crop circle

Post on 19-May-2015



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Prepared by me for my presentation in English sessional class....


Crop Circle : Mystery of artistic nature!!!

A crop circle is a design that is made by flattening or sweeping down the wheat or corn in a field.

A crop circle is a design that is made by flattening or sweeping down the wheat or corn in a field.

Crop Circle

Earlier HistoryThe First Crop Circle was discovered in 1648 in England called “Mowing Devil”

• Crop circles have been seen all over the world in different countries.

• Most of the crop circles have been seen in England.

Where are crop circles?


There are several different theories on what or who makes crop circles.

Crop Circle Theories

Atmosphere conditions such as a tornado or dust devil.Atmosphere conditions such as a tornado or dust devil.

UFOs are creating crop circles.UFOs are creating crop circles.

A man-made satellite in orbit is using a beam to create crop circles.A man-made satellite in orbit is using a beam to create crop circles.

People are creating crop circles.People are creating crop circles.

• One day when two men discovered there was a new crop circle they went to the crop circle before the BBC and claimed that they had made it with sticks and rope .Could these two men have made the other 10,000 reported crop circles in 26 countries?

Human Technology?

Some of the patterns are very complex and would be much too difficult for people to create.

The mathematical & geometrical accuracy in crop circles shows that they have been made with technology too advanced for human nature.

Wiltshire crop circle (symbolic code for first ten places of pi)

Formed in Sept'2001 at Milkhill, Wiltshire

900 Ft in Diameter having 409 circles

1995 – Lurkley Hill

1994-L-scorpion design; R-spider design. Composed of interlocking crescents and circles

My Opinion

I believe that aliens made these wonderful looking crop circles to show us how superior they are or showing us the universe as they would like it.

I believe that aliens made these wonderful looking crop circles to show us how superior they are or showing us the universe as they would like it.

• Circle researches who have challenged circle makers in a test have found that many errors are made that cannot be undone.

• Witnesses have seen spheres hovering over areas where crop circles have been formed.

• There are many crop circles in so many different locations that few people who have admitted to making them could not be in all of those places when the circles were made.

Supporting Facts to my opinionSupporting Facts to my opinion

Thanks everybody…


Presented by-Anisul Islam St. no:0706075Presented by-Anisul Islam St. no:0706075

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