creating the conditions for oer usage

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Probably YES

Probably YES

Similarly, in the case of distance education

it is arguably a rare and strange occurrence

to develop completely new materials

with no reference to what already exists.

Similarly, in the case of distance education

it is arguably a rare and strange occurrence

to develop completely new materials

with no reference to what already exists.


So, we need educational resources.

What happens when these resources are OPEN to us?

Do they widen the scope of what are available?

Yes, they do.


is the solution to your problem.

Better curriculaBetter curricula

Better materialsBetter materials

More quicklyMore quickly

More often renewedMore often renewed

Are we ready to use OER?

Are all the conditions created to use OER?

Does the institution have a defined IPR and copyright policy?Does the institution have a defined IPR and copyright policy?

To what extent do current polices motivate educators to invest at least a portion of their time in the followings:

Ongoing curriculum design, Creation of effective teaching and learning environments within courses and programmes Development of high quality teaching and learning materials

To what extent do current polices motivate educators to invest at least a portion of their time in the followings:

Ongoing curriculum design, Creation of effective teaching and learning environments within courses and programmes Development of high quality teaching and learning materials

Do staff members understand copyright issues and the different ways in which they can harness openly licensed resources?

Do staff members understand copyright issues and the different ways in which they can harness openly licensed resources?

Are there compelling reasons to retain all-rights reserved over curricula and teaching and learning materials?

Are there compelling reasons to retain all-rights reserved over curricula and teaching and learning materials?

Do institutional policies and practices reward creation of materials more highly than adaptation of existing materials? How much is collaboration valued?

Do institutional policies and practices reward creation of materials more highly than adaptation of existing materials? How much is collaboration valued?

What is an appropriate starting point for initiating a sharing culture and encouraging movement towards OER publishing?

What is an appropriate starting point for initiating a sharing culture and encouraging movement towards OER publishing?

Does the institution have adequate ICT infrastructure to support publishing and use of OER?

Does the institution have adequate ICT infrastructure to support publishing and use of OER?

Do the members of the institution have required e-knowledge?Do the members of the institution have required e-knowledge?

Do the members of the institution have the training and expertise on producing OER materials?Do the members of the institution have the training and expertise on producing OER materials?

Thank you very much

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