consultation on the improvement¯vodce_aj.pdf · life of john amos comenius, who died just 350...

Post on 12-Feb-2020






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5th - 12th JANUARY 2 0 2 0

I thank God who wanted me to stay a man of desire

for all my life.

John Amos Comenius




This year's prayer guide for the Alliance

Prayer Week is based on the thoughts and

life of John Amos Comenius, who died just

350 years ago. When Jan Amos Comenius

left, he left behind his most important

unfinished work entitled General

Consultation on the Improvement of Human


Humanity is a rare commodity. The more we

are aware of its lack, the rarer it gets. We

observe that our humanity is contradictory. We

have great potential, we know a lot, we have a lot

of skills and abilities, we can do a lot - but this

capacity of ours is our greatest threat. We are

able to misuse and abuse everything available

for us. We are the only beings who have the

potential of self-destruction. Therefore, it is of

utmost importance for us to seek the way how to

use our potential humanely.

Comenius named the problem of human affairs

with extraordinary foresight in his Consultation.

Here he thoroughly reflects the causes of all

human ills and problems and calls mankind to

discuss their remedy. All his corrective efforts are

based on the basic assumption: Humanity of

people is not quite right, but not quite lost. There

is a way out, hope.

It must be understood that in the Comenius

era Europe finds itself on the brink of

destruction as a result of war, religious and

political rampage. People seek their own

welfare regardless of the public welfare. But

of course, the welfare of any individual is not

possible without the public welfare. That is

why Comenius invites all people to consult

on the remedy. But the question is whether

this whole issue is not a utopian idea? Does

Comenius not make the old mistake believing that

if people have the right knowledge, they will also

act correctly? Some statements of Jan Amos

may sound like this, but the whole work gives a

different impression. Comenius leads to "true

knowledge" though, because much of the human

confusion and many ills result from errors or

simple ignorance (he himself was wrong about

many things). However, at the same time, he is

aware that the violation of humanity is not just a

matter of common sense. It is necessary to

know, to want and to be able, he often repeats .

The remedy must therefore also apply to the will,

character and the whole personality. And

according to Comenius, it will not work without

repentance, reconciliation and a return to God.

What does the concept of human affairs mean?

Who are we? What makes us human? Comenius

declares three areas: education, religion, politics.

These general topics cover a number of specific

human capacities, which are also the outline of

this prayer guide.

In his tract Unum necessarium (One necessary

thing), which is a sort of Comenius last will, he

writes the following sentence: „I give thanks to my

God who wanted me to be a man of desire

throughout my life. And even though he allowed me

to fall into various labyrinths, he led me out of many

again.” We, too, may feel that we are in the midst of a

variety of labyrinths, both personal and social, from

which we do not see a clear way out, but if we remain,

according to Comenius, people of desire for God and

goodness, our efforts to rectify are not in vain.

May your common prayers be a blessed time before God's face.

We also thank Doc. PhDr. Jan Hábl, Ph.D and

Mgr. Tereza Ráchel Bícová for their great

contribution to the content of this guide .



It is our tradition to ask you to raise money during

prayer meetings, too. This time we would like to

donate the proceeds for the needs of CEA project

called M4Ready.

This is a program we created this year

together with church leaders and church planters

from more than 10 countries. This is a 10-month

training program for potential church planters or

for the people who want to learn more about

church planting. It is designed primarily for

younger leaders and includes 6 modules - church

planting, personal development, evangelization,

teamwork, communication and discipleship. About

12 short videos and practical tasks focused on the

application of important skills are made for each

module. The online course will be accompanied

by individual mentoring, group meetings of

participants and a visit to an inspiring event or

congregation in the Czech Republic . More

information is available at The

program will be launched in early 2020 .

You can send your gifts for this purpose with the

variable symbol 2120 to the account of ČEA -

account no. 13808359/2010. Thank you in

advance for your generosity.

If you would rather support any other projects of

the CEA or its activities in general, you can send

your donations to the account number

13808359/2010 with variable symbol 2100 or

use the CEA donor gateway for immediate and

simple sending of your support.

O F F E R S :

- 10-month training program

– about 80 practical videos in the online part of the course

- relevant skills challenges

- meeting and interacting with practising

educators and mentors

- a deeper analysis of the participants'

personality and talent and their possible

role in church planting or other areas of


- the experience of founders from several

European countries

- a range of practical experience and skills

useful for functioning and leadership in a

mission-oriented church environment




Biblical texts: Rom 7:14-25; Ps 85

Komensky quotes:

SUND AY 5 - 1 - 2020

" He who does not control himself cannot rule others.”

„ What do you want others to do to you, do to them.

This is the summary of the God's law.”

What kind of politics has a future? Comenius says

that politics results from the human need for order

and peace. We desire to live in an orderly world

where there is peace and where it is safe. The task

of politics is to shape such a world.

Comenius himself personally suffered

political misfortunes more than once. Perhaps he

was most affected by the infamous patent by

Ferdinand II. in 1628, which set a deadline of six

months in which all non-Catholics (from noble

families only) had to leave the country . At that time

Comenius had no idea he would never be allowed

to return to his homeland. He remained in exile for

forty-two years until his death. In Leszno, the Unity

joined the descendants of exiles from the previous

century who also fled the country and found relative

safety. So, it is no wonder that Comenius spent his

whole life dealing with "redress" of politics.

Politics is made by people, and people's

problem is that as a result of sin they put their

personal interests first. Comenius writes about


„Everyone thinks that only he is right, and the

others are crazy. Everyone cares and strives only for

his own good (or for the good of only those to whom

he belongs) and does not care for others. On the

contrary, envy and fear of someone else being able to

get something before we can get it, emerge.

Anyone who can grab something will do it as if we were

participating in a game in which the good things are for

those who can grab it from others. Some do not even

save human blood if they can benefit from it. A man kills

and robs another man, a group of people another group,

a nation other nations. “

Thus, the policy that has a future is the one that

takes into account that the welfare of an individual is not

sustainable in the long term without the welfare of the

whole. Whoever rules must not abuse their power and

prioritize their own personal interests above the interests

of the whole. Each person is in a subordinate position to

someone and superior to someone, respectively

someone "rules" over them and they "rule" over

someone. Only the ones who can control themselves

can rule well.

But who can perfectly control themselves? After

all, even the apostle Paul could not recognize himself

in his own acts Although he wanted to do good and he

even internally agreed with it, he committed evil. How

many times in your life do people make a promise, or

they promise never to do this or that again, that they

won't drink again or lose weight within a year. And yet

again and again they witness the failure of their own will.

„"What a pitiable man am I!" the apostle laments in the

conclusion to his self-reflection. But it's not a cry in vain.

It suggests a way out, hope: „ Who will deliver me from

this body of death? Only thank God and through Jesus

Christ our Lord! “ (Rom 7:14-25

Just like there is no perfect man, because we are

all sinners far from the glory of God, nor there is a

perfect politician who would perfectly rule over himself

and thus he would meet the demanding criterion for

ruling over others. But a politician who knows about his

sin will be a humble and above all repentant politician.

And that is exactly this kind of politicians we need.



God of all wisdom, we ask you to inspire, address and guide our political representatives in

these difficult and divided times. Let great women and men rise, women and men at all levels

who will be people of peace, integrity, astonishing courage, and the ability to lead us

to good decisions and hope for the future. Give us leaders who will put all people's interests

above their own.

Let us pray for:

ourselves to be a blessing in our neighbourhoods and communities

new energy and a will for good governance at all levels

the ones in power in our city and in our country the

deputies and senators elected for our region

the greatest needs and pains of our city or village

the political situation of our country and the ability to resist populism, authoritarianism and

abuse of power

the Church to be an increasing blessing in public space and to be a positive and

convincing voice that will defend good and justice, especially for the weak, lonely and


the courage to solve long-term problems going on beyond one term

that as many politicians and people in power as possible recognize their sinfulness

and rule with humility and fear of God

us to be people of hope who bring joy, faith, peace, truth, depth and genuine interest in

others amid cynicism and scepticism



MONDAY 6 - 1- 2020

Biblical texts: Prov 12:12-22, John 1:1-14, Ef 4:25

Comenius quotes:

„ Be kind to all but adulate no one!”

„ Say nothing other than what there really is.”

The word has great power - both in a positive

and a negative sense. You should consider them

carefully before letting them out. When Comenius,

as a relatively young scholar, wrote his famous The

Great Didactic (Didactica Magna), he sent it to

some colleagues whom he respected to review it.

Certain Joachim Hübner criticized his work so

severely that Comenius did not dare to publish it. It

was not until 1657 when the book was published as

a part of the collection of all didactic tracts that

Comenius had written throughout his life Today

Comenius Didactics is one of the pedagogical

jewels of (not only) Czech literature. Joachim

Hübner is a forgotten historical figure.

The aim of the Comenius Consultation was a

redeeming renewal of the whole human community.

For that purpose, he proposed very pragmatically

that the nations should unite to use a single

language that could be understood by all. After all,

this was originally the case, the linguistic

misunderstanding of people is only a consequence

of Babylon's arrogance. And it can be expected that

the language of the Kingdom of Heaven will again

be unified. So why not prepare the way for this

future perfect unity now?

Comenius did not intend to replace native languages with a universal one, but he recommended that native languages should be refined so that they were able to communicate all the wisdom of God that is available for people - whether in nature or in Scripture. In addition to it, he recommends everyone to adopt a common, universal language that would both facilitate communication with others and make it possible for all nations to unite in praise of the Creator.


That man has the ability to speak, that we dispose of concepts and can name things all that is remarkable

and unique. According to Comenius, this is because we are the bearers of God's image. Speech was and should

be the medium of truth, blessing, and even salvation.

When we speak of the media as the "stimulants" of human affairs today, it is, of course, in the figurative

sense. Nevertheless, Comenius's “media” project offers a lot of stimulating material . As at that time, it is still

the case now that there is future for the media which are true and will help understanding among people . It

is in this area where we have a fundamental problem: although we have speech, we do not understand each

other so often. We can overcome language barriers, yet human language is not a medium of trut h or

humanity. Too often, the word that was supposed to transmit blessings transmits a curse . Many times, we lie

straightforwardly - to each other and, also to ourselves. Someone "gossips, as if stabbing with a sword",

another one tattles, someone else spreads lies, another one scares, defames, blabs, distorts, invents,

manipulates, humiliates, betrays, comes with fake news ... And only few people keep their promises.

Yet the pursuit of life in truth and mutual understanding belongs to man . To give it up would mean giving up

something essential for our humanity. Understanding brings peace and joy into human relationships .

According to Comenius, truthfulness as a character trait is something that needs to be learned. What would

the true media look like? What would the world where I can rely on another person's word look like? What

would it be like if every time someone opened their mouth it would bring benefits and blessings to others?


God of all truth, we are surrounded by so much information and communications through which

we perceive what is real that we often do not see the true reality of your kingdom. Give us ears

to hear so that through the noise around we can always hear your so often silent voice when

you speak to us. Forgive our sin, which makes us deaf to you and, also to others. Let our words

lift others and reflect your character. Forgive us for our exaggerated scepticism, cynicism and

complaints which don't see how much we have from you.

Let us pray:

that our own words lift others around us

for the courage to speak and confront in the moments when we should not be silent, but

always with respect and humility

for the environment of openness, sincerity and vulnerability in the Church

for the preservation of freedom of speech and expression

for independent media and high-quality journalism that will bring the truest picture of the


for being a comprehensible church, whose story and message will be a

convincing testimony

that as a church we will be able to listen to the world, but at the same time with the

courage to be a gospel community and prophetic people



M O ND AY 7 - 1 - 2 0 2 0

Biblical texts: Mt 11:28-29, 1. Cor 10:31 and 12:4-7

Comenius quotes:

„ Everyone should care not only for their own

benefit, but for the benefit of the society.”

„ The work goes well when it is honest and to the

glory of God.”

Of course, Comenius did not use the word

business. In his vocabulary, we find words such

as zeal, sedulity, economy, diligence or

entrepreneurship, and he even speaks of

creative wisdom. These are opposites of

concepts such as idleness, laziness or

aimlessness. Comenius himself was extremely

hardworking. Throughout his life he wrote about

200 writings. He worked systematically for

almost forty years on some works, such as the

encyclopaedic writings e.g. Treasure of the

Czech language or the Theatre of All Things, as

well as on Consultation. When Leszno caught

fire, Comenius lost everything. Specifically, he

already had the clean copy of Consultation

almost finished and ready for its publication. „

Alas, everything is lost… what was prepared for

the letterpress,” Comenius despairs in his letter

to J. Rültz in June 1656. t is incredible and

admirable that Comenius did not get frustrated.

As early as September 1st of the same year, he

wrote in a letter to his friends that he was going to

start work again to "pick up the shards of his

broken containers and somehow stick them

together again", and he continues in another letter:

„ I will finish without any delay and let come to

light the sparks which may have been left in


Man is an enterprising being and doing

nothing kills him. According to Comenius, the

wisdom of God made it impossible for man to

"get none of this without work, because

movement and employment are good in

themselves. “The reason is that “lazy and

unworthy people lack the pleasures of life and the

hardworking people enjoy the work more. “

But whatever man does, he needs it to make

sense. Comenius gives surprisingly practical

advice on entrepreneurship.

First of all, one has to clarify the goal of his

business and then whether he possesses the

appropriate means and ways. Without them, it

would be better not to start the business at all.

And when the entrepreneur starts work,

Comenius advised not to wait for others in

anything „what you could do on your own.“ And

he adds a timeless anti procrastination

recommendation: „ Avoid postponing for tomorrow

what can happen today.“ He also shows almost

managerial intuition when it advises not to let

yourself be distracted by an excessive number of

businesses: „ It is the essence of wisdom not to get

too distracted in business, be it thoughts, words,

deeds or endeavours. For the efficiency decreases

when splitted “


Comenius also thought about who to do business with. First, he states pragmatically that “we live in a

corrupt world and we cannot avoid the companionship of bad people”. He also admits that “we are not angels and

we do not contribute to heavenly purity because we are still only clay “. That is why he strongly recommends

“getting involved in associations with bad people as little as possible, so that it does not lead us out of the path of

virtue. “In other words, “contact with people always leaves an imprint. When we associate with what is good,

educated and wise, we also become good, educated and wise . When we associate with what is wrong, stupid and

wicked, we also become bad, stupid and wicked.“ That is why he concludes with a resolute appeal: “Put an end to

what you are doing with a perfidious or wicked person as quickly as possible .“

Comenius summarizes the success of all human business into three principles :

1) Look for a source rather than for a trickle, rather for God than for wealth. It means strive for quality rather than for quantity.

2) Make this spring the tributary of your garden. That means - treat resources in a gentle and sparing way.

3) Content yourself with what comes in and enjoy it gratefully, do not accumulate at the expense of others .

According to Comenius, such a business has a future.


God the Creator, thank you for the gift of work and rest. For inviting us to be the creators and

stewards of your creation, too, to rejoice in the fruits of our actions and business and to find deep

sense in it. May we be light and salt, even where work is turning into drudgery and where our

workplaces are exposed to futility or sin. Give courage, inspiration, wisdom. open doors, the right

collaborators, humility and perseverance to people doing business in fear of you.

Let us pray for:

our employers and companies; thank you for the work we have

our co-workers, employees, superiors etc .

entrepreneurs in the Church and specifically in your parishes and communities (you can ask

them to share, how and what to pray for)

forgiveness where we despise people just because they are rich or on the contrary

where we tend to abuse them for their generosity

protection against temptations in business and employment

rest and renewal where we lose energy, courage, enthusiasm or direction in work or




WEDN ESD AY 8 - 1 - 2 02 0

Biblical texts: Mt 5:13-16, Ř 12:1-2, Col 3:1-13

Comenius quotes:

„ The goal of all piety is reconciliation with God.”

„ I learned to seek true satisfaction of mind in


In 1631 Leszno was hit by a plague. The locals

were both inexperienced and superstitious. They

were looking for the culprit, blaming anyone, each

other, and especially the sick for the disaster. They

also treated them accordingly: they expelled them

from the cities or on the contrary they closed them

in homes where the sick died in a terrible way

without help. Comenius - otherwise a man of mild

nature - was very angry. Is this how a Christian

believer behaves? On this occasion, he wrote a

brief writing, Short Report on Plague, explaining

how Christians should take care of sick and dying

people. In addition to practical hygienic and

medical advice, it also clarifies theology - in the

face of death the fact of eternal life is a source of

strength. The Unity of Brethren back then in

Leszno proved the sincerity of their faith through

the acts of mercy.

Things tend to deteriorate. Salami or a

banana spoils, air goes bad or tooth gets

damaged. But what if the character spoils? Man

cannot be repaired as easily as a broken thing or

a machine. Man has brain, will, heart, memories,

past… Comenius believed that man also had a

future, that man could be corrected for eternity.

If the cause of corruption is the fact that man has

lost his relationship with his Creator, then the

remedy will be to restore that relationship .

God Himself goes to meet man, He comes into

the world of people in a form understandable to

humanity, in the person of Jesus Christ. He

does not revile, does not rail against people, he

is not disillusioned or taken aback by human

evil - for he has come because of that . He takes

it upon himself and overcomes it. His sacrifice

shows that love is stronger than death. He gains

the heart of man and makes it desire for or even

fall in love with what is good, true and beautiful.

This cannot be enforced. Love is gained only by

love. Therefore, the Saviour sacrifices himself for

everything that man has ever spoiled.

The human heart reacts with a plea for forgiveness.

Only a haughty man believes he has never failed in

anything, so he does not need to beg for

forgiveness. Therefore, he will not be forgiven. But

he who asks will be given, let in, forgiven,

reconciled, healed. And the one who is forgiven,

can forgive others. Reconciliation with God thus has

enormous impact on interpersonal relationships.

Comenius repeats many times that man is given an

inner eagerness for the highest good. But the

natural desire to honour someone better than one's

self is spoiled in man by the unnatural desire to be

equal to God. In fact, through various idols, man

worships himself. Then, according to Comenius,

man “falls into being a non-human”. All wars,

violence, suffering, superstition and confusion are,

according to Comenius, the consequence of this

undesirable curvature within one's self.


Comenius also dealt with the question of different religions. All religions somehow answer three fundamental questions:

1) The origin of man, where are we from?

2) The purpose of man, why are we here?

3) The fate of man, where are we going?

Different religions respond differently. It is necessary to learn to distinguish what each religion teaches. What we

believe becomes who we are.

Comenius encourages his readers to listen to others when it comes to this:” Devotion which should make us

like God should be something completely kind . So how can it be that we cannot bear those who differ from us

in their faith? … Is it just me who holds to the only one true and saving religion? Of course, I hope so, but others

hope they are on the right path, too . So, it is necessary to research where the truth is and where the error is. But I

will not be able to research, distinguish and decide until I know what opinion others have. So, I must learn and be

ready to accept whatever I find better. “

He was worried about the religious disputes that Europe was full of at the time and which were also the cause of

his departure from his native country. He saw the way out in changes which should start from the essential issues

and matters first, “for reforming only rituals or external things is as the same as dressing the patient with beautiful

clothes when he needs a thorough healing . … General redress will not go forward unless the individuals reform

everyone separately; after all, the summary consists of units. The renewal of an individual is called re-creation or

rebirth. “


God of all joy and reconciliation, let us see how much we have been forgiven so that we may

not stop forgiving ourselves. Dress us with compassion, goodness, modesty, humility, and

patience to bear with each other. Give us the ability to distinguish between the essential things

and the supporting ones.

Let us pray:

that God will "sprinkle our lips with salt" to thirst for Him; for the inner eagerness of


that we will learn to dwell in God's presence and prayer, which will not be only a duty and an

exercise for us, but a space where we open our struggles and questions in sincerity

for deep conversations with those who believe differently than we do

or do not believe at all

for our unbelieving friends that God will address them and draw them

to Him

evangelistic activities of fellowships and churches in our city



THURSDAY 9 - 1 - 2 0 2 0

Biblical texts : Lk 2:41-52

Comenius quotes:

„ Such the next age will be as its future citizens are

brought up.”

„ Schools should be workshops of humanity, not

torture-hamber of mind.”

When Comenius was twelve years old, he

lost his father, mother and two sisters in a short

period, probably due to the plague. He was

taken up by guardians from extended family and

they involved Comenius in physical work, there

was no time for education. As an orphan,

Comenius realized painfully, and very

intensively, how precious and not granted some

things, especially quality education, are . Later

when he was given the opportunity to go to

school in Přerov again, he was the most d iligent

and ardent student of all. His talent was

recognized by the Rector and Bishop Jan

Lánecký, who accepted the orphan into his

family as a son. He gave him the name of Amos.

When Comenius grew up, he thought a lot

about education. He considered education and

upbringing to be the main point of the rectification

of human affairs. "Such the next age will be as its

future citizens are brought up," he says, adding

that schools should serve children as "workshops

of humanity".

Comenius did not see remedy only in

knowledge itself, though he considered it

important. He was aware that the violation of

humanity was not just about brain. Many times, he

repeats the need to know, want and be able to act

correctly. The rectification of human affairs must

include all elements of humanity, both in individual

and social context.

Comenius also often refers to education as

to art. It is a specific and subtle skill of handling

things in accordance with their natural nature,

not to distort them, not to act violently against

their substance, not to misuse them . For

example, speech is to be used to convey truth,

not to deceive your neighbour . Or fire to warm

the house, not for wars, singing to worship God,

not to disgrace, etc. This motive has profound

implications for the educational treatment of man.

This is a fundamental assumption - that being

has a harmonious order. The educator's work

consists in introducing a person (child) into this

order. And, of course, this cannot and must not

happen in a violent way, even if man suffers from

the tendency to be “a nuisance”. Hence the famous

motto that Comenius inscribed on the front page

of one of his works: Omnia sponte fluant, absit

violentia rebus (Let everything flow naturally and

without violent actions .)


Comenius is known to have divided the educational system into developmental stages in his early

didactic writings - from the maternal lap to the academy - which is basically still relevant today . In the

Consultation, he added to those four basic levels so-called school of youth, school of adulthood, school of old age

and school of death. Many consider him to be the founder of lifelong education . However, it is obvious from the

names of individual “schools” that Comenius did not mean any kind of requalification for better employment in

the labour market. Comenius notices that man always has something to learn, always where to grow, always

to improve, until the very last day of your life .

Education that has a future develops the whole person. The task of school is not only to prepare for future

employment, but above all to develop humanity. The educated man is an educated man, moral and pious.

Morality-free learning is dangerous for society. And learning without devotion is dangerous even deadly - in terms

of eternity. School helps a person become what he should be - the image of God. It develops all elements of

humanity in a coherent way: cognitive, moral and spiritual. It brings man out of self -centeredness and brings him in

harmony with the whole - with the nature and with humans. That one is educated who knows what is good, wants

good and does good, “even if no one else is watching “.


God, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of you. We never knew more about the world

around us, and yet we are not much more sensible. You give us a constant desire to

explore every secret of your creation from the smallest particles to the dark matter. Give

us the same desire to learn from you what is good and what is bad.

Let us pray:

for the teachers to have strength over all obstacles and duties to teach well and with

love for children; for our children's teachers

for those teachers who are at risk of burnout or they are tired, may God raise them,

and may they find the necessary support

for the schools in our city and their managements so that they become an

environment where children will receive not only good education but also the right

values (

for us to be of help to our children when they confess to their faith at school and meet

other values and a different worldview

for educational reforms that can affect future generations



FRIDAY 1 0 - 1 - 2 0 2 0

Biblical texts : Eccl 3:11, Ps 19: 2, Ps 148, Mt 13,45-


Comenius quotes:

„ If one does not see the beauty in the world, he sees little. “

„ What a misery when our divine mind mirrors the

monstrous ghosts of things instead of their

beautiful images. “

Culture is rooted in the word cult. Culture is

what its cult is. The question is, what is our cult?

What do we honour? What do we bow to? What

do we let cultivate us? What or who do we listen

to? What are we looking at? What do we feed on?

Not all cults are good, true and above all beautiful.

Comenius sees beauty primarily in natural things, in

the natural world, in nature itself. It refers to the

original meaning of the word "cosmos", which means

"beautiful." He sees the world and all creation as a

theatre or a gallery of beauty. This is what he speaks

about in his early writing Theatre of all things.

Unfortunately, the work burned down, but

fragments have been preserved, thanks to which

we can at least partly understand Comenius


„ Not without cause the world is called

cosmos, ie beautiful in the Greek language; and

mundus, ie pure in the Latin. For everything in it

is beautiful, pure, pleasing and graceful, painting

the invisible God with visible beauty.

Who does not see the beauty in the world, sees


According to Comenius, the source of beauty is

obvious. The divine origin makes the created

world remarkable, magnificent and harmonious.

The observer is a spectator who is to be amazed.

Man is literally invited to enter as an actor-

participant on the stage of the world theatre and to

participate in a story written by the author-creator.

The point is to play the given role well, truthfully

and beautifully.

But it would be a mistake to conclude that the

grandeur of creation led Comenius to romanticize

human nature. Comenius also writes in the Theatre

about “breaking, misleading and entangling man and

all his affairs, in his soul and body “. And in the later

Consultation, Comenius sighs above the

consequences of violation of humanity: „ What a

misery when our divine mind mirrors the

monstrous ghosts of things instead of their

beautiful images. ” Beauty and ugliness have

special powers. They change those who often

touch them or take part in them .

The concept of beauty as such is a puzzle to us.

If beauty is divine, as Comenius says, it is not in

human power to define it. But even if we cannot

describe it in its entirety, we still know it. True art

thus begins with amazement and humility before

the majesty of beauty.


According to Comenius, beauty is notable. How can we perceive it? Where does it come from? How is it created?

Comenius believed that the world is a masterpiece by a divine artist. We know of beauty because we were created for

it. Every artist tries to capture or imitate the beauty of this world. Both material and intangible - a picture, music, garden

or character. Every person is an artist because every person is able to create. The beauty we spread around us

influences us back, makes us beautiful. Art that has a future is beautiful art.


God, remember the artists. Be merciful to them and bless those who reflect both the beauty

and illness, both the strength and weakness of the human spirit. Creator, bless all who

create according to your image. Those who give us a new insight, allow us to feel and

experience reality, sometimes beautiful, other times ugly. Thanks for their inspiration, which

awakes amazement and astonishment at the size and depth of life. Don't the artists prove

that we have a share in Your nature? God, teach us to perceive your beauty and the beauty

around us in all its forms.

Let us pray:

and let us thank you for the gift of art and beauty in many of their forms that touch us

deep inside

for artists and creative people - actors, poets, dancers, painters, photographers, writers,

filmmakers, sculptors, musicians, computer game creators and others

that the Church can understand, perceive and appreciate art and be in a

dialogue with it

for leaders and praise teams in our churches and


for other authentic and original artists in the Church



SATURDAY 1 1 - 1 - 2 0 2 0

Biblical texts : Ecc 4:8-12, Ef 5:21-33,

Comenius quotes:

„ The best solution to remorse is mutual


„ Everything in this world can only be corrected by

love, otherwise it is impossible.”

How was Comenius as a husband? We do not

know much about this, but something can be

read from indirect sources. After the Battle of

White Mountain, Comenius was forced to hide.

For the safety of himself and his close ones he

decided to leave the family in Přerov, which

was still under the protection of Žerotín, hiding

himself in various places in northern Moravia,

probably around Žerotín estates.

For several years, the region was plundered by

troops, which besides looting and violence usually

brought plague and other infections. In some of his

"hiding places" Comenius sensed that his wife's

heart was full of "grief and sorrow," and therefore, to

please her and other close ones, he wrote a short

writing entitled "Thinking of Christian Perfection,"

explaining that full perfection of man hard-pressed

by adversities consists in total devotion to God. The

book is accompanied by his personal letter dated

February 18, 1622, in which we can read today's

renowned addressing: “My dear wife, Mandalena,

my jewel, after the Lord God dearest to me .“ The

letter also tells us that Comenius's wife was

expecting a second child, and Comenius wishes her

to "happily survive" the offspring's arrival. However,

Magdalena never read the letter or the book. She

died as a result of the plague epidemics and both the

children with her, and Comenius never saw his

second child.

No one should be alone. That is why we

are born to parents and to our family. The family

works well when it is based on love, fidelity and

respect. Good parents love their children and

care for them . Good children love their parents

and honour them. But it often does not work like

that. we are able to hurt the closest. Therefore, it

is necessary to learn forgiveness .

It sounds simple, but in real life the

cohabitation of families and people is

complicated. Comenius notices that

complications can occur at the very time of birth.

For children are not always perceived as

"precious treasures of God", not always family

conditions are comforted, whether with regard to

socio-economic situation or to relationships .

Comenius sees children as "new little citizens of

the world and the next heirs of eternity". Beings

who are to exist forever, having eternal value.

Therefore, they should be given the highest

attention, from an early childhood. Comenius

points out to parents that "what is inculcated at

the first age" remains constant and firm.

Attention must be given to habits in particular

because "a habit becomes natural" . And if man's

nature or character is to be good, his habits must be

good. A bad habit will torment man and his

surroundings throughout his life, and in his old age it

will become "intolerable and irreparable."


In the spirit of Biblical traditions, he advises to the couples about mutual respect, love and care as a guide to

family happiness. But at the same time, he sees that such a condition is not always granted. Couples tend to be

unfaithful, men drinkers, women licentious. Children are usually neglected in both morals and piety . Spoiled and

brash rakes from wealthy families who boast of their origins are a special chapter. It is, of course, the fault of their

parents - where else would children see the contempt for the poor?

It is not good for man to be alone. We need each other. That is why the Creator created man as a man and a

woman. One can experience the greatest joy and intimacy only just in marriage and family . At the same time, however,

we are sinful beings able to cause the greatest hell and suffering in our closest relationships. We are in discord, passing

each other, hurting and getting hurt. The only solution, says Comenius, is love. But not ordinary love. It is a special quality

or aspect of love that does not seek its own benefit, does not count injustices, does not enjoy the wickedness, does not

boast, is not arrogant… Such will persist, even if other things pass away. A family based on such love has a future .


God the Father, thank you for loving us, even if you know all the nooks and crannies of our soul

and our relationships. Thank you for the gift of family, community and friendship. For

relationships where we can be ourselves and where we can be as vulnerable and close as

people can be to each other. Thank you for the gift of marriage and the gift of living without it.

Give strength to anyone for whom family or marriage are more of a trial and a sorrow than a joy.

Give us to guide and love our children the way you love us.

Let us pray:

for the fullness of joy, respect and depth in our families and marriages

for marriage in crises where husband and wife are estranged or are heading for divorce

for those suffering from loneliness or separation (orphans, prisoners, divorced, lonely

seniors, widowed, other lonely people around us)

for our relatives who do not know God or who have left God

for forgiveness and reconciliation in families divided by strife and


for children and wise parenting and upbringing

for all who bear some heavy burden of caring for their loved ones



SUND AY 1 2 - 1 - 2 0 2 0

Biblical texts : PS 133, John 17:22-23

Comenius quotes:

“Anywhere, the cleaner the church is, the less

obsession, witchcraft and superstition is seen.”

„ Unity is the foundation, link, and culmination of all

things - it is invincible.“

What church has a future? Since his studies,

Comenius had been striving for reconciliation

between individual confessions, denominations,

nations, even religions. He based his belief on

the basic assumption that "nothing violent can

last long, let alone for eternity," and also that “the

truth becomes unwelcome when violently forced“.

He therefore strove for the improvement of

human and ecclesiastic affairs peacefully.

Reconciliation and unity were such a value for

Comenius that he was willing to risk his own

existential position. For example, when the

important council of the Colloquium Charitativum

was held in Torun, Poland, in 1645, with the aim

of contributing to the reconciliation of the

Catholic and Protestant parties, Comenius took

part in it, even though his Swedish breadwinners

in that time clearly expressed they didn't want it.

It was not in line with their war strategy .

The Council did not achieve the desired

goal, but Comenius did not give up. Throughout

his life, he was calling the faithful of all faiths to

consultation on the improvement or reformation .

He was convinced that if people were rightly

connected to things through true education, with

each other through true politics, and with God

through true religion, it would be a true

improvement of human things that would excel

above all reforms. He considered the true and

perfect reformation the one which makes people

really reformed - that is, really educated, really

pious and really peaceful.

Comenius knew that the Reformation was not

a one-off event, but a continuous process. If anything

is ever corrected or improved, there is no guarantee

that it will remain like this forever. Every coming

generation of the Church must struggle again and

again for truth, holiness and love in relation to God.

"For we love God to the extent that we know Him,"

concludes Comenius.

According to Comenius, what church has a future? Anyone believes they are the true followers of Christ. The authenticity, however, according to Comenius can be recognized by two signs:

1) The true Church brings peace and strives for reconciliation and unity. On the other hand, a contentious, militant

church, revelling in violence - whether physical (as in the Comenius era) or psychological - does not last long.

2) The true Church is being reforming all the time. Just as every person needs the daily renewal of the spirit through

repentance and forgiveness, so the Church needs to renew itself in order not to lose the original truth and love .

The Lord longs for his "bride", holy and pure, spotless and without wrinkles. One like that will stand before his face one

day. And now it is about me to stand there, too.


Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of the Church, we pray for our spiritual leaders to have the

courage to guide us before your face in truth and grace. That the gospel should renew our

broken humanity. Change the disgrace and contempt faced by the Church in this nation

and forgive us in all cases where we are their cause. Wake up your church to proclaim and

live your good news with new courage and conviction. Renew us so that due to the love we

have to each other, the world will know that you are alive. To believe in your name and to

understand your love for every man, for every family and every city in this country .

Let us pray:

for the Church to renew its mission again and again through deeper knowledge of God

Himself and of His purposes

for Elder Preachers and Church leaders; for a new generation of preachers who are


for the universal renewal of the Church

for generosity in love, respect and cooperation among churches, despite

our differences

for unity in our churches and cooperation of churches in our city



5 - 1 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0











The Christian Youth Academy, in cooperation with other partner organizations, has

prepared a project called Comenius 2020, which is aimed at young people (mainly

by linking schools and churches) and can also serve as an evangelistic tool for

local churches. The project wants to use the anniversary of 350 years since the

death of Jan Amos Comenius to popularize and spread his spiritual legacy and


At website you can read find out what is going on at

the national level. The initiative invites schools, churches, scouts, libraries as well as

individuals to consult on our present world, on the state of human affairs. However, it

is based on the belief that it is not enough only to talk about what needs to be

improved - it also needs something good to be done. Pupils, students, youth groups,

adolescents or the whole churches can participate in the project by rectifying

something specific in their community.

Public reading "Czech Republic reads Comenius" is also going to take place, for which

the initiative has published the book The Best of Comenius's General Consultations on

the Improvement of Human Affairs. It is also possible to order the Comenius Timeline

exhibition for free. Lectures, symposia and theatre performances are going to be held,

too, within the project.



"And if in anything I was like a crazy pilgrim, behold, I

am about to abandon it, and at the end of my life I

want to do that good business with that good buyer,

who did not seek anything but a precious pearl and

having found it, he sold all and bought it. You, good

Jesus, already fully have my only pearl, to be my

treasure, my only need, I only want to buy and seek

you; I will sell everything for you; You, Lord Jesus, you

are to be my gain, and whatever the world regards

as gain, I regard as an excrement. My last concern

shall be: Learn to die to this life and be born to the

future life."

John Amos Comenius



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