construction & editing process

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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This document shall explain the process of production through editing techniques and choices. I have had multiple attempts so far in order to create a music video I am satisfied with.

Sequence Markers are one technique that aided my editing process, and I will explain their use.

As well as markers, the orientation of the video clips needs to be analysed because despite them being synced, they still need to be in a visually appealing order to make the video more entertaining for the viewer.


Construction FolderThis folder highlights

the variety of files needed for

construction and the amount of attempts created in order to

produce a sequence that I am happy with.

One 15 second sequence may work in one file so once it

does I can repeat it in the next file alongside

another good sequence. Through

multiple rough cuts I will be able to from

the perfect construction of

performance shots for my music video.

First Rough CutThe first rough cut was a good test of

sync skills, as multiple shots were slightly out of sync but there was some

good orientation. Also this taught to keep

my video lines separate even after construction as if something needs editing it will be

difficult to do so when video is stacked. Lastly, I added an

introductory scene in which I will be able to

display titles. This worked well.


This image displays the finished cut

process, I can now simply select any orientation of clips


The markers used, allowed me to mark

the song on every 4th beat, enabling a

better sync process. Manuel cuts will be

made to suit the footage but overall

this sped up the editing process.

Second Rough CutAfter receiving

feedback from our first rough cut, we

learned we needed to shorten the length of our shots. To do so we added cuts between

the sequence markers we set enabling faster

paced footage.

Third Rough CutOnce we received feedback on our

second rough cut, we learned we needed more shots of the

vocalist as conventionally he is

the lead and therefore needs the

most screen time. We also attempted to cut according to just the sequence markers to test the pace of that

form of edit.

Fourth Rough CutLastly, the feedback

given to our third rough cut showed us

that the pace was still slow, however the

orientation was better. Therefore we implimented more cuts to add to the

pace of the footage, which meant we

could add more shot variety, giving the

other band members more screen time whilst keeping the

vocalist seen for the majority of the song.


To conclude, I have found that constructing multiple edits allows you to learn about orientation of footage and allows you to plan ahead whilst forming new ideas about the production.

Using markers speeds up production whilst helping you create multiple files with new structures at the same time.

Be able to create multiple cuts, allows you to generate more feedback, thus leading to a greater final construction piece.

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