credit clinic powerpoint presention

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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New Agent Orientation


What can come off?

• Everything CAN come off• Not everything WILL come off• Typical items that can be removed:

BankruptcyForeclosureTax LiensShort SalesLatesCollectionsCharge OffsStudent Loans

*When these items come off a credit report they still exist , i.e. - Bankruptcy


We got’em – Warrantees too

We guarantee the following: We

guarantee that if after 90 days we are unable to improve our client’s credit, we will refund 100% of ALL money that they have invested - FYI It has never happened, we are at a 100% improvement rate.

We have a lifetime warranty too: If ever in the future one of the items that we deleted appears back on the credit report, we will attempt to remove it again FREE OF CHARGE.

What we WON’T guarantee

By law we CAN’T:

We cannot guarantee any specific outcome or timeline in terms of credit repair. Because it would be impossible for any human or machine to predict what would happen and when it would happen, the law forbids us to do so. We can however tell our clients about our averages and the results we have already achieved. Please contact Corporate anytime for those statistics – We must obey the law!

How do we do it?

There is NO magic!

• We don’t know any special tricks

• We don’t have any special relationships

• What we DO have is many years of experience and a complete mastery of the Fair Credit Reporting Act

• We don’t always dispute the item – Most of the time we dispute the reporting

Can I do it myself?

You bet you can BUT . . .

• You can cook your own meals

• Represent yourself in court

• Fix your own car etc., etc., etc.

The point is, people are free to do whatever they want. But they don’t – They put their trust in service professionals who have the experience and knowledge to do it better and faster than they can.

Is this legal?

YES, in fact . . .

Go to the FTC’s website ( at find the following: Title IV of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (Public Law 90-321, 82 Stat. 164) as it pertains to Chapter 2 Credit Repair Organizations (1) Sec. 245. Regulation of Credit Repair Organizations.

Like all industries, we too have bad people giving the profession a bad name. However, we work hard everyday to turn that image around. We have NO complaints against us on the BBB. We have physical locations with a “No Appointment Open Door Policy”. Finally, we believe in full disclosure and full transparency – No Secrets Here!

Is it fast?

Sometimes, but . . .

By law we also must tell our clients that our work “may take more or less than 12 months”. We also like to speak of averages and of the experiences that we have already had. With that said, we tell our clients to expect a commitment of 3-6 months on average. We also let them know that while we have had clients improve 92% in 26 days, we have also had clients enrolled for 6 months with little change – We are always honest.

So how much?

Pennies compared to what our clients will save in high interest rates and

credit denial

The pricing information may be found on the “Pricing” tab on our website. The pricing is as follows: $595 Set up fee ($895 for couples)

$99 Monthly fee ($150 for couples)Remember – We do NOT have any CONTRACTS. Our clients are free to stop and re-start our services at any time only paying the Set Up fee once.


Client Login

What to get from our clients

• New Client Worksheet

• Client User Agreement (3 day period)

• Picture ID (Driver’s License or Passport)

• Proof of Address (Copy of a bill)

• Proof of Social Security (Tax form or paystub)

• Credit report 3 bureau

• Form of payment – Credit card or check only

Thank You

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