criminal law objective: students will investigate types of crimes and criminal law proceedings in...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Criminal LawObjective: Students will investigate types of crimes and criminal law proceedings in order to evaluate the guarantee of due process rights in real life scenarios.

Warm up: Thursday 9/12/13SAT word of the day: Perspective (\pər-ˈspek-tiv\); n

Word Root: Latin “Specere” – to look at

 ability to view interrelations or relative importance

Use the SAT word of the day in a sentence that pertains to Juvenile Justice.


• 1. _______Equal Justice

• 2. _______Due Process

• 3. _______Adversary System

• 4. _______Presumption of Innocence

a) Steps that must be followed in court

b) you are not guilty until the state can prove otherwise

c) All citizens get the same legal treatment

d) Judges are neutral as they listen to lawyers present the best case for their client


Vocabulary – Types of Crimes

You were given the definitions for the 3 types of crime.

Now, use your crime sheet to connect the type of crime with the examples of crime.

At least 2 examples per type….

Crime Sheet

Board Sort….You will only have about 1 minute to post your crime and be back in your

seat to check your answers!

From Types of Crime

to Criminal Court Proceedings…

Inquiry:Directions: Using the notes above, picture sheet, and the people in your row connect the image to the idea. (Any bold faced words can be used)


1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________

6. __________________

7. __________________

8. __________________

9. __________________

10. __________________

Verdict OR Reasonable Doubt


1st Court Appearance/Miranda Rights

Adversary System

Petty Offense



Plea Bargain



From Types of Crime and Criminal Proceedings

to real life


Now that we have investigated types of crimes and criminal law proceedings, its time to look at real life situations…

Casey Anthony and Troy Davis

Reasonable Doubt:

The jury must not have doubt that the crime

was committed by the accused in order to find

the defendant guilty

Group WorkYou will be broken up into groups.

Each group will have either Casey Anthony or Troy Davis

Your job will be to evaluate the guarantee of due process by using your case reading, types of crime chart and criminal court proceedings notes to answer and discuss pivotal questions .

Take a look… for example…

Most importantly…

you only have about 12 minutes

Criminal Law Assessment• Directions: Now that you have seen, read and

discussed a real life case, identified the type of crime and followed the criminal law proceedings (your notes), evaluate the defendant’s guarantee of due process rights?

• Making sure to address the following: What impact did due process play in the

outcome of the case? What impact did reasonable doubt play in

the case? The type of crime Were the criminal court proceedings (your

notes) followed, bring examples Make sure to write at least 5 to 7 sentences.

What to hand in:

•Assessment sheet•You keep EVERYTHING else!

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