cuisine de france selected eircom as its contact centre partner

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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By deploying a cutting edge customer contact centre for Cuisine de France, eircom has helped the company enhance its customer contact experience, boost workforce productivity, reduce management costs and increase profitability.


Cuisine De France Case Study Contact Centre Solutions

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OverviewBy deploying a cutting edge customer contact centre for Cuisine de France, eircom has helped the company enhance its customer contact experience, boost workforce productivity, reduce management costs and increase profi tability.

Cuisine de France is the number one supplier and manufacturer of freshly baked bread and confectionery products to retail multiples, forecourt and convenience, independent and foodservice clients in Ireland and beyond. It is also the leading solutions provider to the food-to-go market in both frozen and chilled sectors and spans a portfolio of market leading brands.

Building a responsive, dynamic telephony infrastructure

With the move to a purpose-built manufacturing and national distribution centre in Grange Castle, Dublin, Cuisine de France undertook a major project to update its contact centre processes, moving away from a manual dial, process heavy, crowded environment to an automated system. After a lengthy tender process involving a number of suppliers, site visits, lab tests and customer testimonials, Cuisine de France chose eircom to deploy a contact centre solution based on a Cisco technology platform.

Enhancing the customer contact experience

Sophisticated inbound and outbound routing technology now allows customers to be automatically directed to their “preferred” agent. “Using Cisco IP Interactive Voice Response (IVR), we integrated the application into Cuisine de France’s customer database, ” explains Andrew O’Kelly, Director of Business Solutions for eircom. “Using this functionality, telesales agents can add real value with detailed knowledge of the customer account and specifi c needs, ” he added.

The net effect has seen a 30% increase in time spent on each call from an average of 1 minute to an average of 1 minute 49 seconds, supporting one of the company’s key metrics of building customer relationships.

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“We chose eircom as we were confi dent of their ability to help us achieve maximum return on our technology investment. Their in-depth knowledge of our business challenges supports our belief in cutting-edge technology as a driver of value creation within the business. ”

Brian NealonIT DirectorCuisine de France

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Driving workforce productivityThe eircom team also performed a number of other innovative modifi cations which help to drive workforce productivity.

Auto dialling allows each agent to make contact with their set • of customers at a time that is most convenient for them. 70% of customers are now proactively contacted, representing an increase of 15%.

The wait time for inbound calls has been reduced from 142 • seconds to an average of 18 seconds using a prioritisation system for inbound calls.

Once connected to an agent, a customer screen pop • automatically appears providing detailed order history. This allows the agent to concentrate on specifi cs, ensuring that the customer’s needs are fully met.

Abandon calls have reduced from a high of 11% to a low • of 0.89%. Abandoned caller ID’s are routed to an agent for processing.

Cuisine de France can now record and play customer-• specifi c promotional messages during wait times. Using a Text to Speech engine, the company can pre-record in-house with a specially developed database dips customising each promotional message.

Enhancing profi tability and reducing costs

Sophisticated call reporting provides a collection of real-time and historical data allowing managers to directly monitor activity both desk side and remotely. The reporting function also identifi es inconsistencies between staffi ng levels and call patterns. In-depth analysis helps management to avoid over or under capacity and to make informed decisions regarding contact handling procedures and technology investment.

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Get in touch

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can benefi t your business, please contact your

eircom Account Manager.

Overvieweircom solution at a glance

The contact centre solution was • designed by eircom and built on Cisco’s Unifi ed Contact Centre Enterprise.

Cisco IP Interactive Voice Response • (IVR) has been integrated with Cuisine de France’s customer database providing powerful call routing functionality, directing each call to the preferred customer service agent.

Screen pop ups with full order history • are enabled via Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD) using a keystroke macro capability which integrates with Cuisine de France’s proprietary client database.

The solution positions Cuisine de • France to take advantage of future expansion opportunities within existing and emerging markets.

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