contextual teaching

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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Contextual Teaching and Learning Approacha. DefinitionContextual teaching and learning (CTL) is a holistic learning process and aims to helps students to understand the meaning of teaching materials with it to the context of day to day (the context of personal, social and cultural), so that students have the knowledge / skills are dynamic and flexible to actively constructing their own understanding.( Drs. Bandono, MM, March,7, 2008)

CTL called contextual approach because the concept of learning that help teachers content associate between the lesson and the real world situation with the students and encourage students to make the relationship between knowledge held by the implementations in their lives as members of the community.Contextual teaching and learning is a system that stimulates the brain to weave patterns that express meaning. Contextual teaching and learning is a brain compatible system of instruction that generates meaning by linking academic content with the context of a students daily life. Taking advantage of the fact that the environment stimulates the brains neurons to form pathways, the system focuses on context, on relationship.( Elaine B. Johnson, PH, D 2002 : 16 )

Contextual teaching and learning is the concept of learning that help teachers linking between the subject with the real world situation of student and encourage students to make relationship between knowledge by implementations in their life as family members.Contextual teaching and learning approach is an educational process that aim to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social and cultural circumstance. To achieve this aim the system encompasses the following eight components: active, self-regulated, learning, making connection, significant work, critical and reaching high standard, using authentic.(Us Department of Education,2001)

Contextual teaching and learning approach according to my concept is one that can answer various stymie the concept of learning at this time that tends to partial and dry.

The concept of education for this tend to separate between knowledge and action so that this way of thinking that causes a bullet box and not connected with the behavior. Knowledge without the knowledge only able to find a context that cognitive meaning (fair not only this country forward, go forward even if we have enough people versed).

Contextual teaching and learning process that uses an approach which is able to help teachers to relate the material of the lesson to the real situation this approach motivates students to relate their knowledge which gathered in the class to application in their life as a member of family, society and as an employer of an instanstion later.

Katz, Howey and Zipher said in Lary Smith (Communicative Approach to Teaching as an International Language) that a teaching program not just as a collection of a lesson but more that it many cases that should be considered in arranging a teaching program, such as: the role of teacher in the class, the concept of teaching and learning, the role of school in society. If the both concept there are in teaching and learning process, so the result of learning well.

Contextual is a respond to an approach was well-known behaviorism with emphasizes on stimulus respond with a drill practice. So that to be able to speak naturally in our real life in various situation, we need critical thinking and a significant teaching. If the students understand that there is a relation between knowledge gathered in their school with their life out side. They will realize the significant of the learning and will know going to school is very important.

Briefly, we can say that contextual teaching and learning is a process of teaching and learning which the material and the action have relation with the students experience out of their school and other definition of contextual teaching learning approach is learning solving problem, teaching and learning in various context, teaching students learning by them selves and learning together in a group are very important.

From those definition about the researcher concludes that all of the have a same concept which can be said an approach of teaching and learning relating the materials and classroom activities to real situation and actual experiences focusing on the learning process leading to creativity, critically thinking, problem solving and being able to apply knowledge in their lives.

b. Element of Contextual Teaching And LearningAccording C-Star group (University of Washington)The element of contextual teaching and learning approach consist of 7 elements, they are:

a.Constructivism Flow of learning that require students to prepare and build a new meaning on the experience based on specific knowledgeb.Questioning Asked that the activities carried out by both teachers and by students. Questions teachers used to lead, guide and evaluate how students think. Meanwhile, the question exists student is a curiosity.c.Inquiry Cycle in the process of building the knowledge of the concept that originated from the observation, asked, investigation, analysis and theory building.d.Learning Community Study groups or community group that serves as a vehicle of communication for sharing experiences and ideas.e.Modeling Activities demonstrate an act that students can learn or imitate, or do something in accordance with the model provided.f.Reflection See the return or respond to an accident, activities and experiences that aims to identify things that are already known, and it has not been made known to be an improvement in the action.g.Authentic assessment Alternative assessment procedures that require students to really show the real capabilities.( Elaine B. Johnson, PH, D, )

Based above the component of contextual teaching and learning, the writer can concluded the student best by learning actively constructing their own understanding. The contextual teaching and learning component making connection is time honored. Contextual teaching and learning component assure that integrated classes are student centered experiences, accommodate from separate development cultural and background and appeal to variety of interest talents and learning style.

c. The Steps Of Contextual Teaching And Learning

(The practical steps used the strategy instruction on contextual approach :

1.Link a subject, who want to teach to the student with the success shape in applied a subject.2.The earlier story a bibliography or finding the success ways who take on a shape in applied a subject.3.Formulation and show the benefit who clear and specific to the student connect with knowledge (subject) who can teach to them.4.Efforts in order to knowledge who study in the school can motivation the student to review and especially to connect with real life them.5.Give a freedom to the student to construct the knowledge who acceptance manner subjective until the student can find self ways natural study who pin with herself.6.Discover the wealth emotion who there is in herself and let them to express with freedom.7.Guide them to used emotion in acceptance study or in other activity in school-until the student full meaning (unpurpose in study in school)).

Contextual teaching and learning was designed to help all children learn demanding academic material. There are some steps in contextual teaching and learning process:1. Become self regulated, active learners who develop individual interests, working alone or in groups. Learn by doing.2. Make connections between school and such real life contexts as business and community agencies.3. Perform significant work, work that has a purpose, matters to other, involves making choices, and results in a product, tangible or intangible.4. Use creative and critical higher order thinking: Analyze, synthesize, problem solve, make decisions, use logic and evidence.5. Collaborate: Help students work effectively in groups, help them understand how they affect other, help them communicate with others.6. Nurture the individual: Know, pay attention to, and hold high expectations for each child.7. Motivate and encourage each student. Students cannot succeed without adult support. Students respect peers and adults.8. Recognize and reach high standards: Identify demanding objectives and motive students to attain them. Show them the way to achieve excellence.(Elaine B. Johnson, PH, D, 2000 : 102 )

Clearly the practice of connecting academic content with the context of daily life derives much of its strength from its relationship with the other parts of the contextual teaching and learning approach system. Making connections is in itself, however essential to the discovery of meaning. The power of this single strategy arises in part from its compability with the brains functions and the three main principles that pervade all living systems, including human being and their organization.

d. The Advantages of Contextual Teaching and LearningIn teaching vocabulary, especially in using contextual teaching and learning we can find some advantages as follow:1.Contextual Teaching and Learning approach making that hold meaning.2. Contextual Teaching and Learning approach self regulated learning.3. Doing significant work.4. With Contextual Teaching and Learning approach the student have collaboration.5. The student is critical and creative thinking.6. Reaching high standards7. Contextual Teaching and Learning approach has authentic assessment.( Elaine B Johnson Ph.D.2002, viii )

The contextual teaching and learning approach help teachers to relate the material of lesson to the real situation. With their experience motivate them to achieve high academic standards, to perform authentic assessment task and being receptive to a mentors advice.

Based on the above explanation, the writer can conclude that in teaching approach especially by using contextual teaching and learning approach has some advantages it would be easier for the students to study a lesson.

And the end, the language learning will be well and interest if the teacher do her/his rule using the best approach for help to students how to use the language, not teaching about the language. And contextual teaching and learning can help the teacher for performing task through element contextual. Not give note about structure language and sentences but obsession, give the example and give the chance to student using language through oral and non-oral.

According to professor MS Djohar and professor Winarno, as quoted Paul Suparno, the quality of learning at all levels of education continue to dwindle due to feared supply on the value of professional education for prospective teachers in universities.Research conducted by the Darling-Hammond and Young 2002 in the Educational Researcher (kompas, 26/10/2004: p. 4) strongly revealed, most of the Faculty of Teacher not ready to produce a professional teacher. The observation that the author has been done to some schools, many teachers are not applying the contextual learning. Result of interviews with a number of principals, it is still a lot of teachers do not understand the contextual learning, and learning how to incorporate it in the school.

e. The Weakness of Contextual Teaching and LearningThe weakness of Contextual Teaching and Learning approach was teacher must look at each child in the classroom expressly to understand that childs emotional state, learning style, English speaking skills, cultural and racial context, and financial circumstance.(Elaine B Johnson Ph.D.2002, 13 )

Contextual also directs our thinking to ward experience. When ideas are experienced, used in context, they have meaning. Contextual teaching and learning always resonated with the vocational technical community, began to be accepted by those teaching academic material. Intuitively, educators knew it made sense to teach abstract subjects such as mathematics or chemistry by having students do practical, real world assignments. Students in, say automotive and manufacturing technology programs had always mastered technical skills by practicing hands on learning.Contextual Teaching and Learning Approacha. DefinitionContextual teaching and learning (CTL) is a holistic learning process and aims to helps students to understand the meaning of teaching materials with it to the context of day to day (the context of personal, social and cultural), so that students have the knowledge / skills are dynamic and flexible to actively constructing their own understanding.( Drs. Bandono, MM, March,7, 2008)

CTL called contextual approach because the concept of learning that help teachers content associate between the lesson and the real world situation with the students and encourage students to make the relationship between knowledge held by the implementations in their lives as members of the community.Contextual teaching and learning is a system that stimulates the brain to weave patterns that express meaning. Contextual teaching and learning is a brain compatible system of instruction that generates meaning by linking academic content with the context of a students daily life. Taking advantage of the fact that the environment stimulates the brains neurons to form pathways, the system focuses on context, on relationship.( Elaine B. Johnson, PH, D 2002 : 16 )

Contextual teaching and learning is the concept of learning that help teachers linking between the subject with the real world situation of student and encourage students to make relationship between knowledge by implementations in their life as family members.Contextual teaching and learning approach is an educational process that aim to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social and cultural circumstance. To achieve this aim the system encompasses the following eight components: active, self-regulated, learning, making connection, significant work, critical and reaching high standard, using authentic.(Us Department of Education,2001)

Contextual teaching and learning approach according to my concept is one that can answer various stymie the concept of learning at this time that tends to partial and dry.

The concept of education for this tend to separate between knowledge and action so that this way of thinking that causes a bullet box and not connected with the behavior. Knowledge without the knowledge only able to find a context that cognitive meaning (fair not only this country forward, go forward even if we have enough people versed).

Contextual teaching and learning process that uses an approach which is able to help teachers to relate the material of the lesson to the real situation this approach motivates students to relate their knowledge which gathered in the class to application in their life as a member of family, society and as an employer of an instanstion later.

Katz, Howey and Zipher said in Lary Smith (Communicative Approach to Teaching as an International Language) that a teaching program not just as a collection of a lesson but more that it many cases that should be considered in arranging a teaching program, such as: the role of teacher in the class, the concept of teaching and learning, the role of school in society. If the both concept there are in teaching and learning process, so the result of learning well.

Contextual is a respond to an approach was well-known behaviorism with emphasizes on stimulus respond with a drill practice. So that to be able to speak naturally in our real life in various situation, we need critical thinking and a significant teaching. If the students understand that there is a relation between knowledge gathered in their school with their life out side. They will realize the significant of the learning and will know going to school is very important.

Briefly, we can say that contextual teaching and learning is a process of teaching and learning which the material and the action have relation with the students experience out of their school and other definition of contextual teaching learning approach is learning solving problem, teaching and learning in various context, teaching students learning by them selves and learning together in a group are very important.

From those definition about the researcher concludes that all of the have a same concept which can be said an approach of teaching and learning relating the materials and classroom activities to real situation and actual experiences focusing on the learning process leading to creativity, critically thinking, problem solving and being able to apply knowledge in their lives.

b. Element of Contextual Teaching And LearningAccording C-Star group (University of Washington)The element of contextual teaching and learning approach consist of 7 elements, they are:

a.Constructivism Flow of learning that require students to prepare and build a new meaning on the experience based on specific knowledgeb.Questioning Asked that the activities carried out by both teachers and by students. Questions teachers used to lead, guide and evaluate how students think. Meanwhile, the question exists student is a curiosity.c.Inquiry Cycle in the process of building the knowledge of the concept that originated from the observation, asked, investigation, analysis and theory building.d.Learning Community Study groups or community group that serves as a vehicle of communication for sharing experiences and ideas.e.Modeling Activities demonstrate an act that students can learn or imitate, or do something in accordance with the model provided.f.Reflection See the return or respond to an accident, activities and experiences that aims to identify things that are already known, and it has not been made known to be an improvement in the action.g.Authentic assessment Alternative assessment procedures that require students to really show the real capabilities.( Elaine B. Johnson, PH, D, )

Based above the component of contextual teaching and learning, the writer can concluded the student best by learning actively constructing their own understanding. The contextual teaching and learning component making connection is time honored. Contextual teaching and learning component assure that integrated classes are student centered experiences, accommodate from separate development cultural and background and appeal to variety of interest talents and learning style.

c. The Steps Of Contextual Teaching And Learning

(The practical steps used the strategy instruction on contextual approach :

1.Link a subject, who want to teach to the student with the success shape in applied a subject.2.The earlier story a bibliography or finding the success ways who take on a shape in applied a subject.3.Formulation and show the benefit who clear and specific to the student connect with knowledge (subject) who can teach to them.4.Efforts in order to knowledge who study in the school can motivation the student to review and especially to connect with real life them.5.Give a freedom to the student to construct the knowledge who acceptance manner subjective until the student can find self ways natural study who pin with herself.6.Discover the wealth emotion who there is in herself and let them to express with freedom.7.Guide them to used emotion in acceptance study or in other activity in school-until the student full meaning (unpurpose in study in school)).

Contextual teaching and learning was designed to help all children learn demanding academic material. There are some steps in contextual teaching and learning process:1. Become self regulated, active learners who develop individual interests, working alone or in groups. Learn by doing.2. Make connections between school and such real life contexts as business and community agencies.3. Perform significant work, work that has a purpose, matters to other, involves making choices, and results in a product, tangible or intangible.4. Use creative and critical higher order thinking: Analyze, synthesize, problem solve, make decisions, use logic and evidence.5. Collaborate: Help students work effectively in groups, help them understand how they affect other, help them communicate with others.6. Nurture the individual: Know, pay attention to, and hold high expectations for each child.7. Motivate and encourage each student. Students cannot succeed without adult support. Students respect peers and adults.8. Recognize and reach high standards: Identify demanding objectives and motive students to attain them. Show them the way to achieve excellence.(Elaine B. Johnson, PH, D, 2000 : 102 )

Clearly the practice of connecting academic content with the context of daily life derives much of its strength from its relationship with the other parts of the contextual teaching and learning approach system. Making connections is in itself, however essential to the discovery of meaning. The power of this single strategy arises in part from its compability with the brains functions and the three main principles that pervade all living systems, including human being and their organization.

d. The Advantages of Contextual Teaching and LearningIn teaching vocabulary, especially in using contextual teaching and learning we can find some advantages as follow:1.Contextual Teaching and Learning approach making that hold meaning.2. Contextual Teaching and Learning approach self regulated learning.3. Doing significant work.4. With Contextual Teaching and Learning approach the student have collaboration.5. The student is critical and creative thinking.6. Reaching high standards7. Contextual Teaching and Learning approach has authentic assessment.( Elaine B Johnson Ph.D.2002, viii )

The contextual teaching and learning approach help teachers to relate the material of lesson to the real situation. With their experience motivate them to achieve high academic standards, to perform authentic assessment task and being receptive to a mentors advice.

Based on the above explanation, the writer can conclude that in teaching approach especially by using contextual teaching and learning approach has some advantages it would be easier for the students to study a lesson.

And the end, the language learning will be well and interest if the teacher do her/his rule using the best approach for help to students how to use the language, not teaching about the language. And contextual teaching and learning can help the teacher for performing task through element contextual. Not give note about structure language and sentences but obsession, give the example and give the chance to student using language through oral and non-oral.

According to professor MS Djohar and professor Winarno, as quoted Paul Suparno, the quality of learning at all levels of education continue to dwindle due to feared supply on the value of professional education for prospective teachers in universities.Research conducted by the Darling-Hammond and Young 2002 in the Educational Researcher (kompas, 26/10/2004: p. 4) strongly revealed, most of the Faculty of Teacher not ready to produce a professional teacher. The observation that the author has been done to some schools, many teachers are not applying the contextual learning. Result of interviews with a number of principals, it is still a lot of teachers do not understand the contextual learning, and learning how to incorporate it in the school.

e. The Weakness of Contextual Teaching and LearningThe weakness of Contextual Teaching and Learning approach was teacher must look at each child in the classroom expressly to understand that childs emotional state, learning style, English speaking skills, cultural and racial context, and financial circumstance.(Elaine B Johnson Ph.D.2002, 13 )

Contextual also directs our thinking to ward experience. When ideas are experienced, used in context, they have meaning. Contextual teaching and learning always resonated with the vocational technical community, began to be accepted by those teaching academic material. Intuitively, educators knew it made sense to teach abstract subjects such as mathematics or chemistry by having students do practical, real world assignments. Students in, say automotive and manufacturing technology programs had always mastered technical skills by practicing hands on learning.

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