currents north pacific ocean

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean



    Capt. Francis T.Gauci

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    North Equatorial Current The Southern Part of the main circulation is formedby the west going North Equatorial Current.

    North Equatorial Current has no dened NorthLimits.

     The West going current lessens in strength as the

    redominance of trade winds decreases !until it islost in the "ariable current region lying to theNorthwards#.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    Predominance of the North Equatorial current"aries with season. $n %id&'cean the current is()*N & (+*N and in Winter ,)*N late summer or


    - considerable art of the water from the NorthEquatorial Current turns North Eastwards when

    east of Luon and /ows u to the coast of Taiwanto form 0Kuro Shio1.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    2uro Shio Current 

    02uro Shio1 is a warm current which /owsgenerally NE3 close to the 4aanese coast. Therate is between ( to + 5nots3 but this is in/uencedby the monsoons. -t about latitude ,6* N3 thecurrent /ows eastward and 7eeds into the North

    Pacic drift.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    North Pacic 8rift   The North Pacic 8rift /ows to the East.

     The sources of water are the Warm 2uro Shiocoming from south along the coast of 4aan andthe 2amchat5a current cold from the bearing sea/ows down the east coast of 2amchat5a.

     The whole fans a broad belt of 9ariable currentwith a redominance of easterly sets3 lling mostof the area between latitudes ,6* N and 6)*N.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    -leutian Current 

     The colder art of the North acic 8rift is 5nownas the -leutian current and in the middlelongitudes of the ocean is found northwards ofabout Latitude +6*N.

     This is 5nown to change direction deending on

    the season and in 4uly some water is de/ectednorth through the -leutian $slands to :oin with the2amchat5a current.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    -las5a Coast Stream   This is the northerly branch of the North Pacic

    8rift which turns anticloc5wise round the coast of-las5a.

     The -las5an Current is reinforced by the

    8a"idson Current and feeds water into the-leutian Current and the ;ering Sea.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    California Current 

    Water fans out to the SE and S from the Southernart of the North Pacic Current and asses intothe central region of "ariable currents Eastwards ofabout longitude nited States west coast3 from about +?*N to (,*Nlatitudes.

    $t is a cold current which turns SW and then westas it /ows with the North Equatorial Current.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    8a"idson Current  California Current does not meet the Coast of>S-.

     The 8a"idson current3 an inshore relati"ely coolcounter current /ows Northwards between theSouth /owing California Current and the west coastof >S- reaching latitude +?*N.

     This /ow is resent between the months ofNo"ember to 7ebruary.

    $n lieu of The 8a"idson Current the sace

    between the California current and the coast islled with eddy currents.

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


    Equatorial CounterCurrent   The Equatorial Counter Current 7lows Eastwards

    throughout the year across the whole breadth of the'cean. The Seasonal 9ariation is !+&6 N# and !?&

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


      $n the months of 8ecember to 7ebruary the NorthEquatorial Current is the only source of counterCurrent.

    8uring these months the West going South

    Equatorial Current North of the Equator !u to6*N# turns South in about Longitudes

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


      $n most months the counter current will be metbetween 6*N and

  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


  • 8/19/2019 Currents North Pacific Ocean


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