Contents

1 The system engineering context (the software engineering process,

already covered in previous course, a review)

2 Basic principles of requirements analysis (approaches and notations)

3 Requirements specification

4 SDL – structure and behavior

5 SDL – data and timers

6 SDL - concurrency and dynamic process creation

7 Introduction to language and compilers

Lexical analysis: formal languages, regular expressions, finite state machines, deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, transformation from regular expression to DFA, tools for lexical analysis (Lex)

9 Syntax analysis: parse trees, ambiguity, context-free grammars, LL(1) parsing method, semantic analysis and semantic attributes (this section may or may not be covered), different notations for specifying languages

10 Chomsky’s hierarchy, Concurrency: concept of concurrency, sub-program level concurrency, semaphores, monitors, message passing, Java threads

11 Implementation design


12 Verification and validation

Text Book: 1. Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman

Reference: 1. R.W.Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 5th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2002.

2. A. V. Aho, R. Sethi and J. D. Ullman, Compilers, Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley.

SE210-Software Design & Architecture

Course Code: SE210

Pre Requisites:

SE200 Software engineering

CS212 Object oriented programming

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to enhance the abilities of students to develop reusable software designs. In this course, students are introduced to principles of good design, and techniques for the evaluation of software design quality. The course will introduce the students to a number of design patterns and their applications.

This course also covers the principal architectural issues associated with the design and construction of large scale software systems including architectural design and documentation, component models and technologies, and frameworks.

Course Contents

1 In-depth study of design patterns, building on material learned previously.

2 Application of design patterns to several example applications

3 In-depth study of middleware architectures including COM, CORBA, and .Net

4 Extensive case studies of real designs.

5 Basics of software metrics; measuring software qualities

6 Reengineering and reverse engineering techniques.

7 Design patterns

8 Application of design patterns to several example applications


9 Case studies of real designs.

10 Basics of software metrics; measuring software qualities

11 Reengineering and reverse engineering techniques

12 Building a significant project using one or more well-known middleware architecture(practicals only)

Text Book: 1. Software Architecture in Practice by Len Bass

Reference: 1. Evaluating Software Architectures by Paul Clements

2. Ed Roman, “Mastering Enterprise Java Beans & java2 Platform”

SE321-Software Quality Engineering

Course Code: SE321

Pre Requisites: SE200 Software Engineering

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

The course helps the students to understand and apply the concepts of product and project life-cycle, error propagation, cost to repair, regression testing and test construction techniques. Course highlights all those aspects which can help in improving the quality of a product. By the course completion student will be able to use the idea of usability engineering along with the above mentioned skills.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to software quality assurance

2 Inspections and reviews

3 Principles of software validation

4 Software verification

5 Software testing

6 Specification based test construction techniques

7 White-box and grey-box testing

8 Control flow oriented test construction techniques

9 Data flow oriented test construction techniques

10 Cleanroom approach to quality assurance


11 Software process certification

Text Book: 1. CMM In Practice: Processes for Executing Software Project at Infosys by Jalote, Pankaj..

Reference: 1. Software Testing in the Real World: Improving the Process by Kit, Edward

SE430-Software Project Management

Course Code: SE430

Pre Requisites: SE200 Software Engineering

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

The students of the course are expected to achieve the basic knowledge about the sizing and costing software projects, measuring performance of software during development and participate in group project during the course. The course will develop the skills so that the students will be able to discuss the basic concepts of software project management, plan and implement the projects, perform risk assessment and employ suitable mechanisms for tracking and controlling the projects.

Course Contents

1 Introduction & Fundamentals

2 Software Development Fundamentals and Management Fundamentals

3 Processes

4 Planning & Scheduling

5 Organization

6 Estimation

7 Work Breakdown Structure

8 Risk and Change Management

9 Quality & Application Tools

Text Book: 1. Software Project Management by E. M. Bennatan

Reference: 1. PMBOK Guide: A Guide to the project management body of Knowledge

2. Software Engineering: Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman


SE320-Formal Methods

Course Code: SE320

Pre Requisites: Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



Mathematical foundations for formal methods. Formal languages and techniques for specification and design, including specifying syntax using grammars and finite state machines. Analysis and verification of specifications and designs. Use of assertions and proofs. Automated program and design transformation.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to formal specification, Transformational development, Specification analysis and proof, Program verification

2 Objects and types: Sets and set types, Tuples and Cartesian product types, Bindings and schema types,

3 Relations and functions, Properties and schemas, Generic constructions,

4 The Z Language,

5 Syntactic conventions

6 Schema references, Schema texts, Predicates, Schema expressions,

7 Generics, Sequential Systems.

Text Book: 1. Woodcock, J.C.P. and Davies, J. Using Z: Specification, Refinement, and Proof, Oxford university Press

References: 1. Huth, M.R.A. and Ryan, M.D., Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems (2nd Edition), Cambridge University Press, 2004.

SE311-Software Requirement Engineering

Course Code: SE311

Pre Requisites: SE200 Software Engineering

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3+0

Course Understand the role of requirements engineering within the software life cycle. Compare and contrast, and valuate structured, object-


Objectives: oriented, data-oriented, and formal approaches to requirements modelling. Gather the requirements necessary to develop the specifications, given a “customer” who wants a software system to be developed. Develop an informal requirements specification, given a set of requirements. Model, prototype, and specify requirements for a software system.

Course Contents

1 Basics. Requirements Engineering, Challenges in Requirements Engineering for Embedded Systems, Combining Requirements Engineering and Agents, Maturing Requirements Engineering Process Maturity Models, Requirements Prioritisation for Incremental and Iterative Development, A Quality Model for Requirements Management Tools

2 The Importance of Requirements. What Are Requirements and Why Are They Important?, Why Plan?, A Suggested Strategy, Requirements Activities in the System Life Cycle, Investment in the Requirements Process, A Process Approach, The Requirements Plan, Factors Affecting Your Career Decisions, A Comment Concerning Small Projects, Case Study.

3 The Roles of the RA. Suggested Roles of the RA, Case Study

4 Skills and Characteristics of an Effective RA. Skills of the RA, Characteristics of an Effective RA, Case Study

5 Types of Requirements. Views of Requirements, Types Definitions and Descriptions of Requirements, Types Business Requirements, Stated Requirements Versus Real Requirements, User Requirements, High-Level or System-Level Requirements, Business Rules, Functional Requirements, Non functional Requirements, Derived Requirements, Design Requirements and Design Constraints, Performance Requirements, Interface Requirements, Verified Requirements, Validated Requirements, Qualification Requirements, The “Ilities” and Specialty Engineering Requirements, Unknowable Requirements, Product Requirements, Process Requirements, Logistics Support Requirements, Environmental Requirements System, Subsystem, and Component Requirements Terminologies to Avoid Source or Customer Requirements Nonnegotiable Versus Negotiable Requirements Key Requirements Originating Requirements Other Guidelines

6 Gathering Requirements. Plan the Approach, Case Study

7 Best Practices for Requirements Development and Management

8 The RA’s Specialty

Text Book: 1. Software Requirements Engineering, 2nd Edition.


Supporting Science Core Courses

MATH-101Calculus and Analytic Geometry

Course Code: MATH101




Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

Course enhances the basic knowledge acquired during the secondary education, familiarizes the students with the basic concepts of infinite series, functions of several variables, multiple integrals, derivatives etc. and states their usage in solving general problems.

Course Contents

1 Derivatives Concept and idea of differentiation. Rules of differentiation. Rates of change. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates of Change.

2 Application of differentiation Extreme values of functions

3 Integration Concept and idea of Integration, Indefinite integrals, Initial value problems, Integration by substitution, Riemann sums and Definite Integrals, properties of definite integrals, Area under the curve, Mean value theorem.

4 Techniques of Integration Basic integration formulas, Integration by parts, Partial Fractions, Trigonometric Substitutions, Improper Integrals

5 Complex Numbers and Functions Complex Numbers, Complex Plane, Polar Form of Complex Numbers. Powers and Roots, Exponential Function, Trigonometric Functions, Hyperbolic Functions,

Text Book: 1. Calculus & Analytic Geometry, 9th Edition by Thomas & Finney

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig

Reference: 1. Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by Glyn James

2. Calculus, 6th Edition by E. W. Swokoski, M. Olinick, D. Pence, J. A. Cole.

MATH361-Probability and Statistics


Course Code: MATH361




Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



To introduce the basic concept of statistics, randomness and probability and build on these concept to develop tools and techniques to work with random variables

Course Contents

1 Introduction Probability. The Sample Space. Simple Events, Events

2 Combinatorial Theory ( permutations and combinations) Conditional Probability, Bayes Formula.

3 Discrete Random Variables , Introduction and Ideas

4 Expected value for a Discrete Random Variable. Probability Distributions for a Discrete Random Variables, The Binomial Probability Distributions, The Multinomial Probability Distributions, Negative binomial and Geometric Probability Dist. Hypergeometric Probability Distributions, Poisson Probability Distributions Moments and Moment Generating Functions.

5 Continuous Random Variables, Introduction and ideas, Expected value for a Continuous Random Variable Probability Distributions for a Continuous Random Variables, The Uniform Probability Distributions, The Normal Probability Distributions, Moments and Moment Generating Functions.

6 Bivariate Probability Distributions for Discrete and Continuous Random. Variables, Expected Value of functions of Two or More Random Variables. Independence, Covariance.

7 Introduction to Statistics, Types of Data, Population, Sample, Methods For Describing Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Estimation, Test of hypotheses.

Text Book: 1. Statistics foe Engineering and the Sciences, 3rd Edition by W. Mendenhall & Terry Sincich.

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edition by Erwin Kreyszig.

References: 1. Probability and Statistics for the Engineering, Computing, and Physical Sciences, by Edward R. Dougherty.

2. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 3rd edition by Jay L. Devore.


MATH222-Linear Algebra

Course Code: MATH222




Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives: Students will be able to apply the concepts and methods described in the outline, will be able to solve problems using linear algebra, will know a number of applications of linear algebra, and they will be able to follow complex logical arguments and develop modest logical arguments after the course completion. So students will develop abstract and critical reasoning by studying logical proofs and the axiomatic method as applied to linear algebra.

Course Contents

1 Introduction Linear Systems. Matrices. Basic Concepts and Idea

2 Matrix Algebra

3 Solution of Linear Equations: Gauss Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Method

4 Determinants Cofactor Expansion and Applications. Inverse of a Matrix, Kramer Rule

5 Vectors in the Plane, n- Vectors Cross Product in R3

6 Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Linear Independence, Rank, and Bases.

7 Linear Transformations The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. The Matrix of a Linear Transformation.

8 Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors. Diagonalization. Application. Lines and Planes. Quadratic Form. Linear Economic Models. Graph Theory. Least Squares.

Text Book: 1. Introduction to Linear Algebra with Applications by Bernard Kolman.

References: 1. A First Course in Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition by Hal G. Moore and Adil Yaqub.

2. Introduction to Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition by Lee W. Johnson, R. Dean Riess and Jimmy T. Arnold.

3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig


PHY101-Applied Physics

Course Code: PHY101




Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6



To equip the student with the advance concepts of the physics. Course brushes the basic knowledge of students by starting from the basic concepts and then progresses gradually toward the advance concepts. By the course completion, students would have developed good understanding of physics fundamentals.

Course Contents

1 Electrostatics: Coulomb’s Law and its application.

2 The Electric Field. : Calculation of electric field, Gauss’s Law & its applications

3 Potential. : Relation between potential energy, work, potential difference, potential gradient, the electron volt etc.

4 Capacitance & Dielectrics. : Molecular Theory of induced charges Current, resistance& EMF, voltage & power in electrical circuits.

5 The Magnetic Field: Motion of charges in electromagnetic field.

6 Semiconductor/Solid State Physics: Free electron theory of solids, the band theory of solids. Intrinsic semiconductors, extrinsic semiconductors. Properties of current carriers, PN Junction, Doping, PN Diodes transistors.

7 Thermodynamics: First& second law, application

8 EM Waves: Introduction, speed of an electromagnetic wave, energy in electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves in matter, sinusoidal waves, standing waves, radiation from an antenna.

9 Nature & Propagation of Light: The electromagnetic spectrum, light spectrum, waves, wave fronts, reflection& refraction, total internal reflections, Huggen principle/dispersion, absorption of light laser, laser diods.

10 Projected Practical/Research: Practical work to include detailed description of the instruments in electronics lab. In addition available practical on light, connecting up a circuit..


Text Book: 1. University Physics by G.W. Sears

2. Electronic Devices by Dr Manzer Saeed

3. Essentials of Engineering Chemistry by Dr M. Amjad

4. Physics for engineers and scientists by D.Elwell and A.J. Pointon

Reference: 1. Solomon Gratenhaus "Physics, Basic Principles"

2. McCormick "Fundamentals of Physics"

3. Keller "Physics, Classical and Modern

4. Halliday and Resnik "Physics"

5. Beiser "Perspectives of Modern Physics"

6. Leibof "Quantum Mechanics"


General Education Core Courses

Title: ME-105 Workshop Practice

Credit Hours: 0-1

Course Objectives:

• To introduce basic manufacturing processes through workshop practices. • To apply the acquired knowledge in practice to produce products. • To inculcate team work through projects/tasks. Course Contents

Week No Shops / Labs

1. Introduction to Workshop Technology a. Definitions and Terminologies b. Process of Manufacturing c. Industrial Safety d. Industrial Materials e. Manufacturing Standards f. Quality Control

2. Measuring Techniques

a. Measuring System / Standards b. Manufacturing Metrology c. Limits, Fits Allowances and Tolerances d. Measuring Instruments and their Uses

3. Bench Fitting Practice

a. Fib and Tolerances b. Filling Work, Jigs and Fixtures, Taps and Die work c. Drilling and Grinding, Marking and Punching

4. Machining Practice (Lathe)

a. Types of Lathe Machines and Operations b. Cutting Tools, Accessories and Attachments c. Parts of lathe machines d. Safety Precautions

5. Machining Practice (Milling)

a. Types of milling Machines and Operations b. Cutting Tools, Accessories and Attachments c. Parts of Milling Machine d. Safety Precautions


6. Pattern Making / Wood Work

a. Introduction to wood and Classification b. Seasoning of Wood c. Engg application of wood d. Properties of wood and wood joints e. Pattern Making, Wood Defects f. Wood Working Tools and Machines

7. Forging Work

a. Forging Tools b. Hot and Cold Forging c. Properties and Crystals, Structure of Metals d. Forging Types / Operations e. Safety Precautions

8. Foundry Work

a. Introduction to Foundry b. Different methods of casting including latest

techniques c. Different types of furnaces d. Mold and Die casting e. Casting defects f. Safety precautions

9. Electrical Technology

a. Basic Electrical Technology b. Power Supply Circuits, Types of Cables and

Insulators c. Electrical Tools and Instruments d. Basic Fault Diagnosis in Circuits e. Electrical Devices f. Electrical Shock prevention and treatment g. Electrical Safety Precautions

10. Welding Technology

a. Introduction to Welding Theory b. Types of Welding, Welding Joints c. ARC Welding Techniques d. Gas Welding Techniques e. Safety Precautions

11. Sheet Metal Work / Fabrication

a. Form and Size of Sheet Metals b. Shearing and Bending of Process c. Sheet Development and Marking d. Sheet Metal Joints e. Properties of Metals related to Sheet Forming


f. Safety Precautions

12. Surface Treatment and Paint Work

a. Electroplating Processes b. Electroplating Techniques c. Preparation of Work Piece (Degreasing and Pickling

etc) d. Solution preparation for plating and their

environmental issues e. Paints and application f. Primers and Solvents

13-16 Term Project + Case Study + Presentations


Recommended Books: Introduction to Workshop Technology by Engr. Muhammad Naweed Hassan Workshop Practice by WA. J Chapman Welding Technology by Althouse

HU109-Communication Skills

Course: HU109




Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2



To develop good English writing, language usage, speaking and reading skills. Course aims to highlight the importance of business communication and to develop understanding of communication concepts, principles, theories and problems. By the end of course, students would have developed good oral communication and presentation skills.

Course Contents

1 Communication Skills:

a. Introduction

b. Components & Principles of Communication


2 Language Skills – Listening:

a. Importance, Misconceptions/ Myths

b. Listening Barriers, Listening Efficiency, Types

c. Effective Listening

3 Language Skills-Speaking:

a. Verbal Communication, Presentation Skills

b. Non-Verbal Communication

4 Language Skills-Reading:

a. Purpose, Techniques, Strategies

5 Language Skills-Writing:

a. Qualities of effective Writing, Sentence Structure, Writing Techniques

b. Patterns of Essay Writing

c. Citing Sources (Bibliographic Conventions)

6 Practical work/ Class Activities

a. Public Speaking

b. Group Discussions

c. Formal Presentation of Individual Research Paper (IRP)

d. Review of Documentary

e. Skimming and Scanning

7 Interpersonal Skills

a. Interviewing

b. Telephoning

c. Meeting

d. Negotiation

8 Project

Writing an individual research paper (IRP)


Text Book: 1. Communication Skills 2nd edition by Leena Sen, Prentice-Hall New Delhi

2. Communication Skills for Engineers by Sunita Mishra, Prentice-Hall New Delhi

Reference: 1. Effective Business Communication 7th edition by Herta A. Murphy

ME104-Engineering Drawings

Course: ME-104




Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2



To develop computer assisted design and modeling skills of students. This course enables students to use modern day tools in simulating the models and behaviors of engineering systems

Course Contents:

1. Introduction to graphical drawing

2. Introduction to projection theory

3. Common Standards and Conventions Used in Graphical Drawing

4. Detailed Orthographic Projections

5. Constructing an object from multi-views

6. Introducing Autocad 2015 !!!

7. Basic 2D Drawing in AutoCAD 2015 - 1

8. Basic 2D Drawing in AutoCAD 2015 - 2

9. Selecting Objects In Autocad 2015, Moving And Copying

10. Advance 2D drawing in autocad 2015

11. Creating layers and dimensions in autocad 2015

12. Orthographic Drawing Techniques in AutoCAD

13. AUTOCAD 2015 GOES 3D!!!

14. Practicing 3d Objects In Autocad 2015

15. Final project submission

Text and Reference Books


• Fundamentals of graphic communication by Gary Bertoline, Fourth edition

• AutoCAD bible by Finkelstein

HU212-Technical & Business Writing

Course Code: HU212




Credits: 2+0 Contact Hrs: 2



Course focuses on developing awareness and understanding of research methodologies and to provide the necessary background for students to successfully undertake the project activity and dissertation. By course completion, the students will be able to apply an appropriate research strategy, critically analyze research reports and data, generate research support, undertakes a literature search on a research topic etc. So they will be able to disseminate research in terms of reports and journal publications.

Course Contents

1 Technical Writing (03 Weeks)

• Technical Writing- Introduction and Characteristics

• Difference between Technical and Academic Writing

• The Technical Writing Process

• Objectives in Technical Writing

• Communication Models and The CMAPP Analysis

2 Correspondence (08 Weeks)

• Memorandum

• Professional Letters

• Electronic Communication

• Employment Communication

• News Releases

• Instructions / Manual Writing


3 Research Writing (03 Weeks)

• Abstract/Summary

• Data Collection

• Formal Proposal


• Correspondence (Assignments)

• Formal Proposal Writing (Research Writing)

4 Presentation of formal Proposal(02 Weeks)

Text Book: 1. Technical Writing for Success by Sue Mehlich & Darlene Smith-Worthington

2. Survivor Guide to Technical Writing by David Ingre.

References: 1. Technical Writing –Process and Product by Sharon J. Gerson & Steven M. Gerson

2. Effective Technical Communication by Anne Eisenberg


HU107-Pakistan Studies

Course Code: HU107




Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2



To deepen the understanding of the social and political movements that has shaped Pakistani society and culture. Course also introduces the students to the contending perspectives on the origins of Pakistan, the dynamics of pluralistic society which have shaped the civic and political culture of Pakistan and impact of regional and international environment on Pakistan's domestic and foreign policy choices.

Course Contents

1 Origins And Development Of Pakistan Movement Part - I: The basic and relevance of the Ideology of Pakistan to Islam & Muslim freedom struggle. Part-II The flow of events, political actors and interactions from the 1857 'War of independence' and the role of Syed Ahmed Khan to the demand of Pakistan, its ultimate fulfilment under the able leadership of Quaid-i-Azam.

2 Development Of Political & Constitutional System In Pakistan

Society, State, Elements of State; i.e. Executive, Legislature and judiciary. History of Constitutional development in Pakistan from 1947 to 2004, different political System experimented so for , Political crisis.

3 Economic Development In Pakistan Indian Muslim’s conditions during the British Period & Economic Problems at the time of independence. Pakistan’s planning experience: Five-year plans, National Income, savings and investments, Monetary theory and fiscal policy, inflation, balance of payments foreign assistance.

4 Foreign Policy & Relations of Pakistan The Geo-strategic importance of Pakistan. The basic principles and broad goals of Pakistan foreign policy. Need to redefine the goals and direction of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Constructive and mutually rewarding relations with India, Pakistan’s role in central Asia and Afghanistan, Relations with U.S, China, Iran and Russia.

5 Educational & Technological Progress In Pakistan Status of Education in Pakistan. Impact of information technology and satellites on education. Development of an educational system.

6 Social & Environmental Problems in Pakistan Poverty, Gender discrimination, Water management, Pollution, populations & others

Text Book: 1. The Emergence of Pakistan By Chaudhary Muhammad Ali


Reference: 1. Economic and Social Progress in Asia. Umar Noman, Karachi, 1999

2. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis: S.M. Burke, 1993

3. Newspapers editorial and selected journalistic writings.

HU101-Islamic Studies

Course Code:





Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2



To impart an understanding of the fundamental principles/teachings of Islam through study of verses of the Quran and Prophetic Sayings, important facets of the Prophet’s life and salient, features of Islamic Civilization. Course aims to provide appreciation of other prominent religions, systems of ethics and cultures to prepare students to survive in international/multicultural work place.

Course Contents

1 Study of Quran Fazail –e-Quran, The Miricles of Quran,Compilation of Quran, Usool-e-Quran, Study of Sura Al-Hujurat (The Chambers),Study of Sura Al-Furqan (The Criterion), Ayat.ul Kursi, Sura Al Akhlas

2 Study of Haddees Definition , Difference between Hadees and Sunnah, The types of Hadees, Parts of Hadees, The compilation, Importance of Hadees , Six books of Hadees, Study of Slected Ahadees

3 Sirat-Un-Nabi Life of Holly Prophet (PBUH) before Prophet hood , and after Prophethood, Reasons /Causes of migeration, Establishment of Islamic State , The Pact of Madina, Selected Bettless, Treaty of Hudaibia, Conquest of Mekkah, The last Sermon, Death.

4 The Philosophy of Islamic Beliefs The Articles of Faith. Oneness of Allah, The Angles, The Prophets, Revealed books, The day of Judgment, Life after death.

b. The Pillars of Islam: Tawheed, Namaz, Roza, Hajj, Zakat, and Jihad.

5 Different Topics The characteristics of Islamic ideology, Huqooq Aallah, Huqooq-ul- Ebad, Place of Women in Islam, The Rights of Elders, Kasbe-Halal, Truthfulness, Taqwa Tawakul


Text Book: 1. Islami Taleemat by Prof Abdul Hameed Tigga, A One Publisher

HU222-Professional Ethics

Course Code:


Pre Requisites:


Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2

Course Objectives:

All the degree programs offered in different universities/institutes are not able to provide a broader outlook on some very important aspects of everyday life. So graduates are still unprepared to work in professional environments after their degree. This course aims to help the students find answers to the meaning of life and to illuminate the struggle between right and wrong.

Course Contents

1 Understanding Ethics (01 Week)

• Profession

• Ethics

• Professional Ethics

2 Origin and Development of Human Society and Ethics (03 Weeks)

Culture and Society

Social and Cultural Development

Ethnocentrism & Xenocentrism

Culture and Humanity

3 Personality and Moralization (03 Weeks)

• The meaning of Personality

• Factors in the development of personality

• Moralization and the self

• Desirable and undesirable personality traits


4 Ethics - Role and Status (01 Week)

• Moralization through role and status

• Ascribed and Achieved Status

• Character Ethics

5 Moral Philosophy & Theories (01 Week)

• Utilitarian

• Right, Duty & Virtue

6 Ethics & Role of Social Institutions (02 Weeks)

• Family

• Religion

• Education

7 Contemporary Moral Issues (03 Weeks)

• Moral Dilemma

• Problem Solving

• Concept of Safety & Risk

• Gender

• Welfare

• Environmental Ethics

8 Project:

Selected Engineering Case Studies

Text Book: Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases by Harris, C.E. – Wordsworth

Reference: Engineering Ethics by Charles B – Pearson Education

CS100-Fundamentals of ICT

Course Code:






Credits: 2+1

Contact Hrs: 5

Course Objectives:

This is an introductory course on Information and Communication Technologies. Topics include ICT terminologies, hardware and software components, the Internet and Web, and ICT based applications.

Course Contents

1 Introduction: Introduction to IT, Computing & Communication, Understanding Computer, Peripheral Devices

2 Hardware: Hardware Technology, System Unit, Storage Devices, Input/Output devices, Output Devices, Telecommunications

3 Computer Software: Operating Systems, Application Software, Microsoft Office

4 Internet and Web: World Wide Web, Browsers & Search Engines, Web Page Basic Design

5 Introduction to Data Communication and Computer Networks

Connectivity, Interactivity & Multimedia, Internet Access Devices and connecting medias, Basics of Digital & Analogue Signal, Digital Communication, Networks & Protocols

6 Development: System Development, Introduction to Programming, Programming Languages, Problems solving Techniques

7 Introduction to Software Engineering

Text book: 1. Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton, 6th International Edition (McGraw Hill)

Reference: 1.Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computer & Communications by Williams Sawyer, 6th Edition (McGraw Hill)

2. Computers, Communications & information: A user's introduction by Sarah E. Hutchinson, Stacey C. Sawyer

3. Computing Essentials by O’Leary, O’Leary, (McGraw Hill)



Course Code:





Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

This course will introduce students to the concepts of entrepreneurship so that they have the necessary skill set to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in order to create value, generate wealth and serve society.

Course Contents

1 The Entrepreneurial Process, Entrepreneurs and Enterprise

2 Evolution and Competition in Technology Markets, Technology Leaders The Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley, The New Internet Entrepreneurs

3 The State of the Art of Individual Entrepreneurship, The State of the Art E-Business

4 Communication and Presentation Skills

5 Business Plans: 1. Industry and Competitor Analysis ( Opportunity Recognition) 2. Company 3. Product and Services Description (Idea Generation),

6 Business Plan: 4. Marketing Plan: a) Entrepreneurial Marketing b) Marketing Management, 5. Operations 6. Development Plan: a) Human Resource Management b) Growth Strategies : Managing a Growing Business ; Franchising, Management: Fundamentals of Management

7 Business Plan: Legal Form of Business: a) US Structures b) Pakistan Structures

8 Business Plan: 9. Critical Risks (Challenges) a) Intellectual Property b) Intellectual Capital / Property,

9 Business Plan: 10. Financial Plan (Start-up Finance, Revenue Projections), Pro Forma Financial Statements, Funding Sources: a) Venture Capital b) Debt and Other Forms of Finance c) Financing of Enterprise d) Lease Financing and Hire Purchase, New Venture Finance f) Working Capital Management c) Offering (Funding request) Harvesting, The Real New Economy.

Text Book: 1. Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources by Marc J. Dillinger, Third Edition (Pearson Education)


Reference: 1. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough, Pearson Education


Computing/SE Electives

CS332-Distributed Computing

Course Code: CS332



CS212 Object Oriented Programming

CS330 Operating Systems

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



The course will provide an introduction to the distributed computing concepts including the network operating systems, middleware, client-server systems, common layer application protocols (RPC, RMI, streams), distributed processes, network naming, distributed synchronization, and distributed object based systems. By the course completion, the student will gain a positive exposure to the professional responsibilities that are part of distributed system design and development.

Course Contents

1. Characterization of Distributed Systems: Introduction to Distributed Systems, Examples of Distributed Systems, Resource Sharing and the web

2. System Models: Architectural Models, Fundamental Models

3. Inter-process Communication: External data representation and marshalling, Group communication, Case Study: Inter process Communication in UNIX

4. Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation: Communication between distributed objects, Remote procedure call, Events and notifications, Java RMI case study

5. Operating System Support: The operating system layer, Protection and address spaces, Processes and Threads, Communication and invocation, Operating system architecture

6. Distributed File Systems: File server architecture, Sun Network File System, The Andrew File System

7. Name Services: Name services and the Domain Name System, Directory and discovery services, Case study of the Global Name Service, Case study of the X.500 Directory Service

8. Time and Global States: Clocks, events and process states, Synchronizing physical clocks, Logical time and logical clocks, Global states, Distributed debugging

9. Coordination and Agreement: Distributed mutual exclusion, Elections, Multicast communication, Consensus and related problems

10. Transactions and Concurrency Control: Transactions, Nested transactions, Locks, Optimistic Concurrency Control, Timestamp ordering


11. Distributed Transactions: Flat and nested distributed transactions, Atomic commit protocols, Concurrency control in distributed transactions, Distributed deadlocks, Transaction recovery

12. Replication: System model and group communication, Fault-tolerant services, Highly available services, Transactions with replicated data

13. Distributed Shared Memory: Design and implementation issues, Sequential consistency and Ivy, Release consistency and Munin

14 Mobile Agent Paradigm

Text Book: 1. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design” 4th Ed. by George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education 2001.

Reference: 1. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. and van Steen, Maarten, Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms. Prentice-Hall, 2002 (ISBN 0-13-088893-1).


CS-222 Data Communication

Course Code:




Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



This course is a study of terminology, hardware and software associated with data communications and network technology. Areas of study will include design principles for human-computer dialogue, selection criteria for communications devices, the technology of data transmission, techniques and message protocols for line control and error processing, local area networks, networking concepts, network topologies and access control, network performance, network services and design issues, and network media and access methods.

Course Contents

• Fundamentals of Network Technology, Network Models, Layered Architectures, Client-server Components , History of Network Development

• The Application Layer, Application architectures Client-server, Peer-to-peer, Communications, Services, Protocols

• The Transport Layer, Delivery protocols, Quality of service

• The Network Layer, Network models, Services Addressing, Routing

• The Data Link Layer, Data Transmission, Network basics, Protocols, Services, Switches

• The Physical Layer, Communications Hardware, Media, Switches, Routers, Terminals, Peripheral Equipment, Types of Networks, Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, The Internet, Wireless and mobile technology, Multimedia

• Network Management Administration, Performance and Optimization, Design Issues, Security

• Current and Future Trends, Advanced topics

Course Outcome:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

• Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer networking.

• Familiarize the student with the basic taxonomy and terminology of the computer networking area.

• Introduce the student to advanced networking concepts,


preparing the student for entry Advanced courses in computer networking.

• Allow the student to gain expertise in some specific areas of networking such as the design and maintenance of individual networks.

Text Book “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach”, 4th edition. Kurose, James and Ross, Keith. Pearson-Addison-Wesley, 2008.

“A Practical Guide to UBUNTU Linux”. Sobell, Mark. Prentice-Hall, 2008.

“Introduction to Windows Server 2003”. Eric Ecklund, McGraw-Hill, 2005.

References “Applied Data Communications: A Business-Oriented Approach”. James Goldman and Philip Rawles, 4th edition, Wiley, 2004.

“CISCO Networking Simplified”, 2nd edition. Doherty, Jim, Andersonn, Neil, and DellaMaggiora, Paul. Cisco Press, 2007.

“A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux” 3rd edition. Sobell, Mark. Prentice-Hall, 2007.

“SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed”. McCallister, Michael, SAMS Publishing, 2006.

CS423-Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Course Code: 423



CS220 Database Systems

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



This course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining, to develop skills of using recent data mining software for solving practical problems, and to gain experience of doing independent study and research.

Course Contents

1 Data Mining Overview

2 Knowing the Data

3 Data Pre-processing

4 Mining Frequent Patterns


5 Associations, Correlations

6 Classification

7 Advanced Classification Algorithms

8 Clustering

9 Data Warehousing and OLAP

10 Data Cube

11 Text Mining

12 Web Mining

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, student should be able to

• Understand Data Mining fundamentals: Data Pre-processing, Mining functions such as classification, clustering, pattern analysis etc

• Ability to design, implements, evaluates and selects appropriate data-mining algorithms and apply using sample, realistic data sets.

• Skills to perform data pre-processing including the assessment of raw input data, and process it to provide suitable input for a range of data mining algorithms. Furthermore, skills to perform classification, clustering and evaluating the implemented solutions.

Text Book Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 1-55860-489-8

References • “Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. ISBN: 1-558-60552-5

• Margaret Dunham, ‘Data Mining, Introductory and Advanced Topics’, Prentice Hall, 2003. ISBN: 0-13-088892-3 .

• Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Second Edition) by Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank

CS321-Advanced Database Systems

Course Code: CS321



CS220 Database systems

Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives: The course focuses generally on the advanced concepts prevail in databases. This course covers: (a) files storage and structures; (b) query processing component of a relational database system; (c) Fundamental knowledge of concurrency control and


database recovery.

Course Contents

1. Introduction to database management system

2. Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory

3. Concurrency Control Techniques

4. Database Recovery Techniques

5. Relational Algebra

6. Physical Storage, Indexing and Hashing

7. Query Processing and Optimization

8. Object Oriented Databases

9. Distributed Databases

Course Outcome Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

• Apply the principles of query optimization to a database schema.

• Explain the various types of locking mechanisms utilized within database management systems.

• Explain the different types of database failures as well as the methods used to recover from these failures.

• Design queries against a distributed database management system.

• Perform queries against database designed with object-relational extensions.

• Develop and query XML files.

Text Book 1. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan (2006): Database System Concepts 5/E, McGraw-Hill

References Elmasri and Navathe (2006): Fundamentals of Database Systems 5/E, Addison Wesley

CS340-Web Technologies-I

Course Code: CS340




CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 2+1

Contact Hrs: 5



On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

Fairly understand about World Wide Web & Internet, will be able to develop Static and Dynamic web sites and applications. Will be able to understand and use design and development techniques for building data-driven web applications.

Course Contents

1 Introduction: Fundamental Internet and WWW concepts, W3C standards and recommendations,

2 HTML Basics: Web page, hypertext, mechanism of tags, hyperlinks,

3 Advance HTML: Forms, frames, embedded objects, Cascading Style Sheets: Levels, selectors, style elements,

4 Web Graphics: Color palettes, image manipulation in Photoshop, Flash animations,

5 Web Scripting: JavaScript basics, objects, events, functions,

6 Dynamic HTML: Advance JavaScript, DHTML, combining JavaScript, CSS and DOM, cross browser compatibility issues,

7 Server-side Scripting, Introduction to PHP, Configuration PHP & Apache web server,

8 HP Basics: Variables, program control, built-in functions,

9 Advance PHP: Form processing, session management, cookies,

10 MySQL: Introduction, configuration and setup

11 PHP/MySQL Integration Part 01, Debugging, error management, performance, and user activity analysis, web application vulnerabilities,

12 Jquery and Ajax with PHP

Text Book Multiple references will be used.


CS381-Network Security

Course Code: CS381



EE353-Computer Networks

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 3



Course narrates the principles and techniques used to make the network secure. The course attempts to help the students to understand the security terminology and acronyms, basic and advance security vulnerabilities, shared keys, encryption/decryption algorithms, etc. Students will be able to design/utilize secure networks on basis of knowledge obtained via the course.

Course Contents

1 Introduction Cryptology and simple cryptosystems

2 Conventional encryption techniques

3 Stream and Block Ciphers DES; More on Block Ciphers; The Advanced Encryption Standard. Confidentiality & Message authentication: Hash functions;

4 Number Theory and Algorithm Complexity Public key Encryption. RSA and Discrete Logarithms

5 Identification Schemes Dial-up security. E-mail security, PGP, S-MIME; Kerberos and directory authentication. Emerging Internet security standards

6 SET; SSL and IPsec VPNs; Firewalls; Viruses; Miscellaneous topics.

7 Block Ciphers-modes of Operation, Modular Arithmetic

8 Diffie-Hellman key exchange

9 Mutual authentication protocols

10 Denial of service attacks

11 Intrusion detection, access control, worms

Text Book: W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security

Reference: Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle


CS443-e-Commerce and Solutions

Course Code: CS443




Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



To introduce the environment in which e-commerce, e-government and e-health takes place, the main technologies for supporting e-technologies, and how these technologies fit together; provides students with an intensive survey of technologies used to support all aspects of electronic business.

Course Contents

1. Intersection of Business models and Electronic Commerce Solutions.

2. e-Commerce Business Models

3. Electronic Commerce Technical Tools.

4. Electronic Commerce Infrastructure.

5. Design, Maintenance, and Administration of Electronic Commerce Sites.

6. Security Issues in e-Commerce.

7. Ethical, Social and Political issues in Electronic Commerce.

Course Outcome

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Describe technologies used for e-business solutions.

• Describe different information systems in e-business.

• Understand and describe the concept of virtual office.

• Understand system concepts.

• Describe management information systems.

Text Book 1. E-Commerce: Business, Technology, Society – 2nd edition Authors: Kenneth C. Laudon & Carol Traver

Publisher: Addison Wesley, 2004

References 1. Electronic Commerce, A Managerial Perspective 2006

Authors: Efraim Turban, David King, Dennis Viehland, and, Jae Lee Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2006

CS251-Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Course Code: CS251



CS 250- Data Structures and Algorithms

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs; 3



This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of advanced principles of principles and techniques used in the design and analysis of computer algorithms.

Course Contents

• Introduction to Algorithms,

• Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms

• Divide and Conquer Algorithms,

• Greedy Algorithms,

• NP-Complete Problems,

• Approximation Algorithms

Course Outcome

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Argue the correctness of algorithms using inductive proofs and invariants.

• Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

• Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize divide-and-conquer algorithms. Derive and solve recurrences describing the performance of divide-and-conquer algorithms.

• Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize dynamic-programming algorithms, and analyze them.

Text Book: Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos

References: Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein


CS370-Artificial Intelligence

Course Code: CS370



CS110 – Fundamental of Computer Programming

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



Objective for this course is to give the student an overview of this field while at the same time giving depth in the most fundamental areas. Course will teach students about the different AI techniques such as searching, reasoning, game playing etc. By the end of the course, student would have a proficient knowledge of the AI field and can utilize the AI techniques as necessary to solve a problem. Student will also be fluent in using an AI language to write the programs.

Course Contents

1 Introduction: The Turing Test approach, The cognitive modelling approach, The laws of thought approach, The rational agent approach

2 Solving Problems by Searching: Breadth-first search, Uniform cost search, Depth-first search, Depth-limited search, Iterative deepening search, Bidirectional search

3 Informed Search Methods: Best-First Search, Heuristic Functions, Memory Bounded Search, Iterative Improvement Search

4 Game Playing: Alpha-Beta pruning, Mini max

5 Knowledge and Reasoning: A Knowledge-Based Agent, Propositional Logic

6 First-Order Logic: Syntax and Semantics, Extensions and Notational Variations, Using First-Order Logic, Deducing Hidden Properties of the world

7 Building a Knowledge Base: General Ontology, Representing Categories

Text Book: 1. Peter Norvig, “Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case studies in Common Lisp”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc. 1992.

Reference: 1. Guy L. Steele Jr., “Common Lisp the Language”, 2nd edition, Digital Press, 1990.

2. Peter Jackson, “Introduction to Expert Systems”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986.

CS425-Management Information Systems


Course Code: CS425



CS220 Database Systems

SE200 Software Engineering

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives: Students will learn the concept of system, components of MIS, roles of MIS that influence organizational competitiveness, IT infrastructures in modern organizations, the unique economics of information and MIS, MIS enabled business processes and decision support techniques, MIS development and acquisition processes, the nature of MIS management, and social and global subjects such as ethics, cyber-crime, security, and cultural issues relative to MIS.

Course Contents


Roles of MIS in the Organization

• Competitive advantage of information and MIS

• Systems concepts; MIS components and their relationships

• Value and quality of information and MIS

• Artificial intelligence techniques in business


Types of Management Information Systems

• Enterprise MIS, e-business, and MIS in business functional areas

• E-commerce

• Decision support systems

4. Information Systems Development Process

• Systems specification, systems analysis and design, and MIS re-engineering

• Roles of MIS professionals in system development

• Structured approach and object-oriented approach

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Understand basic information system concepts as applied to business operations and management.

• Identify the major components of a computer system, including hardware, software, operating systems and operating environments as


they apply to information systems.

• Evaluate, select, and use computer-based information systems from a management perspective.

• Understand the interdependence and functionality of the hardware and software components of information systems and work with the MIS staff to make technical decisions

Textbook Laudon, Kenneth C., and Laudon, Jane P., Management Information Systems-Managing Digital Firm, Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.


CS490-Advanced topics in Computing

Course Code: CS490



Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives: The course provide students with a solid foundation in digital multimedia and enable students to recognize and identify forms of multimedia processing. It will enable students to write computer programs to process digital multimedia and provide students with a foundation in Android game programming.

Course Contents

• Multimedia and audio fundamentals

• Audio processing

• Colour and image fundamentals

• Image processing

• Video fundamentals and video processing

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Analyse the fundamental principles relating to the digital representation of multimedia.

• Discuss issues concerning the human perception of sound and visual information.

• Review audio, image and video formats.

• Design procedures to process audio and visual data.

• Explain the architecture of the Android platform and design games on the Android platform.

• Explain the essential components for game development and apply the game design process.

Textbook Burg, J (2009) The Science of Digital Media, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

CS-427 Wireless Networks

Course Code: CS427




Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



The objective of this course is to give an introduction to the fundamentals of the wireless communications systems, the wireless network architectures, protocols, and applications. Topics of study include an overview of wireless communications and mobile computing systems, signal propagation characteristics of wireless channels, wireless channel modelling, frequency reuse/cellular/microcellular concepts, spread-spectrum modulation for wireless systems, multiple access techniques, and wireless networking standards (e.g., 2.5G, 3G, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16/WiMAX).

Course Contents

Overview of Wireless Communication Networking and Mobile Computing: Historical perspectives, first and second generation cellular systems, land mobile vs. satellite vs. indoor wireless systems, adaptation and mobility in wireless information systems, challenges of mobile computing, mathematical preliminaries.

Wireless Channel Modelling: Path-loss and shadow fading models, Rayleigh and Ricean fading, coherence time, coherence bandwidth, frequency flat and selective fading.

Modulation, Coding, Diversity Techniques: Digital modulation and coding techniques for wireless communication systems, spread-spectrum modulation, diversity combining techniques.

Cellular Concept: Frequency reuse/cellular/microcellular concepts including sectorization and cell splitting, trunking efficiency, Erlang capacity.

Multiple Access Techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, ALOHA, Slotted-ALOHA, CSMA/CA, MACA, reservation protocols, PRMA, capture effects.

Wireless Networking Standards: 3G systems, wireless LAN standards (IEEE 80.11), WMAN standards (IEEE 802.16), WPAN standards (IEEE 802.15).

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• understand the basic concept of wireless networks; understand traffic theories, mobile radio propagation, channel coding, and cellular concepts; understand multiple division techniques, mobile communication systems, and existing wireless networks;

• Explain network protocols, ad hoc and sensor networks, wireless MANs, LANs and PANs; understand wireless ID technologies network, in particular RFID work.


Text Book: 1. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, T.S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 2002.

References: 2. Principles of Wireless Networks, Kaveh Pahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy, Prentice Hall, 2002.

CS361-Computer Graphics

Course Code: CS361



CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics leading to the ability to understand contemporary terminology, issues, and trends. Topics cover geometric transformations, view port transformations, software systems (OpenGL), shading and mapping etc. Course material is structured to meet the needs of both designers and users of interactive computer graphics systems.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Computer Graphics

2 Computer Graphics System: Video Display Devices and Systems, Raster Scan System, Graphic Monitors & Workstation, Input and Output Devices, Graphic Software and Hardware.

3 Output Primitive its Attributes. Point and Line, Line, Circle Ellipse Algorithms and Functions. Loading Frame Buffer, Special Curve Drawing Algorithms, Pixel Addressing, Filled Algorithms. Attributes of line, curve, Area fill and Characters, Antialiasing.

4 2D Geometric Transformation: 2D, Composite and other Transformations, Matrix Representation, Transformation between Coordinate System. Affine and Raster Methods for Transformation.

5 2D-Viewing: Window to View-port Transformation, 2D Viewing Function, Clipping in Raster World, Clipping Lines, Curves & Polygons Text

6 3D Geometrical Transformation & Viewing: Projections, View Planes & Viewing Geometries, Co-ordinate Systems, Matrix Representation of 3D Transformations, Composite 3D Transformations, Visible Line & Surface Identification.

7 Colour Model: Properties of Light, Colour Models (RGB, YIQ, CMY(K), HSV), Conversion between Colour Models.


8 Advance Topics: Introduction to Sp line & Curves, Visible Surface Detection, Animation & Simulation.

Text Book: 1. Computer Graphics by Pauline Baker

Reference: 2. Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice by Foley, Van Dam, Feiner & Huges.

EE-430 Telecommunication Systems

Course Code: EE430



Credits: 3+0



An introduction to and overview of modern communications systems. A review of linear systems and signal processing techniques. An introduction to analogue modulation techniques; amplitude modulation (AM) and “angle” modulation (FM and PM). An introduction to digital communications; sampling, quantization, coding.

Course Contents

Introduction Overview of system types: point-point, point-multipoint, broadcast systems; Simplex, half & full duplex, baseband & pass band; analog & digital: transmission media. Analog and digital communications, power-bandwidth tradeoffs, signal-to-noise ratio, channel capacity concepts.

Review of Signals and Systems Classification and representation of signals, Fourier representation, energy and power spectral density, linearity, types of distortion.

Amplitude modulation (AM) Carriers and modulation, types of amplitude modulation, AM receivers, Generation and detection of DSB-LC and DSB-SC signals. Transmission bandwidth. Power in carrier and signal.

Angle modulation (FM and PM) Instantaneous frequency, approximate analysis of angle modulation (bandwidth, spectral content), FM/PM receivers. Equations for FM and PM. Single tone narrow band and wide band FM: Bessel functions. Carson's rule. Power in carrier and signal. Modulators: direct and indirect. Demodulators: discriminators, delay (phase shift or Quadrature) detector. FM receiver. Threshold effect. Pre-emphasis/deemphasis.

Pulse and Digital communications Sampling and pulse-code-modulation (PCM), line coding, pulse shaping, error control, digital carrier systems and multiplexing. Sampling theorem, Nyquist frequency. Spectral density of signals. PCM encoder, regenerator, decoder, ISI and Nyquist filters. TDM and PCM frames. T1 system. Binary signal formats and spectral densities. ASK, FSK, PSK: Modulators,



Course Outcome:

Upon successful completion of this course student will be able to:

• Describe the basic fundamentals of a telecom system.

• Describe the various types of connection links used by industry for telecommunication system worldwide.

• Describe the common switching operations found in the telecommunications industry.

• Describe the different types of broadcast systems commonly used by industry and government.

Define spread spectrum modulation and describe its general purpose and its applications.

Text Book 1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd ed., B.P. Lathi, Oxford University Press, 1998.

CS342-Mobile Computing

Course Code:




Introduction to the wireless networking and computer programming is an essential for this course

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



This course covers the essential skills required to develop mobile computing systems. Building from the basics of wireless networking, the course establishes a deep understanding of the mobile computing concepts. The final project provides an essential practice to the extensive knowledge and programming APIs in developing sophisticated mobile computing systems.

Course Contents


1. Wireless networking

• Wireless systems: equipment and technology

• Wireless networks: architectures and generations

• Wireless networking protocols

• Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks

2. Mobile computing

• Mobile computing systems

• Mobile IP

• Resource and data management

• Transmission and scheduling mechanisms

• Transaction management and failure recovery

• Reliability

• Security and data protection

3. Mobile computing applications

• Mobile Platform programming

• Internet connectivity services

• Application API

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Describe the basic concepts and principles in mobile computing • Understand the concept of Wireless LANs, PAN, Mobile Networks, and

Sensor Networks • Explain the structure and components for Mobile IP and Mobility

Management • Understand positioning techniques and location-based services and

applications • Describe the important issues and concerns on security and privacy

Text Book 1. Asoke K. Talukder, Roopa Yavagal, Mobile Computing Technology, Applications, and Service Creation, McGraw-Hill, 2005

References 1. Jochen H. Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2003.

2. Vijay Kumar, Mobile Database Systems, Wiley, 2006.


CS424-Information Retrieval

Course Code: CS424

Pre Requisites: CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Web Engineering or Web Technologies

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

This course covers theoretical foundation of text information retrieval systems. Different text indexing models such as Boolean, vector space and probabilistic retrieval models will be discussed. Result ranking and evaluation strategies will also be covered. Other topics include: text clustering and classification methods, Latent semantic indexing, taxonomy induction, cluster labeling; classification algorithms and their evaluation, text filtering and routing.

Course Contents

1. Introduction to Information Retrieval

2. Inverted indices and boolean queries

3. The term vocabulary and postings lists, Tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, stop words, phrases, Optimizing indices with skip lists, Proximity and phrase queries, Positional indices

4. Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval, Dictionary data structures, Wild-card queries, permuterm indices, n-gram indices, Spelling correction and synonyms, soundex

5 Index construction and compression

6. Scoring, term weighting, and the vector space model., TF.IDF weighting, cosine measure, scoring documents

7. Evaluating search engines, User happiness, precision, recall, F-measure, Creating test collections, kappa measure, inter-judge agreement, Approximate vector retrieval

8. Relevance feedback, Pseudo relevance feedback, Query expansion, Automatic thesaurus generation, Sense-based retrieval

9. Web Search, Crawling and web indexes

10. Advance Topics, Latent Semantic Indexing, Support Vector Machines for Text Clustering

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

• Understand and apply the basic concepts of info rmation retrieval;

• Appreciate the limitations of different information retrieval techniques;


• Write programs to implement search engines;

• Evaluate search engines;

Text Book Introduction to Information Retrieval, by C. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schütze. Cambridge University Press, 2008

References G.G. Chowdhury. An Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval, London, Facet, 2004. R.A. Baeza-Yates, B. Riberio-Neto. Modern Information Retrieval, ACM Press, 1999. I.H. Witten, A. Moffat and T.C. Bell. Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.

CS426-Digital Image Processing

Course Code: CS426



Credits: 3+1

Contacts Hrs: 6



The course emphasizes the application of processing and analysis of digital images. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to apply the different kinds of processing on the digital image to develop different kind of application soft wares. Course covers various topics ranging from image enhancements in frequency and spatial domain, image degradation, image restoration etc which provide a good understanding about the existing digital image processing techniques.

Course Contents

1 Introduction Digital Image Processing Computer Vision and Pattern Recognitions

2 Field Usage of DIP, Fundamental steps in DIP Component.

3 Digital Image Fundamentals. Element of visual Perception, Image Sensing and Acquisition Image Sampling and Quantization. Pixels operation, linear & Non lineate operation.

4 Image Enhancement in spatial Domain: Background, Grey level Transformation. Edge detection sharpening.

5 Image Enhancing in Frequency Domain, background, Frequency domain, Faired Transform smarting, Sharpening, Homo-morphic Filtering implementation.


6 Image Restorations. A model of the Image Degradation/ Restoration Process, Noise Model, Restoration in the Presence of Noise-spatial filtering, Periodic Noise Reduction by frequency Domain filtering.

7 Linear, Position-Invariant Degradation Estimating the Degradation. Inverse Filtering, Wiener filtering, Min Mean Squares Error, Filtering constrained least squares filtering Geometric mean filter and Transformation

8 Colour Image Processing: Colour fundamentals, Colour model pseudo-colour Image processing, Basics of full colour Image processing colour Transformation

9 Colour Filtering Sharpening, Smoothing, Segmentation, Noise, and colour Image Compression.

10 Image Compression: Fundamental, Image compression models. Elements of information theory, Error free compression, Image Compression standards, lossy compression

11 Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge linking, Boundary detection, Thresholding, Region Based segmentation

12 3 D Imaging: Pattern Recognitions classes, and decision making.

Text Book: 1. Digital Image Processing using Matlab by Gonzalez, Woods and Eddins

Ref Book: 1. Digital Image Processing by R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Addison Wesley, Second Ed., 2002.

2. Computer Vision by Linda Shapiro and George Stockman, Prentice- Hall 2001.

CS433-Applied Parallel Computing

Course Code: CS433



MATH222 Linear Algebra

Credits: 2+1

Contact Hrs: 5



The aim of this course is to study the hardware and software issues in parallel computing. It is an advanced interdisciplinary introduction to applied parallel computing on modern computers. It will cover the architecture and enabling technologies of parallel computing systems and their applications in various domains.

Course Contents


1. Introduction and Overview

2. Models of Parallel Computers and Computation

3. Message Passing Computing and MPI, Shared Memory and OpenMP

4. Parallel Prefix, Dense Linear Algebra

5 Parse Linear Algebra, Parallel Machines, FFT

5. Domain Decomposition, Particle Methods

6. Partitioning and Load Balancing, Mesh Generation

7. Support Vector Machines and Singular Value Decomposition

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of the course students should be able to understand the architecture and enabling technologies of parallel computing systems and their applications in various domains.

Text Book 1. An Introduction to Parallel Programming by Peter S. Pacheco. Morgan Kaufman, 2011

References 1. Parallel Programming in C With MPI and OpenMP by Michael J. Quinn, 2003

CS213-Advanced Programming

Course Code: CS213

Pre Requisites:

CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

CS212 Object Oriented Programming

CS250 Data Structures and Algorithms

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to help students succeed in advanced system related courses, e.g., Operating Systems and Computer Networks, by enabling them in developing software and systems that interact more closely with the operating system and/or hardware. The course takes the students through a series of programming environments on a Unix platform to make the students feel more comfortable with variety of programming languages.

Course Contents


1. Introduction to basic Unix programming concepts and terminology

2. Various Unix standardization efforts

3. Different Unix implementations, make/ automake,

4. The Unix Shell – programming with bash, I/O - unbuffered I/O, Properties of files and directories,

5. The Unix Shell – bash, The standard I/O library, The standard system data files, Processes - the environment of a Unix process,

6. The Unix Shell – bash, Process control, The relationships between different processes, Signals

7. IPC - Interprocess communication, More I/O - terminal I/O, advanced I/O, daemon processes, TCL, TK, Python, Pearl, sed, awk

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

• design patterns and good practice,

• immutability, composition and object factories,

• concurrent programming in the shared memory model,

• concurrent object-oriented programming in Java,

• event-driven programming,

Text Book: 1. Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, by W. Richard Stevens, Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0201563177

References: 1. Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial v1.05r3A Beginner's handbook (ONLINE).


EE321-Signals and Systems

Course Code:


Pre Requisites:

MATH111 Calculus

MATH222 Linear Algebra

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

This course lays down the foundations for further studies in digital signal processing and communications. Concepts of Signals and Systems and the response of various common systems to common signals are introduced. Treatment is done in time domain and then in frequency domain. Stress will be on developing clear and strong concepts.

Course Contents:

Basic Concepts. Continuous time and Discrete Time Signals. Transformations of the independent variable (time). Some Common Signals. Basic Properties of Systems: Linearity, Time-invariance, causality, stability, invertibility, memory.

LTI Systems. Description of signals in terms of impulses. Convolution Sum, Convolution Integral; Linear differential equation and linear difference equation to describe systems, Properties of LTI Systems.

Fourier Series. Periodic Signals; representing aperiodic signals in Fourier Series. Properties of Fourier series.

Continuous-Time Fourier Transforms. Properties of continuous time Fourier transform.

Discrete-Time Fourier transforms. Properties of Discrete time Fourier transform.

Sampling. Continuous-time signal in terms of its samples: Nyquist Rate; The effect of under-sampling—Aliasing

Laplace Transform. Review; Analysis of LTI Systems Using Laplace Transform.

Z-Transforms. Definition and comparison with Lap lace transform. ROC and its properties. Properties of Z-transform and Application to Discrete-Time System Analysis;

Course Outcome:

As an outcome of completing this course, students should be able to:

• Understand the terminology of signals and basic engineering systems.

• Understand the role of signals and systems in engineering design and society.

• Understand the use of signals and basic system building blocks and their


roles in large/complex system design.

• Understand signal representation techniques and signal characteristics.

• Understand the difference and the applications of analog versus discrete signals and the conversion between them.

• Understand the process of sampling and the effects of undersampling.

• Understand the Fourier, Laplace and z-transforms.

• Understand the use of transforms in signal/system analysis, characterization, and manipulation.

Text Book: “Signals and Systems” by Oppenheim and Wilsky with Hamid Nawab

EE-331 Digital Signal Processing

Course Code:




Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



To produce graduates who understand how to analyze and manipulate the digital signals and have the fundamental Matlab programming knowledge to analyze the signals and can develop the digital signal processing applications.

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Discrete Time Signals and Systems: Analog to digital conversion, sampling theorem in time and frequency domain, sampled digital signal representation, LTI system and its properties, convolution and correlation operations and structures.

2 Z-Transform: Definition of Z-Transform, properties of Z-transform, Z-transform and LTI systems, LTI transfer function and its analysis in frequency domain using Z-transform.


3 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Introduction to DFT and its definition, properties of DFT, time and frequency resolution, computation of DFT and the development of fast algorithms (FFT).

4 Digital Filtering: Introduction to FIR and IIR digital filters, their properties and applications. Design of low pass, high pass and band pass FIR filters using window, frequency sampling and CAD techniques. Comb filters, Hilbert transformer and differentiator design using FIR techniques.

Digital IIR filter design from equivalent analogue filters using bilinear Z-transformation.

5 DSP Applications: Direct digital synthesis, DTMF generation and detection. FFT applications.

6 Digital Signal Processors (DSP) Introduction to Digital Signal Processors (DSP), the key features and architectural review, word length issues in digital signal processing.

7 Multi rate Digital Signal Processing Introduction to multirate DSP systems. Introduction to decimation and interpolation operations using FIR filtering. Design of poly phase filter structures for sampling rate conversion.

Course Outcome:

Students completing this course should be able to:

• Have a good understanding of the fundamentals and applications of discrete-time signals and systems, including sampling, convolution, filtering, and discrete Fourier transforms.

• Be able to design digital filters, and perform spectral analysis on real signals using the discrete Fourier transform.

• Practice in sampling, processing and playing back audio and other signals using Matlab software running on PCs or workstations.

Text Books:

1. Robert D. Strum, “First Principles of Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing”.

2. Sanjit K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing: A computer based Approach”.


1. Johnathon Stein, “Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Science Prospective”.

SE440-Business Process Automation

Course Code: SE440

Pre SE200 Software Engineering



Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



The BPA-course combines the disciplines of business process re-engineering (BPR) and service-oriented computing (SOC) to achieve automation with the help of Internet technologies. This course teaches students how to model businesses in current and proposed states, with a particular emphasis on business process modeling. Students will also learn how to bridge the gap between business and system models, ensuring that project requirements and solutions strongly align to business needs. As a result, this course will help students to deliver successful projects that generate valued business outcomes

Course Contents

8. Business Process Definitions

9. Business Process Analysis and Modelling,

10. Business Process Lifecycle, Policies, Procedures and Rules (in terms of business processes)

11. Role of People, Customers, Trading Partners and Suppliers in Business Processes

12. Business Process Simulation

13. Business Process Re-Engineering (objectives and techniques)

14. Basic concepts of Six Sigma (in terms of business process improvement)

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to model businesses in current and proposed states, with a particular emphasis on business process modeling. They should be able to learn how to bridge the gap between business and system models for delivering successful projects that generate valued business outcomes

Text Book: 1. August-Wilhelm Scheer , Ferri Abolhassan, Wolfram Jost , Mathias Kirchmer , August Wilhelm Scheer (Author), Business Process Automation, Springer; 1 edition (May 14, 2004)

References 1. Hofstede, A.H.M.; van der Aalst, W.M.P.; Adams, M.; Russell, N.,Modern Business Process Automation, Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-03120-5

SE313-Design Patterns


Course Code: SE313



CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 2+1 Contact Hrs: 5



This course provides good knowledge about design patterns and how they are practically implemented in order to enhance existing systems and their design solutions. The course focuses on studying a large number of general design patterns and their practical application.

Course Contents

15. Overview of object-oriented design, Software reusability,

16. Design Principles,

17. Classification of design patterns,

18. Pattern description formats,

19. Design and implementation issues in: Creational patterns, Structural patterns, Behavioral patterns;

20. Patterns in software architecture,

21. Patterns for user-interface design,

22. Specific patterns for technical real-time systems. Furthermore, some patterns and idioms (Pattern languages / language specific techniques) meant for real-time systems will be provided.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

• Indicate which underlying object oriented design principle(s) it is based

• on.

• Explain the reasoning for each object oriented design principle.

• Explain what specific object oriented design problem the pattern solves

• Provide a specific context for each pattern in which it can be applied

• Draw a high level class diagram in UML for each pattern.

• Explain how the different components of the pattern collaborate with each other.


• List the consequences of applying each pattern to the overall software quality of a system.

Text Book 1. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, Third Edition by Craig Larman, published by Prentice hall, 2004

References 1. Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, 2/e by James Trott (Kindle Edition - Feb 24, 2009)

2. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley, 1995) by Eric Gamma Et al.

SE423-Software Metrics

Course Code: SE423



SE321 Software Quality Engineering

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



This course is a step by step description of the software metrics. It includes introduction to foundations of measurement theory, models of software engineering measurement, software products metrics, software process metrics and measuring management.

Course Contents

1 Introduction software metrics, Basic Measurement Theory , Measurement quality, Measurement process, Measurement validation, Software measure classification

2 Goal-based paradigms: Goal-Question-Metrics (GQM), Goal-Question-Indicator- Metrics (GQIM) and Applications of GQM and GQIM

3 Design Metrics, Measurements and Models, Measurements Scales

4 Software engineering investigation, Investigation principles, Investigation technique

5 Formal experiments: Planning, Formal experiments: Principles and Formal experiments: Selection

6 Internal Metrics, Types of metrics, Software Size, Software Size: Length (code, specification, design), Software Size: Reuse, Software Size: Functionality (function point, feature point, object point, use-case point)

7 Complexity: Representing concurrency, and analyzing concurrent designs, Software structural measurement, Control-flow structure, Cyclomatic


complexity, Data flow and data structure attributes, Architectural measurement

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course of Software Metrics the student will be able to:

• Understand the objectives and general principles of measurement • Assess different software products with a critical decision process

based on a rigorous mathematical and deductive approach. Text Book: 1. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, by Stephen

H. Kan, 2nd Ed. Addison-Wesley Professional (2002)

2. Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, (2nd ed.), by N.E. Fenton and S.L. Pfleeger, PWS Publishing, 1998

References: 1. “Software Engineer's Reference Book”, by J. McDermid (Edt.), Butterworth Heinemann. Year of Publication

2. “Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and Application”, C. Ravindranath Pandian, Auerbach Publications, (2004).

SE422-Software Testing

Course Code: SE422



SE312-Software Construction

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



This course is about testing techniques and principles: Defects vs. failures, equivalence classes, boundary testing. Types of defects. Black-box Vs. Structural testing. Testing strategies: Unit testing, integration testing, profiling, test driven development. State based testing; configuration testing; compatibility testing; web site testing. Alpha, beta, and acceptance testing. Coverage criteria. Test instrumentation and tools. Developing test plans. Managing the testing process. Problem reporting, tracking, and analysis.

Course Contents

1. Introduction and overview: Testing and inspection concepts, Testing categories

2. Inspection process: Objective of formal inspection Organizing Test cases: Decision Tables

3. Black box and white box testing Unit testing

4. Integration testing


5 Regression testing

5. System testing

6. User acceptance testing

7. Metrics and complexity, State based testing

8. Syntax testing

9. Use of software testing tools

Course Outcomes

Students who have completed this course would have learned:

• Various test processes and continuous quality improvement • Types of errors and fault models • Methods of test generation from requirements • Behaviour modelling using UML: Finite state machines (FSM) • Test generation from FSM models • Input space modelling using combinatorial designs • Combinatorial test generation • Test adequacy assessment using: control flow, data flow, and program

mutations • The use of various test tools • Application of software testing techniques in commercial environments

Text Book: 1. Software Testing in the Real World: Improving the Process by Kit, Edward.

SE431-Software Engineering Economics

Course Code: SE431



SE200 Software Engineering

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



This course is about determining software costs, applying the fundamental concepts of microeconomics to software engineering, and utilizing economic analysis in software engineering decision making.

Course Contents

1 Programming aspects, economic aspects, human relations aspects

2 Software trends: cost, social impact, the plurality of SE Means,

3 The GOALS Approach to Software Engineering,

4 The Software Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)


5 Introduction to COCOMO, definitions and assumptions, development effort and schedule, phase distribution, The Raylaigh Distribution, interpolation, basic software maintenance effort estimation.

6 Performance Models, Optimal Performance, Sensitivity Analysis, Cost- Effectiveness Models.

7 Software Maintenance

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Understand and quantify the effect of the time value of money on project cash flows.

• Apply discounting techniques to the valuation of loans, bonds and stocks.

• Compute different figures of merit of a cash flow and make decisions about project acceptance or rejection.

• Compare different alternatives based on quantitative methods, and choose the best alternative.

• Perform break-even analysis and make decisions on building in-house or outsourcing.

• Compute the economic life of an asset and make decisions on replacing the asset.

Text Book 1. Boehm et al., Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II, Prentice Hall, 2000


1. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall, 1981

2. Reifer, Don. Making the Software Business Case: Improvement by the Numbers , Addison Wesley, 2001.

CS453-Programming Languages

Course Code: CS453



CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



In this course we will understand the structure and design principles of programming languages. We will also develop your skills in describing, analyzing, and using the features of programming languages


Course Contents

1. Overview of programming language paradigms

2. Abstract vs. concrete syntax, abstract grammars, algebraic signatures, terms and substitution

3. Role of types in programming and programming languages, types and their operations: products, sums, functions, recursive types, reference and array types

4. Type systems: strongly typed languages type checking (static vs. dynamic), type equivalence (by name vs. structural), overloading, coercion, polymorphism, type inference

5 Declarations and environments. Block structure: scope and visibility, stack discipline. Bound occurrences: static vs. dynamic binding.

6. Information hiding, modules, abstract data types, classes.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Knowledge of, and ability to use, language features used in current programming languages.

• An ability to program in different language paradigms and evaluate their relative benefits.

• An understanding of the key concepts in the design and implementation of programming languages.

Text Book: 1. R.W. Sebesta Concepts of Programming Languages. 5th edition. Addison Wesley, 2002

References: 1. R. Sethi Progamming Languages: Concepts and Constructs. 2nd edition. Addison Wesley. 1996.


CS471-Machine Learning

Course Code: CS471



Introductory Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



This course introduces topics in machine learning for both generative and discriminative estimation. Material will include least squares methods, Gaussian distributions, linear classification, linear regression, Bayesian inference, mixture models and the EM algorithm. Students are expected to implement several algorithms in Matlab/C and have some background in linear algebra and statistics.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications

2 Least Squares Estimation

3 Linear Classification and Regression

4 Neural Networks

5 Support Vector Machines

6 Kernels and Mappings

7 Probability Models

8 Bernoulli Models

9 Naive Bayes

10 Multinomial Models for Text

11 Graphical Models Preview

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course students will be expected to:

• Have a good understanding of the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning: data, model selection, model complexity, etc.

• Have an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine learning approaches.

• Appreciate the underlying mathematical relationships within and across Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised and un-supervised learning.

• Be able to design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real-world applications.


Text Book 1. Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer.

References 1. R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart and D.G. Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

2. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer Series in Statistics, Springer-Verlag New York USA. 2001.

CS472-Natural Language Processing

Course Code: CS472



Probability and Statistics

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



This course presents an introduction to Statistical NLP. It focuses on standard and recent statistical methods applied to mainly three problems in grammatical processing: Part of Speech tagging, NP chunking, and grammatical parsing. This course is intended to give participants sufficient background to allow independent reading and understanding of the current research literature and to allow the execution of intermediate level research projects in Statistical NLP.

Course Contents

1 Mathematical, Statistical, and Linguistic Foundation

2 Statistical Inference: n-gram Models over Sparse Data

3 Word Sense Disambiguation

4 Lexical Acquisition

5 Markov and Maximum Entropy Models

6 Part-of-Speech Tagging

7 Phonetics and Speech Synthesis

8 Probabilistic Context Free Grammars

9 Probabilistic Parsing

10 Computational and Lexical Semantic

11 Statistical Alignment and Machine Translation


12 Clustering and Text Categorization

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course students:

• Can set up and implement language technology experiment step by step

• can evaluate language technology components

• can explain the interaction between rule based and probabilistic methods in language technology.

Text Book: 1. Manning and Schütze (1999): Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT Press

References: 1. Jurafsky and Martin (2008): Speech and Language Processing (An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition), 2/Ed., Prentice Hall

BIO-317 Computational Biology

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



This course focuses on the algorithmic and machine learning foundations of computational biology, combining theory with practice. We study the principles of algorithm design for biological datasets, and analyze influential problems and techniques. We use these to analyze real datasets from large-scale studies in genomics and proteomics. The topics covered include:.

Course Contents

Genomes: biological sequence analysis, hidden Markov models, gene finding, RNA folding, sequence alignment, genome assembly Networks: gene expression analysis, regulatory motifs, graph algorithms, scale-free networks, network motifs, network evolution Evolution: comparative genomics, phylogenetics, genome duplication, genome rearrangements, evolutionary theory, rapid evolution

Course Outcome

After studying this course student will be able to:

• Learn algorithmic and machine learning foundations of computational biology

• Learn the principles of algorithm design for biological datasets, and analyze influential problems and techniques


Text Book: An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Jones and Pevzner, MIT Press, 2004.

Reference: • Biological Sequence Analysis (2d ed) by Durbin

• Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics (2nd edition) by Jonathan Pevsner, Wiley-Liss

BIO-215 Bioinformatics

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



Students will learn about the application of computer sciences in solving biological problems. The course will focus on: Introduction, scope, history, limitations and applications of Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics alignment tools such as BLAST and FASTA will be covered, an insight into the future challenges in Bioinformatics will be provided.

Course Contents

Students will learn about the application of computer sciences in solving biological problems. The course will focus on: Introduction, scope, history, limitations and applications of Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics alignment tools such as BLAST and FASTA will be covered, an insight into the future challenges in Bioinformatics will be provided.

Course Outcome

After studying this course student will be able to:

• Determine the gene promoters termination and gene sequences

• Determine the primary secondary and tertiary structure of protein by 23computer programming, sequence comparison and determination of conserved regions and Macromolecules.

Text Book: Arthur M. Lesk 2002. Introduction to Bioinformatics Oxford University


Reference: Ignacimuthu SJ 2005. Basic Bioinformatics Narosa Publishing



CS352-Theory of Automata and Formal Languages

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

The major objective of this course is to introduce the students to the concepts of theory of computation in computer science. The course will help the students to acquire and develop insights into the relationship among formal languages, automata, grammars and Turing theory.

Course Contents

1 Languages and Regular Expressions: Defining languages, Kleene closure, Definition of regular expressions (RE’s), Languages associated with regular expressions.

2 Finite Automata (FA): Definition of FA’s, FA’s and their languages, Transition Graphs (TG’s), No determinism, Unification of RE’s, FA’s and TG’s.

3 Finite Automata with Output: Moore machine, Mealy machines Equivalence of Moore and Mealy machines, Transducers

4 Regular Languages: Union, concatenation, Kleene closure, complementation and intersection of regular languages, Decision procedures for the finiteness, and equivalence, Nonregular languages Pumping lemma.

5 Context-Free Grammars (CFG): Symbolism for generative grammars, Regular grammars, Chomsky normal form, Leftmost derivations.

6 Pushdown Automata (PDA): Adding input tape and pushdown stack to FA’s, Definition of PDA’s, Non context free languages, Closure, intersection, and complement of context free languages, Decision problems, emptiness, uselessness, finiteness, The CYK algorithm, Parsing.

7 Turing Theory: Turing machines, Post machines, Two stack PDA, Recursively enumerable languages, Type 0 grammars, The universal Turing Machine.

Text Book: 1. Introduction to Computer Theory, 2nd Edition, by Daniel I A. Cohan John Wiley, 1997.


Reference: 1. An Introduction to the Theory of Computations, by Eitan M. Gurari Computer Science Press, 1989.

2. Automata Theory: Machine and Languages, by Richard Y. Kain McGraw Hill Book Company, 1972

3. Automata and Formal Languages: An Introduction, by Dean Kelley Prentice Hall, October 1995.

4. Automata and Computability, by Dexter C. Kozen Springer Verlag, 1997.

5. An Introduction to Automata Theory, by M.W. Shields Books Britain, 1988.


CS322-RDBMS Using Oracle

Course Code: CS322



CS220 Database Systems

Credits: 2+1 Contact Hrs: 5



The course focuses generally on the SQL and PLSQL programming languages, database application development and database administration of Oracle DBMS.

Course Contents

1 Oracle RDBMS, SQL SELECT, restricting, and sorting data

2 Single row and aggregate functions

3 Displaying data from multiple tables and writing sub-queries

Introduction to DML and DDL

5 Adding constraints, creating view, indexes, sequences, and synonyms

6 Oracle PL/SQL Basics, Block structure, embedding SQL

7 Cursors and Exceptions in PLSQL

8 Procedures, Functions, Packages, Triggers

9 Oracle Developer Suite – Forms builder

10 Interface controls, Windows, Canvases, and Triggers

11 Advance triggers and multiple forms application

12 Oracle Developer Suite – Reports builder

13 Oracle Application Server configuration and deployment concepts

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of course students will be able to :

• standard SQL and extensions provided by a commercial RDBMS Oracle


CS414-Advanced Java with emphasis on Internet Applications

Course Code: CS414



CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs:6



This course provides a hands-on experience of different advance topics of Java APIs. Students will learn how to write a maintainable/extensible code. Will also learn methods of debugging, logging & profiling in Java. Main objective of this course is to teach student how to develop an enterprise level application. To achieve this lot of emphasis will give on concepts, practical usage and importance of Design Patterns.

Course Contents

1 Course Introduction, How to write a maintainable/extensible code, Java Review , Java Generics

2 Concept of Reflection, Thread Programming

3 Intro Java IDEs – Eclipse & Netbeans, Code debugging, Logging & Profiling tools

4 J2EE Overview & Web Application Architecture

• the creation, alteration, and removal of objects in a commercial RDBMS Oracle

• the use of triggers, procedures, and functions in a database structured programming techniques in a language supported by the RDBMS for building complex program suites.

Text Book: 1. Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PLSQL (OCP track student guide)

Reference: 1. Oracle PL/SQL: Program Unit (OCP track student guide)

2. Build Internet Applications I by Oracle Press (OCP track student guide)

3. Oracle Reports by Oracle Press (OCP track student guide)


5 Java Servlets Programming

6 Intro to JSP & Java Beans,Advance JSP

7 J2EE Session Handling

8 Servlet Filters and Container Event handling

9 Java Server Faces

10 J2EE Classical Custom Tags JSP 1.2, J2EE Simple Tags

11 JSP 2.0, Expression Language , JSLT

12 Adv JDBC and JDBC Hibernate

13 Struts Framework, Spring Framework Intro & Architecture

14 Presentation Tier Design Patterns, Business Tier Design Patterns, Integration Tier Design Patterns, Crosscutting Tier Design Patterns

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of course students will be able to :

• Develop Swing-based GUI

• Develop client/server applications and TCP/IP socket programming

• Update and retrieve the data from the databases using SQL

• Develop distributed applications using RMI

• Develop component-based Java software using JavaBeans

• Develop server side programs in the form of servlets

Text Book No specific text book.

References 1. The Design Patterns Java Companion, By James W. Copper, Publisher Addison Wesley

2. Advanced Java 2 Platform, How to Program. By Deitel & Dietel.

3. Pro Java Spring Patterns, By Dhrubojyoti Kayal, Publisher APress.

4. The Java EE Tutorial, For Sun Java System Application Server 9.1

CS441-Web Technologies-II

Course Code:





CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



This course provides a necessary knowledge for building web application and web services using component and enterprise scale technology. Microsoft .NET technologies will be used in this course.

Course Contents


Fundamental Internet and World Wide Web concepts and technologies. How these scale to enterprise level efforts. The idea of architecture.

2 .NET Framework concepts and technologies


C# Programming: C# Basics, Delegates, Events, Lambdas, Exception Handling, Generics & Collection basics

4 XML Essentials: XML Basics, XML Schema, XSLT, XPath & XQuery

5 ASP.Net (and Web Forms): ASP Essentials (Forms & Controls), Validation Controls, Master Page, Site Navigation and Personalization, entity framework, Data Binding, State Management & Data Cache

6 Miscellaneous Topics: LINQ, Web Services creation & usage, Windows Presentation Foundation

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

• Create interactive web applications using ASP.NET.

• Build web applications using PHP.

• Create XML documents and XML Schema.

• Build and consume web services.

Text Book:

1. MacDonald, M., Freeman, A and Szpuszta, M., “Pro.ASP NET 4 in CSharp 201”, 4th Edition, Jun.2010, APress.


1. Trolsen, A. “Pro C#2010 and the Dot Net Platform”, APress 2. Walter, Stephan, “ASP.NET Unleashed”, Techmedia-SAMS

CS331-System Programming

Course Code:





CS212 Object Oriented Programming

CS330 Operating Systems

Credits: 2+1

Contact Hrs: 5



After completing this course, student will be able to demonstrate: mastery of the internal operation of Unix system software, comprehend the working of assemblers, loaders, macro-processors, interpreters and understand inter-process communication.

Course Contents

1 System Programming overview: Application Vs. System Programming, System Software, Operating System, Device Drivers, OS Calls.

2 Window System Programming for Intel386 Architecture: 16 bit Vs 32 bit, Programming, 32 bit Flat memory model, Windows Architecture.

3 Virtual Machine (VM)Basics, System Virtual Machine

4 Portable Executable Format, Ring O Computer, Linear Executable format,

5 Virtual Device Driver (V + D), New Executable format,

6 Module Management, COFF obj format 16 bit. (Unix) other 32-bit O.S Programming for I 386;

7 Unix Binary format (ELF), Dynamic shared objects,

8 Unix Kernel Programming (Ring O),

9 Unix Device Architecture (Character & Block Devices),

10 Device Driver Development,

11 Enhancing Unix Kernel.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

• Understand the role of systems programming • Have hands-on knowledge of the basic principles of Unix system calls • Have hands-on knowledge of the basic principles of Unix file system • Have hands-on knowledge of the basic principles of Unix IO system • Design and implement system-level applications for open-source operating


Text Book 1. The UNIX Programming Environment, B. Kernighan & R. Pike Prentice-Hall, 1984


1. Leland L. Beck, “System Software” Addison-Wesley Longmsan, 1990, ISBN: 0-201-50945-8.


2. John J Donovan, “Systems Programming”.

CS362-Multimedia System and Design

Course Code: CS362



CS250 Data Structures & Algorithms

Credits: 2+1 Contact Hrs:5



In this course we will understand how to work with different media and use them to make engaging applications.

Course Contents

1 Digital video coding

2 Transcoding for universal media access

3 3D and Multiview TV

4. High Dynamic Range Video

5 Quality of Experience for HDR and 3D

6 Scalable Video Coding

7 Content protection (watermarking)

8 Design of multimedia middleware (e.g., multimedia authoring) and Standards such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, MPEG-7, and MPEG-21

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

• Students will be capable of understanding different realizations of multimedia

tools and their usage.

• Students will be capable of implementing various multimedia standards and compression technologies

• Students will be capable of analyz ing various storage technologies

Text Book: 1. Multimedia Systems: Algorithms, Standards, and Industry Practices by Parag Havaldar and Gerard Medioni (Jul 21, 2009)

References: 2. An Introduction to Digital Multimedia by T. M. Savage and K.E. Vogel


(Oct 14, 2008)

CS-334 Open Source Systems

Course Code: CS334 Pre Requisites:

CS330 Operating Systems CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

The course aims to help students discuss the relationship of Linux and its various versions to other open source operating systems in the contemporary network environment, identify career paths open to individuals with the ability to administer open source platforms and networks. The course will help students to install Linux for a network client and for a network server, explain and administer the file management system and the user account management system; build a basic open source one-tier network, including configuring TCP/IP protocols necessary for this level of network.

Course Contents 1 Introduction: Open source philosophy, advantages of open source systems, licenses (GPL,

LGPL, intellectual and copyrights issues in open source systems, life cycle of open source software development, issues is open source development.

2 Open source operation system Needs for open source operation systems, Linux, differences between Linux and propriety operating systems.

3 Graphical Desktop environments Evolution of graphical user interface, open-source graphical desktop environments (KDE, GNOME), open-source graphics libraries (GTK, GTK+).

4 File Systems File system basics, local file systems (ext2, ext3, Reiser FS, IBM Journaled FS), network file systems (NFS, Lustre), interoperability between different file system, permissions, backup techniques and tools.

5 Print Services Printing services, local and network printing, comparative study of printing protocols.

6 Networking Networking overview, networking configuration on open-source systems, network services (ftps, telnet, nfs), remote execution, network applications, interoperability between different operating systems on a network.

7 Multimedia tools Audio/video standards, encoders/decoders, licensing issues related to various audio/video formats, open-source ports for proprietary codecs, open-source multimedia application.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• Demonstrate intermediate level open source system programming.

• Apply an understanding of open source system programming as it relates to server side scripting environment.

• Apply open source system programming techniques to create a dynamic web site

Text Book: 1. Introduction To Linux: A Beginner's Guide by Machtelt Garrels Reference: 1. Linux in a Nutshell by Ellen Siever, Jessica P. Hackman, Stephen Spainhour,

Stephen Figgins, O'Reilly UK, ISBN 0596000251 2. Running Linux by Matt Welsh, Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Lar Kaufman, O'Reilly UK, ISBN 156592469X 3. Linux Unleashed by Tim Parker, Bill Ball, David Pitts, Sams, ISBN



CS380-Introduction to Computer Security

Course Code:




CS100 Fundamentals of ICT

CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



This course aims to develop an understanding of information systems security practiced in computer operating systems, distributed systems, networks and representative applications. The students will gain familiarity with prevalent network and distributed system attacks, defences against them, and forensics to investigate the aftermath. The course helps to develop a basic understanding of cryptography, how it has evolved, and some key encryption techniques used today and develop an understanding of security policies (such as authentication, integrity and confidentiality) as well as protocols to implement such policies in the form of message exchanges.

Course Contents

1 Confidentiality, integrity, and availability

2 Operational issues, cost-benefit and risk analyses, legal and human factors

3 Planning and implementing effective access control

4 Defining security, confidentiality, and integrity policies

5 Access Control Models

6 Using cryptography and public-key systems, and recognizing their limits

7 Understanding and using authentication: from passwords to biometrics

8 Security design principles: least-privilege, fail-safe defaults, open design, economy of mechanism, and more

9 Controlling information flow through systems and networks

10 Assuring security throughout the system lifecycle

11 Malicious logic: Trojan horses, viruses, boot sector and executable infectors, rabbits, bacteria, logic bombs--and defences against them

12 Vulnerability analysis, penetration studies, auditing, and intrusion detection and prevention


13 Applying security principles to networks, systems, users, and programs

14 Database Security Issues

15 Physical Security

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• Describe and explain the basics of computer security and information security.

• Describe and explain the basic methods and techniques for security processes.

• Configure and maintain low complex firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

• Describe and give an overall explanation of different security models.

Text Book: 1. Security in computing by Charles P. Pfleeger

2. Computer security by Deter Gollman

Reference: 1. An Introduction to Computer Security: The Nist Handbook, by Barbara Guttman

2. Introduction to Computer Security By Matt Bishop

CS481-Computer Forensics

Course Code:




CS380 Introduction to Computer Security

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives:

The course aims to help students in developing abilities to determine whether organizational processes for the collection, preservation, presentation and preparation of computer-based evidence are appropriate for satisfying the requirements of criminal law enforcement and civil litigation. The course will assist in the formulation and implementation of organizational computer forensics preparedness policies. This course will enable students to determine the necessity for forensic preparedness procedures and recognize the appropriate moments for instigating an investigation and involving law enforcement.

Course Contents


1 Understanding computer forensics definitions of computer forensics, a brief history of computer forensics, computer forensics resources

2 Preparing for computer investigations enforcement agency investigations, Corporate Investigations, Professional Conduct

3 Understanding Computer Investigations Preparing a computer investigation, systematic approach, data-recovery workstations and software, investigation execution, case completion, case critique

4 Investigator's Office and Laboratory forensic lab certification requirements, physical layout of a computer forensics lab, basic forensic workstation selection, disaster recovery plan establishment

5 Computer Forensics Tools Computer forensics software needs, Computer forensics software, Computer forensics hardware tools, Validating and testing forensic software

6 Digital Evidence Controls Identifying digital evidence, Cataloguing digital evidence, Storing digital evidence, Obtaining a digital hash

7 Computer Forensic Analysis DriveSpy to analyze computer data, digital intelligence computer forensics tools, AccessData's forensic toolkit, Guidance software's EnCase, Computer forensics cases, Performing a computer forensic analysis, data hiding techniques

8 Recovering Image Files Recognizing an image file, lossless and lossy data compression, Locating and recovering image files, Analyzing image file headers

9 E-mail Investigations roles of the client and server in e-mail, e-mail crimes and violations, e-mail servers, specialized e-mail forensics tools

10 Network Forensics Understanding internet fundamentals, network basics, Acquiring data on Linux computers, network forensics

11 Investigation Reports Writing Importance of Reports, Formal report format, Generating report findings with forensic software tools

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• Discuss and participate in incident response computer forensics investigations, recovery of digital evidence, testimony on evidence, and reporting on computer investigations.

Text Book:

1. Computer Forensics and Privacy, by Michael A. Caloyannides, Artech House 2001.

2. Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computers, and the Internet, Second Edition, by Eoghan Casey, Academic Press 2004.

Reference: 1. Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation: Forensic Tools and Technology, by Eoghan Casey (ed), Butterworth Heinemann 2002.

2. Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation, by John R. Vacca, Charles River Media 2002.


CS482-System Incident Handling

Course Code: CS482



Number Theory

CS482-Introduction to Computer Security

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



The emphasis in the course will be on gaining an in-depth understanding of the information technologies necessary for dealing with computer security incidents as well as digital evidence. The course will deal with the forensic as well as computing aspects of preventive, detective, corrective, and protective measures to provide assurance that the digital evidence is admissible and the chain of custody of such evidence is maintained. The course also will consider the legal and reporting aspects of handling incidents.

Course Contents

1 An Introduction to Incident Response What Is Incident Response? The Rationale for Incident Response. Overview of Incident Response.

2 Risk Analysis About Risk Analysis. Types of Security-Related Risks. Obtaining Data About Security-Related Incidents. The Importance of Risk Analysis in Incident Response.

3 A Methodology for Incident Response Rationale for Using an Incident Response Methodology. A Six-Stage Methodology for Incident Response. Caveats.

4 Forming and Managing an Incident Response Team What Is an Incident Response Team? Why Form an Incident Response Team? Issues in Forming a Response Team. About Managing an Incident Response Effort.

5 Organizing for Incident Response Virtual Teams-Ensuring Availability. Training the Team. Testing the Team. Barriers to Success. External Coordination. Managing Incidents.

6 Tracing Network Attacks What Does Tracing Network Attacks Mean? Putting Attack Tracing in Context. Tracing Methods. Next Steps. Constructing an Attack Path. Final Caveats.

7 Responding to Insider Attacks Types of Insiders. Types of Attacks. Preparing for Insider Attacks. Detecting Insider Attacks. Responding to Insider Attacks. Special Considerations. Special Situations. Legal Issues.

8 The Human Side of Incident Response Integration of the Social Sciences into Incident Response. Cybercrime Profiling. Insider Attacks. Incident Victims. Human Side of Incident Response.

9 Traps and Deceptive Measures About Traps and Deceptive Measures. Advantages and Limitations of Traps and Deceptive Measures. Focus: Honeypots.


Integrating Traps and Deceptive Measures into Incident Response.

10 Future Directions in Incident Response Technical Advances. Social Advances. The Progress of the Profession. The Nature of Incidents.

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• Understand the information technologies necessary for dealing with computer security incidents as well as digital evidence.

• Understand the forensic and computing aspects of preventive, detective, corrective, and protective measures to provide

Text Book: 1. Computer Security Incident Handling: Step-by-Step by Stephen Northcutt

2. Incident Response: A Strategic Guide to Handling System and Network by E. Eugene Schultz, Russell Shumway

Reference: 1. Digital Evidence and Computer Crime by Eoghan Casey

CS344-Web Engineering

Course Code: CS344



CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



With the advancement in the Internet and Web technologies, Web applications are becoming increasingly popular. This course focuses on the development of Web applications based on software engineering practices and methodologies. Main objectives of this course are to introduce students to various analysis and design techniques for Web applications, main technologies being used for the Web application development and various methods for testing and improving Web application performance. This course will cover Web technologies according to the latest industrial trends and requirements.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Web Engineering

2 Requirement Engineering for Web Applications

3 Web Applications

4 Accessibility


5 Client Side Technologies

6 Developing Web Applications

7 Technologies: CGI and Perl

8 Server Side Technologies-I

9 Server Side Technologies-II

10 Testing, Operation & Maintenance

11 Performance of Web Applications

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to

• Understand the concepts,principles and methods of Web engineering. • Apply the concepts, principles, and methods of Web engineering to Web • Applications development.ƒ • Familiar with current Web technologies. • Familiar with Web application development software tools and

environments currently available on the market.ƒ • Understand the technologies, business models and societal issues of Web

2.0 and Semantic Web

Text Book: 1. Web Engineering by G.Kappel, B.Proll, S. Reich & W. Retschitzegger (2006), 1st edition.

Reference: 1. JSP 2.0: The Complete Reference, Second Edition by Phillip Hanna 2. A Little Book on Perl by Robert Sebesta, Prentice Hall. 3. ASP.NET Bible by Mridula Parihar, Essam Ahmed, Jim Chandler, Bill Hatfield, Rick Lassan

CS-473 Theory of Intelligent Systems

Course Code: CS473



CS370 Artificial Intelligence

Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6



To acquaint students with theory and principles of intelligent systems. The course will help the students to develop the knowledge of intelligent systems design (control, ordering etc.) based on combinations of various theories such as simulation, neural networks, Bayesian, genetic algorithms, fuzzy sets and reinforcement learning.

Course Contents


1 Introduction: Well-Posed Learning Problems, Choosing the Training Experience, Choosing the Target Function, Choosing a Representation for the Target Function, Choosing a Function Approximation Algorithm, Issues in Machine Learning

2 Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering: A concept Learning Task: The Notation, The Inductive Learning Hypothesis, FIND-S: Finding a Maximally Specific Hypothesis, Version Spaces and the CANDIDATE-ELIMINATION Algorithm, Inductive Bias: An Unbiased Learner

3 Decision Tree Learning: Entropy and Information Gain, Building the Decision Tree, Hypothesis Space Search in Decision Tree Learning, Inductive Bias in Decision Tree Learning, Occam’s Razor

4 Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Motivation, Neural Network Representations, The Basic Perceptron, Gradient Descent and the Delta Rule, Multilayer Networks and the Back propagation Algorithm

5 Bayesian Learning: Bayes Theorem and its significance in intelligent decision making, MAP Hypotheses and Consistent Learners, Bayes Optimal Classifier

6 Evolutionary Algorithms:

Genetic Algorithms: Representing Hypotheses, Genetic Operators, Fitness Function and Selection, Mathematical Foundations

Genetic Programming: Representing Programs

7 Learning Set of Rules: Learning First-Order Rules, Learning Sets of First-Order Rules: FOIL

8 Reinforcement Learning: Q Learning, Nondeterministic Rewards and Actions, Temporal Difference Learning, Generalizing from Examples

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• understand the foundations of modern probabilistic artificial intelligence (AI)

• Apply these tools and ideas in novel situations -- eg, to determine whether the methods apply to this situation, and if so, which will work most effectively.

• Assess claims made by others, with respect to both software products and general frameworks, and also be able to appreciate some new research results.

Text Book: 1. Tom M. Mitchell, “Machine Learning,” McGraw-Hill, © 1997


Reference: 1. “Soft Computing: Integrating Evolutionary, Neural, and Fuzzy Systems". Tettamanzi, Andrea, Tomassini, Marco, Springer, 2001.

2. "Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design: Theory, Tools and Applications" by Fakhreddine O. Karray, Clarence W De Silva, Addison Wesley, 2004.

SE301-Object Oriented Software Engineering

Course Code: SE301



SE200 Software Engineering

CS212 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



Object Oriented Software engineering (OOSE) is about the development and application of processes and tools for managing the complexities inherent in creating high quality software systems. It covers in detail object oriented requirements engineering, software design, architecture style, implementation and testing. It will also give an overview of software reengineering.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Engineering

2 Object-Oriented Analysis

3 Application Domain Model (Mapping use cases to objects, Identifying relations among objects)

4 System and Sub-System Design

5 Solution Domain Model (Object Design)

6 Design Principles

7 Reuse and Design Patterns

8 Mapping design to code

9 Forward and Reverse Engineering

10 Testing

11 Architecture Frameworks

Text Book: 1. Bernd Brugge, “Object Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java”, (2004)


References: 1. “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series

2. R.S. Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach”, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 2005

SE-490 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering

Course Code:




SE200 Software Engineering

SE311 Software Requirements Engineering

SE321 Software Quality Engineering

SE210 Software Design & Architecture

Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



The main objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the latest technologies, concepts and research in the area of software engineering, which can not be covered otherwise in a particular course due to very rapid changing environment of the technology.

Course Contents

1 Latest trends in Software Engineering

2 Software Development and Software management techniques

3 Software validation and verification techniques

4 Development in various computing technologies

5 Open source software development

6 Software & IT operations & maintenance

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• Describe, apply and critique several well-known software metrics.

• Describe and apply several well-known software testing techniques.

• Compare testing techniques and present arguments relating to the most appropriate choice thereof.

Text Book As required


References As required

CS483-Information Security Management

Course Code:




CS380 Introduction to Computer Security

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



To teach the issues involved in Information Security Management. The students will be able to understand the indigenous needs for information security for an organizations including risk assessment/treatment process of their information assets.

Course Contents

1 Organization Security, Information Security Management System (ISMS) Implementation

Industry Standard bodies (NIST), Industry Standards (International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC), BSI), Organization Security Levels, Organization Security Structure, Risk analysis and assessment, Information classification, Policy, Standards, Procedure, Baselines, Guidelines and Policy enforcement.

2 Social Engineering Attack, Techniques and Defenses

3 Physical Security A-I-C Triad (Availability, integrity and Confidentiality), Crime

prevention through environmental design (CPTED), Perimeter and Building Ground Perimeter Protection, Building entry points, Inside the Building: Building Floors, Office suites, Offices, Penetration (intrusion) Detection System, Assurance Trust and Confidence Mechanism, Information Assurance and Protection Mechanisms

4 Business Continuity Planning /Disaster Recovery Planning

Introduction to Incident Handling, Project Management and Initiation, Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Recovery Strategies, Plan Development and Implementation, Testing, Maintenance, Awareness and Training.

5 IT Governance COBIT: Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

6 Law, Investigation and Ethic Pakistani Cyber Law, Privacy and Data Protection laws around the world


7 Invited Speaker from Industry

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

• describe the common threats to information and communication systems

• Identify safeguards for securing data and systems •

• Gather and analyze digital evidence after a security breach

• Develop an IT security program based upon a risk assessme

Text Book:

1. Book of Information Security Management/Hal Tipton and MickiKarrause, Consulting Editors Publishing by CRC Press LLC CISSP by Shone Harris

Reference: ISO27001, ISO27001 Documents

MATH352-Numerical Methods

Course Code: MATH352




Credits: 2+1

Contact Hrs: 5



The course gives the students sound knowledge to solve non-linear equations numerically. Lengthy and suckle problems of differential, integral calculus and ordinary differential equations are also solved using numerical techniques. Curve Fitting and Interpolation like topics are also included which are very useful for engineers /technologists. Computer based assignments are given to the students to make them conversant with MATLAB/C++ programming.

Course Outline

1 Solution of Transcendental Equations

2 System of Non linear Equations

3 Curve Fitting

4 Numerical Linear Algebra

5 Calculus of Finite Difference

6 Interpolation

7 Numerical Differentiation


8 Numerical Integration

9 Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

Text Book: 1. Curtis F. Gerald, Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1989

EC-303-Mobile Application Development






Object Oriented Programming



Contact Hrs: 5



1. Discuss different architectures & framework for Mobile Application development.

2. Develop mobile applications using current software development environments.

Compare the different performance tradeoffs in mobile

application development..

Course Outline

Mobiles Application Development Platform; HTML5 for Mobiles;

Android OS: Architecture, Framework and Application

Development; iOS: Architecture, Framework; Application

Development with Windows Mobile; Eclipse; Fragments; Calling

Built-in Applications using Intents; Displaying Notifications;

Components of a Screen; Adapting to Display Orientation; Managing


Changes to Screen Orientation; Utilizing the Action Bar; Creating the

User Interface; Listening for UI Notifications; Views; User

Preferences; Persisting Data; Sharing Data; Sending SMS Messages;

Getting Feedback; Sending E- mail; Displaying Maps; Consuming

Web Services Using HTTP; Web Services: Accessing and Creating;

Threading; Publishing, Android Applications; Deployment on App

Stores; Mobile Programming Languages; Challenges with Mobility

and Wireless Communication; Location-aware Applications;

Performance/Power Tradeoffs; Mobile Platform Constraints;

Emerging Technologies..

Text Book: 1. Professional Android application development, Reto Meier, Wrox Programmer to Programmer, 2015.

2. iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Conway, J., Hillegass, A., & Keur, C., 5

Edition, 2014.

CS-364-Game Programing






Object Oriented Programming



Contact Hrs: 5



Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to

• discuss and define the terms and principles of game design and development.


• select and evaluate programming and scripting languages to develop particular games.

• define the structure and duties of the game development team.

• practice animation production and creation tools. • apply the mathematics used in game design. • apply the physics needed to design computer games. • apply artificial intelligence to developing computer

games. • explain the networking issues involved in games


Course Outline

• Unit 1: A Brief History of Video Games

• Unit 2: Games and Society

• Unit 3: Game Design

• Unit 4: Teams and Processes

• Unit 5: Programming Fundamentals

• Unit 6: Debugging Games

• Unit 7: Game Architecture

• Unit 8: Memory and I/O Systems

• Unit 9: Mathematical Concepts

• Unit 10: Collision Detection and Resolution

• Unit 11: Graphics

• Unit 12: Artificial Intelligence

• Unit 13: Networks and Multiplayer Mode

Text Book: Rabin, S. (2010). Introduction to Game Development, 2nd ed.

Boston, MA: Charles River Media.


General Education Electives

HRM-441 Human Resource Management

Course Code:





Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2

Course Objectives:

Organizations succeed through efficient and effective use of resources; central to the resources is human resources. It is therefore imperative to know how organization maintain & retain its human resources. The course is designed to give students insight of theoretical perspective, concepts, issues and practices in human resource management.

Course Contents

Introduction to HRM, Human Resource Planning, Job Design and Analysis, Recruitment & Selection, Motivation & Reward System, Career Planning & Development, Training & Development, Performance Appraisal, Compensation Management & Employee Relation, Employee Health and Safety.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, student will be able to:

• Understand Human Resource Management, its development, purpose and organization.

• Understand the Operational and strategic purpose of • HRM • Understand the approaches to the management of HR • Understand the relationship with other organizations and groups. • Understand the influence of Technical change on HRM. • Understand and can evaluate the different types of employment contract • Understand the ways of measuring and monitoring people’s performance

Text Book: Garry Dessler, Human Resource Management

Reference: • Dale S. Beach, Personnel The Management of people at work

• Holdin, Human Resource Management

• William B. Werther & Keith Davis Human Resource & Personnel, McGraw Hill.

HU-103 Principles of Sociology


Course Code: HU-103




Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 5



The course is designed to introduce the students with sociological concepts and the discipline. The focus of the course shall be on significant concepts like social systems and structures, socio-economic changes and social processes. The course will provide due foundation for further studies in the field of sociology.

Course Contents

1. Introduction

2. Basic Concepts

3. Social Groups

4. Culture

5. Socialization & Personality

6. Deviance and Social Control

7. Collective Behavior

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, student will be able to:

• Know about what is sociology, Group, Organization, Association and Social Interaction.

• Social Groups and Cultures

• Socialization & Personality

• Deviance and Social Control

• Collective Behavior

Text Book 1. Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. 2001. Sociology the Essentials. Australia: Wadsworth.

References 2. Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. 2001. Sociology the Essentials. Australia: Wadsworth.

3. Brown, Ken 2004. Sociology. UK: Polity Press

4. Gidden, Anthony 2002. Introduction to Sociology. UK: Polity Press.


5. Macionis, John J. 2006. 10th Edition Sociology New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

FIN-100 Principles of Accounting

Course Code: FIN-100




Credits: 3+0 Contact Hrs: 3



Understand the concept of an account. Know that every transaction can be described in "debit-credit" form, and that debits must equal credits! Know that the journal is the book of original entry, into which transactions are journalized in chronological order. Understand the need for accounts, and recognize that a collection of accounts comprises the general ledger.

Course Contents:

1 Introduction: Purpose and Nature of Accounting, Various areas of

Accounting Forms of Business enterprises, Accounting Information users,

GAAP, Conversion, Business transaction and Accounting equation;

2 Accounting Process: Recording changes in financial position, Double entry

Accounting system, Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance;

3 The Accounting cycle: Measuring business income, adjusting process,

Completion of Accounting Cycle, Work sheet, Financial Statements;

4 The control of Cash transaction and Bank Reconciliation;

Accounting for receivables accounting for Inventory, Accounting for

depreciation of fixed assets, Deprecation Methods

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, student will be able to know about Accounts, debits and credits, the journal, the general ledger, the trial balance, computerized processing systems and T-Accounts.


Text Book : Robert F.Meigs and Walter B.Meigs: Accounting: The Basis for

Business Decisions, McGraw Hill, Inc

Reference: Eric G. Flamholtz, Diana Troik Flamholtz, Michael A.Diamond: Principle of Accounting, Macmillan Publishing Co. New York

Frankwood: Business Accounting-I, Business Accounting-II

CS-309 Computing and Society

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

This is an introductory course on Computing and Society. The objective of course is study of relationship between information and technology and rests of the society and its individuals.

Course Contents

History of computing, History of the Internet, finding information with search engines, creating a bibliography and citing sources, Spam, First amendment, censorship, censorship-resistant publishing, CDA, CIPA, PICS, filters, using library resources, TBA Trade secrets, trademarks, patents, and copyrights, Fair use, DMCA, Open source and Creative Commons, P2P file sharing, DRM, RFID and privacy, Computer and network security, Electronic voting, Work and wealth, Computers and the environment, Computer reliability


Course Outcomes

After completing this course, student will be able to:

• Describe and evaluate consequences of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.

• Critically analyze situations of computer use and technology and policy proposals, identifying the salient issues and evaluating the reasoning about them.

• Understand philosophical frameworks of ethics.

• Communicate clearly with others, in writing and in speech, about computing impacts.

• Describe the characteristics of a good leader.

Text book: Ethics for the Information Age, Michael J. Quinn. 5th Edition, 2013, Addison Wesley.


HRM-240 Organizational Behavior

Course Code:





Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2



In general terms, the goal of this course is to facilitate improvements in managerial and organizational effectiveness through an understanding and appreciation of the field of organizational behaviour. Our efforts will focus on important variables and dynamics at three levels: individual, group and interpersonal, and organizational. At the individual level we will examine individual behaviour and differences, learning, perception, personality, motivation and stress. At the second level we will study group and inter groups/behaviour creativity and team decision making. Power, conflict, leadership and communication.

At the organizational level we will review the basics of organizational culture, organizational change and development, structure and design and employment relationship and career management. Throughout the course we will integrate the potential moderating efforts of relevant cross-cultural variables on managerial perceptions.


Course Contents:

Introduction and background to organizational behavior, Organization: structure and design, Organizational culture, Organizational change and development, Foundations of individual behavior, Behavior modification, Socialization and mentoring, Work group behavior, Organizational conflicts management

Course Outcomes

On completion of this course, students will:

• Introduce key concepts, theories, and models related to human behaviour in an organizational system and apply these to current business situations and issues;

• Gain an understanding of how individuals and groups influence organizational structure, culture and effectiveness and explore emerging trends in organizational design and structure;

• Identify internal and external factors that influence change in an organization;

• Explore how ethics, character, integrity affect personal leadership style and organizational functionality;

• Provide a framework to establish group roles and responsibilities, facilitate decision-making, maintain tasks, and manage ongoing group communication;

Text Book : Casicio: Organizational Behaviour

Reference: • Fred Luthans: Organizational Behaviour

• Robins: Organization Behaviour

• Mullins: Organizational Behaviuor


ECO130-Engineering Economics

Course Code:


Pre Requisites:


Credits: 2+0

Contact Hrs: 2



Course aims to provide students with a basic understanding of the role of the economic and its analysis. This will include a review of microeconomics, necessary for the understanding of issues related to the economics of telecommunications, information and capital markets. The course also covers the economic and public policy issues related to the different categories of industries from a historical, present and future perspective.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Engineering Economics (EE) Introduction, The decision making process, Origins of Engineering Economy, The relationship between Engineering & Management, Non-monetary factors and multiple objectives, Capital allocation and Engineering Economy, Principles of Engineering Economy

2 Cost Concept and the Economic Environment Introduction, Cost Terminology, Application of Cost Concept, Accounting and Engineering Economy Studies, Steps in an Engineering Economics Analysis

3 The Time value of money Return to Capital, Origins of Interest, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Five basic methods for assessing economic worth, Present worth, Annual worth, Future worth, Internal rate of return

4 More Time Value: Bond & Inflation Bond price and yields, Bond Pricing, The yield to maturity, Bond Pricing, The yield to maturity, Interest rate risk, Reading the financial pages, Inflation and the time value of money, Inflation and interest rates

5 Discounted cash flow analysis Discount cash flows, Discount incremental cash flows, include all incidental effects, Forget sunk costs, Remember working capital, Discount nominal cash flows by the nominal cost of capital, Separate investment and financing decision, Example: Blooper Industries

8 Risk return and capital budgeting

9 The Cost of Capital

Course outcome:

At successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Perform and evaluate present worth, future worth and annual worth analyses on one of more economic alternatives.

• Perform and evaluate payback period and capitalized cost on one or more economic alternatives.


Text Book:

1. Engineering economy (9th edition) by E. Paul Degarmo, Sullivan Bitadelli Macmillan Publishing company

2. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Richard Brealy


Supporting Science Electives

EE-210 Basic Electronics

Course Code:





Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6



To provide the foundation of electronic devices & circuits

Course Contents

1. Introduction to Electronics Semiconductor Diodes, Forward & Reverse Characteristics of Diode, Special Purpose Diodes, Equivalent Circuit of a Diode, Diode as a Switch, Diode Applications

2. Half Wave & Full wave rectifiers, Clipper & Clamper circuits

3. Transistors: Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor Operation, Types of Transistor, Unbiased Transistor, Transistor Biasing Configurations, Common Emitter, Common Base, Common Collector

4. DC & AC analysis of BJT

5. Field Effect Transistors, FET Biasing Techniques, Common drain, common source, common gate, fixed Bias and Self Bias Configuration, Voltage Divider Biasing

6. Universal JFET Bias Curve.

7. DC & AC analysis of FET

Course outcomes:

After successful completion this course, student should be able to:

• Learn how to develop and employ circuit models for elementary electronic components, e.g., resistors, sources, inductors, capacitors, diodes and transistors.

• Become adept at using various methods of circuit analysis, including simplified methods such as series-parallel reductions, voltage and current dividers, and the node method.

Text Book: 1. Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest.M.Mims

Reference: 1. Make Electronics – Learning by Discovery by Charles Platt


CS-261 Computational Logic

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn how to formalize information and reason systematically to produce logical conclusions. We will also examine logic technology and its applications - in mathematics, science, engineering, business, law, and so forth.

Course Contents

Introduction, Propositional Logic, Propositional Proofs, Propositional Resolution, DP, DPLL, SAT Solvers, Relational Logic, Relational Logic Semantics, ,Relational Proofs, Properties of Relational Logic, Resolution Preliminaries, Resolution Theorem Proving, Resolution Applications, Resolution Strategies, Model Elimination, Equality, Mathematical Induction, Logical Spreadsheets , Thanksgiving , Inconsistency-Tolerant Logic

Course Outcomes

The students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in logic, knowledge representation, automatic theorem proving, logic programming and deduction systems. In particular, after the course, students will be able to

• formalise statements in logic and apply logic-based systems to

prove them;

• formulate theoretical statements about logical formalisms and to

prove/disprove them;

• understand the main algorithmic techniques for automated reasoning

Text book: A Computational Logic - THOMAS A. STANDISH, ACM MONOGRAPH SERIES



CH-101 Applied Chemistry

Course Code:





Credits: 2+1

Contact Hrs: 5

Course Objectives

Identify and describe Standard English units of measurement. Identify and describe SI (metric) units of measurement. Describe how significant digits impact quality, environmental concerns and economics. Apply units of measurement to practical applications. Perform conversions with factor label method. Use basic math formulas to solve calculations. Use scientific notation calculator correctly.

Course Contents

Atomic structure, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Atomic weight Atomic number , Metals and non-metals, Elements, Periodic Table , Compounds, Matter, Physical state of matter, Changes of states, Conservation of matter, Energy, Mixture vs. pure compounds, Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous mixtures, Physical and chemical properties, Density/Specific gravity, Physical vs. chemical changes, Bonding, Nomenclature of compounds, Chemical Equations, Reactions, Acid and Bases, Solutions and Solvability rules, Material Balance, Blending.

Course Outcomes

After completion of this course the electrical engineering students will be:

• Able to understand the basic laws and theories of thermo chemistry, and the chemical processes based on law of conservation of energy

• Aware about hazardous environmental issues that are caused due to different chemical waste of industry and other recourses

• Able to understand reverse osmosis and its application in the industry

• Able to understand types of fuels , properties of metals and alloys

• Able to solve problems related to electrical engineering with the help of the theories and formulas

Text book: Basic Chemistry, William S. Seese / G. William Daub, seventh edition (alternate ed., soft cover)


Phy-401 Advanced Physics


Course Code:





Credits: 2+1 Contact Hrs: 5

Course Objectives:

This is an introductory course on Information and Communication Technologies. Topics include ICT terminologies, hardware and software components, the Internet and Web, and ICT based applications.

Course Contents

Introduction to Electronic System, Circuits , Electric systems, circuits, Capacitors Converting AC to DC , Transducers , Magnets and magnetism , Exploring sound Sound - Standing waves, The wave equation , Sound diffraction, Intensity of sound , Speed of sound.

Course Outcomes

After completion of this course, students will have

• Sufficient knowledge of fundamental concepts in classical and modern Applied Physics.

• Ability to understand the laws and concepts of Applied Physics and to solve the problems and to interpret the

• results

• Ability to develop and analyze the mathematical models of Applied Physics.

• Capable of conducting lab experiments and to use laboratory work bench equipment

Text book: 1. University Physics by G.W. Sears

2. Electronic Devices by Dr Manzer Saeed

3. Essentials of Engineering Chemistry by Dr M. Amjad

4. Physics for engineers and scientists by D.Elwell and A.J. Pointon


Reference: 1. Solomon Gratenhaus "Physics, Basic Principles"

2. McCormick "Fundamentals of Physics"

3. Keller "Physics, Classical and Modern

4. Halliday and Resnik "Physics"

5. Beiser "Perspectives of Modern Physics"

6. Leibof "Quantum Mechanics"

EE-201 Engineering Mechanics

Course Code:





Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:

This is an introductory course on Information and Communication Technologies. Topics include ICT terminologies, hardware and software components, the Internet and Web, and ICT based applications.

Course Contents

Introduction, Force Vectors, Equilibrium of a Particles, Rigid Body Force Systems, Equilibrium of a Rigid Body, First Moments and Centroids, Analysis of Structures, Forces in Beams, Friction, Moments of Inertia, Particle Kinematics, Kinetics of a Particle: Force & Acceleration, Work & Energy, Impulse & Momentum, Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body.

Course Outcomes

After successful completion this course, student should be able to

Solve for the resultants of any force systems; Determine equivalent force systems; Determine the internal forces in plane frames, simple span trusses and beams; Solve the mechanics problems associated with friction forces; Obtain the centroid, first moment and second moment of an area; Describe the motion of a particle in terms of its position, velocity and acceleration in different frames of reference; Analyze the forces causing the motion of a particle; Use the equation of motion to describe the accelerated motion of a particle; Apply work, energy, impulse and momentum relationships for a particle in motion; Describe the motion of a rigid body in different frames of reference.

Text book: Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, David F. Mazurek, Phillip J. Cornwell, Vector Mechanics for Engineers Static and Dynamics, Ninth Edition (SI Units) McGraw Hill (2010).



EE-215 Electronic Devices & Circuits

Course Code: EE215



Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



The student will gain knowledge of circuits, Fourier analysis and synthesis, amplifiers, oscillators, transistors, diodes and silicon-controlled rectifiers. The course will help the students to develop the ability to use diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, and silicon-controlled rectifiers in simple applications. So course will narrate the utilization of mentioned things in practical life.

Course Contents

1 Introduction to Semiconductors Atomic Structure, Semiconductors, Conductors & Insulators. Covalent Bond., The N-Type & P-Type Semiconductors., The PN Junction, Biasing of PN Junction, Current -Voltage Characteristics of a PN Junction, The Diode.

2 Diode Application Half Wave Rectifier., Full Wave Rectifier. ,Power Supply Filters, Diode Limiting & Clamping Circuits.

3 Bipolar Junction Transistor: The Junction Transistor. The Ebers Moll Representation of The BJT, Large Signal Current Gains, Mode of Transistor Operation, Minority Carrier Concentration. Common Base Characteristics, Output Characteristic, Input Characteristic, The Early Effect. Common Emitter Configuration, Output Characteristics, Input Characteristics. DC Models. The BJT as a Switch. The BJT as an Amplifier. The BJT Small Signal Model, Low Frequency Model, High Frequency Model.

4 Special Purpose Diodes Zener Diodes., Varactor Diodes., Optical Diode..

5 Bipolar Junction Transistors Transistor Construction., Basic Transistor Operation., Transistor Characteristics & Parameters., Transistor as an Amplifier., Transistor as a Switch

6 Transistor Bias Circuits DC Operating Point , Base Bias., Emitter Bias., Voltage Divider Bias., Collector Feedback Bias..


7 Small Signal Bipolar Amplifier .Small Signal Amplifier Operation., Transistor AC Equivalent Circuits, Common Emitter Amplifiers., Common Collector Amplifiers., Common Base Amplifiers, Multistage Amplifiers.

8 Field Effect Transistors and Biasing . The Junction FET, JFET Characteristics & parameters, JFET Biasing, The Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET), MOSFET characteristics and parameters, MOSFET Biasing.

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Develop the ability to use diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, and silicon-controlled rectifiers in simple applications.

Text Book: 1. Microelectronics by Sedra and Smit 1997

Reference: 1. Microelectronics by J. Millman and A Grabel 4th Edition

2. Fundamentals of Electronic Devices by Ronald J Tocci & Mark E Oliver

MATH221-Number Theory

Course Code: MATH221



Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



After completion of the course the student will be able to describe classical number theory topics and their history, prove major results of number theory, and increase algebraic manipulative skills, and computational sophistication.

Course Contents

1 Introduction

2 The integer, numbers and sequences, sums and products, Mathematical induction, the Fibonacci Numbers, Divisibility

3 Integer Representation. Representation of integers, computer operations with integers, complexity of integer operation

4 Prime and Greatest Common Divisors. Prime numbers, the distribution of primes, greatest common divisors, the Euclidean algorithm, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, factorization methods and Fermat numbers, liner Diophantine equation


5 Congruence. Introduction to congruencies, linear congruencies, the Chinese remainder theory, solving Polynomial congruencies

6 Application of congruencies. Divisibility tests, the perpetual calendar, round robin tournamaent, hashing function, check digit

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Use continued fractions to develop arbitrarily accurate rational approximations to rational and irrational numbers.

• Work with Diophantine equations TextBook: 1. Elementary Number Theory and its applications by Kenneth H. Rosen

5th edn

Reference: 2. Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest.M.Mims

CS353-Fundamentals of Cryptography

Course Code: CS353



Probability & Statistics

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



This course is designed, to introduce the fundamental components of cryptography, namely symmetric and public key algorithms, and examine the key management issues relating to the use of these techniques.

Course Contents

1 Introduction Terminology, Cryptography and Cryptanalysis, Aspects of Security

2 Secrecy System Alphabets, Plaintext source, Cryptographic systems, Bayesian decision, Perfect secrecy, Entropy, Random cryptographic systems, Unicity distance

3 Classical cipher systems Introduction, Transposition ciphers, Substitution ciphers, Caesar, Vigenere, Vernam, Playfair

4 Monoalphabetic Substitution Letter substitutions, Substitution systems, Caesar substitution, Affine Caesar substitution, General Monoalphabetic substitution, Two-gram substitution, N-Gram substitution

5 Polyalphabetic Substitution The One-Time system, Vigenere Encipherment, Generalized Vigenere Encipherment, The Phi Test, Incidence of Coincidence


6 Rotor Systems Rotors, Rotational equivalence, Enigma machine

7 Block Ciphers and Data Encryption standard Block ciphers, building blocks of block ciphers, Block cipher systems, DES

8 Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generators and Stream Ciphers

9 Shift-registers

10 Key management Communication security, Key management in information processing systems, session keys

11 Public key systems Trap door and One-Way Hash Functions, Diffie Hellman algorithm, RSA algorithm, Berlekamp solution

12 Digital Signature and Authentications Threats, Authentication, Examples of signatures, Handshaking, Transaction, Disputes, RSA Signature system, quadratic residue signature scheme, Trusted authority, Threat analysis

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Implement and cryptanalyze classical ciphers.

• Describe modern private-key cryptosystems and ways to cryptanalyze them.

• Describe modern public-key cryptosystems and ways to cryptanalyze them.

Text Book: 1. Applied Cryptography/Bruce Schnier Publishing 1996 by Jon Wiley & Sons

2. Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. Van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone

Reference: 1. Cryptography Theory & practice/Douglas Robert Stinson Publishing 1995 by CRC Press

2. Foundations of Cryptography by Oded Goldreich

EE102-Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Code:






Credits: 3+1

Contact Hrs: 6



To explain sources and circuit parameters of electrical systems, circuit laws and theorems governing electric circuits. Electromagnetism, electrostatics and A.C fundamentals and basics are also included to lay a strong foundation of electrical engineering.

Course Contents

1 Basic Concepts and Circuit Elements: System of units. Energy. Electric Charge, current, electromotive force and potential difference. Ohm’s Law. Resistors, conductors and insulators. Active and passive circuit elements. Dependent and independent current and voltage sources.

2 Simple DC Circuits: Series circuits, Parallel networks. Kirchhoff’s laws. Power and energy. Resistivity. Temperature co-efficient of resistance.

3 Network Theorems: Network analysis by Kirchhoff’s laws. Superposition theorem. Thevenin’s theorem. Norton’s theorem. Delta-Star transformation. Maximum power transfer.

4 Capacitance and Capacitors: Hydraulic analogy. Capacitance. Charging and discharging, series and parallel connection of capacitors. Relative permittivity dielectric strength.

5 Electromagnetism and magnetic Circuits: Magnetic field and flux due to and electric current. Solenoid. Force on current carrying conductor. Magnitude and direction of induced e.m.f. Magneto motive force, field strength and reluctance. Comparison of electric and magnetic circuits. Determination of B/H Characteristic.

6 Inductance in a DC Circuit: Inductive and non-inductive circuit. Inductance of air-cored and iron- cored coil. Growth and decay of current in LR circuit. Energy storage. Mutual inductance and coupling co-efficient.

7 AC Fundamentals: Generation of single phase and three phase alternating e.m.f. Relationship between frequency, speed and number poles. RMS, average, instantaneous and Peak Values of sinusoidal waveform. Voltages and currents in star and delta circuits. Inductive reactance and impedance of RL load.

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. This includes probability and statistics, including applications appropriate to electrical engineering; mathematics through differential and integral calculus, and advanced mathematics, such as differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, and discrete mathematics; sciences (defined as biological, chemical, or physical science); and engineering topics

Text Book: 1. Principles of Electric Circuits By Thomas L. Floyd 6th Edition

References: 1. Electric Circuits (Shaums Series) by Joseph


2. Electrical Technology by B.L Theraja.

3. Tech Sig Movie ser 3, “Solders & Applications” - 60 mins

EE-414 Digital Electronics

Course Code: EE414

Pre Requisites: Digital Logic Design

Credits: 3+1 Contact Hrs: 6

Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to develop critical thinking skills directly related to microprocessors and digital logic design. Course covers a wide range of topics including electronic gates, boolean logic, decoding multiplexing, digital filters etc which will give a deep insight to the students about the digital electronics and their utilization.

Course Contents

1. Fundamental Concepts: Analog versus Digital, Atoms, Molecules, and Crystals, Conductors and Insulators, Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance

2. Semiconductors: Diodes, Transistors

3. Primitive Logic Functions: NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, Numbering Systems, Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Arithmetic, Binary Addition and Subtraction, Signed Binary Numbers, Binary Multiplication

4. Complex Circuits from Primitive Logic Elements: Combinational Circuits, Sum-of-Products Form, Simplifying Logic Circuits, Designing Combinational Logic Circuits, Basic Characteristics of Digital Integrated Circuits, Internal Digital IC Faults, External Faults, Programmable Logic

5. Sequential Circuits: Latches, Clock Signals and Clocked Flip-Flops, Flip-Flop Timing Considerations, Flip-Flop Applications, Detecting and Input Sequence, Serial Data Transfer, Microcomputer Applications, Analyzing Sequential Circuits

6. State Diagrams, Tables, and Machines: Integrated Circuit Applications, Gate Array Devices, Standard Cell Devices, Full Custom Devices

7. Memory: Memory Technology, General Memory Operations, Memory Considerations, ROM · RAM · Static RAM (SRAM)· Dynamic RAM (DRAM), Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs), Magnetic and Optical Memories, Digital System Application

8. Technologies of the Future: Reconfigurable Hardware, Optical Interconnect, Optical Memories, Protein Switches and Memories, Electromagnetic Transistors.

Diamond Substrates, Conductive Adhesives, Superconductors, Nano-technology


Course Outcome:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

• Understand basic parameters of a logic inverter.

• Analyse and design an NMOS logic inverter with a resistive load, an enhancement NMOS load or a depletion NMOS load.

• Analyse and design a CMOS logic inverter.

• Analyse a TTL and ECL logic inverter.

• Understand the operation of latch circuit and flip-flop circuits.

• Understand the operation of different types of semiconductor memories.

Textbook: 1. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, Eighth Edition

2. Digital Design by M. Morris Mano, 4th Edietion Prentice Hall

Reference: 1. Verilog HDL A Guid to Digital Design and Synthesis by Samir Palnitkar

2. Digital Signal Processing, A Computer Based Approach by Sanjit A. Mitra Mcgraw Hill

MATH133-Engineering Mathematics

Course Code: MATH133




Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



To formulate the engineering problems using mathematical models and seek solution by mathematical modeling. Course covers a range of topics ranging from first order/second order differential equations, Laplace transform, Z-transforms etc. So course aims to focus on developing the mathematical solutions for every problem.

Course Contents

1 First Order Differential Equations (Basic Concepts and Ideas). Separable Differential Equations. Modelling Separable Equations. Reduction to Separable Form. Exact Differential Equations. Integrating Factors. Linear Differential Equations. Modelling: Electric Circuits


2 Second Order Linear Differential Equations. Homogeneous Linear Equations. Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients. Case of Complex Roots. Complex Exponential Functions. Euler-Cauchy Equations. Non homogeneous Equations. Solution by Undetermined Coefficients. Solution by Variation of Parameters. Modelling of Electric Circuits.

3 Laplace Transforms, Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals.

4 Fourier Series, Integrals and Transforms: Periodic Functions. Trigonometric Series. Fourier Series. Functions of Any Period. Even and Odd Functions. Half Range Expansion. Fourier Integrals. Fourier Transforms.

5 Z – Transforms

Text Book: 1. Calculus & Analytic Geometry, 9th Edition by Thomas & Finney

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig

References: 1. Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by Glyn James

2. Calculus, 6th Edition by E. W. Swokoski, M. Olinick, D. Pence, J. A. Cole.

CSL-401-Community Service Learning

Course Code: CSL-401




By Curriculum

Credits: 3+0

Contact Hrs: 3



To impart general awareness and knowledge along with social guidance to develop NUST students into socially active citizens in line with NUST Community Service Strategy of having a discernable positive impact on society through active citizenary.

Course Contents

1 Leadership and Patriotism

2 Basic Human Values, women rights and religious moderation.

3 Fire safety and fire fighting.

4 First Aid

5 Disaster response and recovery.

6 Free tutoring and education.

7 Working for orphans, special children and old homes.


8 Blood Donation and Eye Donation will.

9 Renovation of schools, hospital and other community centres.

10 Neighbourhood Development and Enhancement.

11 Environment protection and improvement.

12 Community Awareness for social health and hygiene issues.

Text Book: 1. KAR IRT

Reference: 1. A Practical Guide for Integrating Civic Responsibility into the Curriculum (2nd Edition) 2006, Community College Press Washington DC USA. Author Karla Gottlieb


Appendix A

Working Paper No. 15

Unification of Software Engineering Curriculum

for UG Program at MCS and SEECS

Sponsored by Acad Dte


1. Presently NUST is offering BE Software degree at two of its constituent institutes namely Military College of Signals (MCS), Rawalpindi and School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), H-12 Campus. BE Software program at MCS has been offered since last 10 years while at SEECS the same program (with a difference of few courses) was approved in 32nd ACM. Based on NUST’s step towards unification of curriculum for same degrees, both MCS and SEECS were asked to revised their programs and developed a unified curriculum for BE Software keeping in view the national (HEC and PEC) and International standards (ACM/IEEE). The aim of the degree is to produce well-rounded software engineers who can fulfill the demand for software developers, researchers and academics in Pakistan.


2. The aim of this working paper is to obtain the approval of competent authority for unification of curriculum for UG level program in Software Engineering. The previously approved curricula for SE program for MCS and SEECS are attached as Annexure A and Annexure B respectively. The proposed unified curriculum for approval is attached as Annexure C.

Implementation Plan

3. The unified curriculum has been implemented from the batch of Fall 2010 at both the institutes.



4. The unification of curriculum for Software Engineering program at both the institutes will bring standardization and will help in addressing curriculum related anomalies. It will also facilitate students who would like to migrate from one campus to the other. Further, for specialized courses it will also be possible to share faculty and thus make better use of available resources.

Comments of Acad Dte

5. Working paper is in accordance with the policy of unification of curriculum of same degree offered at different institutions of NUST.

Recommendations of Acad Dte

6. Implementation of unified curriculum of Software Engineering at MCS and SEECS with effect from Fall 2010 is supported.

7. Academic Council is requested to deliberate the issue and give its decision.


Annex A

To WP No 15

BE Software Program at MCS - Semester-wise List of Courses

Semester I

Course Code

Course Title Credits

ENG-110 Communication & interpersonal Skills 2-0

MTH-132 Calculus 3-0

MTH-314 Linear Algebra 3-0

CPS-231 Intro to Computing & Programming 3-1

Phy-184 Applied Physics (Electromagnetism) 2-0.5

PS-101 Pakistan Studies 2-0

Total 16.5

Semester II

Course Code

Course Title Credits

CPS-335 Object Oriented Programming Paradigm 3-1

MTH-133 Engineering Mathematics 3-0

MTH-134 Discrete Mathematics 2-0

CE-230 Digital Logic Fundamentals 3-1

ISL-101 Islamic Studies 2-0

CSE-271 Software Engineering 3-0

Total 18

Semester III

Course Code

Course Title Credits


CPS-331 Data Structure & Algorithm 3-1

CPS-480 Data Base Systems 3-1

EE-280 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-1

CE-420 Computer Org & Architecture 3-1

Total 16

Semester IV

Course Code

Course Title Credits

MTH-331 Numerical Analysis 2-1

CSE-476 Human Computer Interfacing 2-1

MTH-234 Multivariable Calculus 3-0

CSE-474 Soft Design & Architecture 3-1

EE-302 Electronic Circuits & Devices 3-1

Total 17

Semester V

Course Code

Course Title Credits

CSE-473 Software Quality Assurance 3-0

CPS-422 Computer Networks 3-1

CPS-410 Operating System 3-1

STT-351 Probability & Statistics 3-0

CSE-478 Software Requirement Engineering 3-0

Total 17

Semester VI

Course Course Title Credits



EE-345 Digital Electronics 3-1

CPS-622 Distributed Computing 3-1

CPS-360 Automata Theory and Formal Languages 3-0

CPS-425 Network Security 3-0

HU-201 Technical Business Writing 2-0

SS-102 Professional Ethics 2-0

Total 18

Semester VII

Course Code

Course Title Credits

CSE-471 Software Project Management (Elective) 3-0

EE-481 Digital Image Processing 3-1

CSE-472 Software Construction 3-1

CSE-477 Web Engineering 3-1

CS-499 Project 0-2

Total 17

Semester VIII

Course Code

Course Title Credits

CPS-472 Computer Graphics 3-1

EC-201 Engineering Economics 2-0

CSE-279 Planning Engineering Project Management 2-0

CPS-440 Artificial Intelligence 3-1

CPS-499 Project 0-4

Total 16


Grand Total 136


Annex B

To WP No 15

BE Software at SEECS - Semester-wise List of Courses

S. No.

Course Code

Subjects Credit Hrs Teaching

Credit Hrs Labs


1 ISE101 Fundamentals of ICT 2 1


2 HU120 Communication and Interpersonal Skills 2 0

3 BS120 Discrete Mathematics 3 0

4 BS101 Applied Physics 3 0

5 BS122 Calculus-I 3 0

6 ISE103 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 2 1

Total CHs 15 2 17

7 BS124 Calculus –II 3 0


8 HU101 Islamic Studies 2 0

9 ISE205 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ 3 1

10 BS127 Linear Algebra 3 0

11 HU110 Pakistan Studies 2 0

12 General Education Elective 3 0

Total CHs 16 1 17

13 BS228 Probability and Statistics 3 0


14 ISE210 Data Structures 3 1

15 ISE230 Database Design and Implementation 2 1

16 EE241 Digital Logic Design 3 1

17 ISE221 Software Engineering 2 1


Total CHs 13 4 17

18 ISE271 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3 1


19 CSE320 Computer Networks 3 0

20 SE223 Software Construction 2 1

21 BS225 Numerical Analysis 3 0

22 SE Elective 3 1

Total CHs 14 3 17

23 ISE344 Operating Systems Concepts and Design 3 1


24 HU330 Technical/Business Writing 2 0

25 SE341 Software Quality Engineering 3 0

26 SE Elective 3 0

27 SE Elective 3 0

28 General Education Elective 3 0

Total CHs 17 1 18


29 SE325 Software Design and Architecture 2 1


30 SE Elective 3 0

31 SE Elective 3 0

32 SE Elective 3 0

33 SE Elective 3 0

34 General Education Elective 3 0

Total CHs 17 1 18

35 HU440 Professional Ethics 2 0


36 ISE423 Software Project Management 3 0

37 ISE424 Human Computer Interaction 2 1

38 BS449 Entrepreneurship 3 0

39 SE Elective 3 0

40 General Education Elective 2 0

Total CHs 15 1 16

40 General Education Elective 2 0

8th 41 General Education Elective 3 0

42 ISE498 Senior Project 0 6

Total CHs 5 6 11

Overall CHs 112 19

Grand Total (Credit Hours) 131



To WP No 15

Proposed Unified Curriculum for BE Software at MCS and SEECS

1. HEC Approved Curriculum for Software Engineering

Major Areas Core/

Required Electives CHs

Computing 43 21



Software Engineering 18

Software Engineering (Application Domain) - 6

Supporting Studies (Math/Science ) 12 9



General Education 15 12 27


Total 88 48

136 64.70% 35.30%

2. MCS/ SEECS – NUST Unified Curriculum for Software Engineering

Major Areas Core/

Required Electives CHs

Computing 47 14



Software Engineering 20

Software Engineering (Application Domain)

- 6

Supporting Studies (Math/Science )

13 10 23


General Education 16 10 26



Total 96 40

136 70.58% 29.41%

3. Computing Core Courses

S.No Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

a CS110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming

3-1 4

b CS212 Object Oriented Programming 3-1 4

c CS250 Data Structures & Algorithms 3-1 4

d CE230#/EE241@ Digital Logic Design 3-1 4

e CS220 Database Systems 3-1 4

f CS330 Operating Systems 3-1 4

g SE200 Software Engineering 3-0 3

h CS102 Discrete Mathematics 3-0 3

i CPS422#/CSE320@ Computer Networks 3-1 4

j CS260 Human Computer Interaction 3-0 3

k CE420#/EE310@ Computer Architecture and Organization 3-1 4

l SE499 Senior Project 0-6 6

Total 47

4. SE Core Courses

S.No Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

a SE312 Software Construction 3-1 4


b SE210 Software Design and Architecture 3-1 4

c SE321 Software Quality Engineering 3-0 3

d SE430 Software Project Management 3-0 3

e SE320 Formal Methods 3-0 3

f SE311 Software Requirements Engineering 3-0 3

Total 20

5. Supporting Science Core Courses

S.No Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

a MTH132#/BS122@ Calculus I 3-0 3

b STT351#/BS228@ Probability and Statistics 3-0 3

c MTH314#/BS127@ Linear Algebra 3-0 3

d PHY184#/BS101@ Applied Physics 3-1 4

Total 13

6. General Education Core Courses

S.No Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name Lec/Lab CHs

A ENG110#/HU101@ Communication and Interpersonal Skills 2-0 2

b HU201#/HU330@ Technical & Business Writing 2-0 2

c PS101 Pakistan Studies 2-0 2

d ISL101 Islamic Studies 2-0 2

e SS102#/HU440@ Professional Ethics 2-0 2

f CS100 Fundamentals of ICT 2-1 3

g BS449 Entrepreneurship 3-0 3


Total 16

7. Semester-Wise Course Offering for SE Program

Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering


Course Code


Subjects CHs Teaching

CHs Labs


a CS100 Fundamentals of ICT 2 1


b ENG110#/HU101@ Communication and Interpersonal Skills

2 0

c CS102 Discrete Mathematics 3 0

d PHY184#/BS101@ Applied Physics** 3 1

e MTH132#/BS122@ Calculus-I 3 0

f CS110 Fundamentals of

Computer Programming

3* 1

Total CHs 16 3 19

a ISL101 Islamic Studies 2 0


b CS212 Object Oriented Programming 3 1

c CE230#/EE241@ Digital Logic Design 3 1

d PS101 Pakistan Studies** 2 0

e Supporting Science Elective –I 3 0

f General Education Elective-I 2 0

Total CHs 15 2 17

a STT351#/BS228@

Probability and Statistics 3 0

3rd b CS250

Data Structures & Algorithms 3 1


c CS220 Database Systems 3 1

d MTH314#/SB127@ Linear Algebra 3 0

e SE200 Software Engineering 3 0

Total CHs 15 2 17

a CE420#/EE310@ Computer Architecture & Organization

3 1 4th

b CS260 Human Computer Interaction 3 0

c SE210 Software Design and Architecture 3 1

d Supporting Science Elective –II 3 1

e SE Elective-I 3 1

Total CHs 15 4 19

a CS330 Operating Systems 3 1


b HU201#/HU330@ Technical & Business Writing*** 2 0

c SE311 Software

Requirements Engineering

3 0

d CPS422#/CSE320@ Computer Networks 3 1

e SS102#/HU440@ Professional Ethics*** 2 0

f SE Elective-II 3 0

Total CHs 16 2 18

a SE312 Software Construction 3 1


b SE320 Formal Methods 3 0

c SE321 Software Quality Engineering 3 0

d SE Elective – III 3 0


e General Education Elective – II 2 0

f Supporting Science Elective –III 3 0

Total CHs 17 1 18

a SE430 Software Project Management 3 0


b BS449 Entrepreneurship*** 3 0

c SE Elective – IV 3 0

d SE Elective – V 3 0

e General Education Elective -III 3 0

f SE499 Senior Project 0 3

Total CHs 15 3 18


General Education Elective – IV 3 0


b SE Elective – VI 3 1

c SE499 Senior Project 0 3

Total CHs 6 4 10

Overall CHs 115 21

Grand Total (Credit Hours) 136


Ø Course codes marked with “ # ” are for MCS and “ @ ” for SEECS. Course codes without mark are common for MCS and SEECS. Common codes for all courses will be followed on finalization of newly developed course code methodology.

Ø *Currently, SEECS is offering this course with 2+1 credit hours. From Fall 2011, this course will be offered as 3+1 for all colleges.

Ø **These two courses may be swapped with each other (if required) based on the availability of teaching faculty.

Ø *** The sequence of these “General Education Core” courses is flexible i.e. these may be offered in any order.


8. SE Elective Courses

Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name Credit


CS332 Distributed Computing 3-1

CSE200 Data Communication 3-0

CS423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3-1

CS321 Advanced Database Systems 3-0

CS340 Web Technologies-I 2-1

CPS422#/CSE431@ Network Security 3-0

CS443 E-Commerce and Solutions 3-0

CS351 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0

CS470 Artificial Intelligence 3-1

CS424 Management Information Systems 3-0

CS490 Advanced Topics in Computing 3-0

CSE426 Wireless Networks 3-0

CS361 Computer Graphics 3-1

EE430 Telecommunication Systems 3-0

CS342 Mobile Computing 3-0

CS424 Information Retrieval 3-0

EE481#/CSE414@ Digital Image Processing 3-1

CS433 Applied Parallel Computing 2-1

CS213 Advanced Programming 3-1

EE304#/CSE303@ Signals and Systems 3-0

EE466#/CSE304@ Digital Signal Processing 3-1

SE440 Business Process Automation 3-0


SE313 Design Patterns 2-1

SE423 Software Metrics 3-0

SE422 Software Testing 3-0

SE431 Software Engineering Economics 3-0

CS453 Programming Languages 3-0

CS471 Machine Learning 3-1

CS472 Natural Language Processing 3-0

BITO319 Computational Biology 3-0

BITO215 Bioinformatics 3-0

CS452 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages 3-0

CS322 RDBMS Using Oracle 2-1

CS414 Advanced Java with emphasis on Internet Applications 3-1

CS441 Web Technologies-II 3-1

CS431 System Programming 2-1

CS362 Multimedia Systems and Design 2-1

CS334 Open Source Systems 3-1

CS380 Introduction to Computer Security 3-0

CS481 Computer Forensics 3-1

CS482 System Incident Handling 3-0

CS344 Web Engineering 3-1

CS473 Theory of Intelligent Systems 3-1

SE402 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3-0

SE490 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering 3-0

9. General Education Elective Course


Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name CHs

BS346 Human Resource Management 2-0

HU441 Intellectual Property Rights 3-0

HU442 Sociology 3-0

HU443 Psychology 3-0

HU444 English Literature 3-0

BS241 Principles of Accounting 3-0

CS380 Computing and Society 3-0

BS240 Introduction to Management 2-0

BS349 Organizational Behavior 2-0

EC201#/ BS242@ Engineering Economics 2-0

10. Supporting Science Elective Courses

Course Code

MCS/SEECS Course Name CHs

BS124@ Calculus II 3-0

EE105 Basic Electronics 3-1

BS264 Computational Logic 3-0

BS110 Chemistry 2-1

BS102 Advanced Physics 2-1

BS229 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0

EE201 Engineering Mechanics 3-0

MTH315 Number Theory 3-0

IS336 Fundamentals of Cryptography 3-0

EE280 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-1


EE302 Electronic Circuits & Devices 3-1

CSE279 Planning Engineering Project Management 2-0

EE345 Digital Electronics 3-1

MTH133 Engineering Mathematics 3-0

MTH234 Multivariable Calculus 3-0

EE474 Analog and Digital Communication 3-1


Appendix B

WP No 6 - 48th ACM dated 6th March 2017

Revision of BE Software Engineering Curriculum – March 2017

Semester-Wise Breakdown of Courses


No. Course Code Subjects CHs

Teaching CHs Labs Semester

1 CS-100 Fundamentals of ICT 2 1


2 CS-110 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 3 1

3 HU-101 Islamic Studies 2 0

4 HU-108 Communication & Interpersonal Skills (3-0) 3 0

5 MATH-111 Calculus-I 3 0

6 MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics 3 0

Total CHs 16 2 18

1. CS-212 Object Oriented Programming 3 1


2. EE-221 Digital Logic Design 3 1

3. HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2 0

4. EE-212 Basic Electronic 2 1


6. General Education Elective-I 3 0

Total CHs 16 3 19

1. CS-220 Database Systems 3 1


2. SE-200 Software Engineering 3 0

3. CS-250 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 1

4. MATH-361 Probability and Statistics 3 0

5. MATH-222 Linear Algebra 3 0


Total CHs 15 2 17

1. EE-321 Computer Architecture and Organization 3 1


2. SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering 3 0

3. EE-353 Computer Networks 3 1

4. SE Elective-I 3 0


Total CHs 15 2+X 17+X

1. CS-330 Operating Systems 3 1


2. SE-210 Software Design and Architecture 3 1

3. General Education Elective – II 3 0

4. HU-210 Technical Writing 3 0

5. SE Elective –II 3 1

Total CHs 15 3 18

1. CS-370 Software Construction 3 1


2. SE-352 Formal Methods 3 0

3. SE-321 Software Quality Engineering 3 0

4. MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2 0

5. SE Elective –III 3 1


Total CHs 17 2 19


1. SE-430 Software Project Management 3 0

2. SE-499 Senior Project 0 3

3. SE Elective – V 3 1

4. SE Elective – IV 3 X

5. General Education Elective III 3 0

Total CHs 12 4+X 16+X


1. SE-499 Senior Project 0 3

8th 2. SE Elective VI 2+X 1

3. General Education Elective IV 3 0

4. CSL-401 Community Service 1* 1*

Total CHs 5+X 4 9+x

Overall CHs 112+X 22+X 133+X

Grand Total (Credit Hours) 133+X1


1. The labs and elective courses will be offered in such a way that the total number of credit hours should remain in between 133 - 137.

2. The Elective course in particular category may not be offered, if the minimum credit hours requirement is already met.

3. The order of offering of General Education/Supporting Science core courses can be changed depending on availability of resources.

* Community Service is a non-credit course.


Appendix C

WP No 5 - 50th ACM dated 28th Dec 2017

1st Year Common for all UG Disciplines (Engineering)

S. No.

Course Code Subjects Credit Hrs Teaching

Credit Hrs Labs


1 HU–100 English 2 0


2 CS–110 Fundamentals of Programming 2 1

3 HU–107 Pakistan Studies 2 0

4 MATH–101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 0

5 ME–105 Workshop Practice 0 1

6 PHY–101 Applied Physics 2 1

7 *MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics 3 0

Total CHs 14 3 17

8 *CS– 212 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 3 1


9 HU–101 Islamic Studies 2 0

10 MATH–121 Linear Algebra and ODEs 3 0

11 ME –104 Engineering Drawing 0 2

12 HU-109 Communication Skills 2 0

13 *EE-221 Digital Logic Design 3 1

Total CHs 13 4 17

14 CS-220 Database Systems 3 1


15 SE-200 Software Engineering 3 0

16 CS-250 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 1

17 MATH-361 Probability and Statistics 3 0

18 Supporting Science Elective-1 3 0

19 General Education Elective-I 3 0


Total CHs 18 2 20

20 EE-321 Computer Architecture and Organization

3 1


21 SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering 3 0

22 EE-353 Computer Networks 3 1

23 SE Elective-I 3 0

24 Supporting Science Elective-II 3 X

Total CHs 15 2+X 17+X

25 CS-330 Operating Systems 3 1


26 SE-210 Software Design and Architecture 3 1

27 HU-223 General Education Elective – II Professional Ethics 3


28 HU-210 Technical Writing 3 0

29 SE Elective –II 3 1

Total CHs 15 3 18

30 CS-370 Software Construction 3 1


31 SE-352 Formal Methods 3 0

32 SE-321 Software Quality Engineering 3 0

33 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2 0

34 SE Elective –III 3 1

35 Supporting Science Elective –III 3 0

Total CHs 17 2 19

36 SE-430 Software Project Management 3 0


37 SE-499 Senior Project 0 2

38 SE Elective – V 3 1

39 SE Elective – IV 3 X

40 General Education Elective III 3 0

Total CHs 12 3+X


41 SE-499 Senior Project 0 4

8th 42 SE Elective VI 2+X 1

43 General Education Elective IV 3 0

44 CSL-401 Community Service 1* 1*

Total CHs 5+X 5 10+X

Overall CHs

109 +X 24 + X 133 + X

Grand Total (Credit Hours)

133 +X


Appendix D

List of Lab Experiments

List of Experiments

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Instructor: Dr. Ayesha Maqbool, Lab Engr Amna Mehfooz

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Introduction: How to Implement Algorithms 1 1/2

2 Intelligent Agents 1 1/2

3 Depth First Search 2 1/2

4 Breadth First Search 2 1/2

5 Iterative Deepening Search 2 1/2

6 Uniform Cost Search 2 1/2

7 Travelling Salesman Problem 3 1/2

8 A* Algorithm 3 1/2

9 8 Puzzle Problem 3 1/2

10 Hill Climbing 3 1/2

11 Simulated Annealing Algorithm 3 1/2

12 First Order Logic 3 1/2

13 Inference in First Order Logic 3 1/2

14 Forward Chaining 3 1/2

15 Project 4 3

Subject: Web Engineering

Instructor: Dr. Naima Altaf, Lab EngrMariumHida

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Web Page Development Using Html 2 1


2 Forms Using HTML 2 1

3 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2 1

4 DOM Events 2 1

5 Advance Events and Client-Side Validation 2 1

6 Advance Event Handling Using JavaScript 2 1

7 Automatic Generation Of Table Of Contents Using Jquery 2 1

8 Animation and Event Handling Using jQuery 2 1

9 Web Development Using Ajax And JSON 3 1

10 Basic PHP for Server-Side Programming 3 1

11 Advanced PHP and Web Frameworks 3 1

12 PHP Database Connectivity 3 1

13 Cookies and Sessions in PHP 3 1

14 Regular Expressions in PHP 3 1

15 Project 3 3

Subject: Data Ware House/Data Mining

Instructor: Dr. Hammad Afzal, Lab EngrMemoona Farooq

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Basics of Handling Relational Database Management System 2 1

2 Building a Web Search Engine – Part 1 2 1

3 Building a Web Search Engine – Part 2 2 1

4 Awk: A Data Extraction Utility 2 1

5 WEKA: Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis Part-1 3 1

6 WEKA: Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis Part-2 3 1

7 WEKA: Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis Part-3 3 1

8 WEKA: Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis Part-4 3 1

9 Knowledge Analysis Using MATLAB 3 1


10 Knowledge Analysis Using MATLAB 3 1

11 Building a Decision Tree Based Classifier 3 1

12 Building decision trees using Python 3 1

13 Distributed Databases-1 3 2

15 Distributed Databases and Map-Reduce 3 2

Subject: Fundamental of Programming

Instructor:Dr. Asif Masood, Dr. Naveed Iqbal Rao, RVF Bashir Bilal, Lab EngrMariumHida

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G














15 Lab Exam 4 1

16 Project 4 3

Subject: Data Structures & Algorithms

Instructor: Dr. Ayesha Maqbool, Dr. Rabia Latif, AP Bilal Rauf, Lab EngrMemona Farooq


S No List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 C++ Pointers and Arrays 1

2 Stacks Static and Dynamic Implementation 2 1

3 Applications of Stack 3 1

4 Queues Static and Dynamic Implementation 3 1

5 Singly Linked List 3 1

6 Doubly Linked List 3 1

7a Recursion 2 1

7b Tower of hanoi 3 1

8 Binary Trees 3 1

9 Binary Search Tree 3 1

10 Sorting 2 1

11 Searching-Linear and Binary 2 1

12 Graph 2 1

13 Graph-Mst and DjikstraAlgo 3 1

15 LAB EXAM 3 1

16 Project 3 3

Subject: Operating Systems

Instructor: AP MobeenaShahzad, Lab EngrAmnaMahfooz

S.No List of Experiments CLO RG

1 Introduction to Operating Systems 1 1

2 Ubuntu 1 1

3 Process State Model 1 1

4 Creating process using C++ part 1 4 1

5 Creating Process using C++ part 2 4 1

6 Creating Process using Java 4 1


7 Threads 4 1

8 Process Scheduling 3 1

9 MLFQ 3 1

10 Semaphores part 1 4 1

11 Semaphores part 2 4 1

12 Dynamic Memory Allocation 3 1

13 Page Replacement Algorithms 3 1

14 Linux Modules 4 1

15 Semester Project 3,4 3

Subject: Database Systems

Instructor: Lec Ayesha Naseer, Demonstrator Kabeer Ahmed

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G
















15 Final Lab Project 4 3

Subject: Digital Image Processing

Instructor: Dr. Naima Iltaf, Memona Farooq

S.NO List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Introduction to MATLAB 3 1

2 Programming in MATLAB 3 1

3 Basic Image Operations 1 1

4 Sampling and Quantization 2 1

5 Image Labelling and histogram equalization 3 1

6 Gray scale transformations 2 1

7 Smoothing and Statistical Filters in Spatial Domain 2 1

8 Sharpening filters in spatial domain 2 1

9 Image Restoration 3 1

10 Morphological Image Processing 3 1

11 Edge Detection 2 1

12 Image and Text Segmentation 2 1

13 Colour Models 2 1

14 Fourier Transform 3 1

15 Lab Project 3 3

Subject: Network Security

Instructor: Maj Sohaib Khan, Maj uzair, Amna Mehfooz

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Windows Policies 2, 4 2


2 Windows Firewall 2, 4 2

3 Hardening Routers 5 2

4 Scanning 5 2

5 OSint (Open Source Intelligence) 5 2

6 Social Engineering & Phishing 4, 5 2

7 Introduction to Metasploit 5 2

8 SQL injection 5 2

9 WPA cracking 5 2

10 Email header analysis 5 2

11 Shared files analysis 5 2

12 Cross site scripting 5 2

13 DDOS 5 2

14 Final Lab exam 5 2

Subject: Computer Network

Instructor: AP Bilal Rauf, AP Waleed bin Shahid, Demonstrator Kabeer Ahmed

S.NO List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Introduction to network device and cabling - 3

2 Network topologies and LAN setup 1 3

3 Introduction to packet tracer and designing topology 2 2

4 Network diagnostic commands / tools 2 2

5 Network monitoring using wireshark 2 2

6 Java concepts and socket programming 3 1

7 UDP socket programming 3 1

8 TCP socket programming 3 1

9 A complete client-server application 3 1

10 DHCP configuration / IP subnetting 3 2


11 Router configuration and routing (static & dynamic using rip) 4 3

12 Dynamic routing using OSPF 4 2

13 Establishment of routed WAN 4 2

14 Access control list 3 2

15 Lab exam / Project 4 1/3

Subject: Software Design and Architecture

Instructor: AP AtherMohsin Zaidi, Lab EngrMemona Farooq

S No Experiment Title CLO R-G















Subject: Software Construction

Instructor: Dr. Naeem Zafar Azeemi, Lec Ayesha Naseer , Lab EngrMariamHida

SNo ExperimentTitle CLO R-G1 UMLDIAGRAMS-I 4 1



Subject: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Instructor: Dr Naima Iltaf, Mariam Hida

S No Name of Experiment CLO R-G

1 Socket Programming Using TCP 2 1

2 Multi-Threaded Client Server Application 2 1

3 Socket Programming Using UDP 4 1

4 External Data Representation 4 1

5 XML Document Validation 4 1

6 JAVA RMI 4 1

7 Web Service, WSDL Based, From Java Source 4 1

8 Restful Web Services 4 1

9 Introduction ToRabbitmq 4 1

10 Understanding The Network Time Protocol 4 1

11 Simulate The P2P System: Understanding The System 4 1

12 Design And Implementation Of Lamport Distributed Snapshot Algorithm 4 1

13 Getting Started With MPI 4 1

14 Lab Exam/Project 4 3

Subject: ME-105 Workshop Practices


Instructor: Kabeer Ahmed

S No List of Experiments CLO R-G

1 Workshop safety and Prevention Measure 1 1

2 Measurement practices 2 1

3 Computer Hardware Lab 2 1

4 Electric Workshop 2 1

5 Electrical Wires, Cables, Ports 2 1

6 Carpentry Workshop 2 1

7 Plumbing Workshop 2 1

8 Welding Workshop 2 1

9 Poster Presentation 2 3

10 Soldering Practices 2 1

11 PCB Designing 2 3

12 Computer Network Lab 2 3

13 Fiber optic Lab 2 3



Appendix E

Course Learning Objectives

Software Engineering Electives

EE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the fundamental concepts of how to develop and employ

circuit models for elementary electronic components. 1 C-2

2. Apply various methods of circuit analysis to solve relevant problems 2 C-4 3. Analyze and Design simple circuits containing linear elements. 3 C-4

EE-231Signals and Systems Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Discuss the terminology, characteristics and representation techniques of

signals and basic engineering systems. 1 C-2

2. Discuss the difference and the applications of analog versus discrete signals and the conversion between them.

1 C-2

3. Build understanding on the use of Fourier, Laplace and z-transforms transforms in signal/system analysis, characterization, and manipulation.

3 C-3

MATH-112Calculus II Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Outline various types functions using the various integration methods 1 C-1 2. Apply integration to find areas, volumes, arc length, and surface

areas 2 C-3

3. Evaluate improper integrals and implement various convergence tests 3 C-3

MATH-133 Engineering Mathematics Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the key concepts of engineering mathematics and their

mathematical modeling. 1 C-2

2. Solve ordinary differential equations of 1st and 2nd order using analytical techniques, Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform and verify the solution.

2 C-3

MATH-221 Number Theory Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*


1. Understand the basic properties of integers, prime numbers, divisibility techniques and axioms of number systems

1 C-2

2. Solve real world problems using modular mathematics and linear congruence

2 C-3

MATH-234 Multivariable Calculus

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Identify vectors and their properties. 1 C2

2. Calculate multiple integrals in different coordinate systems. 3 C3

3. Apply greens, stokes and divergence theorems. 3 C3

MATH-351 Numerical Methods Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Explain the consequences of finite precision and estimate the amount of

error inherent in different Numerical methods 1 C-2

2. Derive algorithms for different Numerical techniques 2 C-3 3. Apply different computational techniques to solve Mathematical

problems arising in engineering and sciences 3 C-3

CS-332 Distributed Computing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Distinguish the theoretical and conceptual foundations of distributed

computing. 1 C-2

2. Point out possible flaws and limitations of an existing distributed system 2 C-4 3. Explain how existing distributed systems work 4 C-2 4. Implement distributed applications 5 C-5

CS-334 Open Source Systems Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Demonstrate intermediate level open source system programming. 1,6,8,11 C-3

2. Apply an understanding of open source system programming as it

relates to server side scripting environment.

1,6,8,11 C-3


3. Apply open source system programming techniques. 1,6,8,11 C-3

4. Create a dynamic web site



CS-342Mobile Computing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Describe the basic concepts and principles in mobile computing,

Wireless LANs, PAN, Mobile Networks, and Sensor Networks 2 C-1

2. Understand positioning techniques, location-based services and applications

2 C-2

3. Explain the structure and components for Mobile IP and Mobility Management

2 C-2

4. Describe the important issues and concerns on security and privacy 2 C-1

CS-352 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the basic concepts related to languages, regular expressions

and grammars 1 C-2

2. Analyse the computational expressions, graphs and Grammars 2 C-4 3. Design Finite Automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines, formal

languages and grammars 3 C-5

CS-362Multimedia Systems and Design Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Develop understanding of multimedia tools and their usage. 1 C-2 2. Interpret various multimedia standards and compression technologies 2 C-2 3. Analyze various storage technologies 3 C-4

CS-361 Computer Graphics Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Describe the computer graphics constructs and algorithms for rendering 1 C-2 2. Articulate where computer graphic algorithms fit in the provision of

computer- based solutions 2 C-4

3. Develop programs to implement 3D scenes 3 C-5 4. Use modern tools and technologies to develop CG algorithms 5



CS-370 Artificial Intelligence Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand Artificial Intelligence techniques for building well-

engineered and efficient intelligent systems. 1


2. Identify the nature of AI problem and Formulate the solution as a particular type.

2 C-2

3. Compare AI problems in terms of computational complexity and the efficiency.

4 C-4

4. Ability to use modern tools and programming environments to formulate the solution according to AI principles and implement.

5 C-5

CS-381 Network Security Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the concepts of security 1 C-2 2. Apply various existing solutions and modern tools to address security

problems of a network 5 C-3

3. Design and develop enhanced network security solutions 3 C-5 4. Compare, investigate and evaluate different security mechanisms to

protect network resources 4 C-6

CS-490 Advanced Topics in Computing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Paraphrase the fundamental principles relating to the digital

representation of multimedia, audio, image and video formats. 1 C-2

2. Discuss issues concerning the human perception of sound and visual information.

2 C-2

3. Develop understanding of Android platform architecture and design games on the Android platform.

3 C-3

4. Explain the essential components for game development and apply the game design process.

5 C-4

CS-414Advanced Java with emphasis on Internet Applications Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Explain Swing-based GUI and component-based Java software using

JavaBeans 2 C-2

2. Develop client/server applications and TCP/IP socket programming 3 C-3 3. Develop distributed applications using RMI and server side programs in

the form of servlets 3 C-3


CS433-Applied Parallel Computing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Understand the architecture and enabling technologies of parallel computing systems

2,7 C-2

2. Understand the applications in various domains 2,7 C-2

3. Create Parallel Programming using famous parallel programming models 3,5 C-5

CS441-Web Technologies-II Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Understand how to bridge the gap between business and system models 2,7 C-2

2. Analyze business and system models to generate valued business outcomes

4,9 C-4

3. Create interactive web applications using ASP.NET. 3,5 C-5

CS443-e-Commerce and Solutions Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Understand technologies used for e-business solutions. 2,7 C-2

2. Describe different information systems in e-business. 2,7 C-2

3. Understand and describe the concept of virtual office. 2,7 C-2

4. Understand management information system concepts. 2,7 C-2

SE440-Business Process Automation Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Model businesses in current and proposed states, with a particular emphasis on business process modeling.

2,7 C-2


2. Understanrd how to bridge the gap between business and system models 2,7 C-2

3. Understand for delivering successful projects that generate valued business outcomes

2,7 C-2

CS-423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understanding of Data Mining fundamentals: Data Pre-processing,

Frequent Patterns, Classification, Clustering 1 C-2

2. Applying the skills to perform data mining techniques on non-digital data such as text, images etc.

2 C-3

3. Ability to use modern tools and programming environments 5 C-5

CS-424 Information Retrieval

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the basic concepts of information retrieval Systems 1 C2

2. Analyze the limitations of different information retrieval techniques. 4 C4

3. Use programming Tool to implement search engines 5 C3

4. Design search engines 5 C5

CS-425 Management Information Systems Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Describe basic information system concepts as applied to business operations and management.

1 C2

2. Analyze the major components of a computer system, including hardware, software, operating systems and operating environments as they apply to information systems.

4 C4

3. Practice computer-based information systems from a management perspective.

3 C3


CS-427 Wireless Networks Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. understand the basic concept of wireless networks;; 2,7 C-2

2. understand traffic theories, mobile radio propagation, channel coding, and cellular concepts, multiple division techniques, mobile communication systems, and existing wireless networks

2,7 C-2

3. Understand wireless ID technologies network, in particular RFID work. 2,7 C-2

4. Explain network protocols, ad hoc and sensor networks, wireless MANs, LANs and PANs;

2,7 C-2

CS-222 Data Communication Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer

networking. 1 C-3

2. Familiarize the student with the basic taxonomy and terminology of the computer networking area.

2 C-2

3. Introduce the student to advanced networking concepts, preparing the student for Advanced courses in computer networking.

3 C-3

4. Relate the student expertise to specific areas of networking such as the design and maintenance of individual networks.

3 C-4

EE-433 Digital Image Processing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the fundamental concepts of image processing 1 C-2 2. Analyse images using mathematical transformations and operations 2 C-4 3. Develop solutions by using modern tools to solve practical problems 5 C-5

SE422-Software Testing Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Understand various test processes and continuous quality improvement 2,7 C-2


2. Understand Types of errors and fault models and methods of test generation from requirements

2,7 C-2

3. Apply Behaviour modelling using UML: Finite state machines (FSM), Test generation from FSM models, software testing techniques in commercial environments

1,6,8,11 C-3

4. Combinatorial test generation, Test adequacy assessment using test tools 10,12 C-6

SE-423 Software Metrics Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. State the objectives and general principles of measurement 1 C-1 2. Contrast different software products with a critical decision process

based on a rigorous mathematical and deductive approach. 2 C-3

CS-473 Theory of Intelligent Systems Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Understand the foundations of modern probabilistic artificial intelligence (AI)

2,7 C-2

2. Analysis and comparison of acquired knowledge of tools and ideas in

novel situations. 4,9 C-4

3. Able to assess claims made by others, with respect to both software products and general frameworks, and also be able to appreciate some new research results.

10,12 C-6

SE-490Advanced Topics in Software Engineering Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Apply and critique several well-known software metrics. 4 C-3 2. Discuss testing techniques and present arguments relating to the most

appropriate choice thereof. 2 C-2

*BT = Bloom’s Taxonomy, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A = Affective Domain

General Elective

CS-309 Computing and Society

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)


At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Explain the consequences of computing on individuals, organizations,

and society.

2 C2

2. Compare the situations of computer use and technology and policy


4 C3

3. Practice philosophical frameworks of ethics. 3 C3

ECO-130 Engineering Economics Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the concepts of Engineering Economics and Economics 1 C-2 2. Analyse and compare different projects using concepts of cost, revenue

and profit through applying maxima and minima 2 C-4

3. Create and evaluate an environment of working of these projects in the public and private sectors

12 C-6

FIN-100 Principles of Accounting Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Define and apply accounting terms by visualizing and appreciating the

impact of generally accepted accounting principles 1 C-3

2. Understanding and illustrating different steps of accounting cycle to develop a framework of accounting

3 C-3

3. Evaluating and exploring the use of financial accounting for strategic operations, consolidated and cash flow statements

4 C-6

HRM-240 Organizational Behavior

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Identify the concepts, theories, and models related to human behavior in

an organizational system.

1 C1

2. Explain how ethics, character, integrity affect personal leadership style

and organizational functionality;

2 C2

3. Practice a framework to establish group roles and responsibilities,

facilitate decision-making, maintain tasks, and manage ongoing group


3 C3


HRM-441 Human Resource Management Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level* 1. Understand the basic knowledge of Human Resource Management. 12 C-2 2. Apply the concepts of Human Resource Management both professionally

and personally. 8 C-3

3. Create ability to identify strategic human resources issues within and outside the organization.

9 C-5

GMT-175 Intellectual Property Rights

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Describe the intellectual property law principles (including copyright, patents, designs and trademarks) to real problems.

1 C2

2. Compare the ethical and professional issues which arise in the intellectual property law context

2 C3

3. Build reports on project work and critical reflect on your own learning. 3 C3

HU-102 Psychology

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Describe the theories foundational to sociological knowledge and generate a sociological understanding of a topic related to a main theme in the sociological curriculum

6 C2

2. Demonstrate awareness of current events and of the significance of these events for the student as an individual, a member of social groups, a member of specific societies, and a member of humanity.

6 C3

3. Illustrate the values formation and moral development. 8 C3

HU-103 Principles of Sociology

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*


1. Demonstrate an understanding of theoretical underpinnings of the major

areas of psychology, including cognition (thought, memory, and

perception), learning, personality, social and environmental influences,

development, and physiology of behavior.

6 C3

2. Explain different models of human behavior. 6 C2

3. Apply psychological theories, concepts, and methods to real-life

situations and practical problems

6 C3

HU-104 English Literature

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Demonstrate a comparative understanding of national literature and literary traditions within the context of world literature through close readings of primary texts in their original languages and in translation

10 C3

2. Illustrate critical and interpretive methods and apply them to primary literary sources to construct interpretive arguments in the essay form.

10 C3

3. Analyze literary forms in the context of major developments in literary history.

10 C4

MATH-232 Complex Variable and Transform

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Identify the basic concepts of complex numbers / complex functions and define the difference between differentiable and non-differentiable function.

1 C1

2. Use the method of Laplace transform for solving differential equations. 3 C3

3. Demonstrate the characteristics of periodic functions and apply Fourier transform to obtain Fourier series representation of periodic functions.

3 C3

GMT-164 Introduction to Management

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)


At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLOs BT Level*

1. Define the use the language of management 1 C1

2. Explain the theories, concepts and frameworks in respect of the planning, organizing, leading and controlling dimensions of managing an organization.

2 C2

3. Practice introductory skills and competencies of undergraduate academic research, academic writing, group work and oral presentations in forms appropriate to purpose and audience

3 C3


Appendix F

EVALUATION RUBRICS Lab Group 1: Programming Related


Criteria Unacceptable (Marks=0)

Substandard Marks=1

Adequate Marks=2

Proficient Marks=3

R1 Completeness and Accuracy

The program failed to produce the right accurate result

The program execution let to inaccurate or incomplete results. It was not correctly functional or not all the features were implemented

The program was correctly functional and most of the features were implemented

The program was correctly functional, and all the features were implemented

R2 Coding Standards

Coding standards, best programming practices are not followed. Student cannot understand the code

Coding standards, best programming practices are not followed

Coding standards, best programming practices are rarely followed

Coding standards, best programming practices are followed appropriately.



Student failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned task

Student has basic understanding, but asked questions were not answered.

Student has basic knowledge of understanding. Answer to the question are basic

Student has demonstrated on accurate understanding of the lab objective and concepts. All the questions are answered completely and correctly



The code is huge and appears to be patched together.

The code is brute force and unnecessarily long

The code is fairly efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding.

The code is extremely efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding.



The code is not organized for reusability.

Some parts of the code could be reused in other programs

Most of the code could be reused in other programs.

The code could be reused as a whole, or each routine could be reused.

R6 Most part of the working program

Working program is uninspired and

Working program has some potential

Working program has potential for


Originality is copied. straightforward work with little to no creative potential.

for making a creative contribution

making a creative contribution.

Lab Rubrics Group 2: Computer Networks

Criteria Unacceptable (Marks=0)

Substandard Marks=1

Adequate Marks=2

Proficient Marks=3

R1 Completeness and Accuracy

The system failed to produce the right accurate result

The system execution let to inaccurate or incomplete results. It was not correctly functional or not all the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional and most of the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional, and all the features were implemented


Network components

Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of key concepts of network components and architectures

Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of key concepts of network components and architectures

Demonstrates sufficient knowledge and understanding of key concepts of network components and architectures

Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of key concepts of network components and architectures



The student failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned task

The student has basic knowledge of understanding but asked questions were not answered.

The student has moderate knowledge of understanding. Answer to the question are basic

The student has demonstrated on accurate understanding of the lab objective and concepts. All the questions are answered completely and correctly


Followed Directions

The student clearly failed to follow the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete the lab

The student failed to follow the some of the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete all requirements of the lab

The student followed most of the verbal and written instructions to complete all the requirements of the lab

The student followed the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete requirements of the lab


Modern tool Usage

(Wireshark & packet Tracer)

The student clearly failed to use simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot the given scenario.

The student knows the basic knowledge of simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot the given scenario.

The student has moderate knowledge of simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot the given scenario

The student effectively uses simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot given scenario.


Lab Rubrics Group 3: Group Task

Criteria Unacceptable (Marks=0)

Substandard Marks=1

Adequate Marks=2

Proficient Marks=3

R1 Completeness and Accuracy

The system failed to produce the right accurate result

The system execution let to inaccurate or incomplete results. It was not correctly functional or not all the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional and most of the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional, and all the features were implemented



The student failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned task

The student has basic knowledge of understanding but asked questions were not answered.

The student has moderate knowledge of understanding. Answer to the question are basic

The student has demonstrated on accurate understanding of the lab objective and concepts. All the questions are answered completely and correctly



Most part of the working program is copied.

Working program is uninspired and straightforward work with little to no creative potential.

Working program has some potential for making a creative contribution

Working program has potential for making a creative contribution.


Contribution/ Group participation

Shows little commitment to group goals and fails to perform assigned roles

Demonstrates commitment to group goals, but has difficulty performing assigned roles

Demonstrates commitment to group goals and carries out assigned roles effectively

Actively helps to identify group goals and works effectively to meet them in all roles assumed


Presentation skills

Poor presentation; cannot explain topic; scientific terminology lacking or confused; lacks understanding of topic

Presentation lacks clarity and organization; little use of scientific terms and vocabulary; poor understanding of topic

Presentation acceptable; adequate use of scientific terms; acceptable understanding of topic

Well-organized, clear presentation; good use of scientific vocabulary and terminology; good understanding of topic

Lab Rubrics Group 4: DLD, Applied Physics, BEE and Digital Electronics

Criteria Unacceptable (Marks=0)

Substandard Marks=1

Adequate Marks=2

Proficient Marks=3

R1 Completeness and Accuracy

The system failed to produce the right accurate result

The system execution let to inaccurate or incomplete results. It was not correctly functional or not all the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional and most of the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional, and all the features were implemented



The student failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned task

The student has basic knowledge of understanding but asked questions were not answered.

The student has moderate knowledge of understanding. Answer to the question are basic

The student has demonstrated on accurate understanding of the lab objective and concepts. All the questions are


answered completely and correctly


Measurement/ Techniques/ Data Validation

Inappropriate measurement techniques are demonstrated

Partly correct measurement techniques are demonstrated, with partly valid data

Correct measurement techniques are demonstrated, with partly valid data

Competent measurement techniques are demonstrated, with valid and accurate data


Contribution/ Group participation

Shows little commitment to group goals and fails to perform assigned roles

Demonstrates commitment to group goals, but has difficulty performing assigned roles

Demonstrates commitment to group goals and carries out assigned roles effectively

Actively helps to identify group goals and works effectively to meet them in all roles assumed



Inappropriate troubleshooting techniques are demonstrated

Acceptable troubleshooting techniques are demonstrated

Good troubleshooting techniques are demonstrated

Excellent troubleshooting techniques are demonstrated

Lab Rubrics Group 5: Workshop Practice

Criteria Unacceptable (Marks=0)

Substandard Marks=1

Adequate Marks=2

Proficient Marks=3



Poor safety awareness is observed

Safety awareness is partly observed

Safety awareness is fairly observed

Safety awareness is fully observed accordingly

R2 Completeness

The task was not completed at all.

The task was partially completed (40%)

The assigned task was fairly completed (75%).

The assigned task was fully completed (100%).



The student failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned task

The student has basic knowledge of understanding but asked questions were not answered.

The student has moderate knowledge of understanding. Answer to the question are basic

The student has demonstrated on accurate understanding of the lab objective and concepts. All the questions are answered completely and correctly



Inappropriate measurement techniques are

Partially correct measurement techniques are

Fairly correct measurement techniques are

Correct measurement techniques are


Techniques demonstrated demonstrated, demonstrated demonstrated


Followed Directions

The student clearly failed to follow the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete the lab

The student failed to follow the some of the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete all requirements of the lab

The student followed most of the verbal and written instructions to complete all the requirements of the lab

The student followed the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete requirements of the lab

Lab Rubrics Group 6: Artificial Intelligence

. Unacceptable (Marks=0)

Substandard Marks=1

Adequate Marks=2

Proficient Marks=3

R1 Completeness and Accuracy

The system failed to produce the right accurate result

The system execution let to inaccurate or incomplete results. It was not correctly functional or not all the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional and most of the features were implemented

The system was correctly functional, and all the features were implemented


Complex Problems

Fails to comprehend the problem and its implications

The student is unable to decompose/transfer problem to conceptual model with adequate understanding of the complexity of his design

The student is able to convert conceptual model to simulation/program

The student is able to analyze and infer the results after execution and is able to relate the results to conceptual model’s design choices/complexities



The student failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned task

The student has basic knowledge of understanding but asked questions were not answered.

The student has moderate knowledge of understanding. Answer to the question are basic

The student has demonstrated on accurate understanding of the lab objective and concepts. All the questions are answered completely and correctly


Followed Directions

The student clearly failed to follow the verbal and written instructions to successfully

The student failed to follow the some of the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete all requirements of the

The student followed most of the verbal and written instructions to complete all the requirements of the

The student followed the verbal and written instructions to successfully complete requirements of the


complete the lab

lab lab lab


Modern tool Usage


The student clearly failed to use simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot the given scenario.

The student knows the basic knowledge of simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot the given scenario.

The student has moderate knowledge of simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot the given scenario

The student effectively uses simulation tools to design, configure, test and troubleshoot given scenario.


4 3 2 1

Organization Organizational pattern (introduction, body & conclusion, with transitions) is clear, consist & skillful.

Organizational pattern (introduction, body & conclusion, with transitions) is clearly and consistently observable.

Organizational pattern (introduction, body & conclusion, with transitions) is intermittently observable.

Organizational pattern (introduction, body & conclusion, with transitions) is not observable.

Central message / Language

Central message is compelling (precisely stated & strongly supported.)

Language choices are compelling, enhance the effectiveness & is appropriate to audience.

Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material.

Language choices are thoughtful and generally support the effectiveness & appropriate to audience.

Central message is understandable but is neither repeated nor memorable.

Language choices are mundane / commonplace and partially support the effectiveness & appropriate to audience.

Central message can be deduced, but is not explicitly stated.

Language choices are unclear and minimally support the effectiveness of the presentation. & is not appropriate to audience.

Delivery Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal variety) are compelling, and speaker appears polished and

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal variety) are interesting, and speaker appears comfortable.

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal variety) are understandable, and speaker appears tentative.

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal variety) detract from the understandability of the presentation, and speaker appears


confident. uncomfortable.

Lifelong Learning Rubrics

4 3 2 1

Curiosity / Initiative

Explores a topic in depth yielding a rich awareness and complete the required work.

Explores a topic in yielding insight and/or information indicating interest in the subject.

Completes required work

Explores a topic with some evidence of depth, and complete the task

Explores a topic at a surface level, and Completes required work.


Educational interests and pursuits exist and flourish outside classroom requirements. Knowledge and/or experiences are pursued independently.

Beyond classroom requirements, pursues substantial, additional knowledge and/or actively pursues independent educational experiences

Beyond classroom requirements, pursues additional knowledge and/or shows interest in pursuing independent educational experiences

Begins to look beyond classroom requirements, showing interest in pursuing knowledge independently.

Transfer Makes explicit references to previous learning and applies in an innovative (new & creative) situasions.

Makes references to previous learning and shows evidence of applying that knowledge.

Makes references to previous learning and attempts to apply that knowledge and skills.

Makes vague references to previous learning but does not apply knowledge and skills.

Reflection Reviews prior learning in depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about educational and life experiences, which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over

Reviews prior learning in depth, revealing fully clarified meanings or indicating broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or indicating a somewhat broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning at a surface level, without revealing clarified meaning or indicating a broader perspective about educational or life events.



Rubrics for Technical Writing

4 3 2 1

Purpose of Writing &

Content Development


sufficient levels of thought and effort to inform, explain or persuade the intended audience.

Demonstrates adequate levels of thought and effort to inform, explain or persuade the intended audience.

Demonstrates insufficient levels of thought and effort to inform, explain or persuade the intended audience.

Demonstrates minimal levels of thought and effort to inform, explain or persuade the intended audience.

Style & Mechanics

Sentences contain no errors and are diverse and sophisticated. Style is concise and professional.

Sentences contain few errors that don’t impede meaning. Style is concise and professional. Both sentences and style are good.

Sentences contain some errors but don’t impede meaning. Style is generally concise and professional, but some additional editing is warranted.

Sentences contain numerous errors and impede meaning. Style is not concise or professional.

Format & Organization

All required sections are included, and each is effectively organized. No formatting errors exist.

All required sections are included but one needs to be organized better. No formatting errors exist.

All required sections are included but one or two are poorly organized. One major formatting error exists

Sections are poorly organized and some are missing. A few formatting errors exist.

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