created by rev. lanie sipes - christ presbyterian...

Post on 10-Aug-2020






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Created by Rev. Lanie Sipes

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ


Week 1: Love One Another (John 15:1-17)

Week 2: The Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42)

Week 3: The Blind Man (John 9:1-41)

Week 4: The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-6)

Week 5: Lazarus (John 11:1-45)

Week 6: Palm Sunday (John 12:12-19) HOLY WEEK

Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper (John 13:1-35)

Good Friday: The Crucifixion (John 18:1-19:42)

Easter Sunday: The Empty Tomb (John 20:1-18)

APPENDIX Supplemental Materials for Lessons

Sharing the Story – Love One Another

Sharing the Story – The Samaritan Woman

Craft – The Blind Man (Mask Cut-Out)

Sharing the Story – The Blind Man














29 Sharing the Story Cut-Outs

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Share the Story: Tree branches, foam “fruit”, flower pot, Styrofoam (to secure one branch in

the flower pot), rocks (to anchor flower pot), twine, script

Craft: small flower pots, Styrofoam or foam stem holder, pipe cleaners, construction paper,

stapler, scissors, pens/pencils/markers, optional: flower pot decorations – paint, stickers

STORY (25-30 minutes)

John 15:1-17

• Share the Story

o See Appendix pgs. 20-21 for instructions

• Read the Story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (10-15 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• Have you ever gardened or taken care of a plant? Have you seen a grape vine or been

to a vineyard?

• Why do branches on a grapevine need to be cut/pruned?

• When are we like the branches that don’t produce good fruit? What things do we do to

hurt one another or ourselves? Why does that make God sad?

• When are we like the branches that produce lots of great grapes? What good, kind, and

loving things do we do? Why does that make God happy?

• What does Jesus want us to do? How does Jesus love us? What are some ways that we

can love one another?

• Why do you think we need Jesus to help us to be loving?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means loving others the way that Jesus loves us…sharing

kindness with everyone we meet.

o Weekly Challenge: Try to smile at everyone you meet this week, and find one

way to be kind to someone you don’t even know.

SONG (3 minutes) Love One Another Lullaby – Dakota Pyle on YouTube (January 2, 2014)

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CRAFT (10-15 minutes)

Pipe Cleaner Love Flowers (Found at:

1. Have kids trace three different size hearts (6 total – 2 of each size), and cut out.

2. Ask kids to pick three pipe cleaners and twist the bottoms.

3. Tell the kids to write “Love One Another” on the biggest hearts.

4. Help the kids staple their hearts to their pipe cleaners.

5. Give each kid a small flower pot with a piece of Styrofoam in the bottom.

6. Have kids stick each of their pipe cleaner flowers into the foam.

7. If you have extra time, have the kids decorate their flower pots.

8. Ask kids to carry their flowers with them for the rest of the morning, and when

someone comments on it, encourage them to share the story about how Jesus is the

vine and how we are to love one another!

PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for sending us Jesus.

Thank you for showing us how to love one another well. There are so many ways we become disconnected from you.

Help us to stay rooted in you, so that we can produce good fruits. Help us to love others and remember that they are your children too.



• Help kids complete a Vine Craft (found at: o Materials: white paper, green pipe cleaners, green finger paint, purple pompoms, glue, and

markers/crayons/colored pencils

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Godly Play: box, box with sand, rocks, short plastic cup/bowl, small bucket (we made ours out

of a glue stick lid and rubber band), cardstock buildings, cardstock town people, cardstock

woman, cardstock Jesus, water

Craft: Styrofoam cups, popsicle sticks, brown construction paper, black/grey construction

paper, multi-color construction paper (for jars), black/grey paint, round, foam brush, markers,

tape, glue, scissors

STORY (15-20 minutes)

John 4:5-42

• Share the story

o See pages 22-23 in the Appendix for story instructions (Share the story script and craft

for this lesson were created in collaboration with Brittany Hesson)

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (10-15 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• Are there any people that you don’t like? Who are they? Why don’t you like them?

• Think about how the Samaritan woman might have felt. Have you ever been the one

that was disliked? Have you ever felt alone? How did that make you feel?

• Jesus reached out to the woman and offered her something amazing, even though she

was someone that other people told him to dislike…why do you think he did that? How

do you think the woman felt when Jesus knew everything about her?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means to reach out to even the people who we dislike or

who are different. It means listening to their story…actually knowing them.

o Weekly Challenge: Talk with someone who you don’t think that you will get

along with or who is different from you or call someone who you think might

be feeling alone – ask them a question (what is your favorite color, game, etc.).

SONG (5 minutes)

Deep Cries Out (Full Video) // Come Alive – Bethel Music Kids on YouTube (December 11,


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CRAFT (15-20 minutes)

Styrofoam Cup Well

9. Paint Styrofoam cups ahead of time using black or grey paint and a round, foam brush.

10. Have kids trace and cut out the roof, about 8 rocks, and the jar.

11. Encourage kids to have fun decorating their jars, and make them unique. (Use a hole

puncher to cut out the holes for the handles)

12. Give each kid two popsicle sticks, and have them color them brown or black with a


13. Ask kids to use a blue marker to color in some water inside their cups.

14. Have kids tape the popsicle sticks to the inside of their cup, and fold the roof in half

and tape it on top of the sticks.

15. Next, kids will glue the rocks to the top of their well, and their jars to the bottom, front

of their wells.

16. Finally, invite kids to write “Jesus is the living water” on the roof of their wells.

17. Ask kids to carry their wells with them for the rest of the morning, and when someone

comments on it, encourage them to share the story about the Samaritan woman!

PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for really seeing us and knowing us so well.

Thank you for giving us living water. There are so many ways we are taught to hate or dislike people who are different.

Help us to be show kindness to everyone, and learn about their story. Help us to love others and remember that they are Your children too.


• Have the kids paint their Styrofoam cups.

• Play telephone to help teach kids how words can get twisted and stereotypes/rumors

can be created.

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Godly Play: box, green felt “grass,” blue felt “water,” brown fabric “road,” cardstock temple,

cardstock buildings, cardstock disciples, cardstock Jesus, cardstock blind man, cardstock man

(after he receives sight), cardstock parents, cardstock Pharisees

Craft: cardstock blind man masks (see Appendix, pg. 27), scissors, popsicle sticks,

crayons/markers/colored pencils, glue

STORY (20-25 minutes)

John 9:1-41

• Share the story

o See pages 25-28 in the Appendix for story instructions

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (10-15 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• Have you ever heard of the Sabbath? (Explain to kids that the Sabbath is a day of each

week, set apart to rest and remember God…it is usually thought of as the 7th day of the

week) What are some ways that you rest and remember God? What are some rules

when you come to church on Sunday, and why do you think we have those rules?

• Many thought Jesus shouldn’t heal on the Sabbath…why do you think that is? Why do

you think Jesus did heal the blind man on the Sabbath?

• What are some ways that we are “blind” (that we don’t see people) sometimes?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means stopping and seeing people for who they really

are…taking time to listen and learn from them. Doing this is a way of

remembering and loving God.

o Weekly Challenge: Go up to someone you don’t know very well and talk with

them. After the conversation, think about what you learned from them and

how you see them differently now.

SONG (2 minutes)

Amazing Grace (Song for Kids) – All4Kids:

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PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for seeing us for who we really are and stopping when others would pass us by.

Thank you for opening our eyes when we cannot see. There are so many people who are considered outsiders.

Help us to see them and not pass them by…for we can learn a lot from them. Help us to love others and remember that they are Your children too.



• To help kids discover a little about what it might be like to be blind…

o Blindfold kids and have them try to draw a picture.

o Divide them into pairs (one who is blindfolded and one who isn’t) and have

them walk from one side of the room to the other – the kid who isn’t

blindfolded guides the one who is.

CRAFT (10-15 minutes)

Blind Man Mask

1. Have kids color their blind man masks

(see pg. 24 in the Appendix).

2. Ask the kids to write “I was blind” under

one eye and “now I see” under the


3. Help kids cut out their masks, including along the dotted line around each eye

(this will create flaps that they can open and look through).

4. Give each kid a popsicle stick and have them glue the back of their mask to the

popsicle stick.

5. Ask kids to carry their masks with them for the rest of the morning, and when

someone comments on their mask, encourage them to share the story about

the Blind Man!

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




Godly Play: box, green felt “grass”, blue felt “lake”, stones for “mountains”, fabric pieces for

sheep fold, 5 cardstock sheep, cardstock Good Shepherd, cardstock ordinary shepherd,

cardstock wolf

Craft: paper plates, cotton balls, black construction paper (for head, ears, legs, and tail),

googly eyes, pencils/pens, scissors, and glue

STORY (15-20 minutes)

John 10:1-6

• Share the story

o Found at (“The Good Shepherd” by Dana Carona)

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (10-15 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• How are we like the sheep?

• Have you ever been lost? How did you get lost? How did you feel? How did it feel when

you were found?

• Jesus has lots of sheep…why do you think he searches for the one that is lost?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means to be there for others when they feel alone and

remind them they are loved.

o Weekly Challenge: If you see someone eating or playing alone this week,

sit/play with them – be a friend. If you think of someone who might be feeling

lonely & isolated, give them a call or send them a card – be a friend.

SONG (2-3 minutes)

The Baa Baa Song (He’s The Good Shepherd) – Sibling Harmony on YouTube (by Kevin

Bueltmann ©2003 Concordia Publishing House):

• Have kids learn the song and add dance moves, if you have time. The lyrics are included

in the video.

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CRAFT (15-20 minutes)

Paper Plate Sheep

1. Cut out a head, ears, legs, and tail that kids can use to trace.

2. Have kids trace one head, two ears, two legs, and a tail on black construction paper,

and cut out.

3. Give each kid a white paper plate, and have them glue cotton balls to it. (It is easiest to

have them put a swirl of glue on the plate and then put the cotton balls on, instead of

gluing each one on individually.)

4. Next, have kids glue on the head, ears, legs, and tail. (Glue the tail and legs to the back

of the plate and the head and ears on top of the cotton balls.)

5. Finally, tell kids to glue on the googly eyes.

6. Ask kids to carry this with them for the rest of the morning, and when someone

comments on their sheep, encourage them to share the story about the Good


PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for being the Good Shepherd and caring for us so tenderly.

Thank you for finding us when we’re lost and being with us when we’re afraid. There are so many people who feel like they are all alone.

Help us to be friends to those who are lonely, even when it’s hard. Help us to love others and remember that they are Your children too.



• Have the kids act out the story.

• Play hide and seek pretending one person is the shepherd and the others are sheep.

When they are found, they must “baa” in celebration. Take turns being the shepherd.

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




Godly Play: box, green felt “grass”/”ground”, cardstock house, cardstock Mary, cardstock

Martha, cardstock Lazarus, cardstock Jesus, cardstock bed, cardstock tomb, fabric for burial


Craft: Grey construction paper or cardstock paper (colored grey), tan/brown construction

paper, white paper, googly eyes, scissors, crayons/markers/colored pencils, glue

STORY (15-20 minutes)

John 11:1-45

• Share the story

o Found at

0pS3WRM (“Jesus Makes Lazarus Alive Again” by CFMUPres)

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (10-15 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• How do you think Martha and Mary felt when Lazarus died? How did Jesus feel?

• Has someone that you loved ever died? How did you feel or how do you think you

would feel?

• Why do you think Jesus cried/wept with Martha & Mary?

• How do you think Martha and Mary felt when Jesus made Lazarus alive again? What do

you think Lazarus thought?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means being with our friends when they are sad, and

sometimes crying with them too. Loving others means helping them to find the

hope (explain what hope means) in a difficult/sad situation.

o Weekly Challenge: If you see/know someone who is sad this week, sit with

them or call them and think about how they feel. Listen to them; let them

know you care about them.

SONG (2-3 minutes)

No, Not One/ What A Friend We Have In Jesus – A CAPPELLA KIDS (SolomonGoodwater):

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CRAFT (15-20 minutes)

Lazarus & Tomb

1. Cut out a tomb and Lazarus that kids can use to trace.

2. Have kids trace the tomb and then Lazarus, and cut out.

3. If you are using cardstock paper for the tomb, and not grey construction paper, have

kids color the tomb.

4. Ask the kids to glue Lazarus to the tomb, and then cut out various sizes of white paper

for the burial cloths, and glue them on.

5. Tell kids to glue on the googly eyes.

6. Finally, ask kids to write “Jesus Raises Lazarus” on the bottom of their tomb.

7. Ask kids to carry this with them for the rest of the morning, and when someone

comments on it, encourage them to share the story about Lazarus!

PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for being such an amazing friend.

Thank you for being beside us and crying with us when we are sad. There are many hard times in life, and many people think they are alone.

Help us to be friends to those who are sad and hurting…. Just as Jesus was a friend to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

Help us to love others and remember that they are Your children too. Amen.


• Divide kids into groups of two, and give each group a roll of toilet paper. Have one

kid in each group pretend to be Lazarus, and the other kid will wrap “Lazarus” in

toilet paper. This is a race, whichever group runs out of toilet paper first, wins!

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




Godly Play: box, green felt “grass”/”ground”, brown felt “road”, cardstock gate, cardstock

donkey, cardstock Jesus, cardstock people, cardstock leaves, cardstock cloaks

Craft: green construction paper, popsicle sticks, tape, glue sticks, pencils, scissors

STORY (15-20 minutes)

John 12:12-19

• Share the story

o Found in Young Children and Worship by Sonja M. Stewart and Jerome W.

Berryman on pages 186-188

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a Children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (15-20 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• What were Jesus and the disciples going to celebrate?

• What would you think if you had a donkey and someone said Jesus needed it?

• Why do you think Jesus chose to ride on a donkey? Why not a horse?

• When you think of kings, what do you think? How do kings rule?

• What kind of king was Jesus? How do you think Jesus felt?

• Why do you think the people were waving palm branches? How were they feeling?

Have you ever felt that happy?

• Why do you think some of the people wanted the others to be quiet?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means doing things that lead to peace and not forcing others

to do things.

o Weekly Challenge: Instead of telling someone what to do (my way or the

highway!), work together to come up with an idea…be a peace-builder.

SONG (2-3 minutes)

Ho! Ho! Ho! Hosanna (He Wants Us To Be Happy) - Our Daily Bread for Kids Sunday School

Songs (Discovery House):

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ



CRAFT (10-15 minutes)

Handprint Palm Leaves (Found at:

1. Ask kids to trace their hand six or seven times on green construction paper.

2. Have kids cut out what they traced.

3. Layer and glue cutouts together.

4. Tape or glue popsicle stick(s) to the back of the handprint leaves.

5. Ask kids to carry this with them for the rest of the morning, and when someone

comments on it, encourage them to share the story about Palm Sunday!

PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for leading us with peace.

Thank you for always giving us something to celebrate – your love. There are many things in life that pull us apart.

Help us to be peace-builders… To be kind and work together in joy.

Help us to love others and remember that they are Your children too. Hosanna!



• Have the kids use the handprint palm leaves they made and act out the Palm Sunday


• Help kids complete a paper bag donkey craft (found at: o Materials: paper lunch bags, donkey head cutouts, construction paper, yarn (for tail), felt or

construction paper (for cloak on donkey’s back), googly eyes, scissors, glue, crayons/colored


Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




Dinner: water, towels, tablecloth, pillows, plates, goblets, pitcher, grape juice, fruit, cheese,

bread, hummus, and crackers

Decorating Plastic Goblets: plastic goblets, various stickers (jewels, pearls, flowers, etc.) OR

tissue paper, mod podge, and paint brushes

Remembering the Last Supper: white paper with picture of a plate and goblet, purple tissue

paper, brown construction or scrapbook paper, glue, markers


John 13:1-35

• Share story through a community supper or family supper

o Talk briefly about Passover, and then about the Last Supper

o Start by washing feet

o If you have a family supper instead of a community supper, you could lay out a

cloth on the floor and have pillows to sit on. There could be four or five plates in

the middle with a simple meal – cheese, bread, fruit, hummus and crackers. Also

include plastic goblets and grape juice.

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)


• Why do you think Jesus washed the disciples’ feet? Why was this special? How would

you feel if Jesus washed your feet?

• Why did Peter not want Jesus to wash his feet at first?

• Why was Jesus sad? What does it mean to betray someone?

• What did Jesus give to the disciples to eat and drink? Why did he give them bread and

wine…what do they symbolize?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Even though Jesus knows that some of the disciples will betray, deny, and hurt

him, he loves them. He washes their feet, gives them food, and forgives them.

We all make mistakes and hurt one another sometimes…is there someone you

can forgive this week? Is there someone you have hurt who can forgive you?

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ



CRAFT(S) Choose one or both of the crafts, depending on time.

Decorating Plastic Goblets

1. Give each kid a plastic goblet (if you had a kids’ supper, these can be the goblets you


2. Have stickers and other materials out for them to use to decorate their goblets. (If you

want to get really crafty, use mod podge & tissue paper to give goblets a stained glass


Remembering the Last Supper (Idea found at )

1. Give each kid a piece of paper that has a picture of a goblet and plate.

2. Have them tear off pieces of brown construction or scrapbook paper, and glue them to

the picture of the plate for the bread.

3. Ask them to tear off and crinkle up a piece of purple tissue paper, and glue it to the

picture of the goblet for the wine.

4. Have the kids write “Do this in remembrance of me…” on the top of their page, “Bread

of Life” under the bread, and “Cup of Salvation” under the wine


Loving God, Thank you for loving us so much even though we make mistakes.

Thank you for showing us how to love others. There are so many ways we hurt one another…

Help us to forgive each other. Help us to love others and remember they are Your children too.


Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




Craft: white paper plates, black construction paper, green Easter grass, paint/tissue

paper/markers/crayons, pencils, scissors, glue


John 18:1-19:42

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

o When you get to the section about Jesus being nailed to the cross, draw a red

dot on the palm of each child’s hand and tell them this is how Jesus was nailed to

the cross…he did this because he loves each of us so much…write their name

across the red dot.

o Craft Have kids do the craft as you share the rest of the story.

3 Crosses Plate (Found at: )

1. Give each kid a white paper plate, and ask them to color the plate in…how

do they think the sky looked when Jesus was on the cross? (Can use finger

paints, tissue paper and glue, crayons, or markers)

2. Next, have them trace the hill and three crosses on black construction

paper and cut out.

3. Help the kids staple the crosses to the bottom of their plates.

4. Give them each some “grass” to put behind the crosses.

5. Tell them to keep this with them during the service, and share what they

learned with others.

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REFLECTION & CONNECTION These can be discussed while kids are doing their craft.

• Why is this day sad?

• Why do you think people killed Jesus and made fun of him? Has anyone ever made fun

of you? Have you ever made fun of someone else? How did that make you feel?

(Encourage kids to share their stories)

• How did Jesus die? Where did they put the nails?

• How would you have felt if you were one of Jesus’ friends?

• How did Jesus show his love for the man who was on one of the other crosses?

• Was Jesus alone?

• How did Jesus feel right before he died? What did he ask God to do?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means standing beside each other even when bad things

happen…like Jesus’ friends stood by him. It means forgiving others, even when

they wrong us (explain that this doesn’t mean we should let others hurt or bully

us). It means trying to understand one another instead of hurt one another.

• Share that this is not the end of the story. Three days after Jesus died, something

exciting happened…we will find out what happened on Easter…this Sunday!


Loving God, Thank you for loving us so much even to the cross…

For giving up your life for your friends…for us. We’re sorry for all the ways we hurt you and others.

Thank you for always forgiving us. Help us to forgive each other.

Help us to love others and remember they are Your children too. Amen.

Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




Godly Play: box, green felt “grass”/”ground”, brown felt “road”, cardstock tomb, cardstock

stone, cardstock Jesus, cardstock Mary, cardstock Mary’s friends (or Peter & another disciple),

cardstock angel, cardstock disciples, optional: cardstock or felt flowers

Craft: long craft sticks or glow sticks, ribbon (a variety of bright colors), scissors, tape

STORY (15-20 minutes)

John 20:1-18

• Share the story

o Found in Young Children and Worship by Sonja M. Stewart and Jerome W.

Berryman on pages 193-195

• Read the story (read the Scripture from a children’s Bible)

REFLECTION & CONNECTION (15-20 minutes – encourage kids to share their stories)

• How do you think Mary felt as she walked to the tomb?

• Has someone or something you loved ever died? How did that feel or how do you think

it would feel?

• How do you think she felt when she saw that the stone was rolled away and Jesus was


• What do you think the angel looked like? Would you be afraid if you saw an angel?

• Why do you think Mary didn’t recognize Jesus at first?

• How do you think Mary felt when she found out Jesus was alive?

• What does this teach us about loving one another?

o Loving one another means sharing happy news with one another and celebrating

together. Loving one another means sharing hope.

o Weekly Challenge: Think about things that make you happy…people for whom

you are thankful. Share your hopes and happiness with someone else, and ask

what their hopes are and what makes them happy.

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CRAFT (10-15 minutes)

Alleluia Ribbon Wands 1. Give each kid a craft stick or glow stick.

2. Have kids cut different color ribbons and tie them to the sticks (may need to use tape).

3. Ask kids to carry this with them for the rest of the morning/day, and whenever they

hear “alleluia,” “rejoice,” or another happy word or phrase to wave their ribbon sticks

in the air!

SONG (2-3 minutes)

Alleluia He Is Risen – Michael Mangan (Mark G):

• Have kids wave their alleluia ribbon wands as they sing!

PRAYER (1-2 minutes)

Remind kids about the weekly challenge and then have them join in the repeat after me

prayer below.

Loving God, Thank you for sending Jesus.

Thank you Jesus – thank you for loving us even to the cross and for rising again. Thank you for hope and happiness.

Help us to share the Good News that you are alive! Help us to love others and remember that they are Your children too.

Alleluia! Amen.


• Divide the story up into 6 parts, put each part in an Easter egg, hide the eggs, have

kids find the eggs and put the story in order.

• Help kids complete a rolling stone tomb craft (found at:

easy-easter-paper-crafts/). o Materials: construction paper (multicolored, brown, black), white paper, brass fasteners,

scissors, glue, pencils/markers/crayons

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Tree branches, foam “fruit”, flower pot, Styrofoam (to secure one branch in the

flower pot), rocks (to anchor flower pot), twine, script (see below)


(Inspired by:

This is a script for sharing the story together. Assign each kid/person a speaking

part (or multiple parts) and share the story together – this will give an opportunity

for the whole class/family to learn together. This could also be used during Time

with Young Disciples in a worship service.

___________: Today we learned about John 15 verses 1 thru 15 in Sunday

School. You’ll hear this Scripture passage soon.

___________: I have a branch (holds up dead tree branch)…I wonder if it can

produce leaves and flowers and fruit…(looks at others/congregation) what do

you think?

(Pause for answers from people in the class/family/congregation)

___________: It can’t produce fruit anymore because it isn’t connected to the


___________: But, if a branch stays connected to the tree, it can blossom and

produce lots of fruit! (Hold up other branch that is in the flower pot)

(Kids hang the foam fruit on the tree)

___________: In John 15, Jesus says that he is the vine and we are the

branches. We need to stay connected to Jesus, so that we can produce good


___________: When we become disconnected, we might forget to love others

and that everyone is a child of God.


Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ

SHARING STORY – LOVE ONE ANOTHER ___________: We might not treat others or the earth nicely. We might even

forget about God.

___________: If we stay connected to Jesus, we remember that he taught us to

love one another…to be kind to everyone we meet.

___________: Then we can produce good fruit…not fruits like grapes or bananas

or apples…

___________: But fruits of the, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

___________: With these fruits, we will be able to love one another the way

Jesus showed us.

___________: Please join me in a repeat-after-me prayer:

Loving God, (Pause) Thank you for sending us Jesus. (Pause)

Thank you for showing us how to love one another well. (Pause) There are so many ways we become disconnected from you. (Pause)

Help us to stay rooted in you, so that we can produce good fruits. (Pause) Help us to love others and remember that they are your children too. (Pause)


(If using for Time with Young Disciples - Kids leave branches up front, and return to their seats)


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gold box, box with sand, rocks, short plastic cup/bowl, small bucket (we made ours out of a

glue stick lid and rubber band), cardstock buildings, cardstock town people, cardstock

woman, cardstock Jesus, water


1. Look at the gold box and ask “I wonder” questions…

a. I wonder why this box is golden

b. I wonder if there is something important in it

c. I wonder if it is a story from the Bible

2. Pull out the box of sand and open it up

a. I wonder what this sand could be in the story….

b. Maybe it’s a desert

c. I wonder if anyone lives in this desert

3. Open the gold box and pull out the buildings

a. I wonder what these could be

b. Maybe they are buildings…if we put them together, they could be a town

c. I wonder who lives in these buildings

4. Pull out the plastic cup/bowl for the well

a. I wonder what this is…maybe if we dig a hole in the sand over here it will fit

b. But…where do the town people get their water?

5. Pull out the rocks

a. Maybe if we put the rocks around the top of it like this (circle the cup)…and we

pour this water in (pour the water in the cup)…it could be a well!

b. I wonder who comes to the well…

6. Pull out Jesus

a. I think this is Jesus…Have Jesus walk from the town to the well…He is at the well

7. Pull out the woman

a. And look!...this woman is joining Jesus at the well

b. And she has a jar…maybe it’s for carrying water

c. I think she might be a Samaritan…Samaritans and Jews did not get along…Jesus

is a Jew

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d. Is there anyone you don’t get along with or you don’t like because they are


e. Jesus asked her for a drink…the woman was surprised that a Jewish man was

talking to her because she was a Samaritan

f. Jesus said that if you knew who I am…the person asking you for a drink…if you

knew who I am, you would ask me for living water

g. The woman was confused…Jesus had no bucket and the well was deep. She asked

Jesus where he got the living water

h. Dip the bucket in the water and bring some up. Jesus said… “Everyone who drinks

of this water will be thirsty again, (pour water out) but those who drink of the

water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will

become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”

i. The woman asked for the living water so that she would never be thirsty again…

j. Then Jesus told her some things he knew about her…things that no one else knew

k. The woman was amazed! How did Jesus, this person she had just met, know

everything about her?

l. The woman said, “You must be a prophet!”

m. Jesus replied, “The time is coming when you will worship God in spirit and truth.”

n. She said, “I know that the Messiah is coming…and he will tell us these things.”

o. Jesus said, “I am the Messiah.”

8. Pull out the town people and put them by the buildings…

a. Then the woman ran back to the city to tell the other Samaritans what she had

seen and heard at the well

b. Move the woman from the well to the town

c. She said… “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He

cannot be the Messiah, can he?”

d. Move the town people to Jesus…And the Samaritans came to Jesus and asked

him to stay with them for a couple days…move Jesus to the town with the town

people…and they talked with him and believed that Jesus was the Messiah too

e. Turn town people toward the woman…They said to the woman, “It is no longer

because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and

we know that this is truly the Savior of the world.”

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Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ




gold box, green felt “grass,” blue felt “water,” brown fabric “road,” cardstock temple,

cardstock buildings, cardstock disciples, cardstock Jesus, cardstock blind man, cardstock man

(after he receives sight), cardstock parents, cardstock Pharisees


1. Look at the gold box and ask “I wonder” questions…

a. I wonder why this box is golden

b. I wonder if there is something important in it

c. I wonder if it is a story from the Bible

2. Open the gold box and pull out the green felt grass

a. I wonder what this could be in the story….

b. Maybe it’s grass

3. Pull out the water

a. I wonder what this is

b. Maybe its water…a pond…or a pool

c. I wonder if it has a name

4. Pull out the strips of brown fabric and make a road

a. I wonder what these are…if we lay them this way…they could be a road

b. Who do you think is walking on the road?

5. Pull out the buildings

a. I wonder if these buildings make a town…we’ll put them on this side of the road

(pick a side to put them on)

6. Pull out the temple

a. Oh! This building looks important. What do you think it is?

b. Maybe it is a temple…that is a place where go to worship God together…kind of

like our church building

7. Pull out the blind man

a. I wonder who this is…

b. He’s sitting on the side of the road by the temple…I think he’s begging

c. His eyes are closed…maybe he’s sleeping…or maybe he’s blind

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8. Pull out the disciples

a. Here are some people walking on the road…

b. I wonder who they are…

9. Pull out Jesus

a. Here is someone else walking with them…

b. They are talking…

c. Who do you think they are?

10. Move the disciples and Jesus along the road until they come to the blind man

a. Now they stopped and are talking…

b. The people are asking the man a question…they’re saying, “Teacher, who made

this man blind? Is he the sinner or are his parents?”

c. Hmmm…so the man is blind. This must be Jesus and the disciples.

d. Oh! I remember this story…

e. Now Jesus is speaking…”It wasn’t the man or his parents that sinned…he was

born blind so that God’s great power could be shown in him. I am the light of the


f. The disciples were confused…they had always thought that blindness was caused

by sin/doing the wrong thing…what did Jesus mean?

g. Then Jesus went to the blind man, picked up some dirt, and spit in it to make

mud…he rubbed some of the mud on each of the blind man’s eyes

h. Jesus told the man to go wash the mud off his eyes in the Pool of Siloam…so this

is the Pool of Siloam over here (walk the blind man over to the pool, pretend he

is washing his eyes, and then trade it out for the man who has received sight)

i. Look! He can see now! He isn’t blind anymore!

11. Walk the man back to the city by the temple

a. Then the neighbors and religious leaders who had seen him as a blind beggar

were amazed…they were saying, “Is this the blind man who used to sit here and


b. The man said, “I am the man”…but they couldn’t believe it and asked, “Then how

can you see?”

c. He replied, “The man named Jesus put mud on my eyes and told me to go wash

them off…so, I went and now I can see!”

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d. The Pharisees, who were religious leaders, saw the man who had been blind…and

he told them how he had received his sight as well…they were concerned that

Jesus had given sight to this man on a Sabbath day…wasn’t this a day to

rest…wasn’t healing work?

e. So, the Pharisees said…”This man, Jesus, cannot be from God because he does

not remember the Sabbath!”

f. But, some of the other people said, “If he is not from God and is a sinner…how

could he perform this miracle?”

g. They were divided and confused…

h. The man said, “He is a prophet.”

i. But people did not believe that this was actually the man who had been born

blind…how could he see? So, they went to his parents…

12. Pull out the parents

a. They asked his parents, “You are his parents…was your son born blind? How can

he see now?”

b. The parents replied, “This is our son, and he was born blind, but we don’t know

how he can see now. You can ask him…he is old enough to speak for himself.”

c. The parents were afraid because people who said that Jesus was the one sent by

God, the Messiah, were sent out of the temple…so, they wanted their son to


d. The man said again that he was blind and now he could see…they said again that

Jesus must be a sinner and asked how he opened the man’s eyes.

e. The man replied, “I have told you already, but you would not listen. Why do you

want to hear it again? Do you also want to become his disciples?”

f. Then the people were mad at him and said that they were disciples of Moses

g. But the man said, “Here is an astonishing thing! You don’t know where Jesus

comes from, but he opened by eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners,

but God does listen to people that worship God and do what God wants. Never

since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person

born blind. If Jesus were not sent by God, he could do nothing.”


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h. The people responded that he could not teach them because he was a sinner, and

they sent him away from the temple (Move the man back by the Pool of Siloam)

i. Jesus went and found him (move Jesus) and said, “I am the Son of Man…sent by


j. And the man believed him…

k. Jesus went on to say, “I came into this world so that those who do not see will

see, and those who do see will become blind.”

13. Move the Pharisees over

a. Some of the Pharisees heard what Jesus had said, and asked, “We aren’t

blind…are we?”

b. Jesus answered, “If you were blind, you would not have sin. But now that you say,

‘We see,’ your sin remains.”


Lanie Sipes 2017/2020 ꟾ

SHARING STORY CUT-OUTS These are in no particular order and can be reused for multiple stories.


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