crowdtap paper brand influence

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  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence


    The Cross Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Joanna SeddonBrandon evanS


  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    Te mareters job as become icreasiy more difcut over te ast ve years, ad te pace of

    cae is acceerati. Successfu mareti used to be a fairy cear formua tat wet ie tis:

    1. Idetify a core cosumer isit

    2. Deveop a eye-catci advertisi campai

    3. Idetify mass media caes wit i cocetratios of your taret maret

    4. Purcase tose impressios as ceapy as possibe

    I additio to te traditioa outets of TV, radio, prit ad out-of-ome, we ow ave diita, socia

    media, word-of-mout, mobie ad coutess variatios o eac of tese. Te staid metrics of reac

    ad impressios simpy ac te same carity tey oce ad we spread across a ow edess myriadof caes ad type of mareti activities. Smart mareters ie Coca-Coa CMO, Joe Tripodi, see te

    eed to move away from impressios as it o oer is a ood barometer of te impact tat mareters


    Wie some oter metrics ave surfaced suc as eaemets, tey ave faied to ep mareters

    uderstad te reative impact of teir various mareti iitiatives. For istace, a eaemet

    as come to stad for everyti from cici o a baer ad, to watci a video, to spedi two

    ours i a frieds ome eari about a ew product. Ceary ot a eaemets or impressios are

    created eua. Wit te vast array of brad iteractios tat cosumers ow experiece, mareters

    eed to better uderstad teir media purcases ad te estimated impact before tey sped, i reatime.


    exCepT thE mEAsUREmENt mEtRICs!

    everyThing haS Changed,Today,

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    To address tis immese mareti probem, a ew metric is reuired. Tis metric eeds to factor

    ot oy uatitative iputs (impressios/eaemets), but aso te uaitative compoets of eac

    mareti cae i drivi actua mareti impact.

    To sove tis eed, Brad Iuece was deveoped specicay to aow mareters to uderstad te

    estimated output or impact of eary ay type of mareti activity. Brad Iuece factors i tree ey

    determiats of mareti impact previousy iored by uiversa metrics. Tese tree factors, we

    mutipied by reac, provide te tota impact or te Brad Iuece of te mareti activity:

    Tis ew Brad Iuece metric eabes mareters, for te rst time, to uderstad te overa impact

    of teir iteded mareti mix before impemetatio. We iterated ito mareti patforms,

    mareters wi aso be abe to moitor resuts i rea time ad evauate post campai to determie ow

    tey deivered aaist te estimated Brad Iuece. Tis metric ca be traced across ay mareti

    cae ad ca be directy ied to caes i brad euity ad itet to purcase.


    Te Brad Iuece metric was deveoped by Joaa Seddo, former CEO of Miward Brows

    mareti cosuti practice, ad er team of experts, i partersip wit Brado Evas, CEO ad

    fouder of Crowdtap, te rst o-demad brad participatio etwor. Over a period of ie mots,

    te team expored te ey factors tat drive siicat cae to te core metrics for ay mareter,

    brad euity ad ROI.

    Te researc bea by expori te ey caes freuety used by mareters to uderstad wat

    factors most iuece mareti impact. Te tree factors idetied were proximity, itesity adexposure, eac of wic is detaied furter i te body of tis report. Trou surveys, te researcers

    determied te weit of eac factor by mareti cae. Trou tis uderstadi of bot te

    uaitative (proximity/itesity) ad uatitative factors (exposure ad reac), mareters ca ow

    determie te tota Brad Iuece of eary ay mareti activity or media buy. Tis measure tes

    mareters ow muc ay mareti cae or activity wi iey iuece te audiece aroud teir


    hw st uc t mss?

    hw cs tust s t


    hw st uc


    hw st uc?

    etmtd dmct

    mt d

    Qut Qutt




  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    Te ast piece of te researc focused o idetifyi ow Brad Iuece impacts ROI ad te brad

    euity pyramid, wic icudes famiiarity, favorabiity, purcase itet ad advocacy. To uderstad

    tis impact, ve case studies were coducted o Crowdtap over a period of six mots. Tis researc

    focused o pre- ad post-aaysis to determie te impact tat eac Brad Iuece poit acieved to

    a marketers core metrics.

    Crowdtap was seected as te patform to coduct te researc o, as it aowed te researcers direct

    access to a variety of socia mareti activities o demad (e.. peer-to-peer sari of cotet,

    oie discussios, product sampi ad brad-sposored ouse parties). Tis eabed te testi of

    discrete socia mareti activities to aue teir performace vs. oter media caes.

    Some ey dis of tis researc are isted beow. Te i-dept dis ad more detaied

    metodooy of tis researc are summarized witi te body of tis report.


    Wie traditioa media sti provides reat vaue due to its reac capabiity, most

    socia caes deiver deeper cosumer iteractios, providi mareters wit te

    reatest ROI ad ift to ey brad metrics.

    As Brad Iuece measures te tota weited impact of a mareters sped,

    mareters soud oo at sped by ow may Brad Iuece poits tey ca

    purcase, as tis reates more directy to ifts i brad euity ad ROI ta cae

    aostic measures suc as impressios ad eaemets.

    Mareti caes tat mix o ad off ie sari, suc as peer-to-peer sampi

    ad braded ouse parties deiver o averae 10,000 ad 1,700 times more Brad

    Iuece poits per perso reaced ta TV respectivey.

    reaD The fUll reporT for More on These finDings

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    Te measuremet mode ceters o te idea of Brad Iuece. Brad Iuece measures te

    power of ay mareti actio to impact cosumers advocacy of te ciets brad ad wiiess

    to purcase its products. Tis power is measured i poits of Brad Iuece, creati a commodeomiator tat ca be used to jude te vaue of differet types of mareti activity. Te vaue

    of a Brad Iuece poit is te estabised trou ROI measuremet based o pre- ad post-

    measuremets of Brad Advocacy ad Purcase Itet to eabe mareters to uderstad te vaue of

    Brad Iuece.



    Te Iuece metric is a composite measure based o a combiatio of messae impact (uaity of

    iteractio) wit exposure ad reac (uatity of iteractio).

    hw st uc t mss?

    hw cs tust s t


    hw st uc


    hw st uc?

    etmtd dmct

    mt d

    Qut Qutt

    CoMposiTion of The branD inflUenCe MeTriC




  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    A foudatio study was coducted to compare te deree of impact of messaes (uaity of iteractio)

    deivered trou differet types of media. Tis everaed te abiity of te Crowdtap patform to

    provide istataeous ideticatio of, ad overit feedbac from, taret audieces.

    Te survey was desied to uatify te uaity measuremets of eac mareti cae ad activity

    tat icuded:

    Itesity - how ivoved is te audiece i te messae?

    Proximity - how cose ad trusted is te source of te messae?

    Areas of exporatio icuded cosumers eve of trust i iformatio received via differet caes,

    ow reevat tey foud te iformatio, teir ejoymet of te time tey spet eai wit eac

    cae, te memorabiity, ad teir deree of reca of eac experiece. Ejoyabiity ad Reca resuts

    were used to create te measure of ivovemet (Itesity); data o Trust ad Reevace was combied

    to measure te deree of itimacy (Proximity).

    Te iitia researc was coducted i October 2010 ad icuded te foowi sampe: eerapopuatio, =500; bed of maes ad femaes; bed of ae roups, 13-75. Te objective was to

    obtai iformatio about te perceptios of cosumers toward differet media caes effectiveess,

    across bot socia ad traditioa media, o ie ad off ie.

    Te two carts beow sow resuts for Itesity ad Proximity across a variety of caes. Te

    researc aso aows resuts to be cacuated for may idividua Crowdtap actiosfrom participati

    i a po or a discussio, to sari a Web pae or video, to receivi a sampe, to attedi a

    sposored ouse party. As te diaram beow iustrates, te dis from te cross-cae aaysis

    sow tat socia caes, i particuar Sampi ad house Parties, create muc reater uaity

    iteractios ta traditioa media, ad tat messaes deivered trou tese caes coseuetyave siicaty ier impact o te audiece.

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    exhibiT 1: MeDia effeCTiveness by Channel

    Te survey resuts o uaity of iteractios wit differet types of media are combied wit data

    reati to te uatity of iteractios (Exposure ad Reac), to provide a tota measure of iuece.

    Two metrics are used: Exposure, i.e. ow o was te audiece exposed, ad Reac, i.e. ow may

    cosumers iteracted wit te messae. For Crowdtap iteractios, actua umbers ca be pued from

    te database for eac actio i a campai. For compariso wit oter caes, idustry averaes are


    After coducti tis researc, te researc team created stadard metrics to oo at Brad Iueceacross a variety or mareti activities. Tese metrics are provided beow ad te framewor deveoped

    coud easiy be appied to ay oter mareti activities or extrapoated based o simiar actios.

    Tryi a sampe





















    Attedi a ouse party

    Oie discussio wit peers

    Video i set

    Bo posts

    Webpae i set

    Maazie ads

    TV ads

    Oie baer ads

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    branD inflUenCe by MarkeTing aCTiviTy

    Te taeawaytraditioa media, suc as TV, reaces more peope, but socia campais ave a more

    siicat iuece o te audiece.


    Te ext step of te researc cetered o tyi Brad Iuece to ROI. To do so, te researc

    focused o tyi Brad Iuece poits to ifts i direct impact ad idirect impact. Pre- ad post-

    measuremets of brad famiiarity, brad favorabiity, purcase itet ad brad advocacy were

    cacuated across ve ciet campais auced o te Crowdtap patform ad were used to estabis

    te iae betwee ROI ad Brad Iuece.

    First, cosumers attitudes toward te ciets brad ad product were estabised before te brad

    auced ay actios o Crowdtap. Tis created a baseie aaist wic icreases resuti from te

    campai coud be uatied. Researc was te coducted amo peope wo ave participated i

    eac idividua actio (atteded a ouse party, sared a video, received a sampe etc.), to measure ow

    attitudes ad perceptios toward te brad ad wiiess to purcase te product ave caed.

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    Tis baseie survey is desied as a straitforward brad euity measuremet, wit sufciet

    sampe (=400) to aow te measuremet of respodets reatiosip wit te brad. Te umber of

    respodets is traced at eac eve of brad euity, from Famiiarity, trou Favorabiity, to Purcase

    Itet ad Brad Advocacy. Te net Promoter uestio, how iey are you to recommed to your

    frieds? is used to determie te eve of Brad Advocacy, to eabe easy compariso wit idustry

    becmars. Te output is a brad euity pyramid, represeti te proportio of respodets at eac

    eve of te pyramid. Te percetae of tota respodets at te top eve provides te baseie metric

    for Brad Advocacy; te percetae reaci te secod eve provides te baseie for Purcase


    illUsTraTive exaMple of branD eQUiTy pyraMiD

    B ms: l fs rt

    (p pst Cwt Cm)

    Te above rapic sows oe ciet exampe of pre- ad post aaysis. Four case studies i tota

    across various verticas were measured i order to estabis te coectio betwee Brad Iuece

    ad ROI.

    Post campai, te brad euity pyramid was measured aai ad te upift over te baseie

    measuremets for Advocacy ad Purcase Itet eves were cacuated. Wie Crowdtaps database

    eabed measuremet of g0s (Crowdtap members) ad g1s (peope iueced by g0s), te additioa

    effect o g2s (peope iueced by g1s) was cacuated as a percetae, usi a decay rate based o

    research norms.

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    Te improvemets were dramatic, especiay at te ier eves of te pyramid, wit advocacy

    icreasi by 48%, ad purcase itet icreasi by 57%. Te output from tis researc is a upift

    across te brad euity pyramid. Trou tese pre/post measuremets, a iae to ROI ca te be



    Te acia iputs for cacuati te ROI are prot per ew customer ad te cost of te mareti

    activity. Tese are combied wit te cacuatios of upift i te brad euity pyramid from te

    researc aaysis. Tese upifts combie to produce a tota upift i wiiess to purcase. Te upift i

    Purcase Itet metric euates to te Direct Impact or sort-term icrease i wiiess to purcase;

    te upift i Brad Advocacy euates to te Idirect Impact or icrease i wiiess to purcase (bot

    sort term ad oer term) as a resut of reater afity for ad oyaty to te brad.

    For te purpose of tis aaysis, te assumptio is tat te icrease i wiiess to purcase iseuivaet to upift i purcases. To determie te icrease i umber of uits sod as a resut of te

    campai, we determie te tota upift for eac actio by mutipyi te upift percetae by te

    umber of peope reaced by te actio. We te simpy appy te protabiity umber for eac uit of

    te prot eerated by a ew customer to arrive at te tota prots eerated by eac actio ad for

    te tota campai. Te campai costs are te deducted from te prot umber to ive us retur o



    What is the immediate change

    in purchase behavior?Measured by % change in intent

    to purchase.



    What is the impact on brand

    equity?Measured by % change in


    + X UNITX ROI=

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Tis researc eabed te team to sow ow Brad Iuece impacts a mareters core metrics,

    te cae i brad euity ad itet to purcase, wic toeter, resut i ROI. Based o te four

    campais studied for tis report, estimated ifts i brad euity ad ROI were cacuated. Te study

    foud te beow correatio betwee Brad Iuece ad tese core mareti metrics:

    now tat we uderstad te iae betwee Brad Iuece, brad euity ad ROI, we are abe to

    sow ow various caes effect bot brad euity ad ROI based o te amout of Brad Iuece

    mareters are abe to acieve per $1,000 spet o tat mareti activity. Te beow cart iustrates

    tis correatio:

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Prior to Brad Iuece, mareters were imited to iput-focused cacuatios suc as impressios

    ad eaemets tat dot factor te uiue impact of eac cae to iuece te cosumer. now

    wit Brad Iuece, mareters ca better view teir sped by a metric tat factors i te uaity of tecae ad activity ao wit te uatity providi a coser coectio betwee sped ad ROI.

    Mareti is at te very eary staes of a compete overau i stratey, approac, tactics, caes

    ad measuremet tat brads wi eed to empoy to be successfu. Te sift started wit te Iteret

    ad rapidy acceerated wit socia tecooy. Mareti is rapidy movi from focus o attetio ad

    eyebas to iuece were success is determied by brad participatio.

    To mae te reuisite caes, brads must adopt a measuremet metodooy tat aows tem

    to oo ot oy at iputs, but aso at te expected impact of teir mareti activities o core brad

    metrics, ad tey must do so i rea time. Mareters ave o spet rst ad evauated ater. Wie

    ever idea, te speed ad breadt of mareti activities ow reuires mareters to ave a muc

    better ade o te impact of teir budet before its spet. Brad Iuece is a rst step i tat


  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT

    1. About te Researcers

    2. Case Studies

    3. gossary of Terms

    4. Sources

    5. Iuiries


  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Joaa Seddo

    Joaa as over 20 years of expertise i deveopi ad impemeti metodooies for te

    measuremet of brad ad mareti ROI. For te ast ve years se as bee CEO of Miward

    Brows oba cosuti practice, dedicated to epi compaies maximize te acia returs o

    teir brad stratey ad mareti ivestmets.

    Before foudi tis practice, se was EVP of goba Brad Stratey for FutureBrad. Recet ciets

    for wom Joaa as coducted brad ad mareti measuremet wor icude P&g, Citi, Coca Coa

    ad Microsoft. Joaa aso deveoped te BradZ Top 100 study of te words most vauabe brads,

    pubised auay i te Fiacia Times, ad is a we ow writer ad speaer o brad stratey ad

    mareti measuremet issues, icudi veues suc as Caes ad te AnA.

    Joaas educatio icudes a PD from Oxford Uiversity, visiti feowsips to te Smitsoia, ad

    uest ecturesips at Coumbia Busiess Scoo.

    Brado Evas

    Brado is te fouder ad CEO of Crowdtap - te etwor for Brad Iuecer Commuities tat

    aows mareters to easiy coaborate, mobiize ad maret wit teir tareted brad crowd of iuetia

    cosumers. Crowdtaps ame drive patform excites a rapidy rowi member base to participate i a

    variety of crowdsourced mareti activities tat drive brad iovatio ad peer-to-peer mareti via

    socia caes o ad ofie.

    Oe of te pioeers i word-of-mout ad socia media mareti, Brado Evas is we versed i

    emeri tecooy, cosumer coaboratio, ad te evovi mareti adscape. his wor asspaed tree successfu startups, as we as te deveopmet ad executio of resuts-drive socia

    mareti strateies for te ies of Pepsi, Microsoft ad P&g.

    Previousy, as Mr Youts Cief Stratey Ofcer ad Maai Parter, Brado eped to buid te

    aecy from 3 to over 120 empoyees i is 5 years tere ad estabis Mr Yout as a eadi socia

    mareti aecy. I 2010 Mr Yout was amed as oe of Fast Compays Top 10 Most Iovative

    Mareti Compaies ad as Masabes Socia Media Aecy of te Year.

    Brado is a reuar cotributor to eadi pubicatios o te topics of socia media, crowdsourci

    ad mareti. he as aso writte severa wite papers o te topics: Cosumer 2.0, Mieia Mom101 ad Mieia Ic. he is a raduate of Te Red McCombs Busiess Scoo at te Uiversity of

    Texas Austi.

  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    I order to tie Brad Iuece directy to ROI, tree case studies were measured i order to

    determie te averae reatio betwee Brad Iuece poits ad ROI. Overa, across te tree

    case studies, it was determied tat a Brad Iuece Poit (BIP) o averae, euates to a ROI

    $2.83 per BIP. lower priced CPg products were o te ower ed of te rae at aroud $2.00 per

    BIP wie ier priced retaiers saw cose to $5.00+ per BIP. O averae brads saw ROIs of $5.28

    per doar spet wit ier ROIs for tose brads tat created ooi campais vs. oe off

    projects receivi ier ROIs.

    As more data is reviewed, te associatio betwee ROI ad BIPs wi become more precise,

    eabi mareters to better uderstad te estimated ROI of mareti activities based o te mix

    of activities cose ad trou ey assumptios.

    Four case studies measured for tis report are:









  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    A femiie yiee brad was ooi to support teir ew product auc by coecti

    directy wit teir taret cosumers to et peope tai o ad ofie about te brad. Teir

    PR Aecy idetied Crowdtap as a idea patform to idetify ad mobiize advocates aroud

    te ew product auc ad buit out a campai tat maximized te patform for te brad.

    Wit Crowdtap, te brad was abe to taret ad idetify advocates i tree distict

    demorapics ad spea to eac wit separate commuicatios: 13-17 year-od irs, 18-24

    year-od irs, ad moms wit teeae dauters. I tota, te brad eaed a crowd of

    over 13,000 from September 2010 trou May 2011; te dates over wic te campai was

    measured. A crowd is te peope a brad as eaed trou Crowdtaps pay-per-actio

    brad participatio patform. Tis crowd coud te be mobiized to sare o ad ofie wit

    teir socia etwors.

    Over te 8 mots measured, te brad tapped teir crowd to test ad iterate pacaidesis, idetify preferred product scets, spread te word o ie aroud Faceboo ad

    Twitter promotios, as we as drive word-of-mout o ad ofie via a sampi campai

    wit crowd members from eac demorapic receivi sampes ad commuicatios

    materias to sare wit frieds.

    Duri te period measured, te brad acieved 767,637 BIPs (Brad Iuece Poits) wit

    a reac of over 4.8MM. Te brad aso saw ifts of 54% to purcase itet ad 55% to brad

    advocacy for a tota ROI of $1.76MM* or $4.41 ROI/$ spet, wic euates to $2.3 of ROI per

    BIP, icusive of estimates of a aecy fees ad o-Crowdtap sped.

    *A estimate based o idustry data was aso used for estimati te prot per customer


  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Oe of te coutrys arest fasio retaiers was searci for a soutio to eae deepy wit

    teir advocates ad most iuetia cosumers. Te brad ad miios of Faceboo fas, Twitter

    foowers ad CRM recipiets but sout a way to mobiize ad acowede teir top supporters.

    Teir aecy wored wit tem to deveop a brad iuecer commuity of VIP customers o


    leverai Crowdtap, te brad created a crowd of passioate cosumers i teir core taret

    demo of wome 25-35. Participats poured i from te brads existi commuities icudi

    CRM, Faceboo ad Twitter as we as pre-existi brad etusiasts witi Crowdtaps member

    base. From February 2011 May 2011 over 20,000 wome joied te brads crowd ad

    participated i te brads actios o Crowdtap.

    Over te four mots measured, te brad tased te Stye Couci wit weii i o ew dress

    desis, promotio ideas ad soppi abits. Te brads crowd was aso ive teir atestcommercia rst to sare wit frieds before it aired o TV. Te brads crowd was aso amo te

    rst to ear about ad receive sampes for te brads ewest ad ottest products, wic tey

    sared wit frieds ad eve osted sposored parties i teir omes to sow off teir atest ie of

    accessories ad i-store parties at teir oca retai ocatio.

    Duri te period measured, te brad acieved 771,959 BIPs (Brad Iuece Poits) wit a reac

    of 3.5MM. Te brad aso saw ifts of 57% to purcase itet ad 48% to brad advocacy, for a

    tota ROI of $3.75MM or $9.39 of ROI/$ spet wic euates to $4.86 of ROI per BIP, icusive of

    estimates of a aecy fees ad o-Crowdtap sped.

    *A estimate based o idustry data was aso used for estimati te prot per customer


  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    A ouseod ame i beauty was ooi to coect wit irs 18-24 years od, a audiece

    especiay ard to reac via traditioa caes. Te brad eeded more ta just awareess but

    sout to coect wit irs ad et tem usi teir products, i particuar teir ew suscree

    ad after-su otio.

    Teir PR aecy ao, wit te brad, sposored i ome parties or Beauty Soirees were irs

    participated i a variety of beauty-reated activities. Trou Crowdtap, te brad recruited 18-24

    year-od irs to ost te Soirees. Tousads of irs appied ad 1,000 top appicats were seected

    to trow te parties.

    Te seected party osts received a it fu of free products from te brad ad oter fu oodies

    to sare wit teir uests. Te parties resuted i tousads of tweets, bo posts, Faceboo posts

    ad pictures sowcasi te parties ad ew otios. Cose to 10 peope atteded eac party o

    averae ad osts submitted detaied recaps ad pictures of teir evets.

    Trou te sposored parties, te brad acieved 515,714 BIPs (Brad Iuece Poits) ad

    reaced over 1.5MM peope. Te brad aso saw ifts of 39% to purcase itet ad 60% to brad

    advocacy, wic euated to a tota ROI of $422,442 or $3.38 of ROI/$ spet wic euates to $.82

    of ROI* per BIP, icusive of estimates of a aecy fees ad o-Crowdtap sped.

    *A estimate based o idustry data was aso used for estimati te prot per customer


  • 8/3/2019 Crowdtap Paper Brand Influence



    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    A cassic America sac food brad sout to buid teir commuity of mom advocates for

    te eaty cidres sacs. Te brad focused ot just o teir reat sacs, but o epi

    moms raise eaty cidre i mid, body ad spirit. Te brad partered wit a eadi cid

    psycooist to deveop cotet activities tat tese womecoud sare wit teir ids ad feowmoms.

    looi to buid a true etwor of advocates across te coutry, teir socia mareti aecy

    ao wit te brad, deveoped a etwor of tousads of moms to spread tis erici cotet.

    Trou Crowdtap as we as teir existi ewsetters ad socia commuities, te brad recruited

    passioate moms to participate.

    Tese iuetia moms participated i discussios o a variety of topics aroud pareti epi

    to deveop cotet for wider distributio, aswered pos tat eped iform te brad, ad sared

    activities ad cotet wit teir persoa mom etwors bot o ad ofie.

    Trou teir mareti activities, te brad acieved 183k BIPs (Brad Iuece Poits) ad

    reaced over 1.9MM peope. Te brad aso saw ifts of 24% to purcase itet ad 14% to brad

    advocacy, wic euated to a tota ROI of $393,244 or $3.93 of ROI/$ spet, wic euate to $2.15

    of ROI* per BIP, icusive of estimates of a aecy fees ad o-Crowdtap sped.

    *A estimate based o idustry data was aso used for estimati te prot per customer


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    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Brad Iuece metric created by tis study to measure mareti impact of ay mareti cae

    or activity. Brad Iuece is cacuated by Proximity x Itesity x Exposure x Reac.

    Proximity te measure of ow reevat ad trusti te mareti cae or activity is, measured as a

    percet based o cosumer surveys.

    Itesity te measure of ow ejoyabe ad memorabe te mareti cae or activity is, measured

    as a percet based o cosumer surveys.

    Exposure te amout of time a cosumer speds wit a particuar mareti activity, measured i


    Reac te audiece size i cotact wit a particuar mareti activity, measured i umber of peope.

    quaitative Factor Proximity ad Itesity combie to mae up te uaitative measuremet of a

    marketing channel.

    quatitative Factor Exposure ad Reac combie to mae up te uatitative measuremet of a

    marketing channel.

    Direct Impact cacuatio of te direct impact to ROI based o icrease i saes, measured by cae

    i purcase itet pre ad post campai.

    Idirect Impact cacuatio of te idirect impact to ROI based o icrease i brad euity, measuredby cae i advocacy pre ad post campai.

    ROI retur o ivestmet based o prots ad costs of eac actio, measured by (direct impact +

    idirect impact) x uit cost campai costs.

    Brad Euity icrease i brad advocacy, measured utiizi te net Promoter Score via pre ad post


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    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Custom Survey Data

    Crowdtap Survey of cae effectiveess (Coducted October 2010, n=500, geera

    popuatio aes 13-75)

    Crowdtap Baseie Po of cosumer perceptios (Po coducted October 2010, n=150-250,

    Femaes, aes 13-17, 18-24, moms wit tee dauters)

    Crowdtap Pre ad Post-Actio Pos of cosumer perceptios (wit idividua ciets)

    Pubised Sources

    Auie Ray, Te ROI of Socia Media Mareti: More ta Doars ad Cets,,

    Oct. 7 2009.

    Maretnorms, quartery Reports, Dyamic loic 2009-2010.

    MRI Doubebase Reports, 2009, 2010.

    Cacuati Your Commuicatio Divided, BzzAet, Sept. 2008.

    Cris Murdou, Socia Media Measuremet: Its not Impossibe, Joura of Iteractive

    Advertisi, Vo 10 no. 1 Fa 2009, pp. 94-99.

    Corus Media, Isits Re-Cotact of MRI Respoders, Poit loic 2009.

    Da Zimod, Sudar Dorai-Raj, Yaet Iteria, Ior naveriou, Measuri Advertisi

    quaity o Teevisio. Derivi Meaifu Metrics from Audiece Retetio Data, Joura of

    Advertisi Researc, Dec. 2009.

    Eaie Wo, how Protabe is Word-of-Mout?, Bradwee, Oct. 10 2010. Fuet. Te Razors Socia Iuece Mareti Report, 2009.

    Irfa kama, Itroduci Coversatio Impact- Socia Media Measuremet for Mareters, Ik

    o Diita, Sept 9 2010.

    Jacues Bui, Joata Dooa & Oe Jore Vetvi, A new Way To Measure Word-Of-

    Mout Mareti, Mckisey quartery, Apri 2010.

    Jo Zappe, Te ROI of Socia Media, Joura of Corporate Recruiti leadersip, Marc


    katie Deaaye Paie, Measure wat matters, Wiey, 2011

    Marus Pfeiffer, Marus Zibauer, Ca Od Media Eace new Media? how Traditioa

    Advertisi Pays Off For A O-lie Socia networ, Joura of Advertisi Researc, Marc


    Oiver Bacard, Socia Media ROI, Pearso, 2011

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    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    Pat Coroy & Aupam narua, A new Breed of Brad Advocates, Socia networi Dees

    Cosumer Eamet, Deoitte, 2009.

    Siv Si, Socia Media Metrics-SIM Score vs. net Reputatio Score (nRS), SociaCommerce Today, Oct. 2010.

    Siv Si & Cris Bower, Te Future of Socia Iuece Mareti, Pubicis-Razors, 2010

    Siv Si, Measuri Socia Iuece Mareti, Pubicis-Razors/TnS, 2010.

    Powered, 2008 Socia Mareti ROI Report ad Becmar guide, next Cetury Media, Ja.


    Rex Bris, Te Mometum Effect. Creati Brad Vaue i te Socia networi Space,

    never Edi Friedi Researc Summary, Apri 2007.

    Sue Ems, James gapi, Maximizi Media Syery for Cost Effective Brad Buidi,

    Admap, Juy/Auust 2009.

    Te niese Compay, Advertisi Effectiveess: Uderstadi te Vaue of a Socia Media

    Impressio, Specia Report for Ad:tec, Apri 2010.

    Te niese Compay, Te State of Socia Media, Referece guide for WOMMA Summit

    Attedees, 2009

    Vaui Advertisis Oriia Medium: Te Coversatio, BzzAet, Marc 2008

    Vaui Word of Mout i te Saes Fue, BzzAet, Apri 2008.

    Water J. Car, Bara libai, Adam Di, Measuri te Vaue of Word of Mout, ARF Audiece

    Measuremet 3.0 Coferece, Jue 2008.

    Wiiam J. havea, Aex kauf, Robert J. Cardarei, Buidi Cross-Media norms, Esomar


    WOMMA. Measuremet ad Metrics guideboo, nov. 2009.

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    The CroSS Channel MeTriC for MarkeTing iMpaCT


    To ear more about tis study, or ivite Brado or Joaa to spea at your ext

    evet, emai us at:

    To ear more about Crowdtap, o to:



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