c/toralsocrery - bucks county choral societyfor example, in the first movement, after the opening...

Post on 26-Mar-2020






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George Frideric Handel's


ffi"ytestown Health

?"UNIVES" YI$IT8*)cw

Featuring the internationally acclatmedorig inal-instrument b aroque or che stra

Ternpesta di MareSunday, October z9th, zot9 at 4:oopm

Our Ladg of Guadalupe ChurchDoylestown, PA

The Choral Society is gratefulfor the sponsorship supportfrom


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ffi:n"RunR*tirernenl Ce:rmrxunilySenbel l:l irylellswn lieaiilr

Is;llz.sLln€,gWPort I, Exodtts

(drawnfrom Exodus 1, 2, 7, tt & t4; Psolms to5, to6 & tz9)

t. Recitatiue - SteuenRotaeNow there arose a new king ouer Egypt, uhich knew not Joseph;and he set ouer Israel taskmasters to afflict them toith burdens,

andthey made them serae tuithrigour.

z. Alto Solo - Ruth Warneck & Double ChorusAnd the children of Israel sighed by reeson of the bondage,

andtheir cry cameupunto God.Theg oppressed them with burdens, and made them sertte with rig our ;

andtheir cry cqmeup unto God..

g. Recitatiue - Steuen RouseThen sent He Moses, His sertsant, and Aaron, whom He had chosen;

these shew'dIlrs signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.He turnedtheir waters into blood:

4. Chor-usThey loathed to drink of the riuer; He turned their uaters into blood.

g.Alto solo - B.uthWm'neekTheir land brought forthfrogs, Aea euen in their king's chambers.

He gaue their cattle ouer to the pestilence;blotches and. blains broke forth on man and beast.

6.DoubleChorusHe spaketheword, andthere came allmanner offlies

and kce in all their quarters.H e spake, and the locttsts came taithout number,

and deuouredthefraits of the ground.

T.DoubleChorusHe gaue themhailstonesfor rain;

Fire, mingled uith the hail, ran along upon the ground.

8. ChontsHe sent a thick darkness ouer all the land, euen darkness which might be felt.

g.ChorusHe smote all the first-born of Egypt, the chief of all their strength.

to. ChontsBut as for His people, He led themforth like sheep:

He brought them out toith siluer and gold;there was not onefeeble person among their tribes.

tt. ChorttsEgypt w as glad when they departed,for thefear of themfelluponthem.

tz. Double ChorusHe rebuked the Red Sea, and it was dried up.

tg.DoubleChorusHe led them through the deep as through a uilderness.

t4.DoubleChorusBut the tDaters ouertuhelmed their enemies,

there was not one of themleft.

tg. Double ChorusAnd Israel satu that great work that the Lord did upon the Egyptians;

and the people feared the Lord.

t6. ChorusAnd belieued the Lord and his sertsant Moses ;

and the people feared the Lord.

- Intermission -

Part II, Moses'Song(Exodus 15:1-21)

t7. ChorusMoses andthe children of Israel sung this song unto the Lord,

andspake, saying:

t8. ChonrsI tuill sing unto the Lord,for He hathtriumphed gloriously;

the horse andhis rider hath He throwninto the sea.

[sections omitted]

zz. Duet - Steaen Mo,llon & Milo MorrisThe Lord is a man of war. Lord is his name.

Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath He cast into the sea.His chosen captains also are drownedinthe Red Sea.

23. DoubleChorusThe depths haue couered them; they sank into the bottom as a stone,

24. Double ChorusThy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power.

Thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy.

zg.DoubleChontsAndinthe greatness of Thine excellency,

Thou hast ouerthroun them that rose up against Thee.

z6.DoubleChorusThou sentestforthThy torath, which consumed them as stubble.

zT.ChorusAnd uith the blast of Thy nostrils the usaters were gathered together,

theJloods stoodupright as anheap,and the depths uere congealed in the heart of the sea.

[sections omitted]

33.DoubleChontsThe people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrou) shall take hold on them.

All the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt awag by the greatness of Thg arm.They shall be as still as a stone, tiII Thy people pass ouer, O Lord,

Thy people which Thou hast purchased.

94.Alto solo - Emily IIeiluThou shall bring them in,

andplant theminthe mountain of Thine inheritance,in the place, O Lord, ushich Thou hast made for Thee to dwell in,

in the sanctuary, O Lord, uhich Thy hands haue established.

gg. DoubleChorusThe Lord shallreignfor euer and euer.

96. Recitatiae - SteaenRoweFor the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots

and taith his horsemen into the sea,and the Lord brought again the waters of the sea upon them;

but the children of Israel uent on dry land in the midst of the sea.

97. DoubleChot'usThe Lord shall reignfor euer and euer.

98. Recitatiae - SteaenRouseAnd Miriamthe prophetess, the sister of Aaron,

took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went outafter her with timbrels and usith dances. And Miriam answered them:

Sg. Sopro,no solo - EuaMartinez &Double ChorusSing ye to the Lord,for He hath triumphed gloriously.

The Lord shallreignfor euer and euer.The horse and his rider hath He throtun into the sea.

I uill sing unto the Lord,for He hath triumphed gloriouslg;the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.

,Xay[o* tfr r%rtoilc birectorThe only work of Georg Frideric Handel's that could be said to be asatypical as his lsroel in Egypt would be his Messiah. Like its more famoussuccessor (which came three years later in t74t),Israel in Egypt has noheroic characters portrayed by soloists and no narrator but the chorusitself, whose singers get to relax for only a handful of solo arias. Theoriginal three-part version (we are performing only the original parts IIand III this afternoon, as is the modern practice) was greeted with somebewilderment by Handel's audience, which was more used to operaticarias by well-known soloists of the day than to three hours solid of choralsinging.

As was Handel's custom, Israel in Eggpt includes extensive borrowingsof melodic and harmonic ideas from his own works and those of his lessercontemporaries, including a note-for-note reworking of a simple keyboardcanzona by Johann Kaspar Kerll for the text "Egpt was glad when theydeparted" and substantial materials from Dionigi Erba's Magnifi"cat forPart III. Yet he shows his master's touch in improving on these borrowedmaterials and matching them closely to the expression of a new set ofwords.

The dramatic action of the original three-part work is contained in partII: Exodus. The Chorus narrates Israel's enslavement, the plagues on theEglptians, and the crossing of the Red Sea entirely in the third personvoice of the story as recounted in the Psalms rather than in the firstperson dialogues found in Exodus. Yet this apparent detachment fromthe potential theatricality of the story only serves to provide Handel withan opportunity to show off his agile virtuosity in choral writing, from thegrand to the grotesque, from the heartfelt to the humorous.

Handel's design in composing almost every movement is to contrasttwo or sometimes three distinctive melodies to highlight the contrastingmeanings of the text. For example, in the first movement, after the openingdeclamation by the alto soloist ("And the children of Israel sighed") wehear a slow, rising melody for the words "And their cry came up unto God,,(actually a borrowed hymn tune!) soon joined by a much more activemelody of lamentation for the words "They oppress'd them with burdens.,,

We also will hear a great deal of Handel's "pictorial" writing, where heillustrates with music such things as buzzing locusts (#6: *He spakethe word") and violent storms (#7: "He gave them hailstones for rain,,).Berlioz later described these efforts as "regrettable imitation of a subjecteven more regrettable." However, the sheer play{ulness of the writing was

undoubtedly inspiring to Haydn, whose own later The Creation (heard

here last s"urorrj is fuII of much the cleverness of Handel's animal and

meteorological evocations.

Today's .,Part II" of Israel in Egypt (which was originally Part III) begins

and ends with one of the most thrilling choruses to come ftom Handel's

pen (+rB and+39), knownashis "Horse andRider" chorus (hereborrowing

irom his own music, an earlier operatic duet). Part II follows closely the

poetic "song of Moses" text from Exodus 15. The music recounts the events

otthe nxodus ofthe Israelites from Egypt through the terrors inflicted on

their enemies and the mercy shown to God's people. These are, in fact,

the same events presented in Part I, but here, the celebratory songs ofpraise and redemption originally balanced the sorrowful lamentations of

the original part i. The emphasis is on the human emotions of the both

the Israelites and the Egrptians rather than the description of the Exodus

events themselves.

This brilliant balance of natural world and human feeling makes the

version of the oratorio sung ever since one of the most popular in the


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"The model of a top-notch period orchestra...Tempesta's brilliant playrng made the best case for the rarely

played repertoire." - Miqmi Herald


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A.6"tt[, Org6r*r^Fanfare magazine has hailed Ternpestadi Mare for its "abundant energy,immaculate ensemble, and undeniablesense of purpose." Led by directorsGwyn Roberts and Richard Stone withconcertmaster Emlyn Ngai, Tempestaperforms baroque music on baroqueinstruments with a repertoire that rangesfrom staged opera to chamber music.The group performs all orchestral repertoire without a conductor, as was thepractice when this music was new.

Tempesta's Philadelphia concert Series, noted by the Philadelphia Inquirerfor its "off-the-grid chic factor," emphasizes creating a sense of discoveryfor artists and audience alike. Launched in zoo2, the series has included 3rmodern "world premieres" of lost or forgotten baroque masterpieces, leadingthe Inquirer to describe Tempesta as "an old-music group that acts like anew-music group, by pushing the cutting edge back rather than forward." Itssupporters include the Pew charitable Trusts, the william penn Foundation,the Presser Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

In a marketplace dominated by European ensembles, Tempesta is the onlyAmerican baroque music group to record for the prestigious British labelchandos. current orchestral and chamber releases are Telemann: The concertien suite and Janitsch: Rediscoueries from the sara Leuy collectron (zor8),comddie et Tragbdie: French baroque orchestral music for the theater, vols.r (zor5) and z (zo16), Mancini: Sonatas for a Flute, (zot4), Bach: TrioSonatas, B\{V 525-530 (2o4), Fasch: Orchestral Music, vols. r (zoo8), z(zorr) and 3 (zorz), Scarlatti: Cantatas and Chamber Music (zoro), Handel:Flaming Rose (zoo7), and Weiss: Lute Concerti (zoo+).

National broadcasts of live performances include sy mphonycast, performanceToday, Sunday Baroque and Harmonia. Live concert recordings aredistributed worldwide via the European Broadcasting union, a global allianceof public service media organizations, with members in 56 countries in Europeand beyond.

International appearances include the Prague spring Festival, the GrittingenHandel Festival, the Mendelssohn-Remise Berlin and the International FaschFestival in Zerbst. Recent North American appearances have included returnengagements at the Frick collection and the National Gallery of Art. otherpresenters have included the Miami Bach Festival, the oregon Bach Festival,Abbey Bach Festival, whitman college, cornell concerts, the yale collection,the Flagler Museum and the Garmany Series, Hartford, and of courseIndianapolis Early Music.

Thotnas Llogd. was named Artistic Director of theBucks County Choral Society in the year 2ooo. Activeas a conductor, composer, and singer, he also servesas Director of Music and Arts at the PhiladelphiaEpiscopal Cathedral (since 2o1o). He is EmeritusProfessor of Music at Haverford College, where hedirected the combined Choral and Vocal StudiesProgram for Haverford and Brym Mawr Colleges from1996-2018. The premier recording of his 7o-minutechoral-theater work Bonhoeffer was nominatedfor a zotT Grammy in the Best Choral Performancecategory. Subsequently, The Crossing commissioned

him to compose a second full-lengh choral work,ln the Light, to be premieredMarch 3o and gL, 2o7g at the Cathedral. As a singer, he has remained active asa tenor soloist in his role as cantor at the Cathedral and as a recitalist with LyricFest of Philadelphia. An active clinician and festival conductor, he was recentlyadded to the roster of KI Concerts International.

In 2ou., Lloyd was designated a "Creative Connector" by LeadershipPhiladelphia, \,VFfYY, and the Knight Foundation for his work developingcollaborative projects across cultural divides, both locally and internationally.He has led ten international choir tours involving collaborative concerts withlocal choirs. His Haverford/Bryn Mawr chamber choir has shared concertswith host choirs in Mexico, Turkey, Ghana, Poland, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico,and Venezuela, as well as with the HBCU choirs of Howard, Lincoln, and FiskUniversities. He has led the Bucks County Choral Society on tours to Estonia,Russia, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Brazil, and Cuba. Choirs under Lloyd'sdirection have performed at conferences of Chorus America and the AmericanChoral Directors Association. He also founded a nationally recognized "singingfor Seniors" program with BCCS, bringing together senior choirs from all overthe county for biannual festivals, with revered children's choir conductor HelenKemp as co-leader.

Lloyd has published and presented scholarly articles on topics including theAfrican-American spiritual, sacred jazz for choirs, teaching sacred music insecular contexts, the music of Hans Gal, and cross-cultural tour collaborations.He has been featured on public television and radio throughout the Philadelphiaregion, most recently in a segment on WHYY's Friday Arts program. Lloydholds degrees from the Oberlin Conservatory (BM bassoon), Yale DivinitySchool (MAR pastoral theologr), and the Yale School of Music (MM voice andopera). He also studied at the Tanglewood, Blossom, and Salzburg festivals.Following a ten-year interlude as an IT manager on Wall Street, where he roseto the level of Vice President at Prudential Securities, Lloyd returned to musicin the doctoral program in conducting at the University of Illinois, where hecompleted the DMA inrgg4.

For a complete listing of Lloyd's compositions and articles, see


Emilg rreinz currently resides in Newtown, PA, after living in Italy for fouryears. A classically trained singer, Emrly has sung with professional choirs andopera companies around the world. she currently sings with the choral Societyand cantus Novus. Emily works in music, too! she deals with print productionand logistics at the worldwide headquarters for Music Together in Hopewell,NJ.

steuen Mo,llon is an architect with a background in 3D visualization andtheater design. A career shift in recent years has him designing sofrware systemsinstead of buildings. He has been singing with BCCS since rggT and also singswith male a cappella group cordus Mundi. As a sound technician for LibertiFairmount church in Philadelphia he enjoys sneaking in occasional alto, tenoror bass backup vocals while mixing for talented worship bands. He lives inWyndmoor with his wife Helen and two cats.

Eua Martinez is a senior at Central Bucks High School West and studies voicewith Phyllis Arnold of the solebury school. she was a finalist last year in thechoral society's first voices of the Future competition. Eva is in the process ofappl)'lng to music conservatories as a classical soprano voice major. In additionto participating in choir and the jazz band at school, she is a member of theBoheme opera company of New Jersey, the Bucks county Gilbert sullivansociety, and the choir at st. Paul's Lutheran church in Doylestown. she has alsoparticipated in many PMEA festivals for both voice and flute.

Milo Morris is bass section leader and frequent soloist with the Choral Society.His voice has been described as "warm" by the Reading chronicle (England), and"impressive" by the Broad street Review. At home in the basso buffo repertoireas well as demanding, dramatic bel canto and verismo roles, Milo brings awide variety of performance experience to the stage including numerous opera,operetta, musical theatre, dance, and television credits.

steuen Rotae is the Director of Music at calvary Presbyterian church ofwymcote, PA. and the Tenor section Leader with BCCS. Apart from his musicalduties with church and BCCS, steven is a solo and choral freelance singer in thearea and serves on the board of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of ChoristersGuild. Steven resides in North Hills, PA with his wife, daughters and dogs.

Ruthwarneckhas been singing with BCCS since zoor. She is the alto sectionleader for the choral Society, and has been heard frequently as a soloist. Ruthworks as a chemist and lives in Hatfield with her husband and two children.

N)@Out of courtesy to the audience and performers, please refrainfromusing cameres, recorders, or other electronic equipment.

Please qlso be sure that cellphones alnd.electronic d.euices are turned. off.

tur6 e oun(y C ['ro[3 o c{e(y

SoomiAmagasuMarjorie AppleCarl BannwartIlene BannwartKathy Benner

Bonnie BerkmeierLouis BittlingmaierDouglas BrennemanSuzannah Chatlos

Lee ClemensDena CondronAdam Dierking

Deborah DiMiccoDavid Doughty

Mary ErnstVera Ewing

Judy FayTony FazeyOliver FlintKathy FretzRuth Geiger

Brent GerhartJeffGreaser

Cathy GuenzelStan Guogas

Roberta HardingKathleen Harkness

Vera Harrison


Thomas Lloy d, Artistic DirectorDauid Fitzpatrick, Assistant Conductor

Elizab eth M anus, AccompanistMary Muth,President

Susan J ohnson, Vice -President

Charles HastingsJim Hatch

Emtly HeinzKim Hess

Dawn IrwinAmyJohnsonEd Johnson

Susan JohnsonSarah KempkeRaighne KirkLisa Landley

Robert LandleyDeborah Lee

Sherry LichtenwalnerMarcia Lincoln-Heinz

Stephen LuebkePatty MacKaySteve Mallon

Susan McDonnellKayMengersRobertMino

Chaunce MontaLois MooreMilo Morris

Michelle MuellerEric MuthMaryMuth

Alison Naftal

Lisa NordlandChristie Paton

H. James PetersStayc PiecykAmleto PucciAllen Regan

Cynthia ReganJane Rinehart-Greaser

Susannah RobertsSteven RockSteven Rowe

Rachel SandersAmy SchmidtPhyllis SextonJames Shute

Carole Kohr SmithCharles Smith

Cheryl StitzingerDavid Svahn

Ruth SweeneyMaryTaylor

DennisWalshRuth Warneck

Christopher WeidnerSeth Weiner


Christopher Whitney

The Bucks County Choral Society's mission is to giuememorable performances of outstanding choral music and toenrich the communitg through the choral music experience.

BCCS is aproudtnember of Chor.us Arnericq.representing ind.ependent choruses q.ll ouer Arnericct

g[r| B$fa


ViolinRebecca Harris, ConcertmasterMarika Holmqvist, Principal SecondEvan FewMargaret HumphreyMin-Young KimMandyWolmanStephanie Zimmerman

ViolaDavid MillerNamgon Lee

CelloLisa TerryEve S. Miller

BassAnne Peterson

TheorboRichard Stone


OboeFiona LastJulie Brye

BassoonRachel BegleyBenjamin Matis

TrumpetPerry SuttonBrandon Bergeron

TromboneMichael HolmesBodie PfostDavid Seale

fimpaniMichelle Humphreys

OrganLeon Schelhase


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il-jo MA5 l*Lcyn, ARTIST;f D! AgeT0R


MaryMuthAllen Regan

Rachel SandersBob Vernon

Christopher K. Whitney

Louis White, ChairJeff Fulgham, Vice - Chair

Chaunce Monta, SecretaryBeth Clark, Treasurer

Laura BiersmithSusan Johnson

Thomas Lloyd, ex officioJudith McDowell, ex officio

Milo MorrisMichelle Mueller

3'{Thomas Lloyd, Arrrsdc Director

David Fitzpatrick, Assistant ConductorElizabeth Manus, Accomp anist

Judith McDowell, Executiue Dir ectorHeather Beyer, Bookkeeper

Michelle Mueller, Systems Consultant

The Bucks County Choral Society is aregistered 5o t (c) (9 non-profit org qnizatton.

The fficial registration and financial informationof the Bucks Counfu Choral Society may be obtainedfrom the

Pennsyluania Department of State by calling tollfree,within Pennsylu ania, t- 8oo-7gz-o 999.

Registratton does not imply endorsement.

C[r* €xecutiue Counri(

C o mmitte es & r%p p o int" {Oo, itio ^Ad Sales: Judith McDowell Librarian: Roberta HardingAuditions: Cathy Guenzel Marketing: Milo MorrisCD Sales: Stephen Luebke Membership: Christopher Weidner

Choir Attendance: Cynthia Regan New Member Liaison: Raighne KirkCommunications: Oliver Flint Outreach: Susan Johnson

Concert Dress: Cheryl Stitzinger Production: Raighne Kirk, SteveConcert Programs: Cynthia Regan Mallon & Eric Muth

Finance: Beth Clark Rehearsal Set Up: David Doughty,Front of House: Frank Levy & Brent Gerhart & Raighne Kirk

Judith McDowell Stage Manager: Allen ReganFund Raising & Development: Ticket Managers: Rachel Sanders &

MaryJo May & Judith McDowell Anna SauIGovernance: Christopher K. Whitney Travel: Lisa Landley

House Manager: Tom Harding Webmaster: Allen ReganInformation Technologr:

Rachel Sanders

Uoir" &ecfton {ro[r,SusanJohnson, Soprano Steve Rowe, Tenor

Ruth Warnec\ Alto Milo Morris, Bass

Section CoorinotorcCynthia Regan, Chair

MaryMuth, PresidentSusan Johnson, Vice President

Chaunce Monta, SecretaryOliver Flint

Catherine GuenzelRoberta Harding

Soprano I: Lee ClemensAlto I: Lois Moore

Tenor I: Tony FazeyBass I: Amleto Pucci

Raighne KirkEric Muth

Cynthia ReganChristopher Weidner

Christopher K. Whitney

Soprano II: Deborah LeeAlto II: Dawn Irwin

Tenor II: Doug BrennemanBass II: Charles Smith


8ur6 Coun(y C [oro[3 ocie{yThe Bucks County Choral Society, under the direction of Thomas Lloyd,formally holds auditions in late August and the beginning of September aswell as the first week of January each year. From time to time, however,single auditions can be arranged at the beginning ofrehearsal preparationsfor an upcoming concert. This period is typically the week following aconcert appearance. Auditions are held prior to rehearsals at the ChoralSociety's rehearsal home, Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church, located at3zr West Butler Avenue in New Britain, PA. There are openings in allvoice sections for singers with prior choral experience and good musicreading skills.

To arrange an audition, candidates can contact the Choral Society viathe audition form on their website (http://wra,"r,v.buckschoral.org/the-choirlaudition-for-the-choirl, or by calling the auditions coordinator atzr5-zSo-9836.

A--O 6--9bocVr".*6"(Az

Do you enjoy our concerts? Would you like an inside look at what goeson in our rehearsals? Would you like a sneak peak at selections beingperformed at upcoming concerts?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then please join one of our onlinecommunities! We've recently established an online presence using somewell known avenues, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.Not only can you find us there, but you can also help us spread the wordto your friends about who we are and what we do. For example, it's assimple as creating or using your existing Facebook account, visiting ourpage, and "liking" us, and if you have friends who might be interested inwhat we're about, suggest our page to those friends. If you need assistancecreating a Facebook account, adjusting your privacy settings, figuring outhow to "like" our page, or suggesting us to your friends, simply send anemail to us at infcQbr:ckschoral.a:9. Our Facebook page can be locatedat www.facebook.com/buckschoral and look for links to all our onlinecommunities by clicking on the icons found on our main website atwwr,r,b_uc ksc ho ral. o rg.



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The principles of a healthy mind, body and spirit helped the Bucks County Choral

society establish a new collaborative of charitable organizations in the Doylestownand New Hope area that are dedicated to the concept of "wellness through the arts."The collaborative emphasizes local arts and wellness programming offered to thevarious community demographics. The choral society is proud to join forces with thefollowing organizations to fulfi ll this purpose:

The conservatory, Doylestown, offers a wide range of high quality arts education andperformance programs in music, art, and arts therapy to the community. For moreinformation go to: www.mvconservatorv.org/

The Bucks County Children's Museum, New Hope, provides interactive, educationaland an inclusive environment for children, parents and schools with exhibits thatreflect Bucks County's unique history and culture. Go to: www.buckskids.orgl

cB cares Educational Foundation, Doylestown, is dedicated to enriching educationand experiences of central Bucks students through innovative grants and asset-based

developmental programs that promote responsible and resilient youth. For moreinformation go to: www./cb-cares.orel

The Ann silverman community Health clinic, which is located on the ground floor ofDoylestown Hospital, provides free medical and dental care along with social services

to qualified low-income patients who do not have health insurance. The clinic serves

over 1500 low-income patients annually. For information: www.aschealthclinic.orsl

The choral Society will offer free concert admission to three of five concerts thisseason for all of the clinic's low-income patients, scholarship students and families ofThe conservatory as well as low-income designated families from cB cares and rheBucks County Children's Museum. For information visit: www.buckschoral.ors.

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fffi&sr#/s*c,ErYT!"10XA5 LL*Yr), At?TtSTre D;ftreT0R

Founded in 1973, the Bucks County Choral Society is an auditioned choir bssed

in Doylestown, PA. Under the direction of Artistic Director Thomas Lloyd, the 100+ voice

choir performs a series of 4 cancerts annually at }ur Lady of Guadalupe in Buckingham, PA

as well as Delaware Valley University. The Choral Society is widely recognized as the area's

premier large choral ensemble. The Society performs an extensive repertoire of music,

ranging from classical to contemporary and including major worl<s with orchestra, opera,

musical theater, African Americqn spirituals and sacred jazz. Commissioned campasers

include Jay Fluellen, Carl l.(aultsBy, Ricky lan Gordon, Robert lr4aggia, Steven Sametz,

Alice Parker, RichardWargo, Gregg Smith, Roland Carter, qndThomas Lloyd.

Solorsfs who have recently performed with the Choral Society include: sopranos

Barbara Shirvis, Leslie Johnson, Joyce El-Khoury, DeVonne Gardner, Jane Kamp, Suzanne

DuPlantis, tenors William Davenporl Robert Petillo, Lourin Plant, Joseph Mikolaj, and

Timothy Bentch, qnd. bqsses Stephen Powell, Kevin Deas, David Arnold, and Keith Miller,among others. The chair regularly collaborates with the Riverside Symphonia, a

professional orchestrq based in Lqmbertville, New Jersey.

In addttion to the Society's annual subscription series, BCCS serves the communigthrough its Voices of the Future, solo voice competition for high school choral singers,

along with its qcclaimed "Singing for Seniars" pragrqm, involving hundreds of localseniors in two annual singing festivals, Under the directorship of Thomas Lloyd, the

program has received nqtional attention through Chorus America,


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Toices of tfic fiihreOutreach

Pictured left to right: Kaitlyn Lecompte, Mollie Schumaker, Taylor Mitchell,Eva Martinez, Suzanne DuPlantis, and Thomas Lloyd

The Bucks county choral society's second voices of the Future solo high school voicecompetition has been announced for this season with 52,500 in cash prizes being givento four finalists. Voices of the Future is a classical singing competition for students ingrades 10-12 who live or attend school in Bucks county. prior first place winners areineligible to re-apply. Following the first two rounds of the competition, four finalistswill be invited to perform in a public master class with acclaimed voice teacher Sharonsweet. The deadline for submission of on-line applications is December 3, 201g. Visitthe website at www.buckschqral.orglthe-ca:oirlvoices-of-the-fulurel for information.

Last year/s finalists (above) represented central Bucks west and central Bucks southHigh schools. ln all, 17 students applied from schools all over Bucks county including:Central Bucks East H.S., George School, New Hope Solebury H.S, palisades H.S.,Pennsbury H.S., Pennridge H.S., North penn H.s., and william Tennent H.s. Finalist EvaMartinez has been invited by Artistic Director Thomas Lloyd to perform a solo inHandel's lsrael in Egypt.

The live auditions for selected semi-finalists will be held at rhe conservatory onSaturday, January L2,2019. The Master class with the four finalists will be held at TheConservatory on Saturday, February 23,20t9.

Sharon Sweet is a dramatic soprano with a distinguished international career.Along with a solo career at the Met, she has recorded on the philips, BMG, Sonyand Chandos labels. She is professor of voice at Westminster Choir College.


/a\LW,rt deep appreciation,

the Bucks County Choral Society wishes to

thank the Heckler Family for their continued

commitment towards the growth and

sustainability of this organization.

Elma Heckler's wish upon retiring after 2 jyears,of inspiring leadership, was to have

the Choir grow musically, and in her words

"Go to the next level."

This wish is being achieved in her memory

and is continuing, as witness to today's

concert, under the outstanding Artistic

Directorship of Thomas Lloyd.


Enjoy the concert and then an evening outwith friends and family as part of theBUCKS COUNTY CHORAL SOCIETY


This is a fun and easy way to help supportBucks County Choral Society.

Enjoy either a pre (lunch) or post (dinner) concert mealat our restaurant partner and the Choral Society receives

20o/o of the meal portion of your check.

Plumsteadville Inn strongly recommends thatyou call ahead for a reservation.

This will also aide their ability to track their donation.

|ust show your ticket or ticket stub or concert programwhen you are first seated and 20o/o of the food portion ofyour check will benefit the Bucks County Choral Society.

Plr*stea&i11" IrroFine Foo? el Spiritt

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The recent death of DAN NESI, MD, is aprofoundlossfor allin Bucks County. Menand women who make such an impact onso manA in so many toays, and who do sowith such understated grace, come alongall too seldom.

BCCS utasfortunate indeedwhen Dr. Nesi,neuer one to sit idle, turned his attenttonand talents in our direction. A longtimecolleague of Linda & Leland Felt, this busymctn, so well-known for his scientific andmedical skills and philanthropy becameone of the Choral Society's most uigorousqnd uocal cheerleqders. Dan and uifu

Suzqnne haue been instramenta"l in recent years with their inuoluement in crittcalaspects of BCCS as an organization, to say nothing oftheir obuious presence at ourconcerts.

Although infragile health in recent Aears and often confined to a wheel chair, this inno waA impeded Danfrom shaing his ra.zor-shsrp mind in our Strategic Planningprocess and asking the hard questions at Board of Directors meetings where he hqsbeen a fixture for the last three years until rotating off of the Board this past June.Together uith Sttzanne, he stationed himself at the Wine Arbor booth at our annualSpring fund raising euents at Doylestown Country Club. Aside from seruing on theBoard, Danuas akey resource onboth Fund Raising & Deuelopment Committee andthe Gouernance Committee, sharing his contqcts and unending Rolodex of namesof people to contact and bring into the BCCS circle. A quick glance in our concertprograms uerifies his generosity as a financial donor, but Dan's contributions on somany leuels cqn't be quanttfied. We haue lost a trae friend and ualuable ally.

Dan's early medicql career included seruing in the U.S. Army as the sole ENT surgeonfor z5,ooo troops. He later became Chief of Staff at Doylestown Hospital and willprimarily be remembered throughout Bucks County as Founder of the Free Clinicof Doylestown, not long ago renamed the Ann Siluerman Community Health Clinic.Seeing an unmet need and raising awareness that in Bucks County there uere manyunserled and under serued families in need of Health Care, Dr. Dan dreamed big.The clinic openedin t994in space donatedby Doylestown Hospital. Itwos o:ninstantsuccess although, ironically, it remains one of the best kept secrets in the county.In 2oo2, a dental clinic was added to the grouing list of programs for health andwellness. The clinic is now open S days a ueek to sen)e an euer-growing number ofindiuiduals andfamiliesfrom all corners of the county who lqckinsurance and/or areunder-employed to the point where they qualifu for these seruices.

Hoto tuonderful that at our two June Musica Lqtinq concerts at Delaware ValleyUniuersity, Dan uas singled outfor recognitton by then Executtue Director, Lee Feltand Sally Fabian, current Executiue Director of the program of the Siluerman Clinic.Our sincerest sympathies go out to Suzanne, as we mourn our ou)n loss of this specialand dear man,

-Christopher K. Whitney, on behalf of the Bucks County Choral Society


Ootuo^The Bucks County Choral Society gratefully acknowledges contributions receivedfrom the following individuals, businesses, corporations, and foundations insupport of our mission to bring memorable performances of outstanding choralmusic to our audiences. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CORPORATE PATRONS!

B^in"rr, Corporate & €ountilon Ootrora








American Fundraising Foundation - Orlando, FLMalmark,Inc. - Plumsteadville, PAPine Run Community - Doylestown, PAThe Presser Foundation - Philadelphia, PAVisit Bucks County - Bensalem, PA

Penn Community Foundation - Perkasie, PAUnivest Corporation of Pennsylvania - Souderton, PA

Bucks County Foundation - Doylestown, PACounty of Bucks - Doylestown, PADoylestown Health - Doylestown, PAGlenmede Trust Company, N.A. - Philadelphia, PAPennswoodVillage - Newtown, PA

Burke, Lawton, Brewer & Burke - Spring House, PAMillham Insurance (Richard B. Millham) - Holicong, PAPearson Brothers Holding - New Hope, PA

Eiseman Construction Company,Inc. - Doylestown, PALawSchoolAdmissions Council - Newtown, PA

AmazonSmile Foundation - Seattle, WABaci,Inc. - Buckingham, PAPaganini Restaurant (Ralph & Karen Slattery)

Doylestown, PAPlumsteadville Inn - Pipersville, PA

Meglio Pizzeria,Inc. - Newtown, PAOur Lady of Guadalupe Church - Doylestown, PAValleyVeterinary Clinic - Buckingham, PA

cZr( o t, fr n5 O rgan iz ati o ns

Aetna Foundation Inc.Avago Technologies

CNAFoundationE>oronMobil Foundation

IBM CorporationMerck Foundation

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramPrudential Foundation Matching Gifts

UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign


Chairman's Circle FranHinA." and Elizabeth K. Burke Named Fund$zorooo+ Dan" and Suzanne Nesi Named Fund

The Piercy Family Named Fund

Soloist's Circle$s,ooo+

Musician's Circle$z,5oo+

Choir's Circle$r,ooo+

Tim and Amy BarronKaren and Michael NolandDennis and Sue WalshAmy Elizabeth Schmidt and Seth Weiner

Laura BiersmithLeland and Linda FeltStan and Carol GuogasMary and Eric MuthKevin and Denise NorrisPhyllis SextonRuth SweeneyDonWiney

Doug and Linda BrennemanBob and Joyce ByersCarolyn and Curtis CowgillHoward HecklerBill and Dawn IrwinKathryn A. LambertRobert and Lisa LandleyThomas Lloyd and Jane KampJohn and Carol McCaughanGlen and Susan McDonnell



Marsha PageDonald and Joan ParleeRachel and John SandersFred and Taft ScheaJames andAnne ShuteTom ThomasRobert andAliceVernonLou and LibbyWhiteChristopher Whitney and Frank LevyJoseph Wingert

Patricia G. BitzerBill and Nancy BlethenDeborah DiMiccoRonald and Mary ErnstSandra C. Fickes"Oliver FlintJeffand Beverly FulghamCharles and Donna GreziakCatherine GuenzelSteven and Joyce HansonJim HatchEdward and Susan JohnsonStephen and Linda LuebkePat and Bill MarshallJudith McDowell and Doug MannMrs. Helen S. MontgomeryMichelle MuellerJoyNeal and Ron FeiglesSteve and Kay RockMiriam H. Schwartz-MaschkeMaureen ShraderLarry and Linda SmithRob and l,aura SteereDavid and Karin SvahnChristopher WeidnerTimothy and Jill WeidnerKimWertz

Soomi HahnAmagasuSalvatore AmorosoBill and Jane AntheilRobert AuwarterCarl and Ilene Bannwart


John and Elizabeth BarronChris and Heather BeyerJay and Susan BrodishRobert and Judith FayMandy GableRay and Nancy GrayCharles and Donna GrezlakThomas HallHarry and Suzanne JenkinsClyde andJane LandesMary-JoMayRobert and Lisa MinoChaunce MontaMilo MorrisMartha MurphyDianne NaftalJane PerkinsNancy and David SautterStephen and Linda SchreinerLawrence Stein and Renee DaweDonna SlowakiewiczNancy StrunkWilliam and EstherWackMaryWalrond-GoffPaulWolf

FrederickAppoldRichard BadmanElliot BarnathanBarbara BellIGthy BennerJean CampbellRon and Doris CharlesAlan and Lee ClemensErnest and Elinor CohenDena Condron onbehalf of Gay KleinstuberJohn DavisRoger and Pegry DeanMerrill DetweilerAmyFalkTony FazeyCharles FisherTony and Jane Ford-HutchinsonLinda Gelcius





Dr. LarryJ. GellerBrent and Virginia GerhartLaurence GlassA]ene HainesWilliam and Jacqueline HectorVaughnA. HinmanM. R. HooverPatrick HoustonSiri HurstJames and Denise JaniczekChristopher KerrKimberley KurzLawrence LaFevreMr. and Mrs. David LaffertyMs. Carol LeFevreBilI and Mary Lee LieserPriscilla LindenNorman MacArthur and Bill Novak

Dorothy MartinGlenn and Pat MatisMaryC. McCawJanet NordbergJim and Margie PetersAlfred PiranianCynthia andAllen ReganHenry RosenbergerCarole ScanlonAnne ScheidtJohn and Rose Marie SchieberAlice and James ShapiroHans and Cheryl StitzingerFern and Charles StrunkWilliam and Sally SwezeyNancy C. TilleyPaul and Margaret WallaceLinda WeaverTom and Janet Whitefield


Dr. Eduardo and Danielle CevallosDoris E. DanielsScott DelaneyDavid DetwilerJanet and Joseph GendaszekNicole and Donald GroffVera Deas HarrisonJohn HookGeorge KurzZenoandDebbie LeeCarl LewisJadwiga and Szczepan LubinskiMira Nakashima-YarnellMarvin PilandAnnR. Rainey

PauI and Kathleen ReidLance and Martha RosenKaren SheppardMarcia StacyJack and Mary Ellen StantonJames StyerEdward and Karen SzyszkoNeil VanarsdaleDiane VernonJames and NancyWarwickDavidW. WeissRick and Valerie WigenAlan WilloughbyChris and Nancy Zaleslcy

Friend Cedric Babb$ro-49 BuffBarr

Stephen BifferLisa ButlerGeorge and Patricia Crull

Robert DolceamoreBonnie FilipowiczMichael ForakerSteve Godsall-MyersRobert Hand

Carl and Catherine HollidaySusan KanePeg KeachNancy KollerRon and Gloria KramerMartin MasslerKevin and Debbie MaysArleen McMinnDorothyMiller

Tore and Dolores MitaMary Pizzola and Patrick ByrneClaire ReillyNancy RidgewayRebecca SherryEdward StevensMarciaWadeJoannWilliamsMatthewWolf





Donors listed reflect gifts receiued by Oct. t Bth, 2018.Gifts receiued after that date uill be acknouledg ed in future programs,

Thank you for Aour generosity. If gou tuould like to add your nameto our mailing list, please see onA choir membeT. or anusher_

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