cures from the kitchen cupboard: better health at your

Post on 04-Jan-2022






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!Cures from the Kitchen Cupboard: Better Health at your

Fingertips!!!Welcome to 'Cures from the Kitchen Cupboard: Better Health at your Fingertips' - an online Home Herbcraft Course focusing on herbs, spices and foods for natural health and well being.!!!!

About the author:!!

Hello! My name is Melanie Cardwell. I am a Master Herbalist and Wholistic Health Coach. I've been working with Nature for 20 years and herbs are my passion ... so I'm delighted to share this wonderful knowledge with you! !!My aim is to empower you to take charge of your own health within the comfort of your own home in a safe and natural way, using the foods, herbs and spices you most probably already have in your kitchen cupboards. !!Our own ancestors used this knowledge to make and keep themselves well and now you can too! You already have everything you need ... so let's get started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!! !

What this course will teach you:*!!

*Note: Module 1 only includes a partial amount of this information. You can purchase the full course for full access to all of the modules and information!!!

• Basic principles to understanding your body and what it needs for optimum health!!

• Essential detoxification and other complimentary techniques for well being!!• A host of herbal preparations!!• 25 useful herbs, foods and spices and their medicinal and nutritive properties!!• Basic first aid at home!!• Insight into some common ailments and how to treat them!!• Work through each Module and then download the Workbook at the end of each

Module to record your experiences further.!!• After you have downloaded the Workbook, you will need to complete the Module

Recap Quiz to move on to the next Module (recap quiz available in full course).!!!You may wish to join the Facebook group dedicated to this course, so you can meet and chat with others dedicated to exploring 'Cures from their Kitchen Cupboards' and improving their Health & Well Being too!!!!!

Now turn to the next page ... and let your journey begin …!!!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !

A Little History Lesson!!

"Let Food be thy Medicine" ~ Hippocrates!!!!!A Brief History of Medicine!!• 2000 BC : Here, eat this root.!!• 1000 AD : That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.!!• 1850 AD : That prayer is superstition. Drink this potion.!!• 1940 AD : That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.!!• 1985 AD : That pill is ineffective. Take this anti-biotic.!!• 2000 AD : That anti-biotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.!!- (Author unknown)!!!!The practice of using natural substances like foods and plants to treat and prevent dis-ease has existed as far back as prehistoric times. !!Plants are still used today as primary everyday medicine in many parts of the world and most modern medicine is derived from plants and their therapeutic properties. Herbs like willow bark (Salix alba) were utilized for their salicylic acid content and so Aspirin was created in the 1960's, and the heart drug Digoxin originally came from a plant called foxglove (Digitalis purpurea).!!As far back as 460 B.C.E., Hippocrates, known as the Father of Medicine, used over 300 medicinal plants for healing. !!From around 2000 BC herbs have been used in Ayurvedic medicine in India and also in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In the 17th Century, in Europe, the famous herbalist Nicholas Culpeper translated and revived the entire physician's pharmacopoeia (The English Physician and Complete Herbals) that are still in use today. However, the use of herbal medicine saw a decline in the 20th Century with the advent of modern orthodox medicine and the ever-growing dependency on conventional drugs, as people began to rely on their doctors to find a cure for their illness, and in doing so, gave up their power and responsibility for maintaining their own health as their ancestors did.!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

So, as pharmaceutical companies encouraged a belief in society that their drugs were more effective than herbal medicine, widespread use of more traditional methods waned. !!The good news is however, there is now a growing revival of plant use in preventative medicine and coupled with a growing concern about the side effects of drugs, natural medicine is experiencing a renaissance.!!Healing plants and foods can be found in your home, garden and hedgerow - all gifts from Nature to balance and cleanse the body, and encourage good health and well being. !!Within this course you will discover how to create a 'home medicine chest' from natural everyday foods in your kitchen for preventative health, first aid and common everyday ailments.!!I would just like to add that any information found within this course is not intended to replace medical advice. !!Any person with a condition requiring medical attention is advised to seek consultation from a qualified herbal or conventional practitioner (whatever your personal choice). !!All recipes contained within this course have been tried and tested, and used effectively to treat the conditions suggested (through patient use within my 20 years clinical experience). !!The aim is to offer a natural alternative to conventional healthcare, especially where maintaining optimum health is concerned, should the student so desire.!!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

!The Three Basic Principles of Well Being!

!"Unlike much of orthodox medicine, alternative approaches to healing typically honour the wisdom and capability of the human body. Their goal is often to support and strengthen the powerful healing forces

already at work within us." — John Robbins!!!!!You may wonder what all this has to do with ‘learning about herbs and foods?’ !!Well, it has much to do with general well-being, and whilst herbs are great tools for making us well (and more importantly, preventing dis-ease in the first place) understanding as our ancestors did, there is more to well being than the physical symptoms. !!The key is having a positive, mental and emotional outlook to life, whatever or wherever we find ourselves, and an understanding of the Three Basic Principles: !!• Responsibility!• Simplicity!• Change!!Most of you do not believe that it is your natural state of being to be well. I believe transformation is possible and if more people understood this very basic concept, then the world would be a healthier and happier place.!!RESPONSIBILITY!!By doing this Course, you accept responsibility for your own Health. !!The first fundamental principle of Natural Healing is Responsibility, which literally means, the ability to respond. This means taking charge of your life and being Responsible for EVERYTHING that goes in and out of your mind, body & spirit. !!Remember - you reap what you sow and 'Tomorrow is what you DO and BELIEVE Today!' !!Everything that you are living is a perfect replica of the thoughts, words and actions of your Being. It may sound strange, perhaps hard to believe, but You, and you alone, create your own reality … and you also have the ability to change it.!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

‘You create your own Universe as you go along’ … Winston Churchill‘!!'All that we are is the result of what we have thought’ … Buddha!!

SIMPLICITY!!All healing programmes should be SIMPLE. !!They should also make common sense, and should not heal one organ while making another sick. !!Modern medicine is so full of drug ‘trade-offs’ like “take this pill and you’ll be able to eat and digest anything, but … you might get liver problems”. !!Or “begin to take a beta-blocker drug for your irregular heartbeat, but don’t forget to take it, or you will die of a massive heart attack!” Or “you have an under-active thyroid, so take this thyroxin, and you’ll need to take it every day for the rest of your life!” !!Healing Dis-ease and Getting Well is very simple and easy. !!All you have to do is …. STOP what you did that made you sick in the first place … and START new habits and thought patterns that will heal you and create vibrant health. And then miracles can happen!!!‘Take the first step in Faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step’… Martin Luther King!!!CHANGE!!Your body has a blueprint of what perfect health is and it’s constantly trying to achieve this goal for you. !!There are NO incurable diseases, NONE. Your body can heal itself of ANY disease and ANY illness and you can create a healthy, energetic, vibrant and amazing life. !!All you have to do is Change.” Sounds difficult? Well you need to realise that by giving your body the optimum in nutrition, good diet, regular cleanses, positive thought and visualisation and omitting the stresses from your life – you are allowing yourself to relax and simply go with the flow of Life, which is the Source Energy of Well-being, then Well-being is your experience. And when you're not you don't feel so good. !

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

Everything that you're living is a perfect replica of the vibration of your being. Don’t be afraid to Change … whatever it takes. !!Get clear and happy about whichever choice and change you make, because it is your contradiction in your thoughts and actions, that cause the majority of the contradiction in your vibration, making you sick.!!

‘What you resist, persists’ … Carl Jung!!!!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

Keys to Understanding your Body!... and what it needs to be and stay healthy!!!!

"Human beings are bodies, minds and spirits. Health necessarily involves all of those components and any program intended to improve health must address all of them."… Andrew Weil, M.D!!!!!

There are certain important key areas that we need to understand in order to achieve and maintain optimum health.!! I call them the Five Principles in 'The Art of Living Well'. !!They involve looking at the body from various wholistic aspects, not just physically, which is how we have been 'trained' to view it from the medical establishment. Our bodies are very intricate and highly sophisticated machines which need supporting on many levels:!!Lifestyle, habits, nutrition and genes, along with basic emotional characteristics are all important factors in determining a person’s health. !!The overriding factor may be in the ‘ecological’ category, for example, because you may be living next to a farm where the spraying of chemicals all year round affects your immune system, lowers your body’s resistance and possibly produces symptoms like congested sinuses and swollen glands. !!These five categories are the first step to seeing and understanding ourselves as a whole – made up of individual parts – the parts being dependent on the whole and the whole being dependent on the parts. !!All these factors determine our current level of health, which is a perfect reflection of how our body, mind and spirit is responding to the environment and lifestyle we have created for ourselves. !!The following often influence one’s basic attitude to what life offers, which in turn determines the outcome, so it is important to understand and work with them on a daily basis:!!!!!!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

1. Physiologically : 'Understanding your Genetic Make-up'!!Our physiology is your body structure, which is unique to you. Body structure usually has it’s own tale to tell and much can be understood from this structure which will relate personally to your emotional outlook. Understanding what your physical strengths and weaknesses are, enables you to concentrate on taking care to support those areas. Iridology (The Science of Iris Analysis) is an informative way to determine your genetic and inherent strengths and weaknesses, and I use this method as a diagnostic tool. !!By completing Your Personal Health & Lifestyle Analysis in Module One, you should have an idea where your weak areas lie within the body. This principle is related to the EARTH element.!!!2. Psychologically : 'Getting in Touch with your Emotions'!!This refers to 'Metaphysics': your ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses to life, your basic flexibility, awareness, consciousness, thoughts, feelings and state of balance. !!Your emotional and reactive make up may include deep-seated childhood conditioning which in turn can influence your later life. !!It is my belief, that any and all dis-ease in the body is very much related to our emotional and spiritual experiences – and indeed they trigger a physical manifestation in the body in the form of illness. !!Most people don't think that new-born children could be Creators of their own reality, because they are not even talking yet, but the Universe is not responding to your language anyway, it is responding to your vibration, and your vibration is about the way you feel … and this is why it is so important to pay attention to your emotions with regard to your Well Being. !!• When your heart is singing, you are allowing Well Being. !!• When you are appreciating, you are allowing Well Being. !!• When you are yelling at somebody, you're not allowing. !!• When you're feeling insecure, you're not allowing. !!• When you're frustrated, you're not allowing. !!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !

The key is to pay attention to your emotions, at all times, or as often as possible, so you can maintain a more positive outlook, which directly affects your physical being. This principle is related to the WATER element.!!!3. Biologically : 'Feeding your Inner Fire'!!How and what you eat and drink; what types of food you want your body to use, and in turn how your body digests and assimilates this food and how well the body is able to perform because of it with the aid of good nutrition, regular cleanses, exercise and natural healing methods. We will discuss cleanses and detoxification in greater detail in Module 2. !!Focus for the time being on the quality of the food and drink you ingest. Think of your body as a sophisticated machine, like a Rolls Royce car, which needs the best fuel or it will break down. !!Eat as organically as possible, or wash your produce well to remove pesticides (if you can't buy organic). Make sure the food you eat is FRESH and always include raw food with every meal to maintain better digestion through enzymes in the 'live' food. This principle is related to the FIRE element.!!!4. Ecologically : 'Thinking Outside the Box'!!This refers to what surrounds you and affects your body, mind and soul. For example: coal mining dust, neon lighting and concrete, or trees, mountains and living things. !!Consider how well you cope with any existing negative surroundings and how uplifted you may feel in a different geographical area. If you are currently restricted to living in a city, how often do you get out and walk in Nature? !!A short time spent with trees for example, perhaps in your local park, can make a big difference to your well being. Try and get out in Nature every day. !!This could simply be your garden, or a local park when walking the dog? Fresh air is vital for good health! This principle is related to the AIR element.!!!5. Spiritually : 'Connecting to your Divine Essence'!!How often do you consider your 'Spirit', or feel gratitude and love for your life? Your spirituality focuses on the ‘inner’ you and both your self-interest and outward interests. !

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!

The spiritual part of your body is the wellspring of love and life itself. By balancing the ‘Chakras’ or Energy Centres of the body – perhaps with crystals, colour or healing methods, it thus balances the spirit and promotes well-being. !!Meditation, even for only 15 minutes every day, truly affects our physical and emotional well being. Simple relaxation techniques and finding the time to do them daily will also make a big difference to your health. !!Remember to give thanks for every day you wake up breathing, and find things to look forward to ... and see what happens. This principle is related to the SPIRIT element.!!It’s also worth bearing in mind that your entire body totally rebuilds itself in less than 2 years!!! And that is 98% in less than a year alone. !!It has been proven scientifically that, given the optimum conditions (good diet, lifestyle and emotional outlook), you can rebuild a new brain in 1 year, new blood in 4 months, skeleton in 3 months, DNA in 2 months, liver in 6 weeks, skin in 1 month and stomach lining in 5 days! So, WHY ARE YOU STILL CREATING THE SAME BODY?!!!!!!!!!!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!!

Home Healing Basics!!

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, "I'm possible!" –Audrey Hepburn!!!Listed below are a set of what I generally call 'Home Healing Basics' which will help you to achieve and maintain good health on various levels. All five are vital and should be integrated into one's personal daily or weekly regime to achieve optimum health.!!!Nutrition ! !

Eating good healthy foods, (preferably organic), accompanied by ‘Superfoods’ and avoiding foods that contain pesticides, hormones, and any other additives and contaminants; instead concentrate on those which are rich in vitamins, minerals and are preferably organic. !!

No diet is the same for everyone, but focusing on including at least 50% raw food in your diet daily is a first step to optimum health. The occasional M.O.T. on the body through food cleanses (see Detoxification in Module Two) is also important.!!!!Medical Nutrition !!

The use of healing plants and foods for optimum health and well being. These can include 'Superfoods' as supplements when sick, or as a preventative daily measure, and also the use of herbs and foods to help heal a specific ailment by taking them internally. !!

This course covers 25 valuable common foods, herbs and spices for both nutritive 'Superfood' value and medicine.!!!!External Herbalism !!

Making and using your own plant oils, salves, tinctures, poultices, infusions and decoctions thereby creating your own little 'Herbal Kitchen Pharmacy'. Some elements of this will be covered further within this course.!

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved. Questions? !!!

Hydrotherapy !!

From drinking the best water possible to using water to help circulate blood and eliminate toxins within the body, whilst massaging internal organs and systems – giving them more oxygen and nourishment in order to avoid or dispel congestion and stagnation. !!

There are various ways to do this which can be practiced in the bathroom by simple showering or bathing, or via saunas and steam baths perhaps at your local gym? This is explored further in Module Two.!!!!!Exercise ! !

Which involves the body moving, flexing, circulating, pumping, inhaling, exhaling, and detoxifying. Yoga and breathing exercises are especially good for all of these requirements. !!

This is another important and powerful way to re-oxygenate every cell in your body and vital for maintaining posture, flexibility, weight and good overall health. This is also explored further in Module Two.!!!

Workbook & Lifestyle Analysis Chart!!

If you have’t done so already, make sure you download your accompanying workbook to module 1 along with your Personal Lifestyle Analysis Chart. !!The download link to your Workbook and Lifestyle Analysis Chart can be found in the welcome email you received when you signed up to receive Module 1 of this course.

© Copyright Melanie Cardwell 2016. All rights reserved.

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