contact sheet 2

Post on 21-Jul-2015






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Matt Morris
these were the first four images which i took in my studio shoot and i dont think they will be used because the field of view shows the top of the vinyl in all of them and the box light in another one.
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
this image shows how this model would be appropriate for my genre because of the costume she is wearing and pose that she is doing
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
due to lighting this image wont be used
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
due to lighting this image wont be used but it does show a good pose
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
this image could be my central image for my front cover as it has a good pose focus and has good lighting
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
these four images could be used as graphic features on my dps or cp because they are all long shots of my model and could be grouped together. furthermore, the lighting in the background would mean it couldnt be used as a central image on my front cover.
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
this image could be used as central image for my front cover because it is well focused, it is a neutral pose and the back lighting is sufficient.
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
this image wont be used because the colour pink doesnt fit into the indie genre however the pose of my model in this image is good
Matt Morris
these two images wont be used because of the pink in the background however these are great mid shots of my model in terms of costume and pose.
Matt Morris
Matt Morris
These images may be used as graphic features because they are well focused and my model is looking directly into the camera lens
Matt Morris

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