consult21 consult21 working group – broadband and llu 3rd meeting 19 april 2005 11:00 – 14:00...

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Consult21 Agenda 1. Welcome and IntroductionGavin Young, Chairman 2. Notes and Actions from 21 Feb Meeting.Tom Saville 3. Overview of 21CN Programme and how BB/LLU fits in.Jo Upward 4. Pathfinder Update for BB/LLU Keith Fowler 5. 21CN Compliance Review against Current Products Ynyr Roberts 6. Things that are planned for next monthAndy Wyatt 7. Summary and date of next meeting (17 May 2005, 1300 – 1600, BTC)Gavin Young



Consult21 Working Group – Broadband and LLU

3rd Meeting19 April 2005 11:00 – 14:00



Broadband and LLU Working GroupMembership

• Industry representatives• BT

Terms of Reference• To ensure a common understanding of the proposed 21CN broadband and LLU portfolio• To capture industry requirements for the transformation of LLU and broadband services into 21CN taking account of BT’s SMP obligations, Ofcom policy and technology capability.• To consult on the plan for implementation of the broadband and LLU portfolio within 21CN and the execution of that plan

Scope• LLU (and related services) and broadband services, taking account of relevant SMP obligations, 21CN capabilities and Ofcom policy.

Frequency• Monthly or more frequently as required


Agenda1. Welcome and Introduction Gavin Young, Chairman2. Notes and Actions from 21 Feb Meeting. Tom Saville3. Overview of 21CN Programme and how BB/LLU fits in. Jo Upward4. Pathfinder Update for BB/LLU                                              Keith Fowler5.  21CN Compliance Review against Current Products     Ynyr Roberts6. Things that are planned for next month Andy Wyatt7. Summary and date of next meeting (17 May 2005, 1300 – 1600, BTC) Gavin Young


Consult21 Update – Jo Upward

• Consult21 Structure• RAGs• Key Issues• Focus Next Quarter


Consult21 Structure

External Steering Board

WorkingGroupsBTW /

Co-chairs + BT Key Players

WorkingGroupsBTW /

Co-chairs + BT Key Players

WorkingGroupsBTW /

Co-chairs+BT Key Players

WorkingGroupsBTW /

Co-chairs + BT Key Players

WorkingGroupsBTW /

Co-chairs + BT Key Players

Communities of Interest : ISPs / SPs / MOLOs / AltNets

BTW / Industry Co-chairs


Where does BB & LLU Fit In?Fit for purpose Product migration Pathfinder andBeyond

New product functionality / capabilities In 21CN

Obligatory Products set

from 31/03/05

e.g. MSAN



Update on Project – Working Group RAGLegacy InterconnectMSAN Interconnect

NGN Interconnect

PathfinderSystemsNetwork Hooks and Common CapabilitiesProduct Migration - BB/LLUProduct Migration - PC/PPCProduct Migration - Wholesale Access

Offer made, bi-laterals plannedGap between industry requirements and current MSAN designConcern over standards work meeting current timeline  

Concerns over timelinesSetting PrinciplesIndustry to respond on principles



Key Issues Timescales of 21CN programme

• Key milestones and interdependenciesLack of information and understanding about costs and

pricing structure / prices in the new world. • Business planning for our customers is difficult

Details around product migrations slowIndustry is becoming increasingly concerned as to the

potential fundamental impact to their business plans caused by 21CN

IP-IP interconnect “at day 1” is seen as important by several operators, but there are significant challenges in achieving it

Effective customer engagement• Key customers and smaller players

The impact of Ofcom’s strategic review, and the NGN Consultation document will affect the way we move forward


Focus Next Quarter – Consult21Working Groups to consider Obligatory Products list –

• Consultation timescale, difficulty in achieving agreement, closure method

Plans for consultation / information updates on non-obligatory products by 30th April Closure of Legacy Interconnection Proposal and contract improvements Concept thinking around NGN Interconnection MSAN Interconnect – outline document, go / no go decision / SORImproved detail on PathfinderImprove closure process to ensure Consult21 is not endlessImprove customer involvement and communication and buy in by communities of interest


PathfinderBroadband /LLU Working

Group19 April 2005Keith Fowler

Pathfinder Programme Director.


The Pathfinder Programme – ScopeCustomers:

• Compliance to BT Promises to wholesale and retail customers• All retail customers’ experience in the designated geography• All wholesale (both network operators and service providers) customers’ experience in the same designated geography • Adequate notification to end users and acceptance testing by them

Products:• Migration of retail PSTN and Broadband products to the new platform within the designated geography• Migration of wholesale products and interconnect products in the designated geography, including for example, CPS, WLR, IPstream, Datastream and LLU


Obligatory Products & Features Transformation Plan• Obligatory products & features transformation plan produced at the end of March• Obligatory products will be supported or a position agreed through consultation.• Each product/feature has a dates for completion of consultation process • Hence the product scope of Pathfinder will reflect the results of consultation as outlined in the transformation plan/roadmap.


LLU , IPStream and DataStream - Interfaces• General approach will involve changes to the underlying BT back office systems. with the aim being no significant customer impact.• Clearly need to review, audit and test to confirm. • Dependency on final outcomes of BB migration proposals • Physical Interfaces: CPs will see no significant changes.• Customer Ordering Systems: Broadly no change. LLU volume increases being anticipated. • Customer Billing Systems. Should not change from a customer perspective. • Customer Repair Systems: Broadly no interface change, but clearly some impact eg: new line tests solutions will be provided for 21C network, dependant on vendors selected.


The Pathfinder Programme

• Initial view of high level milestones from BT to be discussed with the Pathfinder WG in May.• Agree to measurement points and reporting structure to provide all Pathfinder participants equal access to experiences and information. July 05 • Develop overall level 1 implementation plan (bi-laterally or cross WG, probably both). End of July.• Agree defined methodology for migration of services. May – September.• Outline approach to contingency planning. • Network Resilience and Business Continuity requirements are being addressed as an essential part of Solution Design. • Indicative date/planning assumption for the start of Pathfinder is 01 August 2006.


Broadband and LLU products – Migration to 21CN

Ynyr Roberts19th April 2005



•Update since February meeting and 31st March communiqué

•Confirmation of what we currently understand will stay the same on 21CN

•Examination of the issues that remain outstanding

•Technical Specifications

•Update on Pathfinder


Legal Notice"This presentation covers BT's current plans and intentions in relation to Broadband and LLU products migration to 21CN. These may be subject to change because detailed implementation depends on a number of factors such as supplier capability and final network design." 


Update •This builds upon 31st January and 31st March positions. We expect that 21CN deployment will not change the existing (and current roadmap) BB and LLU services sold by BTW

•More detail is now available on how this will be achieved

•Consult 21 process for BB and LLU will remain open until 31st December 2005

•Issues such as 21CN vendor selection and network design are still to be closed

•All information supplied is subject to final test and verification


Current BT Position


Service Structure Will not change General note – The information in this table is valid according to current BT structures. If a new Access Services Division is established, some points may be subject to review

Physical Interfaces

Will not change Detailed list of LLU and Exchange based services portfolio has been examined. This does not include backhaul which is part of the Data portfolio

Customer Ordering Systems Customer Billing SystemsCustomer Repair Systems

21CN network upgrade will not change customer facing systemsSystems developments on LLU should be discussed within LLU Industry Group

Some underlying BT systems will change as part of 21CN network migration but SPs will see no change. Work is ongoing to upgrade the systems to cope with increased volumes and drive improved customer satisfaction. This is BAU activity which will be managed as normal.

Pricing, Commercials and Documentation

Expect to remain unchanged

Any changes are subject to expected volumes and regulatory agreement

LLU on 21CN


Current BT Position


Service Structure Will not change The baseline position is the list of services available now and the list of planned enhancements in the February 2005 Broadband and LLU Roadmap

Physical Interfaces

Will not change SP will see no change

Customer Ordering SystemsCustomer Billing SystemsCustomer Repair Systems

21CN network upgrade will not change customer facing systems

Some underlying BT systems will change as part of 21CN network migration but SPs will see no change. Work is ongoing to upgrade the systems to drive improved customer satisfaction. This is BAU activity which will be managed as normal.

IPstream on 21CN


Current BT Position


Service Performance

Expect to remain unchanged. This can only be confirmed when new network platform is used to carry the service and end to end tests have been performed - expected Q3/Q4 subject to successful ITT closure.

Most IPstream services will be re-purposed for delivery on a a new Ethernet platform. Some services will remain on the legacy network such as low end Centrals and some L2TP Centrals that rely on ATM and SDH functionality. BT’s customers should be unaware of whether the service is delivered using the new or the old network.

Pricing, Commercials and Documentation

Expect to remain unchanged

Any changes are subject to expected volumes

IPstream on 21CN


Current BT Position


Service Structure Expect to remain unchanged. Datastream solution - not yet confirmed

The baseline position is the list of services available now and are described as planned enhancements in the February 2005 issue of the Broadband and LLU Roadmap

Physical Interfaces

Will not change SP will see no change

Customer Ordering SystemsCustomer Billing SystemsCustomer Repair Systems

21CN network upgrade will not change customer facing systems

Some underlying BT systems will change as part of 21CN network migration but SPs will see no change. Work is ongoing to upgrade the systems to drive improved customer satisfaction. This is BAU activity which will be managed as normal.

Datastream on 21CN


Current BT Position


Product Performance

Expect to remain unchanged

Subject to closure of Datastream solution design on 21CN

Further consultation will take place during April with Datastream customers to seek consensus on the Datastream solution.

Pricing, Commercials and Documentation

Expect to remain unchanged

Any changes are subject to expected volumes and regulatory agreement

Datastream on 21CN


Technical Specifications

•Product tests will be performed against relevant specifications. These include, but are not limited to, SINs 386, 329, 346, 336, 405, 374, 412, 347, 346, 404, and SPINs 075 and 079.

•Technical performance for some services is better in practice than that required by the SINs. Industry is invited to specify what characteristics of the existing services are important to them so that particular customer needs (over and above the minimum specification seen in the SIN) are captured.


Mass Migration Strategy

•Pathfinder confirmed to begin in Summer 2006

•Following closure of the ITT and network design, mass migration plans will be drafted, which will then be discussed with customers



•Good progress on LLU and IPstream migration

•Datastream issues still open

•Closure of ITT will enable commercials to be assessed

•Industry invited to specify what aspects of the products are important to them going forward

•Pathfinder will begin in Summer 2006


Broadband & LLU Working GroupRAG StatusRAG Status = REDKey progress:•Achieved a level of granularity on IPS, DS and LLU within 21CN•We have a better handle on the timeline of the phases leading to Pathfinder and then to Mass Migration•3 Meetings held and minuted with APs discharged on schedule•Scope and ToRs agreed• Co-Chair agreed• Future schedule of meetings agreed for the next 3 months.

Key Issues:• Too may unknowns and too little hard information. •Clarity required on BES backhaul•Commercial Timeline. More information needed on BTW 21CN costs and the translation to commercial pricing•LLU Commercials. Clarify where these are being agreed•More detail on the migration between IPS, DS and LLU Platforms within 21CN•What does closure look like and is Dec 2005 the right date?•What will this or a future forum look like when we move to the implementation stage?

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