cub services roundtable handout

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Cub Services Roundtable Handout


Echockotee Lodge Cub Services Committee

Who Are We?

We are the Order of the Arrow, Echockotee Lodge 200's Cub Services Committee. The Order of the

Arrow is Scouting’s National Honor Society. What our Committee does is offer services which will allow

the Leaders of the Pack's in North Florida to provide the most exciting program possible for their Cubs.

What Can We Do For You?

Our Committee can do many things to assist your pack:

1. We perform combinations of Arrow of Light/Crossover Ceremonies which you can add to your

existing programs. These ceremonies are performed in full Seminole Indian regalia which will add

a level of excitement to your ceremony that the cubs and parents are guaranteed to love!

2. We provide "Leave No Trace" presentations to Packs and Dens. These presentations are highly

interactive, exciting and informative. If you are looking to fill a 10-15 minute block during your

monthly Pack meetings, then this is for you!

3. We provide "Scouting Retention" presentations as well. These are given by Scouts who are in the

mid-late stages of their Boy Scouting experience. The presenters will relate examples of their

experiences in a 'these are the cool things awaiting you in the future' format which will motivate

and spark the imaginations of the cubs like nothing else.

4. We also make ourselves available to teach Bobcat requirements / help with games during the

Pack's adult meeting.

5. In addition to all of the great services listed above, we can come out to a Blue and Gold Banquet

and preform a Native American Pow-Wow

How do I Request the OA to come out to my Pack?

All you need to do is go to the following link and fill out the Request form! Some weekends are OA

events so check the Calendar for availability.

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