contemporary social issues. media impacts on teens

Post on 22-May-2015



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Georgian College. Contemporary Social Issues Multimedia Presentation By: Meghan


Problems of Well-beingeffects Media has on Teens

By:Meghan Janssen

Friday, 29 November, 13

effects Media has on Teens

Media - Video games - Body image - Glorified negative behaviours

Social Media - Cyber Bullying - Facebook depression

Theory - Social Disorganization theory

Friday, 29 November, 13

-1/12 teens report that they have attempted suicide”(Greenburg, 2013).

-”29% of teen have posted mean information, embarrassing

photos or spread rumours about someone on Facebook”(Thomas, n.d.).

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Video Games

•It is said that teens that watch more than 5 hours of TV a day are more violent (Thomas, n.d.).

•Studies show that consistent use of violent video games can make teens more aggressive, more confrontational, more physically violent and have a decline in academics.

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Video Games

• This is because repetition is an effective teaching method

that enhances learning.

• Video games are more influential than movies in

some cases because the individual has to be an active

participant in the game.

• The link below is a clip from CNN

News. Watch the first minute, as they look at the impact video

games have on violence.


Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Body Image

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Body Image

• The girls on TV shows, billboards, ads and in magazines portray an unrealistic view of what

women should look like. This false representation strongly impacts girls, mainly teens.

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Body Image

• They strive to look like women portrayed in media

because that is what they believe is considered pretty.

• This results in young girls developing eating disorders

which can cause emotional and physical health problems, and

can be potentially fatal. (Loop, 2013)

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Body Image

“95 percent of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25”(Do something, n.d.).

“Only 10 percent of people suffering from an eating disorder will seek professional help” (Do something, n.d.)..


Body image is the way that someone perceives their body and assumes others perceive them. This image is often affected by family, friends, social

pressure, and the media. (Spurling, 2010)

See what teens are up against:

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Body Image

• Eating disorders are the third most common chronic illness among women.

(Spurling, 2010)

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Glorified negativebehaviours

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Glorified negativebehaviours

•TV shows and movies show beautiful, thin and popular women smoking, drinking or doing drugs.

•This by itself can be peer pressure for teens.

•This is also shown through the sexual behaviour in which teens see on TV.

•Watching such behaviour can make teens think that it is acceptable and expected for them to act in a similar way.

(Mokeyane, 2013)(Loop, 2013)

Friday, 29 November, 13

•The media teens see on an every day basis can effect them in many ways.

•The average child will see more than 200,000 acts of violence before their 18th birthday

•“TV characters often depict risky behaviours, such as smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender-roles and racial stereotypes”(Kids-health, 2013).

Friday, 29 November, 13

In the link above, it demonstrates the type of behaviour that is encouraged of teens. This encouragement comes from TV shows such as Degrassi.

They make teens think that what they do in the show is acceptable and expected.Note the bullying, aggression, sex appeal, danger and body image.

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media:Social Media

Friday, 29 November, 13

“Cyber bullying is quite common and can occur to any young person online and can cause profound psychological outcomes including depression, anxiety, severe isolation and suicides”

(Do something, n.d.).

Friday, 29 November, 13

Media: Social Media

Cyber Bullying

-The existence of cyber bullying is not news to us.-With social media resources being in demand by teens around the world, the possibilities for cyber bullying becomes endless.-Bullying can no longer stay at school, it comes into the home on cell phones and computers.

“According to a recent poll, 22% of teenagers log on

to their favourite social media site more than 10

times a day, and more than half of adolescents log

on to a social media site more than once a

day” (Pearson, 2011).

Friday, 29 November, 13

• 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online.

• Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.

• 81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.

• 90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it.

Media: Social Media

Cyber Bullying

• (Do something, n.d.).

Friday, 29 November, 13

•Social media keeps people connected at all times.

• However, teens become more lonely and private as a result of this constant connection.

Media: Social Media

Facebook depression

Friday, 29 November, 13

•In some cases teens can become ‘Facebook depressed’ and develop symptoms of depression.

•This can occur from excessive use of social media sites.

•It is said that the intensity of the online world is the trigger and can result in social isolation.

•This social isolation and depression-like symptoms can lead to related blogs, and later substance abuse, sex, and ultimately self destruction.

Media: Social Media

Facebook depression

Friday, 29 November, 13

Probable Solution

• In order to prevent teens from being effected by the video games they play, parents should monitor the amount of hours their teen plays video games per week.

• To prevent teens from developing body image issues, I believe that the media should start incorporating normal sized people in magazines, billboards, tv shows, etc .

Friday, 29 November, 13

Probable Solution

• Social media is something that has become more common in our society. To help prevent children from experiencing cyber bullying, it is important that parents stay in contact with their teen so they can help with any issues.

• Facebook, twitter and other social media sites are what teens are interested in today. Limiting their usage amount and monitoring their dependance on these resources is important in preventing facebook depression, as well as cyber bullying.

Friday, 29 November, 13


According to the Social Disorganization theory of social problems, rapid social change disrupts the norms in society.

This theory can be directly related to how the media has rapidly altered social norms in modern society.

Friday, 29 November, 13

This has been done through the introduction of social networking, online video gaming and increased presence of idealistic male and female bodies.

Video games have gone from an interacting source of entertainment with friends to a much more violent-based past time

Media falsely represents the expectation of teens and causes disruption in households and society.

The large involvement that media now plays in our every day lives has disrupted the social norms.


Friday, 29 November, 13


CosmoGirl. (2010, May, 25). Teennick degrassi trailer. Retrieved from watch?v=c0MKcZyOirA

Greenburg, B. (2013). Hugg Post Parents- what is going on with out teens? teen Suicide and violence. Retrieved from

How tv affects your child. (2011). Kids Health. Retrieved from

Loop, E. (2013). Global Post- the negative influences TV has on teens. Retrieved from (

Mokeyane, K. (2013). Global Post- media’s positive and negative influence on teenagers. Retrieved from

MOXNEWS. (2012, January 11). CNN: Is there a link between video games and violence. Retrieved from

Friday, 29 November, 13

Schurgin-O’Keeffe, G., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). Pediatrics- the impact of social media on children, adolescents and families. Retrieved from

Spurling, S. (2010). Yahoo Voice- media and young girls: the pressure of being thin. Retrieved from

Teen violence: Statistics, risks, and prevention. (2012). Middle Earth. Retrieved from

Thomas, T. (n.d.). Top ten reviews- 30 statistics about teens and social networking. Retrieved from

Tim Piper. (2007, October 2.). Beauty Pressure. Retrieved from

11 facts about body image, (n.d.). Do something. Retrieved from

11 facts about cyber bullying, (n.d.). Do something. Retrieved from


Friday, 29 November, 13

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