course introduction - · ... entrepreneurs are ordinary people who are able to...

Post on 24-Jul-2018






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What can we learn from those with no particular advantage in life who manage to succeed?

How are they able to triumph over challenge and adversity? Are they just lucky? Are they born

with unique traits that enable them to succeed? What can we learn from them that we can apply to

our own lives?

Welcome to the Ice House Student Success Program! This course is designed to inspire and

engage you in the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset, its universal application, and

the unlimited opportunities it can provide. Regardless of your chosen path, this course will empower

you to succeed both in college and in life.

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The Course Introduction will provide a brief overview of the course, the fundamental aspects of an

entrepreneurial mindset, and the Ice House entrepreneurs and students.

Introduction Objectives

1. Welcome to the Ice House Student Success Program: In Module One, we will discover

the principles that are essential to an entrepreneurial mindset. These principles are the core of

this course.

2. Entrepreneurship: A Mindset Every Student Needs: In Module Two, we will learn why an

entrepreneurial mindset is essential for the 21st Century workforce and the ways this mindset

can benefit us in our roles as students, citizens, and persons.

3. Course Overview: Module Three provides an overview of the content, videos, assignments,

and activities that comprise the course.

4. Introduction to the Ice House Entrepreneurs and Students: Module Four introduces the Ice

House entrepreneurs and students who share their stories and provide examples of an entre-

preneurial mindset throughout the course.

5. Redefining Entrepreneurship: Module Five will redefine entrepreneurship by dispelling

common misconceptions and providing the requirements of an entrepreneurial mindset as

well as the potential barriers that can prevent us from developing this life skill.


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The greatest advances in life rarely come about as the result of doing

more of what we are already doing. They come about as the result of

a shift in our awareness followed by a change in our behavior.

~ Gary Schoeniger, Founder of the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative

The Ice House Student Success Program is designed to inspire and engage you in the fundamen-

tal aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset, a way of thinking and acting that can empower you to

succeed both in college and in life.

Learning how to think like an entrepreneur can help you see the world through a new lens. It offers

a fresh perspective that can expose new opportunities and ignite your ambition. The Ice House

Student Success Program will help you develop attitudes, behaviors, and skills that will empower

you to succeed regardless of your chosen path.


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Separating Myth from Reality

In today’s world, entrepreneurs are often celebrated as heroic individuals who manage to come up

with big ideas that garner millions in venture capital investment and overnight success. While these

stories often make headlines, they do not accurately reflect the journey that most entrepreneurs

undertake. In this course, we will discover the reality. Entrepreneurial thinking is a life skill that can

empower anyone to succeed.

As you will see, entrepreneurs are ordinary people who are able to accomplish extraordinary things

because of the way they think and act. They are not born with unique talents or rare abilities. They

are normal people who have slightly different beliefs and slightly different habits that often yield very

different results.

An entrepreneur’s passion, perseverance, and ability to solve problems and stay focused on goals

is not a rare genetic trait. Entrepreneurial abilities are the result of three essential things: a compel-

ling vision, a belief that the future they imagine is possible, and a willingness to take action.

Entrepreneurship is More Than Business

There is so much more to entrepreneurship than starting a business, and there is so much you can

do with an entrepreneurial mindset. Not only will an entrepreneurial mindset enable you to recognize

new opportunities, it will also help you to become a better thinker, allowing you to see things from

multiple perspectives and to gain new insights. It will enable you to see opportunities that exist

within any situation, whether in college, at work, or in everyday life. An entrepreneurial mindset will

challenge you to push beyond the limitations of the past and explore your own untapped potential.

Hidden Barriers

Expecting your academic journey to be easy is a mistake. For many, being in college is a new and

unfamiliar experience and like any new experience, it may make you feel awkward, uncomfortable,

and alone. The new environment can be intimidating and your goals may seem overwhelming.


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Some will be tempted to give up at the first sign of difficulty and to retreat back to the confines of the

comfortable and familiar.

Too often we become prone to quick fixes, easy answers, and get-rich-quick schemes that rarely

pay off. We fail to recognize that the best results often come from small, well-focused actions that

lead to lasting improvements. While these small, well-focused efforts may not yield immediate or

obvious results, they build upon themselves, creating a virtuous cycle. These efforts create an

upward spiral that, through persistence, leads to significant, enduring positive change.

You Came Here with a Dream

Regardless of your chosen path, there is something on the horizon that you are hoping to achieve.

You are here because you have a dream. An entrepreneurial mindset can help you achieve that

dream. This program was designed to inspire you to create the life you imagine, to help clarify the

path, and to provide you with the knowledge and the skills that will empower you to achieve your


Yet what many do not realize is that in order to create the life we imagine for ourselves, we must

learn to create value for others. In other words, we must learn to become value-able. This is a

simple concept that is the core of entrepreneurial thinking. It is a subtle shift in our awareness

that can make a big difference in life. Once we grasp this simple concept, opportunities begin to

emerge—opportunities that are within our reach.

I have taken so many things away from this course that will not

only apply to everyday school activities but also help me with

organizing my life. I feel that after this class I have the knowledge

and motivation to push me to not only just pass my classes but to

excel with amazing grades.

~ Yvonne D., Pikes Peak Community College Student


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Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. You have to see things as

opportunities all the time.

~ Soledad O’Brien, American Broadcast Journalist

Entrepreneurship education will enable you to remain adaptable when facing obstacles, persist

through failure, and communicate better. It will empower you to become a problem solver and an

opportunity finder. Learning about entrepreneurship ignites an entrepreneurial mindset, and you will

begin to think and act like an entrepreneur in all aspects of your life.

In today’s world, entrepreneurship embodies the 21st Century workforce skills every student needs.

An entrepreneurial mindset can make you a more employable graduate, a more informed and

engaged citizen, and if desired, a business owner. In addition, an entrepreneurial mindset can

provide fulfillment—a sense of well-being, contentment, and deep happiness.







Through the entrepreneurial process and the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, you will

begin to strengthen the entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviors, and skills necessary to build the life

you imagine.


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Successful Student

An entrepreneurial mindset will empower you to be successful in college by providing you with

critical and creative thinking skills. You will learn to be more effective in problem-solving, communi-

cation, and collaboration. You will develop a sense of curiosity, initiative, and persistence. The Ice

House Student Success Program will inspire and engage you with the perseverance and determi-

nation of an entrepreneurial mindset needed to succeed.

Employable Graduate

An entrepreneurial mindset will equip you with the skills that employers want and need. It will enable

you to stand out from the crowd. According to author Tony Wagner, what matters today is not how

much you know, but what you can do with what you know. College graduates who will get and keep

the best jobs are those who can bring what New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman calls “a

spark of imagination” to whatever they do. They will be creative problem-solvers who will generate

improvements in existing products, processes, and services, as well as invent new ones.

According to the World Economic Forum, 21st Century workforce skills fall into three categories:

Foundational Literacies, Competencies, and Character Qualities.

Foundational Literacies - The basic skills used to engage everyday tasks, skills

such as reading, writing, using technology, and managing money.

Competencies - The skills needed to effectively engage complex tasks, skills such

as critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, collaboration, and communication.

Character Qualities - The skills used when engaging changing environments,

skills such as curiosity, initiative, persistence, and adaptability.

Today and into the future, the demand for entrepreneurial skills will only increase. In fact, a recent

CareerBuilder national survey with 2,138 hiring managers from a large variety of companies

reported that 77% percent of employers indicated that soft skills were as important as technical


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skills, while 16% of employers indicated that they were more important. Employers reported that the

top soft skills they are looking for when hiring are candidates that can demonstrate communication,

work ethic, teamwork, dependability, and self-motivation as well as candidates with problem solving

skills and follow through.

Engaged Citizen

An entrepreneurial mindset will also make you a more informed and engaged citizen. Citizenship

is more than a right; it is also a responsibility, one that requires all of us to participate in order for a

society to flourish. Being entrepreneurial means contributing to your community by understanding

and solving problems for others. It involves giving back to our communities. Entrepreneurial thinking

involves connecting and collaborating with others to create the conditions needed so that all citizens

have the opportunity to prosper and thrive.

Business Owner

An entrepreneurial mindset can also empower you to start and grow a business. Whether you seek

to be a sole proprietor, take on social projects or endeavor to change the world, having an entre-

preneurial mindset can empower you to recognize opportunities and start new ventures that create

social and economic value.

A Fulfilled Human Being

An entrepreneurial mindset can help us flourish and reach fulfillment as humans. We all want to

reach for a better life, to have a sense of meaning and purpose, to be self-directed and to be fully

engaged in work that matters. An entrepreneurial mindset brings new meaning to learning, to work,

and to an overall approach to life. It exposes opportunities, engages the mind, and helps us focus

our efforts on the things that matter most. When we realize that we have the power within to accom-

plish our goals, we become fully engaged. When we are fully engaged, we are most likely to flourish

in life.


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The World Needs You

We all want a chance to rise above our circumstances and reach for a better life. This course

represents the beginning of your journey towards that better life. It will equip you with an entrepre-

neurial mindset that will help you identify new opportunities, overcome obstacles, and create the

life you imagine.

Rather than simply pursuing a degree, by completing this course you will learn how to learn and to

apply what you are learning to your everyday life. The path will not always be easy, yet as you will

soon see, persistence is the key that ultimately leads to success.

There are others who are counting on your success. When you succeed, others benefit, from those

in your immediately family to others in your community and beyond. Your success makes a greater

contribution to society, and by succeeding, your success inspires others to succeed.


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Bringing Ice House to students across all disciplines is perhaps the

most needed approach for getting the U.S. economy and the developing

world on track by fostering bottom-up solutions that empower people to

take charge of their lives and boost their local economies.

~ Steven Van Yoder, Entrepreneur and Author of Get Slightly Famous

Relax, this is not a business course. The Ice House Student Success Program is a student success

course that encompasses student success concepts in the context of an entrepreneurial mindset.

You will not be asked to write a business plan, develop financial projections, or conduct tradition-

al market research. Rather, you will learn about the entrepreneurial person, identifying specific

attitudes, behaviors and skills that enable entrepreneurs to succeed.

You will learn about the entrepreneurial process—how to identify, evaluate, and bring to life oppor-

tunities that exist all around you in everyday life. You will also explore some of the hidden factors

that often undermine or sabotage our success. The goal is not to create entrepreneurs per se,

but to create entrepreneurial thinkers—engaged students who have curiosity, initiative, and

persistence to achieve their visions and ultimately, engaged citizens who can make a greater contri-

bution to the world.


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Did you know that only 45% of students entering community college will complete their degree

within six years? Or that only 19% of university students will complete a credential within four years?

In addition, the United States has fallen to 16th in the world for college credential completion, while

two-thirds of all jobs by 2018 will require a degree.





Improvement in student success is much needed, and strong evidence indicates that student

success courses improve student persistence (re-enrollment) and graduation, as well as success-

ful transfer. Furthermore, there is evidence that students who complete student success courses

are more likely to be successful in other courses, earn better grades, and have higher overall GPAs.

1. “Empowering Community Colleges to Build the Nation’s Future,” American Association of Community Colleges

2. “The Game Changers,” Complete College America (Non-Flagship Universities)

3. “A Matter of Degrees,” Center for Community College Student Engagement


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Course Description

The Ice House Student Success Program is a student success course that will inspire and engage

you with the perseverance and determination of an entrepreneurial mindset needed to succeed both

academically and in life. Drawing on the early success of the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program,

this program expands upon Who Owns the Ice House? Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entre-

preneur by encompassing student success concepts in the context of an entrepreneurial mindset.

The program provides for experiential learning beyond the classroom, making connections, and

building relationships that can support students throughout college and beyond.

Beverly Brown, Pikes Peak Community College student, gained insight on how the course was

applicable to her everyday life, and how it changed her mindset from negativity to active problem

solving, both inside and outside the classroom.

Introduction - PPCC Student Beverly Brown - Video 1


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Course Concepts

Drawing from hundreds of in-depth interviews with successful entrepreneurs, we will explore

eight fundamental concepts of entrepreneurial thinking and the entrepreneurial process that

can  be  applied as life skills. Below is a description of the core and advanced concepts of an

entrepreneurial mindset and the eight lessons.



An entrepreneurial mindset empowers students to be mindful of their

choices, choosing the life they want rather than accepting life as it is.


An entrepreneurial mindset challenges students to see problems as opportunities, helping

them learn to solve problems for others as a viable path toward individual empowerment.


An entrepreneurial mindset is action-oriented, encouraging students to

solve problems through active experimentation and collaboration.


An entrepreneurial mindset fosters a self-directed approach to learning that encourages

students to seek knowledge, think critically, and develop problem-solving skills.


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An entrepreneurial mindset is resourceful, encouraging students to leverage existing

resources to find solutions, overcome challenges, and advance their goals.


An entrepreneurial mindset is self-directed and solution-oriented, and reliability is the key

that can expose students to unforeseen opportunities and their own untapped potential.


An entrepreneurial mindset understands the importance of creating an inten-

tional community of positive influence, critical guidance, and support.


Perseverance and determination are the hallmarks of an entrepreneurial mindset that

encourages students to persist in the face of challenges, setbacks and self-doubt.


The Ice House Student Success Program encourages you to apply what you are learning in

real-world circumstances, enabling you to develop entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviors, and

skills. We will engage in the Opportunity Discovery Process - an entrepreneurial process

in which we conduct small experiments by using search skills to identify problems, find

solutions, and make connections. To engage in the process, we will utilize the Opportunity

Discovery Canvas – a tool that will guide us through the entrepreneurial process. As part of

the Canvas, we will test ideas and seek additional knowledge from experienced entrepre-

neurs, experts, and traditional research methods.


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How You Will Learn

The best way to develop an entrepreneurial mindset is to immerse yourself in the entrepreneurial

process. After all, you can’t really learn how to swim without jumping in the pool. The Ice House

Student Success Program is designed to immerse you in entrepreneurial experiences that will help

you develop entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviors, and skills—skills that will enable you to succeed

in school and in life. Working through the Opportunity Discovery Canvas in peer groups, you will

identify a problem to be solved, determine what you already know, what you need to know, and how

and where to access new information that may lead to the resolution of the problem. You will then

share experiences, conduct presentations, and hear guest lectures.

Additionally, learning to develop an entrepreneurial mindset requires you to take ownership of your

ideas as well as your ability to learn, i.e., you will grow as a self-directed learner. As a result, the

Ice House Student Success Program uses an experiential problem-based approach whereby the

instructor fills the role of facilitator rather than a subject-matter expert. Rather than providing specific

answers, your instructor will encourage you to find and apply new knowledge, think critically, cope

with uncertainty, push for action, and manage time. After all, problems can be solved in many

different ways and have more than one possible solution.


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Course Elements

To develop your entrepreneurial mindset, you will engage in the following elements of the course:


Digital lesson content, the companion text, Who Owns the Ice House? Eight Life Lessons

from an Unlikely Entrepreneur, and video case studies featuring entrepreneurs and

students who have succeeded in college and in life by embracing the eight life lessons


Discussion topics and in-class activities designed to foster peer-to-peer interaction

and analysis


Shared experiences, presentations, and guest lectures to foster communication and



Multiple-choice lesson reviews to assess basic knowledge comprehension


Application assignments to apply lesson content and to immerse you in real world,

problem-based entrepreneurial experiences through the Opportunity Discovery Process


Individual reflections that encourage you to reflect on what you are

learning and how it can be applied to academic and life goals


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Uncle Cleve was an ordinary man whose only advantage was his

mindset, a mindset that enabled him to choose a different life that

allowed him to triumph over adversity as an entrepreneur.

~ Who Owns the Ice House?, Page 46

In every community, both large and small, there are certain individuals who somehow manage to

find superior solutions or improved ways of doing things that also benefit the lives of others around

them. These individuals have no particular advantage over others, yet somehow they manage to

find solutions to everyday problems. These individuals are entrepreneurs; ordinary people who

simply think differently. It is their mindset that sets them apart.

As we said earlier, entrepreneurs are ordinary

people who are able to accomplish extraor-

dinary things because of the way they think

and act. Their habits and beliefs differ only

slightly from the rest of us, but these small

differences yield hugely different results. On the surface, these differences are often subtle, almost

imperceptible, and therefore difficult to detect. Yet through careful examination, a common pattern of

logic—a mindset—begins to emerge.

Entrepreneurs: Ordinary people who accomplish the extraordinary because of the way they think and act.


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Exposure to Entrepreneurial Thinking can Change your Life

As a young boy, Clifton Taulbert had an opportunity to work alongside his Uncle Cleve. It was an

opportunity that came at a time in young Clifton’s life when he was open-minded and his percep-

tions of the world and of his own capabilities were not yet fully formed. From his mentor, Clifton

learned the principles that make up an entrepreneurial mindset.

Today, Clifton Taulbert is a Pulitzer-nominated author who has written more than a dozen books,

one of which became a major motion picture, and helped bring the popular Stairmaster exercise

company to the world. In fact, he was once named by Time Magazine as “one of our nation’s most

outstanding emerging entrepreneurs.”

In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn from Uncle Cleve, Clifton Taulbert, and a host

of successful entrepreneurs who live the principles of entrepreneurship. You will learn the thoughts

and behaviors necessary for success.

You will also learn from students who have already taken the course and have gained an under-

standing of the importance of critical thinking, creating value, and persevering toward their goals.

Crystal Haynes, a community college student from Colorado, found that Ice House helped her to

think outside the box, gain confidence, and rethink her view of how to become successful.

Introduction - PPCC Student Crystal Haynes - Video 2


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Who’s Your Uncle Cleve?

Like Clifton Taulbert, many of the entrepreneurs featured in this course were influenced by an entre-

preneurial mentor—someone who helped shape their mindset in ways that ultimately made a signif-

icant impact on their lives. Having a mentor can broaden your understanding of the world as well as

your own untapped potential. Mentors can provide critical guidance, accountability, and support as

well as expose new ways of thinking and help expand a person’s network.

Rather than leave this exposure to random chance, this course will enable you to learn directly

from the first-hand experience of successful entrepreneurs who will tell you in their own words how

they were able to succeed. In addition to the case studies featured in this course, you will also be

encouraged to identify and interact with entrepreneurial people within your own community as well

as campus professionals who can provide critical guidance and support.

Ice House Entrepreneurs & Students

To create this course, we interviewed hundreds of unlikely entrepreneurs and students—ordinary

people who managed to rise above their circumstances and succeed, in college and in life, by

embracing an entrepreneurial mindset. From these interviews, we have selected examples of case

studies to help reinforce the core concepts and demonstrate the power of entrepreneurial thinking

applied in a variety of situations.

The featured Ice House entrepreneurs and students will describe in their own words, what they did,

how they did it, and most importantly, why they did what they did. They will provide candid insight

into their decision-making process, the opportunities they encountered, the challenges they faced,

the steps they took, the mistakes they made, and the powerful lessons they learned along the way.

Like Uncle Cleve, the Ice House entrepreneurs and students had no particular advantage over

others. Each of their stories is unique and no two paths are exactly alike. Yet, as you will see, a

common logic begins to emerge—a commonly held set of beliefs and assumptions that drives the

behavior that enabled them to succeed.


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You’ll learn from entrepreneurs like Ryan Blair, who will describe how he was able to overcome a life

of poverty and gang activity to become a very successful entrepreneur.

Ted Moore and his daughter Sirena will describe what it took to overcome adversity to create a

multi-million dollar cleaning business—all with little more than $200 and a simple idea.

After losing her arm as an Army Captain serving in Iraq, Dawn Halfaker transformed her adversity

into a nationally recognized consulting company with more than 150 employees.

Growing up as a foster child on the streets of Chicago, Rodney Walker will describe how an entrepre-

neurial experience and a trusted mentor helped shift his perspective and enabled him to overcome

his past and create a brighter future.

You’ll learn from entrepreneurs like Brian Scudamore who transformed $700 and a used pickup

truck into an international company with more than $100M in sales.

You’ll meet Ava Jones, a non-traditional community college student who, although initially uncertain

of how this course would be of value to her, quickly discovered that the lessons, activities and rela-

tionships with other students enhanced her life and the lives of those around her.

As you become familiar with these stories, you will see that an entrepreneurial mindset can empower

anyone to succeed. It does not require rare abilities or specialized knowledge. It does not require

a big idea or access to venture capital investment. It is a way of thinking and acting that reveals

opportunities within everyday circumstances—opportunities that are within your reach.


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The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and

exploits it as an opportunity.

~ Peter Drucker, Management Consultant & Author

What does it really mean to be entrepreneurial?

While the term “entrepreneurship” has become increasingly popular, the concept is not well under-

stood. Many popular myths and common misconceptions limit our understanding of both the entre-

preneurial person and the process. Before we proceed, we must define the term “entrepreneurship”

in a way that is clear and concise and more importantly, in a way that anyone can embrace.


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Common Misconceptions

For many, the word “entrepreneur” conjures images of high-growth tech geeks who invent new tech-

nologies, ride sharing, or social media platforms that attract millions in venture capital investment

and lead to seemingly overnight success.

For others, the word “entrepreneur” conjures an image of a business owner, someone who opens a

storefront business, a professional service firm, or other small business.

Yet, while there are elements of truth in either perspective, neither accurately portrays the

entrepreneurial person or the process. Nor do they adequately convey the power of entrepreneurial

thinking as a life skill that can empower anyone to succeed.

In fact, when we look beneath the surface, we find that most successful businesses were actually

created by inexperienced entrepreneurs who set out pursuing highly uncertain niche opportuni-

ties without much money, formal planning, or in-depth research. Yet, somehow they managed to

succeed. The question is how?

How do they manage to recognize opportunities that others overlook? Where do they get their

passion and the persistence? How do they acquire the skills to transform their ideas into success?

Are they born with rare abilities or is there some other explanation for their success? Most impor-

tantly, can we learn from and apply their techniques to our lives?

We often attribute the success of others to random luck, unique personality traits or other factors that

are beyond our control. Yet when we look beneath the surface to examine the underlying attitudes

and the behavior, a very powerful understanding begins to emerge.


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Entrepreneurs are Detectives

Contrary to popular myths, entrepreneurs are not gamblers or fortune-tellers who possess rare

abilities that enable them to predict the future or uncover opportunities that others overlook. They

simply operate like detectives who are trying to solve a mystery by searching for clues. Detectives

find problems that are worth solving and search for evidence of a problem-solution fit. Needless to

say, searching requires search skills.

Entrepreneurial SecretEntrepreneurs are detectives searching for clues to solve mysteries. Search skills do not require unique abilities or super human traits and they can be learned by anyone.

Searching does not require unique abilities

or super human traits. Anyone can learn to

develop search skills. The problem is, for

many, search skills are rarely used. Most of

us learn and work within established organi-

zations where we are governed by well-es-

tablished rules, regulations, and job descriptions. These rules tell us exactly what to do, so we

have very little need to develop curiosity and detective skills. Our search skills tend to atrophy like

a muscle we never use. Yet, like any other skill, with practice and persistence, we can rebuild our

ability to search for and solve problems.

The Search Process

The search process is a series of small experiments in which we try new ideas and continually

modify our solutions until we arrive at the desired result. The process starts with the awareness that

identifying and solving problems for others is the key that unlocks new possibilities and untapped

potential. It necessitates curiosity and an understanding of how things work. It also requires an

awareness of the world around us, attentiveness to the needs of others, and empathy.

Searching requires creativity and critical thinking. It involves open-mindedness and a willingness to

learn and to try new things. As we conduct our experiments, we must be willing to learn from our

mistakes and rebound from failures.


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The search process also involves teamwork and communication. We need to develop the ability to

collaborate and communicate effectively, to convince others to adopt our ideas, to buy our products

or services, and to join our team.

Requirements of an Entrepreneurial Mindset

By now, you realize that search skills are entrepreneurial skills—skills that do not require unique

personality traits, a genius IQ, or large sums of money. Searching simply requires a shift in perspec-

tive followed by a change in behavior. It requires us to take action and to act in new and unfamiliar

ways. We must challenge our own assumptions about how the world works. We must also challenge

the underlying beliefs about what we deserve and what we are capable of accomplishing. We must

test the limits of our comfort zones.

An entrepreneurial mindset includes a willingness to learn and to search for clues from a variety

resources. The search process requires the ability to focus on the things that will lead to long-term

success. We must also persevere in the face of unexpected setbacks and self-doubt. It requires us

to embrace new ways of thinking and acting.

Entrepreneurship is a mindset; a framework for

thinking and acting that can empower anyone

to succeed.

Entrepreneurship: A mindset; a framework for thinking and acting that can empower anyone to succeed.


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What is a Mindset?

A mindset is a deeply ingrained set of beliefs and assumptions that guide our feelings, thoughts,

choices, and actions. It is a lens that helps us interpret the world around us. Shaped largely through

observation, social influence and prior experience, our mindset guides our view of the world as well

as our own abilities. It shapes decisions we make about our capabilities, what we deserve, and

where we fit in.

Mindset: A deeply ingrained set of beliefs and assumptions that guide our feelings, thoughts, choices, and actions.

We all have a mindset, yet very often we are

not consciously aware of it or how it influenc-

es the choices we make and ultimately the

outcome of our lives.

Our mindset often becomes an established set of beliefs and assumptions, one that often limits

us to familiar ways of thinking and acting. If left unchallenged, our mindset will cause us to see the

world as we have always seen it. All of us, even the most educated and successful, tend to stub-

bornly cling to our beliefs. We act on those beliefs even if they go against our own self-interest.

Inaccurate and Incomplete Mindset

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you

know for sure that just ain’t so.

~ Mark Twain, American Author

As we begin to understand our mindsets as the hidden architecture that guides our thoughts,

feelings, and actions, it is essential to acknowledge that our perception of the world is not always


We accept many of our beliefs as fact, yet we’ve never really tested these ideas for ourselves. For

example, many once believed that the world was flat. This was a widely held belief that later proved

to be untrue. It was also a belief that discouraged many from venturing off on the horizon to discover

a new world. We may come into college with the belief that we can’t learn, and therefore we start out


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discouraged. It is not until we adopt a new mindset that we realize we can learn through practice

and perseverance.

We are all susceptible to blind spots in our thinking. As we all know, it is much easier to detect these

blind spots or errors of judgment in others than it is in ourselves. Part of adopting an entrepreneur-

ial mindset is becoming attuned to our own blind spots. Rather than being mindless, we must be



We are not likely to notice new things if we think we know everything. Learning how to think like an

entrepreneur encourages us to think critically, to draw new distinctions, and to recognize biases in

our own thinking. When we are mindful, we look at problems from many different angles. Guided

by rules rather than governed, an entrepreneurial mindset will encourage you to see things in new

ways, to test assumptions, and challenge ideas. It will enable you to examine the world with a more

critical eye.

Being mindful not only requires us to be critical thinkers, but

also requires that we reexamine our old patterns of thought

and behavior. Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of physics states

that an object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by

outside forces. Similarly, our mindset often creates a powerful

incentive to continue to adhere to a particular set of beliefs

and assumptions unless acted upon by outside influences. In

other words, if left unchallenged, our mindset will cause us to

think and act in familiar ways.

Throughout this course, you will have ample opportunity to identify some of the common underly-

ing assumptions and patterns of thought that empower those with an entrepreneurial mindset to

succeed. You will also have an opportunity to reflect, to compare and contrast these underlying

beliefs with your own. When we are mindful, we are aware of our past, critical of our present, and

thinking creatively about the future.


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Habits and Social Pressure

We need to consciously create our mindsets based on entrepreneurial thinking. Two factors that can

undermine a deliberate mindset are habits and social pressures.

Our mindset influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions, many of which become unconscious

habits. “A habit is a fixed way of thinking or feeling acquired through previous repetition of an experi-

ence.” (Andrews, 121) Our own habitual behavior often goes unnoticed because we do not typically

engage in self-analysis when exhibiting a habitual behavior.

Habit: A fixed way of thinking or feeling acquired through previous repetition of an experience.

In other words, familiar patterns of thought

and action often become habitual, requiring

little or no conscious effort. They become

mindless, automatic responses, as if an

internal autopilot takes over much of our decision-making process. When we are on autopilot, we

are no longer consciously constructing our mindsets.

Social pressure is another hidden force that can undermine conscious choice. Also known as peer

pressure, social pressure is commonly associated with behavioral influences young people place

on each other. Yet, peer pressure or social conformity can also influence our choices as adults.

When developing our mindsets, we need to recognize the negative influences of those closest

to us.

At the same time, social pressure can influence our behavior in positive ways. By developing positive

social networks, we can leverage the power of social pressure in ways that improve our lives. We

can find mentors and professionals who can make a big impact on our lives. We must deliberately

choose to associate with others who exert a positive rather than negative influence on our mindsets.


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Developing your Mindset

The good news is that, regardless of your age, you can develop an entrepreneurial mindset. For

many of us, this requires us to change our mindset from the negative thoughts and behaviors that

have dominated our pasts. Changing our mindsets requires us to be open-minded and willing to

accept the fact that we are susceptible to blind spots that may be hindering our abilities to accom-

plish our goals. We must be open to the idea that other options may exist.

Becoming aware that we have a mindset and how it shapes our choices is the first step. Throughout

this course, you will be encouraged to reflect on what you are learning and how it can be applied

to your personal goals. You will also learn how to challenge familiar ways of thinking that may not

yield the best results.

Therefore, in our first lesson, Choice, we will focus on how our mindset influences the critical choices

we make in pursuit of our visions.


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Our effort can only take us as far as our understanding. Crucial to an entrepreneurial mindset is an

open mindedness, a willingness to approach life as a set of assumptions rather than known facts.

Those with an entrepreneurial mindset tend to approach life as a series of experiments rather than

a set of circumstances over which they have no control.

Rather than accepting things as they are, the entrepreneurial mindset is constantly challenging

beliefs and testing assumptions. Rather than accepting “what is,” entrepreneurs are focused on

“what could be,” always looking for a better way, always pushing the limits of what is possible as well

as the limits of their own untapped potential.

If we are to succeed in college and in life, we must be willing to challenge our beliefs about who we

are and what we are capable of. We must also be willing to challenge our beliefs about the world

around us, to identify problems to be solved, and to better understand the things we can change.

After all, it is this sense of curiosity—combined with the willingness to challenge commonly held

beliefs—that enables entrepreneurs like Uncle Cleve to identify opportunities that others overlook.

In her book, Leadership Therapy: Inside the Mind of Microsoft, Anna Rowley described it in another

way: “You want your beliefs to change. It’s proof that you are keeping your eyes open, living fully,

and welcoming everything that the world and people around you can teach you.” (Rowley, 69) In

other words, if we are to succeed, our beliefs must evolve as we face new challenges and gain new

experiences. Unless we try, we will never really know.

The question is: Are you willing to try?


Andrews, B. R. “Habit.” American Journal of Psychology 14(2), (1908): 121.

Rowley, Anne. Leadership Therapy: Inside the Mind of Microsoft. New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2007.

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