crosstalk magazine autumn 2012

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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The magazine of Temple-Anniesland Cross Church, Glasgow Scotland



September 2012


Congregation No. 161054

Scottish Charity No. SCO15579

Musings from the manse – Autumn 2012. “ There is a time for everything,

And a season for every activity

under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Dear friends, After a rather wet summer, we are back into autumn; the leaves are turning, and the nights are getting darker earlier. We have even had frost already! Despite the weather, there have been some great times – with people off on holiday, and able to have some rest. We also had our holiday club – “On your Marks” in August, which was great fun, with an average of 25 children each day, some wonderful teenage helpers, and a great team. We learned about what it means to be part of Jesus’ team, and about listening and working together, and we sang some great songs. As a church family, we are so grateful for all who helped – people who decorated the hall, made the crafts, organised the publicity, and baked and made donations. It was a very positive experience, and we look forward to doing it again next summer! We have also experienced a number of sad events, with members of longstanding service to our church passing away – Mary Hunter, Margaret Swan, Helen Ogilvie, Ethel Attrill and Margaret Lindsay. The death of each lady has left a grieving circle of family and friends, yet has also reminded us of the rich history of our church family, and of all who have participated in it over the years. We pray for all who are sad and missing their loved one at this time.

(Continued on page 4)

Page 2

Session Matters

At the most recent Kirk Session Meeting in early September there was, as always, a very full agenda. There was nothing that was routine on the agenda but a few items were perhaps of particular note. You know, of course, of The Big Event taking place at the end of September which will be an opportunity for members and everyone involved at Temple Anniesland to meet and celebrate our life and faith together. The Big Event has come about in response to an instruction to congregations from the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to consider the place of Stewardship in the life of their church. As Fergus Platt, our treasurer and convener of the Big Event Committee, has consistently been at pains to point out, our response to this instruction – reflected in the nature of the Big Event - will be to encourage members here at Temple Anniesland to consider all the ways in which they might contribute to the life of our church through the giving of time and talents as well as of money.

Also on the Session agenda was the Glasgow Presbytery Plan, the latest instalment of which is awaited with ‘bated breath’ by all the churches in Glasgow. Its publication is due very shortly and it will contain implications for every congregation. At the very least it will involve us in having to work more closely with one or more of our neighbouring churches. A time of challenge but also, surely, of opportunity lies ahead.

** Stop Press - The plan has now been published with many linkages and unions proposed around Glasgow to reduce the overall cost of running the church. However it is clear that there will be a lot of debate and very little likelihood of change at Temple-Anniesland for some time to come and we can look forward with hope to further developments of our work here.**

I would like to mention two other items from the Session agenda which reflect the concerns of our church with those who are older as well as with those who are younger. Good reports were received about the Holiday Club which took place for a week at the beginning of August and attracted an average of 24 children each day. Since it is a few years since we had a Holiday Club this seems like a very good number. It appears that “a good time was had by all” and

Some members of the Session at a recent in-

formal meeting to discuss the Presbytery Plan Page 3



Mrs Mary Hunter Knightswood Court (18) Mrs Margaret Swann Castlebank Gardens (02) Mrs Helen Ogalvie Ascot (07) Mrs Ethel Attrill Munro Court (02) Miss Margaret Lindsay Iona House (12)

Transfers & Disjunctions

Mrs Fay Platt St.Steven’s Court (Postal) Mrs Cathy Lintott Crow Road (6)

Change of address

Mrs May Drummond From: St.Kilda Street (25) To: Wellhall Care Home (Postal)

thanks are due to the members of our church who were involved in supporting and leading the week’s activities as well as the group of lively teenagers who joined us in our worship in church recently and whose energy was a great help in making Holiday Club week such a success.

At the other end of the age spectrum we heard from Fiona about the work of the Faith In Older People (FIOP) project. The aims of FIOP include:

Raising awareness in our communities and churches of older people’s issues, concerns and spiritual needs.

Affirming and celebrating the gifts and lives of older people, recognising that they still have much to offer.

Encouraging and supporting acts of worship in local nursing and residential homes.

FIOP organises training and support to local churches and organisations, and with this in mind, Temple Anniesland is to be involved in a Faith In Older People Workshop planned for the end of October.

These are but a few items from a busy agenda, but they may reflect something of the breadth of the discussions which take place at a typical Kirk Session

meeting. Jim Stewart - Session Clerk

Page 4

One of the biggest challenges for our society and our church at this time, is

economic. We live in a society where government agencies and commercial companies are downsizing, and people are losing their jobs. There are changes in benefits, which mean people often have to live on less. Financial challenges also affect the national church, and are leading to presbytery plans to rationalise resources – buildings and personnel. You might be forgiven for wondering where it is all going. We have our own challenge in terms of our fabric just now, as a large outbreak of dry rot has been discovered at the back of the sanctuary and the south stairwell, and this will take much time and effort to remedy.

The book of Ecclesiastes is a good book to read when we are questioning. The author reminds us that there is nothing new under heaven, but that we all go through the same cycle of experiences. And the author – King Solomon came up with an answer – we need to continue to look to God, and to revere Him. Rather than worry about the past, or be anxious about the future, we need to live in the moment, and to give thanks for each day, and to trust that “ God makes everything beautiful in its time”.

And so how can we show our reverence and trust in God? Well we need to be open to Him, willing to read His Word, to ponder and to grow. Growing in our faith is something that we need to do whatever age we are – from 2 to 102 years old! There are so many Bible study aids which help us understand what we are reading, so many Christian songs, which inspire our faith, so many places of prayer that can encourage us to love God more.

In the session ahead, we want to encourage everyone to grow in faith. We are going to work with the charity “Faith In Older people” to encourage the spiritual needs of older people to be met, in the church and in the community. We are going to have a Retreat day on 6th October to the Bield, a day of renewal and fellowship. And we hope to have fellowship opportunities for our Woman’s group and Men’s group, and more going on for our young people. The Youth Development Team are planning to organise a Christmas fair on Saturday 24th of November, and we hope to have a children’s Christmas Activity morning too.

Yet in order to welcome people of all ages, and to encourage us all to grow in faith and understanding, we need everyone to play their part, and so we are looking forward to “ The Big Event” on 28th and 29th September. This is an event, which helps us to reflect on our commitment to God, and to think about our giving, time and talents. If everyone does what they can, it helps our church

Musings from the manse - continued Page 5

family to be more healthy. Whether it is prayer, making the tea, helping with admin or delivering the flowers, we appreciate so much when people volunteer to help.

Someone called Loretta Girzartis said:

“ If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extra-ordinary things begin to happen.” As a church family, we seek to care for others in Christ’s name. So whatever our age or ability we can all help to work as a team, and care for one another, and share God’s love in the wider parish.

Our theme for the session ahead then is learning together, and being prepared to get involved, for we often learn through getting to know one another. In the midst of change, we need to be steadfast in our faith, and to continue to look to our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Wishing you every blessing, Fiona


The Hunter family would like to thank the Reverend Fiona and all members of

the Church for the continual support we received during Mary’s trying time.

The care and support we received was exceptional and went a long way to

easing the burden. May God bless you all,

W A Hunter

On behalf of all our family, I would like to thank everyone at Temple Anniesland

for their concern, kindness and good wishes which we all received during and

after our Mum, Helen Ogilvie's stay at St Margaret of Scotland Hospice. The five

weeks she was there seemed to pass so quickly with not a day going past when

she did not have a visitor. My Mum was enormously grateful to you all and held

you all in high regard. Your presence at her funeral was a great comfort to us

all. Thank you. It meant a great deal. With kind regards to all,

Fiona Robertson

Page 6

Treasurer’s Report

Someone suggested to me recently that I should

maybe have more figures in my report rather than

just waffle and an occasional figure. I said to them

that, at the moment, a few of the congregation read

my report - not really to see the figures but to find

out how her indoors, my brother and our two dogs were doing. I reckoned if I

made it figures only, nobody apart from myself would read it - and the person

who had suggested that there should be more figures!

I had wondered, for this report, if I should just make it all figures to see what

the reaction would be. When I took over doing the Treasurer’s Report many

years ago, it was all figures that I quoted as my predecessor had done it that

way. The other option is that I do two reports but, as it takes me all my time to

do one report I do not think that that is really an option. I was going to ask her

indoors for her opinion but decided not to, as she has always wanted me to

stop mentioning her as indoors - the obvious reason being that she is seldom

indoors. I am, therefore, really in a quandary!!!! To waffle or not to waffle that

is the question? Maybe you could let me know at the Big Event which I hope

you are all going to. I’ll be there to be chairman for part of it. Her indoors

reckons I shouldn’t mention that as it will put you off but I am sure that it will

not. I must say that I have felt very honoured be the chairman of this

committee who do all the work which I just oversee. ‘Things haven’t changed’,

states her indoors. Money, talents and time - have you got any to give?

With regards to time, I have found recently that all I have been doing is going to

meetings, most of which have been long meetings. Her indoors reckons that I

was the reason that the meetings were long.

Anyway, I think that is long enough - you have been waiting to see some

figures. Income to the end of August is slightly up on last year and with all

expenses paid we have a small surplus in the General Account. We had an

anonymous donation of £1,250 (£250 for the Benevolent Fund and £1,000 for

the new Toilets Fund). The retiring collection at our communion service in June Page 7

for Susan Clark, our missionary partner,

amounted to £179.40.

Now for the bad news. We have an outbreak of dry rot in the south stairwell

and the entry to the old hall where you may have noticed that the ceiling is

down. The cost to rectify this is approximately £30,000. We are fortunate that

we have reserves to cover this outlay, thanks mainly to the two very good

bequests we received over the last couple of years and the congregation’s good


Talking about givings brings me to my usual plug - IF YOU PAY TAX AND HAVE



To finish with I have to report that my brother is doing well as are the two dogs

and I am off to play golf while it is dry. Of course it never rains on the golf

course!! (Don’t you believe it as I have been soaked quite often this year, but

don’t tell her indoors.)


Treasurer’s Report—continued

“The Big Event" is on Friday 28th September from 7-9pm, or you can attend

on Saturday 29th September from 10.30 till 12.30. Please return your

acceptance letter as soon as possible if you haven’t done so already or register

to attend via the church web site. See you there!

Page 8

Men and Gentlemen - not a formal group yet but getting on well! Our next outing is on October 1st. Transport from the church will be available. Everyone is welcome! For anyone who has not joined ud be-fore, we find a congenial place to eat together at a decent price, enjoy eachother’s company and raise money to support our Mission Partner, Susan Clark. Please get in touch at church or via the church phone or web site if you are able to come along.

Ian Murray and John Brown

Did you know? A recent academic literature review investigating evidence about the relation-

ship between religious observance and quality of life in older people has looked

at 14 impartial studies completed over the last 8 years. The international re-

searchers from Brazil, USA and the UK found that for older adults:

The higher the religious involvement, the better the quality of life of the

elderly in all areas, with or without diseases.

Belonging to a religion and valuing it was associated with greater satis-

faction in life.

There is a clear link between religious attitude and the quality of life in

mental health, vitality and general health state.

People who were active members of a religious group were less inclined

towards depression than the population average and more inclined to

towards better cognitive function and quality of life.

There is not enough evidence to show why any of this occurs!

Jesus said:

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you

will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15 v5.

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The

one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and

show myself to them. John 14 v21 Page 9

World Mission The World Mission team meets every couple

of months. Our aim is to inform people of

what is happening overseas, in the church

family worldwide.

Our main focus is on Susan Clark, our prayer

partner, who is going work with women and

children in the Diocese of RAIWIND in Paki-

stan. At present she is studying Urdu, the na-

tional language, and is finding pronunciation challenging. The practicalities of

life are also a bit interesting. Getting access to money means a) finding a bank

that has an ATM b) has electricity, c) money in the ATM, and d) a connection to

a UK bank. Not easy ,especially in more rural areas. Her best purchase so far

has been a thermos flask - for keeping water cold! Too often she and her col-

league Rachel go out to eat but find themselves in a MacDonalds because it has

air-conditioning. However she did manage to watch some of Wimbledon over

the internet - when it was working.

She asks for prayer as she studies the language and for the church of Pakistan

in all it denominations.

We also support the work of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, of which Fiona is

the chairperson of the Glasgow support group.

CSW seeks to help Christians who are persecuted horrendously for their faith in

Christ. Please try to attend the next meeting on 5th of October (details later).

One practical way we can show our Christian love and concern is by filling shoe-

boxes with small gifts that bring joy to very poor families in Albania, Bulgaria,

Hungary, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Kosovo, Serbia and Ukraine. Last year

120,000 boxes were sent. We hope to fill 80. Any contribution, no matter how

small, is appreciated. See our article on page 17.

Thank you, Alison Gray

Page 10

Old and New

Welcome everyone; we are now

into a new session with all the

church organisations starting up.

Are you rested, refreshed and ready

to go after our summer that was

well… something else, weather wise? Hopefully this did not deter you from en-

joying the break.

I’m sure you are all of a positive frame of mind for starting out on the latest

chapter on our shared journey of walking with Jesus, finding out how we can

best serve his purpose. We are, after all, working for the Lord our God - what

can possibly be dull about that? So let’s have no more procrastinating, banish

negative thoughts, remember and appreciate every day for what it truly is, a

precious gift from God.

Does that sound a bit too energetic and up-beat? Last month I felt privileged to

have the opportunity to go to The World Congress on Active Ageing held at the

SECC here in Glasgow. I was amazed at the optimism shown by the elderly peo-

ple there who were obviously “very young at heart.” It was a total revelation to

me; they had a real zest for life. It was a great lesson for me that life has so

much to offer us, even as we get older, if we don’t retreat from it.

The Bible is full of examples of the personal conflict we humans face through-

out our life, between what the love of God directs us to do on one hand and

what we want to do on the other. As Christians, the longer we live the more

often we have encountered this; we have always had this tension in our lives.

Yet here is the “Good News.” - never forget, we do not face this struggle alone.

For our Lord walks with us side by side. For some, following Jesus will be a jour-

ney into the unknown; the first step, a leap of faith, may be the most important

step they will ever take. But I know that even after a long life’s journey, if you

are prepared to go that extra mile, to reach out to others with the hand of

Christian friendship even when you find it hard to do so, you may be surprised Page 11

at what can be achieved, how valuable a step that can be, even just as an indi-

vidual. Yet if we collectively do the same thing, then we could achieve so much


As a church it is always important for us to find the correct balance between

being alert to the needs of us older folk while keeping the young actively in-

volved in the life of our church. However I am more than ever convinced that if

we harness the enthusiasm of youth and join it with the wisdom of age we will

have a wonderful blend of the best of

both to spread the good news of God’s

love. Young or old, we need to be con-

sistent in our life and live to share the

love we have known. If we believe it,

we must live it. This way others can tell

by our actions that we are followers of

Christ. For Christians, old ways and

new ways are not divergent roads.

So I have learned again that it is always helpful to remind ourselves, no matter

where we are and in what, often difficult, circumstances we find ourselves, that

today is the first day of the rest of our life; a new chapter is waiting to be

scribed on a blank page that is personal to each of us. Go ahead; fill that page

with kind and generous thoughts and loving actions, all in the service of our

Lord Jesus Christ. Cherish this day. Embrace it. A word of gentle encouragement

for those taking first steps, an unexpected act of generosity, prayer for those

we know who are in need, - let’s go and live it to the full and honour our Lord

Jesus at the same time. And if we do this as a member of a group of Christian

people - come together, talk together, pray together, learn together and share

and work together, each of us becomes part of a living, vibrant, spirit-filled

community. That way, even if we are old, we can be new. It’s a wonderful way

to approach your day. I can’t wait for tomorrow to come again.

John Brown

Page 12

Reminiscing. There are not many church occasions and events when we don’t hear Maggie Maclean’s cheerful laugh and hearing her always makes me smile. I know a little of her ‘serious’ side too – her work over many years supporting prayer for health and healing in the church and taking the mid-week services. So I was interested to find out more about her growing up in the church and find out

what difference being a Christian had made, and continues to make, in her life, as she looks back on it in her ‘wisdom’ years. This is necessarily a brief account but I hope it will encourage many of you to remind yourselves of your own beginnings and adventures in the Christian faith and share those with your friends and others. Tom Griffiths[Ed]

I have been asked by the editor to write something – so, here goes! My twin

brother & I started attending the Sunday School here when we were 4 years

old. At that time it was run by Miss Greig and was held in the old hall. One vivid

memory I have of that time is that when someone had a birthday we sang

“Comes a birthday once again” and they got to blow out some candles that

Miss Greig had lit. In due course I progressed to Dr Thomson’s Bible Class but,

sadly, my brother didn’t want to, so he severed his church connection then.

After I left school I went straight into nurse training at Yorkhill (or the Royal

Hospital for Sick Children as our tutor insisted!) and apart from 2 1/2 years at

the Royal Infirmary doing ‘my General’ the rest of my time was spent at

Yorkhill. I felt being a Christian helped greatly in my job, especially nursing

children who were dying, and supporting their parents. On one occasion when I

was visiting a mum (unofficially on a Sunday) when she was very ill I asked if

she would like a wee prayer and she said “yes”. I had never prayed out loud

before so I said the Aaronic blessing (‘May the Lord bless you and keep you’,

Numbers 6: 24). I still remember that afternoon clearly because I really felt Page 13

Partners in Prayer Subject to the approval of the Kirk Session, I will take on the job as Prayer Sec-

retary. I firmly believe that the prayer is the powerhouse of the church and a

church prayer meeting is central to that. Without prayer, nothing of lasting

value can happen.

I want to have a monthly diary of prayer points; for the church, the community,

our country and world mission. Each week I will have a few prayer points on the

screen before the morning service and I hope you will take some time to offer

these concerns in your own prayers.

It is the intention to have a box available in the church into which people can

put prayer requests that we can then pray for at the church prayer meeting,

which I hope to start soon. Also, if you want to leave a message about some-

one or something that needs our support in prayer, please call the church

phone number (0141 530 9745) or use the contact form on the web site.

Alison Gray

moved to pray for her. I have also been going into Yorkhill as a volunteer with

the Chaplain for the last 6 1/2 years. I thoroughly enjoy being back “at my old

stamping ground”.

Three years ago at the Passion Play in Kelvingrove Park I felt very honoured to

be asked to play Mary, the mother of Jesus. Apart from the actor who played

Jesus we were all amateurs. It was a very moving experience and when ‘Jesus’

was crucified I was in tears. I wasn’t acting. They took ‘Jesus’ down from the

cross and laid him in my lap. This was an experience I will never forget.

I have also been involved with the Health and Healing Group since Mr Johnston

started it many years ago. Sadly most of the original members of that group

have died but I still keep an up to date prayer list and from time to time people

in our church ask me to add someone to my list. Please talk or write to me at

the church if you would like yourself or someone else prayed for, both privately

and in our shared monthly ‘prayers for healing’ services.

Maggie Maclean

Page 14

201st Glasgow Guides

Well it is all change for the Guides this term. We said goodbye to our older Guides at the end of last term and have welcomed lots of new Guides who have moved on from Brownies, as well as some fresh new faces from the surrounding schools. The Guides have an exciting term ahead which includes learning about how Girl Guides contributed to defending our country during the world wars. One of leaders Emma has just completed her University dissertation on this topic so we look forward to learning all about it from her. We will also be working on a wildlife conservation project which includes a trip to Edinburgh Zoo and the girls will be making their own three minute films to showcase on our last night before Christmas. With all these exciting activities planned, we would love to welcome anyone along who wanted to help, even just for one Tuesday night. If you are interested, please contact Angela on 07795 064902 or for details.

Angela Gardner

201st Glasgow Brownie Pack

The Brownies restarted on Tuesday 28th August. We have a very exciting year planned. To start with we are going to the County funday on 15th September where the Brownies will get the opportunity to try a climbing wall, inflatable assault course, team sports and lots of other sports and activities. We are keeping the fit and healthy theme going throughout the year with a monthly sporty activity and looking at healthy food over the year. We are finishing the session in May 2013 with a joint trip to PGL for a multi activity weekend with the other Brownie Pack and Guide unit. Look out for our fundraising activities throughout the year. Lesley Murray - Brown Owl

133rd Glasgow Brownie Pack

The Thursday Brownies ended last session with 8 very enthusiastic girls. We are very limited with what we can do with so few girls so if you know any girl that is aged between 7 and 10 who are free on a Thursday night between 7 and 8.30 pm, they will be made more than welcome. We are looking forward to the Page 15

Temple-Anniesland Mother and Toddler Group a member of the Scottish

Pre-School Play Association

We are a few children down now compared with the summer as some have moved on to Nursery. So if you know any parents who would like to bring a toddler along for a very sociable and enjoyable play time on Tuesday or Thursday morning, please let them know we are here! We are putting together a flyer to advertise space which will be available shortly. We are glad to be over the ‘chicken pox’ season and we are looking forward to two new births in January. As you will appreciate, the group is a support for the parents and carers as well as the children so we have been really happy to have had two weddings and a christening to celebrate recently.

Thank you, as always, for your prayers and practical support. It’s good to be part of the church’s work.

Angela Sweeny


1st Kelvinside Rainbows The Rainbows started up again after the summer break on 3rd September at 6.15 in the Old Hall. I have enjoyed welcoming back the Rainbows from last session and look forward to welcoming any new girls. If you know any girl aged between 5 and 7 years or in primary 1 at school who loves to have fun by playing games, making crafts, singing and making new friends. We are losing Claire, our Assistant Guider, who has moved away from Glasgow but we welcoming another Claire and Laura to our Rainbows Unit.

Fiona MacIntyre

session ahead - learning new activities and also are very excited to be a part of the "Big Event" that the church is holding at the end of this month. Also, we are in the early planning of a joint activity weekend away with the Tuesday Brownies and the Guides in May next year to PGL in Dalguise which will be most exciting.

Clare Sinclair - Assistant Guider

Page 16


Hello Ladies, I do hope you all had a nice time over the summer – did I say SUMMER - I suppose there were a few good sunny days in between the awfully wet ones!!!! We had the last of our “Tea & Chat” days on Tuesday 4th September and I must say that overall we have had great attendances, approximately 25 – 30 on each afternoon. I suppose this lets us know that it is a good idea and should continue through next year too(?). The Guild Committee have been beavering away, working hard on the Guild Syllabus and you will not be disappointed with the content. We start back on Tuesday 9th October at 2.00pm, as usual. We will start the Session off with a “Lunch” for all, the same as we did last year, this seemed to go down very well and allowed everyone to catch-up with each other’s news. Please remember not to eat too much before you come as there will be plenty for all - good food, good fellowship and good fun for all. I am looking forward to seeing you all again and, hopefully, some new faces too. Remember we are not a bad bunch of ladies and I am sure that there will be some folks in the congregation who would enjoy our Tuesday Afternoon Guild, so please do come along and join us on the 9th of October at 2.00pm in the “New” hall. Fay Platt - President

Hi from the crèche! The Crèche is available every week for children from 0-3 Years. We are available from 11am but the children are more than welcome to stay in the church and take part in the children’s address. Once in the crèche your child will be entertained with songs, rhymes, toys and lots of fun while you enjoy the rest of the service. You can come in with your child to settle them, then rejoin the church family. Please come and speak to me or call the church (0141 530 9745) if you would like any further information.

Pamela Dallas Page 17


The only thing that’s planned is the

date! Actually that's not strictly

true. Note new Date: Now 6 October

2012. Information and photos of past

glories at:

Open to all who think they remember

the Crossrock Daze (or have unsuccessfully tried to forget, or despite therapeu-

tic interventions and the repeated requests of their children/nephews/ nieces

etc. still sing, dance, and stay up late playing those “Joseph”, “Johnny” or “Sam”

TAPES!). A flexible reunion – come when you can – leave if you must

When: Saturday 6th October 2012

Where: Temple-Anniesland Church Hall (graciously offered)

Time: “Crossrock time”, so 3pm for 1pm start and into the evening

Wanted Urgently Shoeboxes

80 boxes need to be filled for Blythswood Care

During September we will be collect-ing new items for men’s boxes e.g.

Toothpaste and Toothbrushes,

Soap, facecloths, combs, socks

Sweets – which need to have an expiry date after March 2013. No chocolate is allowed.

Money is also very welcome as Blythswood suggests a donation of £2.50 a box to help with transport costs. Every little helps. In October we will be collecting for children’s boxes. Please bring you contributions to church or phone the church number (0141 530 9745) to have them collected. For more information please see Marion Stewart or Alison Gray

Page 18

247 Boys Brigade

We currently have boys in all three sections of the Boys Brigade. Anchor Boys,

for children from Primary 1 to age 8, Junior Section from age 8 to age 11 and

Company section from age 11.

Anyone passing by the hall on a Wednesday evening will hear how lively and

enthusiastic the boys are. At BB we have a wide range of activities for the boys

ranging from marching to gymnastics, we have even been known to do some


At the moment the boys in Junior and Company Sections (and officers) are

eagerly looking forward to an activity weekend away to Dalguise in Perthsire

from the 7th to the 9th of September. We will be tackling lots of new and

exciting activities like fencing, quad biking, challenge course and zip wire to

name but a few. Look out for the photographs appearing in the old hall.

We have just started our new session and hope that it will be as successful as

the last one. We are hoping to have another bag packing day in Morrisons just

before Christmas. The last one proved to be very successful and is what has

enabled us to subsidise the trip to Dalguise.

We have 15 boys across the sections at the moment and will welcome new

members. We meet at 6:30 each Wednesday. So, if you know of any boys who

like playing games, learning new skills and most of all having fun, they will be

made very welcome.

Gail Grieve - Officer in Charge

Stop Press! We can report that the boys had a great time on the trip to

Dalguise, trying lots of new activities, learning new songs and staying up late.

The weather was very kind to us which made it all the more fun. The boys came

home exhausted, but in one piece. See the back page for the proof! Page 19

The Silver Threads

This group started a good num-

ber of years ago and met on a

weekly basis. It was terminated

by myself for various rea-

sons. About 12-14 ladies at-

tended most Fridays.

The Silver Threads has now been reinstated and meets on the first Friday of

each month. The next meeting will be held on October 5th. 2pm-4pm. All are

very welcome. It would be helpful if you have something on hand to do such as

knitting, crochet, embroidery or anything else. Once we have a fair number of

ladies a project can be devised.

In the past we have made Christian symbols for the Christmas (Crismon)

tree. The Communion seat cushions were embroidered by some of the la-

dies. At least two banners were produced one being the latest Christmas ban-

ner. Apart from those projects the group learned other skills such as silk paint-

ing and embroidering a canvas picture. Those that were completed and framed

were very much admired.

If you are not craft minded but would like to come for the fellowship you are

most welcome. There is always the need for someone to make the tea and cof-

fee!. There is a fee of £1.00 per meeting. This helps with the refreshments,

any fabrics etc needed for any project tackled and we are able to make a pay-

ment for the use of the hall.

Why not come and try it?. There is no obligation to stay should you feel it is

not for you.

Christine Macleod

Page 20

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks,

they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone

serves, they should do so with the strength that God provides, so that in

all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.

1 Peter Chapter 4, verses 10 and 11

The Boys Brigade at Dalguise

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