contact february 2011

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the two leaders held their scheduled press conference on 19 January, protestors held their own conference outside. President of the World Uyghur Congress Rebiya Kadeer summarized the protestors’ collective belief that “President By Rebekah Murphy (continued on page 4) By Gretchen Stiteler


(continued on page 4)

By Rebekah Murphy

Gyalwang Karmapa InvestigationAffects McLeod Ganj

By Gretchen Stiteler

On Tuesday, 18 January 2011, ChinesePresident Hu Jintao was greeted with aceremonial 21-gun salute upon his arrivalfor a four-day state visit to the US.

President Hu’s itinerary included aprivate dinner with US President BarackObama on 18 January; a series ofmeetings followed by a joint pressconference on 19 January; a formalstate dinner – the first such ceremonyheld for a Chinese president in 14 years–the evening of 19 January; meetingswith members of the US House andSenate the morning of 20 January; anda trip to President Obama’s hometownof Chicago 20 through 21 January.

The summit of the two economicsuperpowers was much anticipated bythe global community especially withregard to China’s human rights record.Hundreds of protestors representingTibet, Taiwan, Falun Gong, andUyghurs rallied outside of the WhiteHouse during President Hu’s visit. As

the two leaders held their scheduled pressconference on 19 January, protestors heldtheir own conference outside.

President of the World UyghurCongress Rebiya Kadeer summarized theprotestors’ collective belief that “President

Obama can make great change by speakingout on human rights issues. We all believethat Obama will not disappoint the hopesand dreams of millions of people sufferingunder Chinese rule.”

(continued on page 5)

On Thursday 27 January 2011, theHimanchal Pradesh Police raided GyotoTantric monastery where the 17thGyalwang Karmapa Ogyen TrinleyDorjee is temporarily residing. This raidis the result of the arrest of Ashutoshand Sanjay Dutt the day before. Theywere arrested by Himanchal Pradeshpolice after recovering Rs. 1 crore intheir vehicle. During the raid RabgayChoesang, also known as Shakti Lama,was arrested in connection to therecovery of foreign currency worthunder Rs. 5 crore (USD 1 million). Theseindividuals are being held in violationof the Foreign Exchange ManagementAct, which replaced the ForeignExchange Regulatory Act on 1 June2000. Central Agencies including theEnforcement Directorate, the

Intelligence Bureau, the Research andAnalysis Wing and the Income TaxDepartment are currently conductinginvestigations into the sources of thismoney and for what purpose it would beused. The investigation is currently stillunderway.    Many sources, including articles fromthe Times of India and CNN-IBN, havequestioned the presence of Chinese Yuanamong the foreign currencies, makingunsupported claims that the GyalwangKarmapa is a Chinese spy due to thepresence of Chinese currency in therecovered monies. Chinese Yuan werepresent among the foreign currenciesalongside Japanese Yen, US Dollars,Australian Dollars, Thai Baht, and otherforeign currencies. Gyalwang Karmapa’soffice stress that the source of the

Obama Hosts Hu during US Visit

Contact Magazine 2 February 2011

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Contact Magazine 3 February 2011

In January 2011, ten Tibetan studentsparticipated in a one month photographyworkshop at Lha Charitable Trust. Thesestudents learned photography theory,Adobe Photoshop, online photo storageand applied these techniques in the realworld. Each day these budding artists

participated in photo excursions thatfocused on a particular theme such asportraits, motion and macro photos.Furthermore, everyone was encouragedto take risks and think outside of the box.The teachers pushed the student’s limits.Talking to the public was sometimes a

Lha's 6th photography training difficult task because many subjects wereunwilling to be photographed.

Teachers Lillian Bertz and Ian Moore(from the U.S.A.) were eager to work withTibetan youth and found the overallexperience very rewarding. This was anexcellent opportunity to immerse oneselfin Tibetan culture. Many of the studentshad never used a camera before, so it wasnot difficult for Bertz and Moore to inspiretheir students to express themselvesusing this innovative art.

Upon completing the course, manystudents now have a new found interestin journalism and documentaryphotography. Most importantly, thesestudents hope to spread awarenessabout Tibet with their photos. Bertzbelieves: “Photography is a fun way toexplore your community, yourself andyour role in the world.” Moore on theother hand states that the camera can beused as a non violent weapon. Both Bertz

and Moore are advocates ofphotography’s healing properties andbelieve that it can be very therapeutic forthe soul. They hope to showcase thesephotos in the United States to spread themessage of Tibet’s continual struggle forfreedom.

Contact Magazine 4 February 2011

(continued from page 1)

recovered foreign currencies aredonations made during the recentcelebrations. “We wish to point out thatthe currency used in Tibet is the ChineseYuan, and therefore Tibetans from Tibetoften make donations in Yuan, as doBuddhists from mainland China. Wefurther stress that the donations in Yuanformed less than 10% of the total cashamount. The notes came in multipledenominations, ranging from one-Yuannotes upward, clearly reflecting theirorigin as donation from multipleindividual sources. Some of the Yuan werenew notes bundled together, reflecting apractice among Chinese and othercultures of offering only new currencynotes to high abbots or spiritual leaders.Furthermore, disciples from Chinesecultures often visit India in groups, pooltheir offerings and make a single collectivedonation.”

Many Indian media sources also makethe claim that the currency was to be usedfor illegal land purchases on behalf of theChinese in order to make a network ofChinese friendly monasteries along theNepalese border. These claims are alsonot backed up with any verifiable facts,and have been refuted by not only theKarmapa’s office, but also by thestatement from the Home Minister P.Chidambaram that “Investigations areunderway in Karmapa case. Noconclusion drawn [sic] whether he is a

Chinese agent or not.” It has been widelyspeculated in comments made upon theinternet articles that these accusationsare widely speculative, and reminiscentof the yellow journalism found inAmerican newspapers near the turn ofthe last century, whom many believe tohave contributed to WWI.    These allegations may have similarlydestructive political outcomes. If widelybelieved by the citizens of India, theseaccusations foster a mistrust of Tibetanrefugees as a whole and strain the already

fragile attitude toward the over 125,000refugees of Tibet living in India. BecauseTibet is currently occupied by Chinathese refugees have taken sanctuary indemocratic India, where they have thefreedom to live in peace, practice thereligion of Tibetan Buddhism andeducate their children in Tibetanlanguage and culture. The Indiangovernment also contributes financiallyto the schools for the Tibetan refugees,creating an environment of learning andhope for the children of the refugees ofTibet, and providing the basis of theTibetan refugee societies across India.     His Holiness the Dalai Lama and theGyalwang Karmapa have both expressedtheir grateful sentiment to India and praisethe country for its democracy. Bothreligious leaders have expressed trust inthe judiciousness of the Indian

government’s investigation. TheGyalwang Karmapa calls India his secondhome, and he refutes all allegations thathe has any link to China. On his website,a statement from the Gyalwang Karmapaoffice of administration comments”HisHoliness the Karmapa is very grateful forthe refuge given to him by the peopleand Government of India, and has nothingbut the best interests at heart for thecountry that is the home of his faith andthat has allowed him to practice his faithfreely for many years.” The Dalai Lamastated “He (Karmapa) is an importantLama...The Karmapa has many devoteesincluding from China. Some money wouldhave naturally being received by him.”    The support of the Tibetan communityechoes the words from His Holiness theDalai Lama. The Tibetan people have heldmany peaceful marches supportingGyalwang Karmapa, and refuting theallegations that he has in any waybetrayed himself, his culture, and hismovement by affiliating with China. InMcleod Gunj a march was organized bythe Tibetan people who live here asrefugees. The large group of peopleincluding monks, nuns, Tibetan refugees,people from the Himalayan regions, andforeigners walked together from the MainTemple to the Gyoto Tantric Monasteryin a spiritual march as a symbol of truthand faith in support of GyalwangKarmapa. “As far as the people areconcerned they already have their XVIIthKarmapa in Ogyen Trinley Dorje,”Thukchuk Lachungpa, a spokespersonof the Karmapa Reception Committee andthe Joint Action Committee stated.

Gyalwang Karmapa himself addressedhis supporters saying, “Today, so manypeople have gathered to show their love,sincere intentions and support, and I wantto especially thank you and express myheartfelt gratitude. We are now facingsuch a situation, which has arisen due tomisunderstandings and mistakes, that ithas even caused concern to His Holinessthe Dalai Lama.”“India has become a second homelandto Tibetans. We all have taken refuge andsettled here. India, in contrast tocommunist China, is a free country, ademocratic country that is based on therule of law. Therefore I trust that thingswill improve and the truth will becomeclear in time. So please be at ease. Thereis no need to worry...You have all bornehardship to come here under this hot sun,and I thank you for that too.”

“India has become a second homelandto Tibetans. We all have taken refugeand settled here. India, in contrast tocommunist China, is a free country, ademocratic country that is based on

the rule of law. Therefore I trust thatthings will improve and the truth willbecome clear in time. So please be atease. There is no need to worry...Youhave all borne hardship to come hereunder this hot sun, and I thank you

for that too.”-Gyalwang Karmapa

photo reprinted from

Contact Magazine 5 February 2011

Rishi Yoga Centre

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He has taught in Europe,UK, New York and India.Fluent in English, French and Spanish.CONTACT: Shivam. Phone: 0981 656 5138 / www.rishiyogaindia.comHimalyan Paradise Hotel, Jogiwara Rd - Map #15



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Geng He, the wife of missing Chinesehuman rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, wasin attendance and spoke out to Pres.Obama via an interpreter: “If you stillremember the pain of the void you hadgrowing up without your dad, maybe youcan help my children reunite with theirdad.”

Tibetans had high expectations of theUS role in the summit. Although the USrecognizes Tibet as part of the People’sRepublic of China, a White Housestatement previously conveyedPresident Obama’s “strong support forthe preservation of Tibet’s uniquereligious, cultural and linguistic identityand the protection of human rights forTibetans.”

Pres. Obama hosted His Holiness theDalai Lama in February 2010 despitesevere criticism from Beijing. At the time,Ma Zhaoxu, China’s Foreign MinistrySpokesman, said the meeting “violatedthe U.S. government’s repeatedacceptance that Tibet is a part of Chinaand it does not support Tibetanindependence.” Nonetheless, Pres.Obama issued a subsequent statementpraising His Holiness’s “commitment tononviolence and his pursuit of dialoguewith the Chinese government.”

Moreover, a file from the US Embassyin Beijing recently released on Wikileakscited Ambassador Cheng Guoping asstating that then-House Speaker NancyPelosi “had the Ministry of ForeignAffairs (MFA) scared to death on the eveof her [2009] visit.” Rep. Pelosi has beenan outspoken supporter of Chinesehuman rights activists and of the DalaiLama throughout her political career.Beijing denied her request to visit Tibet.In anticipation of Pres. Hu’s visit, Rep.Pelosi issued a 19 January 2011 statementthat “there has been bipartisan concernin the Congress about the human rightssituation in China and Tibet.”

Pres.Hu was prepared, then, whenPres. Obama broached the subject ofChina’s human rights record. The USPresident broadly contended that Chinawas obligated to ensure the basicliberties “recognized in the ChineseConstitution.”

Pres. Obama asserted that “societiesare more harmonious, nations are moresuccessful, and the world is more just”when countries uphold citizens’ universalhuman rights.

In reference to Tibet, Pres. Obamastated “the United States continues tosupport further dialogue between the

government of China and therepresentatives of the Dalai Lama toresolve concerns and differences,including the preservation of thereligious and cultural identity of theTibetan people.”

President Hu, who had earlier refusedPresident Obama’s request to meet withrepresentatives of the Dalai Lama,responded that “Taiwan and Tibet-related issues concern China’ssovereignty and territorial integrity, andthey represent China’s core interests.They touch upon the national sentimentsof the 1.3 billion Chinese.”

President Hu went on to explain that“China is a developing country with ahuge population, and also a developingcountry in a crucial stage of reform … Inthis context, China still faces manychallenges in economic and socialdevelopment. And a lot still needs to bedone in China, in terms of human rights.”CNN’s Beijing correspondent later wroteof the incident, “It is the only time that Ican remember when President Hupublicly acknowledged the ‘universalityof human rights.’”

Despite President Obama’s assertionsand President Hu’s concession, many inthe international community are upset bywhat they perceive as President Obama’sreluctance to assertively press President

Hu on human rights issues. The TibetPost in particular noted the irony that the2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner hosted anopulent dinner for the jailor of the 2010Nobel Peace Prize winner.

In China, news sources censored thetwo leaders’ discussion of human rightsissues and footage of anti-Chineseprotests and glossed over US criticismof President Hu’s visit.

CCTV reported that House SpeakerJohn Boehner, “for his part, welcomedHu’s visit to the House” and that SenatorHarry Reid “noted that China plays animportant role on major internationalaffairs.”In fact, both Sen. Boehner and Sen. Reidrefused to attend the state dinner inPresident Hu’s honor, Sen. Reid goingso far as to call the Chinese President a“dictator” (in a statement which he laterretracted).

Chinese news sources made nomention of House Representative DanaRohrabacher, who described China’sgovernment as a “gangster regime thatmurders their own people” and likenedChinese leaders to “Nazis.”

In spite of the international criticism,some Tibetan refugees are optimisticabout the meeting and remain positiveabout Pres. Obama.

(continued from page 1)

Contact Magazine 6 February 2011

The Tong-Len charity has been operatingsince 2004. Tong-Len’s ambition is tosupport families living in slums to breakthe cycle of poverty. Working veryclosely with the slum in Dharamsala(Charan Khad), for the past six years,Tong-Len has been and continues todevelop programs aimed at health andeducation.

The success and development ofTong-Len’s projects have been a resultof the coordination and hard work by allin the Tong-Len team. Programs arefunded by generous international, localand national supporters. Tong-Len isvery grateful to His Holiness the DalaiLama for his blessings and financialsupport given to the child education andnutrition projects in the Charan slum.

Jamyang the founder and director ofTong-Len came to India from Tibet in hisearly 20’s. After studying at SeraMonastery in South India he decided tobecome a social worker as he felt thatsocial engagement was very important.Jamyang feels that the support andguidance of His Holiness, the TibetanGovernment, and the Government of Indiato live and learn here, as a Tibetan in exile,has been a blessing and has in turnallowed him the opportunity to help andreach out to those in need.

Tong-Len operates a sponsored childeducation project where children aresupported to attend a private school andreceive care and tuition in a hostel/ homesetting. Currently 40 children live in thehostel and show outstanding success inso many areas of life. In 2009 His Holinesskindly blessed the children and the

project in a private audience (see photo).His Holiness provides funds to

support the education preparation andexploration sessions for the childrenunder 5 on weekday mornings and theprovision of a nutritious lunch. Inaddition, older children are provided witheducational support sessions each weekday afternoon. In total these sessions areattended by approximately 150 childreneach day. The primary aim is to provideeducational support, literacy, and ensureproper childhood nutrition.

Tong-Len also operates a mobile healthclinic to six slum communities throughoutthe district. The mobile health clinicprovides clinics to the slums for generalhealth, immunizations, and monitoring forchildren under the age of 5. In totalapproximately 2370 people receive accessto Tong-Len’s health services.

Tong-Len has many plans for thedevelopment of its current projects andfor the establishment of new projects.

Tong-Len receives blessings from His Holiness and the Tibetan Government

This year will see the 40 Hostel childrenmove into a new house and approximately46 more children will be invited into thesponsorship program. “I invite anyonewho might like to support Tong-Len toconsider sponsoring a child’s educationin the expanding hostel program. Thisprogram not only changes the life of anindividual but the whole family andcommunity has and will benefit

dramatically by the determination,dedication and talent of these children”says Jamyang. There are many ways tocontribute to the projects of Tong-Lenand all contributions are needed.

For more information please OR contactTong-len Office atTop Floor, Bank of BarodaOpposite Kangra Art GalleryKotwali BazaarDharamsala 176215H.P IndiaPhone 91-1892-223930

Contact Magazine 7 February 2011

Dear Hu Jintao,

As the Chinese leader most closelyassociated with Tibet, you have declaredTibet to be one of the most sensitive"core issues" in the US-Chinarelationship. We expect that it will be highon the agenda of your discussions withPresident Obama this week.

Mr Hu, you began your rise to power asParty chief in Tibet (although you didn'tenjoy the altitude in Lhasa), and youhave been instrumental in setting andimplementing policy on Tibet. As thesuccession process begins in the ChineseCommunist Party, what will be yourlegacy on Tibet?

Tibetans have not forgotten that youpresided over that terrifying time ofmartial law in Lhasa in 1989 ‹ and youwere one of the first regional leaders tocongratulate those who ordered thetroops to open fire on Tiananmen Squarethree months later.

Today, there is a deepening crackdownin Tibet. Tibetans have risked their livesto express their loyalty to their leader theDalai Lama and their anguish as a resultof more than 50 years of suppression.Your response has been to strengthenthe very measures that caused the largelypeaceful wave of protests that sweptacross Tibetan areas of the PRC fromMarch, 2008 onwards. You havetightened control to suffocation point,imposing new measures that weaken theinstitutions of Tibetan Buddhism andundermine Tibetan language, bedrock ofits culture. Although you are leader of aCommunist state that promotes atheism,you have even declared that Tibetanlamas cannot be reincarnated withoutgovernment permission.

Your actions point to profoundcontradictions in China's leadershiptoday. While you demonstrate increasingstrength and aggressive authority inyour assertions towards globalleadership, you regard peacefuldisagreement with the juggernaut top-down policies of the Communist Party as

a threat to your nation's "security". Thelatter is not the approach of a strong state.As Tibetans, we are not alone in believingthat the measure of greatness of a nationis not only based on turbo-chargedmercantilism. We believe that ultimatelyif China is to achieve greatness you mustlead with a moral authority and take intoaccount the wishes and genuinegrievances of the Chinese and Tibetanpeople.

The need for change is urgent. Yourgovernment and Party have engaged in a

systematic attack on the rule of law andcivil society. You characterise two of themost progressive and important voicesfor peace on the world stage today ‹ ourleader His Holiness the Dalai Lama andChinese scholar Liu Xiaobo ‹ as"criminals". Tibet is under virtuallockdown, with ever longer prisonsentences being imposed as ultimatelyfutile attempts to silence the peacefulexpression of views. Do you want theleitmotif of your legacy to be a hellish,constricting fear?

Mr Hu, you can no longer say that whathappens in Tibet is simply a matter ofChina's "internal affairs". Tibet is a "coreissue" for the world, not just for China.Tibet is the earth's 'Third Pole' with theworld's largest reserves of freshwateroutside the Arctic and Antarctic. Thefragile ecology of the Tibetan plateau, thesource of most of Asia's major riversincluding the Yangtze, is of criticalimportance to the water-dependentsocieties in downstream nations. And yetyou have developed and are pursuing

fast-track economic strategies anddamning projects that are known tocontribute to the adverse effects of globalwarming and r isk devastation indownstream communities, includingIndia.

Twenty-first century thinking requires usto move beyond 19th century nation-building based on the exploitation ofnatural resources. There is an increasingconsensus among Chinese, Tibetan andWestern scholars that your policy ofsettling nomads in Tibet is leading toenvironmental degradation andincreasing poverty. Scientists say that thetraditional ecosystem knowledge ofTibetan nomads protects the land andlivelihoods and helps restore areasalready degraded. The involvement ofTibetans is essential to sustaining thelong-term health of the land and waterresources that China and the rest of Asiadepends upon.

Mr Hu, a new generation of leaders has aresponsibility to listen to voices forchange from Tibet and China, and to dealresponsibly with Tibet policy.

It is not too late for you to take animportant and historic step before thesuccession runs its course, with regardto another important succession.

The Dalai Lama is recognised by theworld as the pre-eminent representativeof the Tibetan people. The potential forinstability increases, not decreases, afterhe passes away. Now is the time for a far-sighted Chinese leadership to engagewith this moderate, influential leader - whois revered by thousands of Chinese, too- before it is too late.

We hope that your visit to Washingtonis fruitful.


Tencho Gyatso,Tsering Jampa,and Pema Wangyalfrom the International Campaign for Tibet

Open Letter to Hu Jintao

“You have tightened controlto suffocation point,

imposing new measures thatweaken the institutions of

Tibetan Buddhism andundermine Tibetan

language, bedrock of itsculture.”

Contact Magazine 8 February 2011

- Map #3

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Life horoscope,Partnership Horoscope,Solving Family Problems

Ramesh House, near KCC Bank-Bhagsu Raod Mcleod Ganj

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Losar (TibetanNew Year)March 5 Losar is theTibetan New Year,a time for familyand friends togather together andwelcome the NewYear. People wish each other goodluck and hope for peace andprosperity and making resolutions forthe coming year.

10 March 1959 :Tibetans rebelagainst ChineseforcesOn this day in 1959,Tibetans band together in revolt,surrounding the summer palace of the DalaiLama in defiance of Chinese occupationforces. China’s occupation of Tibet begannearly a decade before, in October 1950,when troops from its People’s LiberationArmy (PLA) invaded the country, barelyone year after the Communists gained fullcontrol of mainland China.

Teachings inDharamsala,H.P., India onMarch 14 &15 His Holinesswill give two-day teachings at therequest of a group of Thais.

Teachings in Dharamsala, H.P.,India on March 19 His Holiness will give a short teachingfrom the Jataka Tales in the morning.

Holi (The Festival of Colours)March 19Holi was originally a spring fertilityand harvest festival. Nowadays, it ismore a celebration of life, and is avery lively celebration that is fun forall participants. Holi is celebrated onlast full moon of the month of

FebruaryEvents Calendar

Phalguna (in February orMarch).Bonfires are lit on the nightof the full moon to rid the air of evilspirits. On the next morning, theparticipants smear each other withpaint, and throw colored water anddye in the air and at each other.Duringthe festival of Holi there are nodistinctions of caste, class, age, orgender. After all, who can tell peoleapart when they are daubed with paint?

Contact Magazine 9 February 2011

Lha Tibetan Cooking SchoolLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992HOURS: Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.

Indian Cooking ClassesLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to TibetanAshoka GuesthouseHOURS: 10am-6pmPHONE: 941 813 0119EMAIL:

Naam Art GalleryLOCATION: Main Road Sidhbari DharamsalaMOBILE: 9816043708

Tibet MuseumLOCATION: Near the Main Temple and theNamgyal Monastery gate, McLeod GanjHOURS: 9am-5pm, Tue-Sun

Tibet Photo Exhibit: 50 Yearsof Struggle and OppressionLOCATION: Gu-Chu-Sum hall on Jogiwara Rd,next to the Lung-ta Japanese RestaurantHOURS: 2am-5pm on Mon, Wed and Fri

Wood Carving ClassesLOCATION: Zoha Art, Bhagsu Nag RdCONTACT: MeenaEMAIL:

Music ClassesKailash Tribal Music SchoolAll kinds of Indian Traditional instrumentsWEB: www.musictribe.orgLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near Green ShopHOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL:

Library of Tibetan Works & ArchivesLOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, betweenMcLeod Ganj and Lower DharamsalaHOURS: 9-10am, 11-noon and 3-4pmPHONE: 222 467

Public Audience with HH KarmapaCONTACT: Cheme ChoegyalLOCATION: SidhpurHOURS: 2.30pm, Wed and SatPHONE: 9816315336DETAILS:

Tushita Meditation CenterWEB: www.tushita.infoLOCATION: DharamkotHOURS: 9:30-11:30am & 12:30-4pm, Mon-SatPHONE: 221 1866EMAIL:

Tibetan AstrologyLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near KCC BankPHONE: 941 810 1965EMAIL:

POOL AND VIDEO GAMESFrom the bus stop construction site, take thestaircase all the way down to basement 2.


MCLEODGANJ - Map #28CONTACT Ramesh @ 9218037006





Lhamo’s Kitchen, Tibetan Cooking ClassesLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the Green ShopPHONE: 981 646 8719HOURS: 8am-9pm

Nisha’s Indian Cooking ClassLOCATION: Hotel Lotus Leaf, Jogiwara RdHOURS: Classes from 4-6pmEMAIL:

Sangye’s Kitchen Tradit ionalTibetan Cooking C lassesRecommended by Lonely planetLOCATION: Aross from Lung-ta Restaurant,below the Tashi Choeling Monastery onJogiwara RdHOURS:10am-12pm and 4-6pmPHONE: 981 616 4540EMAIL:



HEALTH SERVICESDr. Sant Marwah ClinicLOCATION: in front of Main TempleHOURS: 9:30am-6:30pmPHONE: 221 106, 98160 21106

Kumar Ayurvedic and PanchkarmaLOCATION: Hotel Surya Rd, opposite theTourism Informations CentrePHONE: 941 824 9399OURS: 10am-2pm and 2:30-7pm

Maanav Health ClinicLOCATION: Main SquareHOURS: 10am-12:30pm and 2-5pmPHONE: 941 815 5795EMAIL:

(continued on page 10)







8-9 AM AND 3-4 P




Contact Magazine 10 February 2011

Kailash Tribal School with Yogi SivadasWEB: www.yogatribe.orgLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the GreenShop - Map #6HOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL:

Nature Cure Health ClubLOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara RdPHONE: 941 813 0119EMAIL:

Shiatsu & Swedish MassageLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992See ad pg 3.

Synergy Ayuredic Massage CentreLOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara RdPHONE: 941 80 8488EMAIL:

Traditional Thai MassageLOCATION: Opposite the Govt. Tourist Infor-mation Centre, Hotel Surya RdPHONE: 981 633 9199EMAIL:

Zen Shiatsu TheraphyLOCATION: Ketan Lodge Jogiwara RaodEMAIL:

M AS S AG ELha Healing Oil Massage Courses &TreatmentLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992HOURS: Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.

Jannat AyurvedaLOCATION: Akash Hotel, down Jogiwara Rd,next to the Lung-ta Japanese RestaurantPHONE: 981 654 6243

Hindi ClassesLOCATION: Ketan Lodge, Jogiwara Rd,beside the Korean RestaurantPHONE: 981 649 4732

Hindi Lessons with KailashLOCATION: At Bhimsen’s Indian Cooking ClassPHONE: 220 063, 941 816 1947HOURS: 4-6pm, daily

Hindi Lessons with SunilLOCATION: Kunga Guesthouse, Bhagsu Rd andin DharamkotPHONE: 221 942, 941 818 7281EMAIL:

Tibetan LanguageLOCATION: The LibraryHOURS: 10-11am and noon-1pmSee Buddhist philosophy listing.

Tibetan with Teacher Pema Youdon:LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, opposite the post officeHOURS: 1-4pm, or leave a message.



Men-Tsee-KhangLOCATION: between McLeod Ganj andLower DharamshalaPHONE: 222 618, 223 113EMAIL:

Nature Cure Health ClubLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to TibetanAshoka Guest House-Map #10HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pmPHONE:: 941 813 0119EMAIL:

Primary Health CentreLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, main marketHOURS: 9:30am-4pm, Mon-Sat

Tibetan Delek HospitalLOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, betweenMcLeod Ganj and Lower DharamsalaPHONE: 222 053, 223 381HOURS: Outpatient services: 9am-1pm,Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; Emergencies: 24 hrs, daily

(continued from page 9)

Tibetan Universal MassageWEB: www.tibetanmassage.comLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd - Map #16EMAIL: lobsang36dolmat@yahoo.comSee ad on pg 2.

Learning and Ideas for Tibet (LIT)Volunteers are urgently needed to help with the discussion group,

web design, teaching and more!LIT is a volunteer-based school which aims to teach Tibetans and travellers about how they can

learn and share ideas about Tibetan issues.It offers:*3 Night Events Weekly @ 7pm - Tuesday Tibetans Talk and

Thenthuk noodles , Friday Tibetan Pizza and Movies!Monday Momo’s and Movies!

* Daily Tibetan Cooking Class @ 12pm*Open Tibetan/English Discussion Group @ 2pm

*Free Tibetan Language Class @4pm We also offers classes aimed at educating Tibetans in Buddhism, Tibetan grammar and English grammar.

So come and visit us to find out more about what we offer!We are located off Jogiwara Rd (on the left hand side), behind the Lung-ta JapaneseRestaurant, near the Tibet Hope Center. You can also contact us at 9418794218 or


HOME STAYLha can arrange accommodationwith local Tibetan famlies,breakfast and dinner included.

The Homestay program is provided byLha to directly benefit the daily life of

Tibetan refugee families.

LOCATION: Lha Office,Temple Rd, main market

PHONE: 220 992

Tibetan Language ClassLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdHOURS: Registration from 9-11am, Mon-FriPHONE: 220 992See ad on pg 3.

A perfect haven for meditation,spirituality, holiday, leisure orsimply an extended vacation....!

OUR USP~ convenient & central

~ private entrances, balconies,sit out lawns with sunny -mountain & valley view

~ fully equipped pantries(incl. microwave, electric kettle,

electric stove, electric chimney, sink,refrigerator & all accessories)

~ walking distance to The TibetanLibrary (LTWA) & Central McLeod Ganj

Contact: ++ 91 98163 05576; route The Buddha House

McLeod Ganj-Map #20

Elevated Living!For visitors onlong term stay!

Contact Magazine 11 February 2011


Tourist InformationPolice Contact InformationLOCATION: Past St.John’s Church, on road toDharamshala in Cantt area.PHONE: 221 483

Tibetan Delek HospitalLOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong,between McLeod Ganj andLower DharamshalaHOURS: Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics:2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; Emergen-cies: 24-hrs, daily.PHONE: 222 053,223 381

Post OfficeThe McLeod Ganj Post Office is located onLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, past Peace CafeHOURS: 9:30am-1pm and 2-5pm, Mon-Fri;9:30am-noon, Sat.PHONE: 221 924Parcels and money orders can besent in the mornings only.

Bus Schedule* Times and prices may vary.

Please check with the bus stand ahead of departure.

LEAVING FROM THE MCLEOD GANJ BUS STAND, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED:DELHI: Ordinary Bus: 4:45am, 6pm, 6:45pm, 8:15pm and 8:30pm (Rs330) Semi Deluxe Bus: 6pm (Rs355) AC Volvo Semi-Sleeper: 8pm (Rs1035) AC TATA: 8:30pm (Rs840)

AMRITSAR: Ordinary Bus: 4:45am (Rs165)*from Dharamsala

DEHRADUN: Ordinary Bus: 9pm; AC Deluxe: 5:30pmMANALI: Ordinary Bus: 5:40pm, 8:40pm *from DharamsalaPATHANKOT: Ordinary Bus: 11am, 12:10pm, 12:30pm, 2:10pm,3:50pm, 5pm (Rs75)SHIMLA: Ordinary Bus: 5am, 5:30am, 6am, 8am, noon and 4:55pm (Rs235) *from DharamsalaSemi Deluxe Bus: 8:22am, 7:45pm and 9:30pm (Rs???) *from Dharamsala

FOR BOOKINGS:LOCATION: ticket stand under McLLo’s, main squareHOURS: 10am-6pm, dailyPHONE: 221750

For deluxe buses, book through any travel agency.

TAXISA private taxi to Lower

Dharamsala will cost youRs150. Cram into a jeep(from the bus stand), andit’ll only cost you Rs10.

Esoteric Meditation CenterKailash Tribal School with Yogi SivadasWEB: www.yogatribe.orgLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop- Map #6HOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL:

Himalayan Retreat CenterOffers meditation, as well as guided camp-ing tours & health services.PHONE: 981 612 2372LOCATION: Off Jogiwara Rd, near the Lung-taJapanese Restaurant

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki CentreSee the Yoga & Reiki section.

Tushita Meditation CenterWEB: www.tushita.infoLOCATION: DharamkotHOURS: 9:30-11:30am, Mon-SatPHONE: 221 866EMAIL:

Vipassana MeditationWEB: www.sikhara.dhamma.orgLOCATION: DharamkotHOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-SatPHONE: 221 309EMAIL:

Yoga Meditation at Yak TrakEMAIL: www.yaktrak.comTIME: Star and end Manali 20 AprilEMAIL: yak@yaktrak.comPHONE: 9816177125


Nature CureHealth Clubwith Mahinder Kapoor

Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka GuestHouse - Map # 13, Mobile: 94181 30119

or 09736333888Email:,

12 years’ experience andrecommended

by the Lonely PlanetVisit us for: Swedish massage courses

and treatment, Zen Shiatsu courses andtreatment, reflexology treatment, SPAand Singing Bowl Treatment, steambaths,

sauna and mud baths.Our teacher has had experience teaching in Israel.

Drop-in Yoga Class at LhaLOCATION: Temple RoadPHONE: 220992

Himalayan Iyengar Yoga CentreLOCATION: Dharamkot, on the footpath to Bhagsu - Map #5EMAIL: info@hiyogacentre.comWEB:

Kailash Tribal School with Yogi SivadasLOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop- Map #6WEB: www.yogatribe.orgHOURS: visiting 1-2pm, no class on TuesPHONE: 981 615 0326EMAIL:

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki CentreLOCATION: Ketan Lodge, behind Akash Hotel,on Jogiwara Rd - Map #17HOURS: 8am-6pmPHONE: 980 569 3514

Rishi Yoga Centre withYogi ShivamWEB: www.siddharthayogacentre.orgLOCATION: Himalyan ParadiseHotel Jogiwara Rd - Map #15HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pmPHONE: 981 656 5138EMAIL:

Universal Yoga with VijayRecognized by Yoga AllianceWEB: www.vijaypoweryoga.comLOCATION: Room #5, Yongling SchoolBuilding, Jogiwara Rd - Map #13HOURS: Reopen in April 2011EMAIL:

Yogi CottageYoga teaching courses available here.LOCATION: Bhagsu Rd., behind Rose CafeHOURS: daily morning & afternoon sessions


Lha Travel AssistanceLOCATION: Lha Office, Temple RdPHONE: 220 992HOURS: Registration from 9am-11am,See pg 3.

Contact Magazine 12 February 2011

The Mountain Cleaners is a volun-tary organization founded in April 2009by Jodie Underhill who have success-

fully set up a waste management system atthe popular trekking destination Triund.You can help Jodie and the Mountain

Around Town: Helping OutANIMAL RESCUE

Dharamsala Dog RescueWe are in urgent need of vet volunteers,animal experts and sponsors. We are in im-mediate need of sponsors for two paraly-sed dogs that need a home, wheelchair,monthly food and medicine. Please contactus if you see an injured/sick dog. Anythingyou can do is appreciated.WEB: www.hnsindia.orgLOCATION: Behind the District Court Complexon Chilgari St, Lower DharamsalaPHONE: 981 622 0841EMAIL:

Rogpa Community Free Tibetan BabyCare Centre was created in order to helplow-income, Tibetan families become self-sufficient and independent by providingfree child care so that the parents can goout and work.The Centre provides care, art time, gamesand fun for Tibetan refugee children frominfancy to three years. Volunteer require-ments: a love of infants, a minimum commit-ment of 15 days, a willingness to do hardwork (there are lots of diapers to bechanged!) and a desire to create and main-tain a fun atmosphere.LOCATION: Rogpa office (near TibetanAshoka Hotel, Jogiwara Rd)HOURS: 9am-1:30-5:00pm.PHONE: 981 665 9549EMAIL:


Contact MagazineSubmit a single piece or become a steadycorrespondent of this local, grassrootspublication. Contact needs volunteers towrite, proofread and edit copy and work ongraphic design.Volunteers needed, especiallythose with a knowledge of Photoshop.CONTACT: Lobsang Rabsel at the Lha office,Temple Road.PHONE: 981 615 5523EMAIL:

Volunteer language teachers, for both long-and short-term placements, are needed forquality education in Mcleod Ganj:

Gu-Chu-Sum provides support for ex-po-litical prisoners and their families. It alsoorganises campaigns for the release ofcurrent political prisoners.Gu-Chu-Sum School needs volunteers forits English conversation classes and tutor-ing sessions from 6pm onwards, Mon- Fri.LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, downstairs Lung-taJapanese RestaurantHOURS: 4:30-6:30pmPHONE: 220 680EMAIL:

Tibet Hope Center is a registered NGOstarted by two Tibetans to support thenewcomers from Tibet.We run a conversation class where ourstudents can practice their English, andwe are in constant need of conversationpartners. They love to ask questionsabout your life and exchange ideas onmany topics.Think Globally, Act LocallyWEB: www.tibethopecenter.orgLOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, behind Gu-Chu-SumHOURS: 4:30-5:45pm, daily, and we evenhave a campfire every evening!PHONE: 981 637 3889EMAIL:

works with Indian com-munit ies l iv ing in

poverty toward a healthy and sustainablefuture.Needed urgently: volunteer primary teach-ers and assistants for maths, English andart, as well as nurses and health workers.CONTACT: Tashi LhamoLOCATION: Top floor, Bank of Baroda oppo-site art gallery, Kotwali Bazar, DharamsalaPHONE: 981 608 1562, 223 930EMAIL:


Lha Donation CenterAccepting donations of all kinds: clothing, sleep-ing bags, books, school supplies, office sup-plies, medical supplies, used laptops, finan-cial assistance... Donations are clearly recordedand distributed to those in need, both Tibetanand Indian. Lha is a registered non-profit,social service organisation. See advert on pg 3.

Tong-LenDonations welcomed: medical supplies, sta-tionary, books, toys and children’s clothing.LOCATION: Top floor, Bank of Baroda oppositethe art gallery Kotwali Bazar, DharamsalaPHONE: 981 608 1562, 223 930


Volunteer TibetYou’re motivated to share your timeand assist organisations in the Tibetancommunity. Even if you’re j us t

passingthrough Dharamsala, there are stillmany ways to donate your time & make adifference.

WEB: Jogiwara Rd, opposite AkashGuesthouse.HOURS: 9am- and 5pm, Mon-FriPHONE: 98820 17083, 220

Women’s Team Volunteers required to teachIndian women computer/English skills. For moreinformation visit Jitender@WomensTeam.comor mobile 09817515123

For a full list of volunteer opportunities,bothlong- and short-term, please contact us:

The Active NonviolenceEducation Center (ANEC)facilitates trainings, workshopsand open forum discussions onnonviolent strategies to help

resolve disagreements and differences atall levls of human society.As part of our General Outreach Program,ANEC welcomes volunteers from westerncountries to participate in informal paneldiscussions on ideas and views of regionaland global peace and nonviolent strategies.Free lunch and tea for volunteers.WEB: No. 262, 1st floor, KhajanchiMohalla, Khunyara Rd, Lower DharamsalaPHONE: 941 809 4476, 941 898 7745EMAIL:

Learning and Ideas for Tibet (L.I.T.) isa non-profit organization that needs arange of volunteers interested in theTibetan movement and communityeducation.CONTACT: LaurenPHONE: 941 879 4218L O C AT I O N : Jogiwara Rd, near the KoreanRestaurant

Lha Community Social Work fostersprojects for the benefit and enrichment ofthe local community.We provide a library, English and Frenchclasses, computer training, medicalassistance programmes, environmentalprogrammes and clothing distribution toneedy Tibetans and Indians, in addition tosupporting construction and renovationprojects. See ad pg 3.WEB: www.lhaindia.orgLOCATION: Temple Rd, across from StateBank of IndiaHOURS: 9am-noon and1-5pm, Mon-FriPHONE: 220 992

Nyingtob Ling (‘Realm of Courage’) helpssupport Tibetan children from disadvan-taged families.The children work hard at making delightfulhandicrafts and paintings. They are sofriendly and LOVE visitors!LOCATION: Near Norbulingka, SidhpurPHONE: 0189 224 6366, 981 685 1841EMAIL:



The Clean Upper Dharamshala Projectwas founded in 1994 to provide awaste management system in andaround McLod Ganj. The GreenWorkers, the Handmade Recycled

Paper Factory, the Green Shop and theEnvironmental Education Centre are part ofthe Clean Upper Daramshala Project. Joinus for the weekly guided tour on Wednes-days at 3 pm at the office of CUDP!


Cleaners every Monday at 9.30 am & jointhem up to

Contact Magazine 13 February 2011

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