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Post on 28-Jan-2021






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    • FlutePriceList• CustomOrderForm• CustomOptions• EngravingPatterns• CourseRegistration• CourseDescriptions• InformativePoster• RepairWorkOrder• TrialAuthorization




    529 Williams Hill Rd. email: jonathon.landell@gmail.comRichmond, VT 05477 USA Direct Phone (802) 434-4317 Web Site:

  • IherebycommissionanewLandellFluteasdescribedbythefeaturesonthelistbelow.


    Basic Price $ _____________ Extra Cost Options: 1-_____________________ _____________ 2-_____________________ _____________ 3-_____________________ _____________ 4-_____________________ _____________ 5-_____________________ _____________ TOTAL COMMISSION $

    Pitch: A= 440 A=442 A=444 A=446 Other___________

    Body: Silver ArgentiumSilver 10KGold 14KGold Other___________ Keywork: Silver ArgentiumSilver 10KGold 14KGold Other___________

    Tubing: .012”(Gold) .014” .016” .018” Other___________

    Foot Joint: CFootJoint BFootJoint ConvertibleB/C DFoot

    G Keys: InLineG OffsetG SplitE SplitG DonutinG

    Key Style: French CoveredKey Gizmo: WithGizmo WithoutaGizmo

    Head Cut: Modern Traditional Case: Hardwood Leather

    Pads: Modern Traditional Case Cover: Leather Nylon EXTRA COST: D#Roller C#TrillKey SplitEKey LeftHandLever ______________ 14KGoldEmb. 10KGoldEmb. GoldRing PlatinumRing Emb.Engraving Engraving: 6Flowers&Bow Perforated GrapeVine LaurelWreathOther:

    LandeLL FLutes, 529 Williams Hill Rd., Richmond, VT 05477 USAPhone (802) 434-4317 E-Mail:

    ___________________________,_______________________________ _______________________________LastName FirstName HomePhone

    ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________StreetAddress FAXPhone

    ________________________________________ ________________ _______________________________City State ZIPCode Country

    ______________________________________________________________________________________________Signature E-MailAddress

    Custom Order Form and Specifications

    SixFlowers&Bow “Perforated”



    Lip Plate Engraving








  • Engraving Patterns for Lip PlatesLandell Flutes

    Grape Vine Laurel Wreath

    Panino Pan Flutist

    Six Flowers & Bow Pappoutsakis Competition

    Crown End Engraving

  • check: The Fine Print Part I am including a Material Deposit of $500with this Registration for each week I have registered.Iunderstandthatthisdeposit

    isnon-refundableifIcannotattendduringtheweek(s)forwhichIhaveregistered. Mydepositcouldbeappliedtofuturedates.Note:TheBuild Your Own Flute! class Material Deposit is $6,000.- due at least 3 months in advance.

    I understand and agreethatreservationsforthecoursesandformyaccommodationsmustbemadetwo months in advance.Becauseclasssizeislimited,somecourseswillfillupquicklyandotherscouldbesmaller.(Iwillcalltocheckforlastminuteavailability.)TuitionforOne-on-Oneprivatetrainingwillbe50%morethanforscheduledclasses.Callforarrangements.

    I fully understand and agreethatifIamunabletoattendtheclassforpersonalreasonsorifMr.LandellfindsthatIamunsuitabletotheworkfor any reason,Icouldrequestatuitionrefundpro-ratedat$200perdayforeachfulldaythatImissed.

    I agree to send payment in full one month before the class is scheduled to begin.My travel arrangements willbesentassoonastheyhavebeenconfirmed.

    I agree to hold harmlessMr.Landell,LandellFlutes,andotherprincipalsforanypersonalinjurytomyselformypropertyduringthesecourses.Iagreeinadvancetowaiveanyrightsofpersonalorpropertydamagepursuanttothesecourses.

    Yes, I understand that I am signing a legally binding contractwiththeVermontGuildfortrainingattheLandellstudio-workshopforthedatesIhavechosenunderthesetermsandconditions.

    X__________________________________________________________ _______/______/_______ Signature Date

    Vermont Guild of Flute Making, 529 Wil l iams Hi l l Rd., Richmond, VT 05477

    FAX802-329-2084Phone802-434-4317E-Mailtojonathon.landell@gmail.comRegistration Form - 2019 - 2020

    Landell Guest Room - Please Call - (ByAppt.Only)AirportPick-UpInformation____________________________

    Tuition + Materials_Winter Spring Summer I Summer II Fall

    Accomodations and Travel Arrival: Air:__________________ Other:_______________

    I will have a ____________ Project Flute -OR- I would like to use a project flute provided by the Guild ($100)

    Please Circle Dates Preferred

    Please fill out and mail, email or FAX in Advance please!print clearly & Darkly _______________________________@_______________________ MyE-MailAddress

    ___________________________,__________________________________ ______________________________________LastName FirstName HomePhone

    ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________StreetAddress CellPhone

    ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________City State ZIPorPostalCode COUNTRY

    Winter Spring Summer I Summer II Fall

    Flute Tune-Up (on Saturday) $ 600 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Padding Techniques $ 1,800.- 2/4 - 2/8 4/1 - 4/5 6/3 - 6/7 7/1 - 7/5 8/12 - 8/16 Overhaul Techniques $ 1,800.- 2/11 - 2/15 4/8 - 4/12 6/10 - 6/14 7/8 - 7/12 8/19 - 8/23 Build Your Own Head! $ 2,800.- 2/18 - 2/22 4/15 - 4/19 6/17 - 6/21 7/15 - 7/19 8/26 - 8/30 Build Your Own Flute! $ 22,000.- - - - - 9/2 - 10/11


    2020 Dates are subject to change. Check Web Site for latest info. Flute Tune-Up (on Saturday) $ 600 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

    Padding Techniques $ 1,800.- 2/3 - 2/7 4/6 - 4/10 6/1 - 6/5 7/6 - 7/10 8/10 - 8/14 Overhaul Techniques $ 1,800.- 2/10 - 2/14 4/13 - 4/17 6/8 - 6/12 7/13 - 7/17 8/17 - 8/21 Build Your Own Head! $ 2,800.- 2/17 - 2/21 4/20 - 4/24 6/15 - 6/19 7/20 - 7/24 8/24 - 8/28 Build Your Own Flute! $ 22,000.- -- -- -- -- 8/31 - 10/9

  • Master Class Descriptions ‘19

    Thewonderfulandsimplemechanismoftheflutecanbe successfully maintained by any student. This shortcoursebringsthesimplicityofthefluteintothehandsofthestudentthroughaseriesofskill-buildingsteps.UsingtheLandell Flute Tune-Up Manualasatext,eachstudentwillbepersonally guided through thedisassemblyand reas-semblyprocedure,learningtheproperoilingtechniquesandacquiringskillsintheuseofthetools.Peopleofallageshaveexperiencedthesatisfactionofknowingtheirfluteonthemechanicallevelandtheconfidencederivedfromcleaningandoilingitproperlythemselves.By Appointment only.

    6 - 8 Hour Class $ 250.- Book and Tools 350.-

    Padding Techniques

    Thenextlogicalstepinmaintainingyourownfluteistoacquire theskillofpad installationand leveling.ClassbeginswithTheFlute Tune-Up onthefirstday.Studentsthenlearnhowtoinstallandlevelpadsbyapplyingthesame

    techniquespracticedbythemosthighlyqualifiedrepairmen.Furthermore,thiscourseoffersall the importantskillsneeded to replace the corks, felts,andconnections,andtomakethefinaladjustments. Students should bringtheirownflutetopadduringthiscourse.TuitionpriceincludesaTune-UpToolKit,PinDriverandManual.

    Five Day Course Tuition $ 1,200- Books and Materials 600-

    Overhaul Techniques

    Thiscourseisdesignedespeciallyforstudentswhowanttoknowhowtooverhaulandrestorethefluteinpreparationforworkingasafluterepairtechnician.Manyoftheskillsneeded to overhaul fine flutes will be covered includingremovingdentsandscratches,stretchingwornkeys,repairingsolderjointsonsolderedtoneholes,polishingandcleaningtheflute,re-pinning,replacingbrokensprings,etc.Sometimewillbedevotedtotechniquesofmakingspecialtools,operatingthelatheandothermachines,hardeningsteels,andimportantmachineshoptips.Prerequisites:(1)TheProjectFlutemustbecompletelydisassembledbythestudentbeforeitwillbeusableintheclass.(2)StudentsmustattendthePaddingClasspriortoattendingtheOverhaulClass. Five Day Course Tuition $ 1,200- Books and Materials 600-

    1 The Flute Tune-Up Theheadjointiscomprisedofonlythreeparts:thelipplate,theriserandthetube.Itisthelogicalplacetobegintolearnhowtomakeaflute.Duringthiscourse,eachstudentwillmakeafluteheadjointfrombeginningtoend,learningmostoftheskillsneededtomakeaflute,includingfiling,sanding,scrap-ing,burnishing,silverandleadsoldering, polishing, cleaning,basic tool making and latheoperation.Theimportantdesigncharacteristicsoftheheadjointwillbediscussed,andstudentswill leave with a hand madesilverheadjointforhis/herownflute.

    Five Day Tuition $ 1,200- Books & Materials 1,600-






    Build Your Own Head!

    Build Your Own Flute!Studentswhowouldliketolearnallaboutthetradewillwantthiscompleteintroductiontoflutebuilding.Thecoursewillbeginwithabodykitandall thepartsnecessarytobuildthekeys.Thecourseendsatthepointwherethefluteisreadyforspringsandpads. Naturally thefinishedflutebecomesthepersonalpropertyofthestudent!Thefollowinglistofskillswillbecov-eredduringthecourse:solderingandbrazing,filing,grinding,scraping,burnishing,fittingandassemblingkeys,pinning,etc.Acompletebookletcontainingalltheimportantcoursenotesisprovidedforeachstudent.Allnecessarytoolswillbeprovidedforuseduringthecourse,andmaybepurchasedattheend.(Completion of Courses 1 - 4 is required for this course.)

    Comefortheclassesfirstanddecidewhattoolsyou’llneedwhileyou’rehere.We’llprovidethebasictoolsandsup-pliesfortheclassexperience,andyou’llreceivetheCourseNotesandtoolsyouwantwhileyou’rehere.Atthistimewedon’thaveacompletecatalogoftoolsandsuppliesreadyforpublication,becausewe’renowpreparingacompleteinstruc-tionbookforalltheclasses.Butwe’llhavealistoftoolsandpricesforyouwhentheclassesstartthisSpring.Sorry,buttheNotesforBuild Your Own Flute!aren’tquitefinishedyet.

    Tune-Up Tool Kit $350

    Six Week Course Tuition $ 7,000-Books and Materials 15,000-

    PlantobuythebasicTune-UpToolKit,whichincludeseverythingyouneedtodoaC.O.A.andtakeoutallthepinsproperly.Tools“à la carte” stillappliesifyoualreadyhavetherightstuff,butthesewillbethebasicthingseveryonewillneedforalltherepairclasses.

    More Tools à la carte

  • Work Bench Training for Flute Workers

    Vermont Guild of Flute MakingJonathon Landell, Master Flute Maker

    Sponsored by Landell Flutes

    Padding TechniquesOverhaul Techiques

    Build Your Own Head!Build Your Own Flute!

    small class sizeOne Week cOurses

    Each Class Runs 9 am - 5 pm Monday - FridayOne Day “Tune-Up” Classes Scheduled on Saturday by Availability

    Landell Flutes Workshop529 Williams Hill Rd., Richmond, Vermont 05477 USA

    Email to

    Call (802) 434-4317

    Dates are subject to change. Check the web site for current information.Registration Forms and Material Deposits Due 1 Month Before Class

    One-on-One Private Training Sessions Can Be Arranged By AppointmentOne-on-one requires additional 50% tuition fees. Please call for information.

    Reserve Your Bench Today!

    Padding Techniques $ 1,800.- 2/4 - 2/8 4/1 - 4/5 6/3 - 6/7 7/1 - 7/5 8/12 - 8/16

    Overhaul Techniques $ 1,800.- 2/11 - 2/15 4/8 - 4/12 6/10 - 6/14 7/8 - 7/12 8/19 - 8/23 Build Your Own Head! $ 2,800.- 2/18 - 2/22 4/15 - 4/19 6/17 - 6/21 7/15 - 7/19 8/26 - 8/30 Build Your Own Flute! $ 22,000.- - - - - 9/2- 10/11

    In The Shadow of Camel’s Hump Mountain

    2019 DATES


    Tuition + Materials Winter Spring Summer I Summer II Fall

  • LANDELL FLUTES 529WilliamsHillRd.Richmond,VT05477(802)-434-4317

    REPAIR WORK ORDER 2019Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Address: _________________________________ Maker: ______________________City, ST _________________________________ S/N. ______________________Email: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________

    WORKDETAILS: Workingorder Clean,oiladjust repad overhaul speCifiCjob

    i PreFersHiPPinG: uPs Federal exPress reGistered mail next day GrOund service

    hours: perhour: promised:QuotedpriCe: ____________extraWork: ____________shipping: ____________

    total $____________ $______________ x______________________________________ min. max. yoursignature

    NORMAL REPAIR COSTS Mechanical Machine Polish new Pads set-UP CostComplete Overhaul √ √ √ √ $ 1,300Recon √ √ √ 900Repad √ √ 800Clean, Oil and Adjust √ 295norMal c.o.a. inclUdes: Tighten tenons, clean and oil mechanism, ultrasonic clean body, adjust as needed to play well.“Mechanical” Tighten wear points, remove dents and scratches, repair/replace hardware as needed. Parts are extra.“Machine Polish” includes using buffing machine with rouge and tripoli, ultrasonic cleaner, tarnish preventative.“new Pads” choice of felt, Straubinger, or Schmidt pads, installed with foundation washers and with honed tone holes.“set-UP” includes adjustments for connections and pad openings, spring tension, corks and felts as needed.“coMPlete overhaUl” includes all the above within the Normal Scope of Work. Unusual damage will be repaired to as-new condition at hourly rate + materials. Quotes will include high and low estimate and not-to-exceed costs. Above Work Order must be signed by the owner before any work is done. Estimates are free of charge.

    À la carte declared valUe for shiPPing $___________ New Pads Install. $ 25 each Head Cork 15- I have my own shipping insurance. Don’t insure it.New Pins (each pin) 15- I do NOT have my own insurance. Please insure it. Please bill me for shipping and insurance.

  • Landell Flutes Loaner Agreement

    14 Day Trial Authorization Form 2019

    _______________________ _________________________Today’s Date Return by:

    __________________________________________________ _________________________Borrower’s Name Cell Phone

    __________________________________________________ _________________________Mailing Address Home Phone

    _____________________________________ ____________City or Town, STATE ZIP

    __________________________________________________Email Address

    I hereby authorize Jonathon Landell to authorize only, without charging, my Visa or Master Card the full amount of the value of the Flute(s) and/or Head Joints in the amount of $________________ for security during the time I have them for trial purposes. I will also request my insurance company to cover the value.

    _________________________________ _______________ ______________Card Number Expiration Security Code

    $________________________________Amount USD Authorized

    I understand that this trial is offered to me for the purpose of play-testing a flute and/or head joint, and that I am under no obligation to purchase. I acknowledge that if the listed instruments are not returned in like new condi-tion at the end of the trial period, I will be responsible to pay for repairs or for the replacement in case of theft. In the event of loss or damage I authorize Landell Flute to charge the above account.

    Card Holder Signature: X_______________________________________ Date:___________________

    Jonathon A. LandellLandell Flutes529 Williams Hill Rd.Richmond, VT 05477 USAEmail: jonathon.landell@gmail.comPhone: (802) 434-4317FAX: (802) 329-2084

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