courage and.…  · web viewcourage and. perseverance. come, pick up a hammer, or a shovel, or a...

Post on 20-Sep-2020






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Courage andPerseverance

Cold WintersWarm Hearts

Rebuilding MinotQ&A

You can help Minot’s flooded families return home.

Aliquam enim lacus, consequat eu, porttitor quis, tincidunt vitae, quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Nulla mollis erat non lectus. Ut adipiscing porta est. Donec ut lectus vel odio venenatis ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris nec dolor. Donec congue urna blandit nulla.

Cras nec quam vitae augue gravida tristique. Cras arcu quam, bibendum sed, tincidunt at, suscipit ut, neque. Pellentesque tellus tellus, nonummy ac, auctor in, nonummy id, nisi. Nam nisi ante, varius quis, porta ac, rhoncus sed, mi.

The yellow sign in the yard says,

“I’m coming back.” The tag on the front door indicates that the health department says there’s work to do before people can move in again. The FEMA trailer is in the yard on the right side. It’s 12 by 34 feet of clean and safe living space. But it’s a little cramped for a family. Your willing hands can help people stretch their dollars and speed the process of rebuilding and moving home.Our mission: help people return to a home that is safe, secure, and sanitary in the essential living

Come, pick up a hammer, or a shovel, or a pail.

There’s work for everyone from experienced master electricians to those who

have not done much more than hold a paintbrush.

All Saints’ Church, in conjunction with HOPE Village, can help you to

help Minot families return home.

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Helping people return home after

the Great Flood of 2011

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

301 Main Street, SouthMinot, ND 58701


Who can help? Able-bodied adults and youth over age 12. Skills in construction are less important than being willing to learn and to help respectfully.

Where will we stay? Adults may stay at All Saints’ or at HOPE Village, the ecumenical center of the Rebuild Effort. Groups with youth under age 16 should plan to stay at All Saints’. Make your own meals in our well-equipped kitchen, or eat at HOPE Village. Or stay in your own RV and park it at HOPE Village’s RV area.

How do we get there? Minot, North Dakota is about an hour from the Canadian border, very nearly in the center of the North American continent. Drive: We’re about 8 hours from Minneapolis, and about 4 hours NW of Fargo. Fly into Minot on Delta Airlines. Or fly into the Twin Cities or Fargo and rent a

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Suspendisse ac neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec sed turpis ornare nisl commodo cursus. Curabitur vehicula gravida magna. Morbi luctus. Nam gravida cursus turpis.

Donec risus lectus, auctor non, pretium eu, volutpat ac, ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris vitae dui. Curabitur feugiat, eros nec posuere iaculis, nunc augue pharetra nunc, quis interdum libero risus eu orci. Aenean tempor gravida orci. Sed et est. Nunc massa urna, mollis vitae, viverra ac, vulputate id, dolor. Pellentesque rhoncus

The flood waters came. 25% of the households in our town were flooded. The flood waters stayed. Our community took us in and made room for us. The flood waters have left. We were able to see the unimaginable damage the floodwaters left.FEMA papers and insurance reports were filed. We’ve begun to see the future. Then we waited. Our floors and studs are now dried out. The Muckers came. Together we cleaned out our homes, threw out all the debrisThe City has made its “never again” plans. People now know which houses can be rebuilt. Now we are ready! Ready to rebuild. We could really use your help. We are ready for you!All Saints Episcopal Church was high and dry during the flood. Our building is ready to host at least eight people at a time - and we are working ecumenically so even more space is available at Hope Volunteer Village to come and stay in while you work.We will get you in place, on site and equipped to do the work that is ahead of us. You can find all the forms that you need and links to HOPE Village at:

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