
Post on 16-Jul-2015






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● We are Fran and Moisés and we worked about ● Hope you like it.

The continents in the World

● The continents are made o solid rocks. ● But the continents only take a 29% in the Earth.

The other part are take by the oceans.

América 8%

Asia 8,5%

Europa 2%

África 6%

Oceanía 1,5%

Antartica 3%

Pacif ic Ocean 32%

Atlantic Ocean 16%

Indic Ocean 14%

Antartic Ocean 6%

Artic Ocean 3%

The formation of the Continents

● In the past, when the Earth was form there was only a big continent. It name was Pangea.

● But the natural phenomenas change the landscape and separated in the history.

● This form the continent that we know: Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America, and the Antarctica.


The distribution of the humans beings

● The first humans are in the southeast of Africa but they went to the different continent.

● The humans born 1,5 - 3,5 millions years ago.

● Then they went to the west of Africa and the south of Asia 1,5 millions years ago.

● Then they travel to the south of Europe 100.000- 500.000 years ago.

● After, 100.000- 10.000 years ago thy travel to the center of Asia, the south of America and Oceania.

● In the other parts there weren't humans because there was an glaciation.

Physical Europe

● It's a small continent. It is separate from Asia by the Ural Mountains and the Caucasus. In the Caucasus there is the highest mountain in Europe, the Elbrus mountain.

● Other important groups of mountains are the Alps ( the Alps have the Mount Blanc), Pyrenees and the Scandinavian and Carpathian mountains.

● The longs rivers in Europe are the Rin river, the Danube, Denieper, Volga and the Don.

Political Europe

● Europe it formed by 45 countries.

Twenty- seven European countries forms the EU (European Union) the coin of EU is the Euro The Headquarter of EU is in Brussels (Belgium).

● Important monuments in Europe are the Big Ben (London), The Al- hambra (Spain) and the historic Vatican City.

Physical America

● America have the biggest jungle, the Amazon jungle, the lung of the Earth. In this jungle there is the widest river in the world, the Amazon river.

● The most important ridges are the Rockie Mountains and the Andes.

● In Panama there is a canal that communicate the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

● The Atacama desert (Argentina- Chile).

● In California was the hottest temperature recorded.

Political AmericaThis continent is separated in three parts: North America (3 countries and the dependences), Central America (7 countries and the dependences) and South America (13 countries and the dependences). Altogether are 35 countries.

● In North America speak English and French, and in the other parts of America speak Spanish and Portuguese, it is Latin America.

● In America (New York) there is the headquarters of the UN (United Nation), the Statue of Liberty (in Liberty Island) and important skyscrapers like the Empire State.

Physical Asia

● Asia is the biggest continent in the world. ● In Asia there is the highest mountain in the world the

Mount Everest with 8848 meters long. This is in the Himalaya (Nepal) the highest mountain range.

● Also in Asia there is the Gobi desert.● Important river in Asia there are the Yangtes river (the

3rd longest river in the world), the Ganges river ( the sacred river of the of the Hindu culture), Eufrates, Indo, Amur and Brahmputra.

Political Asia

● China in Asia is the most populous country in the world (with1 339 724 852 inhabitant) this produce that Asia there is the most populous continent.

● Asia have the highest build in the world. This build is the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (in the Arabian Peninsula).

Physical Africa

● Africa is in the south of Europe.● The most important landforms are the Sahara

desert.● The longest river in the world are River Nile

(Africa). This river make possible live in countries like Egypt

● The highest mountain in Africa is the Kilimanjaro.

Political Africa

● The people in Africa are very poor. ● In Africa there is the poorest river in the world,


Physical Oceania

● Oceania is the smallest continent in the world.● It is formed with Australia and other smalls

islands.● In Australia there is the Great Victoria Desert or

Great Sandy Desert.

Political Oceania

● In Oceania there is a famous theater of opera. The Opera of Sidney

● In some islands of Oceania there are many nomadic tribes that not want give up their culture.


● In the Antarctica there are not people live in the continent because on the earth there is ice. But some scientist go to this continent to make experiments.

● The South pole is in the Antarctica.

The North Pole

● The North pole isn't a continent because is not formed by solid earth is only formed by the ice on the Arctic Ocean.

Bye Bye


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