crisis simulation dossier woojin kim 20150501

Post on 06-Aug-2015



News & Politics



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To be honest, I was so excited to become a Secretary-General of the

UN. At first blush, the position was likely to

allow me to wield absolute power. Yet, I

made up my mind not to become another

tyrant in history. The virtual world that we

played the crisis simulation game was not

too far away from our reality. There were

some countries which relatively flourish thanks to its natural resources

such as Nordie, on the other side, there were people who were squeezed

out under the sway of a dictator like Estistan, or millions of people

were dying from constant conflicts like Ouestistan. My goal had to be

simple and clear under these circumstances as Secretary-General:

1) To maintain international peace and security.

The first thought which came to me when I got appointed as Secretary-General of the United Nations was “I will always be a nice guy using carrots.”

Carrots vs. Sticks? Carrots seemed better however…

TRUE LEADERSHIP FOR PEACE Woojin Kim, Secretary-General Class 13 / Year 2014-15

Objectives My first intention for the game, 4 objectives as Secretary-General, peacekeeping plan

Page 2

Crisis Establishment of the ONCSS and its unexpected aftermath: Withdrawals of Member States

Page 4

Lessons Behind story about the establishment of the ICC, Self-evaluation as Secretary-General

Page 5

The first attempt towards achieving the aim of world peace was in the form of the League of Nations after the first world war. This was, of course, as it could not avert the Second World War.

The search for peace culminated in the formation of the United Nations after WWII. From April 25 to June 26, 1945, delegates from 6 nations met in Orizel, Occie, to draft a Charter of the United Nations. The Charter was ratified by Occie, Nordie and Orie and by a majority of other signatories.

How the UN was established…?

Geopolitics & Conflict Resolution Professor Justin D. Cook



Needless to say, the principal mission should be

keeping world peace by resolving the conflicts,

especially caused by territories, natural resources

or even religions.

2) To develop friendly relations among nations.

Like in the real world, the rivalry between some

countries exists and sometimes this hampers

national development of many countries – such as

Nordie-Transoccie or Oristan-Estistan. This kind

of deep-rooted hostility tends to clog commerce

with restriction. Hence, I had to try to eliminate

the factors which hold back the reconciliation -

which might be histrocial, or over resources, etc. -

between countries.

3) To cooperate in solving international

economic, social, cultural and humanitarian

problems and in promoting respect for human

I clarified my intention at the inauguration: “Some will oppose change. They may invoke culture, tradition or religion to defend the status quo. I respect culture and religion – but they can never justify the denial of basic human rights.”


rights and fundamental freedom.

Indeed, this objective was a message to myself

trying not to forget the most important thing:

people. As Secretary-General, the people whom I

meet are all leaders of countries who are

privileged to some extent. So it is very easy to

forget the fact that there are thousands millions of

people who are suffering even at the moment

when I drink a glass of wine at a G7 summit

meeting. For sure, in order to achieve my goals,

the people I had to deal with were them. Yet, I

truly wanted to make our planet “of the people, by

the people, for the people” like Lincoln said, not

for only for the privileged class.

4) To protect Earth and environment.

Lastly, I wanted to remind our rights and also

obligations to future generations. The human right



To a healthful environment should be

viewed in the context of a duty to

future generations. The duty is

expressed in the theory of

“intergenerational equity”, which

articulates that “all members of each

generations” and that this right to

benefit from and develop this natural

and cultural heritage is inseparably

coupled with the obligation to use this

heritage in such a manner that it can

be passed on to future generations in

no worse condition that it was

received from past generations.1)

The first International


At the first conference held on March

Organising and running an international conference was a unforgettable moment


12th, 2015 with diplomats from 8

member states of the Security Council

and 1 member state with observer

status (Ouestistan), establishing UN

peacekeeping force was mainly

discussed along with border disputes

between Sudistan and Sudie.

I believed that installing peace

keeping army was urgent priority in

order for the UN to have enough hard

power to control ongoing conflicts.

There are many types of sanctions that

I could choose as sticks: Financial,

banking, diplomatic, military,

technological and even on luxury

goods. etc. But I’ve found that

military power is a necessary evil to

use as a last resort.

After observing thousands of ouestistanian people sufferting from violation of human rights from ceaseless instability between Nordie and Ouestistan, I decided not only to set up a fact-finding mission on an infringement upon people’s rights in Ouestistan and send a commission in Ouestistan to help a probe, but also to set up a human rights commission and declare the year 2015 as UN Human Rights Years. I asked myself about what makes a fundamental human right: Adequate food? Education? Equity? Or freedom? Then I concluded that culture and human rights are closely related so that I gave a permission for the establishment of ONCSS but…

2015 Human Rights Year – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The first International Conference M

arch 12th 2015



Approval of peacekeeping plan

It was one of the most exciting moments when the

peacekeeping plan was finally approved at the UN

Summit on March 26th under the authorization of

the Security Council and leaders from 8 member

states. Peacekeeping is expected to function as one

of the most effective tools available to the UN to

assist host countries navigate the difficult path

from conflict to peace. And we made it clear that

UN peacekeepers are guided by following basic

principles: 1) Consent of the parties; 2)

Impartiality; 3) Non-use of force except in self

defense and defense of the mandate.

Unexpected crisis owing to the ONCSS

To my great surprise, the biggest crisis as

Secretary-General came from the unexpected

event: Installation of the ONCSS.

ONCSS, which stands for “Organisation of the

Nations for Cultural, Scientific and Social

Development”, is a specialized agency of the

United Nations proposed by Thomas Benzom. But

the problem came from here, the fact I had totally

ignored. Thomas Bonzom was a former terrorists


in Nordie. Unlike my expectation that the ONCSS

will contribute to peace and security by promoting

international collaboration through culture,

science and social development in order to further

universal respect for justice, and human rights

along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the

United Nations Charter, the decision turned out to

be a total disaster. A number of member States

declared withdrawal from the United Nations

because they thought I work with terrorists. But

indeed, that was just a superficial excuse. The

countries which have withdrawn had not been

satisfied with the UN’s policy and they just found

the right excuse to justify their withdrawal.

After this crisis, I learned a great lesson:

“butterfly effect”. As a person who has great

power and authority, I had to take care of even a

small detail of my decisions.

Also it made me to find a great supporting

member State: Nordie – just like the relationship

between the UN and the USA in real world… I

looked for the power to keep me in power.

I admit that it was a terrible mistake to

accept Thomas Bonzom’s proposition

to establish the ONCSS knowing that

he was a former terrorist…

The worst moment



Long way but first step to international security –

Establishment of the International Criminal Court

After a series of terrorist attacks, I started to make draft of an

international court. First, I needed some supporters who could help

develop my ideas. I decided to appoint Aymane Achite, the former

diplomat of Transoccie, as a judge of the Court and Pauline Prot, the

former diplomat of Oristan, as a prosecutor. As a result, a number of

terrorists have been accused of the crimes against humanit including

the president of Ouestistan, Emma Dieterlen as well. Everyone got

heavy sentences in prison.


I am more or less satisfied with my achievement during the game. But

in the middle of the game when a couple of countries withdrew and

tried to weaken the authority of the UN, to be honest, I was so scared

to lose my power. And I realized that using only carrots is not a good

idea. In fact, after the second week of game, I had a secret

conversation with Oleskii Strashnyy, the leader of Nordie, in order to

get their support. I promised them, in exchange, to support any policies

they will exercise. That is part of the reason why the ICC was set up in

their capital city. After the private conversation, I could play more

actively because I could get certain financial/military support from

Nordie. Knowing that the UN is supported by one of the strongest

nations in the world, other countries obviously have become more

obedient than before. However, in order to make a successful coercive

strategy, of course, I had to pay costs: the UN was no longer

completely impartial as long as the relation with Nordie continues.

This is the point I think I’ve done a good job but at the same time I

most regret on this part. Why couldn’t I think of any other solutions

other than colluding with one of the countries? Surely the result was

better by doing so than losing all the power of the UN, but next time I

want to make successful policies thanks to my leadership!

The International Criminal Court (“the ICC”) is a permanent international court established to investigate, prosecute and try individuals accused of committing the most serious crimes of concerns to the international community as a whole, namely the crime of genocide, terrorism, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression.

As of 2015, 8 countries are States parties to the Norkov Statue: Nordie, Orie, Oristan, Sudie, Transoccie, Ouestistan, Nordistan, Sudistan.

The seat of the Court is in the Norkov in Nordie. The ICC is an independent body signed an agreement with the UN.

What is the International Criminal Court?

I’ve sincerely enjoyed the game and I’m sure that every our class

mate has been so excited while playing it. However, I think if we had

more journalists who could summarise what is going on around the

world. Plus, the relationship between countries and journalists could

have been another interesting factor.

Another thing is that the description of the countries was very detailed

but I found it should be more simplified. We did not have enough

time to memorise all the characteristics of every single country.

Rather, it could be better to give some imaginative room for teams to

handle toward their goal with the minimum fixed conditions.

What could have been improved – My personal opinion on the game

More journalists will make the

game more dynamic and

easier to understand the

current situations!

Thank you so much, Professor Cook!

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