culture in a box an e-twinning project //

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Culture in a box

An e-twinning Project http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Hungary

Introduction :)

My name is Francesca Winy. I am 14 years old I am year in 9 I have got big family and 3 dogs My favourite hobby is listening to

music. My favourite singer are Future

and Lil Wayne.

My flagWhite - peace and honesty

Red - hardiness, bravery, strength & valour

Green - hope, joy and love and in many cultures have a sacred significance

A symbol of my country

The historical coat of arms reinstated in 1990. The crown symbolises a thousand years of Hungarian statehood and independence for the people of Hungary.

Where am I?

Hungary is in a Central Europe. Kiszombor is in shouth-east.

The climate in Hungary

In summer: 41.9 °C and in winter: −3 °C

Capital / population

Ten million

People live in

Hungary. And

2 millionpeople

live inBudapes


A landscape that my love

My favourite lanscape is lake Balaton

My favourite poem

Virágot kértem... - I asked a flowerVirágot kértem Istentől,Ő kertet adott nekem.Fát kértem Istentől,Ő erdőt adott nekem.Folyót kértem Istentől,Ő óceánt adott nekem.Barátot kértem Istentől,És ő Téged adott nekem.

I asked a flower of a god,He gave a garden to me.I asked tree of a god,He provided a forest to me.I asked a river of a god,He gave an ocean to me.I asked a friend of a god,And he sent you to become I.

Greetings in my language

Good morning = Jó reggelt

Good afternoon = jó napot

Good night = Jó estétHow are you? = Hogy vagy?

A product of my country

The king of wines and the wine of kings. Unique flavor, who once tasted, you will always remember the special experience. - Many types of Tokaj wine from the wine of the best known. This special quality Hungarian dessert wine. Making botrytised grapes are used.

A recipe from my country

Dobos Cake

Ingredientseggs, powdered sugar, flour, butter, sugar, cocoa, sugar, vanilla, rum or rumaroma, lemon juiceDobos torte is a Hungarian cake named after its inventor, Hungarian confectioner József C. Dobos. It is a five-layer sponge cake, layered with chocolate buttercream and topped with thin caramel slices. The sides of the cake are sometimes coated with ground hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts or almonds but the original cake is uncoated, since it was a slice of a big cake. The caramel topping helps keep the cake from drying out.

A proverb that my like

A friend is one strengthens you with prayers, blessed you with love and encourages you with hope.

A barát az, aki imával erősít, szeretettel áld meg és reménnyel bátorít.

A famous Hungarian person

L.L. Junior birthname is Lesi László Csaba.

He was born on1983

He is rap singerHe was black train

member.He is marryed and

he has got a child.

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