contents pages

Post on 15-Aug-2015



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Content Pages

Layout: The layout of the KERRANG content page is set out really well, on the left half of the page it has the main image with an offer to win some shoes, then underneath that there is a message from the editor which some people might find interesting. Aside from that, on the right hand side there is the actual contents of the magazine. It has different tabs on the things that are in the magazine such as ‘news’ and ‘features’. Across the top there is the yellow banner with the title of the page which is one of the first things I noticed other than the red ‘Metallica’. A great part of the layout scheme is the offer in the bottom right promoting a subscription for the KERRANG magazine, the best part about this is that its not in the way of anything else on the page. The main image really stands out as it covers up the banner at the top. Also, the image is black and white when everything else is colourful.

Colour: The way colour is used throughout this contents page has given a really good effect to the page. Linking back to the front cover, using red and yellow (which are the main colours of the page) could remind the consumer of another brand associated with these colours. For red and yellow, it would be McDonalds.Images: In the contents pages of the KERRANG magazines there’s usually a main image and a few other images surrounding. This issue has exactly that. Keeping up with the other magazines shows consistency, therefore allowing a long time reader to find what they want as quick as possible. The actual images in this issue of KERRANG are used really well. As the main attraction of the contents page is Metallica, the image takes up over 1 quarter of the page, nearly half. The fact that they have used the picture in black and white allows it to stand out with the addition of the red text. At the bottom there is a mans face for the editors part, this picture is beneficial to the editors part of the page as the face seems scrambled (edited) with other parts of other faces.

Voice: For the contents page, I feel as if there’s two voices talking to the reader. Those voices are advising and instructing. Most of the contents page is giving you advice that might benefit you, for example; ‘win’ is something that speaks for itself. If you read where it says that you might get a chance to win something- and you do, you are better off altogether. An instruction is that the contents page gives is subscribing to the magazine if you are interested in more music news. The type of language used throughout the page has a slight slang twist to it. “KILL `EM” is slang and that is used on the main story. This will cater for the younger ones such as teenagers that are reading the KERRANG magazine.

Layout: The layout of the XXL magazines contents page is done really well. Its simple but effective. It has the contents page title at the top but on the XXL magazine its called ‘the A-side’. It then has the contents page down the left and the main image on the right. The contents follow the outline of 50 cents body instead of having a box to keep the contents in, it just flows down the page. On the middle of the image there is a quote that states there would be no 50 cent there would be no soulja boy. This links to the image as there is 50 cent and soulja boy standing there. Having this quote completely backs up the image. The logo of the XXL magazine is in the top right hand corner underneath the masthead – reminding you what magazine you’re actually reading (If you have issues remembering things)

Colour: XXL has a basic colour scheme which is black, red and white. It might be basic but it works. Usually it comes down to having a white background, red parts for the important or ‘hot’ stories and black for the text that isn't as important or ‘hot’ but is still useful information.Images: The only image in the XXL contents page is the 50 Cent and Soulja boy image. The quote that comes with it “If there wasn’t no 50 cent there would be no soulja boy” makes it as if they have a bond with each other. As there is an image of them together and 50 cent is looking over soulja boys shoulder its as if 50 sent is his guardian or higher power. The gazes that they are giving off are both completely different. Soulja boy is giving off this laid back ‘cool’ look into the readers eyes. On the other hand 50 cent is looking over his shoulder as if you have just done something to annoy him with an extremely serious look. Also again, something with all of the magazines, the image overlaps something else. Voice: For the voice of the XXL contents page I feel as if its mainly just advice. Its telling you what there is down the left hand side of the page, no messing about with ads or promotions. The language that is used through this page is slang. You can expect this from a magazine that follows the hip-hop/rap genre as most of the actual lyrics are slang which selected people understand. The font that is used seems to benefit the type of language used and allow it to show without judgement, the text is bold and is really noticeable at a first glance of the magazine.

Layout: For the VIBE magazine, the contents page layout seems to follow what the others are following. Have an image taking up most of the page, “contents” at the top and the actual contents down either hand side. For this page there isn't any cut offs, its all in one place, there’s no boxes with bits of info in. The contents part of the VIBE magazine is similar to the XXL magazine with it following the shape of something, for this its following Shanells leg.Colour: VIBEs colour scheme is just black and white. The text is black and the background is white, these colours still don’t distract the viewer from the main focus which are the two women. Wearing simple outfits with no bright colours allows them to stand out on the white background. Images: There is only one image in the VIBE magazine which is of two women who are Nicki Minaj and Shanell. In the time this was printed (2009) they weren’t well known artists. Through some research, in 2009 Nicki Minaj was just starting to get big after a discovery of her mixtapes. Leading back to what they are wearing in the image, they are wearing very feminine clothing with their hands on their hips and striking poses which caught my attention instantly. Nicki Minaj is also looking provocative as she is plumping her breasts out leading do a male audience to see more.Text: The repetitive way the word ‘Contents’ at the top right is presented reminds the reader that this is from the VIBE magazine, due to its personal font choices. The font is simple and bold, but very striking to draw the attention in. The subtitle font is the same, its used in other issues of VIBE magazines, its also again, recognisable to the audience as being a signature font.Voice: The voice used in the VIBE contents page is simply advising what is in the magazine, down the contents it has page numbers and what's on them with a bit of a story to drag the audiences in to those specific pages. The type of language used in the text isn't slang, its just average language that everyone can understand so all ages can see what they want from this magazine.

Layout: The way this is laid out seems to again, follow the outset of all other magazines. Q has the contents on the left side all the way down to the bottom, they have the large banner across the top to allow the reader to know what page they are on. There is then a large picture dominating the page, for this issue it is Adele's face and underneath that there is the QREVIEW that was mentioned on the front cover of the issue. The top right of the page has the date and the issue number just in case people are collecting the Q magazine. The bottom left of the magazine has the ‘Every month’ section which speaks for itself so people can still check that out.Colour: Q has the same type of colour scheme as the XXL magazine, however in my opinion, utilises it better. They use the colour red so much more to mark everything such as subtitles, page numbers and logos. This draws the eye to those places to allow the reader to find out information of where the black text is. Black is also used for the banners with a white text so it jumps out at you as they are colours that contrast. White is used mainly for the background. I believe white is the best colour to use as it allows everything to be seen on the page, most colours put over white are easily noticeable.Images: The main photo in the picture is of Adele who dominates the page with a close up of her face. As it is a close up the expression is very simple but effective as she is giving a gaze towards the consumer. Her face in this image is the main focus as her neck and shoulders are blurred out. Using this picture is useful as it shows whom the magazine is mainly featuring.Text: The title of the magazine is headlined with ‘contents’ which is in a big bold text highlighting the fact that its an important page. It being white on a black background really catches your eye. The main part of the contents, the column on the left has a mixture of red, white and black fonts. The ‘features’ banner is red to draw more attention to the headline.Voice: The voice used in the Q magazine is advising and entertaining. It gives you advice on what is actually further into the Q magazine and lets you know what you are in for. Then it entertains you by giving you a small sentence with each page to draw you in to see more. The type of language used is formal. There is barely any slang throughout the page.

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