creative writing work part 2

Post on 29-Feb-2016






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Creative writing work


Student Scary Stories Part 2

1. Nobody Home

I stand under the hot, refreshing water, washing my long, wavy hair. It’s been a tiring day already, and it’s only half past 3. I can’t help but think of all the cleaning that awaits me once I’m out of the relaxing shower. I scowl at the thought. My parents aren’t due home for another couple of hours, so I will have time to complete my chores. I know I should have had them done earlier, but sometimes I struggle with procrastination. I got busy with my schoolwork, and when I finished that for the day, I got hooked on playing the guitar. It really is my weakness. It’s just so therapeutic to hear those beautiful chords ring out. Anyways, my point is I put my chores off sometimes. I make a mental note to try and work on that awful habit.

I’ve been in the shower for a good 20 minutes, so I finally decide I should get out and carry on with my day. I turn the knob to off, and the steamy water stops enveloping me. I always dread when the water stops, because I am no longer cozy in my own little world. It’s like time stops while I’m in that warm place, but it all goes back to normal as soon as I turn it off. Oh well, time to get over it.

I step out of the shower, and after I’m dressed, I move on to fixing the mop on my head that I call my hair. It’s not cooperating today, which just makes the day worse. I take a deep breath to calm myself, and I look outside to see the sky has darkened about 5 shades. I’m not too afraid of thunderstorms, but that definitely does not mean I like them. Something about them just makes my stomach a little queasy. I am always so afraid that a tree will fall on my house, lightning will strike my roof, and all the other possible scary things that could happen. I try to forget about those scenarios, and I scurry across the hall to my bedroom for a better view of the sky. It’s looking like a very serious storm. I just hope there isn’t a thunderstorm warning or watch, because I would be very afraid if I had to hide in the basement alone.

I go to the small TV that occupies my armoire, and press the power button. With a starburst effect, it turns on, and I flick through the channels until I land on a news channel. Oh no, oh no, oh please no! To my dismay, the power goes out at that very moment. I was 2 seconds away from seeing if there was a thunderstorm warning, and now I had no way of knowing! Telling myself not to panic, I look for a flashlight, and it’s no use. The darkness is around me, so heavy I can barely breathe. By the looks of it, you would

guess it’s close to midnight. That’s how lacking the house is of light. Trying to find my way around is so frightening, and downright impossible. I flutter my eyelids up and down, trying to adjust my eyes. I sit down on the floor, the only thing I can think to do at the moment. I feel so paralyzed and helpless.

In the middle of my praying, I hear a pounding at the front door. Scared out of my mind, I slowly find my way to the foyer, and debate whether or not I should open the door. After all, how do I know it isn’t some murderer on the loose? Okay, so my imagination is a bit wild, but can you blame me at a time like this? I slowly crack the door open, centimeter by centimeter. My heart is racing, and I think I need a shower again, considering how much sweat is dripping off of my nose. To my immense relief, the person at the door is my mother! I’ve never been so happy to see her beautiful face than at that moment! I drop the bat I was carrying and hug her so tight that she squeaks like a mouse. I release just enough to tell her how scared I was, and how grateful I am she came home at that moment. She is telling me how she left her key in the house this morning, and that’s why she had to give me a heart attack by knocking on the door. I’m too happy to have company in this storm to be annoyed at her for forgetting her house key!

2. Hello Kitty

Shadows maneuvered through the skylight onto the mirrors and granite tile that lined the floor and the walls near the sink. Looking up I gazed at the rain penetrating the glass roof, the harsh drips contrasting in relentless rhythm with the soft consistent stream that heated and cleansed my body from the tap above my head. Relaxing beneath the water, my thoughts briefly neglected work. Besides my bedroom, the shower was the one place that was mine – the one spot that, for brief moments, I would allow myself to exploit my vulnerability through exposed and naked flesh. The almost scolding water turned my softly rounding stomach and sore breasts light pink, eventually, the pink making it's way to my face. Lathering shampoo into my skelpt, I could feel my checks flush and knew I couldn't stand the steam much longer. Bending slightly to return the family size salon bottle, decorated with a large label and smelled of luscious wild flowers, to the tile floor, the bottle slipped from my wet grip just a few inches from the tile landing with a small thud. But what else had I heard just now?

Living alone still made me uneasy. I wasn't use to all the space my split level loft had to offer. Moving from my family was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do. Sometimes I missed the lack of privacy my younger sister invaded or the way my mom hovered and fret. Tonight was one of those especially lonely nights since my boyfriend had left on business two nights before. However,

the breaking glass I just heard, not a cup or small frame hitting the floor but the violence and unexpectedness of a large window in a million pieces crashing like a broken heart, made me forget my lonesome and filled me with terror.

In a second, I was 8 years old again. My mom and I were in the downstairs living room watching American westerns and eating pop corn. We threw blankets over the curtains to blind the room. I pretended to be amused as Butch Cassidy robbed the Pacific Flier for the second time, then escaped through firing guns with the rest of the gang. It was dad's favorite movie so we watched it whenever mom missed him but it was so far before my time, the movie bored me.

I suppose with all the lights out it was easy to think no one was home. I won't forget the sounds of the window shards crunching beneath their shoes and the hurried syllables they whispered as they searched the upstairs. I know they heard us run to the next room because someone yelled,

“Let's go.” We heard several footsteps hurry back out the

window, making their exit. My mom ran to the old corded office phone and feverishly punched three numbers. It was less than an hour before the police arrived and still my longest eternity. We didn't leave the office until we heard sirens, afraid one lingered in the house with a gun.

I allowed a hand to turn off the hot water that could no longer warm me. I slide the shower door open and reached for the cotton towel hanging on the peg besides the shower. The rain was picking up and through it's insanity, I could

make out commotion from downstairs. It sounded like it was in the kitchen next to our giant sliding glass door. Stepping out of the shower I quickly dried off and opened the door that connected my bathroom to my room. On my right hand side I caught something flee into the carpeted hall from my open bedroom door. I dropped my towel and leaped to quietly slam it shut.

It's always been a habit since the first break-in to leave a light on in the house. Did I forget tonight? Thunder continued to pop in the dark making the night explode like the fourth of July. I was in jeans and one of Brandon's tee shirts in under a minute, even four months along and my shirts won't fit. I wished he was here with me right now. The clatter downstairs stopped and I knew I'd been heard. I tried to find a weapon in my room. A razor I could cut him with or a bottle to break on his head. But there was nothing. Motherly instinct told me to hid – but where?

I threw open the light cream bedroom door and booked it down the hall. Not far behind me was a figure running up the stairs. A man dressed for a stormy night in a heavy wool jacket that went well with his black leather shoes and gloves and crisp linen pants. I screamed as he reached the top floor and turned towards me about to chase me into the computer room. I locked the door as I attempted to push it shut. I was too late. The man reached the outside the same time I reached in, my force not budging his. I could feel him starting to win, my leverage slipping I back away from the door and scream again. From the floor to ceiling bookcase behind me I start ripping off books and I chuck them at the thin plywood door. The man hesitated a second and I took advantage of it, for the sake

of my unborn baby, I exert every ounce of adrenaline flowing through my veins into throwing a dictionary against the door, making it slam shut without the man's weight on it.

Now searching for a way out, I thought about the window. Preparing myself to kick it in, I hear the man start to laugh. With a gentle knock on the door, Brandon says,

“Baby, open the door. It's just me.” Replaying the last ten minutes in my mind I start to feel humiliated. Sheepishly, I opened the door and looked at him. Understanding, he pulled me to his arms and said,

“I got you something so I wanted to come home early. When I realized you were in the shower I started to pick up the pieces from the sliding door the weather broke in.”

Relief engulfed me. My boyfriend sneaks home early and I assume it's trouble. I make a mental note to myself to put down The Lovely Bones for a while. But there it is again, in the corner of my eye the dark blur running to my room. In a gasp I breathed,

“What's that!”Completely calm, Brandon smiled, “I'll show you.” Taking my hand he led me to our

room where I had just seen the blur enter and in hitting the switch, light developed the room turning silhouettes into bed posts and bureau dressers. The damp navy towel I dropped on the floor interrupted the subtle off white of my room. But then it squeaked. With a sideways glance I looked up at Brandon. Encouraging me, he nodded.

Loosening my fingers around his, I strut towards the now wiggling towel. As I approached the tiny blur rolled over and stretched on it's back. Looking up at me it

meowed. My heart instantly going out to the tiny animal, I looked at Brandon unbelievingly. Feeling the need to boast he explained how he found a litter on a rusted shopping cart outside of a little grocery store in New York. He also confided, that he had other business in New York that wasn't for work. Shrinking before me, he was suddenly on one knee. In his jacket pocket he pulled out two jewelry boxes. Unable to help myself, I shrieked again, opening the larger one first, I found a tiny diamond studded collar. Realizing what was next, I tackled Brandon and screamed,

“Yes!” Needing to wrestle to pull me under him he leaned his face in and stole kiss after kiss, until my legs were wrapped around him and my fingers were running through his hair. When I was right where he wanted me, he pulled away. Once breaking our locked lips, he moved towards my stomach and kissed our baby. Looking up at me he whispered,

“I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you but in that box isn't a ring.”Starting to panic, I yell,

“What?!”Pushing him off of me, I felt under the bed for the

velvet cube. My fingers brushed the smooth fabric and my hand closed around it. The kitten deciding now would be a good time to curl up on my lap, meowed in anticipation just before I opened the box. Inside was one lone key. Picking it up and turning it over, I noticed three initials were engraved in the metal – BMW. My boyfriends comes home and proposes a car, silly me I thinks it's a ring.

3. Silent Scream

It sounded like something big just dropped. Everything is ok I tell myself no one can get in I remembered to lock the door because there has been a thief around here. Ugh I hate this new conditioner it feels like a just put peanut butter all over my hair and dried up. I should fill up the bath tub so I can relax I mean after all I do have the whole day off from work and class. No body to meet up with no expectations to live up to today. I could just run away for the day and no one would if realize I was gone. I already feel no stress but it’s really bothering me to find out what that noise was.

Ahh!!!! Oh my God! I fell jumped out of the shower as fast as I could. Why did that water become scalding hot? The sink water is not getting cold either. I must run to the freezer I’m going to have terrible burns if I don’t treat it. Ok what is wrong with the door? Why can’t I get out? Push! Kick! I can’t get out and my body is burning. Ok calm down and think. I got it I will call my friend and see what holding the door shut. Thank God my phone is working still. Whatever it is must have been the big boom I

heard but what do I even have by my bathroom door that could fall? Weird, I just want to get out of here. Ring, Ring, “Hello” Hey Josh I hope your not busy because I could use a huge favor from you. “And what is that I can do for you” Well I was in the shower and the water burnt me really bad and now my door won’t open and I need something from the freezer badly. Could you please hurry? My front door is locked but you could sneak thru my window in my room it is closed but you can get in from the outside still. “ Ok I’m already on my way.” Ok thank you so much see you in a little bit.

This pain is really getting to me a probably have 3rd degree burn. Is that footsteps I hear? Josh are you there? Ok this is really freaking me out. Josh should be here in about 5 minutes. I just need to get my mind off the pain. I’ll just lay against the toilet that is cold enough to soothe the burns for right now. I sit here waiting he should probably be here by now. “Hey Wendy, I’m here thanks to you leaving your window open in this thirty degree weather I was able to get in faster.” What are you talking about I didn’t leave it open now what is holding this door shut? “ Hold I’m coming down the hall.” “Ahh!” Bam!! What was that? Josh! Josh what happen? Are you there? I hear something sliding down the hall. Oh my god my worst nightmare. Who is out there? “Oh I think you no who.” Why are you doing this to me? How did you get out? Answer me?

“Hello this is 911 speaking” Someone is in my house I think they just hurt my friend. I give them my name address and they say they are sending someone ok that was ten minutes ago. Where are they? Why isn’t she, whoever is out there making any noises. If

she left I couldn’t tell them who it really was. They will think I am crazy, they will say she is dead. I should no she is dead right I witnessed it. “Police! We’re coming in” I hear screaming and her slashing and trashing. Silent! There are no more noises no more voices. There will be more coming there has to be just hurry please. I just plan to wait she won’t hurt me. She didn’t last time. Las tme she just killed my teacher. She made me look crazy. She put that poor boy in jail for murder. God why is this happening again.

“There all dead. You made me kill them.” No I didn’t you killed them. I didn’t do anything. What are you doing? Why won’t you just go away and stay away. “Because you didn’t tell them the truth. You knew what happen to me and you didn’t tell anyone!! You knew he tortured me but you’re selfish. You couldn’t even stand up for your own mother.” Mom I couldn’t tell them Dad was all we have left he loved us. “ He ripped out my eyeballs and cut off my fingers” I’m sorry mom but you are dead no one sees you but me why do you still haunt me. “Because you knew the truth and you let your dad die a respectable man.” No!!! Mom please don’t! Somebody help me!! Owe the burns! Let me out of this shower mommy please it's burning my skin let me go! Where am I? Mom!! Oh no is this where she was this whole time. Could she never make it to heaven or hell? How long am I gonna be in the dark black ice cold place? "As long as your mommy dear" (chuckles)

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