course of studies materials science with degree master of ... · exams: fp and sl • fp =...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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Course of StudiesMaterials Science

with degreeMaster of Science (M.Sc.)

PD Dr. Boris Kastening

Scientific Coordinator

Office 78 (dean‘s office and office of studies)

this talk will be uploaded to the MSc Materials Science web page

suggested schedule(more info: see web page; if start in SS: out of step!)

1. Semester CP


2. Semester CP


3. Semester

(optional stay abroad)



4. Semester CP


(1) Research Lab I SL 4pass/fail


(2) Research Lab II SL 4pass/fail


(3) Advanced Research Lab

with Seminar

SL 15pass/fail


(9) Master Thesis

and Defense

FP 30graded

(4) Quantum Mechanics for Mat. Sci.


Micromechanics and Hom. Techn.

FP 6graded


(7) Theoretical Methods in Materials


FP 6graded


(5) Functional Materials FP 6graded


(8) Advanced Characterization Methods

of Materials Science

FP 6graded


(6) Surfaces and Interfaces FP 5graded


Orientation Day 0 Career Coaching 0


Sum CP 30 Sum CP 30 Sum CP 30 Sum CP 30

Mandatory Courses Materials Science 23

Materials Science Labs 23

Elective Courses Master Thesis 30

(not Materials Science) Sum 1209

Lab = laboratory course, CP = credit points

FP = "Fachprüfung" = graded ex am (max . 3

attempts, ex cept thesis: max . 2 attempts)

SL = "Studienleistung" = ungraded study w ork

SLb = "Studienleistung benotet" = graded study w ork

L = lecture, E = ex ercises, P = presentation,

Choice of Quantum Mechanics or


FP/SL 9graded or pass/fail

Elective Courses (not Materials Science)

Elective Courses Materials Science 29

Elective Courses Materials Science FP 29graded



- Quantum Mechanics for Materials Scienceor

- Micromechanics for Materials Science

The other module may be done as an Elective Course Materials Science

elective Courses, additional courses

„Elective Courses Materials Science“ (29 CP) prepare your personal program, discuss it with your mentor, best right away (now!)

may also include Materials Science related courses outside the department

(e.g. physics, chemistry, mech. eng., electr. eng., master course „Energy Science and Engineering“…)

incl. adjustment course „Concepts in Materials Physics“, if applicable (CPs count towards degree!)

does not include other obligations/Auflagen

give personal list of modules with mentor‘s signature to study office

only modules with numerical grade!! pass/fail is not acceptable!!

„Elective Courses (not Materials Science)“ (9 CP) choose for yourself or discuss with mentor

few courses in English language at TU Darmstadt

list of already approved courses: see pdf file on Master page and „2. Fachübergreifende Wahlpflichtfächer“ and „3. Ergänzendes oder fachübergreifendes Wahlpflichtfach (passend für beide Kategorien)“ in list „bereits genehmigte Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen“ on Bachelor homepage

may also be from natural sciences or engineering, but only if not Materials Science related

for other than already approved choices: if uncertain get approvement from PD Dr. B. Kastening

English language courses only if they extend beyond admission level for Master course

grade does not count towards GPA (even if module is graded)

„Additional courses:“ ad libitum

exams: FP and SL

• FP = Fachprüfung: Graded Exam (oral or written) with only three attempts

After failing twice in same exam, talk to your mentor!

If you and teacher agree: third attempt of written exam may be taken as oral exam instead

Once during Master course, oral last-chance attempt possible after three failed writtenattempts („mündliche Ergänzungsprüfung“)

• SL, SLb = Studienleistung (SL: pass/fail, SLb: graded): study achievement without limitations on number of attempts

in Materials Science:

concerns Labs, Seminars

automatically registered for „exams“

(Lab: successfully carrying out all experiments;

Seminar: Successful seminar talk and seminar participation)

• Master thesis: two attempts

once: possibility to return subject latest after 8 weeks without failed attempt

exams continued

written exams: register in TUCaN in time:

Mat.Sci. exams: until 8 days before exam

exams outside Mat. Sci.: check in TUCaN and with professor/lecturer!

Changed your mind? Deregister at least 8 days before exam!

oral exams: registration: as above for written exams

arrange for appointment yourself!

„Elective Courses Materials Science:“ try to bundle 2 (up to 3) exams withsimilar subjects and make appointment with respective professors/lecturers

if sick: if you are sick and it is too late for deregistering:

Get physician‘s certificate that you were „unable to participate in an exam“ (not: „unable to work“!) and give to students‘ office within three calendardays (if no working day: next working day thereafter)

calculation of final GPA

exam grades weighed with CPs of their modules: mandatory lectures

Quantum Mechanics/Micromechanics

Elective Courses Materials Science

grade weighed with 1,5 x CPs: Master Thesis

no contribution to final GPA: Elective Courses (not Materials Science)

Research Labs I & II, Advanced Research Lab

Functional Materials

New BSc and MSc study regulations since WS 2015/16:

„Functional Materials“ has been shifted from Bachelor to Master course.

„Materials Engineering“ has been shifted from Master to Bachelor course (now called„Werkstoffherstellung und -verarbeitung“ in the Bachelor course).


Bachelor graduates in Materials Science of TU Darmstadt are not allowed to take„Functional Materials“ for credit again. Choose elective courses instead (6 CP).

Encouraged option: „Werkstoffherstellung und –verarbeitung“ (note: only 5 CP!)

- „Functional Materials“ is offered regularly in WS 17/18, but additional offer:

German version „Funktionsmaterialien“ as block course (6 times/week): April 24-May 31

Mat.Sci.Modules not in Module Guide

There may be Materials Science modules in the area „ElectiveCourses Materials Science“ in TUCaN that are not part of themodule guide, e.g. since they are not regularly offered: check in TUCaN!

only examples for SS 2017:

11-01-3012 Werkstoffherstellung und –verarbeitung (old„Materials Engineering“ module, now in German, since nowregularly part of the Bachelor course; all current Bachelor graduates may take this as part of their Master curriculum)

11-01-2017 In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy

Sorry, this course has been postponed to WS 2017/18.

only interesting for students with Bachelor from TU Darmstadt:

Vorgezogene Masterleistungen aus B.Sc.

Bitte nach Immatrikulation in Masterstudiengang in TUCaN


an Frau Ziegler-Krutz, damit Leistungen in den Masterstudiengang umgehängt werden können.

mentoring system

Mentors:personal advicefrom professors

up to 11 students per professorregister via TUCaN for „module“ specific to professor

Choose mentor according to your academic interests!

Register in TUCaN and arrange for an appointment yourself!

The sooner the better, latest at the end of the first semester, else no more registration in TUCaN possible!

not enforced (but stronlgy recommended) for FAME students

possible mentors:

Mr. Prof. K. AlbeMr. Prof. L. AlffMr. Jun.-Prof. O. ClemensMr. Prof. W. DonnerMr. Prof. K. DurstMr. Prof. W. EnsingerMr. Prof. O. GutfleischMr. Prof. W. JaegermannMr. APL-Prof. A. Klein

Ms. Jun.-Prof. U. KrammMr. Prof. R. KrupkeMr. Apl.-Prof. C. MüllerMr. Prof. R. RiedelMr. Prof. R. StarkMs. Prof. C. TrautmannMs. Jun.-Prof. B. XuMr. Jun.-Prof. H. Zhang

advice for teaching related questions

Prof. Dr. W. Donner(dean of studies until end of April)

Prof. Dr. K. Durst(from May: chair of examination board)

PD Dr. B. Kastening(department coordinator)

Prof. Dr. R. Stark(chair of examination board until end of April;

from May: dean of studies)

if already done for Bachelor course, you‘re done

if in the FAME program, you‘re done

all others:

internship with duration of at least 6 weeks, with report

at company or research lab outside TU Darmstadt

relation to materials science

finish before starting master thesis

apprenticeship or work experience in related areas is also fine(show documents to Ms. Dr. S. Faßbender)

get approvement beforehand (talk to Ms. Dr. S. Faßbender)

information sheet on materials science homepage

Industrial Labadvice: Ms. Dr. S. Faßbender

Kickoff meeting:

Wednesday, April 19

at 08:00-09:30 a.m.

Materials Science building L2|01, room 77

i.e.: tomorrow morning, here

Research Lab IIorganization: Ms. Dr. S. Faßbender

- Boundary condition: at most one of ARL and Master Thesis may be carried out outside of TU Darmstadt, NOT BOTH

- Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with external labs or companies may only be arranged according to German law; the official TU advisor must be willing to sign it

Advanced Research Lab and Master Thesis

Going Abroad

best in 3rd semester


Deadline for applications: November 30, 2017

Erasmus +

Dänemark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Frankreich Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Frankreich École des Mines d'Alès (EMA) Frankreich Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble Frankreich Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux

Frankreich Université de Limoges Italien Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca

Rumänien Universitatea 'Dunarea de Jos' din Galati

Slowakei Slovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave (STU) Spanien Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Türkei Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Türkei Anadolu Üniversitesi Ungarn Miskolci Egyetem

Brasilien UNICAMP Campinas, PUC Rio de Janeiro Indien IIT Madras, IIT .. Japan Tohoku, Sendai; Niigata University Singapur NTU, Nanyang Technical University Russland, Санкт-Петербургский Государственный

Политехнический Университет, St. Petersburg Kolumbien, Bogotá Kanada Montreal USA Virginia Tech

Current Partner Universities will be updated daily on the web portalduring the application period


Exchange programs TU

Hessen:Queensland; Deadline: June 1.

Hessen-Massachusetts Programm; Deadline: November 15.Boston, Lowell, Dartmouth, Amherst

Hessen-Wisconsin; Deadline: November 15.Eau Claire, Green Bay, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Parkside, Platteville, River Falls, Stevens Point, Stout, Superior, Whitewater

end of general talk for new M.Sc. students(next slides for incoming students)

Good luck!

And: have fun!!

Materials Science BuildingL2|01, Alarich-Weiss-Str. 2

Cluster Smart Interfaces office buildingL1|08, Jovanka-Bontschits-Str. 2

M3:new Lab and office buildingAlarich-Weiss-Str. 16

Lecture hall and media center(lecture halls, seminar rooms, part of central library)

Questionnaire: your choice of Master course

one-page anonymous questionnaire

important for department to check PR work

TUCaN = central system for organization of studies and teaching• with TUCaN register to modules, courses therein und exams• with TUCaN check your grades

important: activate your TU-ID (see letter with student id card)configure your Email address in TUCaN

How to obtain information about TUCaN:1. Fachschaft (= student rep. within mat. sci., mostly bachelor students)

In case of problems: Don‘t Panic! Ask fellow students, then Ms. Ziegler-Krutz, then me

„Concepts“-lecture and other obligations

If your admission letter specifies „Concepts of Materials Physics“ as an obligation, its 6 CP count towards your 120 CP total

If other obligations were imposed, they do NOT count towards your 120 CP

How to get help and to get around?

pdf-File with „Information for Master Students Materials Science“

your fellow students

your mentor professor

Prof. Dr. Donner, Prof. Dr. Stark, PD Dr. Kastening

„Dezernat VIII Internationales“: Housing and support


Counter „Internationales“ in Karo 5-Building

„International Admission“ office of TUD


Studierendenwerk Darmstadt ( housing problems, legal problems, personal problems, psychological problems, insurance cases, intercultural tutors team for students from abroad(

many social groups at TU Darmstadt (music, sports, games, ….)

for international students

ZIKK (Center for Intercultural Competences):

Sprachencafé (Language Coffee Place)Learning Languages in Groups

Every Thursday 5:15-8:00 p.m. at TU Darmstadt S1|03 Room 11

Further information:



Sophos antivirus software for free with TU-ID via HRZ

in case of problems: Mr. Andreas Hönl, Mr. Stephan Diefenbach

(rm 156)

end of talk for incoming students

Good luck!

And: have fun!!

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