cuban painter alberto godoy

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Alberto Godoy, nació en Cuba en 1960En 1980 huyo de la dictadura cubana hacía los Estados Unidos trayendóse y reflejandólo en su pintura la memoria de su tierra natal como podemos ver en sus imágenes con colores cálidos, el exotismo, el folcklore y las costumbres del Caribe.Con una clara influencia de su compatriota Fernando Botero, dota a sus imágenes de un exagerado volumen que filosoficamente quieren expresar el sistema esferico de nuestro universo. Ha realizado numerosas exposiciones colectivas e individuales en Estados Unidos, Sudamerica y Europa y sus obras están en importantes colecciones públicas y privadas.

Alberto Godoy, was born in Cuba in 1960In 1980 he fled the Cuban dictatorship to the United States trayendóse and reflecting it in his painting the memory of his homeland as we see in his pictures with warm colors, exoticism, folklore and customs of the Caribbean.? With a clear influence countryman Fernando Botero, gives his images of an exaggerated volume philosophically want to express the spherical system of our universe. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in the United States, South America and Europe and their works are in important public and private collections.


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