crash course in facebook

Post on 13-May-2015






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Want to know everything about Facebook, very quickly? Our new



"Advertising on the Web is less about justhitting someone with a message... 

It's about engagement."

Agenda A Little Bit About Me The BasicsWhy is Facebook so important? How does this translate to Facebook? People trust their friendsSo how does Facebook work?Personal profilesPagesTen Tips on creating a business pageWhat's the result of a good page?Case studiesROIGroups & ApplicationsFacebook advertising Facebook IllusionsThe Reasons Companies Fail with FacebookFacebook in the outside world

About Me and why the hell I think I'm qualified to talk on this subject!

36Born in Bromley, KentMoved to Australia in 2003

Director of TwoCents Group - creative marketing & advertising agency    Branding    Graphic Design    Marketing Consultancy    Advertising Campaigns

Core skills    Marketing, branding and advertising    Social networking   Social media crosses a number of boundaries - creative, PR, digital - but the key factors with social media are communication and relationships.

Above and beyond anything else, I use Facebook A LOT!

Some facts about the internet

• 1.73 billion Internet users worldwide •  • US 8 to 18 year old spend an average of 1.29 hours on the internet per day (Kaiser Family Foundation)

• The same child spends 4.29 hours with TV content. This is dropping rapidly. • Of this, only 2.39 is actually live TV. The rest is time-shift, DVD, iPod or online.•  • Average time spent by adults per week: 13 hours (in 2009) (Harris Interactive)

• In 2002, it was just 7 hours. • In 2008, it was 14 hours.

• The age groups that spend the most time online are those aged 30-39 (18 hours) and those aged 25-29 (17 hours) and 40-49 (17 hours)

•  • 50% of people bought something on the internet last month •  • 84% of Australian market has home internet access• 59% have high-speed access; 33% have internet access in their bedrooms• 25% of that time online is spent social networking•  • 36% of all internet users are Asian; but 18 countries still don't have any internet access

• Decline: TV (10%), Magazines (15%), newspapers (19%) and radio (12%)• More video was uploaded to YouTube in the last 2 months, than if ABC/NBC/CBS had been broadcasting new content every day

since 1948.•  • The mobile device will be the world's primary tool to connect to the internet in 2020. 

Some facts about Facebook

• Founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Estimated personal wealth of $4 billion aged 26. • 2nd most popular website in the world ( • 400 million active users; if Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd most populated in the world• 50% log-in on any given day• Average user has 130 friends• 500 billion minutes per month are spent on Facebook• Average user is connected to 60 pages or groups or events• Average user creates 70 pieces of content per month• 70 translations available• One million external websites are integrated with Facebook • 70% users are outside US• 7.7 million users in Australia; 44% male, 56% female• Top age demographics in Australia: 29.3% are 25-34; 28.8% are 18-24. 15% are over 45.• Facebook accounts for 29% of all time spent online by Australians, • In October 2009, Australian users spent 27.2 hours online - 7.55 of which were spent on Facebook,

In the same month, Australian users uploaded 80 million pictures, wrote 32 million ‘wall posts’ and 45 million ‘status updates’.

• Australia leads the world in time spent on social media sites. 

"The web is at a really important turning point right now. Up until recently, the default on the web has been that most things aren’t social and most things don’t use your real identity. We’re building toward a web where the default is social.” Mark Zuckerbrg

The Basics

What IS Facebook?

Born out of the concept of a student directory - imagine an online yearbook, with more photos, where the students could send each other messages, and write on their own 'pages'.

Facebook developed & expanded; evolved from just a tool for people to communicate to close friends to an entire communications platform from people, businesses, charities, brands and so on. 

Simple definition: a communication tool for one person to keep in contact with another person.

Complex definition: it is a massive, interactive community where everyone can interact directly with anyone else they choose to.

Why is Facebook so important?

Human beings have an in-built need to communicate.

1st Information Communication Revolution: pictographs, carved on stone, too heavy to move2nd Information Communication Revolution: alphabets, paper, wax, uniform language across large distances; printing press3rd Information Communication Revolution:  information transferred through waves and electronic signals

So how does this apply to Facebook?

Well, technology delivers increasing sophisticated and easier ways for us to communicate and reach the top of Maslow's triangle. As humans, we will look to the quickest and easiest method of us reaching the highest point of the triangle.

We need solutions to problems. And to satisfy that need, we go to our friends, colleagues and our personal networks. And those networks are now found via social networking.

Is this just glorified egotism, a domain preserved for the vain and shallow?

How is history recorded? Most frequently from the eyes of the casual observer. Think who might be alive today that might transpire their works to social networking?

Would Anne Frank use Facebook? Would Mozart publish his works on YouTube? Would Jesus' disciples have Twittered?

Throughout history, the need to communicate is never exhausted; all that changes is the medium. Furthermore:

76% of Australians are loyal to the brand of car they drive, 67% to their coffee shop and 65% to their financial institution.

How does this translate?

Morality: resolve a moral dilemma

Creativity: look for inspiration, find others that match your beliefs, publish work

Spontaneity: see a new event, attend it now

Problem-solving: how do I get there?

Self-esteem: look at me!

Confidence: look at me some more!

Achievement: look at what I've done!

Friendship: look at how many friends I have! Zoosk

Employment: I need work!

Food: I need food! 

Facebook, one way or another, can supply an answer to all your needs.

People trust 'real friends' for recommendations

So how does Facebook work?

There are three core areas to Facebook:

1. Personal profiles2. Pages3. Groups & Applications

Personal Profiles

Not just static details about your family, job, likes, dislikes, but a dynamic update about your activities, executed in a time-frame of your suiting.

Personal profiles are also divided into key areas

Core information - who you areThe Wall - what you're doingPhotos - what you've doneFriends - who you knowMessages - who's talking to youEvents - where you're going

And most important;

The Newsfeed


Growing exponentially as a way for businesses, organisations and brands to reach consumer base without the detail of a personal page.

There are a number of differences between a 'page' and a 'profile' that have been developed to give the page a more business-like feel. The main one is the ability to 'message' everyone via the newsfeed – email –like updates are still possible. Status updates appear in the newstream so the 'page' feels like a 'friend'. Most importantly: they're customisable & offer insights Pages are created by anyone or anything:•Major brands•Companies•Celebrities•Even just a catch phrase or a joke  Some of the best pages…

Tips - creating a business page

•Have a plan & set objectives •The Message•Help people find you•Constant & relevant communication•Get everyone involved•Listen! And reply! •Accept a vocal minority, but an audible majority •Be a resource•Develop the page using applications•Don't let people land on the wall; welcome them with a welcome page•Unique & defining page image•Custom Tabs•The Power Of Events

•Even…create a store in Facebook!

The result of a good page…Money (Syncapse) On average, fans spend an extra $71.84 they would not otherwise spend on products they describe themselves as fans of, compared to those who are not fans. Fans are 28% more likely than non-fans to continue using a specific brand. Not rocket science? If someone goes to the trouble of becoming a fan of a product on Facebook, that person would be enough of a supporter of the brand that they would buy it more often, recommend it to their friends and so on. And Syncapse’s results (based on 4,000 results) may also not be 100 percent reliable if extended to all Facebook users, since a few thousand users is a relatively small sample.  Loyalty (Dessert Gallery, Houston)

• Made 36 percent more visits to DG’s stores each month.• Spent 45 percent more of their eating-out dollars at DG.• Spent 33 percent more at DG’s stores.• Had 14 percent higher emotional attachment to the DG brand.

 Data - contacts and info; insights and demographics Brand Awareness

Feedback: Address Issues Instantly & Reputation management

Recommendations (Syncapse)

Fans are 41% more likely than non-fans to recommend a product they are a fan of to their friends.  An average fan may participate with a brand ten times a year and will make one recommendation. But an active fan may participate thirty times and make ten recommendations.

Case Studies

ONE A Queensland government survey on how to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence may have been a flop without the influence of Facebook.As the government prepares for further consultation with young people today, a report about its online survey reveals more than 94 per cent of respondents did not post their views until after word spread on the social networking site.After three weeks, only 900 people had bothered to give feedback online to proposals to wind back trading hours, impose an earlier lockout and crack down on drunk troublemakers.

But the final week of consultation saw about 15,200 people complete the online survey, a surge that coincided with greater efforts by protesters to promote the poll on Facebook and enlist the support of venues. TWO A last minute rush from residents eager for daylight saving in south-east Queensland has convinced Independent MP Peter Wellington to push ahead with a vote in parliament on the issue.Mr Wellington wants Queensland to hold a fresh referendum on a split time zone, with daylight saving operating in the south-east corner only.After reports he was considering withdrawing his bill because of a high response rate against daylight saving, Mr Wellington said today he had received an email every second in response to the issue and he will now proceed with the bill.He said the ratio was "10 to one in favour'' of daylight saving."This is totally different to the response I was getting for the last six weeks,'' he said."I've made a decision not to withdraw the bill.


How does your organisation normally calculate a ROI? 

Groups & Applications

A dead or dying area, one that is vastly under-utilised and has been left behind by Facebook a little. Groups were designed for non-commericial entities, campaigns and charities, in a similar way that a forum operates. The downfall is that group status messages don't come from the group itself - it comes from the user still. Upside is that the group can still message everyone. 

Applications are a massive growth area of Facebook and something we're only seeing the start of. Mostly contributing of games, productivity and utlities. Think the early stages of development for iPhone applications. 

Why will applications become significant?

1) You can directly link your application consumption to your friends.2) They're continuous.3) You can use REAL money in them.

Check out:

Farmville - there are more active Farmville accounts than there are Twitter users!

EA Sports Fifa - the EA Sports Fifa franchise has SOLD 90 million units in its lifetime; now it's available for free on Facebook.

Facebook Adverts

• Choose your landing page wisely. The rules of Pay-Per-Click apply to Facebook marketing! Make sure the offer matches the landing page.

• Include calls to action.

• Don’t use wacky fonts or low contrast font/backgrounds.

• Keep your offers up to date.

• Less is more when it comes to text/copy and graphics.

• Don’t be vague. Cute/clever doesn’t always come across right to customers who are are not inside your head.

• Contests may appeal more to social media users who aren’t in buying mode.

• Geotarget your campaigns well. If you don’t ship to Canada – don’t advertise there. If you do, make it clear for your international visitors. If you offer free shipping in the ad, show different ads to locations that don’t qualify.

• Segment your campaigns by gender if necessary.

• If you split test ads, make sure they are similar enough – same offers, with different text/design.

• Interesting images!

The Facebook Illusions

• It's free.

• Build it and they will come.

• My customers want to engage with my business

• I don't have a message

• It's just for kids

• It's the answer to my business woes! 

• It can stand on its own as a communication tool

• It’s fool-proof

The Reasons Companies Fail

• Not taken seriously.

• Boring.

• Not interactive.

• No message.

• No money or time invested.

• No connection to other marketing avenues.

• Companies don't understand the medium.

• Failed first time, refuse to re-engage.

• Too much communication; communication off-target.

The two most common barriers to successful communication are

message overload and message complexity.

Facebook in the outside world

Facebook is becoming more and more integrated into the outside world and frequently used as a 'signing in' process for other websites:

Pay with Facebook?

Where do you go from here?

Review all your communication avenues

Review all your communication messages

Get creative (or pay someone to be creative for you!)

Develop a strategy and a target

Dedicate resources



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