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CS 3101-2 - Programming Languages: ScalaLecture 1: Introduction

Daniel Bauer (bauer@cs.columbia.edu)

October 22, 2014

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Course Outline


Wed 10:10am-12:00pm, 10/22 to 12/3 (7-weeks)

Instructor:I Daniel Bauer (bauer@cs.columbia.edu)I Office hours: Thu 10:00am-12:00pm, CEPSR/Shapiro 7LW3


TA:I Ming-Ying Chung (mc3808@columbia.edu)I Office hours: TBD

Course website (lecture notes, problem sets):


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Grading / Deliverables

Class Participation: 5%

5 Homeworks: 70%I First five weeks. Due following week before class. No late submissions!I Small programming tasks.

Take-home final (last week): 25%

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1 Course Description

2 Getting Started

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Course Objectives

Get you started using Scala productively.

Learn some functional programming in Scala.

Understand the Scala type system.

Understand why it’s called a “Scalable Language”.

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Tentative Syllabus

Today Introduction. Running Scala Programs.Basic types. Basic control structures. Functions.

Oct 29 More types (tuples, sets, maps). Classes and objects.Writing applications. Packages and Imports. SBT.

Nov 5 More functional programming. Function literals. Closures.Higher-order functions and methods.

Nov 12 Traits. Case Classes and Pattern Matching.Implicit Conversions. Error Handling.

Nov 19 XML and Domain Specific Languages with parser combinators.

Nov 26 The Lift web framework.

Dec 3 Testing. Concurrent Programming. Scala and Java.

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No Official Textbook

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Online Materials

Official Scala Websitehttp://www.scala-lang.org/

Scala API docshttp://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html

Scala School (by Twitter)http://twitter.github.io/scala_school/

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1 Course Description

2 Getting Started

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What is Scala?

General purpose, high-level language.

Created by Martin Odersky at Ecole Polytechnique Federale deLausanne. First version 2001.

Uses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Multi-paradigm, focus on functional and object oriented programming.

Expressive, static type system.

Huge language, built on a small core.

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Who uses Scala?





· · ·Used in academia as an alternative to Java

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Programming Language Benchmarks Game

10 tiny example programs, fastest implemention in each language.Intel 64 bit single core.Don’t take this too seriously!

source: http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u32/which-programs-are-fastest.php

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”But Java 8 supports functional programming...”

Java 8 has very basic support for lambda expressions.

There are many more features characterizing a functional languageI easy-to-use container types (lists etc).I lots of syntactic sugar to make programs more concise.

Scala has many other nice features:I A type system that makes sense.I Traits.I Implicit conversions.I Pattern Matching.I XML literals, Parser combinators, ...

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Scala REPL

$ scala

Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2.

Type in expressions to have them evaluated.

Type :help for more information.

scala >

scala > 40 + 2

res0: Int = 42

scala > res0 * 2

res1: Int = 84

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Running Scala Scripts

A script is sequence of statements in a file, interpreted sequentially.


println("Hello , World!")

$ scala hello.scala

Hello , World!

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The Java Virtual Machine

Virtual stack machine that executes Java bytecode (.class files).

Bytecode is hardware/system independent.

Provides layer of protection to host machine.

Built-in garbage collection.

Just-in-time compilation (bytecode → machine code).Often as fast as C.

Many languages:I JVM language: Java, Scala, Clojure, Groovy.I Other JVM compilers: Python, Ruby, C, Common Lisp, · · ·

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Compiling and Running Scala Code

Test.scala → scalac → Test.class → scala


object Hello {

def main(args: Array[String ]) = println("Hello , World!");


$ scalac Hello.scala

$ ls

Hello$.class Hello.class Hello.scala

$ scala Hello

Hello , World!

Can use fsc (compile server) for faster compilation when frequentlycompiling.

scala is actually a bash script calling java (the JVM).

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Defining Variables

scala > var msg : String = "Hello"

msg: String = Hello , World

scala > var msg2 = " World"

msg2: String = " World"

scala > msg = "Hi"

msg: String = Hi

scala > msg + msg2

res0: String = Hello World

scala > msg = 3

<console >:8: error: type mismatch;

found : Int(3)

required: String

msg = 3


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Defining Variables

scala > var msg : String = "Hello"

msg: String = Hello , World

scala > var msg2 = " World"

msg2: String = " World"

scala > msg = "Hi"

msg: String = Hi

scala > msg + msg2

res0: String = Hello World

scala > msg = 3

<console >:8: error: type mismatch;

found : Int(3)

required: String

msg = 3


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Defining Variables

scala > var msg : String = "Hello"

msg: String = Hello , World

scala > var msg2 = " World"

msg2: String = " World"

scala > msg = "Hi"

msg: String = Hi

scala > msg + msg2

res0: String = Hello World

scala > msg = 3

<console >:8: error: type mismatch;

found : Int(3)

required: String

msg = 3


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Defining Variables

scala > var msg : String = "Hello"

msg: String = Hello , World

scala > var msg2 = " World"

msg2: String = " World"

scala > msg = "Hi"

msg: String = Hi

scala > msg + msg2

res0: String = Hello World

scala > msg = 3

<console >:8: error: type mismatch;

found : Int(3)

required: String

msg = 3


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Defining Variables

scala > var msg : String = "Hello"

msg: String = Hello , World

scala > var msg2 = " World"

msg2: String = " World"

scala > msg = "Hi"

msg: String = Hi

scala > msg + msg2

res0: String = Hello World

scala > msg = 3

<console >:8: error: type mismatch;

found : Int(3)

required: String

msg = 3


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variables and values

vars can be reassigned.

scala > var number = 2

number: Int = 2

scala > var number = number + 3

number: Int = 5

vals cannot be reassigned once defined.

scala > val number = 42

number: Int = 42

scala > number = 23

<console >:8: error: reassignment to val

number = 23


When in doubt, try to use vals for readability and a more functionalprogramming style.

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variables and values

vars can be reassigned.

scala > var number = 2

number: Int = 2

scala > var number = number + 3

number: Int = 5

vals cannot be reassigned once defined.

scala > val number = 42

number: Int = 42

scala > number = 23

<console >:8: error: reassignment to val

number = 23


When in doubt, try to use vals for readability and a more functionalprogramming style.

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Integer types

Byte 8-bit signed integer

Short 16-bit signed integer

Int 32-bit signed integer

Long 64-bit signed integer

Char 16bit Unicode character (unsigned)

scala > val x = ’s’; val y = 0x10

x: Char = s

y: Int = 16

scala > -x + y

res2: Int = -99

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Floating point types

Float 32-bit single precision float

Double 64-bit single precision float

scala > val y = 42E-4; val x = 32.0

y: Double = 0.0042

x: Double = 32.0

scala > x * y

res8: Double = 0.134

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Strings and Symbols

String a sequence of Chars.

Symbol an ‘interned’ String.

scala > val hello = "Hello World"

hello: String = Hello World

scala > val color = ’hearts; val value= ’queen

color: Symbol = ’hearts

value: Symbol = ’queen

String is simply an alias for java.lang.String.

Symbols can often be used in place of enums or global constants.

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Java types in Scala

Can use Java types from java.lang in Scala.

scala > val msg : java.lang.String = "Test"

msg: java.lang.String = Test

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Booleans and comparisons

Boolean true or false

scala > val x = 5

x: Int = 5

scala > x < 3+2

res3: Boolean = false

scala > val y = "Hello"

y: String = Hello

scala > y == "Hello"

res4: Boolean = true

== tests for value equality, not reference equality.

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Conditionals with if

if (condition) expression [else if (condition) expression] [else expression]

condition is any expression that returns a Boolean.

val a = 7

if (a % 2 == 0) {

println("a is even")

} else if (a % 3 == 0) {

println("a is a multiple of 3")

} else println("none of the above")

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Everything is an Expression

There are no statements in Scala.

Every block of code returns a value. This value can be Unit.

Compound expressions (with {...} return result of last expression).

Type of expression automatically inferred (or can make it explicit).

scala > val z : Int = {val x = 4; val y = 2; x / y}

z: Int = 2

scala > val a = {val b = 4; }

a: Unit = ()

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Conditionals are Expressions too

scala > val a = -7;

a: Int = -7

scala > val abs_a = if (a > 0) a else -a

abs_a: Int = 7

What happens if return type is unknown (e.g. missing else)?

scala > val z : Boolean = if (42 > 23) true

<console >:7: error: type mismatch;

found : Unit

required: Boolean

val z : Boolean = if (42 > 23) true


scala > val z = if (42 > 23) true

z: AnyVal = true

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Conditionals are Expressions too

scala > val a = -7;

a: Int = -7

scala > val abs_a = if (a > 0) a else -a

abs_a: Int = 7

What happens if return type is unknown (e.g. missing else)?

scala > val z : Boolean = if (42 > 23) true

<console >:7: error: type mismatch;

found : Unit

required: Boolean

val z : Boolean = if (42 > 23) true


scala > val z = if (42 > 23) true

z: AnyVal = true

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Loops with while and do ... while

scala > var x = 1

scala > while (x <= 5) {println(x); x+= 1}






scala > x

res1: Int = 6

scala > do {x+=1; println(x);} while (x<=5)


While loops usually indicate imperative programing style (manipulatethe content of some variable in each step).

Result type of while is Unit.

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Example: The Collatz Conjecture

Take any positive natural number n.

if n is even, set n to n/2else set n to 3n + 1


Conjecture: n will become 1 in a finite number of steps.

Example: 15 steps for 23

23, 70, 35, 106, 53, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

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Example: The Collatz Conjecture

var n : Int = 23

var count : Int = 0


while (n != 1) {

count += 1

if (n % 2 == 0)

n = n / 2


n = 3 * n + 1



println("Needed "+count.toString+" steps")

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Defining Functions

def name(param1: type1, · · · paramn: typen) : return type = body

scala > def max(x: Int , y: Int) : Int = {

if (x > y) x

else y


max: (x: Int , y: Int)Int

Return value of a function is the result of the body expression({} are optional in this case).

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Calling functions

scala > max(2,3)

res1: Int = 3

If a function does not take parameters, do not use parantheses

scala > def greet () = println("Hello")

greet: ()Unit

scala > greet


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Example: Collatz sequence as a function

def collatz (n_param : Int) : Int = {

var count = 0

var n = n_param


while (n != 1) {

count += 1

if (n % 2 == 0)

n = n / 2


n = 3 * n + 1





val steps = collatz (23)

println("Needed "+steps.toString+" steps")

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Making Collatz recursive

def collatz_rec(n : Int) : Int = {


if (n == 1) 0

else if (n % 2 == 0)

1 + collatz_rec(n / 2)


1 + collatz_rec (3 * n + 1)


val steps = collatz_rec (23)

println("Needed "+steps.toString+" steps")

This is not inefficient because of tail recursion!

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All types are classes

All values are instances of some class.

This is even true for basic numeric types (unlike Java).

Can call methods on instances of these classes.

scala > 42. toString

res1: String = 42

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Class hierarchy for basic types












scala.AnyRef (java.lang.Object)

scala.ScalaObject java.String

scala classes… other java classes…

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All operators are methods

scala > x = 3

x: Int = 3

scala > x.+(2)

res1: Int = 5

scala > x.==(5)

res2: Boolean = true

scala > "fortunate".contains("tuna")

res3: Boolean = true

scala > "fortunate" contains "tuna"

res4: Boolean = true

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Lists are important in any functional language.

Perform map and reduce/combine operations on elements to producenew lists.

All elements of a list are of the same type.

scala > val l0 = Nil // the empty list

res1: scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type = List()

scala > val l = 1 :: 2 :: Nil // :: is pronounced "cons"

l: List[Int] = List(1, 2)

scala > val m = List(3, 4, 5)

m: List[Int] = List(3, 4, 5)

scala > l ::: m

res2: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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The ’cons’ operator

scala > 1 :: List (2,3)

res18: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala > List (2 ,3).::(1)

List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

The ’cons’ operator seems to behave different from other operators.

Lists are constructed right-to-left.

General rule: if an operator ends in : it is translated into a methodcall on the right operand.

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Immutable objects

immutable objects cannot be changed once createdI Lists are immutable. :: and ::: create new lists.I Strings are also immutable (as in Java).

scala > val l = List(1,2,3,4)

l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)

scala > l(3)

res1: Int = 4

scala > l(3) = 100

<console >:9: error: value update is not a member of List[Int]

l(3) = 100

scala > val a = Array (1,2,3,4)

a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)

scala > a(3) = 100

scala > a

res2: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 100)

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Mutable objects

Arrays are mutable

scala > val a = Array (1,2,3,4)

a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)

scala > a(3) = 100

scala > a

res2: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 100)

Scala defines mutable and immutable versions of many referencetypes.

Try to use immutable objects first.

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for loops

scala > for (y<-List (1,2,3)) {println(y)}




used in this way the result of a for expression is Unit

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Range objects

scala > 1 to 10 // or 1.to(10)

res1: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive =

Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

scala > 10 to (0,-2)

res2: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive =

Range(10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0)

scala > for (i <- 1 to 3) println(i*2);




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for as an expression

for (seq) yield expression

seq contains at least one generator of the form x <- sequenceseq can contain definitions and filters.

scala > for (x <- List (1,2,3)) yield x*2

res8: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6)

scala > for { x <- 1 to 7 // generator

y = x % 2; // definition

if (y == 0) // filter

} yield {







res1: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] =

Vector(2, 4, 6)

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Nesting generators in for expression

scala > for {x <- List (1,2,3);

y<-List (4 ,5)) } yield x * y

res10: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15)

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