cultural event cartianu 45

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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The manifestation took place in Piatra Neamt , it was organized lke a learning festival and



Partenership for learning


A.L.I.C.E .

Title of the project

Thoughts at anniversary moment

Conclusions and dissemination of the cultural event :

Cartianu-45Good practices examples

The anniversary moment had more value as some of the officials’ said a few words to the people who represented or represents this Piatra Neamţ College (Tehnical College Gheorghe Cartianu).

Mr. Vasile Sendrea, sub-prefect of Neamţ: “I want to congratulate the students, the

teachers, all former students and former teachers of this college! This school made, since it was born, thousands of chemists for the local industry. Unfortunately, the chemical industry in this district is almost gone but I’m glad that the school, which has many specializations for any preference, remained. Congratulationes for holding on and may that you will go further and better.”

Mr. Vasile Sendrea sub-prefect of Neamţ

Mr. Dragos Chitic, Deputy Mayor of Piatra Neamţ:

“I want to thank all organisers involved in this event for the invitation. This College is here since I can remember and I don’t know how Piatra Neamt would look without it. We wish to keep being representative for Neamt Education System, all my best wishes to the students and teachers from here.”

Mr. Dragos Chitic Deputy Mayor of Piatra Neamţ

Mr. Lazar Latu, director of Neamţ Local Committee of Development:

“I am glad to be here at this manifestation. First of all, I was a student of the Chemistry Professional School between 1971 and 1974, finishing with chemistry operator specialization and having as class master professor Mihai Lacatusu. As Mr. Deputy Mayor Dragos Chitic said, our town cannot exist without this institution. In this anniversary moment it can be said many things but the most important in the period over 45 years of existence, the main factor, is the management and the people of this institution. These are elements which had a major contribution in developing this institution that formed specialists for the Savinesti Chemical Platform and national economy. Happy birthday to all bounded to “Cartianu”, may you have great success to follow! Congratulations to Mrs. Principal Mariana Paleu also, one of the strongest women in county, who holds the steering of a famous school.”

Mr. Lazar Latudirector of Neamţ Local Committee of


Teacher Luminita Georgeta Varlan, general inspector, who offered the highest recognition of merit badge to this institution – Excellence in Culture and Education Trophy. “Today is a special moment for education in Piatra Neamţ – “Gheorghe Cartianu” college celebrates 45 years. It is a moment of emotions, which is being honored by Neamt School Inspectorate also, a moment that time, gives us as present because we have beside us special people. As a gratitude and appreciation for this institution, School Inspectorate offers to the college the Excellence in Culture and Education Trophy.”

Teacher Luminita Georgeta Varlan general inspector

Teacher Vasile Munteanu, deputy general school inspector: “45 years of existence for the “Gheorghe Cartianu” Technical College means work, satisfactions, quality. I congratulate the actual principals of this High School, former principals, colleagues, former teachers, students and all who some time ago was a student here. Happy Birthday and best wishes!”

Teacher Vasile Munteanu deputy general school inspector

Mr. Adrian Alui Gheorghe, director of CultureDirectorate: “I’ve been a student to Chemistry High School between 1973 and 1976, in which period I held two realities that formed me: people and library. And when I say “people “I mean Mrs. Maria Uţa – teacher; Mrs. Vasilescu, Călcâi and Imbrea. Praise the actual college management team, who’s concern was to give tribute to 45 years of history, 45 years of existence of an institution where people were formed.”

Mr. Adrian Alui Gheorghe director of Culture

Teacher Mariana Tintescu, former principal: “I wish to thank for the invitation and to say how delighted I am for thinking of us, the ones who used to be teachers here. I am proud to have helped building the foundation of this high school and I wish you all to enjoy it.”

Teacher Mariana Tintescu former principal

Teacher Mihai Lacatusu, former principal:

“It makes us a great pleasure to see such moments! Congratulations for succeeding in rough times to keep the stakes high, to manage funds and to be at this level! I wish you success and to see each other at the next anniversary.”

Teacher Mihai Lacatusu former principal

Teacher Cezarina Stratila, former principal: “I worked in this school for 30 years and I’m proud of this! I wish you all the joy and best results! Enjoy about this school as I am now!”

Teacher Constantin Antonovici, former principal deputy:

“I worked in this school for 30 years – in 6 I was deputy, in other 6 years, school inspector and the rest 18, teaching. Couple days ago I was at a 25 years reunion and when I entered in school, I could hardly recognize it. I want to congratulate the management for what they managed to achieve and I wish you all to see each other well in other occasions.”

Teacher Constantin Antonovici, former principal deputy

Teacher Lucia Gherghisan, former principal deputy: “Half of the 33 years I worked at “Cartianu”, I was in the management team and beside Mrs. Stratilă and Mr. Lacatusu, and worked to do something for the school. I’m proud to be one of the “godfathers” of this high school, proposing for this “title” together with other colleagues, the name of professor “Gheorghe Cartianu”. Happy birthday!”

Teacher Lucia Ghegheşan former principal deputy

Teacher Ioan Zgârciu, former principal deputy: “I congratulate you all for this anniversary, to my teacher colleagues I wish all my best and dedication, and to the students – have fun with study!”

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