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Assessment Report

Customer Service Excellence

Your Homes Newcastle

28 November 2013


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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report

Assessment Summary


Overall Self-assessment Satisfactory

Overall outcome Successful

Your Home Newcastle (YHN) has been the holder of the CSE Standard for three years. In this time it has

moved to full compliance. It continues to be fully compliant. The evidence provided together with detailed

discussions with Board members, managers, staff and customers and observation of service delivery confirms

that they deliver a high quality service. These discussions are supported by the available metrics.

YHN has worked hard to develop its customer insight. Most recently its customer insight has highlighted the

extent to which it is exposed to the changes in welfare benefit and the impact that it has had on a very high

percentage of its customers. In this respect it and its customers, has been hit harder than most. This insight

has led to a fundamental review of front line service delivery and back office support to deliver services that are

better tailored to the current and future needs of different groups of its customers.

It is to its significant credit that, despite the focus on welfare benefit reform and associated organisational

changes, that performance remains high, as does satisfaction, responsiveness to customers is also high. It

has also continued to be innovative and forward thinking in the delivery of its services, particularly through the

Furniture Store and to develop its Older Person Services through the planned development of six Extra Care

Homes recognising insight into future needs of the elderly.

There is a very high commitment to quality of service delivery, and engagement and empowerment of staff led

by the Chief Executive who was acknowledged by everyone I met during the assessment as an excellent

leader with an understanding of customer needs refreshed through regular contact and engagement with

customers, a real champion for the customer.

YHN has reviewed its performance management processes over the last twelve months. Changes are now

being introduced and how these have moved forward and helped improve services will be part of the first

Rolling Programme as well as changes in respect of the Customer Promise and the measurement of the

quality of service delivery

1: Customer Insight

Criterion 1 self-assessment Insufficient

Criterion 1 outcome Successful

YHN has good insight into its customers’ needs. This is gathered through a range of mechanisms including

statistical data, surveys and direct customer feedback. YHN has a range of services such as Young Peoples’

services, Advice and Support and its HASBET Team that are geared to supporting the hard to reach and

vulnerable. Their response to issues raised by welfare reform has been to restructure its front line services

completely so they are better able to help and support those affected by the changes. There is regular review

of consultation and good evidence that their approach is flexible and dynamic with the development of

Customer Inspectors and the ‘complaints R Us’ panel. Discussion during the assessment visit highlighted the

very large extent to which current organisational change and service development was the outcome of using

customer insight. Customer journey mapping remains integral to what YHN does. This is exemplified by the

extent and detail of the customer journey mapping as a result of migration of services to the Customer

Enquiry Centre.

2: The Culture of the Organisation

Criterion 2 self-assessment Strong

Criterion 2 outcome Successful

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YHN has a clear ‘golden thread’ of customer service at its core. The Board, Chief Executive, Managers and

staff are all able to demonstrate examples of how they live by the organisational values and implement them

for the benefit of customers. Customer focus comes both from the top and from the bottom with front line staff

and managers ever conscious of ways in which they can develop their services. Staff are supported by a raft

of policies and procedures as well as training and development opportunities that help to empower staff to

respond to and deliver to meet the needs of individuals and groups. Managers and staff very clearly feel valued

and are positive about identifying service improvements.

3: Information and Access

Criterion 3 self-assessment Strong

Criterion 3 outcome Successful

YHN provides information to its customers in ways which they need and across a variety of access channels.

Where there are charges they are clear. They are able to demonstrate that information is up to date and

accurate and that they make efforts to ensure it is received and understood.YHN has a Customer Service

Strategy that recognises the benefits of channel shift, but also the needs of those who wish, for whatever

reason, to access services through traditional routes and for the need for YHN to retain these routes for them

to remain in contact with the harder to reach and more vulnerable.

There is a lot of partnership working with undoubted benefits in accessing support and opportunities for

younger people, for helping customers gain skills and employment, for repairing, maintaining and improving

properties and across many areas of housing management and tenancy service delivery enhancing lives of

individuals and communities.

4: Delivery

Criterion 4 self-assessment Strong

Criterion 4 outcome Successful

There are currently no national standards in relation to the delivery of housing services. However, YHN has

historically worked within a framework of KPIs that were laid down by regulators and these remain key targets

for performance monitoring and benchmarking. These relate primarily to rent arrears levels, void losses and

performance of repairs delivery. YHN has reviewed these over the last twelve months and has refocused on

rent collected as a more accurate indicator in respect of rent arrears. There are also targets for the

percentage of calls answered within agreed timescales.

YHN is very active in benchmarking services through discussion with others, attending events and

conferences and visiting other organisations where services are under review. It does not necessarily always

adopt good practice seen elsewhere but learns from it and tailors its improvements to what it sees best for its

customers. Where there are dips these are addressed as appropriate. There is a robust complaints process

which is responsive to customers and has clearly involved customers in its evolution and development as well

as the monitoring of performance and lessons learnt.

5: Timeliness and Quality of Service

Criterion 5 self-assessment Strong

Criterion 5 outcome Successful

YHN has a range of targets in relation to the timeliness and quality of service delivery. It delivers well against

those. The CCSA in particular delivers to a high standard. The Enquiry Centre also meets its targets and

further services will be migrated to this area over the next twelve months. Quality of Service is monitored.

However, the development of the Customer Promise and new metrics over the next twelve months will change

the landscape here in terms of what is monitored and will be included in the next Review to assess the

changes. There is a high level of sharing of information across services as staff recognise the value of sharing

in being able to provide quality services and information to its customers.

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1: Customer Insight

1.1: Customer Identification

1.1.1: We have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of our current and

potential customer groups based on recent and reliable information.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We use Acorn profiling tool to analyse informaiton about people, their household composition and consumer

habbits. This allows us to build a detailed picture of our tenants and their charactertistics. We plan to use this

information to help us target communication and inform policy and strategy.

1.1.1(1): Evidence - Demographic profile Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have conducted a review of our approach to collection demographic data because of concerns that our

tradition approach to the collection of demographic data caused frustration to the customer and was limited in

value in proportion to the time and cost involved in capturing it.

1.1.1(2): Evidence - Demographic MT report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Demographic information is now only collected at the point of application to Tyne & Wear Homes from all

customers. We ask customers how they would prefer to be contacted and what language they would prefer to

use. We ask customers if they have a disability and whether they have any support needs

1.1.1(3): Evidence - TWH application form Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We explain to customer why we collect demographic information form them, and what we use the information


1.1.1(4): Evidence - Customer Service Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We use a range of data to inform the work that we do. Appendix 29-46 of the Welfare Reform update to

Management Team demonstrates the range of information used to inform our approach to Welfare Reform.

Data sources include Newcastle City Council, Newcastle Futures, Northern Housing Consortium.

1.1.1(5): Evidence - Welfare Reform Board Paper Assessor Acceptance: Yes We have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of our current

YHN has an in-depth understanding of its current customers, based on a range of information, such as

socio-demographic characteristics, household composition, and specific data such as age profiles of its


Fully MetEvidence Value: and potential customer groups

The use of Acorn profiling, awareness of potential customers from Tyne and Wear Homes’ choice based

lettings data as well as information about longer term needs of older people all indicate that YHN has a good

awareness of future customers’ needs. This is reflected in its building programme through Leazes Housing and

the development of Extra Care Housing provision.

Evidence Value: Fully Met based on recent and reliable information.

YHN has reviewed its profiling data so that it is current at the time applicants become customers. Focusing on

collection at the commencement of a tenancy will ensure that it is based on reliable, up to date information and

ensure a high collection percentage.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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1.1.2: We have developed customer insight about our customer groups to better

understand their needs and preferences.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Section 1.5 our Customer Insight Policy outlines our current approach to the collection of customer insight

which include, collection of demographic data, research, compliments, complaints and comments, customer

journey mapping and customer involvement.

1.1.2(1): Evidence - Customer Insight Policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have introduced a new account management approach to manage service performance. The purpose of this

approach is to consolidate all performance information and customer feedback to enable a holistic approach to

service review and improvement.

1.1.2(2): Evidence - Account Management Approach Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We delivered a Welfare Reform focus group with customers to get their feedback on promotional, branding and

communication information. Feedback from this session directed the branding that we now use for all Welfare

Reform related material. We have had significant positive feedback to this.

1.1.2(3): Evidence - Welfare Reform Focus Group Assessor Acceptance: Yes

The Tenant Involvement section of our website provides information to customers about the range of ways in

which they can get involved. For example, completing surveys, taking part in discussion groups and forums or

becoming one of our customer inspectors.

1.1.2(4): Evidence - Involvement Opportunities Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our repairs service held a consultation event with a group of deaf and hard of hearing customers which

highlighted the need to improve access channels to the service. The service have introduced the repair app,

which allows customers that use smart phones to report repairs via their smart phone app

1.1.2(5): Evidence - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We publish information about improvements we make to our services in our ‘you said, we did’ articles in

Homes and People and on our external website. Involved customers receive a newsletter which shows

customers what has happened as a result of activities that customers have been involved in.

1.1.2(6): Evidence - Involvement Newsletter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We have developed customer insight about our customer groups

There is good insight into all customer groups across YHN. This is derived from the statistical data and

qualitative information about customer groups gained through engagement with customers. Three particular

examples across different customer groups are the development of customer insight into customers potentially

affected by welfare benefit changes, the development of projects in relation to employability needs of customers

and insight being developed into the future needs of older customers to develop a longer term strategy.

Fully MetEvidence Value: to better understand their needs and preferences.

Outcomes of customer insight has seen the development of the Walker Hive, associated employability

programmes and the development of apprenticeships within YHN to develop skills of customers and helping to

make them job ready. It has also seen the introduction of an ‘Own Your Own’ scheme to enable customers to

own ‘white goods’ without accessing pay day lenders. The outcome of welfare reform has identified additional

needs of customers and enabled YHN to develop its organisational response and services to need needs

through, for example, a Financial Inclusion Team.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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1.1.3: We make particular efforts to identify hard to reach and disadvantaged groups and

individuals and have developed our services in response to their specific needs.

Not RatedApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliance Plus

New Evidence

Our Community Cohesion strategy sets out a priority to increase involvement from under represented groups,

and to ensure that involvement, consultation and opportunities for influencing the way we work are fair, inclusive

and representative.

1.1.3(1): Evidence - Community Cohesion Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We want our involvement activities to be accessible to all, and have introduced a number of ways to help

customers get involved, which are published in our ‘getting involved’ booklet and on our website. We also make

refer to this support in the invite letters that we send out prior to events

1.1.3(2): Evidence - Invite Letter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a number of involvement activities aimed particularly at hard-to-reach or under-represented groups.

One example is the way we engage with customers of our Young Peoples Service. Information on the different

activities aimed at Young People is available on our website

1.1.3(3): Evidence - Getting involved Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our employability’s service helps tackle worklessness within our estates. To date, we have introduced a

number of initiatives, including the Walker Learning Hive, which provided access to a range of learning and

basic skills support in the heart of a community widely effected by worklessness.

1.1.3(4): Evidence - Evaluation of Walker Learning Hive Assessor Acceptance: Yes

To ensure customers have a range of payment methods that are suitable to their needs, our Income team have

improved existing payment methods and investigate introducing new ones including Barcoding, QR codes,

Smart phone payment app. We hope this will reduce risk of rent arrears

1.1.3(5): Evidence - Payment Methods Options Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Employability Manager provided an update to Board on the many projects this service has successfully

implemented since the teams creation. This service was specifically developed as an action from our Peoples

Strategy to minimise the risk of worklessness in our most disadvantaged customer groups

1.1.3(6): Evidence - Employability Opportunities Board Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We make particular efforts to identify hard to reach

YHN has made exceptional attempts to identify hard to reach groups. This is evidenced not only through the

work YYN has carried out in seeking to identify the needs of some 7,000 customers potentially affected by

welfare benefit changes, but, in particular, the work in engaging with young 13/14 year olds who were described

as ;being under the radar’ and potentially at risk. A particularly strong example is staff working with a School

Breakfast Club that has enabled YHN to engage with customers potentially affected by welfare benefit reform.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and disadvantaged groups and individuals

In other areas YHN has engaged with disadvantaged groups and individuals, for example, engaging with some

long term unemployed customers through engaging with them in their communities for example, through the

Walker Hive. This has enabled customers to access training and learning opportunities, with some very positive

individual outcomes. It has provided in house opportunities for apprenticeships recognising the difficulties that

cohorts of their customers have in accessing job opportunities in the wider job market.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and have developed our services in response to their specific needs.

YHN has also recognised the longer term issues of its older customers with 40% of their customers aged over

65. It has been discussing with them longer term needs so that their services can be better tailored to those

longer term needs. It has also developed its Housing Options service to provide enhanced pre-tenancy advice

for new customers on benefits. Across all areas of service delivery YHN has an excellent awareness of the

needs of its hard to reach and difficult to reach customers that merits compliance plus.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report

1.2: Engagement and Consultation

1.2.1: We have a strategy for engaging and involving customers using a range of methods

appropriate to the needs of identified customer groups.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our CCAS service have traditionally used collected customer feedback through an annual survey. Poor

responses and limited qualitative feedback resulted in a consultation event being arranged for this year. The

event was extremely successful and will be repeated next year.

1.2.1(6): Evidence - CCAS Consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Customer Insight Policy recognises our responsibility to empower our customers through consultation and

involvement and that the collation of quality feedback, through the use of effective and meaningful methods

used regularly and systematically, will allow us to make customer led improvements.

1.2.1(1): Evidence - Customer Insight Policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We offer a range of opportunities for customers to get involved, each offering a different approach for us to

develop our understanding of our customers. Information is published on our website and we send a 'get

involved form' to all new customers.

1.2.1(2): Evidence - Get Involved Form Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We only collect corporate satisfaction data using STAR. We no longer subscribe to Housemark so have more

flexibility in terms of survey design, methodology and sampling. This year, staff have identify questions to

include so information that we collect will be meaningful and useful to us.

1.2.1(3): Evidence - Proposed STAR questions Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have developed an easy to use complaints procedure which is committed to dealing with problems fully

and resolve them wherever possible within a reasonable time limit. We value the feedback received via

complaints and learn from both formal and informal complaints.

1.2.1(4): Evidence - Complaints Procedure Assessor Acceptance: No

Officers investigating complaints are required to complete learning actions which identify action taken as a

result of a complaint and what we have learned for future service delivery. Learning actions are collated by the

Customer Service Team and shared with the Complaints Scrutiny Panel.

1.2.1(5): Evidence - Customer Service and Delivery report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We have a strategy for engaging and involving customers

YHN’s Customer Insight Policy recognises their responsibility for empowering and engaging with and involving

its customers across the full range of its customer groups.

Fully MetEvidence Value: using a range of methods

There is a range of options that include the potential of all customers to engage through surveys such as STAR

and repairs surveys, engagement relation to changes to service delivery, engagement in ‘one-off’ Focus Groups,

becoming a Mystery Shopper, involvement in specific Focus Groups such as those for Repairs and Complaints

Scrutiny Panel, and becoming a Customer Inspector.

Evidence Value: Fully Met appropriate to the needs of identified customer groups.

YHN’s ‘Get Involved’ Form sets out a menu for engagement making it clear the alternatives that are available

and the different possible degrees of involvement of customers depending on their interests and time available.

For example, discussion with Customer Inspectors highlighted they could become involved on an individual

basis, for example, through Estate Inspections, or become more involved through more in depth reviews of

services, such as the Advice and Support Service linked into service improvement.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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1.2.2: We have made the consultation of customers integral to continually improving our

service and we advise customers of the results and action taken.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have replaced our service standards with a new set of ‘Customer Promises’ in consultation with customers.

These promises follow the customer journey so will be integral in continually improving customer experience.

1.2.2(1): Evidence - Customer Promise Consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We offer a range of opportunities for customers to get involved, each offering a different approach for us to

develop our understanding of our customers. Information is published on our website and we send a 'get

involved form' to all new customers.

1.2.2(2): Evidence - Get Involved form Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We deliver a participatory budgeting programme called You've got the Power where customers decide how

YHN spend a pot of money. We had a focus group at the end of the process so that customers could

feedback on their experience; feedback directly influenced the next project.

1.2.2(3): Evidence - You Said, We Did Focus Group Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We involve customers in the review of key documents, such as the development of a tenant friendly annual


1.2.2(4): Evidence - Annual report focus group Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We consult with customers when developing our service provision, for example our Income team held a

consultation event to discuss our provision of rent payment options.

1.2.2(5): Evidence - Payment Methods Consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a commitment to contact customers six months after their involvment to inform them of how there

involvement has made a difference.

1.2.2(6): Evidence - Feedback to Deaf/Hard of Hearing Customers Assessor Acceptance: Yes We have made the consultation of customers integral to continually improving our service

Consultation with customers, and their feedback is core to service improvement. Evidence and discussion with

staff highlighted the extent to which customers were engaged in service improvements both through individual

comments through surveys and comments on specific consultations on, for example, changes to Tenancy

Services. Discussion with Customer Inspectors highlighted their involvement in making recommendations for

improving services. A further example provided was the retention of the Byker Office to deliver local services to

customers of the Byker Community Trust. Another area identified during discussion were improvements and

changes to the Concierge Service which has led to the development of new aspects of the service, for example,

rapid response to noise nuisance and a more proactive response to maintaining and responding to issues in

community areas associated with medium and high rise properties.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and we advise customers of the results and action taken.

Feedback in relation to improvements and actions taken are reported through the regular Homes and People

Newsletter as well as feeding back through the customers involved. There is a clear culture of feeding back

through the ‘You Said...We Did’ process. The outcome of specific consultation processes such as that on

welfare benefits feeds through, for example, by changing policies and promotional leaflets.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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1.2.3: We regularly review our strategies and opportunities for consulting and engaging

with customers to ensure that the methods used are effective and provide reliable and

representative results.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We delivered a 'Shaping the Future' event. The event had a specific equality and diversity focus and allowed us

to engage with a sample of tenants from a range of backgrounds. Outcomes have been used to inform our

approach to Equality & Diversity, particularly welfare reform related topics

1.2.3(1): Evidence - Report from Diversity Event Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We deliver an annual focus group with customers to scrutinise our internal audit process. Customers meet

internal audit and discuss areas they would like to be audited. The session allows customers to be reactive

and respond to current climate and ensure that we are responding to emerging issues.

1.2.3(2): Evidence - Internal Audit session Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We only collect corporate satisfaction data using STAR. We no longer subscribe to Housemark so have more

flexibility in terms of survey design, methodology and sampling. This year, staff have identify questions to

include so information that we collect will be meaningful and useful to us.

1.2.3(3): Evidence - STAR report Assessor Acceptance: Yes We regularly review our strategies and opportunities for consulting

The Customer Insight strategy is currently under review as is the Menu for Involvement which sets out the range

of involvement activities.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and engaging with customers to ensure that the methods used are effective and provide

reliable and representative results.

Staff carry out regular impact assessments which are reported to the Customer Services and Delivery

Committee. The development of the STAR survey and the inclusion of questions informed by discussion with

service managers is an example of changing the methodology to ensure that the methods used remain

effective. Similarly, the development of customer Inspectors and the Complaints Scrutiny Panel are both areas

that help ensure that the methods of engaging and involving customers remain effective.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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1.3: Customer Satisfaction

1.3.1: We use reliable and accurate methods to measure customer satisfaction on a

regular basis.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We reviewed our approach to research and introduced a research framework to help identify whether we need

to carry out a survey or if the information can be collated in an alternative format. We hope this will reduce

survey fatigue which was a concern with our previous approach to research.

1.3.1(1): Evidence - YHN MT Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We only collect corporate satisfaction data using STAR. We no longer subscribe to Housemark so have more

flexibility in terms of survey design, methodology and sampling. This year, staff have identify questions to

include so information that we collect will be meaningful and useful to us.

1.3.1(2): Evidence - STAR report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service have traditionally used collected customer feedback through an annual survey. Poor

responses and limited qualitative feedback resulted in a consultation event being arranged for this year. The

event was extremely successful and will be repeated next year.

1.3.1(3): Evidence - CCAS Consultation notes Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Property & Maintenance service utilise a number of methods to collect satisfaction data. Current methods

used include text messaging, face to face and by telephone. A set of simple, clear consistent questions are

used across all surveys, which means that the most appropriate method can be used

1.3.1(4): Evidence - Repair Telephone survey example Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We hold telephone interviews to gather satisfaction from older customers on our Community Care Alarms

Service. We held a focus group but we also carried out the supplementary telephone interviews with customers

who were not able to attend the session

1.3.1(5): Evidence - CCAS Telephone Survey Example Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We delivered a locak focus froup with customers from Byker to gather satisfaction feedback on a number of

different services that YHN deliver. The feedback from the session fed into subsequent communication plans

and future engagement activities.

1.3.1(6): Evidence - Byker Consultation Event Assessor Acceptance: Yes We use reliable and accurate methods to measure customer satisfaction on a regular basis.

The major surveys carried out by YHN are statistically robust. The STAR Survey is based around ensuring that

there are sufficient returns so that the survey outcomes are reliable. The level of response from other surveys is

in the main good. YHN has reviewed how it carries out some surveys, moving to telephone surveys and different

consultation mechanisms to ensure appropriate levels of response, for example, with its CCAS service. All

surveys are carried out on a regular cycle with the STAR survey being carried out every two years.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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1.3.2: We analyse and publicise satisfaction levels for the full range of customers for all

main areas of our service and we have improved services as a result.

WeakApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We publish information that our customer said they were most interested in in an annual report poster; this

included satisfaction with repairs information. We designed the poster using info graphics to present it in an

easy to read format.

1.3.2(1): Evidence - Annual report poster Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have reviewed our approach to capturing and publishing satisfaction data. A review of our Business

Strategy Service identified that time and resources where being spent on this type of activity with limited value

to the customer. We will discuss our new approach during our onsite assessment

1.3.2(2): Evidence - Approach to Customer Satisfaction* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We analyse and publicise satisfaction levels for the full range of customers

YHN analyses satisfaction with the services provided by them.

Fully MetEvidence Value: for all main areas of our service

In the past this has covered the full range of services as well as seeking feedback about customers’ overall

satisfaction with their landlord. YHN is in the process of reviewing the data that is collected and reported to

customers in discussion with them so that the data collected is useful to both the organisation and its

customers. Information about the headline satisfaction levels is fed back to customers. This is in line with the

range of performance information that customers indicated to YHN that they wished to receive.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and we have improved services as a result.

Feedback from surveys continues to be analysed and fed back to the appropriate service managers for

inclusion within the service improvement planning process.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report

1.3.3: We include in our measurement of satisfaction specific questions relating to key

areas including those on delivery, timeliness, information, access, and the quality of

customer service, as well as specific questions which are informed by customer insight.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our last STAR survey was conducted in 2011/12 and included a number of key questions around delivery,

timeliness, information, access and quality of service. Results have fed into a number of service development


1.3.3(1): Evidence - 2011/12 STAR report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We only collect corporate satisfaction data using STAR. We no longer subscribe to Housemark so have more

flexibility in terms of survey design, methodology and sampling. This year, staff have identify questions to

include so information that we collect will be meaningful and useful to us.

1.3.3(2): Evidence - Proposed STAR questions Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service are governed by the Telecare Services Authority which requires us to report performance of

quality of speed, speed of response, helpfulness of staff and value for money. We collect monitoring information

in a range of ways, including focus group.

1.3.3(3): Evidence - CCAS Consultation notes Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Property & Maintenance service utilise a number of methods to collect satisfaction data. Current methods

used include text messaging, face to face and by telephone. The questions asked cover key areas of

timeliness and quality of service

1.3.3(4): Evidence - Repairs Telephone survey Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have reviewed our approach to capturing and publishing satisfaction data. A review of our Business

Strategy Service identified that time and resources where being spent on this type of activity with limited value

to the customer. We will discuss our new approach during our onsite assessment

1.3.3(5): Evidence - Approach to Satisfaction data* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We include in our measurement of satisfaction specific questions relating to key areas

including those on delivery, timeliness, information, access, and the quality of customer service,

Where feedback is sought this covers key areas of customer satisfaction as appropriate to the services


Fully MetEvidence Value: as well as specific questions which are informed by customer insight.

All feedback through surveys and other methods is focused around improving services’ insight into the needs of

their customers.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report

1.3.4: We set challenging and stretching targets for customer satisfaction and our levels

are improving.

WeakApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We now only collect corporate satisfaction using STAR. Our next STAR survey will be carried out in February

2014, so comparative figures with STAR 2011/12 will be available at the next assessment.We no longer have a

corporate satisfaction target, but our last STAR survey showed improved satisfaction

1.3.4(1): Evidence - Star Survey 2012 Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have reviewed our approach to customer satisfaction tagrtes. A review of our Business Strategy Service

identified that time and resources where being spent on this type of activity with limited value to the customer.

We will discuss our new approach during our onsite assessment

1.3.4(2): Evidence - Approach to Customer Satisfaction* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We set challenging and stretching targets for customer satisfaction

YHN has reviewed its approach to seeking feedback from customers. It continues to measure satisfaction and

through its business strategy to ensure that services and satisfaction with service provision continues to

improve. As a result of setting achievable targets over the last five years, YHN has continued to improve

satisfaction levels steadily over this period.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and our levels are improving.

The most recent STAR survey was carried out in 2011/2. That showed a continuation of the upward trend in

satisfaction. There has also been a steady upward trend in relation to the repairs service. The next survey will

be carried out in 2014 and at that stage it will be seen whether the upward trend in overall satisfaction has


Evidence Value: Fully Met

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1.3.5: We have made positive changes to services as a result of analysing customer

experience, including improved customer journeys.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliance Plus

New Evidence

Our Customer Service Strategy identifies a priority to “involve and empower our customers using their insight to

continuously improve our services.” This led directly to the implementation of the Enquiry Centre in order to

improve customers access to our services.

1.3.5(1): Evidence - Customer Service Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have replaced our service standards with a new set of ‘Customer Promises’ in consultation with customers.

These promises follow the customer journey so will be integral in continually improving customer experience.

1.3.5(2): Evidence - Customer promises Assessor Acceptance: Yes

In order to ensure that calls taken by the Enquiry Centre are being dealt with correctly, we are working with

service areas to 'map' likely call paths. This is to ensure customers receive both the correct and consistent

responses to queries raised.

1.3.5(3): Evidence - Enquiry centre events process Assessor Acceptance: Yes

To ensure customers have a range of payment methods that are suitable to their needs, our Income team have

improved existing payment methods and investigate introducing new ones including Barcoding, QR codes,

Smart phone payment app. We hope this will reduce risk of rent arrears

1.3.5(5): Evidence - Welfare reform impact on customers Assessor Acceptance: Yes

As part of the Customer Inspection that we delivered on our Lettings service, we had a journey mapping

session with customers who had used the Tyne and Wear Homes application process. The session provided

customer insight into the different phases of the lettings process.

1.3.5(4): Evidence - Customer Journey Map Session Assessor Acceptance: Yes We have made positive changes to services as a result of analysing customer experience,

The last twelve months has seen a number of positive changes to services providing improved customer

experience. These include a fundamental repositioning of tenancy management services to be able to provide a

better focus on customers in respect of supporting them through changes in circumstances as a result of

welfare benefit reform. Discussion with staff indicated that as part of the development of front line services and

migration of services to the Enquiry Centre customer journeys are being mapped and reviewed to ensure that

their journey is appropriate and that as much as possible can be dealt with at the first point of contact.

Fully MetEvidence Value: including improved customer journeys.

Discussion with staff within the Newcastle Furniture Service highlighted the improvements currently being made

to the ordering process which would ensure a speedier service and more rapid delivery of the goods ordered.

YHN’s new Customer Promise is based around customer journeys and feedback from, and the measurement of

these Promises will link into future potential improvements into customers’ journeys. Customer journey

mapping continues to be fully embedded within YHN and the development of Customer Promises linked into

customer journeys is demonstration of compliance plus.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2: The Culture of the Organisation

2.1: Leadership, Policy and Culture

2.1.1: There is corporate commitment to putting the customer at the heart of service

delivery and leaders in our organisation actively support this and advocate for


SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

This year we reviewed our Statement of Purpose and our objectives so that they better fit our wider role and the

environment we work in. Staff have been kept informed of the changes through regular updates at Team Brief

and on John's Blog.

2.1.1(1): Evidence - Statement of Purpose Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Customer Service Strategy was developed to meet customers needs by enabling us to provide services

that are accessible at all times and in ways that meet individual needs. The strategy was launched personally

by our Head of Customer Service in a series of presentations to staff.

2.1.1(2): Evidence - Customer Service Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are committed to providing our customers with excellent customer care across all the services we provide.

To help us achieve this our customers helped us design our Customer Service Charter. The Charter describes

the standard of customer service we will deliver to our customers.

2.1.1(3): Evidence - Customer Service Charter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Chief Executive and heads of service attend community events within the estates that we serve. Our Chief

Executive took part in the CEO Sleepout at St. James Park. John, along with 60 other business leaders spent

the night sleeping rough to help raise money and awareness of homelessness.

2.1.1(5): Evidence - Community Events* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have replaced our Service Standards with a set of customer promises. We made this change following

feedback from over 100 customer and staff. We developed our customer promises in consultation with


2.1.1(4): Evidence - Customer Promises Assessor Acceptance: Yes There is corporate commitment to putting the customer at the heart of service delivery

The corporate commitment to customer focused service delivery is set out within YHN’s Statement of Purpose.

The Corporate Values reflect YHN’s wider aims and objectives and the values focus on elements that are

essential to the delivery of customer focused services. The newly developed Customer Promise is centred on

customer journeys and their ensuring high standards of service throughout those journeys. Customers are an

integral part of the Board including the role of Vice Chair. Discussion with Board members during the

Assessment made clear their commitment to focusing on customers across all areas of service delivery.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and leaders in our organisation actively support this and advocate for customers.

The Chief Executive continues to lead through personal commitment to supporting and advocating for

customers. He engages positively with staff to understand what is happening on the ground, regularly engages

with customers and understands and empathises with their needs and uses that awareness to promote a

customer focused ethos across YHN.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.1.2: We use customer insight to inform policy and strategy and to prioritise service

improvement activity.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliance Plus

New Evidence

Our Customer Insight Policy outlines how we ‘collect and efficiently use customer insight to drive service

improvements and policy developments.’

2.1.2(1): Evidence - Customer insight policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Readers panel told us that our annual reports were not customer friendly. Following a consultation event

with customers, we produced two versions of our annual report; a full version and a shorter, tenant friendly

version. Both versions are available to view on our external website.

2.1.2(2): Evidence - Annual Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

In the past, we have planned the review of service improvement on a cyclical basis, but have recently changed

this to need and priority basis. This allows us to be more responsive to change. This year our Tenancy

Services function is undergoing a full review in response to Welfare Reform.

2.1.2(3): Evidence - Policy and Strategy development framework Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Appendix 2 of the service review toolkit identifies consultation methods with both staff and customers, including

the use of customer profiles to inform reviews. Information gathered in this way would be used to inform service

and policy reviews and to develop strategies.

2.1.2(4): Evidence - Service Review Toolkit Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Customer Service Strategy was developed in consultation with customers and has lead to the

establishment of our Enquiry Centre in response to customer feedback around increasing our ability to deal

with the customer at first point of contact.

2.1.2(5): Evidence - CRM project update Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Staff consultation is a key component of any internal service review. We are currently piloting a 'Stop, Start.

Continue' review process with internal services. This process acts as a mini review and staff have the

opportunity to say what the service should stop, start and continue doing.

2.1.2(6): Evidence - Staff focus group Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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At the time of the Assessment YHN was undergoing considerable change. Hardly a service was untouched by

change that was led in all circumstances by the need to continue to develop services to customers at a time of

significant change in the context of which YHN works. Tenancy Services have been reorganised to provide

better support to customers affected by welfare benefit changes whilst ensuring that other services to

customers were not adversely affected. The continued migration of services to the Enquiry Centre is evidence of


Fully MetEvidence Value: and to prioritise service improvement activity.

The development of its Employability Team, the refocusing of the Concierge Team to include a 24 hour

Response Team for customers, the appointment of eleven additional staff to income management reflects the

need to focus on the increased number of customers having potential difficulty in paying rent and the

development of the Housing Options Team reflects the need to prioritise pre-tenancy support. The resourcing of

the Employability Team and inclusion of Employability targets within the Top 20 Targets for 2013/14 reflects the

priority to support its tenants back into employment. The extent to which customer insight is used currently to

refocus all areas of service delivery merits compliance plus as being at the core of service delivery and

organisational change.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.1.3: We have policies and procedures which support the right of all customers to expect

excellent levels of service.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We are committed to providing our customers with excellent customer care across all the services we provide.

To help us achieve this our customers helped us design our Customer Service Charter. The Charter describes

the standard of customer service we will deliver to our customers.

2.1.3(1): Evidence - Customer service charter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our New Business Strategy for 2013-16 incorporates our Annual Delivery Plan. The Delivery Plan translates the

Business Strategy into actions for the year ahead. It includes priority business targets as well as priority

customer targets (local offers).

2.1.3(2): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Customer Promises clearly set out to customers what they can expect to receive from our services. For

example once you are a YHN tenant “we promise that YHN staff will be friendly and welcoming” and “we

promise that our staff will respect and treat you fairly”

2.1.3(3): Evidence - Customer Promise Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a Corporate Equality Policy. Section 4 relates to the nine protected characteristics, where people

often face discrimination, disadvantage and victimisation. For each characteristic, we have a policy statement

on our commitment to the protection of this charteristic.

2.1.3(4): Evidence - Corporate equality statement Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We currently carry out Equality Impact and Needs Assessments on all policies, strategies and other functions

to ensure that none of our services directly or indirectly discriminate against our customers or employees and

that no one is disadvantaged.

2.1.3(5): Evidence - EINA toolkit Assessor Acceptance: Yes

YHN holds personal data on our customers which is essential to many of our services and functions. We carry

out this process fairly and lawfully in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Customers can request

information we hold about them under this act.

2.1.3(6): Evidence - Freedom of Information Assessor Acceptance: Yes We have policies and procedures which support the right of all customers to expect excellent

levels of service.

YHN has a full range of policies and procedures focused around delivery of excellent levels of customer service.

These include policies in relation to equality and diversity as well as the recently introduced Customer Promise

that replaced a myriad of Customer Service Standards. Underpinning these is an Equality Impact Assessment

Toolkit that is designed to ensure that excellent services are delivered to all customer groups and within the

equality and diversity framework.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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2.1.4: We ensure that all customers and customer groups are treated fairly and this is

confirmed by feedback and the measurement of customer experience.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have delivered a mystery shopping exercise to test the accessibility of a number of the services that we

provide. The mystery shop was used to test both the physical accessibility of some of our buildings and the

level of support provided to customers who have a disability or other support needs.

2.1.4(1): Evidence - Mystery shop report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We plan to conduct our next STAR survey in Feb 2014. We are currently consulting with staff about which

questions to include, but plan to ask respondents if they feel they have been treated fairly.

2.1.4(2): Evidence - STAR questions Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We run a bi annual staff survey, which gives staff the opportunity to comment on how YHN is run as well as the

support they are given to enable them to provide the service our customers expect.

2.1.4(3): Evidence - Current staff survey Assessor Acceptance: No

All staff attend mandatory customer service training. We developed our customer service training in

consultation with our customers. The training sessions are about what makes good customer service


2.1.4(4): Evidence - Customer Service training Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a compliments and complaints process which gives customers the opportunity to compliment our

staff. We have recieved a number of compliments from customers that feel they have been treated fairly by our


2.1.4(5): Evidence - Customer compliment example Assessor Acceptance: Yes

This year we have replaced our Service Standards with a set of Customer Promises. We have a customer

promise that "YHN staff will be friendly and welcoming."

2.1.4(6): Evidence - Service standards Assessor Acceptance: Yes We ensure that all customers and customer groups are treated fairly

YHN delivers a range of in house training to staff based around customer focused service delivery and equality.

Discussion with front line staff during the assessment highlighted training that some staff had completed over

the last twelve months in such areas as, equality, safeguarding and dealing with difficult customers, which

helps ensure that all customers are treated fairly. There is a very clear and embedded culture of ensuring

fairness of access and treatment across YHN. Delete 2.1.4(3) as does not relate to customer groups.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and this is confirmed by feedback and the measurement of customer experience.

Detailed analysis of customer feedback is carried out, which, along with mystery shopping demonstrates

fairness in service delivery. The STAR survey questions for 2013/14 will include a feedback question about

customers perception of how fairly they consider they have been treated.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.1.5: We protect customers’ privacy both in face-to-face discussions and in the transfer

and storage of customer information.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have an ‘Information Policy’ that recognises it is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that information we

provide to customers is accurate and up to date and that it is used properly. The policy also covers transfer

and storage of customer data.

2.1.5(1): Evidence - Information Policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

To compliment our Information Policy, we have developed a ‘Looking after information Staff Handbook’ which

set out the personal responsibilities that our staff have in ensuring that information and information systems

within YHN are used correctly and legally.

2.1.5(2): Evidence - Looking after information policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We comply with the Freedom of Information Act; information about this is on our website. Our website also

provides customers with a list of information our customers can see called a ‘Publication Scheme’ which

provides details of all of the information currently published.

2.1.5(3): Evidence - Freedom of Information Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our different services protect customers privacy face-to-face and in the transfer and storage of data in a range

of ways. Our Young Peoples Service for example comply with the Support and Care record keeping policy.

2.1.5(4): Evidence - Support and care record keeping policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CRM system, Lagan, operates a caller ID system. In depth verification (for example, asking the customer

for their date of birth and national insurance number) only occurs if the call relates to a potentially confidential


2.1.5(5): Evidence - Lagan caller ID Assessor Acceptance: Yes We protect customers’ privacy both in face-to-face discussions

There is good evidence that YHN has in place a range of data protection policies and procedures that aim to

ensure the correct use, transfer and storage of data and the protection of privacy. YHN provide customers with

the opportunity of privacy through the provision of interview rooms, such as those seen at the West Denton

Office during the Assessment and through providing customers with the option of home visits. Discussion with

staff also indicated that customers raising issues of ASB have their privacy respected.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and in the transfer and storage of customer information.

Observation of the Enquiry Centre and discussion with staff highlighted how Caller ID is used to ensure that

confidential information is not given out without proper verification. YHN has in place information sharing

protocols that ensure information is only passed to third parties where approval has been obtained or where

required by law, for example, in sharing information with partners in the management of anti-social behaviour.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.1.6: We empower and encourage all employees to actively promote and participate in

the customer focused culture of our organisation.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have developed our Peoples Strategy, which recognises that without a quality workforce we cannot hope to

achieve success. It sets out how we will ensure that we have the

right people with the right skills at the right time together.

2.1.6(1): Evidence - Peoples Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We offer a wide range of ways that staff can get involved with decision making at YHN, including team briefs,

staff survey, viewpoint sessions, LGBT network group etc. Full details on our staff intranet site.

2.1.6(2): Evidence - Way staff can get involved* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We run a bi annual staff survey which gives all employees the opportunity to have their say about the way we

run our business. The feedback from our last survey (conducted in 2011) has led to a number of service

improvement and policy developments.

2.1.6(4): Evidence - Staff survey summary report Assessor Acceptance: No

All staff attend mandatory customer service training. We developed our customer service training in

consultation with our customers. The training sessions are about what makes customer service excellent and

gives our customers the opportunity to tell staff what makes a real difference to them.

2.1.6(5): Evidence - Customer Service training Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We run a staff award scheme that is dedicated to recognising the outstanding efforts that our staff make every

day to help make our customers lives better. *

2.1.6(6): Evidence - Staff awards* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are committed to making YHN a great place to work, to empower and encourage all staff to promote and

participate in the customer focused culture. We offer a range of additional benefits to our staff (such as

uniforms for customer facing staff) and have developed our wellbeing at work policy

2.1.6(3): Evidence - Wellbeing at work policy* Assessor Acceptance: No We empower and encourage all employees to actively promote

Discussions with Board members, Directors, managers, staff all clearly emphasise the focus on customers.

This has given rise to an organisational culture in which recognition of an ethos that customer focus is at the

core of service delivery. This is understood by all staff. EV 16(3&4) N/A as not focused on empowerment or

promotion of customer focused service delivery.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and participate in the customer focused culture of our organisation.

Staff met during the assessment were clear about their role in promoting and developing this ethos. Discussion

with staff about the changes to the structure within Tenancy Services that are taking place indicated that they

considered that they would be better empowered to respond individually to the needs of their customers and to

focus on key aspects of service delivery to help their customers. They were also very positive about the training

they receive which provides them with the knowledge and skills to take matters forward. Staff within internal

services, such as ITC and Income also provided examples which demonstrated that they were designing

services and had used process mapping to help provide improved customer journeys.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.2: Staff Professionalism and Attitude

2.2.1: We can demonstrate our commitment to developing and delivering customer

focused services through our recruitment, training and development policies for staff.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our organisational development team have now successfully completed all actions within our Peoples Strategy

which includes an action to 'pilot new mandatory Customer Service training: 'Customer Service the next level'

All staff now attend this training.

2.2.1(1): Evidence - Peoples Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We encourage all employees to participate in learning using a variety of different approaches. We offer a range

of in house training sessions and courses, and support to achieve professional qualifications. We offer work

shadowing, secondment opportunities and coaching support from qualified staff.

2.2.1(2): Evidence- Staff training* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a recruitment policy and procedure which aims to recruit the ‘best person for the job, no matter what

their gender, gender identity, race or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief or age.’

2.2.1(3): Evidence - Recruitment policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a set of core values. These are not about the services that we deliver, but are about the way we

behave when doing our jobs and delivering our services to our customers. Our Job Description incorporate our

generic competencies; all of our Core Values are incorporated into these competencies.

2.2.1(4): Evidence - Job description* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We can demonstrate our commitment to developing and delivering customer focused

services through our recruitment,

Evidence provided shows that policies and processes are geared to ensuring the appointment of staff with

customer focused skills. The recruitment process focuses on the skill sets required for particular jobs to ensure

that staff are able to meet and work within YHN’s values. A chance discussion indicated that an induction

programme was being held during the assessment and this provided the opportunity for a discussion with some

new intake staff who were positive about the recruitment process that included a customer focus. The induction

process itself includes the Chief Executive setting the scene emphasising the organisational values and

customer ethos and much of the programme is based around experiencing aspects of front line service delivery.

Fully MetEvidence Value: training and development policies for staff.

Core Values and competencies are discussed as part of the regular review process with discussion about how

staff have focused on customer service. Staff identified training that focused on developing aspects of customer

focus relation to their particular roles and skills. The Concierge Service had, for example, received considerable

training, for their new roles in relation to ensuring their skills and abilities were appropriate for the new 24 hour

Response Service as well as carrying out various customer focused communal services and tasks.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.2.2: Our staff are polite and friendly to customers and have an understanding of

customer needs.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Customer Service Strategy was developed around customers’ needs and aspirations. It says how we will

provide customer services that are accessible at times and in ways that suit the individual needs of our

customers. Customers were consulted with in the development of this strategy.

2.2.2(1): Evidence - Customer service strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a Compliments and Complaints process that customers can access if they feel they have received a

good service, or if they feel dissatisfied with a service. We have examples of where customers have

commented that our staff are polite and friendly

2.2.2(2): Evidence - Example Compliment Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Staff are required to attend Equality & Diversity Awareness Training and receive a diversity guide when they join

YHN. This raises awareness of individual customer need to enable staff to act appropriately and therefore

provide a polite and friendly service, appropriate to different customers

2.2.2(3): Evidence - Staff diversity guide Assessor Acceptance: Yes

This year we have replaced our traditional service standards with a set of Customer Promises. For example we

promise that once you are a YHN tenant “we promise that YHN staff will be friendly and welcoming” and “we

promise that our staff will respect and treat customers fairly”

2.2.2(4): Evidence - Customer Promise Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We carry out mystery shopping exercises to test staff customer service. Mystery shopping inspectors

(customers) consistently report on the high levels of service that staff provide and regularly comment on the

friendly and polite nature of the staff that they are inspecting.

2.2.2(5): Evidence - Mystery shopping example Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Customer Involvement Team conducted a customer consultation event with CCAS Customers. The

purpose of this session was to gather data on the main performance indicators on the CCAS Monitoring

Service; one of which being ‘helpfulness of staff’. There was many positive comments about CCAS Staff.

2.2.2(6): Evidence - CCAS consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Feedback through surveys and mystery shopping demonstrates that staff are polite and friendly to customers.

The Customer Promise, which has replaced the Customer Service Standards, has a promise for staff to be

‘friendly and welcoming’. The Promise has identified measures through which these will be measured in the

future and staff within Business Strategy are working to measure and monitor these and to report back to

appropriate managers. Positive feedback about friendliness and helpfulness of staff comes also through other

customer feedback mechanisms and compliments.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and have an understanding of customer needs.

Feedback through mystery shopping shows that staff have a good understanding of customer needs, Staff in

the Enquiry Centre are also able to demonstrate this through their call monitoring, whilst staff in supported

housing services are able to demonstrate this through their work on customer’s Support Plans which focus very

much on their individual needs. Again, staff felt that the changes to the way in which front line services were

being delivered was a response to ensuring that they were able to understand the better needs of individual

customers and the support and service delivery they needed.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.2.3: We prioritise customer focus at all levels of our organisation and evaluate

individual and team commitment through the performance management system.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our New Business Strategy for 2013-16 incorporates our Annual Delivery Plan. The Delivery Plan translates the

Business Strategy into action for the year ahead Appendix two of the Business Strategy outlines the cascade

of our Mission and Strategic Objectives down to individual appriasal targets. ?

2.2.3(1): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Performance management of our staff is based around our competency framework which incorporated our Core

Values. Competencies within this framework (and accompanying core values) are included in our job

description, 1:1's, annual and 360 degree appraisal and all aspects of recruitment and selection.

2.2.3(2): Evidence - Competency framework Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Staff are recognised in many ways at YHN and customer feedback plays a big role in this. At the beginning of

every team brief, we provide a ‘good news briefing’ naming staff and teams that have provided excellent and

exemplary service to our customers.

2.2.3(3): Evidence - Good news stories Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a Biannual Staff award scheme which recognises the efforts of individuals and teams. Categories are

based around our core values, which incorporate customer service.

2.2.3(4): Evidence - All star awards Assessor Acceptance: Not Reviewed We prioritise customer focus at all levels of our organisation

Customer focus is prioritised at all levels of the organisation. This is set out in the Business Strategy which

reflects the current organisational changes to bring about even higher levels of customer focused service

delivery. These are translated into individual and team service targets.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and evaluate individual and team commitment through the performance management


Front line staff and their managers all emphasised how the annual appraisal process focused on how well staff

were delivering against their customer focused targets. There were also discussions with staff and managers

about the appraisal process focused on how they provided examples to show how they met organisational

values around customer service delivery. At a manager level these include 360 degree appraisal which would

reflect feedback in relation to service delivery. The development of the Business Account management process

within YHYN will further aid provision of feedback to demonstrate how services’ focus on customers.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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2.2.4: We can demonstrate how customer-facing staffs’ insight and experience is

incorporated into internal processes, policy development and service planning.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Appendix two of the service review toolkit advises of methods of consultation with staff that could be used in

reviews This list is not exhaustive, but demonstrates our commitment to using customer facing staff's insight

and experience in internal process, policy development and service planning.

2.2.4(1): Evidence - Service review toolkit Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We offer a wide range of ways that staff can influence internal processes, policy development and service

planning at YHN.

2.2.4(2): Evidence - Involvment opportunities for staff* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We run a bi annual staff survey which gives all employees the opportunity to have their say about the way we

run our business. Our last survey was conducted in 2011. The feedback we gained from this survey have led to

a number of service improvement and policy developments

2.2.4(3): Evidence - YHN Staff Survey Assessor Acceptance: Yes

To migrate calls from individual business areas to the YHN Enquiry Centre the CRM project team liaise with

front line staff to capture, understand and adapt current processes so they will translate to the enquiry centre.

2.2.4(4): Evidence - CRM process Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CRM system has been put in place as a tool to assist staff, therefore, we want users to develop the

scripts. We recently carried out an audit review of the scripts are already in Lagan and asked users to

complete a survey to inform this review.

2.2.4(5): Evidence - Lagan Audit survey Assessor Acceptance: Yes We can demonstrate how customer-facing staffs’ insight and experience is incorporated into

internal processes, policy development and service planning.

Evidence and feedback from staff met during the assessment all show that staff’s insight, knowledge and

experience have been, and continue to be, used in developing services. One member of staff referred to their

involvement in the Void Focus Group, others referred to their input into the Tenancy Service Review and how the

opportunity this had given them to input into the future service delivery mechanisms. Other staff with more of an

internal focus identified how they had used the Lean process to identify service improvements and improved

customer journeys, whereas others had been able to develop improvements through suggestions in team

meetings. A manager referred to improvements in rent arrear management for some of their customers through

being able to work later to contact them out of normal office hours, whereas another referred to changes to

approach to rent arrears that had been adopted across the Housing Offices.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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2.2.5: We value the contribution our staff make to delivering customer focused services,

and leaders, managers and staff demonstrate these behaviours.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our apprisal and supervision framework incorporates our core values. All members of staff, including heads of

service are subject to the annual and 360 appraisal systems.

2.2.5(1): Evidence - Apprisal and supervision Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a ‘benefits and recognition’ policy which was reviewed following feedback from our last bi annual staff

survey in 2011. This policy recognises that YHN is committed to developing a highly engaged, high performing

workforce, equipped with the right skills and attitude.

2.2.5(2): Evidence - Benefits and Recognition policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are committed to and promote maintaining a healthy and happy workforce as we recognise that we need a

happy workforce. Our ‘Wellbeing at work’ policy aims to improve the health of the workforce.

2.2.5(3): Evidence - Wellbeing at work policy* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our last Oscar-style staff award ceremony was presented by our Chief Executive John Lee and Board Vice

Chair Nitin Shukla, demonstrating the priority of recognising excellent customer focused services at all levels

within the organisation. Your Homes, Your Jobs trainees where also recognised.

2.2.5(4): Evidence - Staff award scheme* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

At the beginning of every team brief, we provide a ‘good news briefing’ naming staff and teams that have

provided excellent and exemplary service to our customers. Team breif is attended by all Senior Managers and

our Chief Executive John Lee.

2.2.5(5): Evidence - Good news stories Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We believe that our people are our most valuable resource. We are committed to making YHN a great place to

work, so as well as offering competitive salaries we offer a range of benefits to all our staff. This includes

providing a uniform for customer facing staff.

2.2.5(6): Evidence- Great Place to Work* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We value the contribution our staff make to delivering customer focused services,

YHN has in place a range of processes that demonstrate that staff are valued. These relate both to formal

channels through the appraisal and supervision route, through the Staff Award scheme and other corporate


Fully MetEvidence Value: and leaders, managers and staff demonstrate these behaviours.

Alongside these formal routes which ensure that staff are recognised and praised within the organisation for

complaints and positive outcomes there is a range of informal methods based around individual management

styles that show managers value their staff. The Chief Executive and Management Team are highly visible. The

Chief Executive is highly regarded by all front line staff for his understanding of customers and customer

insight, his accessibility to staff and the different ways in which he acknowledges, recognises and promotes

the contributions staff make.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report

3: Information and Access

3.1: Range of Information

3.1.1: We make information about the full range of services we provide available to our

customers and potential customers, including how and when people can contact us, how

our services are run and who is in charge.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

In order to support staff in effective communication, we have developed our Communication Strategy ‘Connect

and Engage – A communication strategy for YHN 2010-2014’ which outlines our approach to communication. It

identifies our vision and priorities for communication.

3.1.1(1): Evidence - Communication strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Business Strategy includes a Delivery Plan section which identifies every team within YHN, providing clear

details of individual teams ‘purpose of the service’ as well as each teams ‘business critical’, ‘priority’ and ‘team

targets’ which clearly identifies to customers how our services are run.

3.1.1(2): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

The attached document gives some examples of the range of communication methods we use on a daily


3.1.1(3): Evidence - example of communications Assessor Acceptance: Yes

This example shows the range of communication methods used within our tenancy sign-up process. We use

different methods at different stages of the process such as written, face to face, DVD and providing the

customer with branded merchandising.

3.1.1(4): Evidence - Tenancy sign up flow chart Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have used a range of communication methods to communicate information relating to Welfare Reform and

the changes to the benefits system, as can be seen on our sharepoint page. The sharepoint page is available

to view onsite.

3.1.1(5): Evidence - Welfare Reform communication tools* Assessor Acceptance: Not Reviewed

Our external website includes service pages, which provide information on service provision and contact

methods for the services required, evidence of which is available on our external website

3.1.1(6): YHN external website Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We make information about the full range of services we provide available to our customers

and potential customers,

YHN provides information to customers and prospective customers across a wide number of services delivered

through across a range of access channels. Many services utilise more than one communication method and

may use face-to-face communication, traditional promotional information and e-communications providing

choice for customers in how they access information. For potential customers information is also available

through Tyne and Wear Homes choice based lettings service.

Fully MetEvidence Value: including how and when people can contact us,

A review of information across the different access channels show that across the board there is clear

information about how people can contact YHN and its staff. The Key Contacts on the web site provides email

addresses for the Management Team and senior managers. The regular Newsletters also provide key

information about what YHN does and how and when individuals can contact YHN, including 24 hour

emergency and ‘out of hour’ services.

Evidence Value: Fully Met how our services are run and who is in charge.

The information also covers in general terms how YHN is run and who is in charge including information about

senior management the Board and Governance structure.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.1.2: Where there is a charge for services, we tell our customers how much they will

have to pay.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Tenant handbook and the rent section on our website provide details of the various ways in which

customers can make payments to their account.

3.1.2(1): Evidence- Tenant Handbook Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a number of customer promises that relate directly to rent payment. We make a specific promise to

"provide a range of ways to pay your rent and we will help you decide which method is best for you"

3.1.2(2): Evidence - Customer promise Assessor Acceptance: Yes

NCC provide the payment method platforms on our behalf. They have recently implemented a ‘one’ telephone

number system which includes the payment line. All communications about payments have now been updated

to include the new number including; rent statements, websites, homes & people and leaflets.

3.1.2(3): Evidence - Payment Method Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Publications of chargable services always provide clear information to the customer.

3.1.2(4): Evidence - Own your Own brochure* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We send customers a quarterly metered heating statement. This statement details the customers metered

heating energy charges and how much heating and hot water they have used for the period covering the

statement. Statements have been ammended following customer feedback.

3.1.2(5): Evidence- metered heating statement template Assessor Acceptance: Yes Where there is a charge for services, we tell our customers how much they will have to pay.

Charges are made for a number of various services. Tenants are advised of the rent and service charges. Where

appropriate, for example, in respect of leaseholders more detailed information is provided. Where there are

metered heating charges customers are provided with information on quarterly basis. The information provided

here has recently been improved so that it is clearer for customers. Where there are charges for other optional

services such as the recently introduced ‘Own Your Own’ scheme, the weekly cost and total cost of the

product purchased are set out. Prospective customers are made aware of prospective rent and services

charges through the Tyne and Wear Homes information.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.2: Quality of Information

3.2.1: We provide our customers with the information they need in ways which meet their

needs and preferences, using a variety of appropriate channels.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our ‘Making information accessible policy' provides advice and guidance on effective communication with

customers. The policy provided guidance in the following areas:

· Plain English

· Design and layout

· Websites

· Communication with disabled people

3.2.1(1): Evidence - making information accessible policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We use a range of communication methods to communicate information to customers in the most appropriate

way. The link to our Welfare Reform communication page, show the range of methods used to communicate

Welfare Reform changes to customers.

3.2.1(2): Evidence - Welfare Reform Communication methods* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have held consultation events with our customers to get their views on our communication which has

helped shape our approach to communicating Welfare Reform issues. For example, customers helped us

design the logo we now use in all communication of Welfare Reform changes.

3.2.1(3): Evidence - Welfare Reform focus group Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Tenant Involvement team have many opportunities for customers to get involve and share their views with

us. The Readers' Panel makes sure our leaflets and documents are easy to understand and include all the

information that tenants and leaseholders need to know about.

3.2.1(4): Evidence - Involvement Opportunities Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have developed a number of customer promises that relate directly to communication. For example, we

promise to "use customers preferred method of contact if they have told us they have one."

3.2.1(5): Evidence - Customer Promise Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Customers can view their accounts online. Information is updated every day at midnight the information they

are viewing is the most accurate and up to date. The system allows customers to see their rent charges,

transactions and balances in the most convenient way and time that suits them.

3.2.1(6): Evidence - Tenant rent accounts Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We provide our customers with the information they need in ways which meet their needs

and preferences,

YHN has corporate guidelines to ensure that information is provided in ways that meet the needs of their

different customer groups. Information is available, if required, in a number of local community languages nd

translation services are available also, if required.

Fully MetEvidence Value: using a variety of appropriate channels.

YHN provides access through a range of communication channels – visiting local Housing Offices, some

services are now accessible through the Enquiry Centre, some available 24 hours, such as the Concierge

Service. Information is available on line and YHN has now introduced the use of QR Codes providing access to

information through mobile technology.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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3.2.2: We take reasonable steps to make sure our customers have received and

understood the information we provide.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Following feedback from our customers, we have produced two annual reports this year; one full version and

one tenant version which includes information that customers told us they were interested in, in a bright and

colourful format.

3.2.2(1): Evidence - Annual report consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have developed a series of Customer Promises including a promise to ‘give the customer the right

information at the right time.’

3.2.2(2): Evidence - Customer promise Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our communication team manage our website – they e-mail page owners to remind them to update the

information on their pages every 6 months. Changes made to the website will take account of any customer


3.2.2(3): Evidence - Page owner e-mail template Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We send Homes & People to all of our tenants and leaseholders every four months. The newsletter is the main

way that we communicate with our customers and it contains information that is relevant to customers all

across the city.

3.2.2(4): Evidence - Homes & People Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are currently developing a text messaging service which can alert customers when their rent accounts fall

into arrears. Customers falling below an agreed level will be sent an automated text message asking them if

they would like someone from YHN to contact them.

3.2.2(5): Evidence - text message examples Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We provide information to our customers in a range of formats as we understand that people access and

understand information in a number of different ways. For example, we published information of our new repairs

app in a number of ways, including an eye catching poster.

3.2.2(6): Evidence - Repairs app poster Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We take reasonable steps to make sure our customers have received

The prime communication channel for information to YHN customers is through their ‘Homes and People’

Newsletter. This is distributed to all homes which ensure that all customers have access to key information. In

specific areas of service delivery, staff indicated that the ‘signing up’ process is another way of ensuring that

new customers receive information about the service to be provided. The web site also provide the full range of

information helping to ensure that customers can access the information required. Over the last twelve months

staff have made contact with all customers at potential risk from the welfare benefit changes to ensure that they

have all been provided with information about the changes and their potential impact.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and understood the information we provide.

The ‘signing up’ process and the follow up visit are the main ways in which staff ensure that information has

been understood. This was also evidenced through discussions with Enquiry Centre staff who check customers

understanding during and at the wrap up of calls. Staff working within the supporting people framework also

ensure service users needs have been understood and this is reflected through the updating of their Support

Plans. On a proactive basis, staff developing scripts and information about services to be migrated to the

Enquiry Centre ensure that this is jargon free and intelligible and understandable to customers. One-to-one

contact with individual customers during the welfare reform consultations helped ensure that they understood

the impact on their individual circumstances. Staff met also highlighted subsequent contact with them that

clarified the potential and actual impact on them.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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3.2.3: We have improved the range, content and quality of verbal, published and web

based information we provide to ensure it is relevant and meets the needs of customers.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

This year we have produced two versions of our annual report, following consultation with our customers. We

now produce a full version, and a smaller, tenant friendly version which include items that customers told us

they were interested in.

3.2.3(1): Evidence - annual report consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Rather than having a strict schedule for review of major customer documents, we review documents on priority

and needs basis to ensure that the information we present to tenants is always accurate and relevant. We plan

to review our tenants agreement inline with Welfare Reform changes.

3.2.3(4): Evidence - Policy Review Framework Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have made changes the way we present information about Welfare Reform to customers, following

feedback from a consultation event. Customers at this event helped us design the icon that we now use across

all Welfare Reform publications.

3.2.3(5): Evidence - Welfare Reform focus group notes Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Customers can feedback on our services via our compliments and complaints procedure. Our CCAS Service

recently reviewed the wording of one of their standard letters following feedback.

3.2.3(6): Evidence - Complaints feedback Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Following consultation with our customers and staff, we have replaced our service standards with a set of

customer promises. Our new ‘Customer Promises’ are more positive, easy to understand and reflect what

matters to the customer the most.

3.2.3(2): Evidence - Customer Promise Consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We have improved the range, content and quality of verbal,

Discussion with staff identified a range of ways in which they demonstrated improvements to verbal information.

The migration of services to the Enquiry Centre has led to the development of scripts that set out clearly what

information is required and has aided clarity and consistency of information provision.

Fully MetEvidence Value: published

There has been a lot of published information about the welfare benefit changes which has set out clearly the

potential impact on customers and helped clarify their options. A special welfare icon was developed across all

welfare reform publications so that customers could be aware that it related to their circumstances. In other

areas, too, there have been changes in published information to reflect changes, such as the new Customer

Promise and new services, such as the, very clear brochure promoting the ‘Own your Own’ scheme within the

Furniture Service. This sets out very clearly the weekly and total cost of products purchased.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and web based information we provide to ensure it is relevant and meets the needs of


There have also been improvements to web based information. The Furniture Store is developing on line order

forms for its products which will enable customer orders to go straight through to staff speeding the ordering

process and speeding up the delivery to customers. YHN has also developed QR Codes to provide rapid

access to information on the web.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.2.4: We can demonstrate that information we provide to our customers is accurate and

complete, and that when this is not the case we advise customers when they will receive

the information they requested.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

A number of our services have guidelines for when customers should recieve a repsonse; for example our

policy to process Discretionary Allowance (Delay in Repair) claims within 10 working days. If it is not possible

for us to meet this timescale we write to the customer to tell them the reason

3.2.4(1): Evidence - Guidline response Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Customers can view their accounts online via Gandlake, an online platform for customers to view their account

information online. Information is updated every day at midnight so customers can be assured that the

information they are viewing is the most accurate and up to date.

3.2.4(2): Evidence - Gandlake Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our communication team manage our website – they e-mail page owners to remind them to update the

information on their pages every 6 months. This ensures that the information presented on the sight is kept

upto date and accurate.

3.2.4(3): Evidence - YHN Website Assessor Acceptance: Yes

If information we present becomes out of date we will re-print or add an additional 'amendment' to the original.

This was chosen to be the best course of action to present information in addition to our customer information

'weighing up the benefits' to which we added an amendment earlier this year.

3.2.4(4): Evidence -Weighing up the benefits Assessor Acceptance: Yes

If information provided is incorrect, we will correct the information, apologise and ensure that this error does not

reoccur. 14 customers identified a fault with our metered heating statements, this was subsequently corrected.

Customers where apologised to and provided with the correct info.

3.2.4(5): Evidence - Apology Letter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our staff intranet is a useful information sharing site that all staff can use to keep them upto date with what is

happening within YHN and the wider sector, helping them provide accurate information staff can view

24dash.com news feed and a ‘news and briefings' page for example.

3.2.4(6): Evidence - Staff Policy Breifings* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We can demonstrate that information we provide to our customers is accurate and complete,

Discussion with staff highlighted a number of ways through which YHN could demonstrate that its information

was up-to-date and complete. In the key areas of income management and repairs data bases are updated

daily, the latter in real time as repairs are completed. Customers are able to access this up-to-date information

on line as well as being advised when discussing their tenancy with staff. Enquiry Centre staff also have access

to this real time information. YHYN has also piloted the use of mobile technology on estates which, if

successful, will ensure that staff on site have access to up-to-date information for customers. Enquiry Office

staff also indicated the process through which they are updated on policy changes and so they are able to

provide correct information to customers. Care plans are updated quarterly to help ensure they are up-to-date

and reflect service users most recent needs.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and that when this is not the case we advise customers when they will receive the

information they requested.

YHN was also able to provide good evidence to demonstrate that where information given to customers has not

been accurate and complete, appropriate action has been taken to advise customers of the correct information,

through call back arrangements, emails or letters, such as where incorrect heating charges were made.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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3.3: Access

3.3.1: We make our services easily accessible to all customers through provision of a

range of alternative channels.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our strategy ‘Every Customer Matters’ sets out a priority to ‘provide information and accessible services our

customers can use at a time and in a way to suit their needs’. Since its introduction we have made a number

of improvements to the way in which customers can access our services.

3.3.1(1): Evidence - Customer Service Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are in the process of concluding a large tenancy service review. This has been conducted to ensure that

we can effectively meet the demands of Welfare Reform changes. The review recommends a complete

restructure of our current service provision, which is currently being implemented.

3.3.1(2): Evidence - Welfare Reform Service review paper Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We recognise the need to utilize technology and increase technological access to our services. Our YHN

Business Strategy ICT Plan 2013-16 identifies our vision for improving technology to help us achieve the aims

within our business strategy.

3.3.1(3): Evidence - ICT Business Plan Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have developed our Repairs App following consultation with deaf customer groups, who could not access

the traditional telephone method of reporting a repair.

3.3.1(4): Evidence - Deaf customer consultation Assessor Acceptance: No

We have customer care kits in all of our offices; these include items such as pen grips and magnifying cards

and sticks to help customers use our services. These are available in all of our public offices and there should

also be one on reception in YHN House, items are detailed in premises DAPS.

3.3.1(5): Evidence - YHN House DAPs review Assessor Acceptance: No

We aim to make all the information we present as accessible as we can. Our website is available in multiple

languages, we offer a face to face translation service and we can translate our printed publications at

customers requests.

3.3.1(6): Evidence - Chinese translation Assessor Acceptance: No We make our services easily accessible to all customers through provision of a range of

alternative channels.

Discussion with staff, observation and evidence indicated that services were accessible through a range of

alternative channels. The assessment include a visit to the West Denton Housing Office, which is one access

route, observation of service delivery through a second route, the Enquiry Centre, as well as discussing

improved access through the internet at the Furniture Store. Staff have also developed access through TV and

QR Codes using mobile technology. Discussion with customers also highlighted their use of home visits and

estate visits and one-to-one contact. HN’s strategy reflects the range of different access channels available to

customers. N/A 3.3.1(3,4&6) not relevant to channel accessibility

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.3.2: We evaluate how customers interact with the organisation through access channels

and we use this information to identify possible service improvements, and offer better


StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Lagan is supported by the CC7 system providing performance data. The data is used to aid workforce planning.

From Aug 13, a new resource planning tool was developed, based on CC7 data to identify staffing

requirements. The RPT is now a key part of the business process.

3.3.2(2): Evidence - CRM Lagan Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Irrespective of how customers choose to contact us we know they want a larger proportion of enquiries dealt

with at the first point of contact. This was identified within our Customer Service Strategy - Every Customer

Matters. This has led to the development of the Enquiry Centre.

3.3.2(3): Evidence - Customer Service Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Not Reviewed

We conducted a skills audit. Feedback from the skills audit has helped to shape our Tenant Training

Programme. Following feedabck from the audit we have delivered courses in IT, Business Admin and health

and wellbeing.

3.3.2(4): Evidence - Skills audit Assessor Acceptance: Yes

In our last STAR survey a few tenants commented that they have had bad customer service and have felt staff

'don't care' about a particular problem. This has been considered in our approach to the implementation of the

Enquiry Centre.

3.3.2(1): Evidence - STAR 2011/12 Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We conducted a digital incluison survey at our 'Shaping Your Future' event. The purpose of the survey was to

gauge how many of this group use the internet on a regular basis and understand where any skills or

knowledge gaps are. The survey results informed a full citywide training programme

3.3.2(5): Evidence - Report from Diversity Event Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have conducted Focus groups with older customers about their opinions on new technologies. We used

this to inform a pilot where customers can tailor their care packages through different access channels such as

web cams, tablets and their TV. ?

3.3.2(6): Evidence - CCAS Consultation Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We evaluate how customers interact with the organisation through access channels

Discussion with staff, observation and evidence indicated that services were accessible through a range of

alternative channels. The assessment include a visit to the West Denton Housing Office, which is one access

route, observation of service delivery through a second route, the Enquiry Centre, as well as discussing

improved access through the internet at the Furniture Store. Staff have also developed access through TV and

QR Codes using mobile technology. Discussion with customers also highlighted their use of home visits and

estate visits and one-to-one contact. HN’s strategy reflects the range of different access channels available to

customers. N/A 3.3.1(3,4&6) not relevant to channel accessibility

Fully MetEvidence Value: and we use this information to identify possible service improvements,

The development of the ‘on-line’ order form for the Furniture Store is based on providing an improved service for

customers. Similarly, the migration of services to the Enquiry Centre is designed to improve accessibility and

responding to customers at the first point of contact. Managers are also aware of the pressures on services,

brought about by welfare benefit reform and to ensure that as well as channel shift through technology staff

need to be visible in their areas so that they are able to maintain contact with the more vulnerable and harder to

reach customers. Awareness of how customers like to engage with services has led to the current development

of SMS texting as an option.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and offer better choices

YHN is aware also of the external context within which they are operating, for example, external drivers for

channel shift through the Governments changes to Universal Credit. This has fed into their Employability

Strategy to emphasise IT training and access in the community providing improved choices.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.3.3: We ensure that where customers can visit our premises in person facilities are as

clean and comfortable as possible.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have a Health and Safety team based within YHN House. The Health and Safety officer carries out risk

assessments across all of our premises to ensure that they are safe and comfortable for both customers and

staff. The frequency of audits in determined by the risk assessment of the premises.

3.3.3(1): Evidence - Health and Safety audit Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We carry out six monthly Disability Access Plan Statements on all of our public buildings to ensure that all of

our premises are DDA compliant. Where any issues have arisen works have been planned to rectify any


3.3.3(2): Evidence - DAPs Spreadsheet Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We carry out six monthly Disability Access Plan Statements on all of our public buildings to ensure that all of

our premises are DDA compliant. Where any issues have arisen works have been planned to rectify any

situations as evidenced in the example DAPS for YHN House.

3.3.3(3): Evidence - YHN House DAPS Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Tenant Involvement team regularly use external venues. Although not YHN premises we need to ensure

that they are DDA compliant to ensure the safety of our customers and we always ensure that they are of a

high standard of cleanliness to ensure that customers are comfortable during the event

3.3.3(4): Evidence - Event sheet Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We usually offer customers attending tenant involvement consultation events refreshments or food (depending

on the length of the event) and we always offer comfort breaks to ensure that attendees are as comfortable as

possible at our events.

3.3.3(5): Evidence - Invite letter Assessor Acceptance: Yes We ensure that where customers can visit our premises in person facilities are as clean and

comfortable as possible.

The reception area at the Main Office is very well maintained. A visit to one of the Housing Offices indicated

that the reception area was also well maintained and information available. There are regular audits and checks

of public areas to ensure health and safety, accessibility and comfort of individuals

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.4: Co-operative working with other providers, partners and communities

3.4.1: We have made arrangements with other providers and partners to offer and supply

co-ordinated services, and these arrangements have demonstrable benefits for our


StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Partnership policy provides guidance to staff on how to work with others. The guidance outlines YHN’s

process for entering into partnership, which requires staff to complete a ‘Partnerships Registration form’. Our

Business Strategy maintain a record of partnership registrations.

3.4.1(1): Evidence - Partnership Staff Guidance Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our website provides customers with details of partnership working and how these partnerships have helped

our customers.

3.4.1(2): Evidence - Partnership working Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our ‘Skills to Work Strategy’ outlines that ‘working in partnership we will improve access to pre-employment

training and support’. We work with partner organisations to make sure that it is easy for our customers to

access additional support to help them gain employment.

3.4.1(3): Evidence - Skills to Work Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

In response to Welfare Reform and our responsibility as a social landlord, we are now working more with

partners in developing commercial activity that will help reduce tenant’s outgoings. We are working in

parternship with MoneyWise to deliver our 'Own your Own' scheme.

3.4.1(4): Evidence - Own your own brochure* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Allocation & Letting process is now delivered by Tyne and Wear Homes, a housing partnership that brings

together housing organisations across the region. It allows customers to apply for homes throughout the region

with one application, removing the need to apply to each provider.

3.4.1(5): Evidence - Tyne and Wear Homes Assessor Acceptance: Yes

A number of our services have partnership arrangements that are specific to their service, For example, we

participate in a repairs partnering group whereby representatives from Your Homes Newcastle, Newcastle

Tenants Federation and Newcastle City council meet on a monthly basis to discuss repairs

3.4.1(6): Evidence - Repairs Partnering Group Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We have made arrangements with other providers and partners to offer and supply

co-ordinated services,

YHN has a large number of partners which help it deliver its eservices to its customers. The major partner is the

City Council which delivers the repair service and there are partners that deliver the improvement programme of

new kitchens, windows and other replacements and improvements. YHN is in partnership with Tyne and Wear

Homes for choice based lettings as well as providers within the voluntary and community sector who support

and work with YHN on its Employability Programme.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and these arrangements have demonstrable benefits for our customers

Partnership working has provided a joined up service for effectively responding to noise nuisance in

high/medium rise areas between the Concierge Service, Housing Officers and the Council’s Noise Team. It has

helped YHN provide training, development and employment opportunities for its customers in areas such as

Walker. Working with Tyne and Wear Homes has enabled customers to have a wider choice of future homes. A

new initiative with local Credit Unions and suppliers has enabled YHN to develop its ‘Own Your Own’ scheme

enabling its customers to buy a range of consumer goods for realistic prices as an alternative to private sector

providers. This has enabled customers to purchase some goods without the risk of falling prey to ‘loan sharks’.

The Older persons service has also developed links with Age Concern and the NHS Centre for Vitality and

Ageing to provide improved opportunities for older persons.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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3.4.2: We have developed co-ordinated working arrangements with our partners that

ensure customers have clear lines of accountability for quality of service.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have a number of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with Newcastle City Council. These cover the services

which we pay the council to provide, such as estate services, information technology and occupational health.

Our Business Strategy team monitor the performance of these SLA's quarterly.

3.4.2(1): Evidence - Service Level Agreements* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Concierge service outsource the cleaning of blocks. They monitor cleaning standards through quarterly

block inspections. These inspections allow customers to comment and provide feedback on the cleaning

standards. Results of the inspection are published and displayed ay all sites.

3.4.2(2): Evidence - Block Cleaning SLA Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Customers are given clear information about who is responsible for what services on both our website and

within the Tenants handbook. For examples, Environmental Health services such as rubbish, waste and

recycling are provided by Newcastle City Council, not YHN.

3.4.2(3): Evidence - YHN Services Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our repairs and maintenance service work in partnership with Newcastle City Council and City build. Letters

that they send out to customer include the logos for watch of this organisation and tell the customer that we

work in partnership with them.

3.4.2(4): Evidence - Repairs letter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service are currently working in partnership with a number of care providers on a pilot scheme called

'whole system, whole community concept for prevent' which brings together a number of care providers with the

aim of reducing reliance on residential care bed places.

3.4.2(5): Evidence - Whole Systems, Whole Communities concept Assessor Acceptance: Not Reviewed

Our Repairs team work in partnership with a number of organisation, and report their performance is a number

of stakeholders including, YHN's Customer Service & Delivery Committee, Monthly Partering Group meeting

and repairs groups and the Tenants Federation.

3.4.2(6): Evidence - Repairs KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes We have developed co-ordinated working arrangements with our partners that ensure

customers have clear lines of accountability for quality of service.

The various Service Level Agreements, contracts and informal working arrangements all clearly set out roles

and responsibilities for service delivery and action. In some areas these are monitored by customers for

example joint monitoring of the repairs contract between the Council, YHN and Customers.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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3.4.3: We interact within wider communities and we can demonstrate the ways in which we

support those communities.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have supported a number of community events this year including the LGBT North East Awards, The Mela

and the IDAHO event at the civic centre. Onsite evidence of our support for the IDAHO event is available on

John’s Blog.

3.4.3(1): Evidence - John's Blog* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We support a number of sweet box campaigns, for example, we currently support the St Oswalds Hospice and

Snak Appeal by selling charity sweets from our head office reception. Snak Appeal donate 67% of the net profit

raised from the sale of these boxes to St Oswald's hospice

3.4.3(2): Evidence - Charity letter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We sponsor the Greggs breakfast club. This is a programme run by Greggs the bakery to help provide children

in deprived areas get a healthy start to the day. We currently sponsor two schools within our estates; Thomas

Walling Primary School in Blakelaw and Mountfield Primary School in North Kenton

3.4.3(3): Evidence - Breakfast Club Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We ask staff to nominate our charity of the year. This year we are supporting the Peoples Kitchen. Onsite

evidence of our charity of the year is available on our staff intranet.

3.4.3(4): Evidence - Charity of the year Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our public facing reception desks, including our desk at YHN House regularly support charitable campaigns.

This month (November) for example, we will be providing customers with the opportunity to support the white

ribbon campaign by providing ribbons on reception at YHN house.

3.4.3(6): Evidence - Charitable campaign* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a volunteering policy which recognises that our commitment extends to improving the quality of life

and the future prospects of those who live in the homes we manage and positively contribute towards the

communities within which our tenants live.

3.4.3(5): Evidence - Volunteer Policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes We interact within wider communities and we can demonstrate the ways in which we support

those communities.

YHN is involved in the wider community in many ways. The overall work of YHN is very much involved in

developing sustainable communities. Discussion with the Older Persons Manager highlighted the aging

population and the development of strategy aimed at providing the most appropriate response within

communities. Work on environmental improvements also reflects a wider community benefit, especially in

areas of mixed tenure. Working with partners the work of HASBET has an impact on wider communities

through managing and responding to ASB across tenures. One Manager referred also referred to the transfer of

community land into community ownership so it can be used for activities such as allotments. YHN also

supports specific charitable events and activities at corporate and individual staff level.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4: Delivery

4.1: Delivery standards

4.1.1: We have challenging standards for our main services, which take account of our

responsibility for delivering national and statutory standards and targets.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our New Business Strategy incorporates our Delivery Plan which translates the Business Strategy into actions

for the year ahead. Some services have targets to achieve compliance to national and local standards e.g.

'Maintain corporate Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation'

4.1.1(1): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have reviewed our approach to using Housemark which was previously used to monitor our compliance and

performance under the regulatory requirements of Audit Commission. However, since the move to co-regulation

the benefits of the time taken and money spent to provide data to housemark decreased.

4.1.1(2): Evidence - Housemark report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

The Repairs & Maintenance contract is monitored through key performance indicator’s (KPI’s) on a monthly

basis. The Repairs service has a delivery target to ‘achieve 93% of agreed contract KPI’s during 2013/14. Last

quarter they acheived 98%.

4.1.1(3): Evidence - Repairs KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our complaints team aim to acknowledge formal complaints within 3 working days, and respond to them in 10

days; our complaints process was reviewed earlier this year following the localism act to ensure that it is fit for


4.1.1(4): Evidence - Localism act paper Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our HASBET service have a number of KPI's that they measure in line with national standards for this service.

We no longer report these to Housemare, but continue to monitor our own performance against them.

4.1.1(5): Evidence - HASBET Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our enquiry centre aims to answer 80% of calls within 20 seconds. This is a requirement of the TSA code and

national call centre best practice. CCAS have been awarded TSA platinum status, one of only 15 organisations

out of over 370 TSA members.

4.1.1(6): Evidence - Enquiry Centre KPI Monitoring Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We have challenging standards for our main services,

YHN work to a range of standards in relation to the delivery of their tenancy and repair management service as

well as their specialist services such as anti-social behaviour through HASBET. In the current financial climate

and in the context of welfare reform the targets can be regarded as challenging.

Fully MetEvidence Value: which take account of our responsibility for delivering national and statutory standards and


There are currently no national standards in relation to the delivery of housing services. However, YHN has

historically worked within a framework of KPIs that were laid down by regulators and these remain key targets

for performance monitoring and benchmarking. These relate primarily to rent arrears levels, void losses and

performance of repairs delivery. YHN has reviewed these over the last twelve months and has refocused on rent

collected as a more accurate indicator in respect of rent arrears. There are also targets for the percentage of

calls answered within agreed timescales. Some aspects of the service operate within the Supporting People

quality framework (QAF). YHN also work within the TSA Standards in relation to its Telecare Services. YHN is

also developing Extra Care Schemes and at some time in the future will fall within the CQC Standards and

performance monitoring framework.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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4.1.2: We monitor and meet our standards, key departmental and performance targets,

and we tell our customers about our performance.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our customers are given in depth information about what they can expect from us, as their landlord, when they

sign their tenancy agreement. This is always done in person, customers are asked to watch a DVD, and are

given a pack of information to take away with them.

4.1.2(1): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

The Repairs & Maintenance contract is monitored through key performance indicator’s (KPI’s) on a monthly

basis. The Repairs service has a delivery target to ‘achieve 93% of agreed contract KPI’s during 2013/14.' This

is consitently exceeded.

4.1.2(2): Evidence - Repairs KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Performance of the 'top 20' priority targets identified within our Business Strategy are reported internally to our

Wider Management Team and exterternally to Audit Committee. Both are reported quarterly in a report which

highlights those targets that have not been achieved.

4.1.2(3): Evidence - Performance targets Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We monitor service performance using an account management approach. The account management

approach allows us to triangulate the performance of the service against a range of indicators and work with our

colleagues in Customer Involvement to assess the performance of a service

4.1.2(4): Evidence - Account management approach Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We publish performance information in our annual report. This year we have produced two version following

feedback from customers; a full version and a more customer friendly version which includes information that

customers said they wanted to see.

4.1.2(5): Evidence - Annual report poster Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service produce an annual report for their customers. This provides key performance information that

CCAS customers said they wanted to see

4.1.2(6): Evidence - CCAS Annual Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes We monitor and meet our standards, key departmental and performance targets,

There is a robust monthly performance monitoring framework in place that use a Red, Amber, Green for

measuring performance and the delivery of services. The outcomes are reported to the Board and the Customer

Service and Delivery Committee. Overall, YHN does well against its standards. Its performance in relation to

rent arrears has worsened for the first time in five years although in respect of rent collection performance is

currently being met.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and we tell our customers about our performance.

Key performance indicators are available through the reports, through the web site and on posters within

Housing Offices as well as being reported in the Annual Report and Homes and Places as appropriate.

Customers have identified the performance targets that they wish to be informed about and these are the

targets that are published. YHN also promotes its performance in relation to its 20 Top Targets agreed each


Evidence Value: Fully Met

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4.1.3: We consult and involve customers, citizens, partners and staff on the setting,

reviewing and raising of our local standards.

Not RatedApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

As part of the review of the YHN Business Strategy we delivered a focus group with tenants to discuss their

priorities. Customers discussed a number of key areas that they felt were important to YHN and tenants

across the city. These local priorities were incorporated into the Business Strategy

4.1.3(1): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our involvement team helped establish the Byker Community Trust scrutiny panel, whose primary function was

to lead Bykers participatory budgeting investment programme; they gained a total of £170,000 funding for local


4.1.3(2): Evidence - Byker Trust Monitoring form Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We deliver a customer led estate inspection programme called 'Going for Gold'. Customers, with the support of

YHN, inspect estates and score them against an agreed framework. Any identified actions are taken forward

by the Environmental Services Team and outcomes are fed back to the customers

4.1.3(3): Evidence - Going for Gold Training Assessor Acceptance: Yes We consult and involve customers, citizens, partners and staff on the setting, reviewing and

raising of our local standards.

YHN has a number of mechanisms through which customers are involved in the setting of local targets and

standards. These include the development of the Customer Promise, the Top Twenty targets.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.2: Achieved Delivery and Outcomes

4.2.1: We agree with our customers at the outset what they can expect from the service

we provide.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our customers are given in depth information about what they can expect from us, as their landlord, when they

sign their tenancy agreement. This is always done in person, customers are asked to watch a DVD, and are

given a pack of information to take away with them.

4.2.1(1): Evidence - Tenancy agreement Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our customer promises clearly outline the commitments we make to our customers. Our Customer Promises

have been built around the customer journey rather than the traditional service promises, so customers know

what to expect from us at each stage of their journey with us.

4.2.1(2): Evidence - Customer promises Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our customer compliments and complaints procedure clearly explains to the customer what they expect when

they make a complaint. It provides information on each of the steps that a complaint may be taken through and

the likely timescales.

4.2.1(3): Evidence - Complaints procedure Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Timescales for repairs are in the Repairs Handbook in the tenancy pack. The repair book details what the

timescales are and what repairs fit into each category. This makes it clear to the customer what they can

expect from our repair service from the moment they join YHN.

4.2.1(4): Evidence - Repairs handbook Assessor Acceptance: Yes

The 'welcome to your new home' booklet in the tenants handbook provides customers with clear information on

the standard of customer service they can expect to receive from us as a customer of YHN.

4.2.1(5): Evidence - Welcome to your new home booklet from tenants handbookAssessor Acceptance: Yes

The 'extra support' booklet in our tenants handbook provides customers with information on the additional

support services we offer such as the furniture service, CCAS and Advice & Support.

4.2.1(6): Evidence - Extra support for tenants booklet Assessor Acceptance: Yes We agree with our customers at the outset what they can expect from the service we provide.

Information about what can be expected of the service provided was set out within the Customer Service

Standards for each area of service delivery. These have been replaced during the last year with the Customer

Promise which makes clear what customers can expect. There are specific Promises for specific services.

Information about what can be expected can also be found in the Handbooks, the ‘Sign Up’ pack and other

information such as the Investment Programme where staff make it clear what the items the Investment

Programme will cover.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.2.2: We can demonstrate that we deliver the service we promised to individual

customers and that outcomes are positive for the majority of our customers.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have reviewed our approach to research and introduced a research framework to help identify whether we

need to carry out a survey or if the information can be collated in an alternative format. We hope this will reduce

survey fatigue which was a concern with our previous approach to research.

4.2.2(1): Evidence - Research framework Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our main source of customer satisfaction data collection is STAR. Our last STAR survey was conducted in

2011/12. The attached report shows many positive outcomes for customers, including increased satisfaction

levels. ?

4.2.2(2): Evidence - STAR Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have run focus groups to capture customer feedback. For example, a focus group run for our CCAS

customers provided useful feedback to support our application for TSA compliance. Feedback about the service

was very positive.

4.2.2(3): Evidence - CCAS Consultation Assessor Acceptance: Yes We can demonstrate that we deliver the service we promised to individual customers

Through performance monitoring YHN is able to identify how well it performs in relation to what it promises. This

covers areas such as repairs, the Investment Programme and overall performance against targets. This is

viewed alongside feedback on customer satisfaction. YHN is moving towards a Business Account Manager

system the outcome of which will bring together a range of information and data on overall performance and

delivery. Consideration is currently being given to the monitoring and measurement of the new Customer

Promise which will also show how well various services deliver.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and that outcomes are positive for the majority of our customers.

Current measurement and monitoring indicates that YHN very clearly delivers what it says it will in respect of

its services and this is supported by good levels of customer satisfaction.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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4.2.3: We can demonstrate that we benchmark our performance against that of similar or

complementary organisations and have used that information to improve our service.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have reviewed our approach to using Housemark which was previously used to monitor our compliance and

performance under the regulatory requirements of Audit Commission. However, since the move to co-regulation

the benefits of the time taken and money spent to provide data to housemark decreased.

4.2.3(1): Evidence - Housemark report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Following the review of Housemark, it was identified that some service mangers across YHN had access to

key contacts in other housing providers or with civil servants/ministers in government. The Business Strategy

now co-ordinate benchmarking activity and have created a directory of useful contacts

4.2.3(2): Evidence - Review of Housemark Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Going for Gold is our new way of monitoring the quality of our estates. Tenants inspect our estates once a year

and rate them. Colleagues and tenants at Gateshead, Hartlepool and Gentoo who have formed a benchmarking

club with us, share best practice and give is an impartial review of our estates.

4.2.3(3): Evidence - Going for gold* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

The TSA provide a set of KPIs to improve standards across the industry. In our latest inspection we maintained

platinum status. To ensure that we achieved platinum status it was essential to maintain a call answer

performance of 98.5% within 60 seconds which we consistently achieve.

4.2.3(4): Evidence - TSA Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have achieved a number of nationally recognised accreditations, for example, we recently achieved

excellence level in the Social Equality Framework (SHEF).

4.2.3(5): Evidence - Social Equality Framework* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We can demonstrate that we benchmark our performance against that of similar or

complementary organisations

YHN engage with a number of organisations through which they carry out process benchmarking to review

services. Staff provided examples of how they had visited other housing organisations in respect of their review

of their tenancy services, how they had visited other organisations in relation to their estate standards as well

as discussing with other housing organisations in the North East issues around welfare benefit reform.

Discussions about the new Business Systems Account Manager processes being introduced also referred to

that role as helping to identify how others delivered services and possible learning lessons. The Employability

Service Manager referred to discussion of services provided through the Regional Employability Group which

acted as a stimulus for seeing how YHN could learn from others.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and have used that information to improve our service.

Service Managers provided examples of how feedback from benchmarking had been used to improve services.

For example, the ‘Going for Gold’ estate management standard had been developed from tenancy inspection

visits to neighbouring organisations. Visits had also identified service delivery which YHN had viewed but used

the visit to help develop along different paths having utilised some of the benchmarking experience. Delete

4.2.3(5) as doesn’t demonstrate learning from benchmarking.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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4.2.4: We have developed and learned from best practice identified within and outside

our organisation, and we publish our examples externally where appropriate.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We share and learn from best practice examples within our organisation in a number of ways, such as, good

news listing at all team briefs, staff forums and back to floor exercises which promote shared learning amongst


4.2.4(1): Evidence - Good news examples Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We recently implemented our repair app. The app was developed to make it easier for customers using smart

phones to report a repair. An article about the new app was published on the Sky News noticeboard and was

picked up by a number of interested organisation have contacted us to find out more.

4.2.4(2): Evidence - Sky news article Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We sponsor the Greggs breakfast club; a programme run by Greggs to help children in deprived areas get a

healthy start to the day. We gave a presentation about our involvement in this scheme to the Northern Housing

Consortium . A feature on our involvement was also broadcast on Tyne Tee’s news.

4.2.4(3): Evidence - Community activities Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We delivered a presentation to TSA colleagues to showcase our use of IP technology and how this can make

the vision of one community a reality as we are one of the first organisations to carry out such work.

4.2.4(4): Evidence - Breakout session presentation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Your Homes, Your Jobs programme has recently been shortlisted for an NEP; the winners are to be

announced in early November, so we can provide more details during our assessment.

4.2.4(5): Evidence - NEP award Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have recently introduced QR codes as a tool for our customers. The idea for this came from best practice

sharing from Gateshead council who have been using QR codes for some time.

4.2.4(6): Evidence - Gateshead QR codes Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We have developed and learned from best practice identified within

Discussion with staff highlighted the culture of sharing and developing ideas within the organisation. For

example, a member of staff identified a pilot in relation to the development of ASB reporting which would be

rolled out to staff in front line services. Other staff referred to changes in approaches in relation to arrears and

discussing budgeting. Team briefings were one mechanism identified for the transfer of good practice internally.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and outside our organisation,

Other staff referred to learning from other organisations, including the Westfield Farm Community project in

Redcar, learning from Gentoo about business set ups, sharing and learning through the Regional Employability


Evidence Value: Fully Met and we publish our examples externally where appropriate.

There are areas where YHN is clearly leader in its field. The Furniture Store receives a number of visitors from

other organisations in relation to its range of activities. Another example provided was in relation to visits from

other housing organisations in relation to its apprenticeship programme. Over the years a range of services

developed by THN have been showcased through being shortlisted for a number of local and national housing


Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.3: Deal effectively with problems

4.3.1: We identify any dips in performance against our standards and explain these to

customers, together with action we are taking to put things right and prevent further


SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Last year rent arrears on current tenancies rose for the first time in five years due to changes to the benefit

system. We are working on a number of positive changes to the services that we deliver to minimise the

impacts on customers including a large review of our tenancy service.

4.3.1(1): Evidence - Rent arrears summary Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service monitor their performance of the TSA code using KPI's. We have identified an issue which

has resulted in a number of response time targets being missed (highlighted in red). We are looking at

procuring a corporate dynamic workforce scheduling tool to resolve this issue.

4.3.1(2): Evidence - Corporate workforce scheduling tool Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We recently changed a number of timescales for planned maintenance following feedback from customers that

were dissatisfied with the length of wait times. A subsequent consultation event concluded that customer

thought the change would be an improvement.

4.3.1(3): Evidence - Repairs notes from meeting Assessor Acceptance: Yes We identify any dips in performance against our standards

Discussion with Business Strategy staff highlighted the methodologies for reviewing and monitoring

performance and the new role of Account Managers. There is robust performance management with regular

review by managers and the Management Team with reporting to the Board and Customer Service and Delivery

Committee. These reporting mechanism identify any potential shortfall in performance. Recent dips include an

increase in rent arrears, as a result of changes to the welfare benefit system; rises in the rate of abandoned

calls recorded through the Enquiry Centre, and dissatisfaction with waiting times on repairs.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and explain these to customers,

Dips in performance are reported through the appropriate channels, are explained to customers through Focus

Groups and, where appropriate, reported through Newsletters or through other communication channels to

affected customers.

Evidence Value: Fully Met together with action we are taking to put things right and prevent further recurrence.

Some areas where customers will be aware of changes and improvements to services will be through

consultation on the wide-scale changes to the Tenancy Service to improve delivery and to address issues to

help improve the rent arrear levels. In other areas customers will be aware of the changes to the timescales for

specific planned maintenance works.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.3.2: We have an easy to use complaints procedure, which includes a commitment to

deal with problems fully and solve them wherever possible within a reasonable time limit.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

YHN have developed an easy to use complaints procedure which is committed to deal with problems fully and

resolve them wherever possible within a reasonable time limit.

4.3.2(1): Evidence - Complaints process Assessor Acceptance: Yes

A review of the whole complaints process was conducted during 2012-13 following the changes to housing

complaints through the Localism Act. Consultation with customers and the complaints panel took place to

consider changes to complaints steps and whether to introduce and designated complaints panel

4.3.2(2): Evidence - Localism report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a complaints scrutiny panel that now meet twice per year and review trends for all levels of

complaints. They choose an area of interest and at the next meeting a manager will present back to the panel

what improvements have been made for that area of the business.

4.3.2(3): Evidence - Complaints panel Assessor Acceptance: Yes

If a customer wishes to report a complaint via the telephone, they are advised to ring our Enquiry centre

number, where an operative can log the complaint at the first point of contact.

4.3.2(4): Evidence - Complaint procedure* Assessor Acceptance: Yes We have an easy to use complaints procedure,

YHN has an easy to use complaints procedure. This has a simple Three Stage process of resolving the

complaint at the first point of contact as a Service Delivery failure, moving onto a formal complaint, with

escalation to a second stage with the right of appeal to either a Designated Person and on to the Housing

Ombudsman. The process includes the recording of informal complaints alongside formal complaints.

Fully MetEvidence Value: which includes a commitment to deal with problems fully

The process which includes initial review and escalation demonstrates a commitment to fully reviewing the

problems as does the lessons learnt process.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and solve them wherever possible within a reasonable time limit.

The timescale for resolution is ten working days for the first stage and 25 for escalated complaints. YHN deliver

against these target times with 97% being completed within the given timescales.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.3.3: We give staff training and guidance to handle complaints and to investigate them

objectively, and we can demonstrate that we empower staff to put things right.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Training was recently delivered to all investigating managers following the changes to the complaints process in


4.3.3(1): Evidence - Managers training Assessor Acceptance: Yes

As part of the complaints process we have learning reports. At the close of each complaint the investigating

manager is responsible for completing the learning report. Any learning outcomes would be shared with the

relevant team, and processes amended as required.

4.3.3(2): Evidence - Example learning report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Complaints Scrutiny Panel now meet twice per year and review trends for all levels of complaints. They

choose an area of interest and at the next meeting a manager will present back to the panel what

improvements have been made for that area of the business.

4.3.3(3): Evidence- Complaints Scrutiny panel Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have developed a complaints remidies policy which gives staff appropriate remedies for when things go

wrong and ensures we apply consistently when applying remedies.

4.3.3(4): Evidence - Remidies policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes We give staff training and guidance to handle complaints

Managers dealing with complaints have received training. Discussion with front line staff highlighted their

awareness of how to deal with initial complaints, recording of informal and formal complaints.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and to investigate them objectively,

YHN has developed a Complaints Scrutiny Panel ‘Complaints R Us’ which reviews the trends and way in which

complaints have been handled and lessons learnt. Discussion with them and staff engaged in the complaints

process indicated that complaints were dealt with objectively from the first point of contact to resolution.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and we can demonstrate that we empower staff to put things right.

Discussion with staff on the front line indicated that they considered they were empowered sufficiently to

resolve complaints at the first point of contact or to escalate them. The Remedies policy provides a route that

enables staff to take appropriate action when resolving complaints.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.3.4: We learn from any mistakes we make by identifying patterns in formal and informal

complaints and comments from customers and use this information to improve services

and publicise action taken.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

The Customer Service team present reports to Performance Committee about how complaints are dealt with

and how targets are met, This helps us to deal with similar complaints arising in the future. In the past these

reports where presented every quarter, but are now reported on an exception basis.

4.3.4(2): Evidence - Customer Service & Delivery report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a complaints scrutiny panel that now meet twice per year and review trends for all levels of

complaints. They choose an area of interest and at the next meeting a manager will present back to the panel

what improvements have been made for that area of the business.

4.3.4(3): Evidence - Complaint scrutiny panel Assessor Acceptance: Yes

As part of the complaints process we have learning reports. At the close of each complaint the investigating

manager is responsible for completing the learning report. Any learning outcomes would be shared with the

relevant team, and processes amended as required.

4.3.4(1): Evidence - Learning Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes We learn from any mistakes we make by identifying patterns in formal

There is a robust process in place to log and learn from patterns of formal complaints which are reported to the

Complaints Scrutiny Panel.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and informal complaints and comments from customers

A similar process is in place for learning from informal complaints and comments through feedback


Evidence Value: Fully Met and use this information to improve services and publicise action taken.

The Complaints Scrutiny Panel meets to review the complaints received and lessons learnt. The exception

reporting means that the Panel is able to focus on issues around complaints where there are lessons to be

learnt and where services can be improved. Discussion with Panel members highlighted their role in ensuring

that lessons learnt from complaints were identified, understood and implemented.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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4.3.5: We regularly review and improve our complaints procedure, taking account of the

views of customers, complainants and staff.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have developed an easy to use complaints procedure which is committed to dealing with problems fully

and resolve them whenever possible with a reasonable time limit. We review the complaints procedure regularly

and as recently as last financial year.

4.3.5(2): Evidence - Complaints policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a complaints scrutiny panel that now meet twice per year and review trends for all levels of

complaints. They choose an area of interest and at the next meeting a manager will present back to the panel

what improvements have been made for that area of the business.

4.3.5(3): Evidence - Panel presentation Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We recently our approach to gathering customer satisfaction information from complainants in line with moving

away from sending out questionnaires to customers. The new process is to conduct a focus group with

customers who have made a formal complaint and to gain specific feedback.

4.3.5(4): Evidence - Customer Service and Delivery Committee reportAssessor Acceptance: Yes

A review of the complaints process was conducted during 2012-13 following the changes to housing complaints

through the Localism Act. Consultation with customers and the complaints panel took place to consider

changes to complaints steps and whether to introduce and designated complaints panel.

4.3.5(1): Evidence - Localism act paper Assessor Acceptance: Yes We regularly review and improve our complaints procedure,

The Complaints Policy is reviewed regularly, the most recent review taking place in 2012/13 as a result of the

need to consider the implications of the Localism Act on the complaints procedure.

Fully MetEvidence Value: taking account of the views of customers, complainants and staff.

These reviews have involved staff and customers through involvement in Focus Groups. Most recently their input

determined the development of the Complaints Scrutiny Panel and the role of Dedicated Person as a response

to the Localism Act.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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4.3.6: We ensure that the outcome of the complaint process for customers (whose

complaint is upheld) is satisfactory for them.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have changed the way we gathering customer satisfaction information from complainants. Our new process

is to conduct a focus group with customers who have made a formal complaint and to gain specific feedback

on how we can improve the way we investigate complaints.

4.3.6(1): Evidence - Customer Service and Delivery report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a target to respond in full to formal complaints within ten working days. An internal target has been

set to achieve ten working days for 95% of complaints. At the end of last financial year it was reported that

96% of complaints were responded to within the ten working day target

4.3.6(2): Evdence - Customer Service and Delivery report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We receive comments from customer on how we have dealt with their complaint. For example:

“Complaint was dealt with very quickly and professionally; very good service”

4.3.6(3): Evidence - Excellent Service Response Assessor Acceptance: Yes We ensure that the outcome of the complaint process for customers (whose complaint is

upheld) is satisfactory for them.

Feedback about satisfaction with the outcome of complaints is carried out through focus groups with

customers who have used the complaints process.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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5: Timeliness and Quality of Service

5.1: Standards for Timeliness and Quality

5.1.1: We set appropriate and measurable standards for the timeliness of response for all

forms of customer contact including phone calls, letters, e-communications and personal


SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our CCAS service respond to 90% of emergency care alarm calls within 45 mins as specified by the TSA.

5.1.1(1): Evidence - CCAS KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We aim to answer 80% of calls to our Enquiry Centre within 20 seconds and to aim for abandonment rates to

be below 5% (after the 20 second threshold

5.1.1(2): Evidence - CC7 report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We aim to acknowledge 95% of formal complaints within 3 working days and to respond to 95% of formal

complaints within 10 working days.

5.1.1(3): Evidence - Complaints policy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our repairs service are monitored using monthly Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which cover timeliness,

customer satisfaction and void performance

5.1.1(4): Evidence - Repairs KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes We set appropriate and measurable standards for the timeliness of response for all forms of

customer contact including phone calls, letters, e-communications and personal callers.

YHN has a number of KPIS that relate to the delivery of timeliness of response to customers. These include

contact through the Enquiry Centre where there is a response target of responding to 80% of calls within 20

seconds. For the CCAS Telecare Service there is a different standard of responding to 90% 0f alarm calls within

45 minutes after the initial telephone response time of 98.5% within a minute. There are also response times for

managing correspondence and e-communications as well as for service delivery in relation to repairs and


Fully MetEvidence Value:

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5.1.2: We set comprehensive standards for all aspects of the quality of customer service

to be expected in all dealings with our organisation.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have a customer service charter which sets out the standards of quality of service that our customers can

expect to receive from us. For example we are committed to dealing with your enquiries quickly, efficiently and

to a high standard.

5.1.2(1): Evidence - Customer Service Charter Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have replaced our Service Standards with a set of Customer Promises. These promises are based around

the customer journey rather than being service specific. For example, we promise to give customers 'the right

information at the right time.'

5.1.2(2): Evidence - Customer promises Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service monitor the whole customer journey, from the initial referral to the installation of equipment,

alarm activations and responding to emergencies through KPIs. They conduct an annual re-evaluation visit, to

assess customer’s changing needs and modify their support package.

5.1.2(3): Evidence - CCAS KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Enquiry Centre are now dealing with a number of service calls. To ensure that service specific standards

are not lost in this transfer of responsibility, we ensure that any relevant standards are built into Lagan scripts

and can be monitored. For example call back times within 1 working day.

5.1.2(4): Evidence - Own Your Own process map Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Enquiry Centre supervisors currently carry out sample quality assurance checks on the standard of call

handling. They are working on developing a mystery shopping assessment to be implemented in the new year.

5.1.2(5): Evidence - Call monitoring Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our mystery shopping programme monitors both quality of response and timeliness of responding to e-mails

and phonecalls. This is a consistent part of all of our mystery shopping exercises and mystery shoppers are

trained to score the quality of information provided.

5.1.2(6): Evidence - Mystery shopping report Assessor Acceptance: Yes We set comprehensive standards for all aspects of the quality of customer service to be

expected in all dealings with our organisation.

There are a number of standards in relation to the quality of service delivery. The new Customer Promise has

replaced the qualitative standards within the former Customer Service Standards bringing the key quality

standards together and down to reducing their number but improving their measurability. The Customer Service

Charter also contains clear standards in relation to the quality of service. Alongside these qualitative standards

supporting people funded services work within the QAF and YHN is currently registering with the CQC in

relation to the Extra Care Homes under development and will be required to meet their appropriate quality

standards. There are additional qualitative standards in relation to estate management and properties.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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5.2: Timely Outcomes

5.2.1: We advise our customers and potential customers about our promises on timeliness

and quality of customer service.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have replaced our Service Standards with a set of Customer Promises. These promises are based around

the customer journey rather than being service specific. For example, we promise to give customers 'the right

information at the right time.'

5.2.1(1): Evidence - Customer Promises Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our Delivery Plan is now incorporated within our Business Strategy, so customers can easily view our

operational targets as well as our strategic ones. For example, the income team target of '97% of account

information sent to customers is correct and sent out within agreed timescales.'

5.2.1(2): Evidence - Business Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We aim to respond to formal complaints within 10 working days, and to respond to an escalated complaint

within 25 working days. We have produced an easy to follow complaints brochure, which includes a flow chart

to highlight these timescales to customers.

5.2.1(3): Evidence - Complaints procedure Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Timescales for repairs are detailed in our Repairs Handbook. Handbooks are given to all tenants as part of

their Tenancy pack. The repair book details what the timescales are and what repairs fit into each category.

Timescales and priority of repairs are on the WMS which staff can view on screen

5.2.1(4): Evidence - Repairs timescales Assessor Acceptance: Yes We advise our customers and potential customers about our promises on timeliness and

quality of customer service.

YHN advises customers of the standards to which it works primarily through the Customer Promise and the

Customer Service Charter. These are available to customers and through the Housing Offices and on-line. The

initial sign-up provides the occasion when customers will be advised of the Standards and this is reinforced

through follow up visits and other contact with customers, for example, through the Support Planning process

as well as being reinforced through Newsletters.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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5.2.2: We identify individual customer needs at the first point of contact with us and

ensure that an appropriate person who can address the reason for contact deals with the


StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We are moving towards first point of contact (by telephone) being made to our Enquiry Centre. TWe are

mapping call scenarios to inform the call scripts. This will enable call handlers to deal with general calls at first

point of contact; specialist calls can still be passed back to business area.

5.2.2(1): Evidence - Leasehold focus group summary and agreementAssessor Acceptance: Yes

Enquiry Centre scripting has been written in such a way that it is easy for the call handlers to identify the

correct process to follow within Lagan to address the callers enquiry. Attached is an example of how the Right

to Buy process is found by enquiry centre call handlers.

5.2.2(2): Evidence - Right to Buy Lagan menu Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are reviewing our tenancy service and plan replace it with a structure based around 3 specialist functions

(Housing Options, Income Management and Estate Management) and to deliver these services from five hubs

across the city, with each hub containing staff from each of the specialisms

5.2.2(3): Evidence - Tenancy Service Board Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes We identify individual customer needs at the first point of contact with us

The scripting process within the Enquiry Centre helps to ensure that calls are routed to the appropriate staff

contact. Repairs are managed through the City Council with a separate contact detail. Out of hours emergency

repairs calls are routed to the 24 hour Enquiry Centre who then identify whether they are an emergency and act

appropriately. There is a separate number for the Community Care Alarm Service (CCAS) with calls

automatically going straight through to the 24 hour Enquiry Centre for response.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and ensure that an appropriate person who can address the reason for contact deals with the


Housing Offices have an initial point of contact through which customers can be directed to the appropriate

member of staff. The changes to the Tenancy Service being put in place will assist customers by providing a

very short menu for three specialist functions Housing Options; Income Management and Estate Management

servicing the five Hubs across Newcastle. Information on line is available which provides details of an

individual’s Housing Services Officer and Rent Arrears Officer and their contact details.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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5.2.3: We promptly share customer information with colleagues and partners within our

organisation whenever appropriate and can demonstrate how this has reduced

unnecessary contact for customers.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Allocation & Letting process is now delivered by Tyne and Wear Homes, a housing partnership that brings

together housing organisations across the region. It allows customers to apply for homes throughout the region

with one application, removing the need to apply to each provider.

5.2.3(1): Evidence - Tyne and Wear homes Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a robust internal Potential Risk Indicator system which enables us to share risk information about


5.2.3(2): Evidence - Potential Risk Indicator system Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have a robust internal system to identify customers who are persistent or unreasonable complainers to


5.2.3(3): Evidence - Unreasonable complaints Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Any call types for the Own Your Own scheme relating to customer accounts are addressed by Moneywise .

Our Enquiry Centre initially deal take as much detail as possible at first point of contact, then shared with

Moneywise (in the format of an e-form).

5.2.3(4): Evidence - Own your own e-form Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We are appointing a MAPPA / MARIC Co- coordinator and Assistant within the new Tenancy Service structure.

These posts will be a single point of contact for YHN to attend Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement

meetings with other agencies to share information about offenders being re-housed.

5.2.3(5): Evidence - YHN involvement with MAPPA / MARIC Assessor Acceptance: Yes

CCAS utilise new technologies to automate their regular test calls. The new system automatically places a

test call to the Enquiry Centre. This replaces the need for a manual check to be done, improving efficiency

levels and removing the need for us to speck directly to the customer.

5.2.3(6): Evidence - CCAS test call system* Assessor Acceptance: Yes

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Your Homes Newcastle Assessment Report We promptly share customer information with colleagues and partners within our

organisation whenever appropriate

Staff across all services highlighted the extent to which information was shared with colleagues and partners,

within the parameters of the data protection legislation and information sharing protocols. This was well

summed up by a staff member who said ‘information internally is very fluid’ meaning it was well shared if it

could help the customer to do so. The development of the new ‘Own Your Own’ scheme involves the electronic

sharing of customer information externally with Moneywise to enable customers to finance their purchases. An

excellent example provided by staff involves sharing of information on noise nuisance between the Enquiry

Centre, ‘Out of Hours’ Concierge Response Team, Housing Officers and, if appropriate, the City Council’s Noise


Fully MetEvidence Value: and can demonstrate how this has reduced unnecessary contact for customers.

In the past, YHN has sample monitored avoidable contact with customers. As a consequence they have

reduced avoidable contact to a low level below 10%. Whilst this is no longer monitored discussion with staff

indicated that there is no evidence or feedback from customers that avoidable contact has increased. The

development of Tyne and Wear Homes in relation to the allocation of properties provides shared information

across a number of local authorities reducing unnecessary contact with prospective customers. The sharing of

information on noise nuisance in high rise buildings not only a prompt response, but triggers a Housing Officer

visit the following day helping to prevent further noise nuisance and contact with YHN.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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5.2.4: Where service is not completed at the first point of contact we discuss with the

customer the next steps and indicate the likely overall time to achieve outcomes.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Customer Service Strategy identified that customers 'want their queries to be resolved at the first point of

contact. Folliowng this, we have implimented the CRM system in the Enquiry Centre.

5.2.4(1): Evidence - Customer Service Strategy Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We delivered a consultation event with residents from our Sheltered Housing Service to discuss how the

service can be more tailored to meet individual needs. The consultation was to introduce a more flexible service

that customers can access on a more timely and individual basis.

5.2.4(2): Evidence - Sheltered Housing Review Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Timescales for repairs are detailed in our Repairs Handbook. Handbooks are given to all tenants as part of

their tenancy pack. The repair book details what timescales are and what repairs fit into each category.

Timescales and priority of repairs are also on the WMS system.

5.2.4(3): Evidence - Repairs Timescales Assessor Acceptance: Yes

An example of a CCAS customer where services have been tailored is JMC, who receives a number of daily

checks in visits for the week following her discharge from hospital; this has prevented a residential care

admission and helps us trial operating a more flexible service model.

5.2.4(4): Evidence - CCAS Case Study Assessor Acceptance: Yes

All CCAS referrals are advised of the time for the next available appointment, we are flexible as much as

possible with respects to customer requests, these are done via the telephone and there are KPIs to support

the process

5.2.4(5): Evidence - CCAS referrals Assessor Acceptance: Yes Where service is not completed at the first point of contact we discuss with the customer the

next steps

There is a very high level of performance which means that the service is completed at the first point of contact

to a high extent for example with repairs, and in respect of services such as the CCAS which responds to all

call outs within 45 minutes and 99% of telephone calls within three minutes.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and indicate the likely overall time to achieve outcomes.

Where the service cannot be completed at the first point of contact, such as a repair, customers are advised

accordingly and new appointments made at the time they are advised. Staff from other services provided similar

examples of where letters or emails were sent advising of when wok would be completed or further contact

made, for example, where managing an Anti Social Behaviour case.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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5.2.5: We respond to initial enquiries promptly, if there is a delay we advise the customer

and take action to rectify the problem.

StrongApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Furniture Service currently phone the customer directly if they think that their arranged delivery will be

delayed. We are implimenting a corporate dynamic workforce scheduling tool in order for us to have more

control over delivery and minimise delays in the future.

5.2.5(1): Evidence - WFS System Assessor Acceptance: Yes

It is our policy to process Discretionary Allowance (Delay in Repair) claims within 10 working days. If it is not

possible for us to meet this timescale we write to the customer to tell them the reason why and also to inform

them when they can expect to receive a full response.

5.2.5(2): Evidence - Discretionary Allowance Assessor Acceptance: Yes

If we can't respond to our complaints when promised, a nominated investigating officer that is dealing with a

complaint will write to the customer with a holding response and keeps them upto date with the progress of

their complaint and when they will receive their full response.

5.2.5(3): Complaints Holding Letter Assessor Acceptance: Yes We respond to initial enquiries promptly,

YHN meets and exceeds some targets in respect of the timeliness across all areas of service delivery providing

a high level of initial responsiveness to customers.

Fully MetEvidence Value: if there is a delay we advise the customer and take action to rectify the problem.

Where there have been dips staff take appropriate action to advise customers. For example, staff within the

Furniture Store will ring ahead to let customers know if they are running late with their deliveries.

Evidence Value: Fully Met

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5.3: Achieved Timely Delivery

5.3.1: We monitor our performance against standards for timeliness and quality of

customer service and we take action if problems are identified.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We aim to respond to formal complaints within ten working days in 95% of cases. This is monitored by the

Customer Service and Delivery Committee. At the end of last year we reported that 96% of complaints were

responded to within the ten working day target.

5.3.1(1): Evidence - Customer Service Delivery Committee Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We recently changed a number of timescales for planned maintenance following feedback from customers that

were dissatisfied with the length of wait times. A subsequent consultation event concluded that customer

thought the change would be an improvement.

5.3.1(3): Evidence - Repairs notes from meeting Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Our CCAS service monitor their performance of the TSA code using KPI's. We have identified an issue which

has resulted in a number of response time targets being missed (highlighted in red). We are looking at

procuring a Corporate Dynamic Workforce Scheduling tool to resolve this issue

5.3.1(4): Evidence - Corporate Dynamic Workforce Scheduling ToolAssessor Acceptance: Yes

Our property maintenance service monitors timeliness and quality of service through KPI monitoring.

Performance is reported to, Customer Service and Delivery committee, Partnering Group meetings, repairs

development group meetings with the Tenants Federation who discuss any issues arrising

5.3.1(2): Evidence - Repairs KPI's Assessor Acceptance: Yes We monitor our performance against standards for timeliness

There are well embedded systems for monitoring performance in relation to timeliness of service delivery across

all areas of service delivery.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and quality of customer service

These exist also in relation to the quality of customer service. It should be noted that for some of the new

Customer Promises these metrics for measuring these are currently being finalised.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and we take action if problems are identified.

Where issues are identified, for example, in respect of timeliness through the Enquiry Centre these are

addressed. Staff identified that following the changes to the Concierge Service the call abandonment rate had

arisen. This was identified as particular issue with the intercom system. This was resolved and the

abandonment rate had reduced to its previous low level.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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5.3.2: We are meeting our current standards for timeliness and quality of customer

service and we publicise our performance against these standards.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

Our Community Care Alarm service produce an annual report which shows how we are performing against the

services service standards and charter. The standards and targets detailed in the report were set after

consultation with customers of the service.

5.3.2(1): Evidence - CCAS Annual Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We publish performance figures in our annual report; we now produce two versions of our annual report, one

with full performacne figures, and another with information that tenents told us they wanted to see reported.

5.3.2(2): Evidence - Annual Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

As part of every mystery shopping exercise that we deliver, customers inspectors test our levels of customer

service. This includes testing the quality of the customer service provided, the timeliness of response and the

adherence to the standards that we have set

5.3.2(3): Evidence - Mystery Shopping Report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

Individual services use our external website to publish service performance. For example, the HASBET section

of our website includes a section called 'how we perform' with information on performance against HASBET's


5.3.2(4): Evidence - Tenancy Services Assessor Acceptance: Yes We are meeting our current standards for timeliness

YHN is performing against its standards for timeliness in respect of its Enquiry Centre. Its CCAS Service is

rated as ‘Platinum’ the highest possible performance area within the TSA Accredited Standard.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and quality of customer service

Feedback from satisfaction surveys and mystery shopping and through discussion highlights that, where it

measures the quality of performance it meets its standards. It is noted that additional metrics for measuring

qualitative service delivery will be introduced over the next twelve months.

Evidence Value: Fully Met and we publicise our performance against these standards.

Performance continues to be available through Newsletters, the Annual Report and on the internet.

Fully MetEvidence Value:

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5.3.3: Our performance in relation to timeliness and quality of service compares well with

that of similar organisations.

SatisfactoryApplicant Self Assessment:

Compliance to Standard: Compliant

New Evidence

We have reviewed our approach to using Housemark which was previously used to monitor our compliance and

performance under the regulatory requirements of Audit Commission. However, since the move to co-regulation

the benefits of the time taken and money spent to provide data to housemark decresed.

5.3.3(1): Evidence - Housemark report Assessor Acceptance: Yes

We have recently been awarded the TSA's platinum status which identifies us as a top performing

organisations who demonstrate best practice nationally. To ensure that we achieved platinum status, it was

essential to maintain a call answer performance of 98.5% within 60 seconds which we achieve.

5.3.3(2): Evidence - CCAS KPIs Assessor Acceptance: Yes

In previous years, the repairs KPI's were reported to Housemark and used in housemark benchmarking.

Although we no longer subscribe to Housemark we regularly benchmark with different organisations to ensure

the R&M contract progresses with the repairs service.

5.3.3(3): Evidence - Customer Service Committee Assessor Acceptance: Yes Our performance in relation to timeliness

You have been able to use Housemark up until recently to show that you perform and compare well in relation

to timeliness of service delivery. Whilst you no longer make use of Housemark as a route for benchmarking,

discussion with your Business Strategy Team gave sufficient confidence that in the current year and in the

future the role of Account Manager for each area of service delivery will have a role in ensuring that it will be

possible to make meaningful comparisons. The CCAS clearly compares well for timeliness given its ‘Platinum’

Status awarded by the TSA.

Fully MetEvidence Value: and quality of service compares well with that of similar organisations.

Again, through Housemark, you have been able to compare the quality of service delivery and to show that you

perform well. As above, it will be the role of Account Managers in the future to help you demonstrate this. The

development of your new Customer Promises will provide clear metrics upon which future comparators can be

made. Feedback through the QAF shows that the quality of your supported housing services is good and

compares well ‘Going for Gold’ with your Estate Services shows that you compare the quality of your estates


Evidence Value: Fully Met

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top related