contributors978-94-011-5060-6/1.pdfcontributors batut, 1. (chapter 23) laboratoire de biologie...

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Batut, 1. (Chapter 23) Laboratoire de Biologie Moleculaire des Relations Plantes-Microorganismes, CNRS INRA. BP 27 31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France.

Becker, A (Chapter 6)


Lehrstuhl fur Genetik, Fakultat fur Biologie, Universitiit Bielefeld, Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany.

Binns, AN. (Chapter 12) Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-6018, USA

Bisseling, T. (Chapter 18 and 21) Department of Molecular Biology, Agricultural University, Dreijenlaan 3,6703 RA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Boistard, P. (Chapter 23) Laboratoire de Biologie Moleculaire des Relations Plantes-Microorganismes, CNRS INRA, BP 27 31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France.

Botterman, 1. (Chapter 17) Plant Genetic Systems, Jozef Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Gent Belgium.

Breedveld, M.W. (Chapter 5) Groningen University, Centre for Biology, Department Microbiology, Kerklaan 30,9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands.

Brewin, N.J. (Chapter 18 and 22) Department of Genetics, John Innes Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UH, Great Britain.

Carlson, R. W. (Chapter 7) Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, 220 Riverbend Rd., Athens, GA 30602, USA.

Costantino, P. (Chapter 12) Dip. Genetica e Biologia Molecolare, Universita "La Sapienza" Rome, P.le A Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy.

D'Halluin, K. (Chapter 17) Plant Genetic Systems, Jozef Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Gent Belgium.

Das, A (Chapter 13) Department of Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Genetics Institute, University of Minnesota, 1479 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA

de la Cruz, F. (Chapter 14) Departamento de Bio10gia Molecular, Universidad de Cantabria, C. Herrern Oria sin, 39011 Santander, Spain.

Deng, W. (Chapter 16) Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Box 357242, Seattle, WA 98195-7242, USA

Dessaux, Y. (Chapter 9) CNRS, Institut des Sciences Vegetales, Biltiment 23, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Downie, 1.A. (Chapter 20) John Innes Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UH, Great Britain.

Eardly, B.D. (Chapter 1) Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Farrand, S.K. (Chapter 9 and 10) Departments of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 61801, USA

Finan, T.M. (Chapter 2) Department of Biology, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton ON L8S 4K1, Canada.


Forsberg, S. (Chapter 7) Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, 220 Riverbend Rd., Athens, GA 30602, USA

Geiger, O. (Chapter 4) Technische Universitllt Berlin, Institut fUr Biotechnologie, FG Technische Biochemie, Seest.raBe 13, D-13353 Berlin, Gennany.

Graham, P .H. (Chapter 8) Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN, 55108, USA

Hadri, AZ-E. (chapter 18 and 21) Department of Molecular Biology, AgricultuIal University, Dreijenlaan 3,6703 HA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Hohn, B. (Chapter 15) Friedrich Miescher-Institut, P.O.Box 2543, CH4002 Basel, Switzerland

Hooykaas, PJJ. (Editor) Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Clusius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.

Hynes, M.F.(Chapter 2) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N IN4, Canada.

Johnson, T.M. (Chapter 13) Department of Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Genetics Institute, University of Minnesota, 1479 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA

Kahn, M.L. (Chapter 24) Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6340, USA

Kaminski, P.A. (Chapter 23) Unite de Physiologie Cellulaire, Departement des Biotechnologies URA1300. Institut Pasteur. 28, rue du Dr Roux. 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France.

Kannenberg, E.L. (Chapter 7) Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, 220 Riverbend Rd., Athens, GA 30602, USA

Kijne, J.W. (Chapter 11) Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Clusius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.

Kondorosi, A (Editor) CNRS, Institute des Sciences Vegetales, Avenue de la Terasse, 91198 Gif sur Yvette, CEDEX, France.

Kondorosi, E. (Chapter 19) CNRS, Institute des Sciences Vegetales, Avenue de la Terasse, 91198 Gif sur Yvette, CEDEX, France.

Lanka, E. (Chapter 14) Max-Planck-InstitutfUr Molekulare Genetik, Dahlem, D-14195 Berlin, Germany.

Lugtenberg, B.ll (Chapter 3) Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Clusius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.

Matthysse, AG. (Chapter 11) Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280, USA.

McDermott, T.R. (Chapter 24) Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717-0312, USA

Miller, KJ. (Chapter 5) Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University PaIk, Pennsylvania 16802, USA.

Murphy, P.l (Chapter 9) Department of Crop Protection, University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, South-Australia


Nester, E.W. (Chapter 16) Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Box 357242, Seattle, W A 98195-7242, USA.

Petit, A. (Chapter 9) Institut des Sciences Vegetales, Batiment 23, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Phillips, D.A. (Chapter 19) Department of Agronomy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA.

PUhler, A. (Chapter 6) Lehrstuhl fur Genetik, Fakultat fur Biologie, Universitil.t Bielefeld, Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany.

Quispel, A. (Chapter 25) Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Clusius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.

Reuhs, B.L. (Chapter 7) Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, 220 Riverbend Rd., Athens, GA 30602, USA.

Rossi, L. (Chapter 15) Friedrich Miescher-Institut, P.O.Box 2543, CH4002 Basel, Switzerland.

Sadowsky, M.J. (Chapter 8) Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, S1. Paul, MN, 55108, USA.

Schlaman, H.R.M. (Chapter 19) Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Clusius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.

Spaink, H.P. (Editor and Chapter 18) Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Clusius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.

Tinland, B. (Chapter 15) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH-Ziirich CH-8092, ZUrich, Switzerland.

Udvardi, M.K. (Chapter 24) Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian National University, Faculty of Science, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia.

van Berkum, P. (Chapter 1) Soybean and Alfalfa Research Laboratory, USDA, ARS, HH-19, Bldg. 011, BARC-West, 10300 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USA.

Vance, c.P. (Chapter 26) United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Science Research Unit, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, S1. Paul, MN, 55108, USA.



II-Me-VA II-methyl-cis-vaccenic acid cia structural gene for CF A synthase 3-0-MSI 3-0-methyl-scyllo-inosamine cgm cyclic glucan modification AAI Agrobacten'um autoinducer CRR chromosome Aas acyl transferase, acyl-ACP synthase CHS chalcone synthase ABC A TP binding cassette chv chromosomal virulence gene Ac acetate CL cardiolipin acc catabolism of agrocinopines A+B CLD chain length determining ACC l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylate Cis cardiolipin synthase ACC acetyl-CoA carboxylase cIs structural gene for cardiolipin synthase AccB biotin carboxyl canier protein CM cytoplasmic membrane AccC biotin carboxylase CoA coenzyme A AcFuc acetyl fucose COMf 3-0-methyltransferase AcMeFuc acetyl methyl fucose CPS capsular polysaccharide ACP acyl canier protein CRP cAMP binding protein AcpP constitutive acyl canier protein C-terminal carboxy-terminal acpP structural gene for constitutive acyl cvi chromosomal virulence

canier protein CY cytoplasm AcpS holo-ACP synthase D-Ara D-arabinose AcpXL acyl canier protein involved in transfer of Dct dicarboxylic acid

27-hydroxyoctacosanoic acid dctA dicarboxylic acid transport gene acs gene involved in agrocinopine synthesis DegT pleiotropic regulatory protein from Ag agrocin producing plasmid Bacillus Stearothermophilus agc gene(s) involved in agropine catabolism dfg deoxyfructosyl-glutamine ags agropine synthesis gene, determining the dfop deoxyfructosyl-5-oxo-proline

anabolic amnopine cyclase DFSS dedicated feed stock supply system AM arbuscular mycorrhiza DG diacylglycerol, diglyceride Amt ammonium transporter DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate APS adenosine 5' -phospho sulphate DMPE dimethyl phosphatidylethanolamine Ar Agrobacten'um rhizogenes accessory DNA desoxyribonucleic acid

plasmid DnrJ regulatory protein from Streptomyces ARA acetylene reduction activity peucetius arc gene involved in arginine catabolism DP degree of polymerization Arg proteins responsible for arginine uptake dsDNA double stranded DNA

and transport dso double stranded origin At Agrobacterium spp. accessory plasmid Dtr DNA transfer and replication functions ATA acetyl-CoA:ACP transacylase EC extracellular ATP adenosine triphosphate ED Entner-Doudoroff pathway att attachment Eex entry exclusion BCCP biotin carboxyl canier protein EMP Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas BF-7 I ,2-diacyl-3-0-( a-D-glucopyranosyl-( 1- ENOD early nodulins

3 )-O-a-D-mannopyranosyl)-glycerol EPS extracellular polysaccharide Bj38 adhesin from Bmdyrhizobium japonicum ER endoplasmatic reticulum BNF biological N2 fixation ERIC sequences for enterobacterial repetitive bp base pair intergenic consensus sequences bv. biovar ET electrophoretic types c.q. casu quo exo exopolysaccharide biosynthesis or CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus regulation genes Cb carbamoyl exoC phosphoglucomutase CdsA CDP-diacylglycerol synthetase exp exopolysaccharide biosynthesis or cdsA structural gene for CDP-diacylglycerol regulation genes

synthetase exs exopolysaccharide biosynthesis or cel cellulose synthesis regulation genes CFA cyclopropane fatty acid FAB fatty acid biosynthesis Cfa CF A synthase FAB locus involved in synthesis or regulation

of fatty acids


FAO food and agriculture organization MDO membrane-derived oligosaccharide FITA flavonoid independent transcription MdoH glucosyltransferase

activation Me methyl fix nitrogen fixation gene locus MeFuc methyl fucose flXA electron transport for nitrogen fixation in MeSFuc methyl sulpho fucose

Rhizobium M1 Mesorhizobium loti f/XU unknown function in Rhizobium MLEE multilocus enzyme electrophoresis g gram MMPE monomethyl phosphatidylethanolamine G3P glycerol-3-phosphate Mob locus conferring ability to be mobilised Gal galactose moe rhizopine catabolism (Rhizobium), GalA galacturonic acid mannityl opine catabolism GDH glutamate dehydrogenase (Agrobaeterium) Glc glucose modA synthesis membrane-derived GlcA glucuronic acid oligosaccharides GlcNAc N-acetyl glucosamine mos genes involved in rhizopine biosynthesis gIn glutamine MP megaplasmid glp glycerol catabolic operon Mpf mating pair formation functions GntR class of bacteria; regulatory proteins MSmedium Murashige and Skoog medium GOGAT glutamate synthase mue (mucoid), exopolysaccharide biosynthesis GpsA biosynthetic glycerol-3-phosphate or regulation genes

dehydrogenase ndv locus involved in nodule development gpsA structural gene for glycerol-3-phosphate nfe nodule formation e.fficiency locus

dehydrogenase Ngrol Nicotiana glauca rol GS glutamine synthase nie specific cleavage site in oriT gus 13-glucuronidase nif nitrogen fixation gene locus ha hectare NLS nuclear localization signal hem heme synthesis NMR nuclear magnetic resonance HIS proteins responsible for histidine uptake noc genes involved in nopaline catabolism

and transport nod nodulation gene locus HMW high molecular weight Nod Factor nodulation factor (lipochitin HR hypersensitive response oligosaccharide) IBC inbred backcross line methodology noe nodulation gene locus IFR isoflavone reductase nol nodulation gene locus IHF integration host factor nos gene involved in nopaline biosynthesis, Inc incompatibility group determining the nopaline synthase ipt isopentenyl transferase nox genes determining the nopaline oxidase IV intervening sequences NPS nodule polysaccharide kb kilobase NR nitrate reductase kD kilodaltons NtBBFI Nieotiana tabacum domain B KDO keto deoxy octonate bindingfactor 1 Kdo 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid N-terminal amino-terminal kps capsular polysaccharide synthesis gene ntr genes involved in the regulation of the LB leghemoglobin nitrogen metabolism of the bacterial cell LCO lipo-chitin oligosaccharide oce genes involved in octopine catabolism LHR limited host range oed gene determining the OCDase LMW low molecular weight OCDase ornithine cyclodeaminase Ips lipopolysaccharide synthesis gene oes gene involved in octopine synthesis, LPS lipopolysaccharide determining the octopine synthase LpxA UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine-3-O- OM outer membrane

acyltransferase omp outer membrane protein LSUrRNA large subunit ribosomal RNA one oncogenic lux bioluminescence oox genes determining the octopine oxydase Mabs monoclonal antibodies orr open reading frame Man mannose oriT origin of conjugal transfer mas genes involved in the synthesis of the oriT/fro origin of trans ferl genes involved in

mannityl opines mannopine and conjugal transfer of the plasmid mannopinic acid oriV origin of vegetative replication

MCP methyl accepting chemotaxis protein


oriVlrep origin of replication/genes involved in Re Rhizobium etli replication of the plasmid rep replication

P5C delta-I-pyrroline-5-carboxylate REP sequences for repetitive extragenic PA phosphatidic acid palindromic sequences PAL phenylalanine anunonialyase Rf Rhizobium fredii PAPS 3' -phosphoadenosine 5' phosphosulphate rfa lipopolysaccharide core oligosaccharide PBM peri-bacteroid membrane synthesis gene in enteric bacteria PBS peri-bacteroid space rjb lipopolysaccharide O-chain synthesis PC phosphatidylcholine, lecithin gene in enteric bacteria PCR polymerase chain reaction RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism PE phosphatidylethanolamine RGD arginine-glycine-aspartate PEPC phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase RGE arginine-glycine-glutamate PG phosphatidylglycerol R-Gene resistance gene PGP phosphatidylglycerol phosphate Rha rhamnose PgpA PGP phosphatase I rhiABC rhizosphere-expressed nodulation genes pgpA structural gene for PGP phosphatase I RhiR regulator of rhiABC operon PgpB PGP phosphatase II Ri root inducing pgpB structural gene for PGP phosphatase II rkp rhizobial K-antigen synthesis gene PgsA phosphatidylglycerol phosphate synthase RkpF RkpF protein, an ACP pgsA structural gene for phosphatidylglycerol rkpF structural gene for RkpF protein, involved

phosphate synthase in formation of rhizobial capsular PHB polyhydroxybutyrate polysaccharide PHB poly-~-hydroxybutyrate Rip Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar pho genes involved in phosphate uptake phaseoli PI phosphatidylinositol Rlt Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii pin plant inducible locus Rlv Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar vieiae PL phospholipid Rm Rhizobium meliloti PlsB glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase Rn Rhizobium species NGR234 plsB structural gene for glycerol-3-phosphate RNA ribonucleic acid

acyltransferase rol (A, B, C, D), root locus (A, B, C, D) PisC l-acyl-glycerol-3-phosphate rop Rhizobium outer membrane protein

acyltransferase rm ribosomal genes plsC structural gene fori-acyl-glycerol-3- rRNA ribosomal RNA

phosphate acyltransferase Rsp Rhizobium species pmtA structural gene for phospholipid N- Rt Rhizobium tropici

methyltransferase RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain PP periplasm reaction PRA peanut root agglutinin saeB levansucmse gene from B. subtilis PRP proline-rich proteins SAH S-adenosylhomocysteine PS phosphatidylserine SAM S-adenosylmethionine pse polysaccharide synthesis SDS-PAAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate gel Psd phosphatidylserine decarboxylase electrophoresis psd phosphatidylserine decarboxylase SecA A TP-binding protein of Sec-dependent

structural gene protein secretion psi polysaccharide inhibition genes Shc squalene-hopene cyclase PSL Pisum sativum lectin she squalene-hopene cyclase structural gene PSM peri-symbiont membrane SI scyllo-inosamine psr polysaccharide regulation genes SM symbiosome membrane pss polysaccharide synthesis genes spp species Pss phosphatidylserine synthase sqd genes involved in sulfolipid biosynthesis pssA structural gene for phosphatidylserine ssDNA single stranded DNA

synthase ss-I-DNA single stranded transferred DNA put catabolism of proline SSUrRNA small subunit ribosomal RNA pv. pathovar Suc succinate Pyr pyruvate Sym symbiotic gene-containing plasmid RIM restriction/modification Syr symbiotic regulation RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA syr symbiotic regulator gene RB,LB right border and left border sequences ICA tricarboxylic acid


T-DNA Ti TIP TL tml tmr tms TR Tr Tra Ira Tral trb trl

transferred DNA tumor inducing tumor inducing principle T-Left tumor morphology large tumor morphology root tumor morphology shoot T-right tartrate-utilization plasmid transfer phenotype conjugal transfer conjugative transfer of Ti plasmid conjugal mating bridge traR-like

tRNA TY tzs UDP-GlcNAc


transfer RNA trypton yeast extract trans-zeatin synthesis uridine-diphosphate-N-Acetyl Glucosamine utilization of glycerol-phosphodiesters cis-vaccenic acid Vibrio autoinducer vesicular arbuscule mycorrhizal virulence genes wide host range yeast extract mannitol

Subject Index


AAI Aas proteins aatgenes


77,215,216,218,220,222,223,535 64,73,535

ABC trWlSport systems abiotic factors

464 73,86,87,99,104,105,242

148, 156, 164 20,163,396,406,519

163 20

61,409,535 173,182-185,203-220,515,525,535

184,212,214,217,220 184,212,214


Acacia albida seya/

ACC acc genes

accR accoperon ACC oxidase Acc proteins

AceB AccC AccF AccR

acetate kinase acetoacetyl-ACP Acetobacter

diazotrophicus xylinum

acetosyringone 323,330,331

acetyl fucose acetyl methyl fUcose acetyl trWlSferase acetyl-ACP acetyl-CoA

61,535 61,535

184,218 182,184,212,214,216,220

466,472 61

9,93,98 9

93,98 192,235,269,271-274,286,304,

393,394,535 394

390,391,392,393 61

61-63,465-475,535 ACP transacylase

acetyl-CoA carboxylase acetyl-CoA synthetase acetylene reduction acidic chitinase ackgenes

61 61,63,535

466,472 437,472,517,519,535


ackA ACP ACPacylase acp genes

acpP Acp proteins

AcpP AcpS AcpXL

acs genes Actinomycete actinorhizae actinorhizal actinorhizal nodule actinorhizal symbiosis

466 61,63,64,67,131,535,537



64,67,535 64,67,535

67,535 189,535

512 494,504 427,488

348,356,358,516 348,349,421


active oxygen species 421 acv genes

acvB 305,325,326,330,332 Acv proteins

AcvB 305, 325, 326, 330 acyl carrier protein 56, 64, 65, 67, 390, 392, 535 l-acyl-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltrWlSferase 69,537 acyl transferase 59,73,131,392,535 acyl-ACP 61,73,535 acylase 56,64,67,76, 120, 123, 127,224,388,391

395,396 ' acyl-homoserine lactone 220 acyloxyacyl 124,131 adenosine 5' -phosphosulphate (APS) 391 adhesin 239,241,242,243,244,245,333 535 adhesion 141,237-239,243,244,246,247,299: 489 A-element 368 377 aerobic nitrogen fixers 433' 454 Aeromonas ' 21 Aeschynomene 13,14,354

jIuminensis 354 indica 13 14

affmity i23 Afghanistan pea 349,391,394,413 Afipia 9, 14, 129

c1evelandensis 9 ftfu 1~

Ag+ 405 agc genes 535 agriculture 13,161,169,171,231,349,510,521,524,

525,528,530,536 Agrobacterium

host specificity 321 radiobacter 1,3,10,11,69,85,86,93,100, 109,

129,182,183,186,200,210,212,222,226,229 K112 212 K299 186 K84 183,186,192,210,212,222,226

rhizogenes 1,3,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18,28,33,69, 155,175,176,183,186,187,200,202,210,222, 227,229,241,251,254,258,259,262,264,323, 325,327,339,343,535

15834 202 227 A ' 4 186,200,202,222,227

rubi 3,9, 10, 11, 12 tumefaciens 1,3,9-12,26-28,30,31,33,49,

52,58,69,71,75,77,81,82,84-88,90,91,93, 107,109, 112, 121, 125, 129, 130, 146, 155, 173, 175-177,182-184,200,202,207,225,227-229, 235,237-240,242-244,247,251,253,254,261, 264,267,281,282,295,298,303-308,311,314, 316,321,323-334,339,362,440,492,528

15955 187,222 A281 328,331,339 A348 207,331


A6 A6NC AB2I73 B6 B0542 C58 Chry9 DIOB/87 T37

207,240,268,331 207 327

212,214,223,253 184,222,331



222 331

210,211,253,262 9,12, 13, 18, 155, 177, 193,200,202,210,

229,230,236,322,323,325,327,328,332 Ag162 323,327 Ag57 327 Ag63 327

Agrobacterium chromosomal factor 328 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation 325, 333, 334,

335,339,340,341,342 agrocinopines A+B 182-186,204,211,535 agrocinopines C+D 183,184,211 agroinfection 316,323,324,325,334 agropine 175,176,187,188,190,200,202,210,

213,222,255,258,323,325,535 agropine-type strains 323 ags genes 187, 188,535 alanine dehydrogenase 474 Alcaligenes 3, 93, 100 alcohol dehydrogenase 470,472 aldehyde dehydrogenase 472 alfalfa 17,18,19,85,90,107,113,114,115,138,

139,140,148,152,162,166,177,181,243,331, 349,371,373,374,375,390,391,407,408,410, 411,412,413,414,417,424,438,439,444,445, 453,470,471,472,473,474,475,478,479,495, 496,511,514,516,518,519,521,522,523,526, 527,528,529

alfalfa nodules invasion of

alkalinization Alnus

glutinosa altruistic model AM mycorrhiza Amaryllidaceae aniides

390 90,97,107,114,424,444,453,475,478

115,407,411,412,413 356,421,492,494,496,501,512,519

492,494,496,501 496


amino acid metabolism 2-aminogluconate ammonium assimilation ammonium permease Amphicarpa bracteata amphiphilic fatty acid derivative Ams proteins

AmsA Amt Anabaena anaerobic adaptation Andira

inennis angiosperms

334 479,480,511 440,474,480 124, 130, 131 445,479,501

499 159 76

111 465,535 494,512

515 352,354,357,419,424

354 333,427,492

animal-microbe interaction 119 anionic substituents 82, 92 antagonistic effect 495 anthocyanin 136,143 antiactivator 203,220 antibiosis 166 antibiotics 14,20,26,31,38,39,45, 123, 164, 165,

179,183,184,186,226,227,488,520 antigenic 48,125,126,145,425 antiserum 48,126,130,131,404,445 apigenin 148,373 apolipoprotein 73 application 31,115,123,156,183,257,339,342,

343,404,405,413,490,501,510,530 APS 248,391,392,535 APS kinase Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum ARA

392 9

517,519,521,535 237,264,314,333,340,341,342,343, Arabidopsis

344,405 thaliana

arabinose arabinosylation Arachis


237,333 183,218,395,467

393,395 352,354,357,367,518

352 arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses 427 arc genes arcAB ArcB Arg

190,535 228 274 535

aromatic compounds 158,163,468,526 163,468

274 473,475


metabolism of AsgA aspartase aspartate

488 aspartate aminotransferase 464,478 assimilation 437,440,441,444,445,462,463,465,

469,477,479,480,499,501,509,514,521 associations 487,488,489,490,491,493,494,495,

497,498 Astragalus

sinicus Atplasmids

pArA4 pAtC58 pAtKI12 pAtK84b pAtRlOb

ATA 535

15,112,162,396 112 200 227

202,226,227,228 211

186,210,211,212,222,226,227 228

ATP binding cassette (ABC) 86,87,99, 104, 105, 145,239,242,535

ATP sulphurylase 391,392,491 ATP-binding motif 297,395 atrazine 526 atrazine halidohydrolase 526 att genes 90,237,239,240,241,243,245,247,329,


attmutants Att proteins


AttJ 239 AttR 239,240

attAI-H genes 239 AttA1-H mutants 239 attachment 34,47,56,67,84,91,97,112, 115, 121,

124,125,139,140,144,161,204,208,225,235, 236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245, 246,247,249,306,311,316,322,328,329,333, 388,390,394,395,441,489,490,535

atzgenes atzA

autoinducer autoinduction autophosphorylation autoregulation autoregulatory circuit

526 77,206,215,220,223,535,538

214,215,216 273,276,297,304,449,450

107,359,363,365,368,369,382 452

258,259 236,252,255-264,267,327,328,

auxgenes auxm

341,409-411,415,479,493 auxin toxicity 328

411 57,421


auxin-responsive promoter auxotrophic mutant AVG axi genes

axil 411 Azoarcus 490 Azolla 494,502,512 Azorhizobium 1,9,11,12,13, 14,35,39, 119, 155,

156,348,349,354,361,363,393,432,437,462, 463,464,465,478,480,498,511,512

caulinodans 13, 129, 363, 364, 365, 367, 371, 375,395,396,434,435,437,440,441,444,445, 449,450,452,453,454,455

Azospin"llum 9,82,84,85,93,434,489,490,491,498 brasilense 9,84,85,93,435

Azotobacter 75,432,433,434,435,474 beijerinckii 474 vinelandii 432,433,434,435


bac genes bacA 446

Bac proteins BacA 431,446,447

Bacillus 3,7,76,480,535 radicicola 3, 480

bacterial invasion 137,357,424,425,427 bacterial pathogens 4,59,121,143,321,490 bacterial release 493 bacteriocin 32,77,164 bacteriohopanetetro1 76 bacteriohopanetetro1 phenylacetate monoester 76 bacteriophage 38,47,49,225,342 bacteriophage ~X174 285,286


bacteroid 15,33,47,48,49,50,51,52,58,90,94, 114,121,134-137,139,141-143,149,175,177, 179,181,193,236,352,354,357,363,380-382, 423-427,432,437-447,453,454,461,466,468-475,477-480,489,493,495-500,503,514

differentiation 50,149,432,437,438,439,445, 446,447,453,454,469

bacteroid malfunction bacteroid membrane bacteroid-like cells

424 179,443,445,478,500

497 balance of nodule mass and number ballistic microtargetting

521 411

bamase Bartonella bacilli/ormis BCCP

342,343 9

61,535 bean 17,18,134,136,138,141,143,156,157,159,

161,168,237,241,244,342,352,373,374,393, 395,398,408,467,468,470,472,474,475,511, 515,518,519,520,521,526

Bei,ierinck 1,3,11,21,468,480,481 Beijerinckia indica 9 betaine lipid 73 Betulaceae 512 BF-7 73,535 biological control 175 biological nitrogen fixationl 68,357,425,426,433,

469,519 biomass biosynthesis biotechnology biotic factors biotin

156,159,518,525,527,528,529 387

526,528 148, 164

biotin carboxyl carrier protein biotin carboxylase

56,61,63,78,475,535 61,535 61,535

525 Birdsfoot Trefoil Bj38 Blastobacter

241,243,535 9,14

9 169,171,510,519,520,521,535

283,291,298 140,423


denitrificans BNF Bordetella pertussis boron BOX Bradyrhizobium

elkanii 1, 13, 14, 100, 122, 125, 127, 129, 130, 137, 396, 520

Nod factors 396 ,iaponicum 9,13,14,19,26,27,28,32,35,37,

38,52,83,84,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,100, 105, 111, 113, 122, 125, 129, 130, 137, 158, 160, 161,162,164,165,166,241,363,364,365,367, 368,371,373,374,375,377,379,381,382,394, 395,396,397,398,426,434,435,437,440,441, 442,444,445,446,447,449,450,451,452,454, 455,465,466,467,468,472,473,474,477,478, 492,520

Nod factors 396 liaoningense 13 melitensis 93


branched infection threads Brassica

campestris juncea rapa

brassinolides Brazil soybean Broadbean broad-host range Brucella

abortus neotomae 16SrRNA

Bryophyllum daigremontiana Buchnera Burkholderia

solanacearum Bushc10ver BvgS



144 526 324 492 520 526

362,467 9,52,82, 93, 129

52,93,129 9

93 241 503

93 526 274

CN n~n5 C-1, C-2, C-3 compounds 461,465 C-4 compounds 183,396,461,466 C-5 compounds 461,467 C-6 compounds 82,391,394,396,461,466,467 C? 3~ Ca2+-binding protein 329,397 Caesalpinioideae 349,354 Cag proteins 283

CagE 285 calcium 47,48,91,140,161,243,245,247,329,405,

406,407,423,446 calcium ion requirement 47 calcium ions 423 calcium spiking 407 callose 137,425 callus 340, 342 CaMV 35S 259 526 capsular polysaccharide 77,79,120,149: 395 carbamoyl 391 carbamoyl substituents 391,535 carbamoyl transferase 392 carbon assimilation 514 carbon metabolism 432,441,446,454,465,467,469,

470,471,474,480,515 carboxylase 61,63,465,469,471,474,479,537 carboxyltransferase 61 cardiolipin 56 69 535 cardiolipin synthase ' , 535 carotenoid 76 carotenoid acid 76 carrot cell line 411 Casuarina 356,501,512 cat-scratch disease 59 129 Caulobacter crescentus 28: 218

cbg genes cdc genes

cdc2 CDP-choline CDP-choline pathway CDP-dig1yceride CDP-diglyceride synthase cds genes

cdsA Cds proteins

CdsA Ceanothus Ceasalpinioideae eel genes

celABCDE celmutants cell


408 71 71 69 69


69,535 356

2 241,535

241 241

death 137,139,328 density 56 77 223 division 137,256,261,325,352,356,408:409,

410,411,414,438,446,480,493,503 envelope 40,45,46,47,48,50,56, 91, 94, 145,

329,424 invasion 137,143,348,349,352,357,417,423,

424,427 surface 47,48,88,91,97,99,109,112,119,120,

121,127,138,139,140,141,144,145,147,149, 153,165,236,238,240,241,243,244,247,293, 329,423,427,462,489

wall 48,59,113,121, 127, 139, 140, 141, 143, 179, 235,240,242,244,245,304,333,354,356,357, 403,407,417,418,419,423,425,490,501

cell cycle processes 419 cellulose 47,98,235,236,237,240,241,243,329,

419,489,535 cellulose fibrils 236,237,240,241,243,329 Centrosema 18 Ceratozamia 512 cereals 322,334,340,341,501 CF 215 CFA 63,535 cfa genes 63, 535 Cfa proteins 63, 535 C-factor 493 cgm genes 81,84,85,87,89,92,94,535 chain length determining 147,535 chalcone synthase 148,373,414,495,535 chemotaxis 71,165,182,218,235,330,488,492,536 Chickpea 16,525 chimeric gene 67,343 chiro-inositol 470 chitin oligomers 388,390,391,491 chitin oligosaccharides (COs) 120 chitin synthase 392 chitinase 342 chitinases 391 chitolytic enzyme 495 chloroplast 75, 326,425, 502

genes choline kinase II chromatography chromosomal background

502 426

122, 123, 127, 128, 146 228,229,240,273,322,

328,331,332 chromosomal virulence chvgenes

269,331,535 88,90,91,94,241,329,535 84,86,87,90,91,241,329

86,240 84,85,86,90,91,240,241,243,329

84,90,91,240,243,329 330

323,329,331 329,330 329,330

chvA chvA mutants chvB chvB mutants chvD chvE chvG chvI

Chv proteins ChvA 81,86,87,94,240 ChvB 81,85,86,87,89,94,240,242 ChvE 272,273,276,323,330,331 ChvG 106, 329 ChvI 106, 329

Cicer 15,16,160,517 arietinum 15, 16

cis-II,12-methyleneoctadecanoic acid 58 cis-7 -tetradecenoic acid 56 cis-acting sequences 270 cis-vaccenic acid 58, 62, 538 cis-vaccenoyl-ACP 62 citrate synthase 471 CL 55,56,69,70,535 CLD 111,535 cld genes 147 clear zone 404 CloDF13 286 Clostridium pasteurianum 432,433 clover 73,137,139,156, 159, 160, 163,230,243,245,

349,359,373,395,417,425,470,472,496,511, 516,524,526

cls genes 70, 535 Cis proteins 70, 535 CMP-Kdo synthetase 145 CoA 61,67,472,535 coenzyme A 61,67,535 co-evolution 491,494 cofactor 63, 64, 433, 434, 435, 467, 512 coinducer 362,369,371,375,377 coinducers 369 Collema 512 colonial endophyte 427 colony autoradiography 57 Commelina communis 334 common 362 common nodulation gene 382 comparative anatomy of the root nodule 347,349 competition 40,156,160,162,164,165,166,177,

178,181,228,283,307,376,488,489 competitive nodulation 398


competitiveness 109,113,139,156,163,164,165, 166,167,398,523

complement 35,86,87,92,93,105,144,165,226, 228,269,297,305,306,307,322,324,325,328

Comptonia 356 condensing enzyme 61 conditioned medium 239,242 conjugal opines 186,211,212,213,214,218,222,227 conjugation 25,26,29,30,31,34,35,38,182,192,

200,201,202,204,205,206,207,208,210,211, 212,213,214,216,218,220,222,223,224,226, 227,228,231,237,247,281,282,283,288,290, 291,293,295,298,299,307,308,316

conjugation factor 215 conjugative plasmid 30,254,282,283,290,291,293,

299,316 conjugative transfer 285,286,291,297,308,316,538 consensus sequences 28,52,67,285,311,365,371,

375,434,499,535 constitutive ACP constitutive expression constitutive mutant contaminant Cop proteins

CopA corals

64 212,274,330,365,446,451

273,274,275 526,527

441 501

core 45, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,130,131,133,138,140,143,144,200,205, 209,210,229,230,255,262,298,365,373,441, 450,465,469,537

co-regulation 212, 375 cortical cell division 73,354,408-411,414,493

ACC oxidase 409 cdc2 408 ENODl2 407,408,412 EN0D40 408,410,411,414 ENOD5 407,408 ethylene 405,407,409

ethylene blockers 405 Ag+ 405 AVG 405

Gm93 408 inner cortical cells 408 MtPRP4 408 outer cortical cells 406, 408, 410 protoxylem poles 409 stele factor 409 uridine 409

cortical cells 113, 236, 350, 354, 356, 358,408, 409, 410,411,414,419,511

cosmid vector 38, 362 Covvpea 162,377,380,435,437,467,468,472,525 cox genes


E. coli Kl Cps proteins


440 97,98,99,120,140,243,535




CpsD 111 crack entry 354,357,419 crack infection 490 crop 13, 16, 18, 156, 157, 159, 168,318,335,341,

343,509,517,518,519,522,523,524 crop management 519 crop species 341,343,509 cropping systems 510,522,524,525,528 cross-talk 444,499 crown gall 2,10,11,30,155,173,175,176,187,

188,190,212,218,222,224,226,227,228,236, 251,253,254,256,258,259,261,262,267,321, 322,323,324,332,333,334,335,339

Crp proteins C-terminal domain cucumopine cucumopine-type cultivation cvi genes cyanobacteria eye genes

451 111,209,274-276,448-450

174,176,210,255,258 332

2,496 85,535


eycA 440 ey~ 440 eyeC 440 eyeH 441 eyd 441 eyeK 441 ey~ 441 eycM 440

Cycads 502,512 cyclic /3-linked glucans 424 cyclic glucan 73,77,83,84,85,86,87,89,91,92,

120,535 cyclic /3-1 ,2-g1ucan 329 cyclodextrin-producing 92 cyclopropane fatty acid 63, 535 cysteine protease gene 426 cysteine-rich proteins 425 cytochrome biosynthesis 454 cytochromes 27,269,325,440,441,454,500,502

aa3 440,441 bCI complex 440 C550 440 Cm 440 C554 440 cb~ 441 P450 269,325,440

cytokines 130 cytokinin 236,256,257,260,261,262,263,264,

267,325,327,409,410,493 cytological 133,137,354,410,425,437,438 cytoplasm 86, 104, 134, 138,273,282,290,295,

296,303,307,309,310,311,312,352,353,354, 355,356,357,358,404,407,408,412,414,419, 424,425,438,444,445,468,469,477,478,479, 480,494,501,516,535

cytoplasmic bridges 408

cytoplasmic membrane 45,46,47,56,73,85,86, 87,88,98,99,104,106,108,140,145,225,290, 293,295,296,322,369,377,388,393,395,442, 450,468,493,499,501,502,535

cytoplasmic streaming cytoskeleton


detgenes detA detA-laeZ detB detD

Dct proteins DctA

deacetylation decontamination defense

404,406 318,357,417,490

133,472 181,442,444,449,466,499,535

499 442,446,499 442,444,499

442,466 388 525

defense related reaction defense related-responses

394,421,422,423,427,489 115 394 414 414 414 414

acidic chitinase chalcone synthase exopolysaccharide hypersensitive reaction lipopolysaccharide phenylalanine ammonialyase

Deg proteins DegT


414 414

179,535 526

dehydrogenase 69,190,191,390,392,463,465,466, 467,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,479,498

de-N-acetylase 392 deoxycholate 122 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid 67,536 3-deoxyheptulosaric acid 124 deoxyhexoses 125 dependence 495 Desmodium 18,158,467,518 determinate 134, 137, 139, 143, 149 determinate meristems 390 detoxification 325, 525 developmental stages 135,136,141,322 dfg 187,188,190,192,535 dfop 176,188,535 DG 73,232, 535 DHAP 69,479, 535 diacylglycerol 71, 73, 75, 120, 125, 535 diacylglycerol kinase 73 I ,2-diacyl-3-O-( a-D-glucopyranosyl-( 1-3)-O-a.-D-

mannopyranosyl)-glycerol 74, 535 1,2-di-O-acyl-[ 4' -(N, N, N-trimethyl)-

homo serine ]glycerol diamine oxidase diazinon diazotrophic bacteria


73 421 526


dicarboxylic acid 133,381,442,446,449,455,472, 474,475,480,488,497,499,500,515,535

dicarboxylic acid transport 133,449,499, 535 dicots 236, 333, 334 diethylcarbamates 526 dihydroxyacetone phosphate 69,466,535 DIMBOA 333 dimethyl phosphatidylethanolamine 69,535 dinitrogen fixation 488,494, 496, 498 dioxin 526 diplopterol 75 dipterocarpol 492,496 direct gene transfer 339,341 disaccharides 468 dispensable vir genes 326 DMPE 69,535 DNA binding 12, 106,222,269,274,275,277,

290,298,305,310,311,324,326,369,375,378, 450,452,465

dna genes dnaA dnaK

DNA homology Dna proteins

446 28


Dna] 392, 398 DNA reassociation 5 DNA transfer 206,223,236,247,267,268,269,282,

283,286,288,290,291,293,299,316,339,535 DNA transport 290,291,298,299 Dnr proteins

DnrJ DOC Drosophila dso

179,535 122, 123, 146


dIDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase dIDP-rhamnose synthesis

285,535 110 111

204,205,208,226,535 521

Dtr proteins duration of activity


146 E. carotovora E. coli 21,27,28,34,35,39,50,52,56,58,

59,61,62,64,65,67,69,70,73,75,76,98,109, 130,131,133,144,145,147,148,149,184,217, 218,225,226,271,273,274,275,316,330,339, 343,362,364,398,435,446,447,448,449,450, 452,473,474

E. stewartii ectosymbiosis edible bean EDTA Eex proteins effectivity emux Eleagnaceae Eleagnus

146 488 526

47,247 224,535

494 397 512



electrical energy 525 electricity 527 electron transport 71,434,477,536 electrophysiological changes 407 electroporation 34,35 elicitation 139,408,423,493 elicitor 92, 115, 148 elongation 59,62,82,85,264,343,426 Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas 467, 535 embryogenic tissue 334, 335, 340 endocytosis 140,423, 424, 493, 502 endodermis 352 endopeptidase 73 endophyte 425,427 endophytic population 494, 503 endoplasmatic reticulum 424, 535 endosymbiosis 136, 352, 355,423,427,432,445,

487,488,491,494,496,498,501,502,503 EN0D12 421 enoyl-ACP 61 Enterobacter 7 enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) 4 Enterococcus hirae 441 Entner-Doudoroffpathway 467,535 entry exclusion 206,209,224,225,535 enviromnental signals 271 epidermis 352,354,357,403,405-409,411-414

electrophysiological changes 407 alkalinization 407,411,412,413 calcium spiking 407 developmental stages 407 membrane depolarization 407, 413

gene expression 407,412 EN0D12 407,408,412 ENOD5 407,408 leghemoglobin 407 Mtripl 407 peroxidase 407 VsLbl 407

root hair deformation 404,405,410,411,412,413 clear zone 404 cytoplasmic streaming 404,406 developmental stages 407 ethylene 405,407,409 spectrin 404 swelling 404,405,406,408 tip growth 404,405,406,408

epitope 52, 134, 136,141,143,149,424 epitope expression 134,136,141,143 EPS 14,67,86,89,97,98,100,102,104,105,106,

107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,122, 140,144,145,146,148,165,239,240,243,245, 423,489,493,494,495,535

galactose galacturonic acid glucose mannose NPS

100,109 100

100,111 98,100



pyruvate 98 rhanrnose 100,111 role in infection 423

EPS I 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,112,113,114,148

EPS II 97, 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, Ill, 112, 114, 115, 148

Eps proteins EpsB

ER ERIC Erwinia

III 493


amylavora 111,146 herbicola 105 herbivora 93

esterases 526 estrogen-receptor 492 ethanol 470,472,515 ethylene 113,343,359,405,407,409,517 ethylene blockers 405 eukaryotes 71,86,94,310,316,326,502 eukaryotic cells 257,299,322,488,502 evolution 487,488,496 evolutionary diversity of the nodulation process 347,348 evolutionary tinkering 504 exo genes 49,67,97, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110,

112,113,114,242,259,262,371,410,424,535 exoA 105, 106, 107 exoB 105,107,109,125,148 exoC 89,102,105,109,329,535 exoC mutants 89,240 exoD 102, 105 exoF 106, 107 exoG 105 exoll 105,107,109,110,113 exollKLAMONP 102 exoK 105 exoL 105 exoA1 105,110 exoN 05,110 exoP 105,106,107,110,111 exoQ 110 exoR 102, 106, 109, 111, 114 exaS 102,106,114 exoT 106, 110 exoV 110 exoWV 102 exa)( 105,106,107,108,114 exoY 105,106,107,108, 109, 114 exoY~ 102, 107 exoZ 110

Exo proteins ExoA ExoB ExoC ExoF ExoH ExoK

110 109

109,240 110 110 III

ExoL 110 ExoM 105, 110 ExoN 109 ExoO 105,110 ExoP III ExoQ III ExoR 106 ExoS 106 ExoT III ExoU 110 ExoW 105,110 ExoX 105, 106, 108 ExoY 105,106,108,110 ExoZ 110

exopolysaccharide 86,97,98, 100, 106, 109, Ill, 141,164,165,361,535,536

biosynthesis 97,98, 100, 109,535,536 function 112 genetics 100 regulation 106 structure 97,98,100

exp genes 97, 104, 107, 111,505,535 expE 108 expG 107 expR 104,107,114

Exp proteins ExpC ExpEl

homologies to NodO ExpG

export exs genes

exsA exsB exsll

Exs proteins ExsA ExsH

extracellular polysaccharide extraction procedures


Fab proteins


104,112 104, 108

395 102, 104, 106,535

86 102,106


86 111

88,120,239,243,329,423 122, 123

FabA 61,62,64 FabB 61,62,64 FabD 61,64 FabF 61,62,64 FabG 61,64 FabH 61,64 FabI 61,64 FabZ 61,64

Fabaceae 2,236,348 facultative 495 Fahraeus slide 238, 243 fatty acid 12,14,45,46,56,57,58,59,61,


131,133,137,146,295,343,388,390,413,415, 465,496,535

fatty acid biosynthesis fatty acid methyl ester fatty acyl fatty alcohol fbe genes

fbeF fbeH

fdxgenes fdxN

Fdx proteins FdxN

feed-back selection F eMo protein Fe-protein fertilizer N2 production Fibrobacter fimbriae fmgerprint patterns

59,61,69,146,535 56,58,59

424 56

440 440


435 489,503 433,434 434,512 518,519

7 47,489

generated by DNA restriction digestion 5 generated by polymerase chain reaction 4

fmgerprinting 36,129,130 FrrA 369,376,381,536 fIX genes 20,32, 113, 137, 141, 162, 166, 167,431,

432,433,434,435,436,437,438,442,444,445, 446,449,450,452,453,454,462,477,480,495, 498,511,518,521,525,536

flX-23 locus 64,67 fuA 179,434,435,536 fveE 434 f~ 434 fu<I 32,36,441 fu<IHIS 32,36,441 fvdl 32,36,441 fvcl 32,36,441 ftt! 450,455 flXK 32,441,444,450,451,453,454,455,477 jUUr2 441 fvdS 449,450,452,455 jitL,rtt! 32,440,441,444,446,454,455,500 fvcN 32,36,440,441,444,451,453,454,455,477 fvcNC>{2P 32,36,440,441,444,451,454,455,477 fvcC> 32,36,440,441,444,451,454,455,477 f~ 32,36,440,441,444,451,454,455,477 fvc{2 32,36,440,441,444,451,454,455,477 f~ 449 fvcRnifA 435 fuS 32,36,441 flXU 179,536 fvUr 434

fIX mutants 446, 495, 498 Fix proteins

FixA FixB Fixe FixG Fix!

434,454 434,454 434,454

441 441


FixJ 449,450,451,453,477 FixlC 431,450,451,452,453,455,477 FixlCl 452 FixlC2 452 FixL 431,449,450,452,453,455 FixL-FixJ 498, 499 FixN 440,441 FixO 440, 441 FixP 440,441 FixQ 440 FixR 449 FixX 434,454

fixation thread 352, 356, 357,425 fixation zone 353, 358 flagella 47,48,88,120 flavanoid induction 398 flavonoid 93,148,236,362,365,369,371,373,

375,380,381,406,414,488,491,492,495,521, 536

flavonoid-inducible proteins 397 Fm proteins 431,450,451,452

FmN 452 footprinting 375, 376, 378,449 forage legumes 518 fossil 488 Frankia 75,76,348,356,358,359,421,489,492,

494,498,499,501,503,505 free-living 48,51,58,81,90,94,115,133,134,137,

156,163,177,181,235,380,381,382,433,434, 437,438,441,442,444,446,462,463,464,465, 467,470,471,474,478,480,490,496,497,498, 499,500,502,503,505,529

free-living rhizobia frozen accident fructose-6-phosphate frxgenes

frxA fts genes

ftsZ Fts proteins

FtsZ fucose (Fuc) fucose (Fuc) sulphation fucosyl transferase fungal hyphae


G3P GABA gag genes galactose galacturonic acid Galegae

orientalis gas chromatography GDP fucose

462 494,498,503,504




446 124,125,393,394,395,536

393 392,394,395


536 467,470,472

311 100,109,124,147,536

100, 124, 130, 536 396

18 517



gel filtration 122, 123 gene 6b 327,328 gene expression 38,77,98, 104, 106-109, 114,

144,215,218,220,263,264,269-274,283,288, 322,323,326,329-332,342,363,365,368,377, 379-382,386,407,412,419,423,434,438,442, 444-449,452-455,465,492,500,526

gene organization 206,283,363,502 gene tagging 339 gene targeting 319,339,341 gene transfer 21,26, 35, 158, 173, 175,204,226,

230,268,281,316,323,326,490,491,499,503 genera of the Rhizobiaceae 9 genetic code 502 genetic engineering 193,332,333,342,343,526 genetic map 26, 27, 34, 433 genetic variability 517, 519 genetics 3,25,29,37,39,100,102,117,131,

133,145,155,165,197,256,301,362,363,383, 385,433,442,506,529,530

genome 4,5,14,26,27,32,35,38,39,40,100, 166,188,190,200,217,226,228,230,255,262, 264,267,303,307,308,311,312,314,316,326, 339,340,341,342,363,449,502

gerrnin glasshouse Gliricidia glm genes

glmS GlrnS gin genes

ginA glnB glnlI glnT

Glomus glp genes 13-1-3-glucans 13-1,2-glucans 13-glucans

245,247 521


363 388

499,536 444,445,463,465

463 445,499 445,464

492 69,536

425 240

Agrobacterium tumefaciens 81,84,93 Azospirillum brasilense 84, 85, 93 B. melitensis 93 Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum 81,87,93 Escherichia coli 93, 95 Klebsiella pneumoniae 93 R. leguminosarum 82-94 Rhizobium (peanut) 93 Rhizobium fredii 93 S. meliloti 81-90,92-94 Xanthomonas spp. 9

glucosarnine synthase 388, 392 glucose 76,82,84,86,88,92,100, Ill, 125, 183,240,

260,273,332,343,395,396,470,475,477,497, 499,536

glucose transport 13-giucosidase glucosylgalactosyl diacylglycerol

497,499 330


13-g1ycosyl transferase 388 glucuronic acid 124, 125, 536 13-glucuronidase 424 glutamate 163,187,190,437,463,464,467,473,

474,479,488,498,499,536 glutamate dehydrogenase 463, 536 glutamate synthase 463,479,498, 536 glutamine synthetase 444,445,463,465,479,498 glyceollin 495 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 467 glycerol 69,70,73,163, 184,395,396,466,536 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 537 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 69,536 Glycine 100, 113, 160, 165,348,352,354,357,372,

377,396,406,511,512,517,518 max 100,113,160, 165,352,357,372,511,518

glycine rich proteins 419 glycocalyx 425 glycolipid 120,425 glycolysis 191,515 glycophospho-sphingolipid 425 glycoproteins 348,421,425 glycosyl transferase 104,105,110,111,145,388 GntR 181,536 (K)Gj\T 463,464,474,477,479,501,521,536 Golgi 424 gps genes

gpsA Gps proteins


GpsA. 69,536 Gramineae 323, 333, 334 grapevines 11,202,321,323,327,328,331,332 GRH2 strain 100,396 GroEL 376,382,491 groESL 28, 35 group I K-antigen 144 group IT K-antigen 120, 145, 147, 148 growth requirements 496 GS 444,445,463,464,465,477,478,479,498,500,

501,503,536 GTP-binding proteins Gunnera gymnospenns


424 502


hairy root 2,3,10, 175, 176, 187,202,210,227, 251,254,258,259,261,262,266,267,326,339

halotolerant 136 head group of phosphatidylglycerol 82 heat shock gene 398 heavy metals 343, 378, 526 Helianthus annulus 526 Helicobacter pylori 283,285,291,299 helix-tum-helix motif 108,179,268,376,378,380,

448,450,451 hem genes

hemA 478,500 hemolysin 64 herbage regrowth cycle 518 herbicide resistance 342, 526 herbicides 342, 526, 527 heterocysts 512 high perfonnance anion exchange 127, 128 fITS 536 his genes 38,64,67,149,220,347,433 histidine 190,273,276,449,450,536 histone 408,409 ~ 100,536 holo-ACP synthase 67,535 homodimer 433, 512 homopolymers 98, 99, 126 homoserine lactone 30,56,59,76,77,216 hopanoid 75,76 hopanoids 492 hopene 75 horizontal gene transfer 316, 490, 499 host cell autolysis 427 host defense responses 423 host range 12,26,30,31,34,35,37,38,39,65,112,

147,201,202,204,208,210,226,230,237,268, 298,307,308,321-333,335,347,348,349,359, 369,373,397,488,494,497

host restriction 160,519 host restriction of nodulation 519 host specific nod genes 65,91,92,146,322,323,

327,328,329,330,332,333,335,348,359,362, 387,388,391,397,400,490

host specificity 321, 322, 326, 328, 331, 332, 362, 388 host-dependent 134,382 HPAEC 127,128,129, 130 fUR 184,489,495,536 hrp genes 148 hybrid NodD 369,491 Hydra 501 hydrogen peroxide 421,427 3-hydroxy fatty acid 59 hydroxylases 526 3-hydroxymyristic acid 59 27-hydroxyoctacosanoic acid 59,64,67, 124, 127,535 hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins 425 hypersensitive reaction (fUR) 489,495 hypoosmotic adaptation 88,89,94 hypoosmotic growth media 88,89,90,94


iaa genes iaaH iaaM

illegitimate recombination immunoblotting immunochemical immunocytological

261,263,327 257,258,261,263,327 257,258,261,263,327 282,286,288,312,316

129 133, 141 133,149


immunogold labelling 418 inbred backcross line 521,536 inbreeding depression 521 Inc 22, 115, 196,248,286, 334, 359, 396, 506,

529,530,536 incompatibility 30,34,210,307,316,489,536

224 208 208 229 210

IncPl IncPl transfer system IncQ IncRhI IncRhl-type indeterminate meristems 134,137,139, 140, 143,

149,390 inducible ACP 64 industrial products 118,342,343,525,528 infection 2,35,51,52,81,83,84,90,91,92,94,

107,112,113, 114, 120, 121, 124, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 146, 148, 149, 150,152,161,162,165,166,175,206,208,224, 225,236,237,238,241,243,245,247,251,259, 267,269,291,298,311,322,324,326,330,332, 333,334,335,339,349,350,352,353,354,356, 357,358,381,382,390,397,398,404,407,408, 409,412,413,414,417,418,419,420,421,422, 423,424,427,438,442,445,446,447,471,472, 489,490,491,492,493,495,496,502,503

infection droplet 357,423,424,427 infection pegs 419 infection process 398 infection thread 51,90, 112, 113, 134, 135, 137,

138,139,140,149,236,237,243,247,350,352, 353,354,356,357,381,390,404,407,408,409, 412,413,414,417,418,419,420,421,422,423, 424,427,438,446,447,490,493,495

fonnation of plant cell wall 417,418,419,423,425 intercellular spaces 90,352,354,356,357,418,

420,427 matrix material 420 monoclonal antibodies 420,425 thin-walled 424

infection thread fonnation 113, 139, 149,236,237, 243,247,350,404,412,413,423

infection zone 107,356,381,438 infectivity 380,494 initiation 59,85,139,152,209,243,262,270,271,

288,308,311,375,377,413,427,490,493 inner cortical cells 408 inner membrane 45,73,85,86,87,98,99,106,

108,225,290,293,295,296,322,369,377,388, 393,442,468,502

inositol inositol-containing glycolipid insecticides

181,424,425 425 526

5,36,37,230,326,327,332 104,268,295,395,397,

insertion sequences integral membrane protein

398,426 integration integration host factor

312 52,536


interactions chromosomal and TI plasmid genes 331 intercellular space 417 intercellular threads 419 intercrop 522 Intervening Sequences (IV) 7, 9 inUrrzone 51,353,438,446,447,453 intracellular ion concentrations 397 introgression 521 ion flow 397 ipt genes 257,261,262,263,327,536 IS element 36, 37 isocitrate dehydrogenase 469,471,473,474,475 isolation 21,29,34,57,76,100,122,143,156,

157,165,181,192,305,333,343,425,437,444, 448,473,496,498,501

IV sequences 7, 9 ivr genes 330


Kalanchoe daigremontiana 268 tubiflora 327

Kallar grass 490 K-antigen 79,122,140,145-148,240-243,423,537 KDA aldolase 467 Kdo 59,67, 120, 122, 124, 127, 128, 131, 133, 145,

146,147,536 KDO Kdo transferase KdO:!lipid-IV A

l3-keto acyl synthase l3-ketoacylreductase Kjeldahl analysis Klebsiella

45,240,536 131

130, 131, 133 390,392

491 517

oxytosa 92 pneumoniae 93,433,434,435,444,447,448,

452,453,455,462,464,465 K-like antigen /cps genes

/cpsM kpsT

Kps proteins KpsC KpsD KpsE KpsF KpsM KpsS KpsT KpsU


L. tenuis

67 145,536

145 145

145, 147 145, 147

145 145 145

145, 147 145 145


Lablab 396 purpureus 20

laccases 526 lactobacillic acid 58, 75 lacZ 32,38,39, Ill, 184,206,214,216,220,269,

362,472 LB 282,283,288,314,536,537 Leo 139,493,536 lectin 152,241,243,245,359,426,537 leghaemoglobin 137,407,427,500,501,516,536

auto-oxidation 427 legume host specificity 159,164 legume nodule 3, 163, 164,348,355,356,358,469,

470,477,480 legume symbiosis 426,427 leguminosae 488, 501 LemA 274 Lens 348,511,518

culinaris 518 Lentils 527 Leptochoafusca 490 Lespedeza cuneata 526 Leucaena 20,112,161,193,348,471,519

leucocephala 20,112, 161,471 leucine zipper motif 395 Lichens 497,501,512 ligand-binding 369,492 lignins 425 Liliaceae 334 limited host range 202, 322, 323, 536 lipid A 45,59,61,64,67,93,120,121,123,

124,127,129,130,131,133,139,143,144,145, 149,152,153

lipid A biosynthesis lipo chitin oligosaccharides


61,64,67 59,65,67,74, 76, 77,

modification of 388 lipoic acid 56, 78 lipopolysaccharide 45,46,56,59,67,77, 120,

153,157,243,388,414 lipoprotein lipoxygenase Lippia canescens liverworts LMW Lolium

46,47,50,73,295,296 421 327 502


multijIorum 335 perenne 335

Lonchocarpus 161 long chain 424 long-chain fatty acid 137 Lotononis bainesii 76 Lotus 15,16,19,58,113,156,159,192,193,

348,351,359,396,406,467,468,511,518 comiculatus 15,156,159,192,193,518 pedunculatus 58

low osmotic pressure 106 Ips 131, 133

LPS 32,45,46,47,48,49,50,59,67,89,109,119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,144,145,146,147,148,149,237,241,243, 245,423,424,489,493,494,497,536

role in infection Ips genes Ips region Lpx proteins


423,424 131, 133,536



Iwnen of infection thread 1,4,5,7,21,536

417,421,422 159,373,470,519

19,76,127,129,159,348,372,518 518


lupin Lupinus

angustifolius densiflorus

lux genes lux!

Lux proteins LuxR

LysR family LysRmotif lytic enzyme



214,216,222 365,368,369,382,491

365,371,375 143,500

~bs 129, 133, 149 Macroptilium 113,161,168,348,377,406,442,471

atropurpureum 113, 471 ~e 334,524 malate 442,465,466,470-475,479,480,515 malate dehydrogenase 470,479 malate synthase 465 malic enzyme 466,471,475 malonyl-ACP 61, 62 malonyl-CoA 61,466,473,474 nruannopine 175,176,182,187,188,190,192,202,

222,254,255,258,325,536 mannopine-type strains 323 mannose 98, 100, 124, 125, 127, 130, 147, 187,

359,468,536 nruannose 4, 6 dehydratase 393 mannose-l-P guanylyl transferase 393 mannosidases 426

a-mannosidases 426 Mar proteins

MarR 107 mas genes 536 mating 34, 35, 200, 206-209, 224-226, 228, 230,

288,291,293,297,536,538 mating bridge 206-209,225, 226, 538 mating-pair-fonnation 283,290,291,536 matrix glycoprotein 418,421, 423 MCP 182,536 McpA 218 ~ 64,73,88,89,536

biosynthesis 89


mdo genes mdoA 88

MdoH 64,536 Medicago 18,19,20,113,114,138,148,152,

159,160,161,178,348,352,359,371,372,391, 396,397,398,406,408,410,412,413,421,422, 492,511,512,517,518

cerulea 114 littoralis 371,398 lupulina 398 polyr,norpha 159, 161 sativa 113,138,148,152,372,412,492,511,518 truncatula 114,371,398,413

membrane 45-52,56,59,67,69,70,73,75-78, 85-89,98,99,104,108, Ill, 120, 121, 131, 133, 138,140-145,148,149,161,163,179,190,206, 242,268,290,293,295,297,299,306,312,352, 355,356,357,369,382,388,392,395,397,404, 406,407,411-414,417,423-427,441,445,446, 449,450,468,473,478,479,490,491,493,496, 499,502,537

biogenesis 423,424 depolarization 407,413,490 energetization 499 integrity 496 lipid 56,76, 77, 78 potential depolarization 411, 412, 413 separation 47 transport 395

membrane-derived oligosaccharide 64,73,536 meristem 113,135,137,262,349,352,353,356,

140,263,334,352,356,511 420,423,438

meristematic tissue Mesorhizobium 16

15,16 9,15,16

9,15,16,58,113,127,129,130,363,364, 365,367,373,394,395,396

ciceri huakuii loti

Nod factors 396 mediterraneum 9, 15, 16 thianshanense 9, 15, 16

metabolism 12,27,57,59,78,79,161,163,173, 187,204,209,218,262,264,373,385,425,427, 435,437,440,441,442,445,452,462,464,465, 466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475, 477,478,479,480,481,492,498,504,506,525

metallothioneins 526 II-methyl-cis-vaccenic acid 58, 535 methyl fucose 393, 394, 395, 535, 536 methyl fucosyl group 398 methyl transferase 390, 393, 398 methylation 63,71,82,136,179,341 methyl-esterified pectin 419 II-Me-VA 58,535 Mg2+ 86,282,286,297,463 mia genes

miaA microaerobic enviromnent

330 477,479


microaerobiosis microbial ecology micro-envirorunent middle lamella mild acid hydrolysis Mimosa

invisa scabrella

Mimosoideae mineralization "minimal" Nod factor mitochondria mitochondrial genes mitochondrion MLEE MMPE Mn2+

activation by MnPl-11 Moapa 69 Mob proteins

455 192

149,423,497,498,500,501 419

124, 127, 128 9,193,354,357,419

9 354

2,349,354 526 389

469,478,480,488,501,502,503 502,503

425 1,4,5,7,14,19,21,178,536

69,71,536 86,463

86 521 521

31,208,290,536 MobA MobB MobC

mobilization moe genes

208,209,286,307 208,286 208,286

200,201,202,205,223,230,283,290 179,181,188,203,536

mod genes modA

modification MoFe protein moisture molecular evolution

188,488,502 monoclonal antibodies

424,425,536 monocot

536 387 512

162,164,524 2,3,16,17,18,19,178,182,

48,121,129,133, 135, 136,

324,333,334,335 324 333 73


monocot transformation monocotyledon transformation monohexosyl diacylglycerol monomethyl phosphatidylethanolamine mas genes

mosA Mos proteins

MosA MosC

motility Mpf proteins

536 MSmedium msh genes MtPRP4 Mtripl muc genes

mucR mucS

Muc proteins MucS


179 179

71,88,164,165,240,489 204,206,208,209,225,226,290,297,

247,536 218 408 407 536

102,104,107,109,114 108


multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) 1,4, 157, 536

mung bean 398 mutagenesis 38,39,85,87,102,104,256,274,275,

290,341,362,452,454,526 mutation 4,87, 104, 107, 111, 114, 138, 140, 148,

166,179,184,209,220,230,240,241,253,269, 275,293,297,305,314,378,390,394,395,397, 398,423,426,448,453,464,478

mutualism mutualistic association Mycoplana dimorpha mycorrhiza mycorrhizin myo-inositol Myrica Myrsinaceae


354,487,495 494

9 358,535

501 184,470,471

356,501 2,3

N-(3-oxo-hexanoyl )-L-homoserine lactone 215 N-(3-oxo-octanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone 215,224 N. debn~ 261 N. glutinosa 261 N. hamburgensis 129 l~ isotope dilution 517 N. langsdorjii 261 N2assimi1ation 514,515,519,521 N2 fixation 162,163,356,438,455,469,510,514,

515,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525, 528,535

N2from atmosphere 518,519 N2replacement value 524,525 N-acyl homoserine lactone 59,76 NJUD 434,464,467,471,473,475 NJUDP-dependent malic enzymes 471 Ndfa 520, 523 ndv genes 81,87,88,89,90,91,92,94,241,536

ndvA 84,86,89,90,241 ndvA mutants 86, 87,240 ndvE 84,85,87,89,90,91,93,241,243 ndvE mutants 84,90,91,240,243 ndve: 84,87,89,92 ndvF 34,73

Ndv proteins NdvA NdvB

necrosis necrotic reaction necrotic response neoplastic state Neptunia

natans oleracea

Neuraspora crassa nfe genes


81,86,87,94,240 81,85,86,89,90,94,240,243

130,139,332,414 322,495 324,328

252 20,352,354,426

352,354,426 20 71

166,536 166

NGR234 467,471

Nod factors Ngro1

97,100,105,108,109,112, 114,466,

393,394,396,397,398 262,536

204,282,285,286,288,474,536 nic genes Nicotiana

glauca 262,268,269,306,324,327,536 rustica 261,327 tabacum 115,536

nycgenes 29,32,51,166,201,230,353,431,433, 434,435,436,438,444-447,449,452-455,465, 477,498,499,536

flXRnYCA nifB nifD nifE nifF nifH nifHl nifH2 nYCJ nifK nifL nifN nifQ nifS nifX nijZ

Nif proteins

435 433,435

433,435,498 433,435 434,453

51,141,179,181,433,435,444,448,498 435 435

434,453 51,433,435,498

434,453 433,435

434 434

434,435 434

NifA 27,28,381,431,434,444,447,448,449, 452,453,454,455,465,477,498,499

NitD 433 433

434,454 434,454


NitE NitF NifJ NifK NifL NifL-NifA NitN

434,448,498,499 498,499

433 434 NifS

Nile proteins NikA 286 NikB 286

nitrate 461,462,465,477,519,521,536 nitrate tolerance 521 nitrate transporters 462 nitri1ases 526 Nitrobacter 9, 14, 129

winogradskyi 9, 129 nitrobenzene 526 nitrogen 2,13,15,20,26,28,29,51,76,78,90,

106,113,114,116,117,137,141,149,152,155, 156, 159, 162, 167, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 187, 192,193,201,229,236,246,267,353,354,356, 358,359,373,380,381,419,424-427,431-435, 437,438,440,441,442,444-447,449,452-456, 461-466,469-472,474,475,477-481,497-500, 504-507,520,527,529,530,536


nitrogen assimilation 465,480 nitrogen fixation 15,26,28,29,51,76,90,116,

149, 152, 159, 162, 168, 177, 179, 181, 193,201, 229,353,354,356,381,419,424,425,426,427, 432,433,434,435,437,438,440,441,442,444, 445,446,447,449,452-456,462,463,465,469-472,475,477,478,480,497,498,504-507,520, 529,530,536

nitrogen metabolism 432,437,444,447,452, 454,462,464,465,466,469,480,481,536

nitrogenase 134,135,136,141,179,358,432, 433,434,435,437,440,441,444,447,453,454, 455,463,469,470,471,473,475,477,480,497, 498,499,500,501,503,511,512,514,515,516, 517,521,529

nitrogen-fixing symbiosis 463 N-1inked fatty acyl 390 }ULS 309,310,311,316,536 N-methyl transferase 392 noc genes 186,203,230,536 nod box 33,362,364,365,367,368,371,375,

376,377,378,379,381,382,398,491 Nod factor 66, 127,326,348,358,373,377,382,

388,389,390,391,392,394,395,396,397,398, 403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412, 413,414,415,417,419,421,438,490,491,493, 494,495

biosynthesis of N-linked fatty acyl groups recognition of role in infection secretion

Nod factor export

388,390-392,394-398 390 391

417,419 388,397

397 Nod factor perception in the epidermis

alkalinization 407,411,412,413 infection thread formation 404,412,413 membrane potential depolarization 411,412,413 nodX 413 O-acety1 transferase 413 ~2 413

Nod factor processing ballistic microtargetting chitinase

Nod factor-induced responses epidermis pericycle

Nod factors responses in non-leguminous plants

411 414 412 403 403

carrot cell line 411 tobacco 410,411

auxin-responsive promoter 411 axil 411

nod gene repressor 393 nod genes 27,29, 32, 33,45,47, 50, 64, 65, 74,

107,114,157,166,201,230,236,241,326,361, 362,364,365,367,368,371,373,374,375,376, 377,378,379,380,381,382,387,391,393,394, 395,397,398,411,413,415,424,435,446,455, 490,491,492,493,536


f1lllctions of 387,391,393,394,395,397,398 host-specific 387 localisation of products 50 nodA 65,361,363,364,365,368,375,378,379,

388, 392, 397, 411 nodB 361,363,364,392,411 node 361,363,364,392,446 noaUJ 20,28,50,59,323,361,363,364,365,

367,368,369,371,373,374,376,379,381,382, 387,392,446,491

noaUJi 59,364,365,368,371,374,377,378, 380,381,398

nodD2 59,368,374,377,378,380 59,363,365,368,378,381

65,363,364,390,392,397,413 65,67,363,364,365,375,378,390,392

364,390,392 127,363,364,378,391,392,413

363,364,392,395 363,364,392,395


noaUJ3 nodE nodF nodG nodH nodI nodJ nodK nodL nodM nodN nodO nodP nodQ nodR nodS nodT nodU nodV nodW nodX nodY nodZ nomenclature role in infection

nod operons Nod proteins

364,378,390,392,398,413 160,363,364,378,388,392,397,398

364,392,397,398 364,378,392,397

127,363,364,391,392 127,363,364,391,392

364,392 363,364,390,392 363,364,392,395

363,364,392 364,387,392 364,387,392

160,364,391,392,413 363,364,392,397

363,364,378,392,393,394 399 424


hybrid NodD 369,491 NodJ\ 50,65,74,361,388,390 NodB 74, 388, 390 Node 50, 74, 388 NodD 50,322,361,362,365,368,369,371,

373,374,375,376,377,381,382,398,446,491, 492,494

NodDl NodD2 NodD3 NodD-box NodE NodF NodG NodH NodI NodJ NodL

363,364,368,369,373,376,377,491 368,371,380,382,491 363,368,369,376,491

365,371 64,390

64,66,67,390 390,449,491

391 50,395,397

395,397 390,391

NodO 50, 112, 390, 397 NodP 391,491 NodQ 391,491 NodS 390, 398 NodT 395,397 NodU 391 NodV 377, 382 NodW 377,382,398 NodX 391,394,413 NodZ 394

nodulation 2,17,21,27,28,29,31,32,33,37,38, 39,47,64,65,67,78,84,87,90,91,92,93,94, 109,113,134, 138, 140, 149, 150, 156, 157, 158, 159,160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 170, 181,190,201,229,236,237,238,240,241,245, 247,322,347,349,350,358,359,361,362,363, 364,365,367,368,369,371,372,373,374,375, 376,377,378,379,380,381,382,386,387,390, 391,392,393,395,397,398,414,421,435,455, 471,489,490,493,498,515,516,521,536,537

competition for 156,160,162,164-166,177,181 efficiency 166,190,390,455 factor 65, 78, 359, 536 gene functions 392 gene inducers 371,373,375 relation with infection thread 421 root 90,165,351

nodules 22,32,51,67,73,90,92,94,100,109,113, 114, 124, 133-143, 149, 150, 156-161, 165, 166, 181,193,236,237,348-350,352,354,356-359, 368,381,382,387,398,403,406-410,414,415, 417-420,422-427,432,437-442,444-447,453, 454,469-473,475,477-480,488,490,493-496, 498,514-517,519,521,523,536

bacteria 22,133,134,137,156,427,490 cortex 135,352,356 determinate 52,112,113,134,137,139,143,

149,349,351,352,357,390,414,419,427,453, 469,511,518

development 32,51,67,73,94, 113, 114, 124, 134, 136, 137, 139, 140, 149, 150, 166,352,353, 410,414,415,423,427,432,453,469,470,471, 473,479,493,495,536

formation 92,94,138,149,157,158,161, 165,166,237,358,387,403,408,410,422,478, 493,536

indeterminate 65,112,113,134,137,139,140, 143,149,349,351,352,356,357,390,408,414, 419,423,426,438,453,469,511,512,518

invasion 112, 114 lobe 356 mass 514,515,519 metabolism 468 parenchyma 352,418,420 primordium 350,352,356,359,408,409,415,419 sphericru 352,469,511

nodulin 353,407-408,410,421,426-427,438,490, 493,500,501


nodulin genes 353,407,408,410,421 NolA 361,363,380,382 ENODINOD 353,490,535 Nole 398 ENOD12 407,408,412,421 Noill 398 ENOD40 408,410,411,414 NolK 394 ENOD5 407,408 NolL 394 Gm93 408 NolN 398 Npv30 426 NoIF 398 PsENod5 438 NoIR 361,363,368,377,378,380,381,382,383 PsENODS 421 NolI 397 PsNod6 438 NolW 397

Nodulin-26 426 NoIR repressor 377,382 noe genes 361,364,367,387,536 non-esterified pectin 419

noeA 364,393,398 non-Sym plasmids 201,229,230 noeB 364,393,398 pDlOOI 201 noeC 364,393,395 pRL8JI 201,229 noeD 160,364,393 nopaline 30,173,176,182,183,186,189,190,193, noeE 365,393 202,203,204,207,208,209,210,211,212,213, noel 393,394 222,227,230,253,254,261,267,268,269,270, noelJKL 398 298,324,325,326,330,331,536 noeJ 393,394 nopaline strain 269,324,325,330,331 noeK 378,394 nopaline-type 183,185,189,190,210,216,218,224, noeL 361,393,394 225,323,324,331,332

Noe proteins nos genes 190,536 NoeA 398 Nostoc 494,512 NoeE 394 nostoxanthin 76

nol genes 148,361,364,365,367,379,387,393, nox genes 191,536 397,536 NPS 100,536

functions of 397 NR 465,536 nolA 380,387,392 nrfgenes noIB 392 nrfA 452 nolBTUV 397 Nrf proteins noIC 160,392,398 NrfA 431,452 nom 387,393 NtBBFl 264,536 nolE 364,393,398 N-tenninal domain 111,209,273-275,293,449-450 noIF 393,397 ntrgenes 381,536 noIFGHI 397 ntrA 28,179,381,442,449,452,464,465 noIG 393 ntrB 464,465 nolH 393 nbC 464,465,477 noll 393 ntrR 381 noV 166,377,393,398 ntrX 444 noIK 393,394,395 ntrY 444 nolL 365,393,394 Ntr proteins noM 363,364,393,394 NtrA 381,452,463,465,499 noIN 363,364,393,398 subunit of RNA polymerase 463 nolO 363,364,393,394,398 NtrB 431,452,453,464 noLP 393,398 NtrB-NtrC 498,499 nolQ 365,393,398 NtrC 275,381,442,444,447-449,452,463-465 noIR 363,364,377,378,379,380,387,393 NtrR 381 noIS 393,398 nuclear targeting 318 noIT 393 nutrition 168,169,426,499 nolU 393 noW 393 nolW 365,393,397 0 noIWXBTUV 147,397 noLX 365,377,393,397 O2 diffusion barrier 516 nolY 393,398 nolZ 393,398 O2 protection 434

Nol proteins O-acetyl transferase 390,391,392,393,394,395,413 O-acetylated 395


O-antigen obligate dependence O-carbamoyl transferase 6-0-carbamoyl transferase oee genes

oeeQ oeeR

oeeoperon Oce proteins

423 496 391 392

190,203,214,218,220,536 190,214,218

190,214,218,220 214

OccR 214,218,220 oed genes 190, 536 OCDase 190, 536 O-chain 120-125,127,129,131,133,134,136-140,

143,144,147,149,537 Oehrobaetrum anthropi 9 oes genes 190, 536 octopine 173,182,188-190,192,202-214,218,

222-225,228,230,253,254,257,261,267-269, 298,305,306,324-326,330-332,536

octopine strain 306, 324, 325, 330, 331 octopine-type 187,189,190,214,218,323,332 Oligotropha earboxydovorans 129 Omp proteins

OmpA OmpR

3-0-MSI one genes Onobrychis oox genes opine-catabolic plasmids opine-like

46,47 274,275

177, 179,535 339 162

191,536 222

175,177,193 opines 30,173,174,175,176,177,181-189,

192,193,202,210-214,216,218,220,222,227, 228,236,253,254,267,327,339,427,536

ORF 27, 32, 33, 64, 67, 146, 179,206, 259, 269, 306, 362,363,364,367,398,450

orfgenes orfA oifB

Orf proteins 0rfl0 Orfll 0rfl3 0rfl5

organelle organic contaminants

aldrin aroclors carbamates chlordane chlorinated Phenols chlorobenzenes DDD DDE DDT dinitroanilines hexachlorocyclohexanes methazole

67,131,133,536 217 217

285 285 285 285

425,503 527 527 527 527 527 527 527 527 527 527 527 527 527

metsalfulron 527 nitreophenols 527 organophosphates 527 phenapronil 527 polybrominated biphenyls 527 polychlorinated biphenyls 527

organic content 524 onT 35,201,203,204,205,207,208,209,210,

212,214,218,226,227,228,229,283,308,536 oriT/tro 203, 536 oriV 186,203,206,218,223,229,536,537 oriVlrep 186,203,206,218,223,537 ornithine lipid 73 Omithopus 159 osmoprotection 112 osmoregulation 90 outcrossing 521 outer bacterial membranes 395 outer cortical cells 406,408,410,516 outer membrane 45-52,56,59,67,73,87-90,99,

104,115,120,121,138,143,148,204,207,290, 291,295,296,297,388,395,423,424,425,497, 502,536,537

antigens isolation protein oligomers proteins

output domain overdrive

48 47 50

46,48,50,51,52,99,392,425 274,275

267,282,324,328 440,480,515,516

467,469,473,474,475 oxidative phosphorylation 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase oxygen

regulation 450,498,501 transport SO 1

oxygen concentration 136,441,444,447,453,463, 465,469,477,493,497,498,499

Oxytropis 162,371



190,537 23,69,123,124,125,138,146,244,531,537

123,124,125,138,146,244 pAgK84 palmitic acid palmitoleyl-ACP Papilionoideae PAPS Paraeoecus

199,202,226 61 62

2,349,354 . 391,537

denitrifieans 9 parasitic 494 parasitism 487, 495 Parasponia 236,347,348,349,352,354,355,357,

364,367,424,494,501,512,516 andersonii 355

Parasponium 397 parathion 526

pathogenic 25,94,120,143,144,146,175,176, 177,186,187,188,194,196,197,227,257,298, 336,421,422,425,504

PB~ 138,141,149,443,468,470,471,478,492,493, 495,497,499,500,501,537

PB~-specific proteins 493 497,498,500,537 55,69,71,75,537

PBS PC pckgenes

pclcA PCR PE

28 1,4,5,21,23,156,157,229,444,537

55,56,69,70,71,73,75,537 pea 51,91,134,135,136,137,138,140,141,142,

143,149,159,230,240,241,242,243,244,245, 258,333,335,347,349,350,351,352,358,359, 390,408,410,413,417,418,419,420,421,423, 424,425,426,438,470,471,473,474,479,511, 515,516,526

pea lectin 91,243,245,359 Peanut 524,527 pectic polysaccharide 140 pectin 419

methyl-esterified 419 non-esterified 419

pectolytic 490 pentachlorophenol 526 pentapeptide 421 PEP carboxykinase 466,471 PEPC 521,523,537 peptidoglycan 45,46,47,48,49,50,56,388 ~legumes 514 peribacteroid 138,142,352,355,357,423,427,432,

438,442,443,445,468,478,492,493,497,501 membrane 138,142,352,423,427,432,438,442,

443,468,478,492,493,497,501 unit 427

pericycle 350,356,359,403,406,408-411,414 auxin 409,410,411,415 cytokinin 409,410 EN0D40 408,410,411,414 polar auxin transport 410

periplasm 47,86,87,88,90,91,104,111,145,184, 225,268,290,295,296,398,442,537

glucan 86,88,89,90,94 volume 83

permease 190,218,442,468,499 peroxidase 113,407,421,526,528 pers~tence 40, 156, 158, 162, 163 pesticides 526, 527 per 46,55,56,69,70,73,75,537 perp 69,537 pgpgenes

pgpA pgpB

Pgp proteins PgpA PgpB

pgs genes

537 537

69,537 69,147,537


pgsA 69,537 Pgs proteins

PgsA 69,537 pH and attachment 243,245,247 phage 3,15,26,34,35,39,50,147,225,285,291,

299,362,452 phagocytosis 140,144 pharmaceutical products 528 Phasealus 1,17,18,52,109,114,137,155,157,

158,160,161,168,348,352,357,372,386,396, 398,406,419,423,426,492,499,511,518,520

vulgaris 1,18,52,155,157,158,160,161,168, 352,372,386,419,492,511,518,520

PHB 56,474,475,537 phenolic compounds 113,182,274,275,304,322,

323,334,373,380,425,461,526 phenolic content 524 phenolic inducers 192, 272, 328 phenol-water extraction 121, 122, 125, 137 phenylalanine ammonialyase 414,537 phenylpropanoid 373,495 pha genes 474, 537

phaA 111 phoCDET 73

PhoB 274,275 phosphatase 39,46,69,109,131,260,293,450,537 phosphate limitation 106, 269 phosphate uptake 537 phosphatidic acid 69,73, 144, 145, 537 phosphatidylcholine 69,71,73,79,426,537 phosphatidylethanolamine 56,69, 71,426, 537 phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase 71 phosphatidylglycerol 56,69,73,75,82,88,537 phosphatidylglycerol phosphate 69,537

synthase 537 phosphatidylinositol 69,537 phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase 424 phosphatidylserine 69,70,537

decarboxylase 537 synthase 537

phosphocholine 71,73,82,89 phosphodiester 63,82,183,184,212,282,318 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 521 phospholipase C 71 phospholipids 45,46,56,57,63,64,69,70,71,73,

388,537 biosynthes~ 69,73 N-methyltransferase 57,71,537 role in infection 424

phosphorous-free lipid 73 phosphorylation 188,273,274,275,377 phosphotransacetylase 472 photosynthesis 75,433,442,469, 501, 502, 509, 512,

514,515 Phyllabacterium

myrsinacearum rubiacearum

1-4,9,11-14,17,30,119,155 3,9,11



phylogenetic relationship 18,19,21,93,127,129, 130,285,364

phylogenetic tree phylogeny phytoalexins phytoremediation

488 2,3,4,7, 14,25, 129

139,414,425,492,495 343,525,527,530

69,160,537 524,525

207,209,235,236,283,290,291,293,298, 299,300,308,333

PI Pigeon pea pilus

pin genes pinF

pisatin Pisum

537 269,321,324,325

495 160,166,178,348,350,352,357,372,396,

406,419,511,512,517,518,537 sativum 160,166,350,352,357,372,511,518,537

PL 55,61,69,537 plant

breeding cell morphogenesis composition defence

519 427 524

114,425,491 factors glycoproteins hormones oncogenes pathology phenolics

136,247,322,332,333,335,362,496 420

260,263,264,267,326,492 261 194

274,425,461 269,275,322,324,325,326, signal molecules

369,411 tumors 194,197,269

plant regulation of nodulation 347,358 autoregulation 359 ethylene 359 lectin 359

psWSL 359 positional information 359 supernodulation 359

plant-microbe interaction 33,117,175,196,197,347, 362,385,489,491,492,501,503,504,506

plasma membrane 244,307, 356, 357, 397,403,423, 424,425

plasmid evolution plasmid F (IncF 1 ) pis genes

plsB plsC

PIs proteins PlsB PlsC

pmtgenes pmtA

Poaceae polar auxin transport polar tip growth polygalacturonase polyhydroxybutyrate polyketide

175,188 205,208,288,290,291,295,297

537 537

64,69,537 64,69,537

537 2

410 408

332,343 56,343,537


polymerase chain reaction (PCR) polymyxin

4,156,537 123 390

64,65 465,474

392 397

polyunsaturated acyl groups polyunsaturated fatty acid poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate pore-forming protein pores porins positional information PRA predation prefixation zone pre-infection structure preinfection threads formation

cell division cytoplasmic bridges histone polar tip growth

prenodule preparative gel electrophoresis prokaryote proline dehydrogenase proline-rich proteins prolipoprotein propionyl-CoA carboxylase Prosopis glandulosa prosthetic group protease inhibitors proteases protein consumption protein cross-linking reactions protein secretion protein translocation protein transport Proteobacteria u-proteobacteria proton effiux proton pump protoxylem

poles PS psc genes

pscA pscA mutants

Psc proteins PscA

PsCYP15a psdgenes Psd proteins PsENODS pseudoborder sequence Pseudomonas

aeroginosa fluorescens rhodos solanacearom syringae


52, 120 359,409 245,537 164,489 353,358


408,409,410,411,414 408

408,409 408 356 122 27

472 420

73 63

163 63,66

426 426 509 421 397 69

291,298,299 129

7 490 500

350,356,359,409 350,359,409

69,70,126,145,247,537 240,537

329 240

240 421 537

71,537 421 327

98 192,226,462

76 111,146

93,94,146,193,274 113

psi genes psiA

Psi proteins PsiA

PSL psI genes PSM psrgenes

psrA Psr proteins

537 105, 108, 114

108 245,359,537

359 493,502,537

109,537 109

PsrA 109 pss genes 105, 109,537 ~2 1~ pss4 108 ps£A 105,108,537 pssC 105 pssl) 105 pssE 105 pssl' 105 pssG 105 pssH 105

Pss proteins 70, 537 Pss4 105 PssA 108

pSJnn 362 Pteridophytes 512 Ptl proteins 283,291,298 Puebla 152 520 pulse legumes 518, 525 a.-purple bacteria 488, 502 put genes 138,261,262,442,537

put4 228,472 pyruvate 63,98,144,190,191,434,442,454,466,

467,469,470,471,472,474,475,515,537 pyruvate carboxylase 63,471,475 pyruvate dehydrogenase 466,469,475


quinovosarnine quorum-sensing


138 211,215,216,218,220,222,223,224

R. palustris 129 R388 (lncVV) 206,285,286,288,297,300 R64 (lncIl) 286,291 R6K (lncX) 286, 288, 299 random amplified polymotphic DNA (RAPD) 4 RAPD 4,537 RB 282,288,314,537 Rcs proteins

RcsE ree genes





receiver domain 273,274,275,448,449,450 receptor 47,49,50,92,140,245,273,304,323,

329,333,377,391,394,410,411,413,492 chemotaxis 489 flavonoid 492 hormone 492 invasion 490 proteins 492

recognition of Nod factors 391 Red Clover 525 regulatory genes 59,179,218,387,447,449,500

aeeR 212,214,217,220 oeeR 214,218,220 tra! 203,206-209,216,220,223,226,229 ~ 203,218,220,223 traR 203,214,216-218,220,222,223,227,228 trlR 222

regulatory proteins 179,181,264,268,274,369, 376,381,382,442,447,449,452,453,464,491, 492,493,499,504,536

regulatory signals 491 283,285,288,290

204,206,208,209,226,286,288,290, relaxase relaxosome

293,299 remediation REP rep genes

342,525,526 4,157,537

repC 31,229 repeats 421 repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) 4 replicator region 200,203,209,210 repression state 288 respiration 432,437,440,441,453,455,462,469,

472,473,474,480,488,499,502,514 restriction fragment length polymotphism (RFLP) 5,

157,537 restriction system ifa genes ifb genes RffC RFLP RGD RGE rhamnose rhi genes

rhiA rhiABC

Rhi proteins

35 133,537 133,537

274 5,14,18,157,181,203,537

244,537 244,537

100, Ill, 125,537

369 77,537

RhiR 77,537 rhicadhesin 91,242,243,244,245,247,329,333,489 rhizobia specific modifications 388 rhizobial host specificity 347

broad host range 347 cross-inoculation 3,15,347,362 narrow host range 347 Nod factors 348, 358 Panasponia 347,348,349,354,355,357



etli 17,18,28,31,34,35,109,119,121,123,124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 139, 157,159,160,161,177,223,363,364,367,368, 371,374,395,396,435,445,471,474,475,478

Nod factors 396 galegae 9,12,17,18,19,31,59,65,127,155,

363,367,395,396 Nod factors 396

gallicum 9, 17, 18 giardinii 9, 18 hainanense 17, 18 huakii 396

Nod factors 396 ieguminosarum 3,9, 12, 15, 17-19,26-28, 30,

31,33-37,47,49,50-52,56,59,64-67,73,75, 82-94,97,100,105,108,109,112-114,119-131, 133, 134, 136-139, 142, 143, 149, 156, 158-163, 165-167,177,178,181,201,210,229,230,241, 243,244,348,350,363-365, 367-369, 371, 373, 375,377,379-382,409,413,434,435,437,438, 440-442,446,449,450,452,455,465,466,467, 468,470,471,472,478,479

by. phaseoli 3, 17,49,93, 105, 108, 109, 114, 124,129,159,165,166,167,177,201,210,348, 393,396,398,434,441,450,452,464,465,466, 467,537

Nod factors 393 by. trifolii 3, 17,31,47,49,51,59,63,65,73,

100, 105, 112, 114, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 133, 137, 139, 151, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167,177,201,210,230,243,245,348,349,362, 363,364,367,368,369,371,378,380,390,393, 395,396,434,435,441,449,465,466,467,468, 470,471,495,537

Nod factors 396 by. viciae 9, 17,47,48,49,50, 51,52,65,66,

105, 108, 109, 112, 113, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 133, 135, 137, 159, 161, 163, 177, 178, 181,201, 230,243,244,245,246,347,348,349,350,359, 362,363,364,365,367,368,369,371,373,375, 376,377,378,379,380,381,382,388,390,391, 393,394,395,396,397,409,413,422,434,435, 438,440,441,446,450,452,455,465,466,467, 468,470,471,472,537

by. viciae TOM 396 lupini 3, 19,26,35,36, 37, 373 mongolense 9,17,18 tropici 9,12,17, 18,58, 125, 130, 155, 160,

161,165,166,177,364,367,368,396,467,470, 471,478

Nod factors 396 Rhizobium (peanut) 93 Rhizobium sp. GRH2 396 Rhizobium sp. NGR234 32,37,39,75,97,100,

105, 108, 109, 112, 114, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131,146,147,149,209,223,348,349,361,362, 363,364,365,367,368,369,371,373,378,380,

381,382,393,394,396,397,398,434,435,442, 449,454,466,467,471,537

Rhizobium-legume s}nJ.biosis 181,349,427,437,511 Rhizoctonia 342 rhizopine 163,177,178,179,181,188,193,455,

462,536 rhizosphere 32,90,92,156,159,162,163,165, 167,

181,192,193,195,237,243,245,246,374,488, 489,490,491,492,495,498,500,503,504,523, 525,526,529

rhizosphere biochemistry 526 Rhodobacter

capsulatus sphaeroides

Rhodoplanes roseus Rhodopseudomonas

435,440,441,456 9,59,69,71,73,75


palustris 14,129 viridis 129

Rhodospirillum rubrum 9 Ri oncogenes 263 Riplasmids 27,33,156,175,176,186,189,192,


271,273,323,325,327 pRi8196 202,255 pRiA4 206,222,270,274

ribose-5-phosphate 467 ribulose-5-phosphate 467 rice 159,238,316,323,334,335,340,382,491 Rickettsia rickettsii 9 rkp genes 148,537

rkpA 148 rkpABCDEF 146 rkpF 67,537 rkpGHIJ 146, 147 rkpH 148 rkpJ 148 rkpZ 146, 148

Rkp proteins RkpF 67,537 RkpZ 146, 147

RNA binding protein 311, 452 Rochalimaea henselae 9 rol genes 251,258-260,262,264,327,343,536-537

roL4 259,260,264 rolB 259,260,263,264 rolC 259,260,262,264 rollJ 259,260,264

root colonization 238,247 cortex 354,356,357,408,409,419,493 exudate 158, 162,371,375,488,489,522,525 hair 73, 113, 137, 139, 161, 165,236,237,238,240,

241,242,243,244,245,247,350,352,354,356, 357,358,359,380,381,388,397,403,404,405, 406,407,410,411,412,413,417,419,422,423, 490,493

hair defonnation 73, 350, 354, 358, 388, 397,404, 405,410,411,412,413

inducing 255,258,267,537 nodulation 90,165,351,387 nodule 2,3,30,40,64,77,90,112,113,135,165,

236,238,347,348,349,350,351,352,354,356, 359,362,373,425,426,427,475,488,489,490, 492,496,497,498,500,501,502,511,512,515, 521

rop genes ropA ropA2 ropE

50,537 28,45,49,50,51,52,431,438,446,455

45,49,51,52 45,49,52,446

Rop proteins RopA 50,51 RopB 52

Ros box 107, 109 ros genes 107,109,269,330 Rosaceae 512 rough 121,124,125,126,127,130,133,242 RP4 (JncP) 26,31,37,38,201,206-209,223-225,

228,283,285,286,288,290,291,295,297,308 rpogenes

rpoD rpoN rpoS

rm rRNA


28 35,442,449,452

452 21,28,36,537


16S 7 23S 7 LSU 4,5,7,21,536 SSU 5,7,9, 11-20,537

RSFlOlO (JncQ) 38,204,208,209, 223, 227, 228, 283,286,290,307

RteA RT-PCR Rubiaceae Rubus


274 217,537

2,3 3, 10, 12, 512

S. enteritidis 144 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 71,316 S-adenosyl methionine methyl transferase 390 S-adenosylmethionine 63, 77, 224, 537 SAJi 537 Salmonella 36,78,95,98,133,151,161,184,

194,300,459,481,483,484 SAM Sanilac saprophyte sbm genes

sbmA seasonal N2 fixation Sec proteins

SecA secretion secretion system

63,537 520


447 514,517

69,537 388,392,393,395


seed exudate senescence senescence zone



30, 136 137,139,143,495


sensorprotein 106,273,274,304,442,449,450,464 Serratia 7 Sesbania 9,13,20,348,350,351,354,396,406,437,

474,511,519 aculeata 9 rostrata 9, 13,348,350,351,354,437,511

shc genes 76, 537 Shc proteins 75, 537 shepherd's crook 417 shoot dry matter 515 SI 177,179,537 sialic acid 98, 145 SigA 28 signal molecules 30,59,65,71,97, 138, 140, 145,

148,192,200,215,223,224,236,238,269,275, 322,324,325,326,348,362,369,403,423,492, 493,504

signal peptidase II signal peptide signal transduction


73 49,51,73, 105, 112,293,326


signaling by A. tumefaciens 242 321 146

silent host silver staining Sinorhizobium

fredii 19,20,59,121,122,123,126,127,128, 129,130,131,136,138,146,147,148,149,160, 161,349,363,364,365,367,368,371,377,378, 380,396,397,398

Nod factors 396, 397 medicae 9,19,20 meliloti 4,9,19,20,26-38,49,56,59,63-65,67,

71,73,77,81-90,92,93,94,97, 100, 102, 104-109, 111-1l4, 121-123, 126-131, 136, 138-140, 146-149,158,159,161-163,177-179,181,201, 229,230,241,243,362-365,367-369,371,373-379,381,382,390,391,396-398,424,464-468, 470-472,474,475,478,479

102F34 JJclO Nod factors

saheli Nod factors

terangae Nod factors

siratro small GTP-binding proteins smooth sn-l-phosphoglycerol sn-glycerol-3-phosphate social benefits soil

acidity contaminants

86,464 464

391,396 9, 19,20, 395, 396

396 9,19,396

396 159,377,394

424 121,126,127,133,242

73,82,85,87,88,89,92 56,57


161,380 526


population 156,158,159,161,164,488,495 texture 164,524

Solanum tuberosum 329 soybean 13,14,19,20,85,87,90,91,92,137,139,

146,156,159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 169,238, 241,331,332,349,352,358,371,373,374,377, 397,398,408,410,423,425,426,427,445,467, 469,470,471,472,473,474,475,477,478,479, 496,500,511,516,518,519,520,526

Lincoln 520 Shelby 520 Williams 23,35,41,43,145,148,151,153,154,

169,195,232,429,456,489,507,520 specialist cytoplasmic organelle 425 speciation 3, 12, 16, 18,347 specificity 20,35,59,69,91, 133, 134, 144, 160,

173,183,208,209,215,254,286,288,298,322, 328,329,330,333,335,359,369,374,388,391, 392,490,491,494

spectrin spl genes Sprint2 Fix­sqdgenes

sqdA 75 sqdB75 sqdC75 sqdD75

squalene squalene-hopene cyclase 16SrRNA SSU stachydrine stele factor steroid 492

404 217 423 537

75 75,537

17,28,93,129,130,229 4,5,7,9,11-20,537

371,373 409

strain TOM 160,347,363,364,378,380,382 Streptococcus thermophilus III Streptomyces 63, 105, 181,520,535 structural variation 136 structure function relationship 94, 120, 149,403,412,

413 Stylosanthes 352, 354 a-subdivision 7 subtilisin-like protease 421 succinate 51,88,187,381,442,445,455,466,468,

470,471,473,474,475,480,515,537 succinate dehydrogenase 471 sugar effect 323,330, 331 sugar-phosphodiesters 183 sugars 98,100,110,123,125,127,137,138,145,

235,244,272,273,304,323,330,331,38&,411, 461,470,471

sulfate sulfhydryl group sulfolipid sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol sulphate sulphated me1hyl fucose sulphation

194 63

73,75,537 73, 75

391 394 394

sulphonamides 526 sulphotransferase 391,392 sunflower 526 superior strain selection 521 supemodulation 359,521 superoxide anions 427 supervirulence 331 suppressor mutations 106 surface exclusion 224, 225 sustainable agriculture 78,116,117,510,525,526,52& Sweet Clover 525 swelling 404,405,406,408,516 sym genes 200-202,209,210,223,228-230,498

sym2 413 Sym plasmids 32,39,50, 167,200,201,202,209,

210,223,229,230,236,243,247,362,435,498 plli5JI 201,230 p~GR234a 209,210,220,223,225,229,230 pRLlJI 30,50,77,201 pRL5JI 201 pRP2JI 108, 201 pSyml 201 pSym5 201,210 pSym9 201,210

Symproteins 30,45,49,50,114,167,178,179,201, 243,247,362,363,371,537

symbiogenesis 488 symbiont 9,58, 121, 146,243,495 symbioses with cyanobacteria 494 symbiosis 16,29,31,32,40,51,52,77,87,92, 112,

113,120,121,133, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 146, 1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~,2~, 347,348,349,354,356,358,380,381,425,427, 435,439,445,454,462,464,465,467,469,472, 474,475,477,478,479,480,481,487,488,494, 497,498,500,510,515,517,518,519,520,521

symbiosomal membrane 357,423,424,425,426,427 symbiosome 90,100,134,141,142,143,357,419,

423,424,425,426,427,442,468,473,477,478, 479,497,500,501,503,537

development 419,423,425,426,427,472,474, 477,479,4&0

membrane composition 423 metabolic exchange 419, 423, 425, 426, 427, 472,

474,477,479,480 symbiosome senescence 427 symbiotic associations 487,488 symbiotic ~2 fixation 512,517,528 symbiotic nitrogen fixation 32, 179, 193,432,433,

434,435,437,441,444,445,452,454,456,465, 471,477,478,530

symbiotic plasmid 108, 131, 134, 143, 149, 156, 163,166,179,365,398,454

synchronized growth synchronous synergistic effect syrgenes


138 141,149,263

259 537 107

~ 1~ ~~ 59,106,361,363,364,365,367,368,378,

381,387 ~~i 368 ~~2 368

S}T proteins S}T11 361,368,369,376,377,381,491

syringic acid methyl ester 323


tartrate 193,202,227,332 227 tartrate plasmids

Tax proteins TaxA TaxB

286 286

TaxC 286 taxonomy 2,3, 12, 157,432 T-complex 298,305,307,309,310,312,318 T-D~A 176,177,187,188,251,254,255,257,258,

259,261,262,263,267,268,269,281,282,283, 285,286,288,290,291,293,298,299,303,304, 305,306,307,308,309,311,312,313,314,316, 318,339,341,342

border sequences 339 genes 187,188,257,259,263,322,324,326,327,

328 integration 314,316,318,333 processing 281,285,286,322,324,327,329,330,

333 transfer 208,254,281,282,283,285,288,290,

291,298,304,306,307,308,310,311,314,316, 318,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329, 330,331,334,335,339,340

T-D~A border sequences 327 T -D~A Genes 326 T-D~A integration 314,316,318,333 T-D~A processing 322,324,327,329,330,333 T-D~Atransfer 304,306,307,308,310,311,314,

316,318,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328, 329,330,331,334,335,339,340

T-D~A-gene 6b 257,263,327,328 temperature 5,57,62,90,122, 136, 144, 145, 148,

159,162,164,223,246,253,269,273,283,323, 514

tetraploid Thalspi caerulescens thermal regulation thin-walled infection threads Thiobacillus thiobarbituric acid thioester thioether Ti oncogenes

521 526 62

424 129 145

63, 77 73

262 Ti plasmids 30,33,77, 173, 175, 176, 177, 182-190,



254,255,257-259,263,268,282,283,285,286, 288,295,298,322,324-328,331-333,335,538

pTi15955 203,208,211,212,214,222,224,225 pTiA6~C 207,228 pTiAch5 203,210,211,214,331 pTiC58 182,184-186,203-212,214,216,218,

220,222,224-228,230,268,270,324 pTiRlO 203-207,211,212,214,216,218,220,

222,224,225,228 TIP 253,254,538 tip growth 238,404,405,406,408,417,493 Ti-specific vir genes 324 tissue culture cells 237,240,241,242,244,247 tissue invasion 139,357,421,423 TL 203,255,538 hn/genes 257,538 hnr genes 256,257,258,327,538 hns genes 256,257,327,538

hnsi 256,328 hns2 256

tobacco 86, 115, 144, 192, 193, 237, 256, 259,262, 263,264,269,271,272,298,311,314,318,340, 342,343,410,411,493,528

a-tocopherol 492 T011 strain 160,349,382,391,396 toxin export 291 TR 203,255,538 tra box 216 tra genes 35,39,182,186,199,203-212,214,216,

218,220,222-227,229,230,283,285,288,290, 538

traA traB trae traD traF traG tral traM traR

tra operon Tra proteins

TraZ TraA TraB TraC TraD TraE TraF TraG Tral TraJ TraK TraL Tra11 TraR TraY

204,205,206,208 204,205,206,208 204,205,218,295

204,205,290 204,205,206,207,208

204,205,206,208,209,214,226 203,206-209,216,220,223,226,229

203,218,220,223 203,214,216-218,220,222-223,227-228

203,204,206,208,214,216,283,285 205,206,208,214,216,286,290,538

308 205,208,209,285,293,297

206,285 205,285,295,297 205,206,286,290

285 206,207,209,295

206,208,209,285,286,290,291,308 77,205,208,209,216,286,288,308,538

286 286

285,297 220,222,286

199,214,215,216,218,220,222 286

trans-2, cis-II-octadecadienoic acid 65


trans-2, cis-9-hexadecadienoic acid 65 trans-2, trans-4, cis-ll-octadecatrienoic acid 65 trans-2, trans-4, cis-9-hexadecatrienoic acid 65 trans-2, trans-4, trans-6, cis-ll-octadecatetraenoic acid

65 trans-4, trans-6, cis-ll-octadecatrienoic acid 65 transacetylase 240 transcellular infection threads 419 transcriptional start site 28, 363, 368, 371 transduction 26, 32, 34, 35, 39,71,260, 329, 362,

382,450 transfer origin 286, 308 transfer region 189,203,208,210,298 transferred DNA 203,267,282,303,537,538 transfonnation 25,34, 155,252,254,256,261,299,

303,306,316,322,324,325,326,330,333,334, 335,340,341,342,343

transgenic plants 192, 193, 257,259,260,263, 264, 269,298,305,307,324,335,342,343,526

transgenic technology 528 transglycosylation 64 transmembrane ion flow 397 transporter 104,112,222,392,395,442,465,466,

471,477,535 transposable element 36,314,326 transposable elements 326 transposon 25,31,32,34,38,39,102,104,113,

201,226,256,269,316,362,454,464 trb genes 186,199,203,206,207,208,209,210,

214,216,218,220,222,223,224,225,226,227, 229,298,538

trbB 206,285 trbC 207 trbI 207, 228 trbK 206, 224, 225 trbL 206, 285

trb operon 203,206,207,209,214,216,220,222, 223,229

Trb proteins TrbB 229,285,297 TrbC 207,225 TrbE 225,285 TrbF 206 TrbI 228,285

Trebouxia 501 trehalose biosynthesis 475 tricarboxylic acid 465, 537 trichloroethylene 526 trifoliin A 243, 245 Trifolium 17,113,114,159,348,349,352,372,396,

406,415,495,511,517,518 pratense repens

Trigonella trigonelline trinitrotoluene triterpenoid triterpenoid lipid

495,518 113,114,159,372,518

19,348 181,371,373,374

526 75,375,492,496


tritium suicide trl genes

trlR Trl proteins

TrlR tRNA trp genes

trpE trpG

Trw proteins



222 5,192,330,502,538

28 28 28

TrwA 286 TrwB 206,285,286 TrwC 286 TrwD 285,297 TrwE 285 TrwF 285 TrwK 285

tumor fonnation 86,236,237,238,241,244,247, 267,269,321,322,326,327,328,332,333,334, 479

tumor inducing 182,254,267,538 tumor necrosis factor 130 tumorigenesis 175,206,252,257,261,269,283,298,

321,324,326,328,329,332 tumorigenic potential 331 two component regulator 392 two-component regulatory system 106, 161, 268,

324,363,377,450,452,464,466,477,498,499, 500,504

TYmedium Type I export pathway tyrosine aminotransferase tzs genes


48,247 397 478


ubiquinone 56 UDP-GlcNAc 130, 388, 398, 538 UDP-glucose 85,86,89,109,111,442,475 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity 110 UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine biosynthesis 536 UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 388 Ugp 538 Ulmaceae 347,348,494,501 ureides 479,480,511,512 uridine 403, 409 uronides 140 Ustilago violaceae 492

v VA 538 VAl 15,216,538 vector 35,36,38,39,323,333,335,339,340,341,342 vesicle 76,426,427

vesicular arbuscule mycorrhizal 522, 538 viability 70,130,131,133, 149,246,424,446,480,

492,496 Vicia 17,113,136,158,351,352,372,396,405,406,

425,445,511,517,518 [aba 158,425,518 sauva 113,136,372,405,518

Vigna 348,352,377,471,518,520 angularis 518,520

vir box 270,271,274,275 vir gene expression 329 vir gene inducers 272,322,333, 334, 335 vir genes 32,45,63,177,182,200,202,203,204,

206-210,223,224,229,235,255,261,267-275, 282,283,285,288,298,304,306,321-331,333, 334,335,339,538

virA 182, 192,268,269,270,271,273,274,275, 283,304,321,322,323,324,325,327,328,330

virA mutants 273 virB 208,235,268,270,271,283,285,293,298,

306,324,325,331,340 virBl 285 virBll 285,297 virB4 299 virB6 285 virB7 297 vi,c 107,109,268-271,283,285,304,321,323,

324,327,328,330 virD 107, 109,268-271,283,285,304,324,330 virDl 286,304 virD2 226,286, 304 virD3 326 virD4 208, 226, 306 virD5 326 virE 268-271,283,285,298,321,323,324,328 virEl 298,306 virE2 206,298,305,306,307,310,324 vir}! 206,268,269,283,298,306,321,324,326 vi~ 182,192,268,269,270,271,274,275,

283,324,330,331,340 vi~ mutants 274 vi~N54D 274, 323 virH 268,269,283,321,324,325,326 virJ 283,321,324,325,326,330,332

Vir proteins VirA 47,192,268,273,274,275,282,304,322,

323,324,325,331,492 VirB 209,268,281,282,283,285,291,293,295,

296,297,298,306,308,316 VirBl 293,296

285,295,296,297,306 285,293,295,296,297,298,299,306

285,293,295,296,333 285,295,296

285,295,296,306 285,295,296

295,296 293,295,296,297

VirBIO VirB11 VirB2 VirB3 VirB4 VirB5 VirB6 VirB7


VirB8 285, 295, 296, 297, 306 VirB9 285,295,296,297,306 Yin: 328,330 VirD 330 VirDI 268,282,283,285,286,290,303,304 VirD2 208,268,282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290,

303,304,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,314, 316,318

VirD4 206,208,209,268,281,283,285,286, 290,291,299,306,308,316

VirE 281,298,325 VirEI 269,306,307 VirE2 269,282,283,298,303-307,309,310,

314,316,318,324 VirF 269,281,282,298,305,325 VlliJ 192,268,269,270,271,273,274,275,276,

304,323,324,325 VirH 269 Vir! 305,325, 326, 330

virulence 84,91,119,143,144,150,175,177, 187,192,200,203,211,212,237,241,242,244, 247,254,258,261,267,268,269,270,271,283, 291,293,299,303,304,305,307,309,312,314, 316,318,322,324,325,326,328,329,330,331, 332,339,340,538

virulence determinants 119,175,254,299 virulence factors virulence region ViUs

143, 150 187,269,291,316,324,326,339,340

amurensis vinifera

vitopine-type vitronectin

w Walker motif water availability wide host range Winged Bean Wzc proteins

x xanthan Xanthobacter

agilis autotrophicus flavus

Xanthomonas campestris

Xenopus xylem xylem ureide content xyloglucan

332 177,193,327

332 244,245,247,329

295,297 162

210,322,327,538 525 111

98,115 9,13,14

9 9 9

82,93,98,115,144,148,184 98,115,144,184

310 236,517,519,526

519 419


xylose isomerase xylulose-5-phosphate


467 467

Yshape yeast

423 15,220,245,281,286,310,314,316,318,

321,462,538 yjbB 217

z Zeamays zinc finger motif Zymomonas mobilis

324 107


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