coronation of our lady catholic church 13000 bennington ave. grandview, missouri 64030 ... ·...

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CORONATION OF OUR LADY CATHOLIC CHURCH 13000 Bennington Ave. Grandview, Missouri 64030

Welcome to Our Parish Family December 10, 2017 Second Sunday of Advent


Weekends: 4:00 PM—Saturday 8:15 & 10:45 AM—Sunday Weekdays: 9:00 AM—Mon, Thur, Fri, Sat 6:15 AM—Tuesday 6:30 PM—Wednesday


1/2 hour before each Mass; Saturday 2:15 - 3:45PM;

Wednesday after Mass until 8:00PM




ANOINTING OF THE SICK Inquire at the Parish Office for assistance


Contact: Deacon Mike Dennis, 761-6478

MINISTERS OF CARE If you or a family member is hospitalized

contact the Parish Office. Coordinator: Mollie Lannigan


Mass of Christian Burial Contact: Fr. Hansen


Contact Fr. Hansen if you would like a dinner after a Mass of Christian Burial. Coordinator: Sheila Park


Contact Fr. Hansen nine months in advance


SCHOOL OF RELIGION Contact/Coordinator: Preston Rinne

Would You Like to Join Our Parish Family?

We would love to have you join our Parish Family and share in our events and daily devo-tion to Our Lord. Catholic adults should be registered members of a parish and Catholic families, who wish their children to be enrolled in the Parish School of Religion or receive the sacraments, should also be registered. Ask Fr. Hansen or Deacon Mike Dennis for a Parish Registration Form after Mass or come into our Parish Office, Monday—Thursday or call 816-761-8811 for assistance. Do You Know Someone Who Would Like to Learn More About the Catholic Faith or Who Wants to Become a Catholic?

Contact our Parish Office 816-761-8811


Father Stephen Hansen, Pastor Deacon Mike Dennis


Mr. Preston Rinne, Business Manager

Mrs. Mollie Lannigan, Office Assistant MUSIC DIRECTOR

Mrs. Carol Feuerborn


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday

PHONE: 816-761-8811/ FAX: 816-761-8812


PARISH BULLETIN Call the Parish Office or submit your article to

CHURCH USHERS Contact: Karen Fletcher 816-835-4048 if you would like to be an Usher at Mass

Parish Events This Week


Sunday, December 17 3rd Sunday of Advent

Thursday, December 14

Saturday, December 16

Tuesday, December 12

Friday, December 15

Monday, December 11

Sunday, December 10 2nd Sunday of Advent

Wednesday, December 13

8:15 AM Mass 9:30 AM CCD 10:45 AM Mass

Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower After Masses 5:00 PM Youth Group

9:00 AM Mass 2:15 PM Confession 4:00 PM Mass 5:00 PM Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower

6:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM Mass 5:30 PM Legion of Mary

6:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM RCIA

6:15 AM Mass 7:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:45 AM Tuesday Morning Prayer Group 6:00 PM Weekly Fitness Class for Women & Men 6:00 PM SERRA Club Rosary-Meeting-Dinner

12:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:30 PM Mass 7:10 PM Computer Class this week

5:45 AM That Man is You 6:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM Mass Bulletin Articles Due for Weekends of December 23 & 30

8:15 AM Mass (2nd collection Religious Retirement) 9:30 AM CCD 10:45 AM Mass (2nd collection Religious Retirement) 12:00 PM Christmas Nativity Program & Party 5:00 PM Youth Group

Christmas Tree Presents for the Poor are Due in Today Drop Off Baby Shower Presents Today

RSVP for SERRA Club Dinner


This week on Tuesday we’ll celebrate a very special feast in the Church—Our Lady of Guadalupe. In 1531 the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to now Saint Juan Diego with a message for the people. Here is part of what she said: "My dear li le son, I love you. I desire you to know who I am. I am the ever-virgin Mary, Mother of the true God who gives life and maintains its existence. He created all things. He is in all places. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth. I desire a church in this place where your people may experience my compassion. All those who sincerely ask my help in their work and in their sorrows will know my Mother's Heart in this place. Here I will see their tears; I will console them and they will be at peace. So run now to Tenoch tlan and tell the Bishop all that you have seen and heard." The wooden statue we have in the ves bule of Our Lady of Guadalupe is available for our devo on. Even though a trip to Mexico City to see the famous lma of Saint Juan Diego - where Mary’s image is permanently pre-served - is not possible for everyone, we can all pray before the statue and light candles asking for Mary’s intercession. On Wednesday of this week, December 13th, Matachines dancers will honor the Virgin Mary with in-digenous tradi ons here at Corona on. Although the Feast will have been the day before (where the dancers will be honoring Mary at parishes that have regular Masses in the Spanish language), on Wednesday at 6:15pm they will honor Mary here. The dancers will con-

nue briefly a er the 6:30pm Mass and we’ll have a re-cep on in the parish hall about 7:15pm. All are wel-come. Come enjoy this unique part of the culture of the Americas and of our Catholic Faith! ~ Fr. Hansen

Advent Confessions Prepare for Christmas by going to confession on December 20th. There will be three priests at our parish to hear confes-sions beginning at 6pm and will be heard thru 7:30pm or un l all have been heard.


DISCIPLESHIP and FAITH FORMATION The mission of the Discipleship and Faith Formation Team of Coronation of Our Lady Parish is to plan and provide qual-ity opportunities for adults based on the Gospel and the Catechism of the Catholic Church so they may live Christ cen-tered Catholic lives that contribute to the building of God’s Kingdom within family, parish and global community”.

2017-2018 Fall/Winter Education Programs

‘That Man is You’ Monday’s 6am-7am ‘The Bible and the Sacraments’

All men are invited to share in breakfast and discussion weekly in Parish Library. Facilitators: Elijah Hobbs & Bernie Lohkamp

Tuesday Morning Prayer Group Tuesdays 9:45—11:00 a.m.

Everyone is invited to join Sr. Clare. You can come week-ly or as your schedule allows. We reflect on the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday and discuss how they apply to our daily lives. Consider this your personal invi-tation to deepen your knowledge of Scripture, enliven your faith, enjoy fellowship, and pray for communal, indi-vidual, and world needs. Please consider coming.....and bring a friend!

All of the programs listed here will be held in the Parish Library. There will be ‘NO CLASSES’ beginning the week of December 11 thru January 6. The 2018 class programs will begin the week of January 7th. Monday (mornings): That Man is You Tuesday (mornings): Prayer Group Wednesday (evenings): Computer Class Thursday (mornings): Resumes in January 2018 Thursday (evenings): RCIA

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults The 2017-2018 RCIA program will be held weekly on Thursdays at 7PM. If you know someone who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith and begin the Rite of Christian Initiation, please have them contact the Par-ish Office to get signed up for this program.

Coordinator: Bernard Lohkamp

Thursday Mornings 9:45am - 11:00am Read & Discuss Group with Fr. Hansen

Due to other commitments and a very busy schedule this Fall, Father Hansen’s Read and Discuss Group will re-sume after the first of the year.

Discipleship and Faith Forma on Team You may have no ced a new name for this page above. It was changed to align with the name of the new diocesan office located at the Chancery. We will con nue to provide classes, retreats, cds, books, discussion groups, bible studies as we have in the past. As new programs are developed by the Disci-pleship Office, we will be no fied and trained on how to roll them out to the parish. We meet twice a year to put together our program plans. We want to re-energize our AFF team by adding some new members. New members bring new ideas. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Renee’ Jor-dan 816-916-6659.



Altar & Rosary Society

Holy Days & Special Event Schedule

2017 Winter Ac vi es • December 19: Christmas Dinner/Mee ng/Party Happy Hour begins at 6:15pm, followed by a Christmas dinner and a surprise program. A&R will provide the meatloaf and would like those who a end to bring side dishes, salads and desserts. Since Father will not be able to eat meatloaf, please consider bringing sides that are salt free. Thank you. No salt foods include: Any fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables, (without added sauce), canned vegetables that have no salt added, rice or pasta (sodium free dressing or sauce), fresh chicken or turkey, lean cuts of beef, unsalted nuts or seeds, dried peas or beans, eggs, unsalted margarine, vegetable oil.

President: Pat Julo@787-9425 V-President: Linda Brown@868-6574

Sec: Clairee Banks@765-6539 Treas: Mollie Lannigan@763-1193

As Jesus reminds us that he is the vine and we are the branches, and it is the branches through whose nourishment enlivens the vine, so it is with parish ministries and organiza ons. There are many ministries and organiza ons by which our parish is enriched – some of which require occasional par cipa on, and others which entail regular service. One does not become a parishioner simply by a ending Sunday Mass. Your involvement in one of these ministries and organiza ons will not only enrich your life, but it will also vitalize the communion of faith we enjoy at Corona on of Our Lady.

Check ar cles for the specific details & me schedule December 10: Final Drop-off for Christmas Gi s for the Poor December 10: Youth Christmas Play and Party for all December 10: RSVPs Due for SERRA Club Dinner December 10: Bulle n Ar cle Due for Weekends Dec. 16, 23, 30th December 12: SERRA Club Mee ng-Dinner December 17: Baby Shower for Our Spiritual Adop on Babies December 18-January 7: No Classes Scheduled December 19: A&R Christmas Dinner-Mee ng-Program December 19: Knights of Columbus Rosary & Mee ng December 22-January 2: Parish Office Closed December 20: Advent Confession ln prepara on for Christmas December 22-January 2: Parish Office Closed December 25: Christmas January 8-13: All Parish Classes Resume January 10: First Junior Legion of Mary Mee ng (see page 5)

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Knights of Columbus

KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS - Council 14972 News Our Lady of Perpetual Help Knights of Columbus Mee ng will be held Tuesday, December 19 - Rosary: 6:40pm Mee ng: 7:00pm Meets the third Tuesday of each month in the Parish Center. Interest-ed prac cing Catholic men are invited to meet with members of the council to discuss their par cipa on.

Grand Knight, Steve Berry @ 246-1161 Deputy Grand Knight, Richard Brown @ 765-8278

Financial Secretary, Tony Berter @ 763-8289

Beau fy God’s House


Our next club dinner mee ng is Tuesday, December 12 and will be held at Corona on of Our Lady. It will be preceded by a rosary at 6pm. and dinner at 6:30pm.

RSVP for dinner by Sunday, December 10 with Barb Eckart To find out more about the SERRA Club or how you can become a member or bring the Devo onal Prayer Cross into your home for a month, contact Barb Eckart@816-765-4716 or Deacon Mike Den-nis@816-761-6478.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! A beau ful statue of Our Lady has arrived at our parish from Bosnia. It was purchased and shipped to our parish from anonymous donors. It is 5 tall and will be encased in a new outdoor gro o designed by several of our parishioners. The statue is currently located in the Parish Hall. Stop by a er Mass to see it. If you are a friend of the parish or a visitor and would like to contribute to the ‘Beau fy God’s House’ project, please pick up a pink envelope located in the front entryway. We appreciate your support and prayers.

Beau fy God’s House Team

As of January 1, 2018 Corona on will NO LONGER accept recyclable materials (paper or cardboard). The cost of these services has be-come prohibi ve. Please take recyclable materials to the Kansas City Recycling Center at KCATA Park ‘n Ride lot (I-49 & Red Bridge Rd). This site is free and is available Wed thru Sat each week from 9am to 5pm… closed Sun thru Tue.

Adora on of the Eucharist

Weekly HOURS of ADORATION of the Holy Eucharist Monday: 6am - 10pm Tuesday: 7:00am - 8:00am

Wednesday: 12pm - 10pm Thursday: 6:00am - 10pm Friday 6am to Saturday 9am

Primary Contact: Deacon Mike Dennis @ 761-6478 Secondary Contact: Teresa O’Donnell @ 679-4973

Please call them if you cannot be there at your assigned me slot so they can find someone to take your place OR if you are interested in having or sharing an assigned Adora on Time.

Computer Classes (no charge) New Fundamental & Advanced

Class meets bi-weekly on Wednesday Evenings 7:10 PM. The 2hr. class will have one break. Loca on will be announced in January. Next Class is: January 10. Call the Instructor, Richard Brown at (816) 765-8278 if you have any ques ons. See you there!!



Contributions November 26 $5,460.48

Fiscal Year—As of December 1 Expenses $181,299.16 Income $166,256.14

Queen of Peace Legion of Mary Praesidium

Meets Fridays at 5:30pm in Parish Rectory Basement The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organiza on of lay people in the Catholic Church. Members become instru-ments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of pray-er and service. Works include parishioner visita on, door-to-door evangeliza on, religious educa on and mee ng the needs of the parish community. All are invited and welcome to come as a guest to a Legion of Mary mee ng! There is no obliga on. Contact Deacon Mike or Teresa O’Donnell .

Football Fundraiser at Corona on Our Knights of Columbus are once again doing the NFL Foot-ball Fundraiser. Tickets are $20 and available in the Parish Office or contact Grand Knight, Steve Berry@246-1161. WEEK 11 HIGH Comb. Pts. Tckt. # Prize ADS 104 2255 $500 DSX 101 3545 $175 DSY 101 3721 $175 DFS 100 1464 $8.33 DRS 100 2230 $8.33 ADX 100 552 $8.33 ADY 100 2224 $8.33 ASX 100 2461 $8.33 ASY 100 1507 $8.33 WEEK 11 LOW Comb. Pts. Tckt. # Prize EHN 19 2385 $87.50 EHU 19 831 $87.50

Junior Legion of Mary Praesidium The Junior Legion is an organiza on for the spiritual develop-ment of persons under 18 years of age. Universi es and Semi-naries have groups, too for the college age students. These are considered Senior Legion of Mary adult groups. All Legion of Mary groups, both Senior and Junior, are all run basically the same, with the excep on of the works, which are maturity- and age-appropriate. Each group which is called a praesidium, is run under the guidance of a spiritual director, who is usually a priest or deacon, or in some cases a religious (consecrated) Brother or Sister.

What Benefits Can the Junior Legion of Mary Bring? TO OUR PARISH: It forms a spiritual army of youth within any parish. Many worthwhile tasks are performed, which would otherwise be neglected. As a consequence, more blessings are earned, more graces are gained, and more souls are saved. TO OUR YOUTH: A unique opportunity for spiritual growth is given. No other organiza on offers a daily program of prayer, a weekly work assignment and the discipline of a mee ng each week. In crucial years when forma on is so essen al, the Jun-ior Legion develops confidence and spiritual and mental growth of the personality. Junior Legionaries stand to gain for everything they freely give in service to Mary. TO OUR CHURCH: Lay Apostles are wanted and needed. A firm spiritual founda on given to our youth will insure a source of supply of Lay Apostles for years to come. As Junior Legionaries, our youth are taught to give to their Church as produc ve members, rather than to wait for what they can receive. The Junior Legion forms good Catholics now, and be er Catholics tomorrow. **A er offering this idea up in prayer, Fr. Hansen has chosen to have the youth decide on the name of their Praesidium at their first mee ng on Wednesday, January 10. 7:10-8:10pm. Mary has many names to choose from so do your homework. Youth ages 13-18 are invited to a end. Deacon Mike will be the spiritual leader for this organiza on. For more info on the Junior Legion of Mary: (h p://

HOLIDAY BULLETIN ARTICLES For the Weekends of December 16, 23 & 30

Due to the Holidays, Office Closures and Publisher Deadlines, all bulle n ar cles and updates will be due by December 10th. Send them to coolbulle- as soon as possible.


Jr. High & High School Youth Ministry

Youth Night every Sunday Starts at 5 and ends at 7pm

All youth are encouraged to come and bring a friend.

Coronation’s Youth Ministry News Contact: Preston Rinne

(816)761-8811 x101 or email

What’s Going On Around the Diocese of KCSJ

Yellow - White - Blue Trash Bags are Back!! $12.00/roll in Parish Office - Youth Group Fundraiser

The 25th annual “SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS” Benefit Dinner is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of the Americas. It is scheduled for Friday, January 26, 2018. This event benefits seminari-ans from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, the Diocese of Kan-sas City-St. Joseph and Concep on Seminary College. It promises to be an evening filled with fun and laughter, celebra ng our Catholic faith, dining on wonderful food, and socializing with our priests and seminarians! We have wonderful speakers this year, Archbishop James P. Kelleher, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdio-cese of Kansas City, Kansas, Fr. Jerry Arano-Ponce, and Paul Sapping-ton who is in Pre-Theology II at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Lou-is. SOS will be held at Union Sta on, 30 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, Missouri. The reserva on price is $175.00 per person at tables of ten people. To reserve your place, or an en re table, or donate to the marketplace or VIP silent auc on, contact: Martha Hodes (913) 207-9893 or Check out our new website:

New Parishioners at Corona on This year we have been blessed with the addi on of 14 new parishioners to our parish. New parishioners are encouraged to a end any of our Parish Ministries, Classes or Events espe-cially over the upcoming Holidays. We are glad you are here and welcome to Corona on Parish. Combs, Pat and Mary Connors, Patrick F. and Jill Deines, Yvonne Francis, Joseph Heckadon, Hildagarde Jacobs, Roger and Twila Jordan, Robin Larson, Ian and Katherine Nye, Robert Perez, Donna Rios, Gustavo and Adelaida Walker, Clyde Weedman, Kathy and Robert Yager, Thomas and Kathleen

St. Nicholas Party & Nativity Play After 10:45am Mass TODAY

There will be games with prizes, food and Good Ole Saint Nicholas will be dropping in too. We’ll have Hot Dogs, Chili, Nachos, Drinks & Treats to enjoy. Everyone is invited

Advent Reconcilia on St. Regis/St. Ma hew Advent Reconcilia on Service will be at St. Regis Church on Wednesday, December 13 at 6pm.


Register for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend – it’s the best gi you’ll ever give to each other and your marriage! Make your reserva on now! The next Weekend in Kansas City is April 20-22, 2018. For more informa on or to apply, please visit our website: or call Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-741-4066

or email

News from Your Respect Life Commi ee (RFLC)

There are envelopes in the pews (High $5 for Life) for a contri-bu on to help send a youth to the March for Life held in Wash-ington, DC every January. The Respect Life Group thanks you for your considera on and help with this. The final days of the Spiritual Adop on Program are upon us. The babies will be born near Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus. On December 17th a baby shower will be held in the parish hall. Join us in this celebra on. A baby crib will be in the back of church on Dec. 10th to receive gi s if you can't make it to the party

ADVENT QUIZ…….Do You Know? 1. Who said. “Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour”? 2. Why did the child leap in Elizabeth’s womb? 3. What was the name of that child? 4. What name did the neighbors want to give Elizabeth’s son? Why did they want that name? 5. Who was the Roman Emperor who decreed a census should be taken? 6. Complete the sentence: “Today in the town of David a saviour…” 7. To whom did the angel speak that sentence? 8. Who said “My soul magnifies the Lord”? 9. To whom was it said? 10. Which of the 4 Gospels gives details about the shepherds at Beth-lehem? 11. Which of the Gospels tells us about the wise men? 12. Who was the King who interviewed the wise men? 13. Which of the Gospels begins: “A genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham”? 14. Who was the father of Joseph? 15. Which great Prophet is quoted with the words: “A virgin will con-ceive…”? 16. Which of the Gospels gives us that quota on?

Answers will be in next weeks bulle n.


Parishioners: Ashley Anderson, Bob Axtell, Jus n Butler, Ki y Burton, Rita Ann Comfort, Mary Cooper, Beverly Coomer, Deacon Mike Dennis, Ed Dreiling, Mary Ann Fellner, Terry Goergen, Raymond Gray, Raymond Hermon, Amanda Hernan-dez, Clyde Hestand, Dolores Hoffman, Jacob Johnston, Kenneth Kukowski, Mollie Lannigan, Dolores Levere e, Elizabeth Madrigal, Robert McGuire, Deacon Ralph McNeal, Robert Myers, Joann Nehring, Kim Nguyen, Rita Ranck, Andrew Russell, Pam Russell, Larry San Nicolas, John Shelton, Lyle Smith, Al St. Germain, Lou Synder, Mary Thompson, Be y Vaughn. Family & Friends: Do e Ballard; Jeremy Beck, family of Lin Marrs; Rachelle Beecham, family of Ki y Burton; Tina Delatorre, Mike Fritzshall & Jada Hever-kamp, friends of Esther Sanders; Jim Eckart; Pam Gappa, family of Sister Clare; Be y Genova, sister of Martha Draskovich; Mike Gertsner, Francis Harter family of Becky McNeal; Walter Heyer & Carol Fifer, family of Laura Heyer; Rose Heschmeyer, granddaughter of Elaine Schendt; Michelle Jacobs, family of Joann Nehring; Bonnie Jones, family of Joy Pena; John Lazure, fami-ly of Kathleen Lazure; JoAnn Macauley, family of Georgia Raper; Pa y & Vincent Munoz, family of Elizabeth Madrigal; Nancy Pointer; Walter Snyder, family of Lou Snyder; Caryn Thompson, family of Mary Thompson; Rosie Summers, sister of Ben Teevan; Vincent Rinke uncle of Linda Buchanan;

Rodney Abbo , Glendon R. Allwood, Jonathan Anderson, Alexander Arceo, Lisa Bader, Walter Boyer, Thomas Breece, Nick Christy, Roy Christy, Jeff Cross, Joshua Deehr, Robert Eckel, James Fritzshall, Thomas Gladden, Danny Gladden, Kelly Hillyer, Patrick Kelly, Kieffer Lawson, Chris Markley, Marc Meier, Ma Murdock, Andrew O’Donnell, Daniel Rhodes, William Ridnour, Nicholas Stewart, David Straber, Tim Trewin, Jus n Vasko, Chris Watson, Nancy Wells Weaver, and Bill Wolf.

Please notify the Parish Office to add or remove names from the lists above.

The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hands of God. May all souls of the departed rest in peace in the pres-ence of Our Blessed Mother Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ.

From Death to New Life

Parish Memorials Parish members have asked about how to designate financial memorials. Here are some examples: Capital Improvement Fund This fund is specific and is dedicated to the improvement, not the maintenance of the parish property and facili es. It is with-in the scope of this fund to assist in, not fund, the replacement of roofs, windows, carpe ng, hea ng, plants, office equip-ment, etc. Renova on Fund This fund is specific in vision and long term. The celebra on of the liturgy is the primary reason for the existence of a parish and occasionally the parish structures may be in need of a cos-me c renewal. Addi ons to either fund can be made in the forms of stock, cash or bequests in memory of family members or friends. Monies designated for this purpose cannot be used for capital improvements or for other obliga ons. Golden Leaf Tree Located in the ves bule, leaves are engraved with your loved ones’ name and date of death. Memory Garden Walkway Bricks line our garden path with names of parishioners and loved ones. Contact Preston in the office @ 816-761-8811. Pray for the Sick


The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is commi ed to comba ng sex-ual abuse in the Church. If you are a vic m of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1) Call Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the vic m

is currently under the age of 18), then 2) Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3) A er repor ng to these civil and law enforcement authori es, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valen , at 816.812.2500 or JeniferValen @a .net, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, em-ployee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to vic ms of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact the Vic m Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, at 816.392.0011 or for more informa on.

Saturday, December 9, 2017 9:00 AM +Special Inten on 4:00 PM Corona on Parish Sunday, December 10, 2017 8:15 AM +Albert Bailey by Ben & Be y Teevan 10:45 AM +Kenneth & Charlene Lyon by Larry & Susan Young Monday, December 11, 2017 9:00 AM +Robert Bruce by Jean & Harold Bruce Tuesday, December 12, 2017 6:15 AM +Living and Deceased Members of the Priests' Purgatorial Society by Corona on Parish Wednesday, December 13, 2017 6:30 PM +Robert Bruce by Jean & Harold Bruce Thursday, December 14, 2017 9:00 AM +Msgr. Mancuso by Corona on Friday, December 15, 2017 9:00 AM +Sr. Mary of Divine Love Bulla, SOLT by Lauren & Isaac Jenkins Saturday, December 16, 2017 9:00 AM +Special Inten on 4:00 PM Corona on Parish Sunday, December 17, 2017 8:15 AM +Hildegarde Erben by Dan & Rosanne Gassen 10:45 AM +Kenneth & Charlene Lyon by Larry & Mary Young

Mass Inten ons Did you know you can have a Mass said for a loved one

or special event? Call the Parish Office 761-8811. A $10.00 s pend is requested per Mass.

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