contents 1. aims of st.paul’s mentoring system 2. what is it? 3. how it works? 4. the three...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Contents1. Aims of St.Paul’s Mentoring system

2. What is it?

3. How it works?

4. The three different colours and what they mean

5. Expected age - related levels for your child.

6. Why do we use it?

7. What are the benefits?

8. What our children think of it.

9. How can you help?

Aims of St. Paul’s Mentoring System

•To raise standards for all.

•To motivate and involve children in their learning.

•To involve and inform parents.

What is it?

St Paul’s mentoring is a focussed, child centred approach based on conversations about the child's present and future learning needs.

How does it works?•The child is set targets to work towards.

•Progress is tracked and monitored

•If progress is below expectation support is given to get them back on track.

•Every process involves close communication between the child, teacher and parent.

•Every half term children have a 1:1 meeting with their teacher to discuss their progress.

•During the Autumn term and Spring term your child’s progress will be shared with you at Parental Conferencing.

The three different colours(These colours are seen in the mentoring files and act as a visual guide )

Excellent, keep it up

Needs to improve

Below what is expected. Immediate improvement is required

Children's age expected levels

Year Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6

NC Level 2B 2A/3C 3B 3A/4C 4B

Why do we use it?Children learn best when:-• They understand what they are trying to learn.

•Are given feedback about their work and time to respond to it.

•Are shown how to improve their work and what their next steps in their learning are.

•They take pride in their work and know that 100% effort, quality work and a positive attitude will be celebrated and rewarded.

•Are fully involved in the mentoring system.

What are the benefits?•Children are taught what they NEED to know to achieve their targets.

•Every child in school has personalised targets that they are fully aware of and engaged with.

•Children and teachers are highly motivated to use the system effectively.

•It helps raise achievement

Children’s Views on the St. Paul’s Mentoring System

“It shows me my progression and what I need to improve on. It also shows me things I can be proud of and it helps me to keep my standards high.” George-Y5

“It shows me the things I am really good at and the things I need to worker harder at.” Maryam-Y4

“It shows me my targets and I like seeing lots of green!” – Ozair – Y1

What can you do to help?•Encourage and praise your child’s efforts.

•Support your children at home with their homework and working towards their targets.

•If you are unsure about how to teach your child something don’t worry or feel silly. Come into school and ask one of the teachers. We would be more than happy to help, and we are very aware a lot of things are done differently than when we were at school!

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