coverage report for press event atmel maker faire shenzhen july 2015

Post on 07-Aug-2015



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© 2014 Atmel Corporation1

Coverage Update of Joint Press Event between Atmel and JD+

July, 2015

2 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Event Background and Coverage UpdateOn June 18, 2015, Atmel has invited 20 journalists to attend the joint press conference of announcing the collaboration of Atmel and JD+ on their smart hardware design contest.

Sander Arts, VP of Marketing at Atmel delivered presentation “From Maker Space to Market Place” to attending media and Mr. Liu Xiangfeng, Director of Incubator Department at JD+ also conducted comprehensive introduction of the capacities of JD+ in the area of smart hardware. The press event also invited mysterious guests such as Quin Etnyre and AVR Man to attend!

After the press event, there has been 21 unique articles garnered from the 22 attending journalists, in total we have collected 82 articles surround the event in the past days.

3 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EETimes ChinaHeadline:ATMEL+JD: Create an Exclusive Eco-system for the Smart Hardware Industry



Synopsis:Why is Atmel in favor of start-up companies? June 18th, 2015, right during the Maker Faire Shenzhen. Atmel announced jointly with JD smart that the two companies will kick off its smart hardware design contest. As one of the earliest companies who closely engaged with maker movements, Atmel is now becoming the most important partners of Shenzhen Maker Faire. The widely-known Arduino, which is powered by Atmel’s technology paves the way for the company to raise even more awareness. Accoreding to Sander Arts, Vice President of Marketing at Atmel, the company has always been paying close attention to innovation, especially to supporting start-ups, which is different from most traditional semiconductor companies.

4 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EETimes China 2Headline:ATMEL+JD: Create an Exclusive Eco-system for the Smart Hardware Industry (2)



Synopsis:At the press event, we are pleasant to see that Atmel has invited its 14-year-old partner, the young and mighty maker, Quin Etnyre to present his works – Qduino, a battery powered customized Arduino board.Quin explained how his partnership with Atmel works and how does Atmel support him in terms of promoting his project as well as his entrepreneurship.

This, on the other hand, also proves that Atmel has always been closely engaged with start-ups and has faith in them to becoming the future industry leaders.

5 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EETimes China 3Headline:ATMEL+JD: Create an Exclusive Eco-system for the Smart Hardware Industry (3)



Synopsis:Arduino has now become “the” choice of makers, the magic of Arduino has been gradually realized by a growing number of people. Sander would like to call it “going mainstream”. The debut at Jimmy Fallon show in the U.S., the widely adoption by Chinese makers both prove that Arduino is getting more and more popular in front of the makers all over the globe. There might be, or we should way there must be more and more people or customers realize the value of Atmel’s products, which stay in the centre of Arduino.

6 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EETimes China 4Headline:ATMEL+JD: Create an Exclusive Eco-system for the Smart Hardware Industry (4)



Synopsis:What’s JD’s plan in the collaboration? Based on Sander’s introduction, the most popular crowdfunding projects globally is wearables, smart home, connectivity devices, 3D printers and drones. And according to Mr. Liu Xiangfeng, director from the incubator department at JD Smart mentioned that JD+ noticed the vast potential of crowd funding in smart hardware entrepreneurship in China. There will be more to expect in the future, presented by companies such as Atmel and partnered with JD+.

7 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EETimes China 5Headline:ATMEL+JD: Create an Exclusive Eco-system for the Smart Hardware Industry (5)



Synopsis:Atmel + JD Smart: Look forward to Heroes from the Maker world! The collaboration between Atmel and JD+ this time has successfully integrated the advantages of both companies in terms of IoT smart hardware development and innovative marketing promotion. Atmel is able to leverage its global footprints and social media properties whereas JD to provide its comprehensive local resources to benefit makers, developers and start-ups.


8 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Smart Product and Eco-System

Headline:Atmel+JD: New Era Requests Changing Ways to Play the Smart Hardware Cards



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015, Atmel partnered with JD to announce the start of their joint smart hardware design contest. It seems that the partnership between chip makers and B2C platforms has now become a trendy integration in the IoT market. Eventually, what changes will take place within such partnership?1. Combined Promotion on Technology and Products will

become mainstream2. Maker will be the main force of start-ups, we already

have teenager entrepreneur3. Smart hardware growing fast, popular product will

lead the market4. Atmel partners with JD, market will be benefitted with

solid technology support, eco-system resource and the channels particularly for hardware products


9 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Elecfans Headline:Atmel: Not Only a Semiconductor CompanyTogether with JD to Make Heroes out of Makers



Synopsis:At the Maker Faire Shenzhen this week, Atmel has firstly started its tour at the show! Grouped with JD+, the company announced that both parties will launch the “Connected, Secured Smart Hardware Design Contest” to closely integrate Atmel’s existing IoT solutions with the cloud service provided by JD+ for unleashing the infinite coordinated power of IoT and smart hardware. From the introduction by Sander Arts, Vice President of Marketing at Atmel, the company aims at creating more business opportunities and collaborative development with partners, the nation-wide design contest cohosted with JD+ is quite a good exercise for the company to integrate resources and support makers.Reprints:

10 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Elecfans 2 Headline:Atmel at Maker Faire Shenzhen: Connect All the Yet-Connected



Synopsis:At Maker Faire Shenzhen 2015, we have seen an amazing bunch of creative projects, robots, drones and smart lights, etc. Among all these projects, the editor would like to give a thumb-up for the slogan appreared at Atmel’s booth: Connect all the Yet-Connected!Atmel has always been in the center of IoT, which includes key sections such as smart, security, sensor and telecommunication. With Atmel’s comprehensive portfolio of MCU and MPU products as well as key related technologies such as wireless connections, sensor solutions and touch solutions, IoT becomes much easier than before.

At Atmel’s booth, the editor also saw the just released MICO platform introduced by MXCHIP and powered by Atmel’s chip.

11 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

OFweek Headline:Go! Root for the Makers who will Lead the New Generation!



Synopsis:Nowadays, Shenzhen is no longer famous for the name “ City of Knock-offs” but for a new title “City of Innovation” “Hollywood of Hardware”. Echoing with the government’s support in innovation and entrepreneurship, there are quite a few global companies started supporting the development of makers, one of them is Atmel. Atmel chose the timing right before the Maker Faire Shenzhen to announce its partnership with JD smart to start their smart hardware design contest. As a long-time supporter of global maker movements, Atmel has great experiences regarding partnership with makers, cooperation with channels of IT solution providers and collaborations with influential open-source hardware service provider in China, such as Seeed Studio.


12 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EETrendHeadline:Reminder: 5 Key Trends Disclosed from Atmel’s Partnership with JD Smart on Smart Hardware Design Contest



Synopsis:1. Semiconductor device provider is facing the impact

casted by B2C platforms2. There will be more product analysis in the future

conducted through big data cloud platform3. In the future, start-ups will be the key targets that

chip makers aims to support: According to Sander Arts, Vice President of Marketing at Atmel, seizing the opportunities to support start-up means identifying the future of a company, that’s why there are quite a bunch of device providers such as Atmel, Freescale, MTK, Intel and Qualcomm joining the big gala of makers at Maker Faire Shenzhen

4. Chip manufacturers start lowering entry to the industry. At the press event, we was a 14-year-old young maker Quin attending as Atmel’s partner, will this become the trend of the future?

5. Will cloud service help to achieve the connected and secured IoT in the future?

13 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

EEWORLD Headline:Joint Hardware Design Contest, Most Fashionable Semiconductor Company: Atmel



Synopsis:Talking about Atmel, the company is a bit different from other semiconductor company because it should be the most fashionable, most socialized semiconductor company in the world. The editor believes the reason why Atmel keeps enhancing its social media footprints globally is because the average age of engineers now is getting younger and younger, they are the generation of social network, also the generation of technology’s future. The other reason is that unlike companies such as Intel, Atmel started early and paid more attention to makers, in order to conduct better interaction with makers and consumers. Maybe there are some people believes that maker design is more like a “toy” than a market-ready product, but for Sander Arts, the Vice President of Marketing at Atmel, Atmel has full capacity to support makers going through the process from maker space to market place.

14 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation


Headline:Makers Are Not Only About the Faire! Atmel Wants to Offer More!



Synopsis:Nowadays, the next-gen smart life has officially started with the concept of smart growing even faster than ever. With the development of the Internet, people started to realize the value of connected everything. From the perspective of industry leading chip maker Atmel, the market demand of chip-level hardware offers new opportunities for the company. They are strategically active on social media and would like to socialize their brand to benefit start-ups with not only technology support but also social media promotions.

15 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation


Headline:Atmel: Hardware Platform Contributes to the Best Maker Era Ever



Synopsis:China never lacks of creativity and makers, however the policies implemented by the government mainly focuses on benefits without any further indication such as financing and tutoring. Now we are happy to see that with the support of an increasing number of incubators and crowd funding platforms, the environment of start-ups in China is getting better and better.The collaboration between Atmel and JD+ is seen by Sander as a competitive platform to encourage IoT smart hardware developers to showcase their talents and go from maker space to market place successfully.

16 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Shenzhen Evening NewsHeadline:International Companies Support Makers as well as Potential Innovation



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform. For the future market, makers have alreaday prepared to switch from hobbyists to entrepreneurs. That is what Atmel aims to support makers in the next stage, going from maker space to market place.


17 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

TE Times in ShenzhenHeadline:“Secret Ingredients” to Support Makers: Atmel Grouped up with JD Smart to Initiate Smart Hardware Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.Reprints:

18 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Shenzhen Business News

Headline:Atmel Works with JD to Support Start-ups



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.


19 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Nanfang DailyHeadline:Hardware Platform Seeking Innovative Makers’ Design, Great Opportunities for College Students to Start Businesses



Synopsis:This week in Shenzhen, Atmel, a U.S.-based semiconductor provider partnered with JD Smart to host a smart hardware design contest seeking candicates’ design works. This is a great opportunity for college students to start their own businesses.


20 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

HQEW Headline:Atmel Partners with JD Smart to Kick off Smart Hardware Design Contest: Unleashing the Coordinated Power of IoT



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.


21 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

52SolutionsHeadline:Atmel Partnered with JD Smart to Launch their Smart Hardware Innovation Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.


22 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

LeiphoneHeadline:Before the Opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen, Atmel Partnered with JD+ to Support Makers



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform. From the editor’s perspective, with the current “All People are Makers” trend gaining ground in China, China suppose to be one important stage in Atmel’s global blueprint.


23 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation Headline:Atmel Partnered with JD Smart to Launch their Smart Hardware Innovation Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.


24 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

YeskyHeadline:Atmel Partnered with JD Smart to Launch their Smart Hardware Innovation Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.


25 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

Microcontroller &Embedded Systems

Headline:Atmel Partnered with JD Smart to Launch their Smart Hardware Innovation Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.

26 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation

CNET/ZDNETHeadline:Heroes out of Makers: Atmel Partnered with JD Smart to Launch their Smart Hardware Innovation Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.


27 © 2013 Copyright Atmel Corporation


Headline:Heroes out of Makers: Atmel Partnered with JD Smart to Launch their Smart Hardware Innovation Design Contest



Synopsis:June 18th, 2015 right before the opening of Maker Faire Shenzhen: Atmel, the global leading provider of MCU and touch solutions announced its collaboration with JD smart to start their joint smart hardware design contest lasting for 6 months. Both companies aims to leverage their advantages in terms of hardware experiences and cloud service as well as local resources to provide an easy but efficient platform, so that developers can easily design connected and secured smart hardware projects based on the platform.

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